Download - Holbrook Public School · 2019-11-27 · ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019 Our students gave their best all day, many achieving personal bests and a number of students

Page 1: Holbrook Public School · 2019-11-27 · ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019 Our students gave their best all day, many achieving personal bests and a number of students


Welcome to Week 5! – It was great to hear of our school’s success at the Southern Riverina Swimming Carnival on Friday! We were the overall and handicap champions, we had four winning relay teams, two champions and two runners-up! Outstanding effort, team! Many thanks to Chrissy Lavis for coordinating the team and to Margot Pitzen who has supported with coaching at the community level. Afternoon Pickup – In the afternoon, there are three ways that students leave our school; bus, parent/carer pick-ups and walking/riding. Students travelling on the bus wait in lines under the

COLA and have a teacher who helps them safely onto each bus. Parent/carer pick-ups should occur at the back of the school on Swift Street. Parents/carers are asked to come to the gate to pick up their child(ren) and accompany them to the car. Our front carpark is designated for staff (southern end) and visitors (northern end). This year, there has been an increase in vehicles using the front car park to pick up students which poses a safety issue to our students. Students walking or riding can leave from the back gate (Swift Street) or front gate (Albury Street). Students can be helped by the teacher on duty to cross Albury Street at the crossing. AFL Trials – Last week, we held school AFL trials during three lunch times. Thirty students, boys and girls, participated which was great to see. Congratulations to Jim Henry, Izak Schirmer, Wil Jenkyn, Hamish Livermore, Leo Laffan and Jack Pitzen who were chosen to attend the Southern Riverina AFL trials on Friday, 8 March. We still have plenty of AFL opportunities ahead of us, with the Paul Kelly Cup (2 May), Tony Lockett Shield and the Yerong Creek Gala Day.


Mon 25 Feb • Primary Boys cricket squad selection • School Council meeting at 3:45 pm

Mon 4 Mar

Tue 26 Feb Tue 5 Mar

Wed 27 Feb Wed 6 Mar

Thu 28 Feb Thu 7 Mar

Fri 1 Mar • Swimming for sport • Primary boys and girls final tennis selections (Griffith)

Fri 8 Mar • Assembly run by Year 3 at 12:45 pm • Clean Up Australia Day • Swimming for Sport • SR AFL trials (Culcairn)


Fri 1 Mar Margot Pitzen Fri 8 Mar Rose Bennetts

Mon 4 Mar Abby Paton Mon 11 Mar Kelly Boers

Our 2018 to 2020 School Plan Strategic Directions

• Students • Staff • Parents • Community

• Students • Staff • Parents • Community

Excellence in Teaching Excellence in Leading Excellence in Learning

Holbrook Public School Quality education for all in a secure and caring environment

Address: 146 Albury Street, Holbrook NSW 2644

Phone: (02) 6036 2021 Fax: (02) 6036 2901

Email: [email protected]


ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019

From Left: Jack Pitzen, Wil Jenkyn, Leo Laffan, Jim Henry, Hamish Livermore and Izak Schirmer

Page 2: Holbrook Public School · 2019-11-27 · ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019 Our students gave their best all day, many achieving personal bests and a number of students

ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019

Sporting Schools – This term, we were successful in our application for a Sporting Schools grant. We will be using these funds to employ two cricket coaches for the last five Fridays of term. Interested students will have the opportunity to work on their skills during lunch times with the coaches, and all students/classes will receive coaching during sport. UNSW ICAS Testing – Sixteen of our students participated in the UNSW ICAS tests last year with many receiving merits, credits and distinctions for their efforts. These tests are optional assessments designed to recognise and reward academic excellence. The emphasis is on challenge and extension for the most able students. Every year over a million students participate around the world. There is a cost for participation (approximately $14.50 per test). All of these tests will now take place online. The process for participation has changed and further information regarding entry will be sent home soon. Swimming for Sport – Department of Education Policy stipulates that we mark the roll regularly before, during and after aquatic activities to ensure safety. We ask that you always see your child’s class teacher and sign the class roll before taking your child home. This is a requirement on any school day or excursion. Clean Up Australia Day – This year, Schools Clean Up Australia Day will be held on Friday, 8 March. Please bring your own gloves and a plastic bag. Opportunities at Holbrook Public School – There are a multitude of great opportunities occurring at Holbrook Public School this year. Mr Earl is in the process of beginning a gardening club, Mrs Jones is running a bocce competition, Mrs Henderson is opening the Library once a week at lunchtime, Miss Freeman is teaching recorder during lunchtimes and is coordinating the Festival of Instrumental Music Excursion to the Opera House. As discussed in the last newsletter, there are plenty of sporting opportunities as well, with trials, knockouts, carnivals and gala days, and this term, we also have Sporting Schools cricket coaching taking place. As the year progresses, there will be further opportunities in choir, music and dance. The Premier’s Challenges for sport, reading, debating and spelling will also be a feature. There will also be opportunities in public speaking, Aboriginal and multicultural education. I would like to thank the teachers and support staff for providing these opportunities each year, often during lunch times. We do this to ensure that each child feels connected and engaged at school, and to develop the whole child and to enhance the educational opportunities available. We encourage our students to be open-minded and willing to challenge themselves in new situations, have a go and participate in as many of these opportunities as possible. Regards Nathan Fisher Relieving Principal

SOUTHERN RIVERINA SWIMMING CARNIVAL Congratulations to the 25 students who attended the Southern Riverina swimming carnival on Friday at the Lavington Swim Centre. The students displayed excellent sportsmanship and gave their best. A huge thank you to the parents who came to support the students. It was wonderful to hear you all cheering for each other. A huge thank you must go to Margot Pitzen for training the students and being the pool recorder on the day. It is very much appreciated.


In consultation with the School Council and P&C, Voluntary School Contribution Fees for 2019 will be $35 per child, however, feel free to contribute more, if your budget allows.

That’s around 18¢ per child, per school day!

This money allows us to purchase teaching resources as well as writing books, stationery, art supplies and library books. All of which your child benefits from.

Remember, every cent counts!

Congratulations and thank you to those families who have already

contributed to their child’s learning experience.

Page 3: Holbrook Public School · 2019-11-27 · ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019 Our students gave their best all day, many achieving personal bests and a number of students

ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019

Our students gave their best all day, many achieving personal bests and a number of students gaining first, second or third place in their events. Holbrook Public School was successful in winning the Overall Champion School and the Handicap Champion School once again. This was a fantastic team effort by the students! A special congratulations to Annabel Pincott (11 Year Girl Champion), Ella Lieschke (11 Year Girl Runner Up), Jasmine Lieschke (Junior Girls Champion) and Georgie Cardile (Junior Girls Runner Up). What a fantastic effort by these students. Congratulations to all of our relay teams. They were all successful in winning their races. The Junior Girls relay team set a new record of 3.11.03 (old record 3.17.12). Well done to Georgie Cardile, Jasmine Lieschke, Alice Hearn and Abby Pincott. The Senior Boys relay team also set a new record of 2.47.15 (old record 2.50.03). Well done to Izak Schirmer, Wil King, Jack Pitzen and Hamish Livermore. An excellent team effort! We will have a number of students who will qualify to attend the Riverina Swimming Carnival to be held at the Albury Swim Centre on Wednesday, 13 March but are waiting on confirmation of results. Permission notes will be handed out when they arrive. Well done to all students. Chrissy Lavis

Proudly showing their HPS emblazoned swimming caps and after their hard work has paid off.

at Holbrook Public School

A huge thank you to Matt and Sarah King for acquiring and delivering six wheelie bins for our 10¢ container collection and also to Scott and Kellie Black for their donation and delivery of another wheelie bin. This will definitely make collecting and processing the containers much easier. The SRC have started collecting plastic bottles, aluminium cans, cardboard cartons and glass bottles that have the 10¢ refund collection logo on them. You are welcome to collect them up and send them in from home to help us raise funds for our school and our chosen charities. There are a few conditions for the containers we are able to return. For more information and to help make it a smooth process for the SRC, please see the poster on the back page.

136TH HOLBROOK SHOW – CLASS “S” CHILDREN’S WORK Students are invited to enter craft items in the school section at the Holbrook Show on Sunday, 24 March. The craft entered must have been made in the last 12 months and entered in the year currently studied at school. Any entries can be made at home. Entries can be given to Miss Freeman by Wednesday, 20 March 2019. Early Stage 1 – (Kindergarten) 1. Craft – any medium Stage 1 – (Years 1 and 2) 2. Craft – using a paper plate Stage 2 – (Years 3 and 4) 3. Article of Handiwork – hand-sewing, embroidery, appliqué, knitting and crochet 4. Pet rock

Page 4: Holbrook Public School · 2019-11-27 · ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019 Our students gave their best all day, many achieving personal bests and a number of students

ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019

Stage 3 – (Years 5 and 6) 5. Article of Handiwork – hand-sewing, embroidery, appliqué, knitting and crochet 6. Craft – Make something out of recycled material Entries: 1 entry per section per child.


AND CARERS Now that students are back to school after a break it’s a good time to chat with your child about safe behaviours when you walk or commute to school.

Top tips Here are our top tips to help our students make a safe trip: 1. Be alert and aware Take note of the dangers you come across on your walk and bring them to your child’s attention. Point out dangers, such as vehicles coming out of driveways. Talk to your child about being alert in a road environment. 2. Hold hands When on the footpath, at a crossing or in a car park always hold your child's hand. It is advised to do this up to the age of at least 8 years old and closely supervise until at least the age of 10. 3. Choose a safe crossing Lead by example and choose a safe place to cross the road. Explain why it is the safest place to cross. 4. Set a good example Your child watches everything you do, so if you cross at the crossing they will too. It is also important to share these messages with other carers who may walk with your child to school. 5. Stop, Look, Listen, Think every time you cross the road Discuss this important road safety message. STOP! one step back from the kerb. LOOK! continuously both ways. LISTEN! for the sounds of approaching traffic. THINK! whether it is safe to cross. Practise makes perfect The more supervised practice your child can get the better, so why not make Term 1 the start of a new routine to walk with your child to school more often. Older children may be ready to make the journey to school independently. Before they take this step, observe if they are road safe and reinforce the road safety messages.


GROUP PHOTOS For those wishing to order a photograph of the school leaders or house leaders, please complete the order form below and hand it into the office by Friday, 8 March 2019. The cost for these photographs is $15 each. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I ___________________________ of Year ______

would like to purchase:

Qty: _____ School Leaders photograph(s) at $15 ea

Qty: _____ House Leaders photograph(s) at $15 ea

Enclosed is $______________


Summer Sizes Polo Shirt (short sleeve) 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 Shorts 8, 12, 14, 16 Summer Dress 4, 6, 12

Winter Polo Shirt (long sleeve) 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 16 Fleece 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14 Boys’ Pants 4, 8, 14 Girls’ Tartan Pants 6, 12, 14 Girls’ Tartan Skirt 6, 8 Girls’ Tartan Tunic 4, 6, 8 Windcheater 4, 6, 8, 10, 12

Sport Sport Shirt 4, 6, 12, 14 Sport Shorts 10, 14, Track pants 4, 6

Accessories Hats Assorted Tights Backpack





Page 5: Holbrook Public School · 2019-11-27 · ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019 Our students gave their best all day, many achieving personal bests and a number of students

ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019

2019 PREMIER’S READING CHALLENGE The Premier’s Reading Challenge starts soon. We would encourage all students to participate, either by reading books or having books read to them. This is a great opportunity to encourage and nurture a love of reading in your child. Stay tuned for more details.

The Athlete’s Foot Albury will support Holbrook Public School with $5 from every pair of shoes

purchased, donated back to our school.


Yellow Playground Star Cards Sophia Henderson x2

Blue Classroom Star Cards Lucy de Steiger, Zac Spencer

VALUES AWARDS – FAIRNESS Infants: Cess Lieschke Primary: Nick Robards

SPORTSMANSHIP AWARDS Wil Jenkyn, Joel Laffan, Isaac Mathewson, Braxton McKillop, Justine Naughton, Connor Tyndall

BEST CLASS ASSEMBLY AWARD This award is given to the most attentive and responsible class at assembly. The winner is: Year 5/6

FIRST CLASS READY AWARD Awarded to that class who has consistently been prompt when lining up at morning assemblies, and after lunch and recess. The

winner is: Year 5/6

TIDY TED AWARD Awarded to the tidiest classroom.

The winner is: Year 2

Bronte Dyer Year 2

UNIFORMS Term 2 sees our students return in Winter uniform. Please get your children to try on their uniforms so that you are well prepared

for the colder weather.

Page 6: Holbrook Public School · 2019-11-27 · ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019 Our students gave their best all day, many achieving personal bests and a number of students

ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019


The following Holbrook businesses sponsor our newsletter. Please support them when you can.


Miss Hemphill Eddie Landale – Always trying his best in all areas of his learning Lucy Ryan – Always being a positive role model for others

Miss Freeman Isabella Feltrin – Showing respect towards equipment and classrooms Jonty Ingle – Following directions and attempting new tasks

Mrs Young Jai Hughes – Improvement in reading skills Benjamin Yensch – Improvement in reading skills

Mrs Biar Asher Kenney – For listening to instructions and carrying them out without a fuss Abigail Pincott – For great application to your maths work

Mrs Henderson Primrose Heriot – For her continued effort with critical and creative thinking skills during literacy Reuben Wilton – For his contributions and comprehension skills during novel study discussions

Miss Burton Hayley Vankerkoerle – Being accountable for her learning during literacy Ava Wolters – Having an open mind when learning new concepts in maths

Mrs Wedgwood Blade Maher – Confident counting and great book work Justine Naughton – Excellent leadership qualities and a wonderful work ethic Annie Triggs – Consideration and care of others

Mr Fisher William Glass – An outstanding explanation of his mathematical strategies Jorja Pardey – Showing leadership qualities and being a great friend

Australia Post Holbrook 110 Albury Street Holbrook

Phone: 6036 2525

Page 7: Holbrook Public School · 2019-11-27 · ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019 Our students gave their best all day, many achieving personal bests and a number of students

ISSUE 3: Term 1, Week 5 Monday, 25 February 2019




Registration nights for Season 2019 are now open for all Junior and

Senior Grades beginning 21 February at 5:00 pm running every Thursday until 14 March. All girls must be registered with the Club before the start of Season for insurance purposes. Please ensure if you wish to use the Active Kids Rebate for your child’s registration, bring this voucher with you to redeem on the night. For more information on this program please visit Contact: Sophie Hearn on 0427 034 745 or Carla Black on 0427 232 090 for further information.

MOTHERS ALERT Any mothers who have time on their hands on a Wednesday morning are invited to come to the Holbrook Bowling Club and try the wonderful game of Lawn Bowls. Bowls will be available for your use. Please wear flat-soled shoes. Be at the Club between 9:00 am and 9:30 a.m.

HOLBROOK BASKETBALL Basketball clinic for kids

starts Wednesday, 27 February from 6:00 pm to 7:15 pm.

Junior nomination day is on Wednesday, 8 May at 4:00 pm in the stadium.