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Page 1: Hooligans
Page 2: Hooligans


It was on a cold February in 2005 that the hooligans group was formed when it

was inaugurated by Sharukh khan when he signed into Yahoo hooligans group

to accept the first member. Then nobody in their wildest dreams would have

thought that it would turn into a multi billion dollar industry enterprise with

stake holders from all parts of the world, Charity Networks in 172 countries

and have the goodwill of people all over the world. As we are celebrating the

golden jubilee, there is only direction that this group is going right now. More

development, more happiness and more love.

Ok.Time for some realty check.Yes, I know February was hot in 2005 and Sha-

rukh Khan has never been anywhere near our college(I mean who would except

for us ?).I know ours is not even a multi dollar industry enterprise, we are hav-

ing trouble starting one Charity Network and the people don’t even know we

exist to show their good will. But hey nobody can cage dreams can they? And

yes there was always happiness and love

As we celebrate the third year of the groups, ( yes, third year is golden jubilee

in Chinese) of this life line of the past memories, I find it amusing that this

group is active and each and everyone has contributed in keeping it alive, either

by mailing, reading or just being part of this group.

An Idea of a magazine or let’s say new letter detailing on the events that hap-

pened last year just popped up one day and must say that had loads of fun col-

lecting all the info on all the events that shaped last year. This year is what we

call a trial run and next year this is going to even better.

I believe that we all are capable of greater deeds and as a group we have much

to conquer. We are all superstars of tomorrow, the stars on earth and there is

nothing that is not impossible for us.

I wish all the very best in their life where they will shine brightly and hope that

We will share this love and warmth in the coming years.

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The day when 2005 EC B batch became hooligans

“ hooligans!!!….this is utter derilision”

One fateful Kerala Piravi day in our senior year, our HOD

stormed into our class, ready to tear us all apart.. the class

next to us had got a lot of junis to attend their Kerala piravi

party and it didn’t go well with our Hameed Sir.

We had nothing to do with it…but somehow the word

“hooligans” attained cult status.

And stuck with us for the rest of year in college, and we

still continue the “legacy” that was bestowed on us.

We dedicate this page to the man who bought us all together under this notori-

ous name..

Let the derillisions continue…!!

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Page 5: Hooligans

The year that was..

Another spring morning and one more leaf was shed, the little birds had already flown away

from the nest.2007 has fallen off, drifting us all a little more away from our nest.

Today we are all forced to fly with the wind and at times carried away so far from the nest,

further into the sky, living it up only for that moment, and we tend to forget what happened on

our way…Let’s all together have a quick rewind of the journey that we took in 2007…

The year started off with good news. Rozeena’s sister gave birth to a beautiful baby girl

Haya. Its been a very eventful year for Rozeena in a teacher’s role, aunt’s role and a wife’s

role later this year.

The best and most memorable thing that hap-

pened this year was the get together in March.

Two years after college, you don’t usually ex-

pect 18 friends meeting up anywhere. Cochin

sure added charm to the whole proceedings.

We met up in marine drive and then headed to

Fort Kochi where we went to a cook what you

buy hotel. It was one of those special days

when you feel really great and proud to be a

part of this wonderful family. I guess every-

body felt the same.

Hooligans were always the best and we are special. I think the

whole world will, at some point of time know this and this has

already began. Rajesh gave us the hint of things to come when

he was awarded to “Huawei Annual award for the best cus-

tomer support” this year. We all extend our heartiest congratula-

tions to him and hope that hooligans will continue this positive


This year also saw lot of people going abroad. In April, Rubin

left for Dubai, finally ending up in Doha and Sajana left a little

later to join her hubby, once again in Doha. In May, Sakaria left

for Dubai. In Sept, Rajesh left for Nepal and Rakesh left for

Canada. Talk about hooligan presence!!

In June we had another happy news. Shyni A R gave birth to sweet

Sara and it seems the little girl sure is clever as Sakaria mentioned in a

mail. She knows a toilet when she sees one.

July was a shocker. It kinda shook the whole group. We were to have

our first sister in law, Thasni

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The culprit was none other than Sakaria, who had just joined Sahara computers in Dubai. It

was soon followed by the engagement ceremony in Qatar. With a slated marriage in July

2008, Hooligans will have the first guy with 2 rings: wedding ring and suffering. July also

saw our Fort kochi mathee Zaman returning to India. We had a small get together in Banga-

lore with Rahul, Rajesh, Zaman, Pravin, Nisha and Vipin. Vipin once again proved that

nobody can beat him in mandatharams .Way to go Mani!!

We had the first wedding of the year, when Rozeena tied the knot with Tinu in August 26th

in Kodungalloor. We had a lot of hooligans for the function and they had a small gettogether

in Eriyad beach after that. I think Romila summed it up nicely

in her mail. Take a look….

“it was a great get together at muncipal town hall

kodungallur... for rozeena's wedding. she was look'g

very pretty in her pink saree.....hubby and roz ..a perfect

match!!!! me rubeena, Semi,Nisha,sajana,unaiz super-

man, sulfi,mani, rakesh,rajesh,rahul.ns ......sorry one

important personality is missing none other than rayyan

were present .rayyan, he was crying on seeing his ma-

mas.later when he saw rahul pr he was ok..even kids like


most surprising thing was nobody has

changed....semi..has become more thinner and rahul ns's hair has gone very

badly ...better go for gulfgate rahul .

kesh jesh okke athupoleththanne.mani onnumkoodi neelam vacho atho naan kuran-

cho ennariyilla..sulfikk a kurachu ksheenichuour isha, when she got bored in accen-

ture she took a scissor and cut her hair ..she

look more cute now.

Sajana came with her father in law and she

has to go fast so she is not there in pho-

tos..inshah allah she 'll be going to qatar by

next week…

ottakam has come with her new colourful

umbrella u all can see in the pho-

tos....anyway rayyan liked it very much

budhi yurakkatha kuttiyalle. he was busy

play'g with that..

mani came straight to dining hall but he was very late nammude sulfi okke clean

aakki!!!! they all 've gone to see Eriyad munnambam beach”

And Eriyad beach was more fun as the pictures show us.Another great gettogether

We had!!

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In September, Shyni announced her engagement to

Nawas and hooligans were set to attend another wed-

ding soon enough. September also witnessed India

winning the 20-20 World Cup after a lot of specula-

tions and catfight.

Hooligans has been unlucky with love in college, until

Rubeena broke the jinx by announcing that her Uppa

finally gave the go ahead for her marriage with Nivin.

This news was well received with

lot of happiness by the Hooligans.

Another good news that wel-

comed us in September was the

birth of Marwan, born to Shebna

and Anush.

We remembered October 18th

, the day we got together 6 years ago in a classroom in

MES College of engineering and we believe things were never the same after

that….Again in October, Shanoob’s Sister got married on the 20th.

Each one of the hooligans are blessed with kindness and although serving the soci-

ety has been thought of or practiced individually, in November, Rubin came up

with the lovely idea of jointly reaching out to the needy

around us. This thought has got the hooligans planning

together and making the O2MAC (Out 2 Make A

Change) happen. It was an idea that we all felt was nec-

essary, and this sure brought about a lot of debates re-

garding it’s working and methods. But by November end

things began to go out of hand with a lot of word warfares waged and by November

end the whole idea was stalled.

A cold December followed, only to lighten up a little bit with the news of our

chirikkudukka Sumi’s other half Sunitha’s wedding the coming month, Sherin’s

engagement and Shyni’s marriage on 16th


We got some unexpected mails this year

starting with Arun and Sebastian who

sent one each in March after a long time.

Shijas was the next surprise when he sent

a mail in October. Theju returned back to

the group with her unique style of writing.

Soumya who had gone missing for a

while, returned with a mail only to go

missing again. Let’s hope that this year

we will have more surprises!!

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January saw the revival of O2MAC thanks to the initiative by Pravin, Rakesh and Sakaria

coupled with fact that Rajesh returned back to India to take charge of things. Let’s hope that

next year O2MAC will come into full swing. Rakesh launched a website focusing on the trends on India’s development on Jan 21st.We wish

him all the best on his Endeavour.

Last, but not the least, I must mention the most important guy of the hooligans.

Our dearest Appachan…!!

As we all know, Appachan is right now working in BOSCH in Bangalore.

Last heard,Ammachi was expecting!! Further news is yet to come as Appachan was not

available in his number.

That sums up the year 2007 and let the new year bring new hopes and aspiration and

more get-togethers!!


Page 9: Hooligans

The year in Pictures

An Auto with seven people !!

(Soumya couldn't make it into the

picture) and who all? Our ganap-

thy Nisha, Soumya, Sakaria,

Rubin,Shameer and

Unaiz.It is yet to be known

whether the autodriver made it

safely back home..

All in senti mode for the picture

when they realized that the getto-

gether was over.

At Ernakulam railway station after

the march gettogether.

The gang at Eriyad beach,after Rozeena’s

wedding, the picture taken in the super duper mobile

of superman Rahul P R

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Another shot from Eriyad beach

where the red flag is flying high

in the background,doesn’t this

picture remind you of the freedom

fight pics?

Eriyad beach pictures sure had their

charm!!This one featuring all the

hooligans except sameera, check out

everybody’s height.It’s almost

equal.Mani sure should have felt a

bit low!!

Unzi in Action : Bolo Hooligans Ki


Page 11: Hooligans

Ernakulam Gettogethers ;)

Rajesh,Vimal and Kumbidi Srijit,Vimal and Nycin

January 2007 December 2007

Pravasi Kuttaima :)

Rubin,Rubeena and Sajana in Doha Sakaria and Rubeena in Dubai

October 2007 November 2007

Hooligan’s Kullans : Zakki and Rubbu in Doha

December 2007

Page 12: Hooligans

The Tiny Tots : aren't they all cute?

Vishnu Zooni

Rayyan Marwan

Joann Sarah

Page 13: Hooligans

The Number Game

Well numbers don’t mean much in our group, but still It is impossible to write

an annual report without some facts and figures.

The total number of mails that we received this year (Feb 07- Jan 08) is 443,

which means that on an average, there was almost 40 mails per month. After a

very sleepy start in February with just 8 mails, it sure did pickup, thanks to the

euphoria created by the get together in March which ended up with 56 mails.

Then things again slowed down till August where it hit the roof at 60 mails.

The trend continued in September when it surpassed the August mark at 69 .It

went down a little in October but to pick again in November to rise up to 69

again. December saw a slump down at 25 mails and the year finally closed at a

slightly better figure of 39.

Last year (Feb 06 – Jan 07) this was at 447 and in the period (Feb 05-Jan 06) it

was at 605.Here

we have to under-

stand that we were

flooding the group

with forwards and

most of the mails

were never even










Feb-07 Mar-07 Apr-07 May-


Jun-07 Jul-07 Aug-




Oct-07 Nov-





Mailing in 2007

Mailing in 2007

Mailing in 2007











1 2 3

Y ear

M ails

M a ils

Page 14: Hooligans

We believe that the of our mail has always improved throughout this year and

we are now talking some serious shit these days.

The most number of mails for the year (feb 07- jan 08) was sent by Rubin (63)

followed by Rakesh (60) and Sakaria (59).Rubeena (45) and Rajesh (34)

were placed on the fourth and fifth spot respectively.

The most number of mails in a month were sent by Rakesh in the month of

January with a whopping 18 mails.

The most consistent mailer was Sakaria, with no misses for 12 months and he

was the only one to do so.

Overall 32 hooligans mailed, which makes 70% of hooligans participating in

the group. Sadly 12 people contributed 85% of the mails that came this year.

Sakaria Mailing








feb march april may june july august sept oct nov dec jan


Hooligan Participation





Page 15: Hooligans

Some light News!! (No light needed to read)

Hooligan News #1

1.Calicutil pattini maranam police sulfiye thedunnu

2.NSinu dheeratha award..

3. PR ini sivaji model,(total style)

4.Sousu:Annweshanam tudarunnu

Now news in Detail....

Calicutil Pattini maranethe thudarnnu Police sulfiye thedunnu...

Calicutil ennalle nadanna pattini maranam sulfi yude pandara theeta karanannu

jila collector paramarshichathine thudarnu Police sulfikku vendi vala vishi thu-

dangi...jile oru main ariyayil 10 kgs chicken curry vechannu sulfiye pidikaan

ulla shremam..

naatil patini ullapo 10 kgs chicken curry undakkiyathinu prathipaksham walk-

out nadathi...

NSinu dheeratha award..

Bangloril ninnu mysorilekku poya busile 40 yatrakareyum jeevan rak-

shichathinu karnataka sarkar Nsinu dheeratha award prachyabichu..

speedil poyirunna busile atho spring therichu poyapol, swantham thalayile

spring sparayi upayogichannu raksha pravarthanam nadathiyathu..ithinayee

adeham baaki ulla trip samayammuzhuvan thala kuthiyaanu ninathu...

"aake ethre ullu ...athum kudi illand aakano?" ennanu thala kuthi ninathine patti

chodichapol NS paranjathu "ente mudiye kuttam paranja ellavarkkum epozhen-

gillum athinte villa manasillayi kannum ennu vicharikunnu..." adeham kutti


PR ini sivaji model,(total style)

Rozinte nikahinnu thundangiya style thudarumenu PR velupaduthi. Hakoba

style out of fashion aayi ennu adheham angikaarichu... "sivaji ku shesham

motham oru style change avashyam aanenu ennikku thoni... inni motham mathram..." adheham paranju.

shemikkanam bhavathiye kanathayathu...

Page 16: Hooligans

Sousu:Annweshanam tudarunnu

munnu naalu masamaayi kanaadaya sousuvinte anweshanam thudarunnu...

bangloril satyathil satyaprathigna kazhinja sheshamanu bhagavati...sorry

shemikkanam bhavathiye kanathayathu...

hooligans groupile manglish kritikalkku ariyapettirinna sousu..kaszhinja munnu

masamayee oru mail pollum aayachittila...

Keralathil Eli Pani maranam... Elikutan (mouse) nadu vitathayi CBI:

Keralathil eli-pani maranam CBI anweshikkunnu.... CBI ithinu karanam ayi

kanunnath oru elikutane anu,,, CBI report anusarichu eli India vitu poyi GULF

il ethi ennanu ariyan kazinjathu,... Ee eliye pidichu tharan CBI ella GULF mala-

yalikalodum vineethapoorvam avasyapetu.... CBI director @#$@# $ presss

conference il ariyichathanu ee vivaram…

Hooligan News #2

1.Sulfi Casroll Vivaadhathil

2.Dog Show:Manix ellum kondu oddi

3.Stove Kumbhakonam:CBI anweshikkum

4.Katha prasanga mathsaram:Meekuvinu Bahumati

Now news in Details...

1.Sulfi Casroll Vivaadhathil

Rozinte Nikahinu bagil casrollumaayi vanna sulfi vivadhathil.

12 manikoor vare choodu nilanirthavunna casroll kondu vanna sulfi,

casroll purathedutha pozhannu sangharshavastha sristikapetathu...

baaki hooligans edapetathu moolam sambavam akramathil kalashichilla.

"ente vishappu manasilaakathavar manapurvam kari varithekkan vendi

yanu ee vivadham sristikunathu..." Sulfi camerayude mumbil karanju

kondu paranju

2.Dog Show:Manix ellum kondu oddi

Innale Bangloril lal bhagil nadana dog showil,hooligansinne

prathinikaricha Manix,avasaanam vare porithiyengillum,prizonum


Page 17: Hooligans

pattikulude ball throwyil,swantham baskatil ball ittu manix,

kaanikalle kudu kude chiripichu..munnu pointinanu munnaam sthanam


prize kittatha vishamathil avide avideyo kidanna ellin kashnamayi oddiya

manixne kandavarundennu drikshakshikal velipeduthi...

3.Stove Kumbhakonam:CBI anweshikkum

Stove kumbakonam case CBIku kai maraan ennale high court


2005 supply timil Sulfi,shamnad,zaman,nihad mun kai eduthu vangiya stove,

sulfi partnersinte samadham illathe marichu vittu..." QR.10 njan aa stovil invest

cheythitundu or QR 0.25 engillum kittande?" hooligan qatar correspondenti-

nodu Nihad chodichu.

ithe tudarnu,HGNS companyude financil ninnu Sulfiye purnamayi muktanaaki.

pakshe GM aayi tudarumennu company CEO Rakesh jackson velupaduthi..

4.Katha prasanga mathsaram:Meekuvinu Bahumati

"Ente jeevithale oru minute" enna topickil 24 manikur samsarichu meeku

award nedi…

Nirhtaan oru udeshavum kanikathirunna meekuvine boradicha shangadakkar

stagil ninnu thali ittu…

"kure kalamayi kitathirunna bahumathi kitiyathil santhoshikunnu.." adeham


Hooligan News #3

Gulf vaarthakal ninghalkke vendi samarpikunnathe Hooligans- "where ever u

go our frndship follows"

Prathana vaarthakal:

1. Shyni AN managed to scare her hubby away.

2. Sameera has gained freedom of employment.

3. Shyni ARs daughter brainy enuf to find rt toilets.

4. Shebna still experimenting on Anush.

5. Zaman declared as the most busiest person in dubai.

6. Man missing

Page 18: Hooligans

7.Dubai girls shocked with Puyyapila news.

8. Romila as CID.

Varthakal Vishadhamayi.

1) Shyni AN who was well known for her very fast and long talks, has sucess-

fully managed to scare her husband away to saudi from dubai with in a month.

This has added yet another feather to her acheivements.

2) Sameera has finaly got permission to go for work after a long series of revo-

lutionary deals. Sameera said our reporter " Jolikke poykko anna ikkaka

paranghe, ini veedinte aduthe thanne nalla shambalam ulla athkam joliyonnu-

millatha oru vacancy kandupidikkanam"

3) Shyni ARs Daughter Sara showed outsanding intelligence by finding the toi-

let correctly at a the infant age. Shyni Nasarul islam couples are very excited

abt this.The incident happened when zakki visited the family.

Sara made sure she was with zakki on his lap till the time she wanted to piss.

little did poor zakki know saras luv for him was jus for that.

In an exclusive interview the family was found very happy and excited on the

incident and saras mum is evn expecting this to be a guiness record.

4) Mr. Anush's vacation is over the Prisoner is back and his parole is over. Now

again that same old prisoner, gotham unda type of food and same tortures.

all experiments on him again, but the new member Mr. Marwav is the only re-

lieffor Mr. Anush from the tortures

5) Mr. Zaman bin Kochu kunjhu is declared as the most busiest person in du-

bai, he has taken over the position which was held by Dubai Sheikh for the last

ten years. This was a shocking news for everyone except the hooligans in UAE.

6) Mr. Shanish a Bachlor from kerala is found missing for last few months in

dubai.Local sources said that he has been kicked out of dubai to nowhere for

the transactions of some illegal CDs.

7) Mr. Zakki the heart throbe of dubai girls is all getting set to be a puyyapila,

trying to practise acting decent and matured. This has created a lot of unfortu-

nate incidents like suicide thrats and hunger strikes among the girls in du-

bai.Answering to a media person in the press conference zakki said like this," I

am sorry for the disappointment of the huge female fans, but to keep myslf free

from the disturbances of the girls around, i had to get married soon."

Page 19: Hooligans

8) Mrs. Romila is here in Dubai on a secret trip with a secret mission to have

an Eye on the hooligans here and report it to the head quarters in india. There

also doubts behind her visit if it is to inquire the SHANISH CD scam.

Thats all for now,

Next news " Ini thoonumbol"

And finally to end it all,

A Unaiz certified Sulu Wit!!

Orikkal Sullu hotelaanu ennu karuthi oru barber shopil kayari...

sulu: "enthundu?"

barber:"cutting,shaving,facial,dying,hair straightening.."

sulu: cuttinginnu ethreya... nalathano?


sulu:enthuva?apartellu 15 ullu...shaving no?


sulu:athu ithiri kudathala..facial...?

b: 50

sulu:dyingum hair straighteningum kudi eduthaal ethre kurachu kit-


b:(kashtam..!) oru 20 kurachu tharaam..

sulu thinks for a while..

sulu:randu plate cutting and shaving poratte...pinne facialinte cucumber

mathram kitumo?

Page 20: Hooligans

Hooligans of Heaven

We never knew we were in heaven

And when we knew, we were far away

Did we not try to stay within?

Did we feel the world outside better?

Though a small world less than fifty

We had more than what we dreamt

Little did we know, we were the best,

Little did we know, the joy we gave the rest

Now here I am, with a sinking heart

Looking through the eyes, tear filled

In the midst of the maddening crowd

Loads to bear, and none to share

I felt the people around, lame puppets they were,

Actors! They played their roles

Only the setting sun, the scarred moon and fading stars

Gave company in this universe expanse

Watching the waves, I sat in the beach

My tears and waves became one,

I knew I was left out from the flock

From those who helped me fly above.

Waves washing my feet, I closed ma eyes

Saw those days we laughed, open heart

Some helpless cries with a broken heart

All the glorious fun we had

All we wanted was, smiling faces

With no one walking alone, with a heavy heart

Always a hand there to pat, a shoulder to lean

Laughs or cries, good or bad, were always shared

Every heart beat felt and all eyes read,

Nothing to hide and nothing to fear,

Gone are those days of many a magnificent year,

Gone, are the friends, now nowhere near.

But memories are still the divine song,

Those soft melodies of the years gone,

God! I wish I was once again born,

Just to be there once more, feel the happiness I once wore.

Sakaria Kunhabdullah


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Rubeena Basheer

Concept & Design

Philiru Creations

All rights reserved © Hooligans Publications