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Page 1: Homeworks 1 THE ISLAM

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal


U N I TU N I T 1 . T H E 1 . T H E I S L A MI S L A M ..

KEYS FOR THE EXAM (you have to know…): - Define:

• Middle Age: • Hégira: • Kaaba: • Prophet: • Koran (Corán): • Ulema: • Caliph (Califa):

• Vizier (Visir): • Cadir: • Emir: • Valí: • Al-Andalus: • Taifa: • Souk (Zoco):

- Compare between (or define): • Monotheism and/or Polytheism (and put examples): • Sunni and/or Shia (Chiita): • Muladi and or Mozarabe:

- Point in a map the Arab peninsula, La Meca and Medina. - Point in a map the periods of expansion of Islam and the conquest of Al-

Andalus with the names of the territories. - Point out the parts of a mosque in an image and explain its function. - Recognizes if a map belongs to the emirate, the caliphate or the Taifa


- Recognize the characteristics of theocracy in a country. - List de advances in irrigation and new crops. - Explain the importance of the historic characters of Al-Andalus: Musa,

Tariq, Rodrigo, Abd Al-Rahman I, Abd Al-Rahman III, Al Mansur… - Indicates the date and the name of the battle of the muslim conquest

of the Iberian Peninsula. - List the two fundamental works of art in Al-Andalus: Cordoba Mosque

and Alhambra of Granada.

- Build a social pyramid of Al-Andalus. - Build a chronological axis of Islam, Byzantium and the western Christian


- Appreciate the religious tolerance that Islam practiced with Christians. - Recognize the contribution of Greco-Roman culture and the Arabic

numerals the Muslim world made. - Evaluate the role of a common language, Arabic, to spread the culture.

Page 2: Homeworks 1 THE ISLAM

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



1. Define: • Middle Age: • Prophet: • Koran: • Iman:

• La Kaaba: • Ulema: • Hégira:

2. Point out in the map below: a) The Arab Peninsula: b) The cities called La Meca and Medina:

3. In Pairs, search Mahatma’s biography and prepare a PowerPoint in

order to explain it to the classroom.

4. Built in your notebook a chronological axis using the following steps: a) Draw a line and divide it into 12 pieces. b) At the beginning of each piece write the years from 100 to 1000,

starting with 400 and ending with 1.400. c) Write the corresponding year in the following events: Fall of the

Roman Empire, The Conquest of Constantinople, The Discovery of America, The Birth of Mahoma. [Search the years in the textbook o resume]

Page 3: Homeworks 1 THE ISLAM

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



1. Explain the differences between: a) Polytheism and Monotheism. Give an example for each one. b) Sunni and Shia (Chiita):

2. Work with a text of the Koran.

a) What means the sign […] b) What prohibitions set out in these suras [Sura= verse of the Koran]? c) What is the position of the Koran regarding marriage?

3. Look at the diagram below and answer: ¿What are the five pillars of Islam?

4. Answer the next questions:

a) What advantages do you think have today for the Muslim World the obligation of read Koran in Arab? [In this question you have to think]

b) What confrontations are there today between Shiites and Sunnis? [You have to search this]

The blood, Pork, animals killed by any fall or gored, which has been sacrificed on the altars of idols… All this is forbidden […]. Wine, gambling, the statues are an abomination […] abstain from all […] Get married, if you wish, with two, three or four women, but if you fear not to be equitable to all, you take up a single woman.

Page 4: Homeworks 1 THE ISLAM

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



1. Search at dictionary the meaning of the word “Theocracy”. Then, search on Internet or encyclopaedia if today exists any country that is a Theocracy.

2. Define: a) Vizier (Visir): b) Cadir: c) Emir:

3. Fill the map below: a) Use a different colour for the orotodoxos caliphs’ expansion, the

Omeyas caliphs’ expansion and the abbassies caliphs’ expansion. b) Write, in their place, Mesopotamia, Persia, Egypt, North Africa… c) Write, in their place, the cities Damascus, Baghdad and Istanbul.

4. Search today Islamic world and answer the questions:

a) Which countries have today a muslin religion as an official religion in the country?

b) How many people in the world is muslin? c) Is there muslin in Spain Today? ¿Where are they from?

Page 5: Homeworks 1 THE ISLAM

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



1. Read the text (in Spanish in the original) and answer the questions:

a) What events do the text report? b) Who were Tariq and Musa? And Mr Rodrigo king? c) Where was the decisive battle? d) Why was Mr Rodrigo defeated?

2. Read the text (in Spanish in the original) and answer the questions:

a) What set this agreement up? b) Why do you think the conquest of Al-Andalus was so fast?

3. Look at the map and answer the questions:

a) When and where the muslin forces to Iberian Peninsula? b) What was his way for the invasion? ¿What cities were conquered? c) What territories weren´t conquered? d) Where and when in Gallia was the muslin defeated and stopped?

“Encontrándose en el Norte de África, Muza nombró jefe del ejército (…) al Persa Tariq, para que fuese a Hispania con 7.000 guerreros, la mayoría bereberes, ya que había muy pocos árabes (…). Cuando tuvo noticias de estos hechos el rey Rodrigo., que estaba en Pamplona, preparó un gran ejército contra Tariq y se dirigió hacia el Sur. Pero Muza le envió a Tariq 5.000 hombres más. Rodrigo y Tariq se encontraron en un lugar al lado del río Guadalete y lucharon encarnizadamente. El ejército de Rodrigo era superior, pero sus alas derechas e izquierda, dirigidas por nobles enemigos del rey, huyeron y Rodrigo fue derrotado.

Crónica musulmana de la conquista. Siglo XVIII

En el nombre de Dios, clemente y misericordioso. Escritura otorgada por Abd-Al-Aziz Ben Musa a Theodomiro Ben Cobdux. Que este se viene a capitular (…) con la condición de que no se impondrá dominio sobre él ni sobre ninguno de los suyos, que no podrá ser cogido ni despojado de su señorío, que ellos no podrán ser muertos ni cautivados (…) ni violentados en su religión, ni quemadas sus iglesias (…).

Pactos entre musulmanes e Hispano-godos. 713.

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Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



a) Al-Andalus: b) Vali: c) Taifa Kingdom:

2. Explain the differences between: a) Emirate and Caliphate: b) Independent and dependent Emirate:

3. Fill, in your notebook, the table below: Dependent

Emirate Independent Emirate

Córdoba Caliphate

Years Family at the government Who is the real government? Characteristics and events 4. Who were and what did they do?

[Search one of them you choose (This is volunteer)]

a) Abd Al-Rahman I: b) Abd Al-Rahman III: c) Al-Mansur:

5. Fill, in your notebook, the Iberian Peninsula maps below: a) At both map, colour in green the Christian territory and in red the

frontier. b) At the first map, colour in Orange the Cordoba Caliphate. c) At the second map, colour in a different colour each Taifa Kingdom. d) Write the title of each map.

Page 7: Homeworks 1 THE ISLAM

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



1. Answer the questions about the muslin city picture: a) What is Souk (Zoco)? b) What is suburb (Arrabal)? c) What is Alcazaba?

2. Explain the differences between:

a) Dinar and Dirham: b) Muladi and Mozarabe: c) Arabs and Bereberes:

3. Fill, in your notebook, the Social Pyramid Social in Al-Andalus.

4. Search five Spanish words, at least, that origin is Arabian.

Page 8: Homeworks 1 THE ISLAM

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



1. Point at the picture and answer: a) How was called this building? b) What was its function?

2. Define at point in the picture:

a) Mihrab: b) Quibla: c) Haram:

d) Alminar o Minarete: e) Fuente de Abluciones:

3. Draw in your notebook a horseshoe arch (Arco de Herradura) and a lobed arch (arco lobulado). Explain their differences.

4. Search in the textbook: what important muslin buildings were in Al-

Andalus? And in the rest of the muslin world?

Page 9: Homeworks 1 THE ISLAM

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



1. Is there any mistake in these sentences? Correct it. a) Mahatma run away from Medina to La Meca in 630. b) The Muslim housing does not reflect the intimate life family,

therefore, the front had many windows. c) The Mosque was the building where men came to pray at noon

Thursday. d) The capital city in Umayyad caliphate was Baghdad. The Abbasid

Caliphate, in contrast, stood at Damascus. e) In the eighth century, the population of the Arabian Peninsula was

mostly nomadic pastoralists, who were monotheistic religious beliefs.

2. Build in your notebook a chronological axis on which are positioned in the corresponding date the following data: [You must find your dates in the book]: a) Hégira: b) Umayyad caliphate: c) Abbasid Caliphate: d) Conquered of Baghdad by the Mongols:

3. Fill in your notebook the table below about the muslin contributions: Most important works

of art Most important

crops Most important

invents Most important


4. Search in textbook and define: a) Ataurique: b) Saquifa:

5. Fill in your notebook the diagram below:

Page 10: Homeworks 1 THE ISLAM

Departamento de Geografía e Historia

José Carlos Núñez Vidal



1. Fill the table below: Years Territories Capital city Orotodoxos Caliphs Omeyas Caliphs Abbasies Caliphs
