Download - Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

Page 1: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

hippo books No.S


of the Worldby JOHN w. R. TAYLOR


Page 2: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World


AFU P_I6 MK. IIIArmstrong Whitworth Sea HawkAvro CF-100 Mk. 5

Canadair CL l3B Sabre Mk. 6Chance Vought F4U-7 CorsairChance Vought F-8 CrusaderCommonwealth C A-27 Avon-SabreConvair F-I02A Delta DaggerConvair F-106,4 Delta DartDassault OuraganDassault Mystdre IV ADassault Supcr Mystdre B-2Dassault Etenclard IV-MDassault Miragc lll-Cde Havilland Sca Vcnom

F. (A.W.) Mk. 5lde Havilland Sca VixenDouglas F-6A SkyrayEnglish Electric LightningFiat G9lRFolland GnatGloster Meteor F. Mk. 8

(l[nlrr l,rrrltl I I \ W ) Mk.()(lttttttttt'ttt I ll \ lrtt,rllrtwl,r',r,r I rl I lt llI lrtwlrt I llrrl, r

I lrrwlct I' I I '/llrtrrlrnlrrt lll 'lllrrprlrrl ll \ ll I' lrlll llrrclton.l 4\lMM"lt l'.rIIlrt111a1 1

I.rxllrr,orl I lllrr ',1",,'l rrF Slur


PageNorth American AF-IE Fury 9CNorth American F-100 Super Sabre 92Northrop F-5 Freedom Fighter 94Republic F-47D Thunderbolt 96Republic F-84G Thunderjet 98Republic F-84F Thunderstreak 100Republic RF-84F Thunderflash 1,02

Republic F-I05D Thunderchief 104SAAB_2gF 106SAAB-32 Lansen 108

SAAB-35 DrakenSud-Aviation S.O.4050 Vautour

II_N 112Sud Est Mistral 535 ll4Sukhoi SU-? (' Fiuer'; I 16Sukhoi SU-? (' Fishpot ) I l8Supermarine Scimitar F. Mk. 1 120Yakovlev Yak-25 (' Flashlight') 122Yakovlev Yak*? (' Firebar') 124Yakovlev Yak-? (' Fiddler') 126












I ot Llrcnl I

Mt l)ottttr=llMll )orrtrrllMi l)otttrr llMt l )otrtrll

lll I ',l,rtlrt'lrl('rllll \ r'lrlorr't ILrrr',lrcr'I Il, tttottlll I'1r,il!i'Itl II

The author acknowledges with thanks the assistance of Mr. William Green,who provided the illustrations on pages 51, 77, 79, 85, 97 and 123. Thecopyright ofthe photographs reproduced on pages 83, ll9 and 127 is helcl by

Aviation llt'eek.Mt(; l'l l'I rrg,,r t

Mr(i l/{'llr,' t

Mr(i lr, 1' | 1111qri r I

Mr( i .tl (' I lrlrl'i,lMi(; 'f l' I llg,1,.'r t

NOlllt Ailri th rilr I

Notllr ArrrltI rrrr I

Notllt Atttlt h rttr I


', ll) Mttstitng11r,l S;tl)rcil(,1)i K/1. Silbre

Page 3: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

AFU P-16 Mk. lll (Switzerland)Firct Flight: April 28, 1955

AIRFRAMELow wing, sweptback at 20'. Slightlyswept tail surfaces, with variable-incidencetailplane mounted mid-way up fin.Conventional rudder and elevators. Ail-erons can be lowered with Fowler flapsto provide additional flap area. Full-spanleading-edge flaps. Air-brake on eachside of rear fuselage. Semi-circular airintake on each side of front fuselage.Tricycle undercarriage, with twin wheelson each unit. Main wheels retract inwardinto fuselage. Nose-wheel retracts rear-ward.

ENGINEOne Eristol Siddeley Sapphire turbojet,rated at I 1,00O lb.s.t. lnternal fuelcapacity of 550 gal., including fixed wing-tip tanks. Provision for two 100-gal.underwing jettisonable tanks.

ARMAMENTTwo 30-mm. Hispano cannon in nose, andL 44 air-to-air unguided rockets in fuselagepack. Underwing attachments for fouri,100-lb. bombs, pods containing l9

Sltrglc re.rt .rt t.r( k fi8hter

[il lo rilr r'r', illl ld (() irir-lo-surfacetor lclr. r 'unlr 'r p,*l\ or lrrrrirlll missiles.

l)lMl,:NSll rNsll'lng tptn 16 / l.rngth: 46' 9".ll(lxht ll I ll rns urra: 120 sq. ft,llhtrl trrl l(l .' llfuclbase: 18',

wEt(;t t'l'slintptt': ll,1.rll ll'Mu.t. tuLr oll n, ttht 17,795 lb.

Pll,Rl,'()ltMAN( 1,:

Mut. lprrl rrr)r, rrr il lr. at sea level,Surlft ftlllnN,l.'.1x)o'.Mu.\. t.rtlll r,,rll rrrll('\.

But frrr recklurlr rlurhrl its llight trials' thisformldrhh.llllrl llghlrr wrxtld be in standardservlcc wllh lhr. liwerllrlr Air l''orce, which can-cellcd rn onlrr for llll). 'lhe prototype ofthe ncw Mh. lll vertkrrr, trs illustrated, firstflcw ln Mun.h lo6tl. ll is intended speciallyfilr oprrnlknt [totn rltrrrl rlrnways in narrowvnllryr, rl rrxrrhlrrllrlr hcights above sealcvcl, lnd cornhlrtm hl{h performance withthe sblllly lo hil.l rnrl trkc off in about 500yards.

Page 4: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

ARMSTRONG WHITWORTH SEA HAWK (Grcar Britain)First Flight: September 2, 1947


Srnglc-scat naval fightcr-bornbcr

Mitl-.el rtnrur'lll $iillt\. llrr.rrt.lit ttrrlsurlicts. witlt r.rtllrlirttt rtttrl u;tl rrl' lrrr.Convcntiortal ailcrorrs, clcrlrtrrrs, rrrtlrlr.rrnei lrlrilrng-.,lgc llrrPs. \rr rIt.rk$ rrr\\illg rao{\. I rrrrr r.rlt.trtrt tr(,//1,., itil ,rlu'ings. l ricvclc rrrrtlerelrr itrge, rrr{lr slnlilcu'hccl ort clclr rrnrt. lVlairr rvlrccl. rt lr.r, r

inwartl into lirsclagc. Nosc,wltccl rt lrrr trloru,artl. Wirrrs loltl trprrlrrtl lrtl irrulrrrl.

ENCINEOrrc Ilolls-lloyee Nenc l0.l trrrt)()ict.rate(l iri s.l(Xl llr r L l trt,l t;rill,s rr.lusclagc cal bc srrpPlcnlcllc(l hv un(lcrwing jcttisorlrlrlt' lrrrrks.

ARN,IAMEN'I'frour 20-trrrrr. elu]n()n ln lowcr lusclltlic.Underwing lllr!lln\cills lirr two 50O,ilr.bonrbs atttl ull l() |6 rrir-lo srrrllrcc rotkclsor other sinrilrtr wcltPorr loatls.

DIMENSIONSLf ing span: 3t)'- Ltntth; Jr)'ll'.Htight: 8 ll . ll tt{ ,rrtt. 27ti :c1. tr.Whccl tro,:k: l1'6.

\1'l,tr(; l I l'lltt t. t,tLt ttll r, t4ltr

I'1,.R t,( )t{ t\t,\ l\( 't.l

\l,r t. t1t, , ,l 5r)() rI l).11. nl sca Ie\,!'1.,\ltt\ ttttt ttl , ltrttlt 5,7(X) Il..'ntin.,\l,tt. rttttt:, //O rrrrlcs

Alllrorrgh rrrorl rlt'rcloprnt'trl and production ofllre Se:r I lrrrrk lr:rs lrr.r.rr handlrd by Armstrong\\'lril rrort h ( n()rr \\'hil rlr)rlh ( ;lostrr Aircraft).lltir :rirer:rlt rras llrt lirsl jet lightcr designedItv llrr ll:rslier c(,urprnlt ll llcrr first as alrrrrrl-lrasr.rl liglrlcr I)rolol\pr. but rras quicklyrtrlaplt'd lirr usr. lrv tlrt'lloval Navy, whicht.vtrrlrr:rlll borrghl .13{ ol' llrr various fighteranrl li11hlr.r-lrrrulrtr versions, Nonc of thesert'rtr:rirr irr lrorrl-lirrc st.rricr; but Sea Hawksarc slill oprr:rlionul in (Jermany (whichhorrght 6ll), tlt.: Ncthcrlands (22) and India(24).

Page 5: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

AVRO CF-100 Mk. 5 (Canada)First Flight: January 19, 1950


Low unswcpt wings. IJnswcl)l lrril srrrfaces, with tailplarrc rrrorrrrlctl rnrl-wrry rrpfin. Convctrtionitl ailcrorts, clcv;rlors,rudder and lrrilirrg'crlgc ll;rps. I rrglrcnacelles btrilt on lrt sitlcs ol litscl;t1ic itlrovcwing rools. 'l ricyelc rrrrtlcrc:rrlnp1c. wrllrtwin whcels on cnch urril. Mrrin wlrcclsretract inwtrr(l inlo lirsclirgc. Nosc-wlrcclsretract rcarwirr(1. lltrglrcs lirc eorrlrolradar in nosc.

ENGINESTwo Orcntla ll trrrlrolcls, crrelr lrlctl rrl7,275 lb.s.t.

ARMAMENTTotal of 104 ungrrirlcrl irir lo ;rir rockclsin two wing-tip potls.

DIMENSIONSWing span: 6(l' 10". Lrnxth: 54' )".Height: 14' 6". ll'ing urtu: 591 sq. It.l(heel track: lO'2".Wheelbase: 18' lt".

Two-scat all-wcathcr fighter

wt,I(;il't'sl:ntttt' .t l,l(X) lh.Ilrtt. trtl,r olJ x'rixht; 16,000 lb.

tDt,:ll ti( )ll MAN('t,l

^lrt\ \lttrl trlo itt 10,000'.

iti\. ttttr ol tltnrlt tl,500 li./min.,\i'r lrr r' r r'rlrrtl' 1.1,(XX)'.Lltt. r,trtgr. ovcr 2,(X)0 nrilcs.

'lhe ( lr lll0 wrs llrc llrsl product of the( urrlrllurr Avro corrrpurry ilnd thc tirst jet fighterrk.rlgnr.d ln ( nnrrdn. l hr lwo prototypeswr.rr.r.nclr pontrr.rl hv lwo Rolls-Royce Nener.nglnr.r, lnrl tll prrxluclion m<dcls have had('nnnrllln ()rrrxh lrrrhojcts. ()f the total of510 ('lr l(X)s hrlll, llve squrdrons of Mk. 5s,nr dr.lcrllxrl tl,(,v(., w(.nl inio service with theR.( ln ('nnldn, whilc lwo more squrd-rrrrr of Mk. 5s sr.rvul with tho Belgian Airliort't. liorrr squldrons of Mk. 4Bs, with spanof 5.1 fl. 7 ln. nnd lrrillrntrnt of eight 0.50-in.rrrlthlrre-guns rs wcll ls rockcts, formed partof lhc ll.(''s conlribution to NATO airforccs ln l)uropc. A fcw CF-100s are stillllying rxt cxpcrlnrentul work and othersccond-linc dullcs,



Page 6: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

CANADAIR CL-l]B SAI}RIFirst f/r1'ht (i"ll,. 1 1 Arrgrrrt 9, l9'ro

AllilrltANtl,:Sirrttl:rr to llr,rl ,'l ll,',tlr \rrr, rr,.r,' I

Sltlrrc (l'.rt'r' lil,l l,rrl \\rtlr r',1, .r1 rr' I

lclttlrr4l c,lt', rtl,'rpi'r'rrrrtl l rl '

IiN(;INI.,()lt('()r(rl(l,l ll lrrrl,r,r,l rrl' I rl

lb.s.t I rr, l t rrrl .r ' r" I r" l


Slttttt' .t l(,1 I ) I'l

T)IMI.:NSI()NSll:inyt1,'trt I'l\llttlhr ll'l

wl,](;l l rsI:,nl,lt ll Illll',\lrtt t'tl,, ,'ll tt' r' lrt I I lir ll

l)l,ll{lf( )l|\l \N( I

Ilttt :1',,,1 /lrr,,, t' l, rl ' r l' ' I

lllti,. rrtl, r,l , lttttl l I ritrrr ll irrrrr

l\ltt. r,rrt'1, |."(xr rrrrl'

Ml(. 6 (( rrr'r,l,r)',r r rp'1, ., .r t I r1'l rl, r 1,, 'rr r l', '



Page 7: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

CHANCI V()tr(.lll l4lt I t t )ltin llt rll'. A I

Iirt( llrltt Mry 19, l9{ll ,r,,!1. .,.rr r,r rt l1t,'. ' t. ,,.,t,. r

Aililil{ANil, \\t lt,lllrl,

t ,,, 1\ til l { .1 '(, ll}tttlr'ri,r',. ' l, L,'t"' ',r,1,1, ' ,'., I 1,,.r, ,t

ILilltttl", ,,11', ll,rl' I r"ir ' ,.,,'! l,,l L.irvtttrl llr .t'!\\,rt" I ,,1 . l,' ' I I r., t,,,i,Pe,tt. \\ rllr rrt,l, ,. l', I , ', . ,, l, ,,,,,,M,trtr rrlr,,l r,tr,r,r r.,rr.,rr,l,,,r..,,,{i

l,lN(ilNt'()t[' .r.lll{) lr | 1",'rr ,\. \\ I'r1,, l' 'i!,r'lllW crylrt,, rl rlrl'1,, r ,, ',, '.,.t,.ttClllllll(', ,lr r\ rrl' r l"!r I'l r'l'ltrell,rrrl\\rlr'rt'.r,",,,11r'g,,1,,,11,,ttt,r,,,,,t,,!l,i,l,r.,lril)\sgmelitscl.rpl, I'r,', ".., r".l,l\ r, llr.,,il,rl,l, t,rr,l rr,.'l,r :.. , lr""rrLt"lr'r"" 'rl'l"rr 'rrrrlrrttrrcLst;!ud-ttttrlr't rr rrry rrl'l ll , l,r1',

:ttll t,, |, =i tjlr , , , t, , ,! rtlr ,r rrr;rjrrr 1toWCf.

AI{lVlAl\ll,lN I rt ,... rl,. ri...,t .. . .r.,,r ,,t ttrr ( orslir. of

lorr .lo.r. ,,i.r,,,, r,, .,,r1. r,,r, 'lri'l'. t"t'l "l l'-'l ""' l"'rll l)('lwcen

wltll llilr, It lIt rrl, t,! Ii!rr" lt, ,,r trill n'..1 I l'.1 I".,. Lr l"'..' trlttlt tlle lastlxttttlti,rr lllrrrr t,r ilrlr., r.,,1 | ,,1'till il r..1,,. !.,.,,...,r,I,,,llllrr.ttsst.ttrltly

I)lMl,:Nst('Nsll in1. ttuur ,lll I l I

IlriRht l.l ',1 tt "tt

l'l lll I rll \l \ ,r I

1t,,, ,,.,t1,'' I lt,l't'r lr.r.. rrrrr:titrt'tl in,,,!,.ti,t'.,,.- t.,..,t,,, rt.,.' t,,' ,., LIrt, l,.lrrlicr

Ltr,,t, tl , ! ' 1 "- l rl" r ""rl' ttrllllll lll srrlir't iIt

Page 8: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

CHANCE VOUGHTtlrtt lllght l.lrrrlr lt, l93t


F-0 CRUSADTR (r' \ A )'.ltr1lc rnll rrrvrl llllrtor

llrglr rwcpl srrg urtlr'rl.g t',rtlr' l..r,lrrrpctlgr, wlrir lt , rttr lr' ,lr,r,,1rr rl lnr s11, 1..,,,,,1lili. Atletltrt rrrrl rrrrrrll trrrrlrrg r,lyrllttpr rtte lrollr tllrl,lrl ll tlr. rrlrr,rr,llirltlttrg wlrrl ltpr 'rrl r,rrr lrr ,lr,l1,r,ll(llaclllcr lrr Irilrr,lr illtrrt[ililr ll'tlr !rrr,'

. ()ttc Itcr c 'rll nr,'. rrrg t,rrll,lrrlr rr,l 1, t()ll lit\flnl| I \r It \ r Il r ill lltrr ilrr I ll(lll(l llllfl vdt ldttlr I rrr gr llr lrr ll, rlr,lr r

litsclrtgc I t t, 't', lr lrllr rr rr r irrgr .\ rtltsittglc wlrcrl rr r rtr lt rrl Nl,rrrnr lr. lrrctrilel t[$ilrrl ttttil liltrlrrgr tllrr rlrrrlfclltt(ls tfrr\\'url ( lrtrr r rryrrfiittlakc ttttrler I rrrr ll lrir rrr,llrrr

EN(itNl,ll" llA lrrrr tr I'rdll ,t rAlrltrrry l\t l' l1lurb()icl, rrrlcrl rrl l, ll, r I \r rtl'rchcltl. I N( lr,rr rrr,lr' lr,rrrr rlrrlJ57 l' lO. I l{l t lrrrr I 1 I l' .rll r 'rr.,lat lll.(X)() llr I I rrrtlr rr lrnrt I rrr.l trrrr!rin wittgs ittttl lrrrrlrrlr I'rlr trrlrr l,,rllight lclirclllr!

ARMAMI,:N'l'F<lttr 2(l-tttrrt, (nil[il[ ilt ilrrtr. dIrl L tIr I

ablc hclly prrr'L ol llrrrtr t\r,r .r,l'\ ,rr t,'air r()ckcts. I llA rrrrrl ( i,uII t\r,,

'rtrlr strrrlr r rllrrr rr.rl nl\\tlcs ()n the sidgs,,1 tlr,, lrrrr lr1yr. I ttl ) lr;rs tirur Side-

lrll\ll,N\tllNsll rtrt r1',rt l'r ll ltngth: 54'2{".ll, l i ', tl h,.,.1 trutk: 9' 8".

11 l'1r.lll (1,B.\)\',,trtt,tl r,tl,, ,'ll n,rqht .r1'ptox.27,000 Ib.

l'1, lr 1,illr l\t.\ Nt t,

llr, i rlrlrlrr lrlr lx.r'rr rllrrrlrtrrl tquipmentlr lltr I i '. N{r I illr r. Nlrtr('lr 1957 and iStllll lrr plrrlrrrtllrr {rrrorrg lls (trtlstandinglrlllrr.r lt r Inrr plrltl'rr vnritblc-incidencehlr!. tlrr lr rrllrrl ,rly,. r'l rrhlclr etrn bc raisedlrr lrrrrrrl llrr orrglr ll nilnr.L for lakl-Off.\ rr lrillr lrr il r r lr r lr r llrr. origintl Ft-8A,llrr. I llll nlth rlrrrrrgtrl rndlr, lhc photO-gr egrhlr r r . ,,ll{tritrll l{ I ll.\ s ilh camerashr r llrlr rrr rl I'r llr tlrr l' 8( rilh morep'n*rlrrl r,rrplrrr.. rrrrtrrl llrrs lnd inrprovedr lrltr, llrr. rr rlt rrrlrrrrrnlir- llll-wcatherI il) hlllt lrrrrrrrrrl rriltrr[(.nt aild speedrgr3ll*rhlrrg t\l{'h , I l,trll nt.l).h.). and ther[.n I' lll, wlth hlllr.r perlorrrrl[cc radar.Ih I lll, lr rlru lrlhrg rrrpplied to thel,tr.rrr h Nrr r


Page 9: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

COMMONWEALTH CA-27 AVON-SABRE (Austratia)First Flight: Augurt 3, 1953 Slrrglc.rert <lay flghtor

tfiI ir.


low wings, wilh l1'swccplrrrtk. Srvcptback toil srrrlirtcs, wrllr l() rlrlrcrlrirl irrrtailplanc. ('orrvr.rrlronrrl lrrlctrrrrr rrnrlrud(lcr.'lirilpltrrrc rrrrrl rlcvrrloll lrlIerlfor c<l-rlrrllrlrlctl nlovcntrnl Sloltr.rltrailing-ctlgc llrrps. I r rt vr lt. rrrrrlctr,rr r r,rgr.with singlc wlt(.cl on r.rrr lr rrnll, Mrrirr

/ whecls rclll(l rrrwlrrl ltl(r lrrrclitgrNosc-wlrccl rcllt(l\ tcilwrurl. Arr llnleon cach sirlc ol rcrrr lrrrr.lrge. ( r(llruair intokc [r nosc, wrllr r rtlrrr lrgr 111 1,"'

ENGINT]One ('ortln,,rrrvctrlllr lrrrrll l{ollr l{orr r.Avon 2(r lUtl)0,c|, lrte(l lt /,1(t(t llr r I

Fuel tttnks rrr lrrsclrr;1c. I rr'o or lorrrunderwing jcllrsr[[rlrlc trrrrIr.

ARMAMI.:N'I'Two 3o-nrrtr. Arlcn errrrrr,rrr rrr rrrlr.r olfuselagc. Urrrlcrwrrrl4 llllt( lrn('ltl lortwo Sitlcwirttlcr rrrlrir rerl llt lo rlr nl1siles, or lw() l,(XX) llr. lrorrrlrr rrr ,',1 rrllo-groun(l r()ckcls.

DIMENSIONSWing span: J7' l', l t.u1;th. t l i .

Height: 14' 5". ll rnx rutrr: tl.) rrt. lrll/heel tack: U' 4'.

wl,:t(;il't'sI n1t1v l.t,(XX) 16.llrtr. trrAr rtll vtillht; 17,100 lb.

!'t,:t{t( )llMAN('t,:ilil\. .\l,t(rl /(X) nt.t).11. lrl sca level,lll,rt t'rrt,tl rltnlt l.l,(XX) lt./min.,\nrtrt rttlrrtq \O,O(X)'.iltt\ tttnNr l. | 1O ntilcs.

lly lllllrrg n l&rlls.ltoyr.t crrginc in the F-86IrSllrrr. nlrlrlrrrr., (irnrrrronwcalth Aircraft( or prrr llIlr ol Mr.llxrurnc produced anorrlrlnrrrllrrg llghttr for tlrr l{.A.A.F, Use ofllrr rrrorr ;rrtrr.rlrrl trrginc involvcd extensiverr.rlrrlgn ol th. lrrrclngt, including provisionol I llrgcr nlr lrrllkr. A ctnnon armamentwlr-llro lrrrlnllcrl lrr plncr of thc originalrttru hlnr. gtrrrr.lhr. prototlpe rrrrl llrrt 22 production Avon-|lllrrr.r lrlrl lnrprrrlerl Avrlr RA.7 turboietslrrl rr.lrlrrr.rl ilrr. Srlrr.'s lenrling-rdge sltrts.llrctr. rrrlrlr[tr.r nr.rr. rlesigrrnlrd Mk. 30.I lr.r nrrr lollonr.d |ty Z(l Avon-SabreNll. tlr nlth ( orrrurorrntnlth-built Avon 20luxl- wlllr lh. rlrtr rr.plrt.r.rl bv crtcnded winglrn(lln[ rtlgri. lirrlrre rlr.rrllv, ( irmmonwealt[Irlrr. prorlrrcr.rl n lolll ol ('(, Mk. 32s, to whichllrr. rhrvc (lxlrt npph. 'l lrcsc aircraft arelx.hrg rrpllcrrl pr,' rilh Australian-hrllt l\llrngr.r.


Page 10: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

coNvAtR F-t02A DELTA DAGGER (U.S.A.)First Flight: Octobcr 24, 1953 Single-seat all-weather lnterceptor

AIRFRAMT' I)IMI.]NSIONSMid-sct rlclta wirrgs, witlr (r() swccphire k.Dclla lin lrrrl rrrrlrler. No tirrlpl;rrc.Elcvon corrlrol, crrr lr iri lwoscctions, 0rr wirrg lilrrllrr14, ctlgcr. I rrllrrrcarr rllakc ()n ct(lt srrlc ol lirselrrge rrrrrlcrcockpil. l rir'yrlc llt(lcteltnltla(., wrtlr

_ singlc wltccl orr t.:rr lr rrnrt. Mtrrrr wlrt.clsrctrilct inwnr(l irrt0 lirsclrrgc. Nose wlrcclrctrilcts lilrwrtr(1. I rrc t.orrlrol rrrtllr rrrnosc. l.trrgc l)lt\lcr lrrirrrrg orr r.lrlr srrlt.of rcur lirsclrrgc.

BNGINI'Onc l)rirll & Wlrrtrrcy,l5/ I' t{ trrrlrojct,ratcd itt lO,()(X) lb.\.t. rlry rrrrrl I 7,(XX) llr s t.with rclrcrrt. lrrcl lrrrrhs rrr wrrrgr nrrtlin l'usclagc irll ol wr.rrporr lrrryr. ( rrrr r.rrrya jctlrsottitl)lc lrrt.l ltrrrh rrrrrlt.r t.trr lr rvrlg

ARMAMIIN'I'Main arrtrnrrrcnt ol \tr I ltrglrr.s I rrlr orrinfra-rctl ritrlitr lrorrrrrrg rrr lo lur rn\\tli.\earricd inst(lc lltrec prrrrrllcl we,r;rrrr lrryrin l'usclagc. Mrssrlt.r rrrt' r.rtt.rrrlt.rl lorfiring whcn tlrc werrporr l)ly (loot\ op(.n.Twenty-lbur 2 75- lolrlrrrg lrrr ror kctrare carried in lubcs hrrilt irrlo tlrc tloors.

ll'in1i .rytn: ltl' I 1". Lengrh: 68, 3,,.l.l r.i*hr . 2l . 2)". t4 ins area: 661.5 sq. ft.ll h', 1 rnttA; 14' 21".ll hrtlharr; 22' 41".

wt,:l(;il't'Ittu t. tttl'r-rtll x?,rflr/.. approx. 27,000 lb.

I'l,llll;( )ll MAN('l,lll'r1 ttttttl tl25 rn.p.h. (Mach 1.25) atla,.(x){}

".\'rryitr ctilitR : 54.000'.'lhc l)eltt l)rgg(.r wtls lhc tirst productionrtr.rojrllrrr. to lrlvr lt 1rinched-i; . Coke-lxrllk" frrrr.llgr., rk.slgncd in accordance xiththr. Arrll l{ulr, lo r.nnbk. it lo flv faster'fhanthr, rpurl of rourrrl. lhc lnrge, blisters onrlelr rkle ol lhr. ttll trr(. psrt of this area-rrrllrrg. I lrr I lught.s M(;-10 fire-controlrndrr h lhlr lo lly lhc olrcrlft automaticallylownrrlr lhr. ttrr*et trflrr lhc pilot has taken off,lnrl llrr.thr nrnln nrntrtnlont automaticalliwhrn tlx. ttrr*rt ls wlthln rungr. About 1,fi)0l)r'lll -l)nggrrr wr.rc huill, including some_l

l, tll2A lw(,-s(atl rlurrl-prrrpose lrainer/lllhtr,rr. Mlny squndrons nie in servicewlth thc I I.S.A.t,.


Page 11: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

CONVAIR F-IO6A DELTAFirst Flight: December 26, 1956


DIMENSIONSll/ing span: 38'11".

DART (u.S.A.)Single-seat all-weather i nterceptor

Mid-set tlclta wirrgs. wirh 60 swccpbirck.Square-top lirr :rrrrl rrrrltlcr. No tirrlFlrurc.Elevon corrlrol srrrlirccs, caclr irtt lwosections. orr wing lnrrling-etlgcs. I rrglrrcatr rntakc <ln cirr'lr sitlc ol l'rrrcllrgt. irrstforward ol winll lcirtlrrrg-crlgcs.'l'rrcytlcundcrcitrriitBc, wrtlr srrrglc wlrccl orr rilrt.lrmaitr urril arrrl twrrr rrorc. wlrccls. Mrrrrrwheels rc(rilct irrwirrtl irrto lirsclirge . Nort..whccls rctracl lirrwirrtl. I irc t.olrtrolradar in n()sc.

ENGINEOnc Pralt & Wltitne y .175 l' l7 lltrl)()tct.ratcd al 17,5(X) llr.r.t, rlry rrrrtl .14.1O() llr r t.with rchcltl. ( itrr r'rrrry l lcllt\('nllrl(. litrltank undcr cnclr win11.

ARMAMI.]N'I'One Douglas M ll I ( icrric nut lcrrr.warhca(l air-lo-nir rrrissilc nrtrl scvcnrlHughes Supcr l,:rleorr lrorrrrrrg Itr to lurmissiles irr wcapon-trly irr lirsclrrgc.

lk,ighr: 21)' 31". Wing orea: 631.3 sq.ft.llhrcl rrtck: l5'51".ll'htrtlny,: 24' l r".

wr;t(;il't'Mu.t. rukc-oll t'ci14ht: over 35,000 lb.

I't,lRtf( )RMAN('tthttt..tpt,,,l; ovcr 1.4O0 rn.p.h. (Mach 2.12.1:rt l(,.(xx)'.,\'trritr t ciling: ovcr 50,000'./lrrrrgr,. :rpprox. 1,500 milcs.

Ihe l)cltn lhrl is n nruch improved and morepowtrlul rk.vr.krprncnl of tha Delta Daggerrrul wur orlglnllly dcsignated F-102B. Itslluglru MA I llrc-conlrol radar is the mostrrlvnrrul vr.l llttetl to uny U,S.A.F. fighterln u.rvftr. lrrtl culr lly lhe aircraft automatic-rllv tlrrorrBlrrnrl ln ltrlcrccplion sortie, receivingllr lnrlru( lhrni front l ground radar network.'I he Air l)cfrnsc Command usesbolh lhr.slngle-sent l,'-106A and the two-seatl,' l(l(rll dunl-purposo irainer/fighter. AnIt l116A htkl lhe world speed record of1,525'95 nr.p.h. firr ncarly iwo years, froml)r.crnrlrcr 15, 1959 until tftc autuinn of 1961.Irngrh: 70' ll)"

Page 12: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

DASSAULT OURAGAN (France)First Flight: February 28,1949

AIRFRAMELow-wing,swcgrtbrrck :rt l4 Slrlllrtlyswept tail srrrlirccs, urtlr l;rrlPllrne ilt()ililtc(lpart-way Ull lin. ( 0rtvcillrorlrl ;rrlt.rorrs,elevalors trrrtl rrrrltlt'r. Splrt lllrps. Arrbrakc ott clrt lr srrlc ol rt.ttr lirst.lrr1lr..Tricyclc trrrtlertrrrrrir11c, litlr srrllle ulrr.r.lon cach trtit. Mlrrrr wlrct ls t( tt:t( I ln\!lu{litrto lusclagt'. Nosc wlrt.t.l tctt;trt\ lr)rwartl. ( ircrrlrtl clll|lre iur rrrllrLc rrr rrrr..r.


Single-seat day fighter

t)tMt,tNst()NSll itq .tpttrt' with tanks. 43' 2".I tngtlt 15' .1".

llrtyltt I l' 1'. ll'ing or<,t: 252 sq. ft.llh,tl rr,ttl '/'5".

\\ t,.t( it t't sI rttltrr t),1 ll lb.Mrtt. tttlr,rtll u'tight: 1.1,575 lb.

t,t.:t{ tr( )R t\t,,\ N( '1,;

ll,rt t1t,,.rl 5ll,l at sca level.ll,tt r'rrt rtl r.lrrtrlt 7,5(X) l't.7rnirr.I rr,lttr,ttt, r. /-) rrrrrr

"d\ ;*i_

Onc llolls-l{rry!e N( r( tltl)(),(.t, lrrrrlt lryHispattO-Srrtzrr rrrrtl rir{r'rl it 1,(l(X) llr', I

Fucl (artks rr $rrfl\ ;rrrrl rt rrtrr' lrr.,r.l.r1'r.Atlditional lrrel rr rrrrli trl) tilrl.,

ARMAMI.]N'I'Four 20-tttrtr. (itt1n(ln rr rrrrst ol lrrrr'l,rgqr'Attaclllcnl\ ttrrrlt r rvrr1i.. lot It' ilr l(lstlrfacc roelcl\. lrrrrrrlrr. t lt .

I'lrsl jci lightcr to enterllr11r' rcrrh' Drorlrr(liorr, thc ()uragan (Hurri-({rr') irrlo sr.rvicr in 1952. A total ofl{l) rrr.rr. lrrrilt, ol which 104 evcntually wentlo lrxlln rrrrl ll5 to lrrltl, in which countriesllrr'v rtrnulrr in lirsl-line servicc as fighter-lrrrrrlx.rr. I lre lldinn nantr for the Ouraganls I rxrllrrl.



Page 13: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

DASSAULT MYSTTRE IV-AFirst Flight: September 28, 1952

AIRF'RANII.;Low-nrtl wtrUls, rrrt lrtlr;r( k ,tl .lo \ /SwcptbaeL t:rrl,,rrrl.rLr..,. rrrtlr t.rrlpl,rrrr.nlotllltf(l ll:trl \\I! il| lilt ( orrrr'iltriln,rlailcr,rttr. rr,l.l( r .lr,l .l,lrr rr.rrlrrrr' ,,1t,lirl'5 \ll rrr,,r rrr' r.rll'l.ur, l r r, 1, I,untlcrcltrrr;r1i,. urtlr '.rrr1.1,. rrltr.r'l 0rr ,.r, lrIlnil. Mltttt rrl!, 1. r( lr,l( I Ir\\.U(l ilrt,,f-usclagr. Nrr,r' rrll r I r( tr,r, I t,)r\\.ilt1Clircular itir ltlitIt lr r,r.,r' .\rr lrr.rf, ,'leilch si(lc ()l t(,1 lu,,( l,ll,i'

EN(;tNt,lOtte IltsDlrrro Srrrr.r \r'r,l,rrr lio trrl',,t, I

ratc(l itt 7./lt' ll' I I rr, I rrr rrr,,, .ro,ll'rrselirgc lrtrrL,,. illtlr t,'t.ll ,,rl,.r( rr\ i,l572 glrl. l'r,rrr..r,,rr t,,r rr ,.\tr.r .'", 1..,1

ilt twtt tttttltrrrrrl t.lrl

ARMAI\II.]N'I'Two l0 rlu. l)l I \ , rrrr,,rr ,rrtl .r t,.r, l.

of 55 ur)Aur(lr'tl ,rr t,, .rrr rr,, l, r. rrl-ttsclagc. IJrrrlt rrrilrrl ril.r, lilr, rt.. tdr ts,,I,000 lb. borrrl's. N.r1,.11111 Lrrrl.,. t\\,'clustcrs ol \l\ .lI lil t:rr)[|(l r", Ir.t., ,'rtwo MA I I{A cort,rrrrcr',, r.,ri lr lrorr,rrrlql9 UrrgLtitictl iUr l() iil, r{r( l(.t,,

(Francc) Sirrglc-seat day fighter

l)l\ll,.NSt( )NSll trtt' st,,trt ll' 5l l trtgrh; 42 1!".ll, ttlrr I I \ ll irttl rtrctt. 344 sq. fi.lllt,,l rr,t,/, lO l^(

\\ t,.t ( ,1 il 'r

I tttt,rt I'il)o llr\l,t t r,tl , ,ttl rt trltt lr',5 l5 lb.

I'l lt I ( )lt \t ,\ \( t,.

\/,/ \ ,1',,,l r,()\ 111 11 11. at \ca lcVel( Nl r, lr o ',1 l

\l t, , rr, ,,/ , ltttrl,\0 ll. ntin.\,,,,,r,,/, rt,lttt trt,, 'O lun.

llrr lrrrt r".,',"r "l tlrr'\lvslt'rt'to strvt withllrr I rr rrr lr \rr I orr.r. rrrs llrt. ll (1. lt wasIollosrrl lrr tlrr \lrsterr.l\ A. lrith thinner\rtrt.,. ,.r,.rtr r \sr'(.lrl);t(-l :urrl :l rltore powerful, "'''nr' \ltol,r.tlrr.r ,l2l l\ \s werc built. ofrrlrrrlr rlrr lrr.,r \tt lr;rrl rrrr llisprn0-Suiza Tayl\tl trrrl,ogr.t, r:ri(.11 :rl orrlr (r,280 Ib.S.t, Alot.rl ')l I l() r\(.rr (.\port(.rl lo Indir and 60 tolsr;rr'l



I. ,,,1





Page 14: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

DASSAULT SUPER MYSTERE B-2 (France)First Flight (Super Mystdre B-l ): March 2, lgSS

AIRFRAMELow-mid wings. swcDtlr:rt k rrl 45Swcpfback tlrrl srrrl;rtcs. u rtlt t;rrlIl;rrrt.mounlctl parl-wity ltp lin. Wrrrlls llrve' dog-lootlt' lt'ltrltrtl', r'rlges. ( orrrr.rrtrrrrr;rlailcrorrs, rrrrlrlr.r ;rrrrl splil lr:ulrrr1l r.rlplr.flaps. All-ruor rrrg t:rrlPlrrrre . I ir, y. lr.undcrcarrr;tgt, wrllr srrr;11t. wltt.r.l olr r.,r, lrunit. Mitrrr re ltil( I rrs;tr(l rrl()fusclagc. Nost' wltt.e l te lrit( l\ re:lr\\,tr(1.Flattcrrctl iltr l)lirkc ul l{)\('. Arr lrrrhr.on cacll sitlc ol rclrr lirst.lrrpir..

ENGINIiOno SNlr( M,A Atiu lol(; l turlrot(.t,rated ill (),7(|O llr.., t $,rtlr rr.ll.rrt l,rrrvision lirr (llyllll r\lt.t lrt(.lt:tl lrr.linstcatl tll r()r'[( l l)itr I, ir', wr.ll tr., r'rtr.rrr.rltan ks.

ARMAMIiN'I'TwO -10-rttrrr. I)l I A t illrol rr lrrrttorrr ,rlfusclagc, l)lu\ itn ltle l nitl l.rr l* ol li ,lrto-air uttgttrtlcrl ror lr.t.. Ail.rr lrrrrr.rrt,undcr wings lirr lwrr MA ll{n .ur to.urguidcd rrrissiles, tw() l.(X)() llr lrornlr',, L'air-to-surlircc roekels or tw() l)it(h., (orltaining a totirl ol lll irir to :rrr rrrrpurrlr.rlrockets.

I rtrtttt I 5,4(X) lb.trlrt t. rtrLt-oll vright

I't,.rt l,r )tt t\t AN('t,lI l,r r rp,'trl 1 15(lVlrrrlr I ll).


Si ngle-seat day fighter

l)lMt,tNSt()Nsll itq .spttrr 14' 5J". Length: 46, l,',ll,.rrhr; 15' 1". lVing oreo: 377 sq. ft.

\\'lilt(;t il s

22,050 tb.

nr.p.h. ar 36,000'

Al,tt rrttt ,t/ t Itrtrh. 17,5(X) ft./ntin.\t trtt t tt tlrnj! 55.775'.li,rlr', t,{lOrrrrlcs.

llrr' prolollpr. Srrper Myslirc B-l wasrhrlllrrr.rl rrs rr rrrrrr.h*irrrpr{)yed and moregrrrrr.r lrrl rlr.rr.loprrtr.rrl ol' the Mystire IV,rrillr rr l{olls l{r}}(.(.Ayr)n RA.7 turbojet. Itpr'rlrl lrprrlrlr. ol suptrsorric speeds in levelllrght rrrrrl tlrr ll 2 lersiOn dcscribed above,rrillr r l,rr.rrclr (.nl:in(., wls ordcred for theI'rtrrr lr \lr l,orr.r., Altogclher, Iive pre-prrrlrrcliorr rrrrrl lll(l prrxlrrriion Super Mystirell lr rrr.rr.ltrrllt, in(.lu(ling l2 for the IsraelAlr liorce.


Page 15: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

DASSAULT ETENDARD lV-M (France)First Flight: May 21, 1958


Slnglo-scat naval day flghtcr

t)tMt,:Nst()Nsll tns .t1nn' ll' 6". Length: 47' 3".llrlght l4' 1". ll'ing urut: 312 sq. ft.

Wli:l(,;ll'l'llut. trttr oll x'rishr; 22,41t,5 lb.

l'1,:ll lt( )l{ M A N('1,:f lir r \frll / l l at 36,000'(Mrtr h I OX).Iltt\ ttutlt ll0l) rrrrlcs.

A lolnl ol gl) l,llrrrhrds hnvc bccn orderedftrr rr,rvkr. orr lh.. ntw lirr.nrh lircraft carriers' liorh ' tnrl '( h.rrlr.rrer.uu.' ()f these, 69wlll lr. l,te nrllrrl ! V Ms, ls dcscribed above,lor ltrln(oplktrr nnrl llghler-bomber duties.l hr otlrrr ll wlll lr. l,ltr.ndnrrl lV-P recon-IllulI|r, llghlori wllh ('tlnlerlts in their nosernd ln rrrnler frrrtlnge plcks. All can be fittedwlllr r lllghl refrrr.lllng probr und can carry'lnttltly pntlr ' for klrg-rnngc missions.lhllvorlrr lo lhr. lirrrrch Ntvy bcgnn in June1961.

Mid-wing witlt 45" swccplrrrtk. Swcptback tail srrrlirccs, willr lrrilplrrrrc nrorrrrlcrlpart-way up lin. Wirrgs lrIvc rlrooIrrrg'dog-tooth' lcrrrlirrg ctlgcs nrrrl lirhlrrgtips, insct lilcrorrs rrrrrl lrrrilirrg ctlgc llirpt.One-piccc ttll-nrovirrg lrrilplrrrrr.. I r icyt lcundercarriagc, witlr singlc wlrccl on crrt lrunit. Muitr utttls rclilrel illwrril ilrl(rfuselage. Nosc-wltccl rclrrrtlr rcnrwnrrl.Semi-circulrtr rrrr irrlrrkc orr cnt lr rrrlc olcockpit. Strrhilisirrg lirr rrntk r rrorc.

ENGINEOne SNll('MA AlIr ll llllhotrl. rnlerl It9,700 lh.s.t. littrl ol /,t(r srrl. ol lrrcl rrr

wing tanks ern hc rrrDllcrrrflrtrrl lry lwo132-gal. untlcrwirrg lrrrrlr.

ARMAMENT'Two 30-mm. I)l,lliA crrrrrron. llrrrlctwrrrgattachments for u to(ul ol l,(XX) llr, olrockets, bombs, missilcs or l'ucl lurrkr,


Page 16: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

DASSAULT MIRAGE lll-C (France) Slngle-seat fighterFirst Flight (Mirage lll-A): May 12, 1958

AIRF'RAMELow delta wing\, willr {,{}" l,l' [.Sweplback llt :ttttl rttrlrlct. No ltot irrrttlrtltail surfnccs, ljlevrttl trtttltrtl slttllttcr rrttwing lraililtg-crlgcs. Srtr;rll,tttl't,tlr'abovc:tttrl bclow e.ttlt wtttl4 trettt lr',trlttt11edgc. -I'ricyclc ltttrlcttttrtt;t11c. wtlll \tttglrwheel on citclt tttttl. Milrrl wlr('('l\ lcllrr( I

inward inlo litrclrrgt'. Nrtsc rvlrccl tcltttr lrrearward. !icttti tir(ttlttt cil14ilt(' rtlt tttl'tlr'.with ptlintcrl slrotk-trtttc. otr t'ttrlr rtrlc olfuselagc, by cotkgrrl. l{itrlrtt ttt potttlerlnosc ratlontc.

ENGINI'One SNI:( MA n lirr 'r( lrrrltotcl, r,rlltl irll4,ll0 lh.s.t. wtllt rcltcirl, ( rttt lx' llllerlwith jcllisontrhlc Sl I'l{ tt,ll rtttrtltrttvrockct-cttgirtc ttttrlct tert lttrclrtyl lttternal lircl crtpr(tlv lrl 1,1,r 6'rl rrrrr I e

supplcrlrctllc(l lrv lrro ttttrleluirll lr'llriilllable ttnks ol l l,l rtt .'ll(r g,rl r rrlrrr rlyeach.

ARMAMT],N'I'One MA I RA ll.1lO nrr lo rrrr rtttrrtlr'under l'uscltrgc (tt lwit tttnrtler tttt,lr'twings. Can hc lillc(l wllll lwo lll llrrtrDEFA cantron ltl l(t\cllt[r. Allrt( llllrrrrlpoints under wittgs rttt(l lirsclupc lot llttcrNord AS.20 or AS. l0 nit -lo sttt llr c

.:..t,l:l'.n#*+lAl) J. ..r:;-\


:.,. '-.;'...'],-,rrrrrsrlcr, lrorrrlrr, or potls citch containingup lo la! rrrrl4rrrrlcrl toekcls or a combina-Irrrrr rrl rot lclr rrttrl crtr;t litcl.

t)tMt,tNrit()N!.;ll tn{ rtru I I l.,'ngth: 43' 10".llrtllht l4' t| ll iny trt,r: -175 sq. ft.ll h' rl rr,r, /. l()' lo". )l htr'lhu:c: 15' 9".

wl,:t(;ll l$I ut1,1y ll.1\l) ll'l\ltr trtl,r 1'll t'rrliltt. .'/.7O1) lb.

t't,:|il( )lrMAN(',1,;l\lrt t \t'r(tl 1..[.](] itt -16,00C'( Nt'rt lr .r'l \l\Lr rr, t, tlllrtl4 (r/,OlX)'.

ittt\ tttn^,t trl(l lllllC\.Sr.vr.rrrl lrrrrulrlrl l\'llrrge llls rrc bcing bui(lor llr.l,renrh Alr l,rnl'. Ilrt'vcrsion alreadyhr rrrvhr.h lht Nllrlgs lll ( dcscribedrlxrrr. \lro lrr prorltxlIrtt rtrc lhc Miragelll l, lorrl rlrrgc lrtlrrttk'r lighltr anC Miragelll ll rrr,rnrrllritrr(r llghl('r with camera-rlrrylrrg rrrl'. NllrtrRr litthltrs arc also inprrrlur llorr lrrr llrr ( l(Xl), Swiss AirI'orrr ( lllll), !rrnrl ( tl) rrrtl Srxrlh Africa (t6).f!tlrrlr lll ll lrnrlenr lwo-sutl dual-purposellghtu lrrlur.rr rrr lx'lng pr(xluccd for theliqxh (lo), Swlrr (l) trrtd Sr)uth African (3)Alr l,orru,


Page 17: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World


DE HAVILLAND SEA VENOMFirst Flight (Venom): September 2, 1949

AIRFRAMETwin-boonr liryorrt. Mi<l-sct wirrlis wrllrsmall lcadirrg-ctlgc swccp irrrrl ;rrr irrllrlcsin roots. 'l wirt lirrs lrrrrl rrrtltlers lrrrkcrl lrvtailplanc ittttl clcvlrlor. ( onvcrtrorrirlailerons arrrl splil ll:rps. lrir'ytk' rrrrrlcr

carriagc, willl srrIlc rvlrt'r'l orr cirllr rrrrrl.Main wlrccl tclril(l\ ()ulIiurl rrrlo rvrlg,.Nosc-whccl rclrrel\ rc:rwrr(1. ll;rrl.rr rrnose. Oulcr wurg\ lolrl rrpuirrrl rrrrrlinward lilr sl()wirftc.

ENGINEOne dc llirvillirrrrl (ilrorl l(l.l turlr(rt('t.rated at 4,tt50 llr.s.l. lnlcrrr;rl lrrel t,rrrhrin fusclagc anrl wrrrl:s. plrrs crtcrrr.rl t.rrrL

on each witrg-ttp.

ARMAMENTFour 20-mnr. cittln()n nr lorvcr lrrrclrrllr'Provision for carryrrrpi lxrrrrlrs irrrrl ror helsunder wings.


F. (A.W.) Mk. 53 (Great Britain)Two-seat naval all-weather fithter

I)IMI.]NSI0NSll rns tpttrt; 42' 10". hngrh: 36'71",llttyhr' 11 6". ll'iny urta: 279 sq. ft.

wl,.l(;t I I'Alrrt tttl,t,'ll t,tixht: 15,9(X) lb.

I'l,:til()trMAN( r,l

Ilrtt t1t,,,rl \(rI lrl sca level.lllrtt rrttr' rtl t lrrttlt; 4,85O lt./min..\rr yrr t r r'tlrrtr' 17,(XX)'-

Allhrrrglr lhc St.r Yr.rrorn lr. (4.W.) Mk. 22(llhr\lrnlrd) h rro lrrrgcr in lirst-line servicetr llh thr. lloyrrl Nrvy, tlrr Royal AustralianNrr1, ir sllll opcrrliug its No. 805 Squadronrrl Sr.r \crrorrr li. (4.W.) Mk. 53s. Also intrrvlle rrr. slngk. sr.rrl Vcnont F,B.4 andl,.ll.5ll llIhlrr lxrrrrlx'rs, rvilh thc Vcnezuelanrrrl Swln Ah l,olcr.s rt.sprclivcly.

Page 18: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World





DE HAVILLAND SEA VIXEN (Great Britain)First F|ight: September 26,19Sl Two-seat naval all-weather fighter

AIRFRAMETwin-boonr layorrl. Mitl-sct wings witlr40' swccnb:rck. I*in lrril-lirrs rrrc rrrtegral with brtotns lutrl rrrc ioirtt'rl hv lhigh-sct lrrilpllrr('. ( ()rvcnli()nrrl rrrlclorrs,ruddcrs lrrttl I oulcr Illrps. All rrror in1tailplanc, llrc rc:rr por liorr ol rr lrrt lr rstlcllcctcd ul)\\':r(l s('l).uirlr'l! lo ;rlorrl lrrrrrchangcs rrlterr llr<' lirrps ;rrc lout'rtrl.'l)og-toollr' rrrnli lr';rrlrrr'tt'ri|<'s. Alintakcs irr \riryl r()o1.,. I rrr'lrlr' rrrr,lcrcarriitgc, rrillt stttgle rrltecl rrrr c:r( lr unrl.Main rvlrecls rclrir(l rr\\:il(l ilrlr) \\ilrlt.,Nosc-wltccl rclr.r(l\ r(;u\\.1,1. I,rrlir',rrrbrakc ttttrlct tt'trlrc lrrrt llrllt'. I rrt r orlrolrarlar in ttosc.

ENGINI'S'l'wo llolls l{r,rrr' \rorr Nll. .'(ll{ trrlrojcts. I trcl itt rrttry",.rrrrl rrr l.rrrl,,,,rrrr,rrrrrrling rtir tttl;tLc rlrr, t, ( ,ilr (.lrr\ l\\r,150-gal. rrrrtlerurrt'. t,url,. I lrlllrt rr'lrrr'lling probc ()rl l)()rl \\rlli

ARMAMITIN'l'No guns. Iorrr rrD,l, rrrrrr,l .rll.r( lIr( ilt ,

lbr Fircstrclrk irrllrr.rc,l rr to ilr rrrrr.,rlr"..500-lb. bonrbs, clustcrs ()l sl\ :rr l() 1r()nr(lrockets or packs ()l lwcnlv liIrr ,1" ril lo .[r

rockcts. Irvcnty-cight 2" rockets carriedin t\{o rclractlblc packs in bottom ofI rrsrIrrgc.

l)lMt,tNSl()Nsll rrtrl spttrt \\\'. Itngfh: 53' 6!".//r'1.,/rl rrppr or. I l '.ll rrtrl rtrt rt: (r4ll st1. 11.

ll hr, l rr rtr l' . l1 )\".lv!,j(;t il s .ANt) t,tiRt-oRMANCE

Scr r r'l

lrr its orillirr:rl lirrrrr, as the I).11. I 10. this air-cr:rll rr:rs rlr.sigrrtd in conrpctition rvith the.l:trt.lirr irs arr all-rvr.allrrr lighter for thel{..\.1,. ll rr:rs srrbsrr;ucntly adapted forcrrr r ir.r lr:rsr.rl drrlit.s, and the lirst fullyrlcrtlolx rl Sr.:r Vircn lr. (4.W.) Mk. I for thel{otrrl Nrrr\ lkrl orr Ntarch 20, 1957, withloklirrli rrirrlis lirr sloulgr. on board ship andollrr lcrrlrrres for rr:rval operation. Thisr r.r siorr lrr.t irrrrr. lronl-lirrc e quipment withNrr ll{)l Srlrrrrrlrorr orr .lrrlv 2, 1959 and is nowtlrt Nrrr r's slrrrrrllrrl rll-rvcitthcr interceptor.I lrl rrrr 1,. (.\.W.) l\lk. 2 version hasrrrlrrrrrr.rl l{r.rl Iop rrrissilt.s and cxtra fucllxnk\ ril tlrr. liorrl ol ils tail bo0ms- which t

,.r..,.,,,, |otrr:tttl ol llt('lrinE lcading-edges.


'q i'-.#. ,

€w.< {r.{--1 '>r<.

Page 19: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

DOUGLAS F-6A SKYRAY (U.S.A.)First Flight: January 23, igSl Single-seat naval all_weather fighter

AIRFRAME WEIGI{ wings ol' nrorl ilictl tlcl l:r plrr rr lorrn.with elevon conlrol srrrlirccs oli lr;rilirrg-edges. Lclrdirrg-erlgc ll:rP orr rr111q1 q1111,r.the tips ol wlrrt lr lirlrl rrp li,r .tou.r1r..Sweptback lin rurrl rurltlcr. No ltorizoritrrltail surlirccs. Air lrr:rlcs:rltovc lrrrrl lrclol,rear ol' wittg rools. Air ittl:rkt'r rrr rr lrrroots- l ricyelc rlrrlcreirr r ilrlic rvttlr srrrlilt:wheel on clrclr rrrrrl. M:trrt wlrccls rt.lrrrr I

rearwitrtl inlo srrrlir Nosq rrll1.ql 11.q1,q. 1,forwartl, l{lrtl;rr rr r,rr..

ENGINEOne.l)ratt & Wlritrrcy.l\7 l, l{ llrl)ot(.t.rated at l4.5OO ll).s.t. rvillr rt.lrc:rt. t,i,,vision lilr lw() -l5O;1rrl. rrrrrlr.rrrrrrl, lueltanks.

ARMAMENl'Four 20-nrnr. cltrrrrorr irr urrrlqs. r\ltrrr lrments.under wirrgs irrrrl t rrsr.llrllt. tor lrorrrlr.,,Sidewindcr inllir-rcrl ilt t(l ilt rrrrr.rler,pods ol l9 air-to-irir r()rkcts, (.t(

DIMENSIONSlling.span: 33' 6". I.cnsrh: 45' 8.1-.Height: 13'. ll/in1s urt'u: 557 stl. it.

Lntprr; '16.024 lb.lllur. rulic-oll waitlhr: 27.OOO lb.

l,t,){tr()R MANCEll,,,r'tl: 7lJ nr.p.h. at sea levellNi.r(h l)')st. 6() I 6.p.[. rt 36,000,(M,rr lr I l)5r.llIrtt. r'tttt'-oI tIizrlr.. Itil,000 ft./min.,\, r Itr r' r'r,r/rar: -55,(XX)'.l\lrtr. r'rrrt.r1t: 950 nlilcs.

llolh prototvpt' \lf.ll) ls llcw originally with5,lXX) lb.s.t. Allisrm .1.15_A_17 engines, butnerr lrrter re-r.rrgincd with thc Westinghouse\.1.1() rrorrnd rvhich thc Skyray had beenrh'silincrl. Wherr tlrc .1.10 programme wasrrlrrrndorrrl, it rv:rs dccidcd to fit pratt &!\'lritrrey .157 r.nginr.s in production machines,lh. llrst ol rrhich llcw on .lune 5, 1954. The.ll(fth,,,,,; lrrsl Skyray was delivered onl)r'r.r.rrrhr.r. 22, li)Sll, but thc type remains inservict. on lxxrrd r.trricrs of the l-1,S. Navy.

"t fs

t ".4 .a". ., .,


Page 20: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

ENGLISH ELECTRIC LIcHTNING (Great Britain)First Flight: August 4,1954 Single-seat interceptor

ffi';''', sf,f'h$: .

BT .

AIRFRAMEMid-set wings, with 6O swccpback. Ail-erons across tiDs at right-anglcs lo lirsclirlgc.Delta lin arrtl rrrtl.ler. I os-scl {)nc-l)t(((.all-nroving tailplltnu ol sarrrc plarrlirrrrr irswings. Lttrgc rgrltl ll;tPr ttr lwo sc\lr(l)\on each wing. ( rrctrlrtr;tir rrtlltke trt ltosc,with {irc-cotttrol nrtllrr in l)orlle(l ccltrcbody.'l'ricyclc urrtltrtirrrritgc, witlr srrrlllcwhccl orr caclr rrrrrl. Miln wllcrl\ rclrit( loutward irtto wrngs. Norc-wlrcel rcllrrlsfo rwa rd.

ENGTNESTwo Rolls-l{oytt' Avrrrt 210 trrrlrojtts.each ratctl ',,14..llO llr.s.t. witlr rclrcirt.staggcrc(l onc irl)(l\'e tlr( ()tller lrr lrrscl:r1ir..Lowcr cngirtc ts lot wltrtl ol- rrppe r one .

Fuel in wings. llrrps lrrrl untler lirsellrlir'blistcr tank.

ARMAMENTTwo 30-tlrn. Atlcrt grtrrs llrurrlctl oncach side of cocktrit. I wo rlc llirvrllirrrrlFirestreak inl'ra-rcrl air to rrr rrussrlt.s orrpylons each sidc ol'lirsclirgc, ()t' lwo rr()rcAden guns, camcra packs or lbrly-cigllt 2' rockets.

I)IMI'NSIONSll ing .rpun. 34' lO". Length: 55' 3".Ilrithr: 19' 7". lling or<'a: 380.t sq. ft.llhctl tntclt: l2'9!".

WI.:I(;I I'I'S ANI) PERFORMANCESccrcl.'Iht' l,ightning has bcen gradually replacing

lhr honrc-bastd llunter and Javelin inter-crplors ol- R.A-1,. Fighter Command since theSurrrrrrt.r of 1960. lhc original P. lA pro-lolrpes hr(l Arntstrong Siddeley Sapphirelrrrlxri(.ls rnd lackcd the armament andl.r.rrrnti Airptss lire-control radar fitted tollrt' prrxlrrtliorr vrrsions, 'l'he data aboverppll lo llrt l.ighlnirrg h. Mk. I and F. Mk.lA rrhielr rquipped Nos. 56, 74 and lllSrlrrlrlrons bv the Sunrnrcr of 1961, TheyIravr.lrt'r.rr ti)llorvo(l in production by theirrrprovr.d 1.. l\lk. 2 nnd l.'. Mk, 3; the latter,with l(r,0(X) lb.s.t. AvOn 3O0-series enginestrrxl lh(. rk. llrvillarrd Red Top infra-redIrorrrirrg rnissilt', shorrld bc the finest all-rrr.rrllrr.r fightr.r in lhc nrrrld, with a speed of1,5(Xl nr.p.h. lnd rciling of wcll over 60,000 ft.Alro irr scrvicr. is lho l.ighining T. Mk. 4, asklt'-bv-sirle lwo-sr:tl lraincr which retainslhc full rlrrnilntrnl 1lnd equipment of thelighlcr.




Page 21: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

FIATG9IR(ltaly) Single-seatreconnaissance-fighterFirst Flight: August 9,1955

AIRFRAMELow-set wings. swcptback at I7". Swcpt-back tail surfaccs. ('onvcnlional ailcrorrs,elevators, rurltlcr and slot(c(l llitps.Variable-incitlcrrcc tirilpllrrrc. Iwo rrir-brakes sitlc-by-sitlc tttttlcr ccttlrc-litsclrtgc.'Chin ' air irtllrkc rrtttlct n()sc-e()rtc.Tricycle undcrcrrrrirrtic. wilh sirrglc rvlrcelon each unil. Mirirr rvlrcels rclr;rcl irtrvrtrrlinto fustlage, Nosc-rvlrccl rclrircls rcirtward.

ENGINEOne Fiat-brrilt llr istol Sirlrlclcy ( )rplrcrrs80302 turtroict, r;rlc(l irl 5,{XX) llr.s.l.Fuel tanks irr lirscl:r'lt'clrrr lrc srrpplt'rncrrlctlby underwing tirrrls.

ARMAMEN'I'Four 0'50" ( oll-llrorvrrirrli ttrrclttrtcguns (C9l antl (i9l ll/l) rtt lrro l{) rrtrt,.cannon ((i9lIt/.1) irt lirst'lrrlit'. I otrtunderwing attilchrncnls lor rr tol;rl ol1,500 lb. of bontbs, lirttt Notrl 5lol rrrrto-air missilcs. l2 lrrrgc ;ur lo-stttlrtecrockets, a total ol'l(X) rrir-1o-irir roekcls ()rmachine-gun pods.

DIMENSIONSll/irtg spun: 28' l". Length: 33' 9",ll(i,(ht: 13' l"- Wing area: 176'7 sq. ft.

wlil(;t t't'sl.nrptv: 6,700 lb.[\.ltt. ttkt-oll n'tight: | 1,465 lb.

I'1..1{ Ii0lt t\t,\\( F.

l\l rr t . .rltr,tl: 66ti m.p.h. at sea level( M:rch O ltl{)-Al tt t. rrttc-olrcliarb: 6,000 ft./min.

lhe lrill (;91 rvirs thc winning desigr in thelirsl eorrrptlilion lo produce a standardisedrrrililirrl'rircrall for usc by NATO airforees. liirrl rect'ived contracts for threeprolr)lyp(.s :rnrl 27 prt-production exainplesrrI lhe lrrrsir'(;91 singlc-seat tighter andr.vrlrrrlirrn of lh('sr hy thc Italian Air Forcelrr.grrr irr lir.lrrrrrrv 1959. No more of thisversion hrs lrr.t'n ordcrcd, but the ItalianA ir l,or<'r. is crlrripping with 50 G9l R/lreconrrlissrner'-lightcrs, with both armamentrrrd errrnrrrs, rrrrd .10 (i9l'l'/l tandem I h. (iernran Air liorce is equippingrrillr 50 (J9lll/.1s,50 G9lR/4s

^nd M

(i9ll/.ls lruilt by liili, plus another 294(J9l lt/-ls prorlutt'tl in (Jcrmany.


'11*l .[{rii;'t'li '

r' rf,trur'l40


Page 22: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

FOLLAND GNAT (Great Britain)First Flight: JulY l8' 1955

Single-seat light fighter

DIMENSIONSWins snan: 22'2". Length: 29'9".Htiphi: 8' lO". Wins ilrea: 136'6 sq. ft.l4'h)it! track: 5' 1", l/r'heclbasc: 7' 9".

WEIGHTMu.t'. roka-o.lJ weigftr: 8,885 lb.

PI.]RI.'oRMANCEMu.t. spt't'r!: 695 m'p.h. at 20,000'(Mrch 0 9tl).l+4u:. rurr-ol"tlinrb: 20,000 ft./min.,\rritr cdliug: ovcr 50,000'.Mttr. rnluntntr': 2 hr. l0 min.

'llrr' (,lrral r(prcscnts a gallant pioneeringtrll('nilrl lo rerlricc tht size, cost and complexit'yof thri hilh-pcrlirrmancr iet fighter. Twelvewere lxrutthl iry liinhnd and two by Yugoslavia,lxrl lht irnlv er)unlry to display any majorlnlcr(.rl ln tlit (inat is lndia, which has bought25 tnrl prrls firr t5 more, and is also buildjnglhc nircinfl lnd its engine under licence. Thesorncwhrl lorger tandem two-seat Gnat'lrulncr ls bctjtxning the R.A.F.'s standardrdvunccd lruining machine.

AIRFRAMEShoulder'wing, sweptback at 40" Swcpt-back tail surfaces, with one-piecc tqilplanclow-set on fuselage' Ailerons arc otrinner wings and can bc droopcd to opcratcas flaos. Whccl fairing doors act as alr-biakei whcn undcrcairiagc is partiallylowered in flight. Tricyclc undcrcarrtagc'with single main whccls arid twin nosc-wheels. -All units rc(ract rcarwartl itrtofuselage. Air irrtakc on citcll sidc tll'fuselage aft ol' cockpit.

ENGINEOne Bristol Siddclcy C)rpltctts 701 trrrlrojct.rated at 4,520 lb.s.r. 'lolitl ol 20o gal. ol'fuel in fusclagc tttrrks. l)rovisiort lirr lwo66-gal, underwing jctlistlrtitlllc tltrks.

ARMAMENTTwo 30-mm. Adcn catrtrotr nloulltc(l inair intake fairings. Undcrwing attach-ments for two 500-lb. bonrbs or l2 air-to-surface rockets.


Page 23: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

centrally .mountid on win-gs.'fricyclundercarriagc, with silglc whccl on ciac

GLOSTER METEORFirst Flight: March 5, 1943


undercar-riagc, with singlc

Low unswept wings. Unswcpl tail strr-faces, with tailplanc mid-s6t orr tin.Convenl.ional ailcrons, clcvators. ruddcrand split trailing-cdgc flaps. Air-brakcrabove and bclow wings ncar trailing-c(l!ic,rnboard ol cngincs. l:ngirrc naccllcr

F. Mk. 8 (Great Britain)Single-seat day fighter

'f ricyc lc:h

DIMENSIONSWirtg.,spon: 37' 2". Length: 43, 6,,.lltiKht: lS IO'. Wins ar,,a: 350 so. ft_Whel truck: lO'5". ltt'heelbasc: lr3" 4".

wl{cHTSIinpr.v; 1O.626 lb.Md.\. tel\rolJ wcight: 19,000 lb,

PI.]RI.'ORMANCEMd\. .\prel. 592 nr.p.h. at sea level,Mtr.\. rttt(-ol:rliar6.- 7,000 ft./min.Srrvi< t triling : 44,000'.Mu.t. ntngr': 710 nriles.

'l'hc origin:rl Mctcor F'. Mk. I was the firstrnd onlv Allicd jet fighter to see action inWorkl Wur I l. l,atcr versions remained inprrxlrrc(ion for nrore ahan ten years and stills('rvr with srvcral air forces. The F. Mk, 4,with rounrlcd tail surfaccs, remains in first-lineservirr wilh tlt( Argcntine Air Forcc, as doeslhr l;. Mk. tt (dcscribed above) ivith thellrrzilirn Air liorce. Mk. Bs are also insccond-linr scrvicc in Israel (illustrated) andoilrcr counlrirs. Conversions of Meteorlighicrs ure uscd in Britain as target tugs andtargct droncs.

unit. Main whccls rciract inwartl ilrtowings, Nose-whccl rctracts rcarwartl-

ENGINESTwo Rolls-Roycc l)crwcrrt 8 lrrrhojcls,each rated al .1.()(X) lh.s.t. I Ucl liink\with. capac-ity ol 420 girl. irr lirsclagc.Provision for two l(X)-grrl. tarrks rlttir.rwings and onc 180-gtrl. blistcr trrrrk unrlcrfuselage.

ARMAMENTFour 20-mm. Hispano cannon in lrosc.Attachments under wings lor two 1,000-lb.bombs or l6 air-to-surface rockets-



Page 24: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

cdgcs, irlr ()l llirl)\. I "tr,,',.,",1]:'.ll:.,'1" I trt,l t1,,111 )1.. LLrtgth: 56, 4,,.eaclr sitle rrl trrir'l;rrir'. ",r1,

, ,ll.']l.1, l:'.,,1.r.1. ),,|i,,t,i' t,, u rrry urt,ri. 92tt sq. t.r.bylrrrrrtcocLpll. lrrrrrlr'.trtr,l,r, rrrr'ili,. 'r'i,..'i ,,,,^ -l I +$ltll silAI( rrltt' I ,'r' .r'I rrrrtl \l.rrrr


Mid-sct rlcltir g irl)ls. rr illt lL) 5 rrr e L

on inner $ tttl',s lttttl I I li rttt otllrr \\ lrrll 'Sweptbrck lttil stttlrttts. stlll tltllrt t.ttlplane ol lll-lll()\ lrlll lYl)c lll()lrlrlt (l r)tl l('l)ol'litt. ( otttcrr( lltlt ttrtl: ltrt,l I ttti'lt t

Splrl lltrps Lttlrltl rrtttt':. :il()ll((l I' .lltbrlkcs alrove tttrLl lrt lorr \\rrlri It(.tt lt.trlttlll

wllccli rcttil(l lr)\\'lr(l lrrl() \\llrli N,'r'shccl Ictlitfl'' tt;ttrr,tt,l I tti L rrrrlrolrrdar itl l)()llrl({l rl()\( ( trt lr.trL rlr\largc lliglrl-rtlrtllltrrl l,rrotrr prll( t lrrrrlfor*'artl littttt :{rtt lro rr,l ,rrl, ol i,r, I lrrt .


Two Brislol Sttltle le v S.rplrlrrrc .)l) I .'t)'lturbojets. cacll rltlctl ill ll. lOo ll) \ l. \\rllrreheat. Fucl lattks rtr \\trt!l\ ltttrl ltts, l:tlir'can be supplcrrlcrrle(l l)y tuo l50 g:rl.tanks llush un(lcr llr\clrgc atrd ttp lo lirtrtunderwing tanks.

,\tr\lANtl.tN I'

l\\r) lo n1nl. Atlcrt cannort irr tvings, artdloLrr tle Ilrrrrllrnrl I-ircslreak irtl'ra-red1111s.,r1r's. Dotls ol .17 ungttitlccl air-to-airr()! [( r\ ()r' I,(i(X)-ll). b0rttbs on undcr$inglrllir( llrrr( rll\.

I )t \il,.\sl( )\s

\\ I' t( ;t I t s .{\t) I't,llilr()Rl\{ANCI]);r , rr I

Sl:rrrrl:rrrl :rll rerrlltt r lighler in the R,A.F.'tlrr. .lrrrllirr is :r lrigltlr cflicient long-rangeirler((.plrlr rrillr rr rnltirntun specd of rroundt,(,5 rr.t, h. :rl lO.Oll{) lt. (N{ach 0'95). l'herrr;rirr.lllrrtiorral rtrsitttts are the Mks:8 and(), rrlrirlr rlillcr rurinll' in lrrring t,,.S, andllrit islr rarl:rr rcspt cl ir tl1 . l hc first Mk. tlllt'rr on N'lirr I, l95t{, itnd thc first Mk.9 inNlal- 1959. I'rorlilclion of the Jav€lin endedin rrrirl-19(rO-


- ,a,1 ,;

GLOSTER JAVELIN F. (A.trr/.) Mk.9 (Great Bricain)First Flight November 26, 1951 Two-sert all weather fighter

Page 25: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

GRUMMAN F-IIA TIGERFirst Flight: July 30, 1954

AIRFRAMEMid-set wings, sweptback at 30'. Swept-back tail surfaces, with all-moving tail-plane mid-set on fuselage. No ailerons,iateral control being by means of spoilers.Leading-edge slats. Trailing-edge flapsover full span of wings except for foldingtip portions. Finger-type air-brakesunder fuselage. Engine air intakc oneach side of cockpit. Tricyclc undcrcarriage with singlc wheel on eaclr mainunit and twin-wheel nose unit. Mainwheels retract forward and upward intofuselage. Nose-wheels retract rearward.

ENGINEOne Wright J65 -W l8 turbojet, ratcd rt10,500 lb.s.t. with rehe:rt. Fuel tanks inwings and fuselage can be supplemcntctlby two underwing jcttisonable tanks.

ARMAMENTFour 20-mm. cannon in bottom of airintake fairings. Underwing attachmentsfor up to four Sidewinder infra-red air-to-air.missiles.

(u.s.A.) Single-seat naval day fighter

DIMENSIONSWing span: 31'71'. Length: 44'll'.Heighr: 13'3'. LYing area: 250 sq. ft.

WEIGHTSEnpty: 13,3O7 lb.Mo.r. takc-olJ'weight: 24,078 lb.

PERFORMANCEMu-r. spt,ed: 740 m.p.h. at 35,000'(Mach l'12).Srrvica rciling: 50,5O0'.Ranrr.' 600 miles.

'l'he prototypc of this supersonic fighter ffewlcss thon 15 months after it was ordered bytho U.S. Navy, and production F-l1A'l'igcrs entered service early in 1958. Theyhrvc had n fairly short career, as they arealrcady bcing replaced by newer types; butthc'l'igcr's tlying qualities are shown by thefact thst it cquips the U.S. Navy's famousllluc Angcls aerobatic display team. TwoF-llAs were re-engined with a 15,000 lb.s.t.General Electric J79-GE-3A turboiet inGeneral ElectricGeneral Electric J79-GE-3A turbojet in1956. Redesignated FllF-lF, they achieved


1956. Redesignated FllF-lF, they achieveda maximum speed of more than 1,220 m.p.h.

Page 26: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World


HAWKER SEA FURY F.B.'IFirst Flight (Fury): September I' 1944

AIRFRAMEConventional low-wing piston-enginedlayout, with normal aileron, elevator andrudder control surfaces and split trailing-edge flaps. Tail-wheel undercarriage, withsingle wheel on each unit. Main wheels

retract inward into centre-section. Tail-wheel retracts forward,

ENGINEOne Bristol Centaurus l8 eightecn-cylinder two-row radial engine, rated at2,550 h.p. and driving a four-blade air-screw. Internal fucl tankage of 200 gal'

can be supplemented by two 45-gal. or90-gal. underwing jettisonable tanks.

ARMAMENT. Four 20-mm. cannon in wings. Under-

wing attachments for 2,000 lb. of bombs orair-to-surface rockets.

(Great Britain)Single-seat fi ghter-bomber

DIMENSIONSlling span: 38'4l'. Length: 34'8".Height: 15' lO+". Wing area: 280 sq. ft'llheel track: 12'.

WEIGHTSEmpty: 8,997 lb.Normal take-oj weight: 12,35O lb.

PERFORMANCT:Max. speed: 450 m.p.h. at 20,000'.Max. rate-of-climb : 4,32O ft.l min.Rangc: I,450 miles.

The Sea Fury was phased out of service withthe Royal Navy in 1954, but continues to givegood service overseas. Burma bought 20reconditioned Sea Fury F.B'lls in 1957-58.The Furies purchased by Iraq are believed

now to be in storage.

."!e;ai,j::, ,- -. :...- L .l




Page 27: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

HAWKER HUNTER (Great Britain)First Flight: July 20, l95l

AIRFRAMEMid-set wings, with 40' sweepback.Swept lail unit, with tailplane mountcdpart-way up fin. Conventional ailcrons,elevators. ruddcr arrtl split trailing-cdgcflaps.' Dog-tooth' uirig leading-"edgc:,.Air-brake undcr rear-luselagc. Engineair intakes in wing roots. Tricycle under-carriage, with singlc wheel on each unit.Main wheels rctract inward into wings.Nose-wheel retracts lorward.

ENGINEOne Rolls-Roycc Avon turbojet, ratcd at10,150 lb.s.t. in latest versions. Up to1,052 gal. ol l-ucl in wings, fuselage andtwo or lour underwing iettisonable tanks.

ARMAMENTFixed armament of four 30-mm. Adenguns in removablc pack in nose. Fourpylons under wings fbr bombs of up to1,000 lb., 24 air-to-ground rockets, packsof 24 or 37 folding-fin air-to-air rocketsor Napalm fire-bonrbs.

DIMENSIONSll'ing span: 33'8". Lenqth: 45' l0\".

Single-seat day fighter

H(ight: 13' 2". w'ing area: 349 sq. ft.Whcel track: l4'9".

WEIGHTS (MK.6)I:rnpr.t': 13,27O lb.Mrt.t. tulit-o.fl n.aight: 24,000 1b.

PEITIIOI{MANCEMo.r. sp<'td: 715 m.p.h. at 36,000'.Mu r. nttc-of -1h r1b. 17,500 ft.,/ntin.Scrrica ctiling : 55,000'.Mu-t. ntngr. I,tl40 ntiles.

Although thc I Iunter I.. Mk. 6 is beingrcplaced bv the l,igh(ning in R.A,F. FighterCommand, it rcnrains in large-scale servicervith forcign air forces. The Hunter F.((;.4.) Mk. 9 is a dcvelopment of the Mk. 6for grountl atlack duties with R,A.F. squadronsin lhc Midrllc l,last. 'lhe F.R. Mk. l0 issimilar to thc Mk.9 but has three cameras inits nosc and is thc R.A,F.'s standard fighter-reconn:rissrnce aircraft. Nearly 2,000Iluntcrs wcrc buill for the R.A.F, and the airforccs of llclgium, Denmark, Iraq, India,Jordan, Lebanon, the Netherlands, Peru,Swodcn and Switzcrland, including manytwo-scat traincrs.


Page 28: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

HAWKER P.1127 (Great Britain)First Flight: March 13, 1961

AIRF'RAMESquare-tippecl rlclta u'ings irr sltorrltlcrposition. with nrarkctl anhedral. Swcpltail surfaces with srrlrll vcntral lirr. ( orrventional ailerons, clevat()rs. rutltlcr anritrailing-edge llaps. ('ontrol by nrcrtts olair-jets at nosc. $,inpr-tips rrntl tail tluringvertical, hovcrirrg rrnrl low-spcctl lliglrt.Engine air inlirkcs orr clre h sirlc ol'l'rrscllrgcjust ali of cockpil. I itnrlcttt nritin tttrrlcr'carriage. with singlc llonl whccl arttl luirtrear whcels, rctrircts into l'r,selagc. llal-anccr ' u heel xt e irill wrrg tr11.

ENGTNEOne Bristol Sitlricley BS.5-1 l)cgrsttsclucted-lan turhojcl. rvith lirur rotrlingcxhaust nozzlcs.

ARMAMEN'T'No fixed arnrrnrcnt. l)esignecl t() ei..ry irwide varieti' ot-allxcl, \\erpons on untlcr-wing pylons.

DIMENSIONSWing span: 24' 4".Heighr: lO'3".

Single-seat VTOL strike fighter


'lhe I'.1127 is thc first of an entirely nervgcncrulion of grorurd attack fighters, designedio cornbinc th0 performance of a jet fighterrrith thc go-anlrvhere ability of a helicopter.l lrc erhausi fronr its large turbojet is ejectedthrrnrglr lirur roteting nozzles. These directtlrt it't clllux dorvrrrrrrd for vertical take-offanti landirrg, and rearryard for cruising flight,'Iirrning thern slightly forward acts as a brakeI0 slorv ihr aircr:rtl and enables it to movertitrrt ard.l)t'sign rvork on lhc l).1127 began in 1957.'l lrt. lirsl prolot\ pe began its untetheredlunt rirrg lrials on November 19, 1960, andslartrd ils llighl trials rvith a conventionaltnkc-olf and landing on March 13, 1961. lnScptcrnbcr l96l it nradc successful transitionsfrorn verticill to lirrward llight and vice versalirr lhe lirst tinre. ln l)ecember 196l it flelvfaster than sound in a shallow dive. Ninel'. I I 27s are bcing cvaluated by a joint British,/Antcric:rn/Cernran test squadron, A super-sonic devcloprnent, thc P.ll54, has beenordercd for the Royal Air Force.

Lcngth: 4l' 2.".


Page 29: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

HINDUSTAN HF-24 (lndia)First Flight: June 17, ,l961

AIRFRAMESharply swept low wings. Sweptback tailsurfaces, with onc-piecc all-n.roving tail-plane low-set on l'uselagc. Fuselagc is

arca-ruled and will havc a pointcd noscradome in the produc(ion vcrsion. Scnri-circular engine air intakc, with ccntralsliock-body, to cach side of cockpit.Tricycle undcrcarriagc, with singlc whcclon each unit. Main units rctract inward.Nose-wheel retracts lorward.

ENCINESPrototypcs have two Bristol SiddclcyOrpheus turbojcts, cach rated at 4,850lb.s.t., mounted sitlc-by-side ir.t rcarfuselage.

ARMAMEN'TFour 30-mm. cannon in fuselage. Attach-ments for air-to-air and air-to-surfacemissiles under wings.

Single-seat fighter



liirst opcrrlional military aircraft designedand huilt in lndia, the FIF-24 was producedundcr thc leadership of Dr. Kurt Tank,dcsigncr of thc Gcrman Focke-Wulf aircraftof World War ll. 'I'he tirst of the two pro-totypcs, illustrittcd, has room for a secondpilot, with dual controls, behind the maincockpit; but this spacc rvill be used eYentuallyfOr cqrripnrcnt or armament. At the time ofrvriting no dccision had bccn taken as tolvhcthor the 12 production HF-24s so farordcrcd rvill hlvc more powerful Orphcuscngines or two Russian-built Klimov VK-7turbojets, cach rrted at 9,920 lb.s.t. Dr. Tankhas claimcd that if he could obtain suitableheNt-rcsistant stccl alloys, the productionvcrsion of the l{F-24 could be made to lly atmore than three times the speed of sound(t,980 m.p.h.).


Page 30: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

Conventional low-wing piston-engincci Empty: 5'855 lb'layout, with trorntal slottcd ailcron. Mu.r. Iake-olJ wciglr: 7,01t lb'elevator and ruddcr control surlaces andcamber-changirrgtrailing-cilgcflafs. Tail PITRFORMANCE

wheel undercarriagc, with single wlrccl Mu.r. spLrd: 419 m'p'h' at l3'000"on each unit. Main units rctrtct outward Mu-r. ruta-of-<'lirn6: 5,580 ft./min'into wings. Tarl-whecl is fired' Rangc 475 miles'

HISPANO HA-l112-MlL BUCHON (Spain)Si ngle-seat fi ghter-bomber


ENGINEOne Rolls-R.oycc Merlin 500'45 lZ-cylinder Vcc liqurd-cooled enginc, rltcdat 1,400 h.p. and driving a four-bladcairscrew. Fuel tarrk in fusclagc.

ARMAMENTTwo 20-mm. catrtrotr itt wings. Undcr-wing launching rails ior eight 22-lb.air-to-surface rockets.

DIMENSIONSlling span: 32'6+". Lengrh: 29' lO\".Height: 8' 6". ll'ing area: 172'2 sq. ft.

It is now 25 years since the Messerschmittllf 109 was lirst secn in Spanish skies, yetihis llispano-built version remains in firstJinescrvicc with the Spanish Air Force and wasacturlly in production until 1959. By a

strangc twist of fate, it is powered by the typeof errgine which cnabled R.A.F. Spitfires andHurricanes to defeat the original Bf l09s inthc Battle of Britain. The Merlins werebought by Ilispano when the supply ofHispano-Suiza l2-Z-17 engines, formerlyfitted, ran out.


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J-45lMM STRSLJEN (HORNET) (Yugoslavia)Single-seat lightweight attack fighter

AIRFRAMELow-set wings without sweepback. Un-swept tail surfaces, with tailplane mountedpart-way up fin. Conventional ailerons,elevators and rudder. Wing-tips areturned down, Outer wings fold upwardfor stowage and access to engines.Stabilising fin under nose. Enginescentrally mounted on wings. Tricycleundercarriage, with single wheel on eachunit. Main wheels retract inward.Nose-wheel retracts forward.

DIMENSIONSWing span: 25' lO+". Length: 26'3'.Height: 5' 6". Wing area: l2l'6 sq. ft.

WEIGHTEmpry: 5,37O lb.

PERFORMANCEMax. speed: 497 m.p.h. at sea level.Service ceiling: 39,600'.Range: 47O miles.

The Strsljen is a development of the littlesingle-seat 45lNI Zolja research aircraft,which was the first jet-plane designed inYugoslavia. Variants, which difrer from theStrsljen only in their forward fuselage andcockpits, are the S-45IMM Matica tandemtwo-seat basic trainer and the T-45IMMStrsljen II single-seat trainer. A photographic-reconnaissance version is reported to be underdevelopment.


ENGINESTwo Turbom6ca Marbor6 turbojets,each rated at 880 lb.s.t.

ARMAMENTTwo 20-mm. Hispano cannon in fairingsunder fuselage. Underwing attachmentsfor up to four air-to-ground rockets.


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LOCKHEED F-80C SHOOTTNG STAR (U.S.A.)First Flight (XP-80); January 9, 1944 Single-seat fighter-bomber

AIRFRAMELow-wing. Unswcpt tail surfaces. Con-ventional ailerons, elevators, ruddcr andtrailing-edge flaps. Two snrall air-brakesunder centre-fusclage. Scoop-typc airintakes on sidcs of luselage fbrward olwing roots. 'l-ricyclc undercirrriagc, willrsingle whcel on cach unit. Main whcclsretract inwar(l into wings. Nosc-wheclretracts rearwar(1.

ENGINEOne Allison Jl,.] A -.15 lurbojct, ralcd ill5,400 lb.s.t. 1;ucl tanks irr wings rrttlcentre-fusclage can bc sLrpplcr)lcntc(l byexternal tanks Lrntlcr wingr arrtl urrrierwing-tips.

ARMAMENTSix 0 50" nraclrirrc-guns irr rtorc.Underwing attachmcnts for two 1,000-lb.bombs and eight air-to-surface rockcts.

DI1\TENSIONSlfing .spun: 38' 101". Length: 34' 6".Haight: ll' 4". lfing arca: 237 sq. ft.ll'hctl trttk; 8' 7".

WEIGHTSlirttpr.r: 8,240 lb.ll'lrr.t. tttlit-olJ rciglrt. I5,336 lb.

Pr,Iil,'()ttMANCrEMrtr'..spt,ttl: 595 nr.p.h. at sea lcvel.,\crticc ctiling : 44.100'.\l,tr. , rt,ltu,rnt,. .l lrr. l2 nrirr.

'lhc prololypr Shooting Star, designatedXl'll(1, rvas poncred by a de Havilland(,loblin engirrc imported from England, buttht 1,715 production Shooting Stars all hadAllison .1.1-1 errgines.'I'hc final single-seaflighter version rvas the F-80C, describedaborc, and soure of thesc still serve with theair forccs of Chile, Poru and Uruguay. Thewidcly used'l-3-lA two-seat advanced trainerand the Rl'-3.1A single-seat reconnaissanceaircraft are developments of the F-80,


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Page 33: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

LOCKHEED F-104 STARFTGHTER (U.S.A.)First Flight: February 28,1954


Single-seat day fighter

DIMENSIONSlling spon: without tip-tanks, 2l' ll".Ltngrh: 56'8".Iteighr: 13' 6". ll'ing area: 196'l sq. ft.ll'hcal traclc: 8' 9". ll'heelbase: 15' l',

wLtGltT (F-I04G)Mtt.t. tuk<'-oll u,cight: 27,000 ll't.

t,tit{ l.-()RMANCE (F-l04G)A4rrr. spccd: 1,450 m.p.h. at 36,000'(M:rch 2 2).

lr:rl llud r 10,500 lb.s.t. Wright J65-W-6trrrboitt rvilh rehcat, hut all subsequent air-

lhc lrvo prolotypcs of thc Starfighter eachrrd r 10.500 lb.s.t. Wrisht J65-W-6

errl'l hrvc had a .179 turbojet. The single-seatli l0.lA and lrvo-scat F--1048 interceptors:rrr rrscrl bv lhe (lhinesc Nationalists and U.S.:rrr rrscrl by lhe (ihinesc Nationalists and U.S.Air Nalional (iuard. l'hc U.S.A.F. flies onlylhe singlc-scal lf l04C fighter-bomber andlw()-sell lr I0.ll). Jipan is building versionsof lhc li l0'l(j and l). Three groups of com-prnics in l,lurope arc producing 949 F-104Glightcr-honrlrcrs (dcscribed above) for theWcst (Jcrnran, l)utch, llelgian and Italianlir forccs. (lanadlir is building the similar(ll,'-104 for thc R.C.A.F'., Greece and Turkey.'I wo-seat versions are being supplied by Lock-hccd to Germany and Canada,

Small mid-set wrngs, with 10" anhedral.All-moving one-piece tailplane mountednear tip of fin and rudder. Wings havcfull-span drooping leading-edge. Lntirctrailing-edge consists ol ailcrons and' blown ' flaps. Ventral stabilising lin.Semi-circular engine air intake, withcentral shock-body, on cach sitlc ol- luscl-age forward of wings. Tricyclc rttrtlcr-carriage, with single wlrcel ort caclt rrrtit.AlI wheels retract forwartl irtto litsclrtgc.Radar in nose-conc.

ENGTNE (F-104G)One Gencral l-lcctric .17() ( il. 7 or I I Aturbojet, ratcd at I 5,tioO ll).s.1. wttllreheat. Fucl tilnks in litsclagc willt ttltx.capacity of 847 gal., catt bc sttpplctttettlctlby two 162-gal. utttlcrwittg litrrks irrr(l Iw()142-gal. wing-tip larrks. I'rovisiott Iirrflight refuelling.

ARMAMENTOne 20-mm. high-vclocity clttttttttr itt ttosc.Up to four Sidewindcr inl'ra-rctl tttissilcson wing-tips and underwing rails. Otherunderwing loads can includc cannon pods.

trrrboitt rvilh rehcat, hut all subsequent air-errl'l hrvc had a .179 turbojet. The single-seat



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McDoNNELL F-101 vooDoo (U.s.A.)First Flight: September 29,1954


Multi-purpose twin-jet fighter

three Falcons or bombs on a rotatingbomb-door. F-l0lC has four cannon,plus attachments for a nuclear weaponunder its fuselage, between two 375-gal.external fuel tanks,

DIMENSIONSlVing spun: 39'8". Length: 67' 5".Haighr: l8'. l4/ing area: 368 sq. ft.

WETGHT (F-r0rB)Ma.t. tuke-o.lJ weight: 46,475 lb.

PERFORMANCE (F-l0lB)Mo.r. spc'ul: 1,220 m.p.h. at 36,000'(Mach 185).M u.r. ratc-of-tlinr: 14,000 ft./min.Mo.t- rongc: 2.980 rniles.

Altogcther 807 Voodoos were built for theLi.S.A.F.. of which 480 were F-I018 two-seatinterccplors. The others included F-l01Asingle-seat multi-purpose fighters, F-101Csinglc-seat fighter-bombers strengthened forlorvJevel operations, and RF-l0lA andRF-l0fC camera-carrying reconnaissanceversions of the A and C, Sixty-six F-l0lBshave been delivered to the R.C.A.F,

Mid-set wings, sweptback at 35'. Swept-back tail surfaces, with one-piece all-moving tailplane mounted near tip ol fin.Conventional ailerons, rudder and trailing-edge flaps. Air-brake on eaclr side oItail-boom. Air intakes in extended wingroots. Tricycle undercarriage, with singlewheel on each main unit and twin wheelson nose unit. Main wheels retract inwardinto wings. Nose-whcels retract forward.Fire-conlrol radar in nosc.

ENGINESTwo Pratt & Whitney J57-P-13 turbojets,each rated at 14,500 lb.s.t. with reheat, inall versions except F-l0lB which hasJ57 P 55s. Provision for external fueltanks and flight reluelling.

ARMAMENTF l0lA has four 20-mm. cannon in nose,three Falcon air-to-air missiles and l2unguided rockets. F-l0lB carries twoGenie unguided air-to-air nuclear missilessemi-externally under its fuselage, plus


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McDONNELL F-2c BANSHEE (U.S.A.)First Flight: January 11,1947

AIRFRAMEMid-set wings, with very bulbous rootshousing engines. No sweepback on wingsor tail. Conventional ailerons, elevators,rudder and split trailing-edge flaps. Smallair-brakes in top surface of outer wings.Tricycle undercarriage, with single wheelon each unit. Main wheels retract out-ward into wings. Nose-wheel retractsrearward. Outer wings fold upwards forstowage. Radar in nose.


Single-seat naval all-weather fighter

DIMENSIONSWing span: 44' ll'. Length: 47'6'.Height: 14' 5l'. lling area: 294 sq.ft.

WEIGHTNormal take-of weight: about 19,000 lb.

PERFORMANCEMax. speed: 590 m.p.h. at sea level.Max. rate-of-cllrnb: 6,000 ft./min.Service ceiling: 40,000'.Max. range: over 1,600 miles.

Two Westinghouse J34-WE-34 turbojets,each rated at 3,350 lb.s.t. Fuel in fivetanks in fuselage. Provision for wing-tip Altogether 784 Banshees were built for thejettisonable tanks. U.S. Navy between 1946 and 1953. In 1955'

Canada acquired 39 ex-U.S.N. F-2Cs andARMAMENT modified them three years later to carry

Four 20-mm. cannon in nose. Two Sidewinder missiles. They were used mainlySidewinder infra-red missiles under outer to equip fleet defence squadrons on thewings. Attachments for alternative under- aircraft carrier 'Bonaventure ' but are nowing loads of rockets, bombs, etc. longer in first-line service'




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McDONNELL F:3 DEMON (U.S.A.)FirstFlight: August 7, l95l


Single-seat naval all-weather fighter

nuclear weapons, etc. MF-38 carriesfour Sparrow III radar homing missilesunder its wings.

DIMENSIONSWing span: 35' 4'. Length: 58'11".Height: 14' 7", Wing area: 519 sq. ft.

WEIGHTSEmpty: 22,13O lb.Max. take-of weieht: 33,900 lb.

PERFORMANCEMax. speed: 730 m.p.h. at sea level.Max. rate-of-clin6.' 12,800 ft./min.Service ceiling : 42,650'.Max. range: 1,360 miles.

Like the Douglas Skyray, the Demon wasplagued initially by trouble with the J40turbojet around which it was designed. Re-engined with a J71, it became a very usefulcarrier-based fighter and is serving with theU.S. Navy in three versions-F-3B all-weather fighter, MF-38 missile-armed dayfighter and RF-38 for photographicreconnrissance. A total of 519 Demons werebuilt.

Mid-set wings, sweptback at 45'. Swept-back tail surfaces carried on shallow boomabove jet exhaust. One-piece all-movingtailplarie. wings fitted with leading-edgeslati and trailin-g-edge slotted flaps. Air-brakes in upDer surface of each wing roottrailine-edeb'and on sides of rear fuselage.Eneind air-intake on each side of cockpit.Triiycle undercarriage, with single wheelon each unit. Main wheels retract inwardinto winss. Nose-wheel retracts rear-ward. Ridar in nose. Outer wings foldupward for stowage.

ENGINEOne Allison J7l-A-2 turbojet, rated at14.250 lb.s.t. with reheat' lnternalfu6l can be supplemented bY use of

'jittisonable externdl tanks. Equipped forhight refuelling.

ARMAMENTFixed armament of four 20-mm. cannonin bottom of fuselage. F-38 also hasattachments under wings and fuselage forSidewinder infra-red air-to-air missiles,


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McDONNELL F4B PHANTOM ll (U.S.A.)First Flight: May 27, 1958


Two-seat naval all-weather fighter

semi-submerged in fuselage undersurfaceancl two uniier wings. Can carry alter'native loads of bomts and air-to-surfacemissiles,

DIIVIENSIONSWing span: 38' 5'.Height: 16'3".


Low-wins. sweDtback at 45'. Sweptbacktail surfaies. wittr Zl" anhedral on one-oiece all-movinq tailDlane. Wings have

' dos-tooth' lea--dine--edge, and consider-able-dihedral on oriter -panels which folduoward for stowase. Ailerons move onlydbwn and are su-pplemented by spoilerson uDDer surface iri each wing. Trailing-edeeh'aos and small leading-edge flaps are'blown.' Tricvcle undercarriage' withsinele wheel on-each main unit and twin-whEels on nose unit. Main wheels retractinward into wings. Nose-wheel retractsrearward. Ensin! air intake on each sideof front fuseliee. Fire-control radar innose. with infr-a-red equipment in smallbul96 underneath.

ENGINESTwo General Electric J79-GE-2A turbo-iets. each rated at 16,150 lb.s.t. withietriat. UD to 2,665 gal. of fuel ininternal tailks, one 500-gal. tank underfuselage and two 300-eal. underwingtanks.- Equipped for flight refuelling.

ARMAMENTFour Sparrow III radar homing missiles

Max. take-of weight: ovet 40,000 lb.


The Phantom II is replacing earlier types asthe U.S. Navy's standard carrier-based all-weather fightei. lts performance is secret'but it has-set up many records including aworld soeed recoid of 1,606'342 m.p.h. and aheieht r-ecord of9E.556 ft. (both since beaten).Th; first 40 F-Bs have J79-GE-2A engines,as described above; later machines have morenowerful J?9-GE-Es. The U'S.A.F. hasbrdered large numbers of F-4C attackfishters. caoable of carrying up to twenty'two550-lb.'boibs. and RF-4C reconnaissance'fiehters. The RoYal NavY is to have rve=rsion of the F-4 with Rolls-Royce Speyengines.


Length: 58' 3'.

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MIG-15 (NATO Code-name' Fagot') (Russia)First Flight: December 30, 1947

AIRFRAMEMid-set sweptback wings. Sweptbacktail surfaccs, with ta;iplane mounted highon fin. Conventional ailerons, elevators,rudder and trailing-edge flaps. Circularair irrtakc irr nose. Air-brake otr caclr sirlr'of rear fuselage. Tricycle undercarriagc,with singlc wlrcel on each unit. Mairrwheels retract inward into wings. Nosc-wheel retracts forward-

ENGINEOne Klinrov V K- I turbojet, ratcd at5.950 lb.s.t. Fuel in irrternal tanks can bcsupplenrented by two extcrnal lanks li(tcdflush under wings.

ARMAMENTOne 37-nrm. NS 2 and two 23 mnt. VYacannon under nosc. Underwing attach-mcnts fbr bombs or rockets.

DIMENSIONSH/ing span: 33' 11". Length: 36' 4".Heisht: lI'2", Wing arca: 255 sq. ft.

Si ngle-seat day fighter

WEIGHTSflrplr'. 8,320 lb.Mtt. ruke-ofi weighr; 14.240 lb.

PERFORMANCEMur- spt,t'd: 670 m.P.h.M u.\. r(t t e-of-( lilrb:'l 0,400 ft.r'nrirr.'.Sr'rt lt r' r't'i/irtg. 5l .000 .

Russia's first high-performance jet fighter, theMiG l5 combined the results of German war-timc rescarch on swept rvings rrith th€ then-rrnrivalle d power of a Rolls-Royce Nenetrrrhoiet. Early production models had anRl)-45 turhojt't, rvhich rvas an almost exactcopy of thc Nene, rated at 5.450 lb.s.t. Thisrvas latcr supcrseded by an improved version,devclopcd by !. Y. Klimov and designatedvK-I.'l'he MiG-15 was probably built in greaternumbcrs than any othcr iet fighter, in Russia,Czcchoslovakia and Poland. Although notsupcrsonic, it showed in Korea that it rvas agoird all-round fighter, with a high rate-of-climb and good manoeuvrability. It is stillin largc-scale service rvith the Soviet Air Forceand several foreign air forces, mainly as aground-attack fighter. A tandem two-seattraining version is also widely used.


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Page 39: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

MIG-|7 (NATO Code'name' Fresco') (Russia)Single-seat fighter

AIRF'RAMESimilar in layout to that of MiG-15.Wings more sharply swept (42'), with'square' fillets at the trailing-edge roots.Lengthened fuselage, sometimes withradar 'lip' over air intake, like the F-86Sabre. Underwing fuel tanks carried onpylons.

ENGINEOne Klimov VK-IA turbojet, rated at6,990 lb.s.t. with reheat. Internal tankshave capacity of 363 gal. Underwingtanks hold 88 gal. each.

ARMAMENTOne 37-mm. NS-2 and two 23-mm. VYacannon in underside of nose, or three23-mm. cannon. Underwing racks for upto I , I 00 lb. ol bombs or two packs of eightair-to-air rockets,

DIMENSIONSll/ing span: 36'. Length: 4O'.Height: Il'. lYing area: 265 sq. ft.

WEIGHTSEmpty: 9,850 lb.Mix. take-off weigftl.' 15,500 lb.

PERFORMANCEMax. speed: 645 m.p.h. at 36,000'(Mach'975).Max. rate-o.f-cllm6: 10,500 ft./min.Service ceiling: 57,000'.Max. range: 1,100 miles.

This much improved development of theMiG-15 went into production in 1953 andhas been built in China, Czechoslovakia andPoland, as well as in Russia. It has beensupplied to about a dozen other air forces,inClbding those of Cuba, Indonesia, Iraq andEgypt, and at least five difrerent versions havebe;; identified. The first, known to NATO as'Fresco-A,' used the same VK-l turbojetas the MiG-15 and had dive-brakes on eachside of the rear fuselage. In 'Fresco-B ' thedive-brakes were just aft of the wing trailing-edge. 'Fresco-C,' the most widely usedversion, has a VK-IA engine with reheat'rear-mounted dive-brakes and underwing fueltanks. 'Fresco-D' is an all-weather fighterversion of the ' C,' with a small radome onthe centre of its air intake, but no reheat.'Fresco-E'is a 'D'with reheat.

76,. r,,,i

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Mid-set sweptback wings.,Sweptbacki"it surfaces. Conveniional ailerons,iudO"i-ino Fowler flaps. One-p-iece- all-movins tailplane mid-set on tuselage'Sittto; veniral fin. Dive-brake on eachiiOe of rear fuselage. Tricycle ,under-carriage, with single wheel on each unlt'Main-wheels retr-act inward into wings'Noie-wtreel retracts forward. Circularlnsine air intake in nose. Twin exhaustorifices at tail.

ENGINESTwo Klimov VK-5 turbojets, each ratedat 8.818 lb.s.t., mounted side-by-side inrear'fuselage. Internal fuel can be sup-piementea -by two or four underwingtanks.

MIG-19 (NATO Code'name' Farmer') (Russia)

First Flight: 1953


Single-seat fighter

DIMENSIONSWing span: 36' 6".Height: 13'6".

Length: M'3',

WEIGHTMax. take'o.ff weight: 19,84O lb.

PERFORMANCEMax. speed: 860 m.P.h. at 36'000'(Mach l'3).'Max. rate-of-clinb: I 5,000 ft./min.Service ceiling: 58,OOO'.Max. range: 850 miles.

To the MiG-19 went the distinction of beingthe first Russian fighter able to fly faster thansound in level flight. Compared with theearlier MiGs, it lias thinner, more sharplyswept (55") riings, with two huge boundarylavir fincei at mld-span, a wider rear fuselagehousine two engines side'by-side, a morerectaniular fin and rudder and much lowertailnla-ne. It was first seen during the 1955Soviet Aviation Dav Display in Moscow andserves with many Cir forces, including thoseof Russia, Chi'na, Cuba, Czechoslovakia,Eg1at, Inionesia, Iraq, North Korea andPoland.


ARMAMENTCurrent versions are believed to have one23-rnm. VYa cannon in each wing rootind bne 37-mm. or 2J-mm. cannon in theiiarboard side of the nose. Air-to-air-iiiites ot four pods each containing eightiir-to-air rockeis, can be carried underwings.

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MIG-21 (NATO Code-name' Fishbed') (Russia)Single-seat fighterAIRFRAME

Mid-set delta wings. Sweptback tail surfaces, with ventral stabilising fin.Conventional ailerons and rudder. One-piece all-moving tailplane. Tri-Conventional ailerons and rudder. One-piece all-moving tailplane. Tri-cvcle undercarriase. with sinele wheel on each unit. Main wheels retractcycle undercarriage, with single wheel on_each_ unit.. .Main wheels retractinward. Nose-wheel retracts forward. Circular air intake in nose, withradar in small pointed centre-body.

ENGINEBelieved to be one Type TDR Mk. R37F turbojet, rated at 13,120 lb.s.t.when its reheat is switched off. Provision for fitting jettisonable assistedtake-off rockets.

ARMAMENTTwo cannon, in fairings on each side of lower fuselage. Attachmentsunder wings and fuselage for other weapons, including infra-red homingair-to-air missiles and packs ol unguided rockets.


mounted under its rear fuselage. Anotherdevelopment has more extensive changes,including a large under-fuselage auxiliaryrocket engine, a long metal fairing aft of thecockpit canopy and repositioned aerials.This may be the aircraft, designated E-66A,which set up the world height record offf3,892 ft. in April 1961. In an earlierform as the E-66, without rocket-engine, itset up a speed record of 1,4E4 m.p.h.

Secret.First seen in prototype form during the 1956Soviet Aviation Day fly-past over Moscow,this delta-wing fighter is now standard equip-ment in the Soviet Air Force. It has also beensupplied to China, Cuba, Egypt, East Ger-many, Finland, Indonesia, India, Iraq,Hungary, Bulgaria and other countries' Onevariant, seen in the 1961 Aviation DayDisplay, made a short-field take-ofr with thesid of two solid-fuel assisted take-off rockets


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MIG-? (NATO Code-name' Flipper') (Russia)Single-seat all-weather fighter

AIRFRAMEMid-set delta wings. Sweptback tail surfaces, with twin ventral stabilisingfins. Conventional ailerons, rudder and trailing-edge flaps. One-pieceall-moving tailplane. Circular air intakc in nose, with radar in very largepointed centre-body.

ENGINESTail end, reminiscent of that ol MiC 19, indicates the use ol two small-dianreter turbojet engines, nrountcd sidc-by-side in rear fuselage.

ARMAMENTAttachnrents under wings for carrying two large air-to-air missiles.


This powerful-looking all-weathcrfighter was first seen in the 196lSoviet Aviation Day fly-past. ltswings and tail unit resemble so closelythose of earlier MiG fighters that it isalmost certainly a product of ArtemMikoyan's design team. The longcylindrical nose helps to 'balance'the weight of the two engines in therear fuselage and appears to house

an unusually large fire-control radar.I)evelopment of this fighter indicatesRussia's need to provide the bestpossible defence against the long-rangestrategic bombers of the R.A.F, andU.S.A.F. Its speed and range areprobably similar to those of the EnglishElectric Lightning; its effectivenessdepends on the efficiency of its opera-tional equipment and missile armament.

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,ffiNORTH AMERTCAN F-slD MUSTANG (U.S.A.)First Flight: October 25,1940 Single-seat fighter-bomber

AIRFRAMEConventional low-wing piston-enginedlayout, with normal aileron, elevator andrudder control surfaces and trailing-edgeflaps. Tail-wheel undercarriage, withsingle wheel on each unit. Main wheclsretract inward into wings. Tail-wheclretracts into fuselage.

ENGINEOne Packard-built Rolls-Roycc MerlinV-1650-7 twelve-cylinder Vee liquid-cooled engine, rated at 1,695 h.p. anddriving a four-blade airscrew. Fuel inwing and fuselage tanks with totalcapacity of 224 gal. Provision lor undcr-wing jettisonable tanks.

ARMAMENTSix 0'50" Browning machine-guns, threein each wing, Underwing attachmentslor 2,000 lb. of bombs and rockets.

DIMENSIONSWing span: 37 ' . Length: 32' 3*" .

Height: 13' 8". Iling area: 233.2 sq, ft.

WEIGHTSEmpry: 7,635 lb.Ma.r. take-ofi weight: 1l,6O0 lb.

PERFORMANCEMax. speed: 437 m.p.h. at 25,000'.Ma.t. rate-of-clinb : 3,47 5 ft. /min.Sart'it'a ceiling : 40,000'.

Thc original Mustang of 1940 was designedand built in 120 days to meet an urgentBritish rcquirement. It had an 1,150 h.p.Allison engine, but the Mustang did not reallybegin to show its paces until was re-enginedwith a Packard-built Merlin. It then becamethe best U.S. fighter of World War II, anda total of 14,819 were built. Of these, 7,966were P-SlDs (later redesignated F-51Ds), asdescribed above, and this version is stillflying with the air forces of Bolivia, Cuba, theDominican Republic, Guatemala, Hondurasand Nicaragua.

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NORTH AMERTCAN F-86F SABRE (U.S.A.)First Flight (XF-86): October 1, 1947 Single-seat fighter-bomber

AIRFRAMELow-wing, sweptback at 35 Swcptbacktail surlaces, with tailplane and clcvatorslinkcd for co-ordinated movenrent. Con-ventional ailerons and ruddcr. Trarling-edge flaps. Tricycle undercarriage, withsingle wheel on each unit. Main wlrcclsretract inward into fuselage. Nosc-whcclretracts rearward. Air-brake on cach sidcof rear fuselage. Circular air intakc innose, with radar lip at top.

ENGINEOne Ceneral Electric J47 GE-27 turbojct,rated at 5-970 lb.s.t. Fuel tanks in fuscl-age. Two or lour underwing jettisonabletan k s.

ARMAMBNTSix 0 50" nrachine-guns in nose. Undcr-wing attachments for two 1,000-lb. bombs,l6 air-to-surlace rockets. etc.

DIMENSIONSl4/ing spon: 37' l"

Height: l4' 7". Wing area: 287'9 sq.lYheeI tack: 8' 3".

WEIGHTSfar2rr: 10,950 lb.Mo.r. ruka-olJ weight: 20,195 lt:.

PI'RF'ORMANCEMu.t. spted: 655 m.p.h, at sea level.Scrvitr < ciling : 53,000'.Nornrul rangt. 890 miles.


'lhc li-86F was the last day fighter version ofthe Sabre to be produced by North Americanand is still standard equipment in many airforccs, including those of the Argentine,Nationalist China, Ethiopia, the Republic ofKorea, Pakistan, Peru, the Philippines'Portugal, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Thailand andVenezuela. In addition, Mitsubishi areassernbling 300 F-86Fs in Japan for theJapanese Air Self-Defence Force. (See alsoCohmonwealth Avon-Sabre and CanadairSabre.)

86Length: 37'6"

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NORTH AMERICAN r4sDlKlL SABRE (U.S.A.)First Ftight (F-86D): December 22, 1949 Single-seat all-weather fighter


ENGINEOne General Electric J47-GE-33 turbojet,rated at 7,650 lb.s.t. with reheat, inF-86D and L. One J47-GE-17B, ratedat 7,450 lb.s.t. with reheat, in F-86K.Fuel tankage as for F-86F.

ARMAMENTF-86D and L have a retractable pack oftwentv-four 2'75" air-to-air rockets in thebottoin of their forward fuselage. F-86Khas four 20-mm. cannon.

DIMENSIONS G-86D)Low-wing, sweptback at 35'. Sweptback lling.span: 37'1" Leng-th: ^4O'4"toii'.u.Ti?'"i, *lit, tuitpLan" i"i iiJ""to.i uei[hi: ts'. Wins area: 287'9 sq. ft.linked lor co-ordinated movement. Con-;;;ii;""I'"ii"-"i u"o i"oaJi. l"aainC- WEIGHTS (F-86D)edge slats (slots in F-86L) and trailing- Entpty: 11,905 lb.edge flaps. Tricycle undercar-rrage' .wr(tr Max. rake-of weight: 2O,55O lb.sinsle wheel on each unit' Main whcelsretiact inward into fuse-lage. - Nose-wheel PERFORMANCE (F-86D)retracts rearward. Air'brake on cachside of rear fuselage. 'ct'itl: #'i"ili! Max' speed: 567 m'o'h' at 10'000"

under conical nose radome. Mux' rare-of-clin6: '17,800 ft'/min'

First all-weather fighter version of the Sabre,itte E-SOD inlrodu-ced a Hughes fire-controlradar svstem with nose radome, reheat and anall-rocliet armament. More than 2,000 werehuilt. of which some still serve with the airforces of Denmark. Japan, South Korea andthe PhiliDDines. More than E00 others wereconverted, io F-86L standard for the U.S.A.F.'with 2' sreater sDan. leading-edge slotsand new ridar. The F-86K' of which Fiatbuilt 231 in ltalv. is cannon'armed and 8"lonscr. and is oi6rational with the French'C"imd", Italian; Dutch and Norwegian airforces.


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NORTH AMERICAN AFIE FURY (U.S.A.)First Flight: October 28, l9S4 Single-seat naval fighter'bomber

AIRFRAMELow-wing, sweptback at 35'. Wing-tipsfold upward. lnset ailerons can bedrooped with leading-edge and trailing-edsehaos to improve landing performance.Af-movine tail. as on F-86F Sabre. Tri-cycle unde-rcarriage, with single wheel onehch unit. Main wheels retract inwardinto fuselage. Nose-wheel retracts rear-ward. Air-brake on each side of rearfuselage. Lipped air intake in nose.

ENGINEOne Wrieht J65-W-I6A turbojet, ratedat 7,700- lb.s.t. Internal fue[ can besunniemented bv uD to four external tanksun'd'er wings, wiih tbtal capacity of 583 gal.Equipped for flight refuelling.

ARMAMENTFour 20-mm. cannon in nose. Six under-wine attachments for Sidewinder infra-red-air-to-air missiles, bombs, air-to-airrocket pods, air-to-surface rockets orBullpup missiles.

DIMENSIONSWing span: 39' 1". Length: 37' 6'.Heiihi: l2'8". lling area: 338 sq' ft.llhiel track: ll'7". llheelbase: 16'91".

WEIGHTMax. take-of weight: over 26,000 lb.

PERFORMANCEMax. speed: 687 m.p.h. at sea level,Max. iate-of-clinb.' 7,500 ft./min.Max. range' 2,700 miles.

Earlier versions of the sweptwing Fury werensval variants of the F-E6 Srbre' but theF-l was almost entirely redesigned. Tomake possible combat at high subsonic speeds'the wing and tailplane were mlde much thinner'The addition of a dorsal spine makes thefuselage appear considerably deeper. TheAF-IE has e low-altitude bombing systemand special controls for high-speed missionsat ser level.


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-INORTH AMERICANFirst Flight: May 25, 1953


F-r00 sUPER SABRE (U.S.A )Multi-purpose fighter

Low-mid wings, sweptback at 45".Sweptback tail surfaces, with one-pieceall-moving tailplane low-set on fuselage.Inset ailerons, each in two sections.Automatic leading-edge slats. Flaps onF-100D and F only. Air-brake undercentre-fuselage. Tricycle undercarriage,with single wheel on each main unit andtwin wheels on nose unit. Main wheelsretract inward into fuselage. Nose-wheels retract rearward. Fiattened airintake in nose.

ENGINFJOne Pratt & Whitney J57-P-2lA turbo-jet, rated at 16,950 lb.s.t. with reheat, incurrent F-I00C, D and F versions. Totalof 987 gal. of fuel in wing and fuselagetanks. Provision for two 208-gal. and two187-gal. underwing tanks, and for flightrefuelling.

ARMAMENTF-100C has four 20-mm. cannon infuselage and six underwing attachmentsfor up to 6,000 lb. of bombs, 24 air-to-surface rockets, Sidewinder air-to-airmissiles, pods of air-to-air rockets, Bull-

pup air-to-surface missiles, etc. On F-l00D and F the bombload is raised to7,500 lb., but the F has only two cannon.

DIMENSIONSWing span: 38'9+".Length (F-IOOC and D): 54'3".Length (F-IOOF): 57' 3".Height: l6'2|". lVing area: 385.2 sq. ft.Wheel track: 12'.

WETGHTS (F-100D)Empty: 2l,O0O lb.Max. take-off weight: 34,830 lb.

PERFORMANCE (F-100D)Max. speed: 865 m.p.h. at 36,000'(Mach l 3).Max. rate-of-climb : 16,000 ft./min.

To the F-100 goes the distinction of havingbeen the first production fighter in the worldable to fly supersonic in level flight. Themain versions now in service with the U.S.A.F,are the single-seat F-100C and D fighter-bombers and two-seat F-100F, which can beused both as a fighter-bomber and a trainer.A total of 2,294 Super Sabres were built,F-l00Ds serve also with the French, Danish,Greek and Turkish air forces. The F-100Fhas been supplied to NATO air forces and toNationalist China.


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NORTHROP F-s FREEDOM FIGHTER (U.S.A.)First Flight: July 30, 1959 Single-seat lightweight fighter

AIRFRAMELow-wing, sweptback at 25'. Aileronsat mid-ipan, with trailing-edge llapsinboard. Full-span leading-edge flaps'Conventional rudder. One-piece all-moving tailplane low-set on fuselage.Two air-brakes under centre-fuselage,which is area-ruled. Air intake on eachside of fuselage forward of wing roots.Tricycle undercarriage, with single wheclon each unit. Main wheels retract inwitr(linto fuselage. Nose-wheel retracts for-ward. Radar in nose.

ENGINESTwo General Electric J85 CE-ll turbo-jets, each rated at over 4,000 lb's't. withieheat. Fuel in fuselage tanks with totalcapacity of 500 gal. Can carry underwingjettisonable tanks.

ARMAMEN'fNormally two Sidewinder or Falcon air-to-air missiles on wing-tips. Five attach-ments under wings and fuselage lor bombs,rockets, missiles or gun Packs.

DIMENSIONSWing span: with Sidewinders attached26', 1',.Length: 47'2".Height: 13'1". Wing areo: l7l sq. ft.Whecl track: l0' lO".

WEIGHTMux. rukc-o.ff werglrt: 19,000 lb.

PERFORMANCEMu.r. sp<'cd: 990 m.p.h. at 36,000'( Mach l'5).(-ruising spced: 560 m.p.h. at 36,000'.M u.r. rutt'-ol-t limb: 30,000 ft./min.Mu.t. range: over 2,100 miles.

Thc F-5 is a single-seat fighter version ofthe two-seat T-38A Talon, which has beenadopted by the U.S,A.F, as a standardsupersonic basic trainer. The two types havethe same basic airframe and engines. Despiteits comparatively small size, the F-5 canbe fitted with the most advanced armament andfire-control systems available The additionof leading-edge flaps and provision for theuse of rocket-assisted take-off enable it tooperate from small airfields. Single-seat(F-5A) and two-seat (F-58) versions are inproduction for the smaller NATO air forces.

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REPUBLTC F47D THUNDERBOLT (U.S.A.)First Flight (XP-478): May 6, 1947


Si ngle-seat fighter'-bomber

DIMENSIONSl|/ing span: 4O'9". Length: 36' 1".Height: 14' 2". Wing area: 300 sq. ft.

WEIGHTSEmpty: IO,7OO lb.Max. take-of weight: l7 ,5OO lb.

PERFORMANCEMax. speed: 429 m.p.h. at 25,000'.Max. rate-of-climb : 2,780 ft. / min.Rcnge.' 950 miles.

Like the F-51D Mustang, this famous fighterof World War II was ofrered by the UnitedStates to friendly nations in South Americaafter the signing of the Rio pact in 1947.There was no shortage, as 15,660 Thunder-bolts had been built during the war, and thesurvivors still serve in the air forces of Bolivia'Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, the DominicanRepublic, Ecuador, Honduras, Mexico andPeru,

Conventional low-wing piston-enginedlayout, with normal aileron, elevator andrudder control surfaces and slottedtrailing-edge flaps. Dive-recovery flapsforward of main flaps. Tail-wheelundercarriage, with single wheel on eachunit. Main wheels retract inward intowings. Tail-wheel retracts into fuselage.

ENGINEOne Pratt & Whitney R-2800-59 DoublcWasp l8-cylinder radial engine, rated at2,300 h.p. and driving a four-blade air-screw. Fuel in two fuselage tanks withtotal capacity of 308 gal. Provision forunderwing jettisonable tanks.

ARMAMENTSix 0'50" machine-guns, three in eachwing. Underwing attachments for 2,500lb. of bombs or air-to-surface rockets.




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REPUBLTC F-84G THUNDERJET (U.S.A.)First Flight: February 28,1946


Si ngle-seat day fi ghter-bomber

Low-mid wings, without swccpback.Unswept tail surfaccs, with tailplancr.)rountcd part-way up lin. Convcrrtionalailerons, elevators, rudder and trailirrg-edge flaps. Air-brake undcr centrc-fuselagc. Circular air intakc in rrosc.Tricycle undercarriage with singlc rlrcelon each unit. Main wheels rctract irrwarrlinto wings. Nose-wheel retracts rcarwilr(1.

ENGINEOnc Allison J35 A 29 turbojct, ratc(l nt5,600 lb.s.t. Fuel tanks in wings can bcsupplemented by wing-tip tanks an(l lw()1 92-gal. jettisonable tanks unclcr wingroo t s.

ARMAMEl\.TFour 0'50" nrachine-guns in nose andtwo in wings. Underwing attachnrcnts lbr32 air-to-suriace rockets or up to 4,500 lb.of bombs and other weapons.

DIMBNSIONSl,lling spun: 36'5". Lengrh: 38'1".|ltigltt; 12' 7". l|'ing area: 260 sq. ft.ll'ltt'tl trat'k; 16' 6".

WUICIJI'SLntpr.r': | 1,095 lb.l\lu.t. tul,t,-oll wtiehr; 23,525 lb.

l,l,ll{F()Rt\tANCEl\lu.t. tpt,cl: 622 m.p.h. at sea level.,\Ln itc triling : 40,500'.lllu:. ntnge: 2.000 nriles.

Whcn production of the Thunderjet ended inJulv 195-1. a total of 4,457 had been built.1'hey rvere thc first fi.S. lighters to carry thctactical atomic bomb and the first to be

equipped for rcfuelling in flight. Thunderjetsare still first-line equipment in the air forces ofIran, Portugal, Thailand and Yugoslavia.

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REpUBLTC F-84F THUNDERSTREAK (U.S.A.)First Flight: June 3, 1950


Si ngle-seat day fi ghter-bomber

Mid-set wings. swe ptback at 40 Swcpl-back tail surl'irccs. urlh orrc-piccc tailplancmounted t)ar1-way up fin. Convcnlionalailcrons, ruddcr and trailitrg-ctlgc llap:.Automatic slats on uing lcltrling etlgcs.Perloratcd air-brake on cuch sitlc ol rcrrl'uselagc. Air inlakc in tto:c. I-rieyclcrrndercarriagc. with singlc whcel ort crtclrunit. Main u'lrecls rctrtct irlu rr(l rrlowings. Nose-wheel rctracts rcarwartl.

ENCINEOne Wright J65 W I turbojct. rirtc(l irl7.200 lb.s.t. lntcrnal l-Ltel lrurks titn besupple trente tl by two untlcrt irlF tirrrk\ ()lup to 375-gal. cal.acily caclt. Lt;trtppcrlfor flight'reluelling.

ARMAMENTFour 0 50" rlachirrt--guns irt nosc irndtwo in wirrgs. U ndcrwing atlachnrcnts lbr24 air-to-surlacc rockcts, or up to 6.000 lb.of bornbs and othcr weapons.

\\'Et(;H]'llrrt. rol,t,-o.lJ x,cl5'lrt. 28.000 lb.

I'l,lltF()RN,tA^-CErl/rr r. .rpt,rr1. (r95 nr.p.h. at sca levcl..\ltt r. r rttt-ttf-t li rrrf: 8,200 l't. ,rnin.llrtnr,, l.(r0() lrilcs.

'llrc prolotlpc XF-8.1F rvas simpl-"- an F-848lhrrrrrlerjcl li(ted \ith srvept Iings and pow-t'rt'rl bv a 5.2(X) Ib.s.t. Allison J-35-A-25Irrrlxrit't. \\ hcn Curtiss-Wright acquircd aliccnct lo huild the Armstrong SiddeleySrpphirc lurhojet in America, Republic tittcdan irnporled Srpphire in the YF-84F- proto-type lhich fle* on February t4, 1951. TheLi.S.,A.l'. ordcrcd this aircraft into production,s ith a Wright-huilt J65 Srpphire. as theli-ll4F'lhunderstreak, nhich rvas b1'then anrlrnost entirely nen aircraft compared \riththe original F-848. lt remains in tirst-linescrvice with the air forces of Belgium, France,(iermrny, Greece, ltalv and the Netherlands.


I)INIENSIONS11:itt17 spun: 33' 7".Iltitltr: l4'41".

Ltnt!th; 43'4'1"

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lr It



REPUBLTC RF-84F THUNDERFLASH (U.S.A.)First Flight: February 1952


Single-seat day reconnaissance-fighter

Basically similar to that of F-84F Thunderstreak. Engine air intakesmoved io wing roots to permit the mounting of camoras in the nose.

ENGINEOne Wright J65-W-7 turbojet, rated at 7,800 lb.s.t. Fuel tankage as forF-84F.

ARMAMENTFour 0'50" machine-guns, two in each wing.

DIMENSIONSWing span: 33'7".


Lensth: 47'71". Height: 15'.

Max. speed: 679 m.p.h. at sea level. Max. rate-of-climb: 8,000 ft./min.Service ceiling: 46,000'. Max. range: 2,200 miles.

This is a straightforward adaptation of Thunderflash remains in service withthe F-84F, cirrying six cameras for the air forces of Belgium, Denmark,photographic-reconnaissance missions. France, - Germany,

_ Greg-ce, -Ita{v'it was Uriitt in parallel with the fighter- Nationalist China, the Netherlands,

bomber, production totals being 2,711 Norway and Turkey.F-84Fs and 715 RF-84Fs. The


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trREpUBLTC F-105D THUNDERCHTEF (U.S.A.)First Flight: October 22, 1955


Si ngle-seat all-weather fi ghter-bomber

Mid-swept sweptback wings. Sweptbacktail surfaces, with one-piece all-movingtailplane mounted low on fuselage antlwith a ventral stabilising fin. Aileronsused only at low speeds. Main roll controlis by five-section spoilers forward ol' thelarge slotted flaps on each wing. Variablc-camber leading-edge. Uniclue swcpt-forward air intake ducts in wing r()()ls.'Clover-leaf' air-brake around cxhaustnozzle, Tricycle unclercarriagc, withsingle wheel on each unit. Main whcclsretract inward into wings. Nosc-whcclretracts forward. Radar in nose.

ENGINEOne Pratt & Whitney J75 P l9W turbo-jet, rated at 26.500 lb.s.t. wrth rchcitt.Approx. 1.000 gal. offuel in fuselage tanks.Provision lor one 290-gal. tank in weapon-bay and three 375-gal. tanks un.lerwings and fuselage. Equipped for tlightrefuell i n g.

ARMAMENTOne 20-mm. high-relocity cannon in nose.Up to 8.000 Ib. o[ nuclear weapons inbomb-bay. plus 4.000 lb. of externally

attached bombs, rockets, Sidewinder air-to-air missiles or Bullpup air-to-surfacemissiles.

DIMENSIONSlling .spon: 34' ll". Length: 64' 3'.llaight: 19' 8", Wing area: 385 sq. ft.

wEt(;ltT's/:rryrlr'. 27,500 lb.l\lur. tul't,-o.ff weighr: 48,400 lb.

t,l,)il.'()RMANCEtrlrr t. sptrl: 1,420 m.p.h. at 36,000'(Nllch 2'15).llo.t. rurc-of -clim6: 34,500 ft./min.^\trrica cai Iing : 52.OOO'.l\1u-t . rungt: over 2,000 miles.

Most formidable single-seat fighter-bomberin thc world, the F*105D replaced the F-1058(25,000 lb.s.t. J75-P-5) on the assemblyline in 1959 after only 75 Bs had been built.It is re-equipping F-I00 squadrons in theUnited States and overseas as fast as Republiccan produce it. ln addition to the single-seatF-105D, a two-seat dual-purpose trainer/fighter version designated F-I05F is inproduction and service,





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SAAB-29F (Sweden)First Flight: September l, 1948

AIRFRAMEMid-set wings, sweptback at 25'. Con-ventional aiGrons. elevators, rudder andtrailins-edce ffaos. Variable-incidencetailpla-ne. -Wing has ' dog-tooth ' leading-edg'e. Circular rir intake in nose: cxhaustnoZzle under tail-boom. Tricycle under-carriage, with single wheel on each unit.Main wheels retract inward into fusclagc.Nose-wheel retracts rearward'

ENGINEOne Swedish-built de Havillantl (ilrostturboiet (RM lB), rrted at 6.2(x) lh.r.l.with ieheat. Fuselage fuel lirnks carl hcsupplemented by two underwing jettison-able tanks.

ARMAMENTFour 20-mm. cunnon in hottom of nosc.Underwing attachments for 24 air-to-surface rockets.

DIMENSIONSWing span: 36' l'.

Si ngle-seat fighter-bom ber

Height: 12' 3t". Wing area: 258 sq. ft.Wheel track: '7' 2".

WEIGHTSfararr': I0.140 lb.Mi.r.'rake-ol| reigfir: 17.635 lb.

PERFORMANCELlt.t. spted: 658 m.P.h. at 5,000"Md.\. tdt.'-ol-rlinb: I 1.800 ft'/min..\,r'r'lt tziling: 50.850'.Ilt.t. ttrrtlt: 1.680 miles'

Knorvn usually as the 'Flying Barrel,'-forobvious reasons, the Saab-29 was the first\wcDtwin[ iel fightcr to go into large-scaleoroductirin

'in Western Europe. The iniiial

vcrsion, dcsignated J 29A, entered servicewith thc R.Sw.A.F. in 1951 and was followedhv thc J 298 uith increased fuel, the A 29aitack fighter, thc S 29C photo-reconnaissanceversion and the J 29F \Yith reheat and 'dog-tooth' wing, as described above. Althoughsuoerseded in the R'Sw.A'F.' the J 29Fremains operational with the Austrian AirForce, whiCh ordered 30 in 1960-62.


r.{ I

Length: 33'21".

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SAAB-32 !-ANSEN (Sweden)First Flight: November 3, 1952

AIRFRA\TEl-ou'winqs. sueyttback at 35 S*cptbeektail surlaecs. Cottr'cntiotlrl eilerotts.ele\ators. rudder atttl Iowlcr Ilitps.\Jariablc-incitlcncc tailnlllllc. IrottT rttT-brakcs ort sitlcr ol'rcar lusclrgc. I litr'.lcunde rcarriagc. witlt sirrglc u lltcl otl t rtL lt

runit. Maii *hccls rctrlcl irl\\irr(l irrl')firsclngc. Nosc-whccl r.^tracl: lirrirrttrlRadar in trosc. Air intlkc reoop. ttt :ttl. ,

ol lirsclagc, by cocknit.

ENGINIiOnc Srvcdi:h-built P.olls-lloye c l()() rt r rt 'Avorr (t{Nl 5). ratcd rrl t).')00 lb.s.l. s rtlrrehcal. itt A llA. One Sqctlt:lr irtttlt200-se rics ,\ron (RM 6ll). rril((l rrt

15.200 Ib.s.t. in J 32B and S rl(.

ARN{A\,IEN'I'A l2A has lour 20-ttrtll. catltlort itr litsclrtgcancl can carry two Su'edish Ilb lo'1 irrr-l()sLtrlacc gLtitlctl ttlissiles ttntlcr t ittgs' lt:shorvn in illustratiorl. .l J2ll lras lirtrrJ0-nrrtt. cnnttott antl cen carry lirLrr Sidc-windcr air-to-air lronring rrlissilcs urttlcr its

Two-seat al l-weather fi ghter

\\irrgs. [Jotlt rcrslorts harc tttlclcraitlgrttrlhnrcnl\ fOr bonrbs ol trn 1o l.l()0 lb.'ai r-to-stirl'tec r(lckct\. ctc.

t)t \l l.l\sl()NSll irr:: :lttut '11' E-. 1.,'rgli '18llt ttltt. li 6'. li inq tr,'ti. 402 6 sr1 lt

\\ l,.l(;ll'l S {,.\ -12.\)

I tn1,tt l.i 1()l) ib.\l,t ' r,rl, ''rttl r t'i'4!tt 2ll.(,6() it).

l'r,.1{t,( )lt\1.\\( Fl (A -j2A)\/,r r. '/r, , r/ 100 rll.l).11. rt scr Ic\cl.\lrtr. titrL ,,1'tlitttlt I l.t{)0 ll. rrin.\,/,/ . tl,tt1 'l).llo

Ilrt .\ -12.,\ attack lightcr version of thcI rrrrst'n. rrhich can dirc at supcrsonic spted.lrrs erluippttl R.S*..\.I'. squ:rdrons sincc 1955.Il rras ioinetl in 1958 b1 tht'.i 32li all-\reathcrliglrtt'r rcrsirtn, \1ilh morc poterlll enginc,lrcrrier lrmament and much-inlprored per-lirrrtrance . and tlrc camera-carrl ing S 32(-'plrotographic-reconnaissance version. Seleralhundred Lansens of thcse three t]pes rverebtrilt beforc production ended in Ma1 l960'


Page 56: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

SAAB-35 DRAKEN (Sweden)First Flight: October 25, 1955

AIRFRAMEMid-set wings of unique double-deltaplanform, with 80" sweepback on innerwings and 57" on outer wings. Sweptbackfin and rudder. No horizontal tail sur-faces. Elevons on wing trailing-edges aremade up of two inboard and two outboardsurfaces. Air-brakes above and belowrear fuselage on each side. Elliptical airintakes in wing roots. Tricycle under-carriage, with single wheel on each unit.Main wheels retract outward into wings.Nose-wheel retracts forward. Radome atnose,

Si ngle-seat al l-weather fi ghter

WEIGHTMax. take-of wersfftt; 19,800 lb.

PERFORMANCE (.r 3sA)Ma,r. speed: 1,190 m.p.h. at 36,000'(Mach l'8).M a.\. rate-of-climb : 39.36O ft. lmin.

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ENGINE ln service with the Royal Swedish Air ForceVersions in service have one Rolls-Royce since 1960, the J 35A Draken, describedAvon 2o0-series turbojet, built by Svenska above, has a two-seat trainer counterpartFlygmotor as the RM 68 and rated at designated Sk 35C. In service since late15,200 lb.s.t. with reheat. Fuel in wings 196l is the improved J 358 with more ad-and fuselage tanks. Provision for external vanced radar. The J 35D has a Rolls-Roycetanks under wings and fuselage. Avon Series 300 engine rated at 17,635 lb.s.t.ARMAMENT IJ:T'iT5th "*lri:";#" i",T.xi:"fip#u 3[Four Sidewinder infra-red air-to-air mis- 49,200 ft.imin. The S 35E is a reconnaissancesiles. Attachments under wings and version of the D. The J 35F will have Falconfuselage for other types of missilei, pods homing missiles and more advanced equipmentcontaining l9 unguided air-to-air rockets, and will be the main production version.


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Page 57: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

SUD-AVIATION S.O.4050 VAUTOUR ll-N (France)First Flight: October 16,1952 Two-seat all-weather fighter, sweptback at 35". Swcptbacktail surfaces, uith tailplane mid-\ct ot) lin.and with ventral fin. Convclrliorrlrlailerons, rudder and splir flan\. All-moving tailplane. Air-brakc orr etrelt rirlr.of rcar fuselage. Engines nrourle(l un(l(.rwings. Tandem nrain undcrcarrragc. uitlrtwin wheels on each unit. Froni wheclsretract lorward, rear wheels rcarwarrl irrltrfuselage. Small 'balanccr' whccl rrrrrlcreach engine nacelle. Radar in noscradome.

ENGINESTwo SNECMA Atar l0lE 3 rurbojcls,each rated at 7,716 lb.s.t.

ARMAMENTFour 30-nrm. DEFA cannon irr lrosc. [Jnto 240 air-to-air unguided rockets in bonrb-bay. Underwing attachmenl\ lor fourNord or MATRA air-to-air guided missilesor MATRA_ packs each iontaining l9arr-to-alr rockets.

DIMENSIONSll/ing span: 49' 6i'. Length: 5l' 1,,.Llcighr: l4' ll". l4/ing orca: 484.4 sq. ft.

WF]IGHTSIintpt.t: 23,15O llt.Mu\'. tolic-off wcight; 45,635 llt.

I'IiItIiORMANCE,\/,r r. rp, trl. 085 rrt rcu lerel.l\l,tr. r,trr'-,tf-tliarb.. I1,800 ft. min..9crtict' tcili ng : 50,000'.

'Ihc Ytutour prototype rvas the first Frenchtrrin-jct aircraft to cxceed the speed of soundin a shallorv dive. Various engines rvere fittedin lh(' three prototype and sii pre-productionntodcls; but all production Vauiours have hadlircnch-dcsigncd Atar turbojets. Thcy are inservice in three forms. The Vautour II-Ais a singlc-scat tactical fighter, of uhich J0wcrc built,

-the first produciion machine flying

on April 30, 1956. Thc first of 40 Vauiouill-R tso-seat bombers flcn on Julv Jl. 1957-and the first of 70 Vautour Il-\ ;ll-\veather!-ghters (to which the above data apply) onOctober 10, 1956. Twenty-fiye'bf - ttr"Vautour lI-As have been supplied to thcIsrael Air Force.



Page 58: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

SUD-EST MISTRAL 535 (France)First FIight: April 2, 1951

Single-seat fighter-bom ber

AIRFRAMETwin-boom layout. Mid-set wings with air intakes in roots. Twin finsand rudders, linked by tailplane and elevator. conventional ailerons andsplit flaps-. Air-brake above and below each wing. Tricycle undercarriage,with single-wheel on each unit. Main wheels rdtract outward into winEs:Nose-wheel retracts rearward.

ENGINEOne Hispano-built Rolls-Royce Nene 104 turbojet, rated at 5,000 lb.s.t.Internal fuel tanks in fuselage and wings can be supplemented by two largeunderwing tanks.

ARMAMENTFour 20-mm. cannon in nose. Underwing attachments for two 1,000-lb.bombs.

DIMENSIONS_____Wing span: 38'. Length: 30'9". Height: 6'2". Vl/ing area: 262sq.ft.i WEIGHTS

Empty: 7,672 lb. Max. take-offweight: 12,655 lb.. PERFORMANCE', A^, speed_' 575 m.p.h. at sea level. Max. rate-of-climb: 7,O90 ft./min.

Service ceiling : 49,200'.I fnis is the French-built version of the in service with the French Air Force. In, de Havilland Vampire, with a more addition, Vampires are stitl flying withr, powerf_u! Ngne engine in place of the the Swiss, Indian, Jordanian, Finnish

normal Goblin. It can be distinguished and Lebanese air forces.' by its Yee air intakes. Mistrals remainlt.lN

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Page 59: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

SUKHOI SU-? (NATO Code-name' Fitter') (Russia)Single-seat fighter

AIRFRAMEMid-set sweptback wings. Sweptback tail surlaces. Conventional ailerons,rudder and lrailing-edge flaps. Onc-piece all-moving tailplane mid-set onfuselage. Circular air intake in nosc.

ENGINEOne turbojet of unknown typc.

ARMAMENTAttachments under wings for cxtcrnal itnr)anrent. No guns visible.


It seems likely that the Soviet Air l.'orcc fusclirgc and tail unit, and both are inissued a requirement for a new day and scrvice in large all-weather fighter in the e:rrly ln gcncral the Sukhoi designs are1950s, and that the MiG and Sukhoi 'clcaner' than the MiGs. They havedesign offices each produced two air- no ventral fins and no external cannoncraft to meet the requirement, one with arrnament. Their pitot boom is moun-sweptback wings and the other with ted above the air intake, whereas it isdelta wings. As in the case of the MiG- below the intake on the MiGs. ' Fit-21 and 'Faceplate,' the trvo Sukhoi ter' also has a 'square' fillet at eachdesigns, code-named 'Fitter' and trailing-edge rving root which offers a'Fishpot,' appear to have a common good recognition feature.


Page 60: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

SUKHOI SU-? (NATO Code-name' Fishpot') (Russia)Single-seat fighter

AIRFRAMEMid-set delta wings. Sweptback tait surfaces. conventional ailerons,rudder and trailinglsdge flais. One-piece all-moving tailplane, mid-set onfuselage. Circula-r aii intoke in nosc, with smalf pointed centre-bodyhousing fire-control radar.

ENGINEOne turbojet of unknown type. Intcrnal l'uelcan-be supplemented by twojettisonab6 luel tanks carri-ed sidc-by-sidc under the centre-fuselage.

ARMAMENTAttachments under wings for cxtcrnal arrlliln1ent. No guns visible.


The prototype of this limited all-weather fighter was first seen in the1946 Soviet Aviation DaY DisPlaY.At that time it had a small conicalrandome above its air intake, ratherlike that of the North AmericanF-86D Sabre. In its production form,

'Fishpot' appears to have a fuselageand tail unit almost identical with thoseof its sweptwing counterpart 'Fitter.'Its engine, equipment and performanceare probably similar to those of theMiG-21.




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SUPERMARINE.SCIMITAR F. Mk' I (Great Britain)First Flight: JanuarY 20' 1956


Single-seat naval daY fighter

Sidervinder infra-red air-to-air missiles. I

Underwing attachments for bo-mbs. in- |cluding nuclear weapons, or rocket pods.




lling span: 37'2", Length: 55'4",Hai[hi: 15'3'. Wheel track: 14'1".




As thc Royal Navy's standard single-seat daylightcr, the Scimitar serves on board ship 'r

sidc-by-side with the Sea Vixen all-weather \lightcr. Both types can dive at supersonic Ispccd and both can carry flight-refuelling I'huddy ' packs under their wings. IThc Scimitar entered service with No. E03 ISquadron in the Summer of l95E and just over I100 were built. In additiov to day interception Iduties, it is intended to operate in a strike role, Icarrying nuclear bombs and rocketsl It can ialso be fitted with a camera pack for photo'graphic-reconnaissance missions.


Mid-set sweptback wings' with slightantredral.'Dog-tooth' leading-edges'S*entback tail su-rflaces with 10" anhedral.n'tailplane. Conventional ailerons'iuAO", aitA one-piece all-moving tailplane'; Blo*n' trailing-edge flaps. Engine airintake on each side of fuselage by cockptt'Three air-brakes on each side ot tuselagcaii-of wine. Tricvcle undercarriage witlriinete wheEl on each unit' Main whcclsietiact inward into fuselagc. Nosc-whcclretracts rearward.

ENGINESTwo Rolls-Royce Avon 200-series turbo-iets. each rated at 11,250 lb.s't. lntcrnali^nks .un be supplemented by four undcr-wins tanks of up to 800 gal. total capaclty.Flielt-refuellin! probe can be fitted onstarboard side of nose.

ARMAMENTOrisinal armament of four 30-mm. Adeng,ini li u"ing superseded bv a number of

Page 62: Hippo Book 5 Fighter Aircraft of the World

YAKOVLEV YAK-25Two-seat all-weather fi ghter

AIRF'RAMEMid-set sweptback (45") wings, with slightanhedral. Sweptback tail surfaces, withtailplane mounted mid-way ulr fin.Conventional ailerons, elevators, rudderand trailing-edge split flaps. Engincsmounted under wings. Tandem ntainundercarriage, with single front whccland twin rear wheels, all retracting aliinto fuselage. Small 'balancer' whccl a(each wing-tip, Radar in roundcd noscradome.

ENGINESTwo Klimov VK-5 turbojets, each ratctlat 8,820 lb.s.t.

ARMAMENTTwo 37-mm. cannon, in fairings on eachside of the lower fuselage. Pack of un-guided air-to-air rockets flush againstundersurface, between cannon, Attach-ments for missiles under wings.

(NATO Code-name' Flashlight') (Russia)

DIMENSIONS (approx.)Iling span: 4O'8". Length: 54'1tt".

IVEIGHTS (estimated)Entpty: l7 ,000 lb.Ma,t. take-of weight: 27,ooo lb.

I'ERF'ORMANCE (estimated)Mor. speed: 685 m.p.h,Mu"r. range: 2,000 miles.

ln scrvice with the Soviet Air Force since 1955,thc original Yak-25 (code-name 'Flashlight-A') is a rather dated subsonic all-weatherfighter. It has, however, been followed intoscrvice by several improved versions, Thesehavc 'dog-tooth' wing leading-edges, swept-forward wing root leading-edges, and wing-tips which extend beyond the fairings for the' balancer 'wheels. One, code-named'Flash-light-C,' has a pointed radome nose. An-other, known as 'Flashlight-B,'has a smallercockpit canopy, for the pilot only, a glazednose for the navigator/bomb aimer andlonger engine nacelles, and is in service as amulti-purpose fi ghter-bornber.


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YAKOVLEV YAK-? (NATO Code-name' fi".O.r') (Russia)Two-seat al l-weather fi ghter-bom ber

AIRFRAMEGenerally similar to that of the glazed-nose ' Flashlight-B ' version of theYak-25." Wing has been raisedslightly to a ' highYmid' position. Theglazed nose cairies a heavy pitot bobm. The engine air intakes are fittedwith pointed centre-bodies. Most aircraft have a radome blister undertheir centre-fuselage.

ENGINESProbably similar to those of Yak-25, but fitted with reheat.

ARMAMENTSimilar to that of Yak-25 in somo vcrsions. Others appear to have nocannon.


'Firebar ' is a development of the that they may be intended mainly forYak-25 and was first shown publicly ground attack and reconnaissance mis'during the 1961 Aviation Day Display sions, rather than interceptio-n. Thein Moscow. The radio commentator design changes have probably givencalled it a multi-purpose aircraft, and 'Firebar' a supersonic performance inthe variations in equipment and arma- level flight.ment on the aircraft shown indicates


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YAKOVLEV YAK-? (NATO Code-name. Fiddler') (Russia)Multi-seat all-weather fighter

AIRFRAMESweptwing layout, with wings in 'low-mid' position. Sweptback tailsurfaces, with twin ventral stabilising fins. Conventional ailerons andrudder. One-piece al[-nroving tlilplane, nrid-set on fuselage. Mainuldercarriage units retract rclrivlrtl into nacelles built on to wing trailing-edges. Semi-circular air intakc, witlr pointed centre-body, on each side offuselage, alt ol cockpits. Largc blistcr l'airing under cenire-fuselage.

ENGINESTwo turbojets of unknown typc, sirlc-by-side in rear fuselage. Blisterfairing under fuselage is probably cxtcrnul fuel tank.

ARMAMENTOne large air-to-air guidcd nrissilc ctrricd under each wing, outboardrlndercarriage nacelles. ln atltlitiorr, thcre appears to be a bomb-baythe fuselage, forward of the wings.


9n^" gf the surprises of the 1961 Soviet should have a maximum speed ofAviation Day Display, this formidablc around 1,300 m.p.h. (Mach 2). Itslong-range interceptor may not yet be span has been estimated at aroundready for ser-vice. It carries a crew of 72 ft. and its maximum take-off weighttwo, or possibly three, in tandem and at about 150,000 lb.



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l\lAIll ANt) I't(tNil t) tN (itUrAT BRITAIN RyM()tU{ts()N r\Nt) (;llI I t]\il il t), t ()NI)oN AND EDINBURGH

| ,)rr! t{ Lt{