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Malacca is famous for their Baba and Nyonya community. Peranakan or Baba and

Nyonya are the descendants of mixed Chinese and Malay they are better known Peranakan

Baba Nyonya. Baba and Nyonya community is said to come from Mainland China who

migrated to Malacca since 600 years ago. At first, this community is only available in Melaka

only. However, after Penang and Singapore began to grow, baba and nyonya migrate to the

both states. According to history, the development of this community in Melaka begins when

development times Malay sultanate of Malacca again. Melaka famous as a trading center at

that time have attracted many foreign traders from countries including China for trade in

Malacca. Traders from China has been married local women and child birth bloody cross of

Malay-Chinese, or better known as the Baba Nyonya. These people are mostly derived from

the Hokkien province, China. Baba and Nyonya community is absolutely pure Chinese. At

first they came to Malacca to trade and find a job and marry a local woman whose son and

daughter called the Baba Nyonya called. Therefore the Baba and Nyonya has similarities to

the Malays, especially in terms of language, food and culture.

One of the customs is the traditional Baba Nyonya Wedding or Peranakan Wedding

is a complex preparations and numerous ceremonies which lasts up to 12 days. It’s a very

tedious process in preparations, time and money and that why most of the younger

generation prefers to skip some of the ceremonies. Similar like their Chinese counterpart,

the Peranakan put a great emphasis on choosing good dates and times.

All the Baba Nyonya Wedding or marriages were arranged marriages. Normally, the

elderly will seek the service of a match maker when they feel that their child has come of age

to be married. The match-maker can be a professional match maker and normally has a

large network of friends or he/she might be one of the close relative or friends. As a return

for the successful match making service, the match maker will receive a red-packet with

money and roasted pig trotter.

After the match- maker, a group of elderly people from the bridegroom family will pay

the short listed future-daughter-in law’s family a visit. This visit is known as “merisik“ , a

custom that you could find both in Malay and Chinese community. The “merisik“ group is

normally headed by the match-maker and a few elderly relatives from the bridegroom and

the bridegroom parents will not participate in this “merisik“ visit. The“merisik“ group will

inform the girls’ family of their intention and to seek approval. They will not talk formally like

in normal daily conversations but talk in a mixture of quatrain or pantun by the malay

influence. To ensure that the couple has a happy wedlock, they will ask for the intended girls’

date of birth or “Pek Zhi“. Later they will consult a Feng Shui Master to check the boy and girl

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compatibility with each other. After everyone has come to an agreement, a ceremony of

exchanging gifts between the two families known as Lapchai (engagement day) will be held.

Nowadays, the “merisik“ritual has long been abandoned. The Baba Nyonya wedding

ceremony starts with the performance of purification and initiation into adulthood rites. This

ceremony or ritual is known as Cheo-thau. It is done by both parties at their respective

homes during auspicious hours agreed upon earlier.

Next is the Chim-pong or the coming together of the bride and bridegroom ritual. This

is when the couple pays homage to heaven; earth and man before a special three-tiered

alter called sam-kai. Elaborated preparations can be seen at the alter table. This ritual is

very important as the marriage is dully solemnized during this stage.

The whole practice is guided by an elder known as Sang Kheh Umm or Mak Andam

(Chief Mistress) to ensure the smooth flow of the marriage ceremonies and rituals. The

Sang Kheh Umm is experienced in the obligatory rites & rituals of Baba Nyonya Wedding. 

Every gesture and movement of the couple has been carefully rehearsed to synchronise with

music supplied by a Chinese clarinet. This music is known as “Serunee“. The trademark of

Baba Nyonya wedding is when the couple will have to walk sideway.

The bridegroom will only get his first look at his wife when they meet in the bridal

chamber.This is the time when the husband is allowed to lift the veil over his wife’s face with

guidance from the Sang Kheh Umm (The veil needs to be lifted smoothly without dropping it

on the floor).However, the wife is even then forbidden by tradition to steal a glance at her

husband. It would be deem as immodest to do so as relatives and friends milling in and

around the chamber. Her chance comes not long after both of them sit down for their first

meal together.

Ceremony 'Choon Tok' is a ceremony for the newlyweds to eat together as husband

and wife. On the day of 'sah jit' (three-day celebration) is the bride to invoke respect to family

members and also their god.

Chia N sia ceremony is an event invitation to customs and it is to the groom. On this

day the bride will wear a dress and cloth gloves made of brocade and woven with threads of

silver and gold. On this day also is the song 'dondang Love' will be sung and shared with

humor, praise and excitement.

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Twelve day is the day where guests will be offered with nasi lemak made very

cautiously in order to contain a lot of fat. The steamed rice in wooden steamer covered with

banana leaves. People who specializes in cooking Nasi Lemak called 'Aunt Nasi Lemak'. On

this day also meetings be made while enjoying a meal or tepak sireh.

Chian N Ching Kay, Che Umm It is an invitation to dinner for family members and in-

laws of the bride. The aim is to strengthen fraternal relations between the two sides. Indeed,

in a ceremony like this that family relationships can be further strengthened. Every marriage

there must have certain taboos to avoid a problem occurs. In the Baba Nyonya community,

they believe the selection date corresponding is to avoid something bad happening.

Other than that, there are beliefs have been assimilated from the Malay community

into Baba and Nyonya culture. the two tall candles on the wedding ceremony table represent

the bride and the groom. One each candles you will see a paper depicting the 

Dragon (groom) and Phoenix (bride). They believe that, whichever candles burned out first

(Dragon or Phoenix), the person will pass away first and vice versa

The ritual of releasing a hen and rooster under the marriage bed. Then, everyone

waits to see whether the hen or the rooster will come out first. If the rooster comes out first, it

means the first born will be a male and vice versa.

Besides that,Baba and Nyonya community still believed to diviner and healer. Usually

they go see a shaman when a baby is always crying nonstop. They believe that their child

has been interrupted by a ghost. The go to see a shaman to ask for help banish the ghost or

remove them from interfering with the child.

Most Peranakans generally subscribed to Chinese beliefs system such as Taoism,

Confucianism and Chinese Buddhism. Just like the Chinese, the Peranakans also celebrate

Lunar New Year, Lantern Festival and other Chinese festivals, while adopting the customs of

the land they settled. However in this modern society, many of young Peranakan community

have been embracing Christianity.

Next aspects is taboos.Just like in any other cultures, the Peranakans still believe in

taboos (meaning superstition) especially among the older generations. In some cases, quite

a number the Peranakan's taboos are deemed too strict and complex.

They also believe,Pregnant women are prohibited to touch the items such as gift,

stuffs, wedding beds and etc.or join in the preparations for the marriage ceremony. They are

also strongly prohibited from entering the wedding chamber. Pregnant mothers also cannot

leave home at dusk. At the time of the alleged devil, demons, and ghosts begin to wander.

They believe that the blood of a pregnant mother's firstborn was favored by a vampire and

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langsuir. If they need to come out, the mother is required to carry items made of iron,

including a knife to scare the ghosts.

It is a big mistake to Peranakan families during the past days when guests wear

black or white clothing entire current accompanies weddings because these clothes are

considered to be "the council sadness" or burial clothes.

In addition, the culture of the etnics.The Baba and Nyonya were partially assimilated

into the Malay culture, especially in food, cloth and language used. Most of the Peranakan

are non-Muslim, but have retained the ancestral worship tradition of the Chinese, especially

of their wedding ceremony is largely based upon the Chinese tradition.

The Baba language or Baba Malay is a lingo of the Malay language, with many

words borrowed from Chinese (especially Hokkien), Portuguese, Dutch, Tamil and English. It

is the mother tongue of the Babas and Nyonyas, many of whom do not speak any Chinese

dialect. It is a language for intra-group communication and was the lingua franca of the

Straits Settlements. Some examples of Baba Malay:Ini bakul gua punya. Apa pasal lu kasi

dia?Saya ini jam mau pigi paseh.Baba Malay is fast dying today, and many of the young

cannot speak it, having been brought up to concentrate on English, Malay and even


On certain days, such as festivals and weddings Baba and Nyonya community will

perform dances such as Lion Dance, Opera and Fu Kien Restoran Nyonya Baba. Next their

uniqueness in the social life of Baba & Nyonya is dondang sayang. This folk song played in

official events such as wedding receptions and any functions. The song is accompanied with

violins, drums, gong and they use dialects Baba.

Baba and Nyonya community is famous in Melaka. This community is also known for

its food traditions passed down from their ancestors. The food also has interesting

amalgamation of Chinese and Malay dishes.

One of the traditional Peranakan food is ayam pongeh / babi pongeh materials used

potato type or Red Yukon compared with type Russet chicken / pork and dried mushrooms

Chinese / Japanese.

Baba Nyonya cuisine is also famous for its spicy sour dishes. Their cuisine has to

some extent influenced by the cuisine of the Malay community. Normally, the ingredients

consist of fish (usually herring, mackerel, red fish and fish terubuk), dried chillies, shallots,

garlic, shrimp paste, ginger, galangal, turmeric, lemon grass, leaves kesum, ginger flower,

tamarind , tamarind or lime leaves.

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Kuih Ku is one of the traditional cake of the Baba and Nyonya. Cakes by small round

or oval and around which there is a sticky rice flour and sweet in its middle part. Skin on the

outside resembles tortoiseshell and placed on a piece of banana leaf. My cake is considered

a lucky food because it provided during important festivals like Chinese New Year,

Traditional costume of the Baba and Nyonya adapted from malay ladies. This can be

seen in women's clothes which they wear batik sarong as their main clothes. For middle age

woman, they wore long dresses and sarongs while younger people prefer to wear clothes

pretty embroidered kebaya lady.

Ussually middle aged woman wear baju panjang and it adapted from malay women’s

clothing. The shirts have long sleeved, knee length and thin transparent blouses. It paired

with batik (sarong). Kebaya Encim is for younger peopleThe name is derived from the name

'encim' or Enci which refers to a Chinese woman who married. The dress Incorporated

symbols and motifs from China, such as dragon, phoenix, peony and lily

Baju Lok Chuan atau Mandarin Jacket is chinese traditional dress worn by Baba. Silk

long sleeve sweater, usually wornwith a matching pair of loose pants. Clothing races Baba

more to dress the influence of western and Chinese own.Baba or elderly men were dressed

more casual on ordinary days but still wearing samfoo, coat or shirt pagoda with

embroidered pants,shoes and hats.Shoes bead is handmade footwear. It requires skill and

patience to create a tangle of glass beads that are sewn on burlap. Traditional shoe design

beaded showed motive of Europe flower and its color is influenced by baba and nyonya

pottery and batik sarong.

In conclusion, baba ethnics is unique and interesting, so Baba and Nyonya itself

need to protect their etnics so that it will no be extinct. Baba community i is the result of a

acculturation process and was adaptation of the malay community, almost all aspects of

community life such as food, clothing, speech and so on have been used in their way of life.

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Discuss the implications of cultural diversity among student on the process of

teaching and learning in the classroom.

Malaysia is a multiracial country with diverse cultures and ethnic groups. This cultural

diversity has demonstrated the uniqueness of our country compared to other countries. In

the context of education, socio-cultural diversity not only consider the aspects of race,

ethnicity and culture on their own, but it also covers a wider scope. In the classroom, there

are various racial, ethnic and cultural uniqueness and diverse.

Socio-cultural diversity also affects the students. Pupils have its own stance as a

result of the influence of culture, religion and environment. Therefore, the existence of

different races and socio student culture in the classroom makes them become prejudices

against the students that are varied from their lifestyle. Therefore, students should have

clear minds and they can develop their understanding of their peers of different religious,

cultural and gender so that no gaps between them to facilitate the learning process.

Other that that is the use of standard language should be practiced by students when

in class or while on school grounds. The use of native language or dialect in the classroom

should be controlled to ensure that the learning process goes smoothly. The use of correct

adjustable language should also be emphasized among students in order to avoid fights and

misunderstandings between each other. Appropriate vocabulary can also help students

reach social maturity.

Besides that, students should take advantage of the socio-cultural diversity in the

classroom to interact with different races and genders. The thinking patterns between male

and female are different and positive interaction such as learning in a group can make the

student comprehend about things more clearly. At the same time, limits mixing between the

gender should be emphasized so that is will not have conflict with the claims of religion.

Next,Religion and belief is a very sensitive issue. So, the student’s religion and belief

should not be disputed. The process of socialization between people without affect the

religious affiliations should be developed so that student’s self-formation process can be


Moreover, class of different races, ethnic and socio-cultural requires trust between

each other. Activities that been conducted should be able to cultivate a spirit of mutual trust

in student life. High spirit of trust will break down the walls of racism and racial unity will be

established explicitly.

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Socio-cultural diversity in the classroom also stimulate the existence of a discipline

problem. Students will easily influence by other people’s behaviour. For example, a good

student will be affected by the behaviour of his naughty friends when they are often interact

and socialize. Teachers need to be sensitive about the changes in student behaviour so that

they can avoid the bad behaviour and learning disabilities can be controlled besides

changed his attitude

Page 8: History

Suggest measures to address the cultural and linguistic diversity among students in

the classroom.

The role of all parties is necessary in to overcome the cultural and linguistic diversity.

Education plays a very important role as a platform to promote, preserve and maintain the

unity and harmony of all races this.

Next, the teacher should have competence in the field or subject taught. Teachers

need to have the knowledge, skills and comprehensive experience on the field. Teachers

should constantly improve their knowledge and skills in the subject taught so that the

teaching and learning process more interesting and fun. Teachers also need to be creative

in teaching and connect the lesson with their daily life. Students will see and assess what we

have learned is useful to him for presence and future.

In a multi-ethnic classroom, there are several strategies that can be used by teachers

to overcome the cultural and linguistic diversity among students in the classroom. The first

one is the content, teacher can use the materials and example from various cultures to

explain the concept in teaching. This will make the students feel very proud and confident

when positive things come from their culture are highlighted and discussed. This will attract

them and they will focus on the learning process in the classroom.

Besides that, teachers should help students to keep a positive attitude towards

cultural diversity found among their peers for example by giving reward for students if they

work positively towards other races and groups. Next, by adding contacts with diverse

backgrounds and activities organized by cooperative learning. In this method, students learn

to work together in small groups consisting of students of different races, abilities and


Lastly, the learning style, it can be defined as an individual's learning style. Each

individual has his own style to learn. Man is a very unique and different in their view

something, make decisions, and how they interact. There are people who shape the

perception of sensation-based, they are based on intuition, and there is a use of knowledge,

some use logical thinking. These differences exist due to the personality of each individual is

different. Teachers must be sensitive to their teaching styles so that students can realize

their potential as high as possible.

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