Download - DORIATH.docx · Web view0503 c. 503 An army of Dwarves from Nogrod defeat the Elves of Doriath and retake the Nauglamir set with the Silmaril. Mablung

Page 1: DORIATH.docx · Web view0503 c. 503 An army of Dwarves from Nogrod defeat the Elves of Doriath and retake the Nauglamir set with the Silmaril. Mablung

One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,One Ring to bring them all, and in the darkness bind them.


DORIATH. Region in Beleriand. Doriath beyond Sirion = Nivrim.

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The realm of Thingol in Beleriand, Doriath was one of the greatest of the Elf-kingdoms. It was sacked by Dwarves after the death of Thingol. After which Dior Eluchil, his grandson became king. Dior was slain by the sons of Feanor and so ended the realm of Doriath. Within Doriath was Menegroth, the underground palace. Thingol = Elwe.-ARDHOLEN. -ARTANOR. (S). "The Land Beyond". Early name of Doriath.-ARTHOREN. -ARTHURIAN. -DOR ATHRO. -EALAND. -EGLADOR. EgladorAn old name for the kingdom of Doriath. Melian was the Queen of Doriath. Probably meaning 'Land of the Forsaken', Eglador was the name of the land of Doriath before it was protected by the Girdle of Melian.Eglador was the original name of Thingol's realm. It means "Land of the Forsaken." The Elves who stayed in Middle-earth to seek Thingol and thereby missed their chance to go to the Undying Lands called themselves the Eglath, or Forsaken People. The word dôr means "land." -ELVENHOME. -GARTHURIEN. The name Arthórien is used in the text of the story to describe the area between the Aros and Celon as well as on the map. It is derived from Garthúrian meaning "Fenced Realm" in Doriathrin. The name Garthúrian and a variant form Arthúrien were also applied to all of Doriath.-GUARDED REALM. Guarded Realm-HIDDEN KINGDOM. Hidden Kingdom"Hidden Kingdom" was a name given to both Doriath (hidden within the Girdle of Melian), and Gondolin (concealed behind the Encircling Mountains).-LAND(S) BEYOND. -LAND OF THE CAVE. -LAND OF THE FENCE. -LAND OF THE FORSAKENSee also DORIATHRIN (Ilkorin). Language of the Eldar.See also NIVRIM “West-March” and RADHRIM “East-March”.See also TELERI > ELWEDoriath


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There is no definitive chronology of the Years of the Trees or the First Age. In particular, there are several conflicting chronologies of the 500s of the First Age. These dates are based on "The Annals of Aman" in The History of Middle-earth, vol. X, Morgoth's Ring and "The Grey Annals" and "The Tale of Years" in The History of Middle-earth, vol. XI, The War of the Jewels. One year during the Years of the Trees is equivalent to 9.582 solar years. Years of the Trees: 1105 The Elves begin the Great Journey westward toward the Undying Lands. The Teleri are led by Thingol (Elwe). 1115 Some of the Teleri abandon the Great Journey when they reach the Misty Mountains. Thingol leads the rest onward. 1125 The Noldor and Vanyar enter Beleriand. Finwe and the Noldor rest for a time in the Forests of Neldoreth and Region. 1128 Thingol leads the Teleri over the Blue Mountains into Beleriand. 1130 Thingol sees Melian in Nan Elmoth and they fall into a trance. 1132 The Noldor and Vanyar journey to the Undying Lands. 1150 Olwe leads many of the Teleri to the Undying Lands but some remain behind. 1152 Thingol and Melian awake from their trance. They settle in the Forests of Neldoreth and Region and Thingol's people gather to him. 1200 Birth of Luthien, daughter of Thingol and Melian. 1200-1250 Thingol's power expands through Beleriand and he is considered the leader of all of the Sindarin Elves. 1250 The Elves of Beleriand encounter the Dwarves of Belegost and Nogrod and Thingol welcomes them. 1300 The construction of Menegroth begins with the help of the Dwarves of Belegost. Daeron has created his system of runes by this time. 1330 Evil creatures including Orcs cross the Blue Mountains into Beleriand but are driven back by the Sindar. 1350 Denethor leads a group of Nandorin Elves - Teleri who had left the Great Journey - across the Blue Mountains into Beleriand. Daeron continues to develop his system of runes. 1495 Morgoth steals the Silmarils and comes to Middle-earth with Ungoliant. Melian prevents Ungoliant from entering Neldoreth. Ungoliant and her offspring inhabit Ered Gorgoroth. The valley between the mountains and Neldoreth becomes a place of danger called Nan Dungortheb. 1497 Thingol defeats Morgoth's forces in the First Battle but Cirdan is besieged at the Havens. Melian creates the protective barrier called the Girdle of Melian and the land within becomes known as Doriath. Eol leaves the Forest of Region and settles in Nan Elmoth. Feanor and the Noldor arrive in Middle-earth to reclaim the Silmarils from Morgoth. They defeat Morgoth's forces in the Battle-under-Stars and the siege army withdraws from the Havens. Feanor is killed while advancing on Angband. First Age. 0001 Fingolfin and his followers arrive in Middle-earth. 0006 Angrod, son of Finarfin, visits Doriath. 0020 Thingol sends Mablung and Daeron to represent Doriath at the Feast of Reuniting. 0052 Finrod and Galadriel visit Doriath. Thingol tells Finrod about the Caverns of Narog where Finrod establishes Nargothrond. Galadriel falls in love with Celeborn and remains in Doriath. 0066 Galadriel tells Melian about the quest for the Silmarils but not the Kinslaying. 0067 Thingol learns of the Kinslaying from Cirdan. He decrees that only Sindarin will be spoken in Doriath. 0310 Men begin to enter Beleriand. Some settle in Estolad near the eastern border of Doriath. 0316 Aredhel of Gondolin is denied entry to Doriath and travels through Nan Dungortheb where she becomes separated from her guards. 0390 Thingol allows the Men of the House of Haleth to settle in the Forest of Brethil at Finrod's request. 0455 The Battle of Sudden Flame. Morgoth's forces invaded Beleriand. Thingol stops an army of Orcs near the borders of Doriath, but Morgoth is victorious and enemies continue to roam the land. Some Sindarin Elves take refuge in Beleriand. 0458 Beleg and the march-wardens of Doriath join forces with Halmir and the Men of the Forest of Brethil to ambush and defeat a legion of Orcs that came down the Pass of Sirion. 0064 Beren passes through the Girdle of Melian into Doriath early in the year. In summer, he sees Luthien dancing in the forest and falls in love with her.

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0465 In the spring, Beren reveals himself to Luthien and she falls in love with him. In summer, Daeron betrays them to Thingol. Beren declares his love for Luthien and Thingol demands that he steal a Silmaril from Morgoth's crown to win his daughter's hand. Thingol imprisons Luthien but she escapes and follows Beren. 0466 Beren and Luthien succeed in their quest but Carcaroth bites off Beren's hand holding the Silmaril. Carcharoth is driven mad by the Silmaril and runs to Doriath. Beren is mortally wounded by Carcharoth. Carcharoth and Huan the Hound fight to the death and both die. 0467 Luthien dies and goes to the Halls of Mandos to plead on behalf of herself and Beren. 0469 Beren and Luthien return to life and briefly visit Thingol and Melian and then go to dwell on Tol Galen in Ossiriand. 0470 Birth of Dior, son of Beren and Luthien. 0472 The Battle of Unnumbered Tears. Thingol does not sent troops because of his hatred for the sons of Feanor, but he allows Beleg and Mablung to go. 0473 Morwen sends her 8-year-old son Turin to Doriath and Thingol agrees to foster him. 0481 Turin turns 17 and joins the march-wardens of Doriath. 0484 Turin leaves Doriath after a fight resulting in the death of Saeros. Thingol pardons Turin, and Beleg sets out to find him. 0485 c. 485 Beleg finds Turin with the outlaws. Beleg returns to Doriath to help stop an invasion of Orcs in Dimbar. He sets out to rejoin Turin in the winter. 0489 Beleg is accidentally killed by Turin. 0494 Morwen and Nienor leave Dor-lomin to find Turin in Doriath but he is gone. They remain in Doriath as guests of Thingol. 0495 Nargothrond is captured by Glaurung. 0496 Refugees from Nargothrond come to Doriath. Morwen and Nienor leave Doriath to find Turin. 0499 Turin slays Glaurung but Turin and Nienor also die. 0500 Birth of Dior's sons Elured and Elurin in Ossiriand. 0501 Death of Morwen. 0502 c. 502 Hurin brings the Nauglamir to Thingol in Doriath. Thingol commissions Dwarf-craftsmen from Nogrod to set the Silmaril in the Nauglamir. The Dwarves slay Thingol and steal the necklace with the Silmaril but are pursued by Elves of Doriath who kill most of them and take back the Nauglamir. Two Dwarves escape to Nogrod. Melian leaves Doriath and returns to the Undying Lands, and the Girdle of Melian is withdrawn leaving Doriath unprotected. 0503 c. 503 An army of Dwarves from Nogrod defeat the Elves of Doriath and retake the Nauglamir set with the Silmaril. Mablung is killed. The Dwarves are defeated by Beren and the Green-elves of Ossiriand with the help of the Ents. Beren gives the Nauglamir and Silmaril to Luthien. Birth of Elwing, daughter of Dior, in Ossiriand. Dior comes to Doriath as King. Deaths of Beren and Luthien. A messenger brings the Silmaril to Dior in Doriath. 0506 c. 506-7 The sons of Feanor invade Doriath to obtain the Silmaril. Doriath is ruined and abandoned. Dior and Nimloth are killed, along with Celegorm, Curufin, and Caranthir, and many others. Elured and Elurin are abandoned in the woods. Some Elves of Doriath save Elwing and the Silmaril and settle at the Havens of Sirion. 0545-587 Beleriand is destroyed in the War of Wrath.

AELIN-UIAL. (S). "Lakes of Twilight". The Sindarin name was Aelin-uial from aelin meaning "pools, meres" and uial meaning "twilight."Region of marshes in Doriath (Beleriand). The stretch on the lower course of the river Sirion between the inflow of Aros river and the Falls. Sirion river here branched into many marshes and pools. The border-guard of Doriath ran ferries in this region.Pools formed by the River Siron in Beleriand. The Meres of Twilight were located just south of the point where the River Aros joined the Sirion. The Sirion slowed and broke up into many pools and channels. The Fens of Sirion spread outward from the Meres of Twilight. A heavy mist lay over the region. The woodland realm of Doriath was north of the Meres of Twilight. Doriath was encircled by the protective barrier known as the Girdle of Melian, and the Meres of Twilight were encompassed by its enchantment. At the southern end of the Meres the river plunged over the Falls of Sirion and then passed through a tunnel under the Andram before emerging from the Gates of Sirion on the other side.

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In the year 50 of the First Age, Turgon and Finrod stopped to rest by the Meres of Twilight on a journey along the Sirion. Ulmo, Lord of Waters, came up the river and sent them dreams urging them to establish hidden strongholds to defend against Morgoth. Turgon later founded Gondolin, while Finrod established Nargothrond 75 miles west of the Meres of Twilight. Ferries were kept hidden in the reeds and creeks on the east side of the Meres of Twilights. They were used by messengers travelling between Doriath and Nargothrond. In 494, Morwen left Doriath to seek her son Turin. Mablung led a company of guards to protect her, while Morwen's daughter Nienor followed along in disguise. Mablung took them by ferry across the Meres of Twilight on their way to Nargothrond. Aelin-uial-AELINUIAL. (S). "Lakes of Twilight". -FENS OF SIRION. Fens of Sirion-HITHLINIATH. (S). "Pools of Mist". -LAKE OF TWILIGHT. -LAKES OF TWILIGHT. -LHIN UIAL. -MERES OF TWILIGHT. Meres of Twilight -POOLS OF MIST. -POOLS OF TWILIGHT. Afterwards called Aeluin-uial. -SILENT POOLS. (Battle of Silent Pools). -TWILIGHT MERES. Twilight Meres-TWILIT MERES. Twilit Meres-UMBOTH MUILIN. (S). "Pools of Twilight". Also UMBOTH-MUILIN.

AROS. (S). "Reddish River".

Aros The river forded at Sarnathrod. The southern river of Doriath. Flowing from Dorthonion south and then west. The river emptied into Sirion just above the Meres of Twilight. Celon river was one of its tributaries. The river Aros formed the eastern and southern borders of Doriath. AROSSIACH. (S). "Aros-ford". ArossiachThe fords near the north-eastern edge of Doriath. Located on the upper Aros. Here the road from the Dwarf-cities in the Blue Mountains crossed the Aros river.-FORD OF AROS.-FORDS OF AROS. Fords of Aros

ARTHÓRIEN. (S). "Hidden Land". ARTHORIEN.Region in Beleriand between the rivers Aros and Celon in the east of Doriath.

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The name Arthórien is used in the text of the story to describe the area between the Aros and Celon as well as on the map. It is derived from Garthúrian meaning "Fenced Realm" in Doriathrin. The name Garthúrian and a variant form Arthúrien were also applied to all of Doriath.ArthórienA region of eastern Doriath. The easternmost part of the forests of Doriath, a narrow land divided from the larger part of the Forest of Region by the River Aros, and separated from the plainlands to the east by the Celon. At the time of the First Battle of the Wars of Beleriand, many survivors of the Nandor fled the fighting the seek refuge in Doriath, and it was in Arthórien that most of them settled.


ESGALDUIN. The name Esgalduin means "River under Veil" from esgal meaning "screen, hiding, roof of leaves" and duin meaning "river." The name was originally intended to be in the early Ilkorin language but was later interpreted as Sindarin. River of Doriath. The Esgalduin divided the Forest of Neldoreth from the Forest of Region. It was a dark, enchanted river. The Esgalduin was a tributary of the Sirion. It began north of Doriath in the Ered Gorgoroth and was joined by a smaller mountain stream. The Esgalduin flowed south through the valley of Nan Dungortheb. East of the Esgalduin was the uninhabited region called Dor Dinen. At the northern edge of Doriath, a stone bridge called Iant Iaur spanned the Esgalduin. The East Road crossed the river by way of the bridge. The road and the bridge were built in the time of peace before Morgoth returned to Middle-earth in 1495 of the Years of the Trees. In northern Doriath, the Esgalduin cascaded over a steep falls into a dark valley. The Esgalduin continued southward through the woods and then curved westward to join the Sirion. The beech-woods of Neldoreth were north of the Esgalduin while the larger Forest of Region was to the south. Menegroth was located at the bend in the river. The gates of Menegroth were in a hill on the southern bank. A bridge over the Esgalduin was the only way to reach the gates. The great beech-tree named Hirilorn was on the northern bank not far from the bridge. The Esgalduin flowed into the Sirion near the western edge of Doriath. Across the Sirion was Nivrim, the West March - a small oak forest that was part of Doriath. There was a guarded bridge across the Sirion near its confluence with the Esgalduin. The Esgalduin was almost entirely within the Girdle of Melian - the protective barrier around Doriath which Melian made in 1497 of the Years of the Trees. In 466 of the First Age, Carcharoth, the Wolf of Angband, came down from the source of the Esgalduin in Ered Gorgoroth and followed the river into Doriath. He was able to breach the Girdle because he had swallowed one of the Silmarils. Carcharoth stopped to drink from the Esgalduin near the waterfall in northern Doriath, and the waters temporarily eased the burning pain of the Silmaril. Huan the Hound fought with Carcharoth by the river and the clamor of their battle caused rocks to fall and block the waterfall. Carcharoth was slain by Huan but not before he mortally wounded Huan and Beren. In 502, King Thingol of Doriath was killed by Dwarves who coveted the Silmaril. Melian left Doriath and returned to the Undying Lands, and the Girdle of Melian was withdrawn. It was said that afterwards "Esgalduin the enchanted river spoke with a different voice" (Sil, p. 234). Doriath was ruined and abandoned in 506. At the end of the First Age, Beleriand was destroyed and the Esgalduin was no more.

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GIRDLE OF MELIAN. -FENCES OF MELIAN, MAZES OF MELIAN. Girdle of Melian Created shortly before the beginning of the First Age. Removed with the departure of Melian in c. I 505.Note that the date of Melian's return to Aman is very uncertain.Encircling Doriath in central Beleriand, including the Forests of Neldoreth and Region, and the wood of Nivrim. The sorcerous web that protected Doriath. The fence of enchantment set around Thingol's kingdom of Doriath by Melian his Queen, preventing entry into his land without his will and consent.

IANT IAUR. (S). “Old Bridge”.The name Iant Iaur means "Old Bridge" in Sindarin from iant meaning "bridge" and iaur meaning "old." An alternate name was Esgaliant from iant, "bridge," combined with the river name Esgalduin meaning "River under Veil" where esgal means "screen, hiding, roof of leaves." Also called the Bridge of Esgalduin. Bridge over the Esgalduin. Iant Iaur was located on the northern border of the woodland realm of Doriath. The East Road passed over the old stone bridge on its way through Nan Dungortheb, the valley between Doriath and the Ered Gorgoroth. The Esgalduin could not be crossed at any other point in the valley. Iant Iaur was built during the Years of the Trees before Morgoth returned to Middle-earth. In the First Age, Nan Dungortheb became a place of evil inhabited by the offspring of Ungoliant. The march-wardens of Doriath kept watch on Iant Iaur, but the East Road was dangerous. Some intrepid travellers nevertheless continued to use it. Aredhel crossed the bridge on her way from Gondolin to Himlad in 316 of the First Age. Iant Iaur was a stone bridge. It was built in ancient times by the Eldar of Doriath on the northern borders of their land. It crossed the Esgalduin, and led into Dor Dinen. At the time of its building, which was long before Morgoth returned to Middle-earth from his chaining, it was called Esgaliant. It was also called the Esgalduin Bridge. Later on in the First Age, the valley in which it stood, and the hills which lay to the north of Iant Iaur, became a place of horror and dread. After this happened, the bridge was not used very much at all. However, it was still there and intact, and it was called Iant Iaur, which means "Old Bridge".Iant Iaur The old stone bridge over the Esgalduin.-ESGALDUIN BRIDGE.-ESGALIANT. Esgaliant (S. 'Esgalduin Bridge'; iant = bridge) was another name for bridge Iant Iaur that crossed river Esgalduin at the northeast corner of Forest of Neldoreth. -OLD BRIDGE

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MENEGROTH. The home of Elu Thingol in Beleriand, Menegroth was built underground, like the stronghold of the Elves of Mirkwood. Menegroth was destroyed in the sack of Doriath. Menegroth-CAVES OF MENEGROTH. -ELVEN-HALLS. Elven-halls The stronghold of Menegroth.–THOUSAND CAVES. Thousand Caves


NELDORETH. Forest of Neldoreth. The lesser, northern forest of Doriath.The beech-forest on the banks of the River Esgalduin that formed the northern and lesser part of the Kingdom of Doriath.The woods of Doriath were divided into two forests by the Esgalduin. The Forest of Region in the south was the larger and denser of the two. It contained holly trees. The Forest of Neldoreth in the north was a beech-wood. Treebeard sometimes walked in the Forest of Neldoreth in autumn. The greatest beech tree in Neldoreth was Hirilorn which stood a short distance from the gates of Menegroth.Neldoreth-FOREST OF NELDORETH. Forest of Neldoreth-TAUR-NA-NELDOR. Taur-na-neldor

NIVRIM. “West-march”. Doriath beyond Sirion River.


RADHRIM. “East-march”. Region. Doriath beyond Aros River.-EAST-MARCH.Radhrim (Raðrim) was a forested region in eastern Doriath, located between the rivers Aros and Celon. Although what appears to be the same region is also called Arthórien, it is unknown if these two regions were the same (or if one was situated within the other).

REGION. Forest of Region. The greater part of the Kingdom of Doriath.The woods of Doriath were divided into two forests by the Esgalduin. The Forest of Region in the south was the larger and denser of the two. It contained holly trees. The Forest of Neldoreth in the north was a beech-wood. Treebeard sometimes walked in the Forest of Neldoreth in autumn. The greatest beech tree in Neldoreth was Hirilorn which stood a short distance from the gates of Menegroth.Region-FOREST OF REGION. Forest of Region

Doriath was a great woodland realm of the Sindarin Elves of Beleriand ruled by King Thingol. His wife Melian created a protective barrier called the Girdle of Melian which kept Doriath safe from invasion by

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Morgoth's forces. The downfall of Doriath was brought about by the Silmaril which Thingol made Beren steal from Morgoth in exchange for the hand of his daughter Luthien. Thingol was killed by Dwarves who coveted the Silmaril and Doriath was ruined by the sons of Feanor who sought to retrieve the jewel made by their father. Doriath was located near the center of Beleriand between the Sirion and the Aros. It was a vast woodland, and in the midst of the forest was Menegroth, the Thousand Caves. Doriath was surrounded by the Girdle of Melian - an invisible barrier which turned away unwanted intruders by causing them to become lost and confused. The Sirion flowed along Doriath's western border and the Aros curved around the eastern and southern borders to join the Sirion. Doriath was almost entirely in East Beleriand east of the Sirion. The only part of the realm west of the Sirion was a small forest of oak trees called Nivrim, the West March. The Girdle of Melian extended to enclose Nivrim. South of Nivrim, the Sirion formed the Meres of Twilight where it was joined by the Aros. The Girdle of Melian also encompassed the Meres of Twilight. The Elves kept ferries on the eastern shore. The Forest of Brethil was north of Nivrim across the Teiglin. Thingol originally claimed Brethil as part of Doriath though it was not inside the Girdle of Melian. Thingol later allowed the Men of the House of Haleth to settle there. The empty land of Dimbar was between Brethil and the Mindeb - a tributary of the Sirion that skirted Doriath's northwestern edge. In the east between the Aros and the Celon was a stretch of woodland called Arthorien or Radhrim, the East March. The East March was a part of Doriath and was inside the Girdle of Melian. To the north was the plain of Himlad which was outside of Doriath. The small dark forest called Nan Elmoth on the east bank of the Celon was also separate from Doriath. South of Nan Elmoth were the open lands of Estolad. North of Doriath was Nan Dungortheb - a valley at the foot of the Ered Gorgoroth bordering Dorthonion. Nan Dungortheb became a dangerous place inhabited by the descendants of Ungoliant. The East Road ran through the valley along the northern edge of Doriath, crossing the Aros at Arossiach - the Fords of Aros - and spanning the Esgalduin over a bridge named Iant Iaur. The Esgalduin flowed south from Nan Dungortheb through Doriath and then curved west to join the Sirion. There was a guarded bridge over the Sirion near its juncture with the Esgalduin leading to Nivrim, the West March. The woods of Doriath were divided into two forests by the Esgalduin. The Forest of Region in the south was the larger and denser of the two. It contained holly trees. The Forest of Neldoreth in the north was a beech-wood. Treebeard sometimes walked in the Forest of Neldoreth in autumn. The greatest beech tree in Neldoreth was Hirilorn which stood a short distance from the gates of Menegroth. Menegroth was an underground stronghold at the bend of the Esgalduin. It was called the Thousand Caves and had many halls and chambers. The gates of Menegroth were in a hill on the southern bank of the river and could only be reached by a bridge. Menegroth was said to be the most beautiful royal dwelling in Middle-earth. The pillars of Menegroth were hewn in the likeness of the beeches of Oromë, stock, bough, and leaf, and they were lit with lanterns of gold. The nightingales sang there as in the gardens of Lórien; and there were fountains of silver, and basins of marble, and floors of many-coloured stones. Carven figures of beasts and birds there ran upon the walls, or climbed upon the pillars, or peered among the branches entwined with many flowers. And as the years passed Melian and her maidens filled the halls with woven hangings wherein could be read the deeds of the Valar, and many things that had befallen in Arda since its beginning, and shadows of things that were yet to be. The Silmarillion: "Of the Sindar," p. 93

Thingol - originally called Elwe Singollo - was one of the three Elf-lords who led their people on the Great Journey westward. They had been summoned by the Valar to come dwell in the Undying Lands. Thingol had already been to the Undying Lands as an ambassador and he was eager to return to see the light of the Two Trees again. But many his people, the Teleri, were reluctant to undertake the journey. The Elves set out from Cuivienen around 1105 of the Years of the Trees. When they reached the Misty Mountains in 1115, some of the Teleri decided not to continue on the Great Journey. Thingol urged the rest onwards and they crossed the Blue Mountains into Beleriand in 1128. The Teleri stopped to rest in East Beleriand west of the Gelion, while the Noldor led by Finwe rested further west in the Forests of Neldoreth and Region.

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In 1130, Thingol went to visit Finwe. On the way home as he passed through Nan Elmoth, he came upon Melian, a Maia from the Undying Lands. They fell in love at first sight, and they both fell into a deep trance that lasted until 1152. The Teleri searched for Thingol but they did not know what had become of him. Thingol's brother Olwe became leader of the Teleri in his absence. In 1132, the Noldor and the Vanyar were taken over the Sea by Ulmo. The Teleri were left behind because they had tarried too long seeking Thingol. Ulmo returned for them in 1150 and Olwe and many of the Teleri went to the Undying Lands. But some of the Teleri remained in Middle-earth. These included many of Thingol's kin and friends who had refused to leave without him even though they wanted to go to the Undying Lands. There were also some Teleri who had been persuaded to settle on the coasts by Ulmo's vassal Osse, and they became the Elves of the Falas whose lord was Cirdan. When Thingol awoke in 1152, he settled with Melian in the Forests of Neldoreth and Region. Their daughter Luthien was born in the Forest of Neldoreth around 1200. Thingol's realm was at first called Eglador. Many of Thingol's people gathered there. Thingol's younger brother Elmo dwelled with him. Elmo had a son Galadhon and two grandsons, Celeborn and Galathil - the father of Nimloth. Beleg was Thingol's chief march-warden and Mablung was his chief captain and huntsman. Daeron was Thingol's minstrel and loremaster. Other Elves who dwelled in Thingol's realm included Nellas, an Elf-maiden who lived out in the woods; Eol the Dark Elf, who originally lived in the Forest of Region; and Oropher, father of Thranduil, who later ruled the Woodland Realm in Greenwood the Great. Thingol's domain was centered on Eglador, but he was acknowledged as the leader of all the Teleri who had remained in Beleriand. These Elves became known as the Sindar, or Grey-elves, after Thingol whose name meant "Grey-cloak." Their language developed into Sindarin which became the most commonly used language of the Elves of Middle-earth. The Sindarin spoken in Doriath remained the purest form of the language. During this time, Morgoth was being held captive by the Valar and Beleriand was at peace. But Melian advised Thingol to prepare for a time when they might need to defend their realm. Thingol consulted the Dwarves of Belegost who had first encountered the Elves of Beleriand around 1250. Construction of the underground stronghold of Menegroth began in 1300. The Dwarves of Belegost delved a network of tunnels and chambers, and the Elves contributed their own skills to make Menegroth a place of surpassing beauty. In exchange for their work, Melian taught the Dwarves many things and Thingol gave them pearls from the Isle of Balar including a large one called Nimphelos. The Dwarves warned Thingol that creatures from Morgoth's old lands in the North had begun to roam abroad once more. In 1330, evil things entered Beleriand including Orcs, which the Elves had never seen before. Thingol ordered weapons and armor from the Dwarves, and the Sindar drove the creatures from their lands. In the time of peace that followed, the realm of Thingol flourished. His chief minstrel and loremaster Daeron perfected his system of runes known as the Certhas Daeron. The Dwarves adopted the runes for their own use and Daeron's system spread to other peoples of Middle-earth. In 1350, a group of the Teleri who had left the Great Journey came to Beleriand led by Denethor. These Elves were called the Nandor though they later became known as the Green-elves. They settled in Ossiriand and Thingol welcomed them as long-lost kin. Morgoth returned to Middle-earth in 1495 after stealing the Silmarils that Feanor had made. With him came Ungoliant, an evil being in the form of a Great Spider. Melian stopped Ungoliant from entering Neldoreth. Ungoliant went to dwell in the mountains on the southern border of Dorthonion which became known as Ered Gorgoroth, the Mountains of Terror. The valley between Ered Gorgoroth and Neldoreth came to be called Nan Dungortheb, the Valley of Dreadful Death. Ungoliant's offspring made travel along the East Road dangerous, though Thingol's march-wardens kept watch on the bridge of Iant Iaur. In 1497, an army of Orcs invaded Beleriand through the passes east and west of Thingol's realm. The Orcs fought the Sindar in the First Battle. In the west, Cirdan was besieged in the Havens of Brithombar and Eglarest. In the east, Thingol defeated the Orcs with the help of Denethor and the Elves of Ossiriand, though Denethor was slain. Some of the Denethor's people returned to Ossiriand, but a number of others took refuge in Thingol's realm. Most of them settled in Arthorien between the Aros and Celon. Among them was an Elf named Saeros who went to live in Menegroth and became one of Thingol's counsellors.

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Melian used her powers to create the Girdle of Melian around the Forests of Neldoreth and Region, and the realm within was renamed Doriath, the Land of the Fence. The Girdle of Melian was an invisible barrier that could only be crossed by those who had the permission of Thingol and Melian or by a force more powerful than Melian. Outsiders approaching the Girdle would become lost and confused and wander along the borders. At this time, Eol the Dark Elf left Doriath and settled in the nearby woods of Nan Elmoth. That same year in 1497, Feanor and the Noldor arrived in Middle-earth to reclaim the Silmarils. To obtain the ships that brought them, Feanor had attacked the Teleri of Alqualonde, ruled by Thingol's brother Olwe. Many Teleri died in the Kinslaying. There were not enough ships to carry all the Noldor to Middle-earth, so Feanor abandoned those he considered disloyal including his brother Fingolfin. The Noldor defeated Morgoth's forces in the Battle-under-Stars and the Havens of Brithombar and Eglarest were no longer under siege. Feanor was killed afterwards in an attempt to attack Angband. Fingolfin and his people crossed the Grinding Ice and arrived in Middle-earth at the start of the First Age. Fingolfin became the High King of the Noldor in Middle-earth. Thingol did not know about the Kinslaying, but he was not entirely happy with the arrival of the Noldor because considered himself to be the Lord of Beleriand. He kept Doriath closed off to most of the newcomers, only allowing entry to the children of Finarfin, whose wife Earwen was the daughter of Thingol's brother Olwe. Finarfin's son Angrod visited Doriath in the year 6 of the First Age. Thingol told Angrod to warn the Noldor not to settle in the lands where the Sindar dwelled. Thingol did not attend the Feast of Reuniting convened by Fingolfin in the year 20. Instead he sent two representatives, Daeron and Mablung. In 52, Finrod and Galadriel visited Doriath. Finrod admired the Halls of Menegroth so Thingol told him about the Caverns of Narog where Finrod established Nargothrond. Galadriel fell in love with Thingol's kinsman Celeborn and decided to remain in Doriath. In 66, Galadriel told Melian about the quest for the Silmarils though she omitted the Kinslaying. Melian warned Thingol that the Silmarils would bring ruin to Middle-earth and that the sons of Feanor were not to be trusted, but Thingol thought that the Noldor might prove useful allies against Morgoth. But the next year in 67, Thingol learned about the Kinslaying from Cirdan and he was greatly angered. He decreed that only Sindarin could be spoken in Doriath and that Quenya - the language used by the Noldor - was never to be uttered by any of the Sindar. Sindarin eventually became the language of the Noldor in Middle-earth as well. In 310, Men first crossed the Blue Mountains into Beleriand. Some of them settled in Estolad near the eastern border of Doriath. Thingol warned Finrod - who had first encountered and befriended the newcomers - that he would not permit any Men to enter Doriath. Melian however foretold that one day a Man of the House of Beor would come to Doriath and the power of the Girdle of Melian would not restrain him. Aredhel, the sister of King Turgon of Gondolin, sought admittance to Doriath on her way to visit the sons of Feanor in 316. But the march-wardens would not let her pass through Thingol's land because she was not of Finarfin's kin and was a friend Feanor's sons. Aredhel journeyed through Nan Dungortheb and became separated from her guards. She eventually wandered into Nan Elmoth and was taken as wife by Eol and bore him a son Maeglin. Aredhel later fled home to Gondolin with Maeglin but Eol followed her and both Aredhel and Eol were killed. In 390, a group of Men led by Haleth passed through Nan Dungortheb and settled in the Forest of Brethil. Thingol considered Brethil to be part of his realm though it was not within the Girdle of Melian. He did not want Men to dwell there but he was persuaded to change his mind by Finrod. Haleth and her people were given the responsibility of guarding the Crossings of Teiglin and preventing Orcs from entering Brethil. Morgoth invaded Beleriand in the Battle of Sudden Flame in 455. Glaurung the Dragon led an army of Orcs through Maglor's Gap and on into East Beleriand. The army was finally stopped by Thingol near the borders of Doriath. But the battle was a victory for Morgoth and Orcs continued to roam the land. A number of Sindarin Elves from the northern parts of Beleriand took refuge in Doriath at this time. Orcs came down the Pass of Sirion in 458 and approached the Forest of Brethil. Beleg and the march-wardens of Doriath joined forces with Halmir and the Men of the Forest of Brethil to ambush and defeat the Orcs. In early 464, a Man named Beren of the House of Beor came down from Dorthonion and entered Doriath. It was his fate to pass unhindered through the Girdle of Melian as Melian had foreseen. He wandered in the forest, and in summer he saw Luthien dancing and fell in love with her.

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Beren finally approached Luthien in the spring of 465 and she fell in love with him as well. They continued to meet until summer when they were betrayed to Thingol by Daeron, who also loved Luthien. Beren was brought before Thingol in Menegroth. Although Beren had the Ring of Barahir given to his father by Finrod, Thingol told him that the deeds of his kin were not enough to win his daughter's hand. Instead Thingol demanded that Beren steal a Silmaril from the Iron Crown of Morgoth, assuming he would fail. In so doing, Thingol set in motion a chain of events that resulted in the ruin of Doriath. Beren embarked on his quest with the help of Finrod but they were captured by Sauron on the Isle of Werewolves. Luthien learned of Beren's plight and wanted to rescue him, but she was again betrayed by Daeron. Thingol imprisoned Luthien in a house in the branches of the tall beech tree named Hirilorn. Luthien escaped and went to Beren's aid. The Elves of Doriath searched for Luthien but did not find her. The people were grieved and the forests fell silent. Daeron left Doriath and went over the Blue Mountains to eastern Middle-earth and did not return. Thingol received a message from Feanor's son Celegorm who had captured Luthien in Nargothrond and intended to marry her. But by the time Thingol's spies reached Nargothrond, Luthien had fled to find Beren. After many hardships, Beren and Luthien came to the gates of Angband in 466 and found them guarded by the great wolf Carcaroth. Luthien cast a spell of sleep on Carcaroth and they entered Morgoth's halls. Luthien lulled Morgoth and his court to sleep with her singing and Beren cut a Silmaril from the Iron Crown. On they way out they were attacked by Carcaroth who bit off Beren's hand that held the Silmaril. The Silmaril burned Carcaroth and drove him mad and he ran off. Beren and Luthien were rescued by Great Eagles led by Thorondor who returned them to Doriath. Thingol was amazed by their tale and by the grievous injury Beren had suffered, and he allowed Beren to marry Luthien even though he had not brought the Silmaril with him. Meanwhile Carcaroth came down from the North on a rampage and breached the Girdle of Melian by the power of the Silmaril within him. Beren, Thingol, Beleg, Mablung, and Huan the Hound set out on the Hunting of the Wolf. Beren was mortally wounded by Carcaroth. Huan fought Carcaroth and both of them died, and Mablung cut the Silmaril from Carcaroth's belly. Before Beren died, Luthien told him to wait for her in the Halls of Mandos where the dead await their fates. In the spring of 467, Luthien lay down and died. In the Halls of Awaiting, she sang to Mandos and he was moved to pity. He consulted Manwe, and Beren and Luthien were restored to life on the condition that Luthien become mortal and that both of them would die again after a brief time together. They returned to Doriath in 469 and visited Thingol and Melian and then went to dwell on Tol Galen in Ossiriand. Their son Dior was born in 470. The sons of Feanor sent a message demanding the Silmaril from Thingol. Melian advised him to give up the Silmaril, but Thingol refused. Celegorm and Curufin vowed to take it from him by force if necessary and Thingol strengthened the defenses of Doriath. Thingol did not send troops to the Battle of Unnumbered Tears in 472 because the attack on Morgoth was planned by Feanor's son Maedhros. He permitted Beleg and Mablung to go as long as they fought alongside Fingon instead of Maedhros. The battle resulted in a crushing defeat for the Elves and their allies. In 473, Beleg found an 8-year-old boy named Turin and two Men named Gethron and Grithnir wandering lost along the northwestern border of Doriath. Turin's father Hurin had not returned from the Battle of Unnumbered Tears, and his mother Morwen had sent Turin to Doriath for his safety. She was a kinswoman of Beren so she hoped that Thingol would agree to harbor her son. Thingol welcomed Turin as a foster-son. In his childhood, Turin was looked after by Melian and the Elf-maiden Nellas. When Turin turned 17 in 481, he joined Beleg and the march-wardens and they battled Orcs and other evil creatures that encroached on Doriath's northern borders. Saeros - one of Thingol's counsellors - was jealous of the favor shown to Turin. In 484, he provoked Turin into a fight, and the next day he ambushed Turin. Turin chased Saeros who accidentally fell to his death jumping across a ravine. Turin refused to return to Menegroth to seek Thingol's pardon. Thingol did pardon Turin when he learned the circumstances preceding Saeros' death, but Turin had already left Doriath. Beleg searched for Turin and found him with a group of outlaws in the woods south of the Teiglin. He tried to persuade Turin to return but he refused. Without Turin and Beleg to defend the north-marches of Doriath, enemy forces in the area had increased and the bordering land of Dimbar had been overrun by Orcs. Beleg returned to Doriath to help the march-wardens drive out the invaders.

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Beleg then rejoined Turin on Amon Rudh west of Doriath. Morgoth renewed his incursions into western Beleriand, and Dimbar was retaken and the north-marches of Doriath were embattled again. Turin and Beleg defended the area around Amon Rudh between the western border of Doriath and the Teiglin which became known as the Land of Bow and Helm. In 489, Turin was captured by Orcs and Beleg went to his rescue, but Turin mistook Beleg for one of the enemy and slew him. Turin went to Nargothrond in 490. He rallied the Elves of Nargothrond to drive Morgoth's forces out of western Beleriand. During the ensuing period of peace, Turin's mother Morwen and younger sister Nienor set out to find Turin. They came to Doriath in 494 but no one knew where he was. Thingol invited Morwen and Nienor to stay in Doriath as his guests. Refugees from Nargothrond came to Doriath in 496. They told Thingol that the previous year Nargothrond had been captured by Glaurung and most of its people had perished. They also reported that Turin had been at Nargothrond. Morwen set out on her own to find Turin. Thingol sent Mablung and a company of guards to follow her and Nienor went with them in disguise. Tragedy ensued, and although Glaurung was slain in 499, both Nienor and Turin also died and Morwen died after them. Turin's father Hurin blamed Thingol for failing to protect his wife and children. He came to Doriath in 502 with the Nauglamir - the Necklace of the Dwarves - which he had retrieved from Nargothrond. He threw the necklace at Thingol's feet in anger, but after Melian explained that she and Thingol had tried to keep his family safe, Hurin gave the Nauglamir to Thingol instead. Hurin then left Doriath and threw himself into the Sea. Thingol had become obsessed with the Silmaril and he decided to have the jewel set in the Nauglamir so he could always wear it. He commissioned Dwarf-craftsmen from Nogrod to do the work. The Dwarves coveted the Silmaril, and when they finished they refused to give the Nauglamir to Thingol, claiming that it belonged to them because the necklace had been made by their ancestors. Thingol insulted the Dwarves and demanded that they leave. The Dwarves killed Thingol and fled with the necklace set with the Silmaril. The Elves of Doriath pursued them through the Forest of Region and killed all but two of them and took back the Nauglamir. The two survivors returned to Nogrod and falsely claimed that Thingol had killed the others to avoid paying them. Melian was overcome with sadness and she knew that the end was near for the realm of Doriath. She left the home she had shared with Thingol and returned to the Undying Lands. The power that created the Girdle of Melian was withdrawn and Doriath was no longer protected. In 503, an army of Dwarves from Nogrod invaded Doriath. There was a great battle in Menegroth and many Elves and Dwarves died. Mablung was killed before the doors of the treasury, and the Dwarves stole the Nauglamir and Silmaril again. The Dwarves were ambushed crossing the Gelion at Sarn Athrad by Beren and the Green-elves of Ossiriand. Most of the Dwarves were slain and the survivors were dealt with by the Ents on the slopes of the Mount Dolmed. Beren took the Silmaril and brought it to Luthien on Tol Galen. Dior, the grandson of Thingol, became King of Doriath. He intended to restore the realm to its former glory, and he settled in Menegroth with his wife Nimloth and their children Elured, Elurin, and Elwing. The Elves of Doriath welcomed him. Soon after Dior took the throne, a messenger came from Ossiriand with the Nauglamir and Dior knew that Beren and Luthien had died. The sons of Feanor learned that Dior had the Silmaril and they sent him a message laying claim to the jewel that had been made by their father. When Dior did not respond, Celegorm led his brothers to attack Doriath in the winter of 506-507. In the battle, Dior killed Celegorm but was himself slain along with his wife Nimloth. Many other Elves on both sides were also killed including Feanor's sons Curufin and Caranthir. Dior's sons Elured and Elurin were abandoned in the forest by Celegorm's servants. It is not known what became of them, though one story suggests that they may have found their way to Ossiriand. Some Elves of Doriath escaped with Dior's daughter Elwing and the Silmaril. They settled at the Havens of Sirion. Elwing later married Earendil and had two sons, Elrond and Elros. The realm of Doriath was abandoned and never arose again. Beleriand was destroyed in the War of Wrath at the end of the First Age, and the forests of Doriath were drowned beneath the Sea.

Hidden Kingdom: Both Doriath and Gondolin were called the Hidden Kingdom.

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Eglador: Eglador was the original name of Thingol's realm. It means "Land of the Forsaken." The Elves who stayed in Middle-earth to seek Thingol and thereby missed their chance to go to the Undying Lands called themselves the Eglath, or Forsaken People. The word dôr means "land."

Doriath: The realm became known as Doriath or "Land of the Fence" after the creation of the Girdle of Melian. The word dôr means "land" and iâth means "fence" in Sindarin.

Menegroth: The name Menegroth means "Thousand Caves" in Sindarin from meneg meaning "thousand" and groth meaning "underground dwelling."

Forest of Neldoreth: The Forest of Neldoreth was so named because its beech trees. The word neldor is said to mean "beech." The name Neldoreth may have been originally applied specifically to the great beech tree Hirilorn which had three trunks. The word appears to be derived from neled meaning "three" and orn meaning "tree." Also called Taur-na-Neldor where taur means "forest" and na means "with."

Forest of Region: The name Region is derived from the Sindarin word ereg meaning "holly." The ending -ion appears to denote "land of." The name is similar to that of Eregion or Hollin.

Nivrim: Nivrim was the name of the only part of Doriath west of the Sirion. It means "west march" in Doriathrin, an early language created by Tolkien for the Elves of Doriath. The word nivon means "west" and rim means "edge."

Radhrim / Arthórien / Garthúrian: The east march of Doriath, between the Aros and Celon, is labelled with the names Radhrim, Arthórien, and Garthúrian on an early map (HoME XI, p. 183). It is not clear if these names are intended to refer to different parts of the area.

The word Radhrim means "east march" in Doriathrin, an early language created by Tolkien for the Elves of Doriath. The word radhon means "east" and rim means "edge." This name only appears on the map and the "The Etymologies" (HoME V).

The name Arthórien is used in the text of the story to describe the area between the Aros and Celon as well as on the map. It is derived from Garthúrian meaning "Fenced Realm" in Doriathrin. The name Garthúrian and a variant form Arthúrien were also applied to all of Doriath.