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Page 1: Hispanic America


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Page 2: Hispanic America


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Page 3: Hispanic America

What nationality is the host of Cristina, the Spanish-language talk show?

This and That 600

ANSWER: Cuban (Her full name is Cristina Saralegui)

Page 4: Hispanic America

In what month is the Hispanic Day Paradeheld in NewYork City?

This and That 500

ANSWER: October (It’s held the Sunday before Columbus Day, during Hispanic Heritage Month)

Page 5: Hispanic America

Does a person called a quisqueyanocome from Chile or the Dominican Republic?

This and That 400

ANSWER: the Dominican Republic (Quisqueya is the Spanish rendering of the island’s Indian name)

Page 6: Hispanic America

Does Antonio Banderas’ last name mean “flags” or “bandits”?

This and That 300

Answer: flags (The Spanish word for “bandits” is banditos

Page 7: Hispanic America

Would you most likely eat FLAN for desert or sprinkled on breakfast cereal?

This and That 200

ANSWER: For dessert (It’s a kind of custard enjoyed by Puerto Ricans, Dominicans, Cubans and other Latinos)

Page 10: Hispanic America

In Latin America, if Jose’s father is a Garcia, and his mother is a Perez, what is Jose’s full name?

Everyday Life 500

ANSWER: Jose Garcia Perez (He can also be called Jose Garcia, but not Jose Perez.)

Page 13: Hispanic America

Which is the most common Hispanic last name in the U.S.: Rodriguez, Martinez, Garcia, Ortiz

Everyday Life 200

ANSWER: Garcia (Martinez and Rodriguez are the second and third most common.)

Page 17: Hispanic America

Rigoberta Menchu won the world’s most esteemed prize for peacemakers. What is it called?

Leaders and Great Achievers 400

ANSWER: the Nobel Peace Prize (Menchu earned it in 1992 for her human rights work in Guatemala)

Page 21: Hispanic America

How did the Conquistadores travel to the New World from Europe?

History and Geography 600

ANSWER: by ship (a conquistadorwas a Spanish soldier who conquered Native American people)

Page 23: Hispanic America

How many Latin American countries were allies of Nazi Germany in World War II?

History and Geography 400

ANSWER: NONE (They were all Allied Powers united against Nazi Germany)

Page 28: Hispanic America

Cuerpo, cielo, and dinero are all masculine nouns. Is the noun manomasculine, too?

Spanish Language 500

ANSWER: NO, (MANO is an exception to the rule that nouns ending in –o are masculine. LA MANO is “the hand”

Page 30: Hispanic America

Is the word cocopelao Puerto Rican slang for a bald person or a little baby?

Spanish Language 300

ANSWER: a bald person (Literally, the word means “peeled coconut”)

Page 31: Hispanic America

A caballero is a gentleman. What is a caballo?

Spanish Language 200

ANSWER: A horse (Originally a word for “horse-riding knight,” caballero came to mean “gentleman”

Page 33: Hispanic America

In 2000, the U.S. won an Olympic gold medal in baseball. What country did the U.S. defeat?

Music and Sports 600


Page 35: Hispanic America

Baseball superstar Alex Rodriguez has a nickname. What is it?


Answer: “A –ROD” (In 2003, for the sixth year in a row, he hit 40 or more home runs in a season.