Download - Hive Setup on Cloudera

  • Hive Setup for Cloudera

    Step 1: Create a folder on your Desktop (user defined). I named it hishamHive.

    Step 2: Open terminal.

    Type: sudo su

    If it asks for password type: cloudera

    It will come to root@cloudera-vm:/home/cloudera#

    Step 3:

    root@cloudera-vm:/home/cloudera# > cd /usr/lib/hive/conf/

    root@cloudera-vm:/home/cloudera# > sudo gedit hive-site.xml

  • Now you have to copy the path of the folder that you have created. (ie hishamHive).

    Change the property given below:

    javax.jdo.option.ConnectionURL jdbc:derby:;databaseName=/home/cloudera/Desktop/hishamHive/metastore/metastore_db;create=true JDBC connect string for a JDBC metastore

  • Step 4:

    Always type this command to enter into hive shell: sudo hive