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7/28/2019 Honeybees Reaction Paper 1/1

Honeybees like other

insects and animals, are very 

important like other living things play a very 

important role in the life cycle of insects, animals, plants, and


I learned that a single honeybee visits hundreds and thousands of flowers a day in search of nectar

and pollen and find its way back to its hive. The single bee cross eight kilometers and perform a “waggle

dance” to inform other bees where flowers are. 

Geraldine Wright, a Neuroscientist at Newcastle University in England, she’s the a ddition to a growing number of researchers to find out if the ability of the honeybees to thrive is being threatened. Some scientists

are still researching how pesticides might be contributing to Colony Collapse Disaster (CCD), killing millions

of honeybees throughout the world. It must be emphasized that honey is a very important food and/or

ingredient of foods for the people.

Modern day farming use pesticides to kill if not eradicate pests that kill their plants thus destroying their

farm products. Some of these plants bear flowers that could be destroyed by pesticides, thereby depriving the

honeybees of their role to sip nectar and spread pollens in order to grow more plants.

The life cycle of plants and the honeybees’ existence are threatened by pesticides. Besides, their ability 

to rapidly learn, remember, and communicate with each other as highly efficient collectors of foods will be

affected because previous studies show that some pesticides affect a bee’s ability in learning and memory. 

 Wright’s st udy also reveal that the neurons involved in the ability of bees to associate floral color and

scents with the quality of food and these affected bees are likely to have difficulty communicating each other

members of the colony.

Therefore, man and all other living things, should consider the results of studies and other experiments

 which are aimed for the protection of life and Mother Earth where all living and non-living things live. All of us

should exert a concerted effort to save Mother Earth and ever ything in it. Let’s join hands in helping 

honeybees to survive and not lose their way otherwise other living things will also lose theirexistence and life on earth will end.

 We, the students and the coming generations must be vigilant 

and concerned so that we can safeguard life and perpetuate life and

save Mother Earth. Let’s practice organic farming and urge our farmers

to avoid using pesticides so that our foods and that of other living 

things will be free from harmful and unhealthy elements.