Download - Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

Page 1: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013
Page 2: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

Table of Contents

This document is published for information purposes and outlines the intentions of Holland

College in as timely a fashion as possible. Although this information has been prepared with care,

Holland College accepts no responsibility for actions caused by misinformation. Holland College

reserves the right to revise or cancel programs or courses, revise policies and procedures,

change instructors and alter fees and charges as Holland College deems necessary without notice.

It gives me great pleasure to extend warmest regards to you on behalf of Holland College

students, staff, and faculty. As its name implies, this viewbook will give you an overview of the

Holland College programs and other information that you need to know when you’re choosing

where to continue your education. You will find more information on our website, and there are

specific URLs and QR codes throughout this book to guide you to the right place.

I think that you’ll find that Holland College offers many of the things that you’re looking for . . .

small class sizes, a blend of hands-on and theoretical training, pathways to higher learning, and a

welcoming atmosphere. No matter what your interests are, you’re bound to make friends here!

It’s up to you to decide what field you want to enter, and it’s up to us to help you achieve your

career goals by making sure you have the best learning experience possible. We are proud of the

training that we provide, and while it’s nice to receive accolades, what really matters is the

satisfaction of our learners and their employers.

For more than 40 years, Holland College has been training Islanders and learners “from away”.

To date, almost 30,000 people have started their careers or retrained here at the college. The

diverse training that we provide means that we have graduates in a wide variety of fields. We have

alumni who are cabinet ministers, millionaires, politicians, artists, community service workers,

social activists, and in the highest ranks of some of North America’s most recognized companies in

fields as varied as hotel management and heavy equipment.

I am sure that, should you choose to join us for your post-secondary adventure, you will emerge

from your training confident, competent, and ready to hit the ground running!

P R E S I D E N T ’ S M E S S A G E A N D T A B L E O F C O N T E N T S2

Message from Holland College President

Dr. Brian McMillan

President’s Message . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2

Holland College Factoids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3

Life @ Holland College . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4

Look for These Symbols . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9

Applied Sciences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Atlantic Police Academy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Business . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Computer Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

The Culinary Institute of Canada . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Engineering Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Health and Community Studies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Campus Locator Map . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24

Media and Communications . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

School of Performing Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Sport and Leisure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Tourism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32

Trades and Industrial Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

College Foundation and How to Apply . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Information for International Students . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 41

Marine Training Centre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Adult Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Holland College Campuses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 44

Programs Listed by Campus Locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46

Programs Listed by Page Number . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 47

Want to know more?

E-mail: [email protected]


or call: 1-800-446-5265 to arrange a personal tour for you and your family

Page 3: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

Why are we named after

a European country?

H O L L A N D C O L L E G E F A C T O I D S 3

Actually, we’re not; but it’s a good question, and

one that we’re asked quite frequently!

In the fall of 1968, the college planning

committee extended an invitation to the

public to suggest names for the Island’s new

community college. Samuel Johannes Holland,

who conducted the first survey of Prince Edward

Island in 1764 to 1766, was suggested. Holland

was a highly-esteemed surveyor with strong ties

to Prince Edward Island. Holland was dedicated

to his profession, the advancement of

technology, and to education. He was

commissioned by the British government to

survey and map a significant portion of the

lands on the eastern seaboard of North America.

From Ontario and Quebec and all down the east

coast as far as Virginia, in the United States,

there are communities, schools, and parks

named after Samuel Holland; but few people

know of his strong connection to Prince

Edward Island.

“Source: Globe and Mail, May 10, 2011

Top reasons for choosing Holland College

Our 2010 New Student Survey gives us the top five

reasons students chose Holland College:

1. The college offered their program of choice

2. Employment opportunities

3. The reputation of the college program

4. Skills oriented training

5. The reputation of Holland College

In Holland College’s most recent employment survey of the

class of 2010, 91.4 percent of graduates in the labour market

were employed one year after graduation.

“ Research suggests that in the

coming years, college graduates

will be in demand over university

graduates by a ratio of 6:1.


[ ]%

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Life @ Holland College

Holland Hurricanes

At Holland College, we believe that you will get the most out of your college

experience if you have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities

outside of class. The friendly, fun-loving staff of Student Services works hard

throughout the year to ensure that students have the opportunity to

socialize... and, of course, to have fun! For students who come from out of

town, Student Services staff can help them get settled in to their new

surroundings, and can provide information regarding medical centres, health

insurance, and accommodations in the area. They can even tell you where to

get the best pizzas! Chances are, no matter how many questions you have,

someone in Student Services can answer them all.

Holland Hurricanes sports teams provide students with the opportunity to participate in

organized sports. Our varsity teams represent Holland College on the regional and national

level, while our club teams offer students the opportunity to participate in a more rec-

reational way. The college’s new 9,400 square-foot gym is in the Centre for Community

Engagement (CCE), on the Prince of Wales Campus. The CCE also features a state-of-the-art

fitness centre, a walking track, a dance studio, meeting rooms, and classrooms.

Varsity Sports

Men’s and women’s soccer

Men’s and women’s golf

Cross country running

Men’s and women’s basketball

Men’s and women’s volleyball


Club Sports

Men’s and women’s hockey

Men’s and women’s indoor soccer


Track & field


The Holland

College Hurricanes

Football Club

differs slightly

from the other

club sports teams.

One of five teams in the Atlantic

Football League, players do not

have to be Holland College students

to play on the team. For more

information about the team, visit or visit

L I F E H O L L A N D C O L L E G E@


u r r i c a n es

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Student Services maintains lists of off-

campus accommodations for Charlottetown,

Georgetown, Summerside, O’Leary, Tignish,

and Alberton. These lists include apart-

ments, rooms with kitchen privileges, and

“room and board” arrangements, which

means that the landlord is offering a space

in their home and at the same time they

provide one, two or three meals per day. You

will find links to these lists on the Holland

College website.

As a Holland College student, you can participate in a wide variety of

activities both on and off campus. During Orientation Days at the

beginning of the school year, you will be asked to identify clubs that

you may be interested in. If there are enough like-minded students,

Student Services will help set up a club for you.

Holland College Welshmen Community Band

The Holland College Welshmen Community Band has more than

52 members from all walks of life. The band gives students who

play a musical instrument the opportunity to pursue their musical

interests. The band’s director, Alan Dowling, is a well-known and

respected alumnus of the internationally renowned Berklee College

of Music in Boston. The band performs in concerts throughout the

school year, at some of the Holland Hurricanes football games, and

at some graduation ceremonies.

Residence Information

Glendenning Hall

Leaving home for the first time can be an

intimidating experience – for you, and for your

parents! Living in residence is a great way to

transition from home. Glendenning Hall is a

186-bed apartment-style residence located on the

college’s Prince of Wales Campus. The residence is

made up of one, two, and three-bedroom

furnished units, each with its own kitchenette.

Students can only be accepted for Glendenning Hall

after they have been accepted into the college by

the Admissions Office, and are encouraged to apply

for a room when they submit their application form

for their program. Students are encouraged to find

their own roommates whenever possible; but if

they cannot, applicants will be matched as closely

as possible based on their profiles (age, gender,

program of study, hobbies, etc.).

Some of Glendenning Hall’s features include:

• Common areas on all three floors

• Cable TV, Internet and telephone service available

• Coin-operated laundry facilities

• Security

• Surveillance cameras throughout the building

• 24-hour a day staffing

• Mailboxes

Slemon Park

Cadets in the Police Science (Cadet),

Correctional Officer (March intake) and

Conservation Enforcement programs at the

Atlantic Police Academy in Slemon Park,

Summerside, are required to live in the APA’s

residence in single person rooms for the

duration of their training, excluding the

on-the-job training component of the program.

L I F E H O L L A N D C O L L E G E@

See band performances on

Page 6: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013


Student Support Services

Student Academic Support Services

Sometimes a student entering a college program

has challenges adjusting to their academic work-

load. It is important for students to discuss this

with their learning manager or with a member of

the Student Academic Support Services team early

in the school year.

Using a variety of resources, including counselling,

testing, tutoring, and assistive technology, the team

can help students with challenges increase their

chances of academic success by helping them to

be independent learners and encouraging them to

reach their fullest potential. Services are provided

free of charge to students. For more information

about Student Academic Support Services, call

(902) 629-4237.

Library Services

The Holland College Library system carries a wide

range of learning materials in print, multimedia, and

electronic formats. Students can borrow or return

items at any one of five locations: Prince of Wales

Campus, Tourism and Culinary Centre, Summerside

Waterfront Campus, West Prince Campus in Alberton,

and the Atlantic Police Academy.

L I F E H O L L A N D C O L L E G E@

Counselling Services

Counselling is available to all Holland College

students free of charge. Our counsellors are

professionally trained and provide a variety of

counselling services in a confidential environment.

Our counselling services promote student success

by helping students identify issues, overcome

barriers to success, and find effective ways of

dealing with personal concerns.

Page 7: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013


Financial Assistance

Students registered in full-time or part-time programs

may apply for financial assistance under the Canada

Student Loan Act and may be eligible for Human

Resource and Skills Development Canada sponsorships.

Entrance Scholarships and Awards

All students accepted to full-time programs at Holland College are eligible for

entrance scholarships and awards. Application forms and information about each

scholarship and award are available from school guidance offices, from the Holland

College Admissions Office, or on the website.

Scholarships and Awards for Current Students

Many awards for enrolled students are provided through the Holland College

Foundation. These awards are for all students, with various application requirements

and criteria. See the website for details.

L I F E H O L L A N D C O L L E G E@

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The Holland College Student Career

Centre (SCC) is a centralized service that

connects our students and alumni to

employers and industry professionals.

The SCC provides services to students

and employers through job fairs, career

expos and information sessions.

The Holland College Student Union is the voice of students in all of

the campuses of Holland College.

The student union provides students with services to make their

lives easier, including a health and dental plan. The student union

organizes events and programs to make students’ lives more fun,

and it is involved in advocacy and campaigns to try to improve all

students’ lives.

If you want to learn more about the Holland College Student Union

and find out how you can get involved, visit

Student Career Centre

Higher Education and Regions Globally

Competitive, Locally Engaged, OECD, 2007

Community colleges are estimated

to generate nearly 100,000 direct

and indirect jobs in Atlantic Canada.

Student Union

L I F E H O L L A N D C O L L E G E@

“View YouTube video

Page 9: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

Degree Pathways

A Great Blend of College

and University!

Can’t decide between college and university?

Why not choose both! Degree pathways such

as articulation agreements and transfer credits

give you the opportunity to begin your studies

at one institution and finish at another. For

example, you may decide to obtain a diploma

from Holland College and then further your

studies at a university. Or you may have begun

your studies in university, and be interested in

continuing your education at Holland College.

If you’re interested in pursuing your studies

somewhere else, Holland College has

approximately 140 agreements with

universities and colleges across Canada,

the U.S., and overseas. There are a variety of

joint applied degree programs, as well as 2+2

programs, which mean that you can earn your

diploma at Holland College and then earn your

university degree in as little as two

additional years.

Apprenticeship Training

Apprenticeship training begins after the pre-apprentice program is completed and

you are working full time with a suitable employer. The Apprenticeship Section of

the PEI Department of Innovation and Advanced Learning has training programs

in many trade areas such as automotive service technician, electrician, machinist,

cook, and plumber. These apprenticeship programs are a combination of on-the-

job and in-school technical training and lead to interprovincial certification under

the national Red Seal program. Holland College provides apprenticeship training

at the Summerside Waterfront Campus, The Culinary Institute of Canada and the

Georgetown Centre, depending on the trade.

Note: For more information about apprenticeship training in PEI, visit This information pertains to PEI only. For apprenticeship

information in other provinces, please contact the Apprenticeship branch in

that province.

“Source: 2011 Guide to Block

Transfer Agreements, Atlantic

Provinces Council of Community


Holland College is the

leader in degree pathway

agreements in Atlantic


“Provincial Red Seal

Apprentices who complete the designated programs

will be eligible to challenge for the Interprovincial Red

Seal, which is recognized across Canada. The Red Seal

Program allows qualified trades people to practice their

trade in any province or territory in Canada. Through

the program, certified journeypersons are able to obtain

a Red Seal endorsement on their Certificate of

Qualification by successfully completing, where

applicable, an interprovincial standards examination.

The program encourages standardization of provincial

and territorial apprenticeship training and certification




Programs that offer a distance education

option give students who cannot attend

classes on campus the opportunity to

continue their education via the Internet

or off-site. This option is attractive to

people who cannot relocate to attend

classes, or who are working full time but

would still like to upgrade their skills.


Accredited programs are recognized

across Canada as having met national

academic standards for that field of

study. Many Holland College programs

are accredited, which means that the

credential that you earn will be

recognized across the country.

9L O O K F O R T H E S E S Y M B O L S T H R O U G H O U T T H E V I E W B O O K

Look for the following icons on the

program description pages throughout

this viewbook. They give you additional

information about the program, and

alert you to the opportunities that will

be open to you when you graduate.

Page 10: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013


Train to work as a technologist in the biotechnology areas

related to pharmaceuticals, nutraceuticals, environment,

food and agriculture. By the time you graduate, you will have

the appropriate blend of science background and hands-on

laboratory experience to enable you to confidently enter and

make significant contributions in any bioscience laboratory or

biotechnology based manufacturing or production facility.

After high school and a

university degree I was work-

ing a dead end job for years,

and after finding this program,

which was recommended by a

graduate, I feel like my life is

finally going somewhere!

MacLean’s, March 7, 2011

Bioscience Technology graduate

1 0

Bioscience TechnologyGO! - These are the program’s graduate opportunities!

Medical, Immunization Verification, and Reference forms are available on the website.

Follow the link below each program to download the appropriate forms.


APA = Atlantic Police Academy, Slemon Park

CCOA = Confederation Centre of the Arts

GC = Georgetown Centre

MTC = Marine Training Centre

PWC = Prince of Wales Campus

SWC = Summerside Waterfront Campus

TCC = Tourism and Culinary Centre

WPC = West Prince Campus

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Bioscience Technologist

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent

• Grade 12 academic English, biology and chemistry all at 70% or above

• Grade 11 or 12 academic math at 70% or above

• Resumé

GO!Work as a biological laboratory technologist, microbiology

quality control technologist, microbiology technologist, food

bacteriological technician, plant breeding technician, agricultural

technologist, aquaculture technician.

One of 2011’s red-hot postgrad programs“


Page 11: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013


MacLean’s, March 7, 2011

1 1

Environmental Applied Science Technology

Train to work as an environmental technician. Learn to manage and enhance the sustainability of the

environment, including environmental protection, conservation and preservation of natural resources.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Environmental Technician

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent

• Grade 11 or 12 academic English and Grade 11 or 12 academic math, all at 70% or above

• Grade 11 or 12 chemistry (minimum of 60%)

• Resumé

GO!Work in government departments of environment, fisheries and oceans, natural resources, occupational and

industrial health and safety; municipal and industrial water and wastewater treatment facilities; municipal solid waste man-

agement facilities; environmental engineering consulting firms and analytical laboratories; industrial process monitoring and

research facilities.

Wildlife Conservation Technology

Train to work as a wildlife technician in the field of fish and wildlife

conservation. Learn the practical and theoretical aspects of wildlife

conservation a variety of field, laboratory, and classroom activities.

Learn how to plan and conduct a variety of surveys and assessments

in the aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems; plan and conduct a variety

of inventory techniques regarding wildlife, fish and plant populations;

evaluate and enhance habitat; prepare and present technical reports;

and how to operate wide variety of sampling and laboratory


Start: Sept.

Length: 2 yrs.

Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Wildlife Technician

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with

credits at or above the

general level

• English, math and biology all at

academic Grade 11 or 12 level

(all at minimum 65%)

• Completed Medical form

• Resumé

GO!Work as a fish and wildlife technician and related positions with

provincial and federal governments and environmental consulting firms.

Page 12: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

A T L A N T I C P O L I C E A C A D E M Y1 2

Basic Firefighting

The Atlantic Police Academy’s Basic Firefighting Program will train you to the

levels of the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 1001, as per Firefighter

Professional Qualifications.

Start: Sept. - APA, March - Fredericton, NB

Length: 22 weeks

Location: APA; PEI Firefighter Training Centre, Milton; Fredericton, NB.

Credentials Issued: Holland College Certificate in Basic Firefighting - Level I & II; IFSAC

Certificate Seals for Firefighter Level I and II, HAZMAT Awareness, and HAZMAT Operations

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Age 18 by program start date

• Valid Class 5 driver’s license

• Completed Medical and Immunization Verification forms

• Vision exam

• A Police Records Check (Vulnerable Persons) with no findings of guilt

• Physical fitness test set out by the course standard

• Resumé

GO!Work as a professional full-time firefighter anywhere in Canada and the

United States.

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• A minimum of one year of post-secondary education

• Pleasure craft operator’s certificate

• Age 19 or older by program start date

• Successful completion of the Police Officer Selection Test (P.O.S.T.), the Police Science Test

(P.S.T.), and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2)

• Completed Medical and Immunization Verification forms

• A Police Records Check (Vulnerable Persons) with no findings of guilt

• Canadian citizenship or Landed Immigrant Status

• Valid Class 5 driver’s license

• Three completed reference forms

• Current CPR - Basic rescuer Level C

• A standard first aid certificate from a recognized First Aid/CPR trainer

• Resumé

Conservation Enforcement

NOTE: Preference will be given to candidates who are qualified forestry, wildlife,

fishery, or environmental technicians or graduates of a renewable resource program.

The Conservation Enforcement program is specifically designed

to provide training to wildlife and forestry technicians. You will

acquire the skills and knowledge you need for a career in

conservation enforcement. This program has a mandatory

residence requirement.

Start: Sept. Length: 15 weeks Location: APA Cred.: Certificate

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A T L A N T I C P O L I C E A C A D E M Y A T L A N T I C P O L I C E A C A D E M Y 1 3

Correctional Officer

Train for a rewarding career as a correctional officer in Canadian institutions. The intensive program includes training in the duties and role of a correctional

officer; excellent communications techniques; the role of corrections in the Canadian justice system; working as a valuable member of a team; principles of

human relations, sociology and psychology; and appropriate use of control tactics, firearms and other control devices. The March intake of this program has

a mandatory residence program.

Start: Sept. and March Length: 24 weeks Location: APA Cred.: Certificate, Correctional Officer

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Age 19 or older by December 31 of the year for which you are applying

• A Police Records Check (Vulnerable Persons) with no findings of guilt

• Canadian Citizenship or Landed Immigrant Status

• Valid Class 5 driver’s license

• Completion of Medical and Immunization Verification forms

• Three completed reference forms

• Current CPR - Basic rescuer Level C

• A standard first aid certificate from a recognized First Aid/CPR trainer

• Automated external defibrillator certification

• Resumé

NOTE: An interview and assessment may be required.

Law and Security

Graduates of this program may find employment with federal and provincial correctional facilities.

The Law and Security program is designed to prepare students with the

knowledge and skills they need to work in federal and provincial security

agencies, and private security companies. This program may enhance

qualifications for acceptance into police training program. The Law

and Security program is officially endorsed by the Canadian Society for

Industrial Security Inc.

Start: Sept. Length: 36 weeks Location: APA Cred.: Certificate, Law and Security

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Age 18 or older by program start date

• A Police Records Check (Vulnerable Persons) with no findings of guilt

• Completion of Medical and Immunization Verification forms

• Valid Class 5 driver’s license.

• Three references

• Resumé

GO!Work in retail loss prevention,

Canada Border Services Agency, hotel security,

private security companies, CN Police (special

constables), university campus police, nuclear

plant response forces, young offenders

facilities, military police, municipal and

provincial compliance enforcement officers,

airport security, sheriff departments, casinos.

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A T L A N T I C P O L I C E A C A D E M Y1 4

Police Science (Cadet)

The Police Science (Cadet) program blends knowledge with hands-on training

using real life situations and various simulations to prepare you for the law

enforcement profession. The Canadian Association Chiefs of Police (CACP) and

the Canadian Professional Police Association (CPPA) recognizes the Atlantic

Police Academy as one of the six nationally recognized police training academies.

Start: Jan. Length: 35 weeks Location: APA Cred.: Certificate, Police Science Cadet

Admission Requirements

• Canadian Citizenship or Landed Immigrant Status

• Age 19 by program start date

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Completion of Medical and Immunization Verification forms

• Successful completion of PARE (Physical Ability Requirement Evaluation) Test

• Vision exam

• Must hold a valid unrestricted Class 5 driver’s license

• Driver’s abstract indicating 1 year with no moving violations and an acceptable driving record

• A Police Records Check (Vulnerable Persons) with no findings of guilt

• Successful completion of a full background check

• Keyboarding certificate (20 wpm for 3 min., no more than 3 errors)

• Three letters of reference from work, school or volunteer experience

• Successful completion of the Police Officer Selection Test (P.O.S.T.), the Police Science Test

(P.S.T.), and the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2)

• Successful completion of polygraph interview

• Resumé

GO!Work in police agencies as a Police Constable and in other related fields of law

enforcement and security.

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A T L A N T I C P O L I C E A C A D E M Y B U S I N E S S 1 5

Accounting Technology

This program provides you with a thorough working knowledge of fundamental accounting procedures.

By the time you graduate, you will have developed the skills necessary to maintain manual or computerized

accounting records for a business. The program offers real world experiences, on-the-job training, hands-on

projects, and industry speakers combined with creative and innovative teaching methods to ensure learners

gain a deep-rooted knowledge of today’s business world.

Accounting Technician or Bookkeeper? Choose Your Profile!

The Accounting Technician profile provides you with a thorough working knowledge of fundamental accounting procedures

using current software programs including Simply Accounting, Quick Books, UFile and Caseware, as well as current tax

programs. You will acquire the skills to prepare financial statements and analyze the results.

The Bookkeeper profile provides you with the skills you need to work in today’s sophisticated accounting environments.

The emphasis is on performing the skills rather than on analysis of operating results and managerial accounting functions.

Start: Sept. Length: Accounting Technician - 2 yrs., Bookkeeper - 1 yr. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Accounting Technician or Certificate, Bookkeeper

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Resumé

GO!Work in private industry, public accounting, government, or be self-employed.

This hands-on program integrates technology with a solid foundation in administrative

fundamentals. You will progress through a series of learning activities and simulated

tasks to develop the skills necessary to meet the challenges of the professional office.

Start: Sept. Length: 9 mos. Location: WPC Cred.: Certificate, Administrative Assistant

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent

GO!Work in federal, provincial and municipal government;

banks and other financial institutions; private sector businesses.

Administrative Assistant

Page 16: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

B U S I N E S S1 6

This program prepares you for an entry level position in business management or to

operate your own business.

Business Manager or Sales Manager? Choose your profile!

All students entering the Business Administration program begin study under the Business Manager

profile. At the end of the first year, in consultation with an instructor, you may choose to continue

in the Business Manager profile, or switch to the Sales Manager profile. A third profile, Small

Business Manager, is offered at the West Prince Campus.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Business Manager or Diploma, Sales Manager

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Resumé

GO!Work in small businesses, retail stores, government, service industry, or be self employed.

Business Administration

Small Business Manager

This profile prepares you for entry level management positions or to operate your own small business. You will acquire a broad range of business skills to prepare you to advance to

increased levels of management responsibilities.

Start: Sept. Location: WPC Duration: 1 year Cred.: Certificate, Small Business Manager GO!Work with a basic level with confidence in the business environment.

Marketing and Advertising Management

This program helps you develop highly

competitive marketing and advertising

skills. Areas of study include direct market-

ing, non-profit marketing, consumer

behaviour, market research, professional

selling and marketing management. You

also gain insight into the main areas of

advertising agency operation including

layout, creative copy writing, research,

media planning, and account management.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: TCC

Cred.: Diploma, Marketing and Advertising Management

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Resumé

GO!Work in marketing departments, advertising agencies, service firms,

government agencies, retail organizations, non-profit organizations, market

research, public relations, sales, or be self-employed.

I can truly say I love

this program. I took

university courses

before, and Marketing

and Advertising

Management is

much better.

“ “

Marketing and Advertising


Page 17: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

B U S I N E S S B U S I N E S S 1 7

Prepare for a career in the retail sector with a broad range of retail and

business skills in the areas of advertising, accounting, marketing, store layout,

visual merchandising, inventory control, and human resource management.

Retail Manager or Sales Professional? Choose your profile!

The Retail Manager profile emphasizes the development of skills that will prepare you for

careers in business, with emphasis on the retail sector. It provides the skills necessary to have

a thorough working knowledge of the management duties of retail with emphasis on sales,

marketing, advertising and buying.

The Sales Professional profile gives you a thorough introduction to the fundamental principles

and practices of sales in the retail/service industry. You will learn the skills necessary to excel

at customer sales and service, with emphasis on internal/external customer relations, visual

merchandising, buying, and inventory control.

Retail Business Management

Start: Sept. Length: Retail Manager - 2 yrs., Sales Professional - 1 yr. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Retail Manager; or Certificate, Sales Professional

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Resumé

GO!Work in management in businesses, service industries, buying and merchandising,

sales and promotions, marketing, or be self-employed.

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C O M P U T E R S T U D I E S1 8

Computer Information Systems

Prepares you to work in the information systems field.

You will develop managerial, interpersonal and technical

skills that will enable you to operate and manage

computer-based information systems.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs.

Location: PWC

Cred.: Computer Programmer/

Analyst Diploma

Admission Requirements

• Academic Grade 12

• Applicants with general Grade 12

who pass a required college

aptitude testing will be


• Resumé

GO!Work with computer retail companies, provincial and federal

government agencies, telecommunication companies, repair depots,

businesses with in-house technical staff.

NOTE: Training or experience in the use of computers such as

keyboarding, desktop application software and operating system(s) is

strongly recommended.

Through a blend of theory and hands-on

projects, you will develop the skills necessary to

work in the high demand areas of network

support, user support, and security. The

content of the program prepares learners to

obtain Cisco Certified Network Associate

(CCNA), A+, Linux+, Security+, and Microsoft

Certified Technology Specialist (MCTS)


Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Computer Networking Technologist

Admission Requirements

• Academic Grade 12 or equivalent

• Applicants with general Grade 12 who pass a

required college aptitude testing will be considered

• Resumé

GO!Work as a LAN, WAN, network, server, or

system administrator; a network support analyst or tech-

nician; a computer network technician; a PC technician; a

system support specialist; or a desktop support analyst.

NOTE: Training or experience in the use of computers

such as keyboarding, desktop application software and

operating system(s) is strongly recommended.

Computer Networking


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Page 19: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

T H E C U L I N A R Y I N S T I T U T E O F C A N A D A 1 9

Applied Degree in Culinary Operations

Applied degree programs provide student with important

skills and knowledge that can be applied to a specific

industry, in this case, the food industry. Whether you are

hoping to manage the culinary operations of an organization,

own a restaurant, work as a consultant, or to become a

product development chef, many of the skills you need to

succeed are similar. For chefs, cooks, and industry

professionals who already know how to cook and want to

advance in their careers, acquiring additional skills and

knowledge is essential.

The Culinary Institute of Canada (CIC) is internationally acclaimed as a premiere

culinary school. Students from across the country and around the world come

to train at the CIC, to experience the unique culture of Prince Edward Island,

and to develop the skills necessary to launch a successful culinary career. Our

students have successfully competed in national and international competitions,

and have represented Canada twice at the Culinary Olympics in Erfurt, Germany,

in 2004 and 2008. Part of your training takes place in the college’s Montgomery

Cafeteria and the Lucy Maud Dining Room; both of which are open to the public.

Start: Late Sept. Length: 2 yrs.

Location: TCC

Cred.: Applied Degree in Culinary


Admission Requirements

• Admission requirements are based

on experience, or education and

experience. See the website for details.

• Resumé

GO!Work in research and food product development; foodservice

sales and purchasing; food and beverage management; institutional

operations management; food service consulting – facilities design,

foodservice technology, product marketing; quality management in food

processing; and as managing sous chefs, executive chefs or

restaurant operators; or be self-employed.

View YouTube video

Page 20: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

Culinary Arts

Learn the practical skills and knowledge you require to enter

the culinary profession as a well-trained cook. Designed to

assist aspiring cooks to master the essentials, the program

also allows experienced cooks to enhance their skills and

expand their repertoire.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: TCC Cred.: Diploma, Culinary Arts

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Resumé

NOTE: Students must have the ability to perform physically

challenging tasks.

GO!Work in restaurants, hotels, resorts, cafeterias, hospitals,

catering companies, related areas of the food service industry.

T H E C U L I N A R Y I N S T I T U T E O F C A N A D A2 0

Pastry Arts

Aspiring cooks and pastry cooks master the

essentials in this program, while individuals who

have experience in the industry enhance their skills.

Whether rolling dough, piping decorations, pulling

sugar or preparing and finishing desserts, you will be

taught the basics, ranging from classical to

contemporary preparations. Emphasis is placed on

teaching advanced pastry skills and providing

managerial training while covering all aspects of

pastry preparations, presentation and service at

international standards.

Start: Sept. Length: 1 yr.

Location: TCC

Cred.: Certificate, Pastry Arts

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 with credits at or above

the general level

• Resumé

NOTE: Students must have the ability to perform physically

challenging tasks.

GO!Work in pastry shops and bakeries, hotels,

restaurants, resorts, schools, hospitals, related areas

of food service industry, or be self-employed.

Page 21: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

E N G I N E E R I N G T E C H N O L O G Y 2 1

Architectural Technology

Study architectural building sciences, the principles of architectural and engineering design, construction

materials, and the preparation of contract documents. This program includes extensive training in

Computer-Aided Design (CAD).

Construction Technology


Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC Cred.: Diploma, Architectural Technologist

Admission Requirements

• Academic Grade 12 or equivalent

• A minimum of 65% in Grade 12 academic English, Grade 12 academic math,

and Grade 11 or 12 physics

• Resumé

NOTE: Applicants with a mark of 80% or higher in Grade 12 academic math

may be exempt from the physics requirement.

Prepare to enter administrative and middle management

levels of the building construction industry. The program

is designed to give you a basic understanding of the overall

building construction industry.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC

Credentials Issued: Diploma, Construction Technician, & Diploma,

Lab/Field Testing Technician

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Grade 12 academic English and math, and Grade 11 or 12

academic physics

• Resumé

GO!Work in government offices and agencies, engineering or

surveyors’ offices, with construction product manufacturers, inspection

and testing firms, building material suppliers, construction companies,

cost estimating firms.

Electronics Engineering Technology

Train to be an Electronics Engineering Technologist. With a blend of academic content,

practical training and experience, you will develop the required skills to apply electronic

principles for circuit design and troubleshooting, to install and service electronic

equipment and systems, and to install, operate and service modern electronic and data

communications systems.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC Cred.: Diploma, Electronics Engineering Technologist

Admission Requirements

• Academic Grade 12 • Grade 11 or 12 academic math and physics • Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants with academic Grade 12 math and physics. Applicants must

have training or experience in the use of computers such as keyboarding, desk top application software and

operating systems.

GO!Work in the telecommunications industry, the Canadian Armed Forces, coast guard, RCMP,

federal government, manufacturing design and assembly, installation and repair, radio and television

broadcasting companies; as a biomedical technologist; or an audio video equipment, fibre optic ,

alarm system, or network service technician.

GO!Work with architects,

engineers, drafting services, interior

designers, contractors, surveyors,

government offices and agencies,

product manufacturers, material

suppliers, inspection and testing

firms, or be self-employed.

Page 22: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

H E A L T H A N D C O M M U N I T Y S T U D I E S2 2

Child and Youth Care Worker

An intensive, professional level program,

the Child and Youth Care Worker program

offers students skills-oriented training to equip

them to help children, adolescents and their

families in coping with personal and daily living


Start: Sept. Length: 10 mos. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Child and Youth Care Worker

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Grade 12 academic English (minimum 65%) or equivalent based on

English assessment arranged by Admissions

• Applicants must be out of high school at least one year before

applying to this program

• Two completed reference forms, one personal and one from an employer

• A Police Records Check (Vulnerable Persons) with no findings of guilt

• Applicant interview

• A minimum of 250 hours paid work or volunteer experience with

youth ages 8-18.

• Current CPR - Basic rescuer Level C

• A standard first aid certificate from a recognized First Aid/CPR trainer

• Completion of a program questionnaire

• Resumé

NOTE: It is recommended that you have up to date Hepatitis B


GO!Work in government or private agencies;

crisis assessment centres; young offender facilities;

residential treatment programs; group homes; schools;

day programs; various community-based, youth-

oriented programs; and family preservation programs.

Dental Assisting

This comprehensive Level II program will prepare you to be an important member of the dental team

utilizing your skills to provide knowledgeable and efficient dental care to patients with a variety of

dental procedures (i.e. restorative, oral surgery, orthodontic, endodontic, prevent-ative and

laboratory). It is highly recommended that applicants to the Dental Assisting program observe in

a general practice dental office for at least one day prior to attending this course.

Start: February 2013 Length: 14 mos. Location: PWC Cred.: Diploma, Dental Assistant Level II

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Academic Grade 12 English (minimum 65%) and academic Grade 11 or 12 Biology (minimum 65%)

• Typing skills, working knowledge of a keyboard

• Current CPR - Basic rescuer Level C

• A standard first aid certificate from a recognized First Aid/CPR trainer

• Completed Immunization Verification form

• Resumé

GO!Work in private dental offices, provincial dental offices, hospitals, dental assisting schools, dental schools.

Page 23: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

H E A L T H A N D C O M M U N I T Y S T U D I E S 2 3

Early Childhood Care and Education

This program features content based on National Guidelines for Early

Childhood Education programs. You will study the historical roots

of child care and education and child growth and development, and

explore the connections between these factors. You will also develop

an understanding of relationships, and how play and the learning

environment contribute significantly to a child’s development.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC Cred.: Diploma, Early Childhood Educator

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level, preference will be given to those with academic credits

• Grade 12 academic English (minimum of 65%)

• Applicants must have academic or general Grade 11 or 12 math and science at a minimum 60%

• Two letters of reference, one personal and one from an employer

• A Police Records Check (Vulnerable Persons) with no findings of guilt

• Current CPR - Basic rescuer Level C

• Standard First Aid certificate from a recognized First Aid/CPR trainer

• Resumé

NOTE: Child growth and development, computer, and home economics courses would be an asset.

GO!Work in early childhood centres, nursery schools, play groups, recreation programs, family resource centres.

This program will give you knowledge and skills in Human Services in

general and in the field of intellectual disability in particular.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC Cred.: Diploma, Community Living

Worker II

Human Services

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Written verification of a minimum of 50 hours of paid or volunteer experience, preferably

within the last three years, with individuals who are labeled with an intellectual disability.

For a list of acceptable sites, visit

• Three completed references forms one from someone in the field of intellectual disability

with whom you have worked, one from an employer or supervisor with whom you have

worked, and one from someone in the field of Human Services

• A Police Records Check (Vulnerable Persons) with no findings of guilt

• Current CPR - Basic rescuer Level C

• A standard first aid certificate from a recognized First Aid/CPR trainer

• Resumé

GO!Work in government and private agencies including residential

settings, educational settings, preschool programs, employment programs and

community-support programs; related areas such as services for people who

have physical challenges, people with mental illness, and seniors; be self

employed, working with families.

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2 4 C A M P U S L O C A T O R M A P

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C A M P U S L O C A T O R M A P 2 5

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H E A L T H A N D C O M M U N I T Y S T U D I E S2 6

Medical Support Services

Choose your profile!

Choose a course of study in four profile areas: Medical Secretary, Health Unit Coordinator,

Medical Clerk, or Medical Secretary Transcriptionist. The Medical Secretary profile

prepares you to work as a secretary in a variety of health care environments. The Health

Unit Coordinator profile prepares you to work as a ward clerk or unit secretary in hospitals

and other health care facilities. The Medical Clerk profile trains you to perform general

office duties, scheduling, document processing, and front-line reception. The Medical

Secretarial Transcriptionist profile prepares you to work as a medical secretary for allied

health and medical consultants who need to prepare a variety of medical documentation.

Primary Care Paramedicine

Advanced Care Paramedicine

Paramedicine Programs

The Primary Care Paramedicine program prepares you

to be an integral part of the health care team working

in the field of pre-hospital care. You will acquire basic life

support skills to assess and treat the sick and injured.

Start Date: Sept. Length: 10 mos. Location: PWC

Cred.: Certificate, Primary Care Paramedicine

Admissions Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Grade 12 Academic science and English

• Grade 11 academic math

• Completed Medical and Immunization Verification forms

• Two completed reference forms - work related

• A Police Records Check (Vulnerable Persons) with no findings of guilt

• Current CPR - Basic rescuer Level C

• A standard first aid certificate from a recognized First Aid/CPR trainer

• Valid driver’s license, Class 4 is preferred but not required

• Resumé

GO!Work in industrial first aid, recreation and sports facilities, emergency

medical education, medical supply sales, emergency departments.

The Advanced Care Paramedicine program prepares Primary Care Paramedics with

an advanced scope of practice to meet the needs of the health care system through-

out Canada. This program addresses the operational and procedural skills, as well as

the skills required to make critical and sound decisions, confidence to manage a

variety of situations, effective verbal and written communications skills,

interpersonal skills, leadership skills and to make healthy lifestyle decisions to

maintain well being.

Start: Sept. Length: 13 mos. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Advanced Care Paramedicine

Admission Requirements

• Graduation from an accredited Primary Care Paramedicine (Level One) program or equivalent

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Grade 12 academic science and English and Grade 11 academic math

• A Police Records Check (Vulnerable Persons) with no findings of guilt

• Three completed reference forms, one from an ambulance service medical director or

manager, one from a direct supervisor, and one from a non-relative

• Completed Medical and Immunization Verification forms

• Current CPR - Basic rescuer Level C

• A standard first aid certificate from a recognized First Aid/CPR trainer

• Valid driver’s license, Class 4 is preferred but not required

• Resumé

Start: Sept. Length: Up to 16 mos. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Medical Secretary; Certificate, Health Unit Coordinator;

Certificate, Medical Clerk; or Certificate, Medical Secretary Transcriptionist.

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Resumé

NOTE: An English grammar course and a keyboarding course with over

25 wpm are considered assets

GO!Work in medical clinics and family physician offices, physicians’

and dentists’ offices, hospitals and nursing homes, veterinary clinics, fed-

eral and provincial departments, allied health training schools and colleges,

insurance companies, publishers, research foundations and institutes.

Page 27: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

H E A L T H A N D C O M M U N I T Y S T U D I E S 2 7

NOTE: If you hold a current PCP

license and have four years of

work experience as a PCP but do

not meet the academic entrance

requirements, you may apply to

the program as a mature student.

Applicants accepted under the

mature student clause will be

accepted on probationary status.

GO! Work in ground

ambulance, industrial first aid,

recreation and sports facilities,

emergency medical education,

medical supply sales, emergency

departments, air ambulance,

communication centres.

Practical Nursing

Enter the healthcare field as a practical nurse. Most of the program is a blend of theory and clinical practice.

Learning is enhanced with practice in a laboratory setting, giving you the opportunity to develop the necessary

skills for the clinical setting.

Start: Sept./August Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC, and O’Leary Cred.: Diploma, Practical Nurse

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Grade 12 academic English (minimum 70%), Grade 11 or 12 academic

biology (minimum 70%), and Grade 11 academic math (minimum 65%)

• Valid Class 5 driver’s license

• A Police Records Check (Vulnerable Persons) with no findings of guilt

• Two completed reference forms from employers

• Attendance at an information session

• Completed Medical and Immunization Verification forms

• Current CPR - Basic rescuer Level C

• A standard first aid certificate from a recognized First Aid/CPR trainer

• Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants who have

completed university level introductory courses in English,

biology or psychology and to those who have completed

academic Grade 11 or 12 chemistry.

GO!Work in long-term care, nursing homes, and

community care facilities, in home care, hospitals,

physician’s offices.

Resident Care Worker

Train for employment in long-term care facilities in both

public and private sector. You will gain an appreciation of

the resident care worker’s role in mental health facilities,

home care, and with community agencies. Upon completion

of the program you will be able to utilize your

communication skills and clinical experience to assist

clients with their personal and physical needs in a variety

of settings.

Start: October/Sept. Length: 7 mos. Locations: PWC, Souris,

and Tignish Cred.: Certificate, Resident Care Worker

I think this is a wonderful program. You learn

exactly what you need to prepare yourself for

the work field.“ “

Resident Care Worker graduate

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Two completed reference forms from recent employers

• A Police Records Check (Vulnerable Persons) with no findings of guilt

• Written verification of 40 volunteer or paid hours, preferably within

the last 5 years, in a long term care, mental health or other suitable

facility that addresses special client care needs.

• Current CPR - Basic rescuer Level C

• A standard first aid certificate from a recognized First Aid/CPR trainer

• Completed Medical Exam and Immunization Verification forms

• Valid Class 5 driver’s license

• Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants with academic

Grade 12 English.

GO!Work in long-term care facilities, home support services, and

mental health facilities, be self-employed.

Page 28: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

Fundamental Arts

M E D I A A N D C O M M U N I C A T I O N S2 8

Acquire the knowledge and build the skills necessary for post-secondary studies

in the media cluster of programs. This program provides you with the opportunity

to explore potential career choices, learn effective strategies for academic success,

and gives you a head start on your future studies in Graphic Design, Interactive

Multimedia, Photography and Digital Imaging, or Video Game Art and Animation.

Start: Sept. Length: 1 year Location: PWC Cred.: Certificate, Fundamental Arts

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• A portfolio of 5 to 6 pieces of your own art work

• Resumé

Graphic Design

This program prepares you to work

in any of the exciting areas that

are open to designers today. Learn

design theory and application,

creative problem solving,

typography, color prepress, and

print production areas, digital

design work and the management

of projects. Additional skills in

photography, business, personal

competencies and presentations

prepares you to work in a wide

variety of areas including the print

and prepress industries, design

studios, advertising agencies, digital

design and production facilities

among others.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Graphic Design

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at

or above the general level

• Grade 12 English (minimum 60%)

• Submission of portfolio, see website

for details

• Resumé

GO!Work in advertising agencies and design studios, new media production firms, service

bureaus, digital facilities and film houses, print production facilities, including offset, flexography,

screen print and signage.

Interactive Multimedia

Gain the knowledge and skills to produce usable and attractive

interactive products that fuse multiple media elements such as

text, graphics, animation, audio, and video, with programmed and

database-driven navigation. You will engage in formal, hands-on

learning, building the three core skill sets necessary for the

creation of internet, CD, and DVD environments: technical

production methods; interface and navigational design techniques;

and project management, business principles, and problem solving.

Start: Sept. Length: 9 mos. Location: PWC

Cred.: Post Graduate Diploma in Interactive Multimedia

Admission Requirements

• Post secondary degree, diploma or certificate

• Mature students with relevant documented work experience will

be considered

• Completion of written responses and survey

• Submission of a portfolio.

• Resumé

GO!Work in multimedia production firms; web development

companies; corporate marketing, communications, information management

and training divisions; educational and government institutions;

the entertainment industry.

Page 29: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

M E D I A A N D C O M M U N I C A T I O N S 2 9

Photography and Digital Imaging

The newspaper business and a growing number of related fields place a premium on clear, concise, accurate writing

based on the timely collection of information. The Journalism program emphasizes these skills while recognizing

the importance of new technology and the growing use of broadcast reporting techniques on websites. You will be

introduced to the basics of print and broadcast newsgathering and presentation, including feature photography,

and will produce your work using state-of-the-art equipment and software.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC Cred.: Diploma, Newspaper Reporter

This program is great because I had a very

active role in managing my education and

workload. I felt most deadlines were reason-

able and the experience I’ve had here made

my OJTs comfortable.

Journalism graduate

“Train in an environment that is similar

to a large professional studio or lab.

You will work in a 16-workstation

Mac lab with a variety of scanners

and printers. Through workshops,

self-study and practical application,

you will learn the basic and advanced

skills required for success in the field

of photography.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Photographer

The Video Game Art and Animation program prepares you for a career in

the art department of a video game developer. The first year covers the

basics of art production for video games. Traditional drawing skills are

taught alongside the latest software techniques. We examine the history of

the industry and look behind the scenes to see what goes into video game

development. The second year incorporates technical aspects needed to

integrate art assets into a video game production pipeline.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Video Game Art and Animation

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above

the general level

• Submission of a portfolio

• Resumé

GO!Work as an object modeler, vehicle modeler, character modeler and rigger,

world builder, texture mapper, environment artist, concept artist, level designer,

storyboard artist, animator, character and prop designer.


Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Academic Grade 11 or 12 English (minimum 65%)

• Resumé

GO!Work in daily or weekly newspapers, public relations firms;

information services; and in radio and television.

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with

credits at or above the general

level, a broad base of study

is more important than specific


• Submission of a portfolio of

photography work

• Completion of questionnaire

• Resumé

GO!Work in portrait and

wedding photography; editorial,

commercial or industrial

photography; as an assistant

photographer, digital lab technician,

Photoshop™ technician.

Video Game Art and Animation

View YouTube video

View YouTube video

Page 30: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

S C H O O L O F P E R F O R M I N G A R T S3 0

Dance Performance

Music Performance

In the Dance Performance program, you will learn the technical and artistic skills

required for a career as a professional dancer; develop an understanding of the

business aspect of the profession; and learn the etiquette of the performing arts.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: CCOA & PWC Cred.: Diploma, Dance Performance

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Performance audition • Resumé

GO!Work in dance companies across the country, the cruise ship and entertainment industries,

or self-producer.

The Holland College School of Performing Arts is a partnership

between Holland College and Confederation Centre of the Arts.

Train for the commercial music and entertainment

industry. By the time you graduate, you will be able to

interpret and perform many contemporary music styles such

as rock, country, funk, R&B, jazz, Celtic and world music,

and have a strong understanding of the theory, analysis and

influences of contemporary music styles. You will also learn

the business aspects of a self-managed career in the music


Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Musical Performance

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Performance and theory audition

• Resumé

GO!Work as a performer in concert halls, cruise ships, lounges,

theatres, film, television, recording studios, be self-employed.

Take an in-depth look at career options with the performing arts, both onstage and behind

the scenes. In this program, you will hone your performance and technical production skills,

develop a greater knowledge and improved ability to work within a creative environment; and

have a deeper understanding of the nature of a career in the performing arts. By the end of this

one-year program, you will have gained the skills required for acceptance into more

advanced training in your chosen area, and will have the opportunity to prepare audition pieces.

Start: Sept. Length: 1 yr. Location: CCOA & PWC Cred.: Certificate, Performing Arts Foundation

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Performance audition

• Resumé

Performing Arts Foundation

Page 31: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

S P O R T A N D L E I S U R E 3 1

Sport and Leisure Management

Golf Club Management

In this program, you will have the opportunity to

acquire a comprehensive understanding of all

aspects of golf club operations including

customer service, pro shop operations, food and

beverage operations, golf course management,

and turf management. The business skills that

you will acquire, combined with strong theory-

based instruction, will provide a strong

foundation for advancement to management

positions in various fields of work. You will also

have the opportunity to improve your golf skills

while training with our CPGA professionals at

our world renowned Canadian Golf Academy.

Start: First year: Sept.; Second year: Oct. Length: 2 yrs.

Location: TCC & CGA

Cred.: Diploma, Golf Club Management

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at

or above the general level

• Ability to perform physically

challenging tasks

• Resumé

GO!Work in club management,

retail management, country clubs and

resorts, club house operations, pro shop

operations, event management, food and

beverage operations, retail sales, golf

academies, driving and practice ranges, as

a manufacturer’s representative,

be self-employed.

Prepare for a career in outdoor leadership, community

recreation, sport administration, health promotion, fitness

consulting, tourism and leisure entrepreneurship, or spa

management. A number of recognized certification

programs are completed in the program, including

canoeing, kayaking, fitness training, coaching, wilderness

ethics and wilderness first aid.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC & WPC

Cred.: Diploma, Sport and Leisure Management

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Ability to perform physically challenging tasks

• Resumé

GO!Work in sport administration,

facility management, recreation management,

health and fitness coordination, adventure

tourism, event coordination, outdoor adventure,

guiding and interpretation, fitness, resorts,

parks and marine tourism, special events,

commercial recreation, spas

and wellness centers,

community non-profit

agencies, municipal and

provincial governments,

be self-employed.

Page 32: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

T O U R I S M3 2

Part of The Culinary Institute of Canada, the Hotel and Restaurant Management

program’s performance-based training is increasingly recognized as vital to

promoting the standards of excellence required in today’s business world. By the

time you graduate, you will have a broad base of management and technical skills,

enabling you to be productive in the workplace immediately. You will acquire the

competencies you need to be industry leaders in the competitive hotel and

restaurant business environment.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: TCC Cred.: Diploma, Hotel and Restaurant Management

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Ability to perform physically challenging tasks

• Resumé

GO! Work in hotels, country inns, resorts, restaurants, pubs, lounges, night clubs,

catering operations, front office and guest services, sales and marketing, and convention

and conference services.

Tourism and Travel Management

The tourism and hospitality industry is the fastest growing in the world.

The program is designed to respond to the demand for highly-trained graduates

who have a global perspective. You can choose from two areas of concentration,

Tourism and Travel Coordinator, and Events Coordinator. This program gives you

a broad mix of practical and theoretical training that addresses key growth in

the sector.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: TCC Cred.: Diploma, Tourism and Travel Management

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level • Resumé

GO! Work with airlines, travel agencies, hotels and resorts, tour companies, tourism

information bureaus, heritage and historical interpretation centres, call centres, corporations,

associations, hospitals, banks, entertainment and film production, non-profit organizations.

All of the instructors

are doing a fantastic

job. I’m especially

pleased with how the

instructors aided me in

securing an internship.

“ “Hotel and Restaurant

Management Graduate

Hotel and Restaurant Management

Page 33: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

T R A D E S A N D I N D U S T R I A L T E C H N O L O G Y 3 3


Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Repair and Overhaul Technology

The Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Repair and Overhaul

Technology program follows the Canadian Council for

Aviation and Aerospace (CCAA) outline for the

Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Repair and Overhaul

Technician and is Canadian Aviation Maintenance

Council accredited. Learn the techniques,procedures

and the documentation requirements necessary

to perform the disassembly, inspection, repair,

reassembly and testing of the turbine engines used

to power today’s aircraft.

Start: Sept. Length: 10 mos. Location: SWC

Cred.: Certificate, Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine

Repair and Overhaul Technician.

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent

• Academic Grade 11 or 12 math and physics

GO!Work either directly or indirectly in

the aerospace industry.

Develop a strong foundation of auto-motive technology skills through classroom, lab and shop

activities. An automotive technician must be well versed in computers, mathematics, reading and

communication skills along with skills specific to the trade.

Start: Sept. Length: 32 mos. Location: SWC

Cred.: Diploma, Automotive Technician

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or

above the general level

• A valid Class 5 driver’s license

• Driver’s abstract

• Attendance at an information session

• Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants with Grade 11 or

12 academic English, math and physics.

GO!Work in the automotive industry.

In this program, you will be introduced to all

aspects of the carpentry trade, and will acquire an

understanding of how a building is structurally

supported and protected from the elements.

Through classroom, lab, and on-site training, you

will be introduced to building layout, framing, roof

system, interior and exterior finish. Safe operation

of hand and power tools will be taught.

Start: Sept. Length: 9 mos. Location: SWC

Cred.: Certificate, Carpenter

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the

general level

• Resumé

GO!Work with contractors and building supply yards,

be self-employed.


Page 34: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

T R A D E S A N D I N D U S T R I A L T E C H N O L O G Y3 4

Commercial Diving

Get the training you need to enter the diving industry as a

surface supplied diver. The program is taught to Association of

Diving Contractors International standards. ADCI certification

cards are recognized throughout the world as being documents

that attest to the training and experience level of commercial

divers and ROV pilot/technicians.

Start: Sept. Length: 9 mos. Location: MTC

Cred.: Certificate, Unrestricted Surface Supplied Diver

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

with credits in Grade 11 and/or 12 math and English

• Open Water Scuba Diving Certificate

• Full commercial diving medical from an approved Hyperbaric

physician prior to the first day of class

• Resumé

GO! Work in harbour infrastructure inspection, maintenance and

repair; deep water drilling platform inspection, maintenance and repair; oil

and gas pipeline infrastructure inspection, maintenance and repair; ship-

building and ship repair; bridge inspection, maintenance and repair; search

and rescue; Canadian Armed Forces; seafood harvesting and aquaculture;

developing countries building ‘first time’ infrastructure; quality control and

quality auditing companies; non-destructive testing companies.

Systems used within facilities have grown from

the basic electrical, power and lighting systems

to include signal and alarm, emergency lighting,

communications and energy management

systems. At the same time, advancements in

technology are having a major impact on

automation and control. With this advancement

and growth comes the demand for technical

people to install, operate and maintain these


Industrial Electrical Technician or Electrical Construction

Wiring? Choose your profile! The Industrial Electrical

Technician profile was developed to meet the skill

shortage identified by industry. The curriculum content

is based on the latest edition of the National

Occupational Analysis for Industrial Electrician and the

Canadian Technology Accreditation Board Standard for

Electrical, Industrial Technician.

The Electrical Construction Wiring profile is based on the

latest edition of the National Occupational Analysis for

Construction Electrician.

Electrical Technology

Start: Sept. Length: Industrial Electrical Technician - 2 yrs., Electrical Construction Wiring – 1 year

Location: SWC Cred.: Diploma, or Certificate, Electrical Construction Wiring

Admission Requirements: Electrical Construction Wiring

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Resumé

Admission Requirements: Industrial Electrical Technician

• Grade 12 academic

• Resumé

NOTE: For this profile, preference will be given to applicants with academic English, math and physics

GO! Work in manufacturing, processing, construction, marine, sales, service industries,

engineering sector, Canadian Armed Forces.

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T R A D E S A N D I N D U S T R I A L T E C H N O L O G Y 3 5

Electromechanical Technology

The Electromechanical Technology program prepares you for the rapidly changing industrial environment. You will

obtain many of the skills sought after by the fast emerging wind power industry. You will learn how to install,

maintain, troubleshoot, and repair complex industrial equipment. The curriculum includes hands-on training in the

areas of electronics, microprocessors, electrical control, industrial mechanics, hydraulics, pneumatics, programmable

logic controllers and many other components and processes directly related to electromechanical technology.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: SWC Cred.: Diploma, Electromechanical Technician

Admission Requirements

• Academic Grade 12

• Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants with academic Grade 12 math and Grade 11 or 12


Learn how energy is generated, distributed and consumed and

how we need to make smart choices to ensure a sustainable flow

of energy while maintaining our lifestyle. If you are interested in

equipping yourself with the knowledge and skills to make a

difference in the way we use energy to ensure sustainability of

the planet this program is the place to start.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: PWC

Cred.: Diploma, Energy Systems Engineering Technology

Admission Requirements

• Academic Grade 12

• Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants with academic Grade 12 math

and Grade 11 or 12 physics.

Graduates may find employment in design, sales, technical support or

installation for energy equipment manufacturers, dealers or installers;

energy management companies; engineering and architectural firms;

general contractors; energy site developers; energy intensive industries;

municipalities; and real estate development.

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology

Develop the skills and knowledge to be successful in many aspects of the HVAC

trade including electrical and control systems, installation and servicing of basic

heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration systems for residential and

commercial application.

Start: Sept. Length: 2 yrs. Location: SWC

Cred.: Diploma, HVAC Technician

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants with academic math and physics.

GO!Work in mechanical contracting, wholesale and retail sales, equipment

manufacturers, design consultants, and preventative maintenance.

Energy Systems Engineering Technology

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T R A D E S A N D I N D U S T R I A L T E C H N O L O G Y3 6

The Heritage Retrofit Carpentry program trains carpenters to respond to the need

to restore heritage buildings and other older buildings while achieving energy

efficiency. By preserving and restoring heritage buildings we can secure the future

of these culturally important structures by achieving a sustainable level of energy

efficiency while providing comfort for occupants. If you are interested in working

with wood while learning about energy efficient renovation and building history,

this is the program for you.

Start: Sept. Length: 9 mos. Location: PWC Cred.: Certificate, Heritage Retrofit Carpentry

Admission Requirements

• Graduation from a college-level carpentry or wood manufacturing program or equivalent,

or completion of Block 1 Apprenticeship, or equivalent experience

• Resumé

GO!Work in building construction, building supply

yards, custom woodworking shops, be self-employed.

Heritage Retrofit Carpentry

Outdoor Power Equipment

Learn how to service and repair a wide variety of equipment such as

motorcycles, ATVs, snowmobiles, lawn and garden equipment, chain

saws and generators. If you have an interest in working on small engines

and mechanical and electrical systems you will enjoy this program.

Start: Sept. Length: 9 mos. Location: WPC

Cred.: Certificate, Outdoor Power Equipment Technician

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• A valid Class 5 driver’s license

• Driver’s abstract

• Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants with Grade 11 or 12 English, math

and physics.

GO!Work with equipment dealers, independent service shops, equipment

rental firms, golf courses, authorized service depots, or be self-employed.


The Plumbing program will prepare you to enter the field with nationally identified

skills for piping occupations. The program allows for specialization in installing

process pipe and tubing, natural and liquefied gas, plumbing, heating and

instrumentation and fire sprinkler and standpipe systems.

Start: Sept. Length: 9 mos. Location: GC Cred.: Certificate, Plumber

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent

• Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants with Grade 11 or 12 physics.

GO!Work with mechanical contracting companies, heating contractors, plumbing

companies, vacuum system installers, irrigation system installers, natural gas utility companies,

propane gas companies, sewer and water utilities, plumbing and heating services, water pump

installers, hardware sales, water treatment systems installers.

Courtesy of the Energy Conservatory.

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T R A D E S A N D I N D U S T R I A L T E C H N O L O G Y 3 7

Power Engineering

The Power Engineering program prepares you to take responsibility for

the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of boilers, turbines and

refrigeration or air conditioning in commercial or industrial buildings.

Start: Sept. Length: 9 mos. Location: MTC

Cred.: Graduates are eligible to apply for certification by the Provincial Department

of Labour. Certificates range from fourth to first class. Certificates are inter-provincial

and are recognized across Canada.

Admission Requirements

• Academic Grade 12 or equivalent

• Resumé

NOTE: Emphasis is placed on abilities in math and physics

GO!Work in power plants, waste treatment plants, wind power sites, refineries,

chemical plants, food processing plants, large building complexes, and other

industries that utilize large industrial equipment.

Precision Machinist

Precision Machinists are in demand across the world to produce accurately

machined parts that could be used for aerospace, agricultural or general

manufacturing applications. This program gives you a variety of machining

skills on up-to-date equipment to an industrial level of performance.

This program readies you to enter the field as apprentice machinist, tool

and die maker, mold maker, pattern maker, machine operator or quality

control personnel.

Start: Sept. Length: 9 mos. Location: SWC Cred.: Certificate, Machinist

Admissions Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Preference will be given to applicants with Grade 11 or 12 English, math and physics

• Resumé

GO!Work in production machine shops, machine repair shops, aerospace/

aviation shops, farm equipment dealers, heavy equipment companies, shipyards,

electrical generation facilities.

Steamfitters and Pipefitters install, alter, maintain and repair piping systems

that convey low and high pressure steam, hot water, air, fuel gasses, fuel

and finely divided solids. This program provides you with nationally

identified skills training to prepare for a career in this field.

Start: Sept. Length: 9 mos. Location: GC Cred.: Certificate, Steamfitter/Pipefitter

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent at or above the general level

• Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants with Grade 11 or 12 physics.

GO!Work in thermal and hydro power plants, mines, chemical and industrial

plants, petroleum refineries, pulp and paper mills, dairies, schools, apartment and

office buildings, hospitals, shopping malls, laundries, ships, shipyards and oil drilling



Page 38: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

T R A D E S A N D I N D U S T R I A L T E C H N O L O G Y3 8

Welding Fabrication

Welder or Metal Fabricator? Choose your profile!

The Welder profile prepares you with the comprehensive skills and knowledge you

require to gain employment in the welding fabrication industry. The program takes a

broad approach, providing skills in the layout, fabrication, assembly and erection of

metal framework and miscellaneous items by cutting, forming and welding. You will also

be trained in the use of stationary power equipment such as press break, shear and rolls.

The Metal Fabricator profile gives you the comprehensive skills and knowledge you

require to gain employment in the trade as a Metal Fabricator. Learn layout,

fabrication, assembly, and erection of metal frameworks and structures. You will also be

trained in both non-destructive and destructive inspection methods.

You train on Computer Numeric Controlled equipment such as press-break, shear,

plasma cutting table and Auto-CAD. Students in this area of study train to the Red Seal

standard for the designated trade of Metal Fabricator.

Start: Sept.

Length: Welder Red Seal:

2 yrs., 7 mos.;

Metal Fabricator Red Seal:

3 yrs., 8 mos.

Location: GC

Cred.: Diploma, Welder or

Diploma, Metal Fabricator

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants with Academic Grade 11 or 12 English, Math and

Physics. Related courses and work experience will enhance your application.

GO!Work in construction industries; fabrication, assembly and maintenance shops; pulp

and paper mills; shipyards; offshore construction and maintenance; be self-employed.

The Welding Level 1 program

prepares you with the basic skills

and knowledge you require to gain

employment in the welding

industry. You may choose to

pursue further training

opportunities such as apprentice-

ship training or transfer into the

second year of the Welding

Fabrication program in Georgetown.

Welding Level 1

Start: Sept. Length: 9 mos. Location: WPC Cred.: Certificate, Welding Level 1

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants with Academic Grade 11 or 12 English, math and physics.

GO!Work in construction industries; fabrication, assembly and maintenance shops; pulp and

paper mills; shipyards; offshore construction and maintenance; or they may be self-employed.

Page 39: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

T R A D E S A N D I N D U S T R I A L T E C H N O L O G Y 3 9

The global market for wind energy is expanding faster than any other source of

electric energy. Wind energy is a sustainable form of energy. It does not use fuel,

and does not produce greenhouse gas. If you are interested in renewable energy

technologies, like working outdoors, and aren’t afraid of heights, this may be the

program for you!

Start: Sept. Length: 10 mos. Location: SWC Cred.: Certificate, Wind Turbine Technician

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent

• A completed Medical form

• Valid Class 5 driver’s license

• Drivers abstract

• Resumé

NOTE: Preference will be given to applicants with Grade 11 or 12 physics. For more details

about admission requirements, visit the website.

GO!Work as a maintenance technician or wind turbine constructor, or with wind

turbine manufacturer.

Wind Turbine Technician

Wood Manufacturing

- Cabinetmaking

Get the knowledge and skills necessary to enter the wood

manufacturing and cabinetmaking area of the construction industry.

In this program, you will learn the technology and skills involved in

the manufacture of cabinets, architectural millwork, and furniture,

and receive training in modern manufacturing techniques. By the

time you graduate, you will be familiar with the setup and operation

of woodworking machinery and equipment, breakout of lumber and

panel components, laminating, veneering, machining, sanding,

assembly and finishing.

Start: Sept. Length: 9 mos. Location: SWC

Cred.: Certificate, Wood Manufacturing/Cabinetmaking Technician

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at or above the general level

• Resumé

NOTE: Applicants must be physically capable of meeting the demands of

this industry.

GO!Work in cabinetmaking, architectural

millwork, wood product manufacturing, furniture

manufacturing, restoration, design operations,

or may choose self employment. YouTube video

Page 40: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

C O L L E G E F O U N D A T I O N A N D H O W T O A P P L Y4 0

College Foundation Program

Applications to Holland College are accepted throughout the year. You can apply

online (requires a credit card), by mail, or at any Holland College location.

Selection Process

Holland College accepts the most highly qualified applicants based on academics

and relevant work and volunteer experience. Priority in acceptance is given to

applications received by the application review date for each program.

For programs with September start dates, applicants selected in the first round

will be informed of the status of their application by the Admissions Office in mid-

April. All applicants are able to access WebAdvisor to check their status online,

following the directions provided from the Admissions Office.

After the first round of selection, and as seats become available, Holland College

continues to fill the seats with the most highly qualified applicants.

If an applicant is not successful in gaining acceptance into their program of choice,

they may request that their application be considered for the following year; or

they may contact the Admissions Office to investigate alternate programs.

Admission Requirements

Holland College policy requires that the college establish specific prerequisites

and selection criteria for each program to ensure that applicants are adequately

prepared to be successful in those programs. Therefore the prerequisites for

specific programs may vary considerably. All admission requirements for each

program are detailed on the program’s listing on the website.

How to Apply

Depending on the program, other admission requirements may include a satisfactory

medical and immunization report; references; a Police Records Check; certification or

licensing such as First Aid, or a Class V driver’s licence; a birth certificate; participation in

information, orientation or interview sessions; participation in aptitude or achievement

testing; or demonstration of English language proficiency.

Note: for specific program prerequisites, refer to the program listing.

Application Documents

The following documents must be submitted with all applications:

• A completed application form.

• A resumé outlining work and volunteer experience with applicable dates, membership in

groups, associations or athletics, awards and distinctions, and any other information

about you that is relevant to the program.

• An official high school transcript forwarded directly from high school, even if you have

taken other post-secondary training. Applicants currently in Grade 12 should have their

first semester marks forwarded as soon as they are available. Final high school

transcripts should be forwarded by the end of the school term.

• The application fee of $40 (for Canadian applicants), $125 (for Police Science applicants)

and $100 (for International applicants).

• Any other post-secondary transcripts of marks directly forwarded by the post-secondary

institution to the Admissions Office.

• Medical, Immunization Verification, and Reference forms, if specified in the program’s

admission requirements.

Please note that you should attempt to submit as many supporting documents as possible

prior to the first review deadline.

This program offers you the opportunity to explore careers, to enhance

and build on essential skills, and to prepare yourself for further post-

secondary pursuits. If you are unsure about your career interests, need

specific experiences to make sure that your career choice is right for you,

don’t have the necessary qualifications or require higher mark in core

subjects for acceptance into a program, or would benefit from a

preparatory year for building skills and experiences and participating in

a college environment, this is the program for you.

Start Date: Sept. & Oct. Length: 9 mos. Location: PWC

Cred.: Certificate, College Foundation

Admission Requirements

• Grade 12 or equivalent with credits at academic or

general level

• Resumé

NOTE: An interview will be required to determine student goals

and develop an individual program schedule.

Page 41: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

I N F O R M A T I O N F O R I N T E R N A T I O N A L S T U D E N T S 4 1

Students from all over the world are

choosing to make Holland College their

home while they pursue their educational

goals. Prince Edward Island may be Canada’s

smallest province, but there’s nothing small

about the educational opportunities that

await you here. At Holland College, we take

pride in making sure that our students

receive the best education in their chosen

field – and the best college experience.

That’s why almost one third of our students

come from off-Island – they like the smaller

class sizes and the variety of programs.

Study Permits

International students are required to apply for a study permit through

Citizenship and Immigration Canada, part of the Canadian government.

The staff of the International Office will help you with the study permit

application process.

For more information about studying at Holland College as an international

student, visit,

e-mail [email protected], or call (902) 566-9325.

Holland College is US Federal Aid approved.

About Prince Edward Island

Located off the east coast of mainland Canada in the Gulf of St. Lawrence,

Prince Edward Island has a population of 140,000 people. It is 224 km

(140 miles) long and from 6 to 64 km (4 to 40 miles) wide. The Island is

accessible by air and via the 9-mile long Confederation Bridge. P.E.I. is known

for the vivid colours of its gently-rolling landscape, its pristine beaches, its

world-class golf courses and its friendly people. The Island is a popular

vacation destination for all ages, with more than 1 million visitors each year.

About Charlottetown

Most of our international students are enrolled in programs in

Charlottetown, located either on the Prince of Wales Campus or at the

Tourism and Culinary Centre. The City of Charlottetown and surrounding

area has a population of more than 45,000, and is located on the south

shore of Prince Edward Island. As the capital city of P.E.I., Charlottetown is

the seat of the provincial government and has all the amenities of a capital

city. Charlottetown has a vibrant arts community that includes many

successful artists, writers, actors, filmmakers, videogame developers and

musicians. All year, there are live performances by locally, regionally, and

nationally acclaimed artists. Charlottetown is home to the Confederation

Centre of the Arts and the MacKenzie Theatre, which provide a full slate of

entertainment year-round.

Life at Holland College

- A safe and welcoming environment

Prince Edward Island is well known for its hospitality

and friendliness. It’s a place where people still take

time to talk to strangers, and our crime rate is the

lowest in Canada. At Holland College our

international students will find themselves welcomed

and encouraged to participate in the college’s many

activities. You come here to learn, but you’ll also

form friendships that will last a lifetime.

Information for International Students

View YouTube video

Page 42: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

M A R I N E T R A I N I N G C E N T R E4 2

Marine Training Centre

Holland College’s Marine Training Centre (MTC)

has been providing Transport Canada-approved

training for more than three decades. The centre

has earned an international reputation for its

exceptional quality of instruction, excellent

facilities and convenient location. In addition to

the full range of certification from Deckhand to

Master Mariner, the centre offers a number of

specialized courses.

We have built our reputation on quality and flexibility.

Training programs can be customized to meet specific

needs and schedules. Our all-inclusive training package

can include transportation to and from the airport, as

well as meals and first-class accommodations just a

two-minute walk from the centre.

The Marine Training Centre is located on the college’s

Summerside Waterfront Campus in the city of

Summerside, Prince Edward Island, Canada, home to a

variety of sporting and cultural events, restaurants and

first-class accommodations.

With the exception of the Commercial Diving and

Power Engineering programs, the Marine Training Centre

only offers short courses. For a full listing of currently

available courses, and a link to the application form for

short courses, visit

Page 43: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

A D U L T E D U C A T I O N 4 3

Adult Education

For more information

on our Adult Education

programs, please contact

(902) 566-9628

A variety of opportunities are available at Holland College for adults to complete

high school credits, prepare to write their GED exam or to upgrade their grades in

order to enter post-secondary or skill training programs. Offered in eight centres

across the province, programs allow learners to progress at their own pace and to

learn in a supportive and friendly environment. Learners can start at any time of

year, and attend during the day or evening on a full-time or part-time basis.

The following programs are available:

Preparation for the GED Exam

The GED exam gives adults who have not graduated from high school the opportunity to earn

a high-school equivalency diploma. The GED preparatory class assists learners in preparing

for the GED exam by providing a general review of basic academic skills and the opportunity

to take practice tests. Subjects covered include: writing, social studies, science, literature and


High School Credits

Learners can acquire high school credits or upgrade existing marks to meet the admission

requirements of post-secondary institutions or to complete requirements for the PEI High

School Diploma for Mature Students.

Adult Education Admission Requirements

• Day classes - 18 years of age and out of the public school system for one year

• Night classes - 18 years of age

Adult Education

Tuition & Fees

There is no cost to students.

Funding is provided by

Canada/PEI Labour Market

Development Agreement;

Skills PEI; PEI Department of

Innovation and Advanced

Learning, and the PEI

Department of Community

Services, Seniors and Labour.

Page 44: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

Prince of Wales Campus

4 4 H O L L A N D C O L L E G E C A M P U S E S

Tourism and Culinary Centre

Located in the east end of Charlottetown, the

Prince of Wales Campus (PWC) is home to the

Charlottetown Centre, the Centre for Applied

Science and Technology, the Centre for

Community Engagement, the Holland College

School of Performing Arts, and Montgomery Hall,

which houses Adult Education and the college’s

administrative offices. The Centre for Applied

Science and Technology is a state-of-the-art

“living lab” where students in Applied Sciences

and Engineering Technology programs enjoy

hands-on learning experiences. The Centre for

Community Engagement features a large

gymnasium, classrooms and meeting rooms.

The Charlottetown Centre houses many of the

college’s business programs, computer

studies programs, health and community studies

programs, along with the media and

communications group of programs. The

Charlottetown Centre also features a spacious

cafeteria and a warm and welcoming library.

The Tourism and Culinary Centre (TCC) is located on the

Charlottetown waterfront with magnificent views of the

entrance to the Charlottetown Harbour. The TCC houses

a library, The Culinary Institute of Canada, and Canada’s

Smartest Kitchen, the research arm of the culinary

institute. The Montgomery Cafeteria is located at the

TCC. Here, first year Culinary Arts and Pastry Arts

students learn their trade, while upstairs in the Lucy

Maud Dining Room, second-year Culinary Arts students

and students in the Hotel and Restaurant Management

program hone their skills.

Belmont Centre

The Belmont Centre, located in Charlottetown, is home to our

language training programs.

Georgetown Centre

Approximately 30 minutes east of Charlottetown, the Georgetown

Centre is home of the college’s Welding Fabrication, Plumbing, and

Steamfitter/Pipefitter programs. The centre has a lunch room,

fitness centre and common room, and is a short walk from

downtown Georgetown.

Atlantic Police Academy

The Atlantic Police Academy (APA) is located in Slemon Park, on the

outskirts of the City of Summerside. The academy features, among

other things, the most technologically advanced live fire indoor

range in Canada, an interactive crime scene village and domestic

residence, a Simmunitions Interactive High Risk Training Centre, a

concrete runway for patrol and guaranteed arrival driver training,

and 14 fully equipped police patrol vehicles.

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H O L L A N D C O L L E G E C A M P U S E S 4 5

Holland College also has centres in Tignish, O’Leary, Souris, and

Montague. These centres offer adult education and upgrading

classes to the local community. Some full-time programming

is also offered, depending on industry demand and community


Summerside Waterfront Campus

The new Summerside Waterfront Campus, (SWC), opening Sept., 2012, is home to most of the college’s trades

and industrial technology programs, and the Marine Training Centre. Located on the waterfront in the heart of

the City of Summerside, the SWC includes a privately-owned fitness centre, a café, and other amenities.

Holland College’s West Prince Campus, located in downtown

Alberton, opened in September of 2011. The campus enables

the college to offer programming to the residents of the West

Prince region of Prince Edward Island. Program offerings change

depending on industry demand. The campus features a cafeteria,

classrooms, workshops, and several meeting rooms.

West Prince Campus

Other Centres

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Programs Listed by Campus Locations

4 6 P R O G R A M S L I S T E D B Y C A M P U S L O C A T I O N S

Atlantic Police Academy

Basic Firefighting

Conservation Enforcement

Correctional Officer

Law and Security

Police Science (Cadet)

Georgetown Centre



Welding Fabrication


Practical Nursing

Prince of Wales Campus

Accounting Technology

Architectural Technology

Bioscience Technology

Business Administration

Child and Youth Care Worker

College Foundation

Computer Information Systems

Computer Networking Technology

Construction Technology Management

Dance Performance*

Dental Assisting

Early Childhood Care and Education

Electronics Engineering Technology

Energy Systems Engineering Technology

Environmental Applied Science Technology

Fundamental Arts

Graphic Design

Heritage Retrofit Carpentry

Human Services

Interactive Multimedia


Medical Support Services

Music Performance

Paramedicine - Advanced Care

Paramedicine - Primary Care

Performing Arts Foundation*

Photography and Digital Imaging

Practical Nursing

Resident Care Worker

Retail Business Management

Sport and Leisure Management

Video Game Art and Animation

Wildlife Conservation Technology


Resident Care Worker

Summerside Waterfront Campus

Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Repair and Overhaul Technology

Automotive Technology


Commercial Diving

Electrical Technology

Electromechanical Technology

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology

Power Engineering

Precision Machinist

Wind Turbine Technician

Wood Manufacturing – Cabinetmaking


Resident Care Worker

Tourism and Culinary Centre

Applied Degree in Culinary Operations

Culinary Arts

Golf Club Management

Hotel and Restaurant Management

Marketing and Advertising Management

Pastry Arts

Tourism and Travel Management

West Prince Campus

Administrative Assistant

Business Administration – Small Business Management

Outdoor Power Equipment

Sport and Leisure Management

Welding Level 1

* Training also takes place at the Confederation Centre of the Arts

Page 47: Holland College Viewbook 2012-2013

Programs Listed by Page Number

Admissions Office

Holland College

140 Weymouth Street

Charlottetown, PE C1A 4Z1

P R O G R A M S L I S T E D B Y P A G E N U M B E R 4 7

Accounting Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Adult Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43

Administrative Assistant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Aircraft Gas Turbine Engine Repair and Overhaul Technology . . . 33

Applied Degree in Culinary Operations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

Architectural Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Automotive Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Basic Firefighting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Bioscience Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10

Business Administration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16

Carpentry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33

Child and Youth Care Worker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

College Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40

Commercial Diving . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Computer Information Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Computer Networking Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18

Conservation Enforcement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

Construction Technology Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Correctional Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Culinary Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Dance Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Dental Assisting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22

Early Childhood Care and Education . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Electrical Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34

Electromechanical Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Electronics Engineering Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

Energy Systems Engineering Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35

Environmental Applied Science Technology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11

Fundamental Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Golf Club Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

Graphic Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Technology . . . . . . . . 35

Heritage Retrofit Carpentry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Hotel and Restaurant Management . . . . . . . 32

Human Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Interactive Multimedia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28

Journalism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29

Law and Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13

Marine Training . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42

Marketing and Advertising Management . . . 16

Medical Support Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Music Performance . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Outdoor Power Equipment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Paramedicine - Advanced Care . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Paramedicine - Primary Care . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26

Pastry Arts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

Performing Arts Foundation . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30

Photography and Digital Imaging . . . . . . . . . 29

Plumbing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 36

Police Science (Cadet) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14

Power Engineering . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Practical Nursing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Precision Machinist . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Resident Care Worker . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27

Retail Business Management . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

Sport and Leisure Management . . . . . . . . . . 31

Steamfitting/Pipefitting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37

Tourism and Travel Management . . . . . . . . . 32

Video Game Art and Animation . . . . . . . . . . 29

Welding Fabrication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Welding Level 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 38

Wildlife Conservation Technology . . . . . . . . . 11

Wind Turbine Technician . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39

Wood Manufacturing – Cabinetmaking . . . . 39

Tel: 1-800-446-5265 or (902) 629-4217

Fax: (902) 629-4239

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