Download - History of Manchester United (1)

  • 8/9/2019 History of Manchester United (1)


    The History of Manchester United F.C. (1986–2013) covers the period following the appointment

    of Alex Ferguson in November 1986, to the da of his retirement, in !a "#1$% Ferguson &oined the

    club from Aberdeen on the same da that 'on At(inson was dismissed , )1*and guided the club to a

    1"th+place finish in the league% )"* espite a second+place finish in 198-.88 , the club was bac( in 11th

    place the following season% )$* 'eportedl on the verge of being dismissed, victor over /r stal

    0alace in the 199# FA /up Final repla after a $.$ draw2 saved Ferguson3s career% )4*)5* The following

    season, !anchester nited claimed its first /up 7inners3 /up title and competed in the 1991 FA

    uper /up , beating uropean /up holders 'ed tar :elgrade 1.# in the final at ;ld Trafford% A

    second consecutive

  • 8/9/2019 History of Manchester United (1)


    • 1 Arrival of Alex FergusonE 1986.199"

    • " The oubleE 199".1995

    $ econd oubleE 1995.1998

    • 4 The TrebleE 1998.1999

    • 5 0ost+TrebleE 1999."##5

    • 6 ?laBer ownershipE "##5."#1$

    o 6%1 Alex Ferguson3s retirement and the arrival of avid !o esE "#1$

    • - 'eferences

    • 8 xternal lin(s

    Arrival of Alex Ferguson: 1986–1992 )edit * Alex Ferguson &oined !anchester nited from Aberdeen on 6 November 1986, the same da that

    previous manager 'on At(inson was dismissed, and immediatel set about rebuilding the club3s

    outh s stem% )1*)18* =n Ferguson3s first game in charge, the team lost ".# to ;xford nited his first

    victor came on "" November 1986, a 1.# defeat of Gueens 0ar( 'angers at ;ld Trafford % ;ver the

    next few wee(s, results continued to improve, and on :oxing a 1986, the team beat

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    but were pipped to midfielder 0aul ?ascoigne b Tottenham Hotspur in the first C" million signing b

    a :ritish club% )1*

    After suffering a number of in&uries to first+team pla ers in the 1988.89 season , Ferguson introduced

    some of his outh team pla ers such as harpe into the team% A six+match winning run beginning in

    Ianuar saw the club in third place in Februar , but it finished the season in 11th% The champions

    this time were Arsenal , who had re+emerged as a leading force in the nglish game since the

    appointment of former nited pla er ?eorge ?raham as manager, while

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    ?iggs , who had made his debut the previous season and was a regular pla er from eptember

    1991% trong performances from chmeichel, 0ar(er, ?iggs and established pla ers li(e teve

    :ruce , ?ar 0allister, !ar( Hughes, :rian !c/lair and the veteran :r an 'obson helped nited

    ta(e an earl lead in the title race, and b /hristmas the title race was loo(ing increasingl li(e a

    two+horse race between !anchester nited and a resurgent

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    After a shortage of goals in the second half of the 1991.9" season cost nited the league title,

    Ferguson was intent on signing a new stri(er% His (e target was the outhampton stri(er Alan

    hearer , but he lost out to a newl promoted :lac(burn 'overs side now managed b Jenn

    alglish , who had managed

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    =n !arch 1994, nited dropped points against Arsenal and bottom+of+the+table windon Town , in

    which /antona was sent off in both games and subse uentl received a five+match suspension%

    The then lost the

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    !ar( Hughes, but with /antona suspended it was Hughes who ended up being /ole3s partner for

    the rest of the season% /ole did not ta(e long to get amongst the goals, bagging five in a 0remier

    double> over fellow title

    challengers :lac(burn 'overs and a 5.# home win over !anchester /it in the !anchester derb ,and even after /antona3s suspension there were some more impressive victories over the li(es of

    7imbledon, Arsenal and

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    (ids> on Match of the Day on 19 August 1995, after nited lost $.1 at Aston Dilla% )""*The club defied

    this prediction with subse uent excellent performances and &ust one more defeat before mid+

    ecember, although a $.1 defeat at

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    1998 saw the departure of the club3s two longest+serving pla ersE :rian !c/lair ended his 11+ ear

    association with nited b returning to his first club !otherwell, while ?ar 0allister returned to

    !iddlesbrough after nine ears at ;ld Trafford%

    The Treble: 1998–1999 )edit *Main article: 1998–99 Manchester United F.C. season

    Treble trophies

    The 1998.99 season was the most successful in the histor of !anchester nited % nited won the


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    nited lost five times in the entire season three times in the league, as well as in the /harit

    hield at the start of the season, and their

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    the C"8%1 million signing of Argentine midfielder Iuan ebasti n DerOn % Dan Nistelroo would be a

    huge success for nited, scoring 15# goals over the next five seasons, but DerOn was less

    successful, and was sold to /helsea two ears later%

    "##1.#" was a troph less season !anchester nited finished third in the 0remier

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    =n !a "##5, the ?laBer famil ac uired a ma&orit shareholding in !anchester nited in a ta(eover

    valuing the club at C8## million, and a month later delisted it from the

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    semi+final to set up the first all+ nglish final% Following a 1.1 draw after extra time in !oscow, the

    team defeated /helsea 6.5 on penalties, winning the club3s third uropean /up% ' an ?iggs made

    a record -59th appearance . brea(ing :obb /harlton 3s club record . and scored !anchester

    nited3s winning penalt % The club also won the 0remier

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    11 campaign was a successful one, with !anchester nited overhauling earl leaders /helsea and

    securing a record 19th league title with a 1.1 awa draw against :lac(burn on 14 !a "#11% The

    faced :arcelona again in the "#11 FA /hampions

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    uring the ?laBer3s ownership, nited have won 15 ma&or trophies, including five 0remier