Download - Homemaker Reports - · workshop to benefit Camp Horsin’ Around. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, January 11th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Boyle

Page 1: Homemaker Reports - · workshop to benefit Camp Horsin’ Around. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, January 11th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Boyle

Needlework Social-Will be meeting on Tuesday,

December 6th, 13th, and 20th, at the Boyle County

Extension office.

Sewing Friends Group-Monday, December 5th,

12th, and 19th, Boyle County Extension office.


Lunch and Learn-Wednesday, December 21st,

12 p.m. at the Boyle County Extension office.

We will be making “Hearty Lentil & Sausage

Soup.” Please call (859) 236-4484 to register.

Homemaker County Council Meeting-Thursday,

January 19th, 10:00 a.m., Boyle County Extension


County Cultural Arts Contest- Don’t forget to get

your items ready for the County Cultural Arts

Contest on Tuesday, February 7th, 9:00 a.m.

Guidelines for entries are available upon request.

Call 236-4484 or stop by the Extension Office to

receive a copy.

From the Agent Wow November was a busy, busy month! Between the

Area Annual Meeting in Garrard County and the

Holiday Craft Bazaar I don’t know where to begin.

We sure had fun at the Area Annual Meeting, just ask

any of the SEVEN Homemakers from Boyle County

who attended. Thanks for coming along, glad to have

better attendance at area events this year. If you didn’t

make it out to the Holiday Craft Bazaar you really

missed out. This year we had 25 vendors, great lunch,

and great gifts to choose from. Thanks to everyone who

helped in the kitchen that day.

Don’t forget to fill out the Leader Lesson suggestion

sheet you will find in your newsletter this month. This

helps us Agents put together lessons that you are

interested in attending. Don’t be shy, add your

suggestions to the sheet. We really appreciate your

input. Please return the sheet to your club president or

to the extension office.

Thanks. Alethea Price

Blanket Making Workshop

Lancaster Road club is hosting a blanket making

workshop to benefit Camp Horsin’ Around. The

workshop will be held on Wednesday, January

11th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Boyle

County Extension office. All are welcome to


KEHA Choir 2017

If you would like to participate in the choir, send

$10 to Wendy Hood, 202 Park Ave., Harrodsburg,

KY 40330. Please include your name, mailing

address, phone, and email.

76’ers We are a busy bunch of bees! We had our

November meeting on Saturday the 12th. A special

guest, Yolantha Pace came and told us about her

Haitian mission project. The members wanted more

information on what could be done for the

Haitians. The tropical storms had hit Haiti again

with a powerful punch. Ms. Pace gave us many

ways we could help in Haiti. The people need school

supplies, and clothing among other items. After

lunch was served, several of the members cut out

dresses for Haiti that will be sewn together at another

time. Our Christmas party will be December 12th at

the Extension office. The club will fix the bags for

Latimer Heights and then have our potluck

party. For more information on the Hatian project or

Latimer Heights project please call 236-1387.

Cooperative Extension Service

99 Corporate Drive

Danville, KY 40422

(859) 236-4484

Fax: (859) 236-8976

Homemaker Reports

Page 2: Homemaker Reports - · workshop to benefit Camp Horsin’ Around. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, January 11th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Boyle

Lancaster Road The Lancaster Road Homemakers club met on

November 2nd at the Boyle Count Extension office.

Fifteen members were present and we had two

visitors, one of which joined our club. We welcome

Linda Rogers as a new member.

We enjoyed a wonderful potluck lunch following the

meeting and afterward had a lesson on early

detection of Alzheimer’s disease presented by Isabel


We will have a Christmas party at the Extension

office on December 7th at 10:00 a.m. Our next

meeting will be on January 4th at McDowell Place.

January 11th has been set aside as a work day to make

fleece blankets for Camp Horsin’ Around.

Wilderness Trail

Wilderness Trail had two interesting guest speakers

at our last two meetings. In October, Dan Troutman

from the Boyle County Health Department gave a

program on Radon and Radon testing, and he

distributed free Radon Test Kits to our members. In

November, Danville's Fire Marshall spoke to us

about the Fire Department and gave us a number of

fire safety tips to use in our homes. Our club is

supporting our local Police and Fire Departments this

club year, and we started by sending the Fire

Marshall back to the Fire Station with several

batches of homemade cookies. We also plan to

participate in the Fire Department's Christmas Toy


Ten of our members attended the Tasting Party/Silent

Auction during Homemakers Week in October. Jane

Gessaman was a vendor at the October 29th Craft

Bazaar, and Rita Bloom was co-chair of the lunch

booth, which offered a soup and sandwich lunch for

the vendors and attendees and made a small profit for

Boyle County Homemakers. In December, we will

go to Giuseppe's Italian Ristorante in Lexington for

our Christmas Lunch.

Homemaker’s Photo Gallery

Area Annual Meeting in Garrard County

Holiday Craft Bazaar

Page 3: Homemaker Reports - · workshop to benefit Camp Horsin’ Around. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, January 11th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Boyle

A Christmas Story

I love Christmas! For a long time, I have used a

Victorian Village as a part of our holiday

decorations. Over the years, family members have

added houses, churches, sleighs, people, etc. We

peek in the tiny windows and make up stories

about what the people are doing, where they are

going, etc. It has been rumored that the village

comes alive while we sleep. Two tiny cats

mysteriously seem to roam from place to place.

My favorite story is about a little red scooter.

When my grandson, Harlan, was 3, he brought a

school bus, bread truck, and a tiny red scooter and

carefully parked them in front of a church. When I

asked him, “What is going on in the village

today?” He replied, “The school bus is bringing

the people to a dinner and the bread truck has the

food.” “And the little red scooter?” I asked.

“Well, that is for Joseph. He is going to ride along

beside Mary and the donkey…..very slowly.”

Source: December 2016, KEHA Inspirational,

Ana Scarboro, Jefferson County

Have a great month!

Alethea Price Boyle County Extension Agent for

Family and Consumer Sciences













Page 4: Homemaker Reports - · workshop to benefit Camp Horsin’ Around. The workshop will be held on Wednesday, January 11th, from 9:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., at the Boyle