Download - HOME LEARNING Summer 2 Week 3 Year 6 · Summer 2 Week 3 Year 6 To find the Home Learning on the website please go to: Pupils – Year 6 – News – Home Learning MATHS (spend up

Page 1: HOME LEARNING Summer 2 Week 3 Year 6 · Summer 2 Week 3 Year 6 To find the Home Learning on the website please go to: Pupils – Year 6 – News – Home Learning MATHS (spend up

HOME LEARNING Summer 2 Week 3

Year 6 To find the Home Learning on the website please go to:

Pupils – Year 6 – News – Home Learning MATHS (spend up to 1 hour) Arithmetic: (20 minutes) Choose one of the following activities for an arithmetic task each day (try and do it for 20 minutes):



Maths frame

Please spend up to 40 minutes on one of the below activities: Maths consolidation For your main maths activity please log onto: Please click onto home learning, year 5 and then Summer term week 8. Each day you will find a video attached the lesson and sheets you need on the website.

Monday Understand percentages

Tuesday Percentages as fractions and decimals

Wednesday Adding decimals with the same number of decimal places

Thursday Adding decimals with a different number of decimal places

Friday Friday challenge

Maths consolidation: Please type into into google. Each day, there will be a new lesson to work through. Please try to do this daily. You will need a piece of paper and a pencil.

READING/WRITING TO ACCESS SOME OF THE TEXTS YOUR ADULT WILL NEED TO REGISTER WITH LOVEREADING4KIDS.COM This week’s reading and writing activities are detailed in the document named ‘Summer 2 Week 3 Y6 Reading and Writing.’ Please remember some reading can be done independently but please support your child with the reading if necessary. Ideas on how to support your child with their reading: - Your child could read the text aloud - You or your child could take it in turns to read. - You could read aloud to your child - Don’t underestimate the power of re-reading. You could read a page and your child reads it back to you. See below for an overview this week’s sessions.

Reading – spend up to 45 minutes on completing the reading and task.

Writing – spend up to 1 hour on your writing task per day.

Monday My Cousin is a Time Traveller - Fiction Based on My Cousin is a Time Traveller and The Apollo Time Capsule

Tuesday The Book of Time – Non-fiction Superhero Job advert

Wednesday The Apollo Time Capsule – Fiction Design your own superhero

Thursday Clockwise – Poetry Write a letter to Ryan

Friday Writing Task focus. What was in the Time Capsule?

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nauseous cavities apparition meticulously emphatically

instinctively gash sag brag ajar

Your vocabulary task this week is to find as many synonyms for each word as possible. What’s the longest synonym you can find for one of the words; what’s the shortest synonym you can find? Which word has the most synonyms? Which word has the least synonyms?

PERSONAL CHALLENGE: each week we will focus on a new skill. This week’s skill is ENDURANCE

Personal Challenge for this week: The Slalom Run. How many slalom runs can you complete in 60 seconds? Layout 3 objects 3 steps apart, you must run in and out of the objects and back to the start to complete 1 slalom run. To make it harder, increase the distance your objects are apart. Equipment: safe space and 3 objects. This activity is best played outside, where you have lots of space. Bonus challenge: Can you do a slalom relay with someone from your household? How many runs can you complete in one minute?


Memories of Holy Trinity: If times were normal and we were all in school, we would be casting our eyes to your transition to secondary school. Part of this transition involves reflecting on your time at Holy Trinity and sharing your memories of your time here. At the Leavers’ Service we also take time to think about what you have learnt and how you have changed since you came to us in Year 3 (or 4 or 5 or even Year 6 for some). Obviously, this year we won’t be able to have a Leaver’s Service but we still hope to find a way to share your thoughts and memories with the rest of the year group and your parents. With that in mind, for this week’s home learning we would like you to write about your memories, the ways you have changed and what you have learnt. You can write about funny memories and special times at school but we’d also like you to reflect on our five values and how they have impacted on your time at Holy Trinity. Think about different parts of your time at HT based around the table below.

Values Memories What I Have Learnt How I’ve Changed






You can also get creative – if you’d like to write your thoughts in the form of a poem or a story or a diary entry, that would be great. If you would like to illustrate your memories, that would be brilliant too. We’re not 100% sure how we will collate these memories and thoughts but be aware that we’ll probably ask you to send them to school so we can put them all together into something that we can share with everybody. Look out for more information on how we’re going to mark the end of your time at Holy Trinity soon!

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Task 1: The Great Bear Lake is Canada’s largest lake.

Imagine you have visited Great Bear Lake. Write a postcard to home describing: • How you got there. • What you did there

(e.g. sports, how you ate). • What the scenery is like. • Think about the name.

What else might be there? Task 2: Invent a state – your invented state is called Camara OR you can think of a new state name.

• What is the land like? • What shape is your state? • What animals are found there? • What do people often work as?

Page 4: HOME LEARNING Summer 2 Week 3 Year 6 · Summer 2 Week 3 Year 6 To find the Home Learning on the website please go to: Pupils – Year 6 – News – Home Learning MATHS (spend up

• What do people like doing in their free time there? Task 3: You have won first prize in a competition! You have won a helicopter ride over the Grand Canyon! Describe your feelings the night before the journey, the morning of the journey and after the flight. What can you see? What can you hear?


This week’s learning project focuses on you becoming organised for secondary school. It will give you the opportunity to reflect on what you will need to take with you, how you will get to school, what meal choices you can make and even how to tie a tie.

Monday- You might be attending a secondary school that none of your friends/peers are attending. Even if you are, you might not be in the same classes or on the same timetable as them. Therefore, you will need to make some new friends. Make a top tips poster on the best way to make new friends. Watch this short video to help gather some ideas on the best way to make friends or speak to family members about how they made friends when they went to secondary school (this could be parents, older siblings, aunties/uncles etc).

Tuesday - In September, you will be facing lots of changes and you will need to be reassured that you have people at home that are there to support you. Have a discussion about who you could turn to for help or advice in your household or family. Afterwards, create a diagram or pyramid of family and friends you would turn to. Think about specific things you would go to particular people for.

Page 5: HOME LEARNING Summer 2 Week 3 Year 6 · Summer 2 Week 3 Year 6 To find the Home Learning on the website please go to: Pupils – Year 6 – News – Home Learning MATHS (spend up

Wednesday- At your new secondary school, you will have different members of staff for each lesson. It is important that you begin to recognise these teachers as safe adults and considers who you will go to with problems and worries. Research your new school website and find out which teachers are in different departments. Consider which teacher you may go to if you have forgotten homework, if you have concerns over a friendship group and if you are finding a piece of work difficult.

Thursday- Have a think about what online platforms you use; this could be games, social media or websites. How do you know it’s safe and what do you do online to keep yourselves safe? Discuss how social media and technology will come into your lives more as you grow up and how it is really important to use them wisely and what impact this may have at school and in the future. Create a set of guidelines to make sure that you are safe online.

Friday- You may be leaving some of your friends from primary school and this may add to your worries about the transition. Have a conversation with an adult about which of your friends are going to the same secondary school and which friends are going to different schools. In what ways could you keep in contact with them. For example: meeting outside of school in a safe place, sending messages or emails.