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Lingle Launches Statewide Tour To Tout U.S. Chamber of Commerce Endorsement…. According to a Lingle campaign press release, “We’re VERY excited about what’s in store this week: Gov. Lingle is making neighbor island visits to talk about the important endorsement of her campaign by the pro-small business U.S. Chamber of Commerce. Tuesday and Wednesday, Governor will be on Maui, Thursday she’ll be in Kona, and on Friday she’ll be on Kauai to talk about her vision for improving the economy and creating more jobs.” [Lingle for Senate, 7/16/12]

….On The Same Day U.S. Chamber Launches Third Round Of Ads In Support Of Lingle’s Candidacy For U.S. Senate. According to the Huffington Post: “The nation's biggest business lobby launched an ad campaign on Tuesday supporting what it calls "Friends of the U.S. Chamber" candidates in four competitive Senate races across the country. The 30-second television spots will air in Hawaii, Nevada, New Mexico and North Dakota, according to a chamber press release. The new batch of ads will focus on candidates' positions on domestic energy production, health care and government spending… The remaining two spots feature chamber-backed Senate candidates Linda Lingle, a former GOP governor of Hawaii, and Heather Wilson, formerly a Republican congresswoman from New Mexico.

“The Fresh Ad Blitz Announced On Tuesday Marks The Latest Episode In An Unprecedented Year Of Political Advocacy For The GOP-Friendly Group… Chamber spokesman Ryan Goettel told Roll Call in March that the pro-business organization is wading into national contests earlier than it ever has in its 100-year history.” [Huffington Post, 7/17/12; emphasis added]

U.S. Chamber Ad Tries To Rebrand Lingle As “Bipartisan…..”

…..BUT: Lingle Is Embracing An Organization That Has Been One Of President Obama’s Harshest Critics: According to Honolulu Civil Beat: “In aligning herself with the U.S. Chamber, however, Lingle is embracing an organization that has been one of President Barack Obama's harshest critics. Under president and CEO Tom Donohue, Obama has been castigated over health care, renewable energy and job growth, to name just a few hot-button issues.” [Honolulu Civil Beat, 5/18/12]

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U.S. Chamber An Integral Player In Republican SuperPACs’ $1 Billion Effort To Defeat President Obama. According to Politico, “Republican superPACs and other outside groups shaped by a loose network of prominent conservatives-including Karl Rove, the Koch Brothers and Tom Donohue of the U.S. Chamber of Commercie- plan to spend roughly $1 billion on November’s elections for the White House and control of Congress, according to officials familiar with the groups’ internal operations.” [Politico, 5/30/12]

U.S. Chamber Plans To Spend $100 Million On 2012 Election-Will Help Romney In Several States With Competitive Senate Races. According to Politico, “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce has a goal of $100 million, according to outsiders familiar with the plans. All of that will be focused on congressional races, with the House as the top priority-what organizers call “the first insurance policy” if Obama were to get reelected. But the Chamber’s message, which includes attacks on Obama’s health-care plan, can be expected to help Romney in several states with competitive Senate races that are also presidential battlegrounds- Florida, Ohio, Virginia, New Mexico, Nevada and Wisconsin.” [Politico, 5/30/12]

“And, while [US Chamber CEO] Donohue and Obama are reported to have worked to improve relations in recent months, the reality is that the U.S. Chamber is supporting a slate of candidates that would work to oppose many of the president's policies and goals.” [Honolulu Civil Beat, 5/18/12; emphasis added]

“During the past three years, [The U.S. Chamber] has emerged as one of President's Obama's most persistent critics.” [Honolulu Civil Beat, 5/18/12]


U.S. Chamber Launched $275,000 Pro-Lingle Ad Buy In May 2012: “The U.S. Chamber of Commerce today launched a new ad blitz in Hawaii in support of former Gov. Linda Lingle in the race for Hawaii's open U.S. Senate seat….Similar to an ad run by the Chamber in the islands in February, the 30-second television spot highlights the former Republican governor's stance on a plan to improve tourism to create jobs and her ability to work in a bipartisan manner. The Chamber's ad buy was estimated at about $275,000,



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a source said. An email to the Chamber's headquarters in Washington, D.C., was not immediately returned. February's ad buy cost the Chamber about $250,000, according to filings with the Federal Election Commission.” [Star Advertiser, 5/9/12]

February 2012: US Chamber Spent $250,000 In Ads On Behalf Of Lingle. “The question arises because the U.S. Chamber plans to spend at least $500,000 this year in support of Linda Lingle's bid for the U.S. Senate. About half that amount has already paid for a television advertisement that ran statewide in February. The ad touted what it described as the bipartisan credentials of Lingle, a two-term Republican governor and former Maui mayor, to promote tourism.” [Honolulu Civil Beat, 5/18/12]

U.S. CHAMBER AND LINGLE OPPOSED THE BUFFETT RULE U.S. Chamber Opposed Buffett Rule.  “The Chamber of Commerce on Monday urged lawmakers not to vote for legislation pushed by President Obama that would ensure that the nation's wealthiest pay a minimum tax rate. The powerful business group said it would score the vote on S. 2230, also called the ‘Buffett Rule.’” [The Hill, 4/16/12] Lingle “Would Have Sided With Senate Republicans Who Blocked The So-Called Buffett Rule.” In April 2012, Honolulu Civil Beat reported, “It appears Gov. Linda Lingle would have sided with Senate Republicans who blocked the so-called Buffett rule on Monday. In a press release over the weekend, Lingle’s campaign referred to the proposal as a ‘gimmick.’ ‘Knowing full well the measure does not have the support it needs to pass, the procedural vote was deliberately set up to let this measure fail,’ Lingle said. ‘Once again, Congress was presented with an opportunity to provide meaningful bipartisan tax reform to the people of Hawaii and our nation, but instead it chose to squander this time for political gain.’” [Honolulu Civil Beat, 4/17/12] 

U.S. CHAMBER AND LINGLE SUPPORTED PRIVATIZING SOCIAL SECURITY Lingle Was “Impressed” By Bush’s 2005 Plan To Privatize Social Security. In February 2005, reacting to the 2005 state of the union speech by President George W. Bush in which the President “made clear the White House plans to ramp up the campaign in an effort to pass… his proposal to partially privatize Social Security,” Lingle said she “was impressed with the president's plans to continue building on the economic momentum of the last few years, including details to strengthen and save Social Security to


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ensure future generations will have a secure retirement.” [, 2/4/05;Associated Press, 2/4/05] 

Chamber of Commerce Supported Bush-Style Social Security Privatization Plan. According to the Chamber of Commerce’s website, “The only way to permanently strengthen Social Security is to transform the system into a program with real savings to back its promises to future retirees. The best way to do this is with a personal account component as President Bush and others have proposed.” [, accessed 5/9/12] DOES LINGLE AGREE WITH THE U.S. CHAMBER  ON THE RYAN BUDGET? SHE WON’T SAY… March 2012: Lingle’s Campaign Refused To Answer Whether Or Not Lingle Would Support 2012 Ryan Budget. In March 2012, The Hill reported, “When asked where former Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle (R) stood on the Ryan provisions, a spokesman emailed her statements on healthcare from the website that called for ‘a long-term Medicare system that provides future beneficiaries with early and advance notice of changes’ but did not mention Ryan’s provisions. Numerous emails and phone calls asking for clarification were not returned.” [The Hill, 3/28/12] 

October 2011: Lingle Would Not Say Whether Or Not She Would Vote For Paul Ryan’s Budget, Said She Had Not Read It. In October 2011, Lingle “did not provide a straight yes or no answer” on whether or not she supported the Paul Ryan budget, saying “she had not read the bill.” Lingle added, “I haven't read Paul Ryan's bill, but I can tell you as an individual, I don't spend money I don't have.”  [Hotline OnCall, National Journal, 10/12/11]

 U.S. Chamber Supported Ryan Budget. “At a breakfast with reporters this morning, Bruce Josten, executive vice president for government affairs at the U.S. Chamber   of Commerce, praised House Budget chair Paul Ryan and his ‘Path to Prosperity’ budget outline, which was released earlier this week. ‘We think it is exactly the pathway to a trajectory to get the federal budget spending down to where it’s under control,’ Josten said. ‘This is not just touching the third rail, this is grasping the third rail.’” [Weekly Standard, 4/8/11]

U.S. CHAMBER AND LINGLE OPPOSED OBAMA’S HEALTH INSURANCE REFORM PACKAGE Lingle Would Vote To Repeal Health Care Reform In Up And Down Vote. In July 2012, the Star Advertiser quoted Linda Lingle: “if it is a straight

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‘repeal or not repeal' of the (federal law) as-is without any changes, I would vote to repeal." [Star Advertiser, 7/4/12]

Lingle Opposed Federal Health Insurance Reform. In March 2010, Governor Linda Lingle issued a press release in which she said, “The health care legislation approved by the House tonight will force Hawai'i and all the other states into a one-size-fits-all program that is financially unsustainable. The $1.2 trillion government takeover of health care will cost Hawai'i residents, conservatively, an estimated $300 million over five years in added costs to our Medicaid programs, which are already hemorrhaging red ink. This legislation will impose new taxes totaling $569.2 billion that will burden Americans for generations to come. It will also raise premiums, necessitate the rationing of health care, impede economic growth and job creation as well as require cuts to Medicare. Governors across the country have consistently stated that states need the flexibility to adjust their Medicaid programs so they can deliver quality health care to patients at a reasonable and sustainable price.” [Governor Linda Lingle Press Release, 3/21/10] 

Lingle “Defended The Heated Exchanges And Vigorous Protests” At Town Hall Events Focused On Health Care Reform, Claimed People Were Scared Because of “Hundreds of Billions of Dollars In Cuts On Medicare.” In August 2009, Politico reported that “three leading Republican governors on Monday defended the heated exchanges and vigorous protests taking place at health care town hall events across the country. ‘I think you see a heightened emotion and passion and, you say anger, because people are scared,’ said Hawaii GOP Gov. Linda Lingle, during a conference call with reporters organized by the Republican Governors Association. ‘You’re talking about hundreds of billions of dollars in cuts in spending on Medicare, and that’s why you see members of the AARP separated from their leadership on this issue, because they’re scared,’ the Hawaii governor said. ‘The heightened anger is out of fear for what it’s going to mean for their lives and the lives of their families.’ Lingle was joined on the call by fellow GOP Govs. Sonny Perdue of Georgia and Haley Barbour of Mississippi, the RGA’s chairman.” [Politico, 8/10/09]

 Health Insurance Industry Gave Over $86 Million To U.S. Chamber to Kill Health Care Reform.  In November 2010, Bloomberg reported “Health insurers last year gave the U.S. Chamber of Commerce. $86.2 million that was used to oppose the health-care overhaul law, according to tax records and people familiar with the donation.  The insurance lobby, whose members include Minnetonka, Minnesota-based UnitedHealth Group Inc. and Cigna Corp. of Philadelphia, gave the money to the Chamber in 2009 as Democrats increased criticism of the industry, according to a person who requested anonymity because laws don’t require identifying funding sources. The Chamber got the money from the America’s Health Insurance Plans as the

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industry urged Congress to drop a plan to create a competing government-run insurance plan.” [Bloomberg, 11/17/10]

U.S. Chamber Agenda Includes Repealing Major Tenets of Health Care Reform: According to its website, the Chamber’s agenda includes: “The new health care law creates new mandates and taxes on businesses and individuals. While the Chamber supports the repeal of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA), we recognize that total repeal in the 112th Congress is unlikely. Therefore, we stand ready to work with Congress to repeal the most egregious provisions, including the employer mandate and the many new taxes that will be passed on to employers and employees in the form of higher premiums.” [US Chamber of Commerce, accessed 7/15/12] U.S. CHAMBER AND LINGLE OPPOSED EQUAL PAY FOR EQUAL WORK U.S. Chamber “Strongly” Opposed Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act, Threatened to Count it As Key Vote. In April 2008, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce “strongly” urged members of Congress “to oppose H.R. 2831, the ‘Ledbetter Fair Pay Act.’” The Chamber turned to a tort reform refrain, arguing that “subjecting employers to such claims would literally lead to an explosion of litigation second guessing legitimate employment and personnel decisions.” “Nor is it clear how an employer would defend itself from such a claim without the ability to go back in time and make the types of robust statistical analyses necessary for a defense.”  The Chamber’s head lobbyist, Bruce Josten, concluded the letter, “For these reasons, the Chamber strongly urges you to oppose H.R. 2831 and may consider votes on, or in relation to, this issue in our annual How They Voted scorecard.” [U.S. Chamber of Commerce “Key Vote Alert!” Letter, April 22, 2008]

U.S. Chamber Opposed Paycheck Fairness Act.  According to USA Today, Paycheck Fairness Act “languished in Congress for several years… and it has been stalled by opposition from some Republicans and business groups, including the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.”  In July 2010, President Barack Obama announced he would “press Congress…to pass pay-equity legislation that would make it easier for women to sue employers who pay them less than their male counterparts…” [USA Today, 7/20/10]

 2004: Governor Lingle Vetoed Wage Discrimination Bill. In June 2004, the Honolulu Advertiser reported that Lingle vetoed a bill “prohibiting employers from discriminating on the basis of gender by paying wages to an employee at a rate less than the rate at which the employer pays wages to another employee of the opposite sex for equal work if gender is the only consideration. Lingle said the bill is unnecessary because federal and state laws prohibit employers from discriminating on the basis of gender.” [Honolulu Advertiser, 6/26/04] 

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Lingle Appointed Interim Department of Public Safety Head Who Had Been Found Guilty of Unlawfully Discriminated Against Female Employees. In May 2007, the Honolulu Star-Bulletin reported that Clayton Frank, who Lingle had chosen as interim director of the Department of Public Safety after her nominee to head that department had been rejected, had been found guilty by a jury in 2001 of having “unlawfully discriminated and retaliated against female employees.” According to the paper, the women were awarded  a total of $4.1 million as a result of the lawsuit. [Honolulu Star-Bulletin, 5/25/07]