Download - Hinzmann AHS Ch.1 Notes

  • 1.1. Queen Victoria- -ruled Great Britain and colonies for over 63 years celebrating her Diamond Jubilee in 1899 -related to most of the royalty heading the other European nations -so complete was her reign that the time period became known as the Victorian Age -her death in 1901 at age 81marked theend of the old imperial age and thebeginning ofmodern nations

2. 20 thCENTURY WORLD HISTORY STUDY GUIDE Chapter 1 : Entering a New Century(1900 - 1920) NAME___________________________________________________CLASS PERIOD ________ Write a question for each term in the large left margin.Be sure that the term is the answer for the question you create. Changing Times 1. Queen Victoria- -Ruled GB & colonies for over 63 yearsDiamond Jubilee 1899.-Related to most royalty in European nations. -So complete was her reign that the time period became known as Victorian Age -Death in 1901 marked end of old imperial age and beginning of modern times 2. Robert Peary- 3. Roald Amundsen - 4. Robert Scott- 3. Jump ahead to class time tomorrow

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  • study guide (keeping your preparation points
  • and that A+) and begin writing
  • your questions-YES, BEFORE

4. 20 thCENTURY WORLD HISTORY STUDY GUIDE Chapter 1 : Entering a New Century(1900 - 1920) NAME___________________________________________________CLASS PERIOD ________ Write a question for each term in the large left margin.Be sure that the term is the answer for the question you create. Changing Times 1. Queen Victoria- Who ruled Great Brit.-Ruled GB & colonies for over 63 yearsDiamond Jubilee 1899.For 63 years?-OR--Related to most royalty in European nations. Whos reign marked-So complete was her reign that the time period became known as Victorian Age End of imperial age?-Death in 1901 marked end of old imperial age and beginning of modern times 2. Robert Peary- 3. Roald Amundsen - 4. Robert Scott- 5. Patens- 5. 6. 2. Robert Peary- -American explorer who first reached the North Pole in 1909 -today, his claim has been disputed 7. 8. Peary and Henson 9. 3. Ronald Amundsen- -Norwegian polar explorer -first to reach the South Pole and first to reach both Poles -disappeared in 1928 during a rescue mission -one of several who led the Heroic Age of Polar Exploration 10. 11. 4. Robert Scott - -British naval officer who led two expeditions to the South Pole -he and Ernest Sheckelton first to Antarctica on the ship theDiscovery -set out in 1910 to be the first to reach the South Pole, but found themselves in a race with Amundsen -arrived at the Pole on Jan. 17, 1912 only to find they had been beaten -party of five werekilled when caughtin a blizzard 12. Scotts final letter 13. British Princess Anne inspects the outside of British explorer Robert Falcon Scott's Terra Nova Hut at Cape Evans in Antarctica in this Feb. 8, 2002 file photo. The Antarctic base occupied by the British explorer on his ill-fated expedition to the South Pole on foot early last century has been included on a list of the world's 100 most endangered sites. The list, compiled by an international panel and released by the World Monuments Fund, identifies what are considered to be the world's most endangered historic, architectural and cultural treasures. 14. This is a normal photo taken on an overcast day of Robert Scott's original hut with McMurdo in the background. 15. 16. 17. Robert Scott and the race to the Pole 18. Amundsen -Scott Station on the South Pole 19. 5. Ernest Shackleton -Irish explorer who wanted to be first to the South Pole but was beaten by Amundsen and Scott -changed plans to cross the Antarctic continent -most known for the Expedition between 1914 and 1916 -his ship,theEndurancegot trapped in the ice in 1914 -led an 800 mile open sea mission torescue his men -although given up for dead, all weresaved after 22 months in the Antarctic 20. 21. 22. 23. 6. Albert Einstein- -German physicist most known for his theory of relativity developed in 1905 - E=MC2 -generally considered to be a genius -went on to develop several other theories including nuclear fission 24. 25. 26. 7. Nobel Prizes- -developed by Alfred Nobel, a chemist who invented dynamite in 1895 and first awarded in 1901 -worlds most prestigious award -awarded in the areas of Peace,Literature, Chemistry, and Medicine(others have been added) -presented by Swedish Academy ofScience each December 10th,anniversary of Nobels death 27. 28. 8. Industrial Revolution - -describes the time in the 18th, 19th and early 20th century characterized by major changes in agriculture, manufacturing, and transportation -also had major effect on culture and society in Europe and North America 29. Industrialism began in the textile industry 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 9. Wright Brothers- -Orville and Wilbur -credited with building the first airplane and making the first flight by air -developed a fix-winged flying machine with controls 39. 40. 41. Actual Wright Brothers plane located in the National Air and Space Museum 42. 43. 10. Henry Ford- -revolutionized the transportation system -developed the Model T automobile, affordable auto for working families -developed the assembly line, which led to mass production 44. The basic concept behind the Ford Assembly Line developed around 1915 at Fords Highland Park Plant to produce the Model T was not substantially altered over the twentieth century. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 11. Panama Canal- -one of the largest and most difficult engineering projects ever undertaken -helped shape U.S. foreign policy -reason for world wide control of disease, especially malaria and yellow fever 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 12. RMS Titanic- -symbol of early 20th century optimism, industrialism, and extravagance -its sinking in 1912 foreshadowed changes about to take place world wide 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 13. New Imperialism- -refers to the colonial expansion of European nations, Japan, and the United States during the end of the 19th and early 20th century -became an aggressive competition to acquire land -denied self-government to many regions on the basis of race 71. 72. 73. 17. White Mans Burden- -written by English poet Rudyard Kiplingand first published inMcCluresmagazine in 1899 -used to justify European policies of Imperialism 74. Rudyard Kipling, The White Man's Burden, 1899

  • Take up the White Man's burden--
  • And reap his old reward:
  • The blame of those ye better,
  • The hate of those ye guard--
  • The cry of hosts ye humour
  • (Ah, slowly!) toward the light:--
  • "Why brought he us from bondage,
  • Our loved Egyptian night?"
  • Take up the White Man's burden--
  • Ye dare not stoop to less--
  • Nor call too loud on Freedom
  • To cloke your weariness;
  • By all ye cry or whisper,
  • By all ye leave or do,
  • The silent, sullen peoples
  • Shall weigh your gods and you.
  • Take up the White Man's burden--
  • Have done with childish days--
  • The lightly proferred laurel,
  • The easy, ungrudged praise.
  • Comes now, to search your manhood
  • Through all the thankless years
  • Cold, edged with dear-bought wisdom,
  • The judgment of your peers!

Take up the White Man's burden-- Send forth the best ye breed-- Go bind your sons to exile To serve your captives' need; To wait in heavy harness, On fluttered folk and wild-- Your new-caught, sullen peoples, Half-devil and half-child. Take up the White Man's burden-- In patience to abide, To veil the threat of terror And check the show of pride; By open speech and simple, An hundred times made plain To seek another's profit, And work another's gain. Take up the White Man's burden-- The savage wars of peace-- Fill full the mouth of Famine And bid the sickness cease; And when your goal is nearest The end for others sought, Watch sloth and heathen Folly Bring all your hopes to nought. Take up the White Man's burden-- No tawdry rule of kings, But toil of serf and sweeper-- The tale of common things. The ports ye shall not enter, The roads ye shall not tread, Go mark them with your living, And mark them with your dead. 75. 76. 14. Berlin Conference- -held in 1884 to regulate European the colonization of Africa -began a period known as the Scramble for Africa a major increased of colonial activity in Africa 77. 15. Cecil Rhodes- -British-born South African businessman and miner -founder of De Beers Diamond mining and trading, owning 60% of the worlds diamonds -controlled large regions of Southern Africa eventually known as Rhodesia -wanted to create a Cape to Cairo Railroad 78. 79. 16. Boer War- -British gold miners began to over run the Dutch Boers (farmers) in Cape Colony of South Africa-the Dutch ruled colony made the British second-class citizens which led to uprisings -to protect their citizens, and to expand their empire, the British got involved in 1899 -a multi-colony force was used by the British against a more guerrilla Boer army -the British were uncommonly brutal, killing 26,000 civilians -Britain took over all territory in Cape Colony 80. 18. Qing (Manchu) Dynasty -last ruling dynasty of China, ending in1911 -Chinese dynasties began ca. 1500 B.C. 81. 82. 19. Empress Dowager Cixi -born in the lower classes, became a concubine of the Emperor Xianfeng -became actual ruler of China in 1861 when her son, Tongzhi became emperor at age five -maintained control by replacing her sonwith her younger nephew, Guangxu -at first opposed anti-western movementsbut later found it necessary to support them -her rule ended with her death in 1908 andis largely associated with being one reasonthe Qing Dynasty ended 83. 20. Boxers -Society of the Right and Harmonious Fists -a violent anti-imperialist movement beginning in Northern China -Boxers murdered thousands of Christians, both foreign and Chinese -expanded into capital city of Beijing 84. Boxers organizing in Tianamen Square 85. Christians locked up by Boxers 86. 21. Eight Nation Alliance -Austria-Hungary, France, Germany, Italy, Great Britain, Russia, United States, and Japan -agreement in 1900 among nations with an interest in putting down the Boxer Rebellion -took over and destroyed importantimperial places in Beijing -eventually drove the Boxers back toManchuria and defeated them -another reason the Manchu Dynastyeventually ended 87. 22. Sun Yat-sen -considered the Father of Modern China -educated in Hawaii, headed revolutionary movement in China to replace emperor with republic -met resistance from communists, local warlords, and other revolutionaries -left a fragile Republic of China at the time of his death in 1912 -brought an end to the Manchu Dynasty 88. 23. Emperor Puyi -at age two, the Empress Dowager Cixi, while on her death bed, selected him to be the Qing Emperor -became known as The Last Emperor of China -lost power struggle with Republic movement in China in Xinhai Revolution -a treaty signed with Republic of China allowed a powerless Emperor and his court to remain 89. 90. 91. 24. Cuban Rebellion- -during the 19th century Cubans fought to free their country from Spanish rule -weaker, less organized, and poorly equipped, the Cuban rebels relied on guerilla tactics -not a popular assignment, Spain sent the nations lesser soldiers and leaders to Cuba -although Spain was a world power, the Cuban Rebellion was a draw 92. 25. Yellow Journalism- -sensationalism or unprofessionalism used in the media -the term originated with New York newspaper men William Randolph Hearst and Joseph Pulitzer -each was trying to sell newspapers by sensationalizing the Cuban Rebellion 93. 94. William Randolph Hearst

  • Joseph Pulitzer

95. 26. USS Maine- -fearing American interests were in jeopardy in Cuba, President McKinley sent the USS Maine to Havana Harbor -an unexplained explosion caused the ship to sink in 1898 -although never proven, the Spanish were blamed and the Spanish-American War began 96. Remember the Maine the Hell With Spain 97. 98. 27. George Dewey- -ordered to leave China and attack the Spanish fleet should the U.S. be attacked -the message to not attack was delayed by the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Teddy Roosevelt -cornered the Spanish fleet at Manila Bay and defeating them within six hours 99. 100. 101. 102. 28. Rough Riders- -nickname of the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry Regiment -many of those making up the group were the adventurous friends of Teddy Roosevelt -fought in the bloodiest battle of the war, Kettle Hill (San Juan Hill) 103. 104. 105. Real or not real? 106. 107. 29. Treaty of Paris- -war lasted 109 days -US was awarded Puerto Rico, Guam, West Indies, and some lesser Pacific Islands -US paid Spain $20 million for control of the Philippines -Cuba was technically independent 108. 109. Ambassador John Hay, writing from London to Theodore Roosevelt after Spain wanted peace, declared that from start to finish it had been "a splendid little war." 110. 30. Platt Amendment- -passed by U.S. Congress in 1901 -limited Cuban independence by forcing U.S. approval of all international action by Cuba -gave U.S. control of GuantanamoBay (which it still maintains today) 111. 112. 113. 31. Porfirio Diaz- -Mexican American War hero who became President of Mexico -agreed to hold free election which he thought he could win by sending opposition leader Bernardo Reyes on a European mission 114. 32. Francisco Madero- -became opposition leader after Reyess departure -when Diaz claimed victory following an obviously fraudulent election, Madero led a revolt against him -Madero became President after Diaz fled to France in 1911 -was eventually assassinated in 1913 by supporters of Huerta 115. 33. Victoriano Huerta- -led revolts in favor of Madero, but later allied himself with the U.S. , Reyes, and Diazs nephew Felix - led a coup of the Mexican government and eventual assassination of Madero -his harsh military dictatorship cost him the support of the U.S. as well as his allies in Mexico -resigned the presidency and fled the country to save his life in 1914 116. 34. Venustiano Carranza- -became the new President of Mexico after a new constitution was written in 1917 -was assassinated by those opposed to his governmental reforms 117. 35. Emiliano Zapata- -joined Maderos battle against the government of Diaz by organizing the rebellious outlaw bands -joined the outlaws after being passed over for advancement in Maderos government -his rebels increased after theassassination of Madero -Carranza eventually put a price on hishead and Zapata was killed in an ambush 118. 119. 36. Pancho Villa- -an outlaw in the northern regions of Mexico -united with Zapadas southern band of outlaws to gain political power -angered by Americas support of Carranza he led attacks on American interests andmurdering Americans 120. 121. 37. Columbus, New Mexico- -Villa led a raid against the city in 1916 -stole horses and ammunition, burned the town, and murdered 24 -launched an American invasion force into Mexico to capture Villa 122. 123. 124. 125. 38. John J. Pershing- -led calvary in Sioux City, Iowa against one of the last Lakota uprisings -taught military tactics at University of Nebraska-Lincoln where his division won the Omaha Cup -led the Buffalo Soldiers against the western Indian tribes -assigned by Woodrow Wilson lead Punitive Expedition (1916-1917) to apprehend Poncho Villa -U.S. lost interest as war in Europebecame more widespread 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134. 39. Trans-Siberian Railroad- -6,000 mile long railroad begun in 1891 to open Siberias vast natural resources for industrial use in the west -to save money and distance, it crossed Manchuria in northern China -nearly caused the government to go bankrupt -a hastily constructed single line of varying gauge track made travel difficult -has had a majoreffected on Russianhistory 135. 136. 137. 138. 139. 40. Port Arthur- -Russia wanted to control a Pacific warm water port for military and trade reasons -became opening battle of Russo-Japanese War in 1904 -the year long battle ended in a Russian defeat and near destruction of their Pacific fleet 140. 141. Japanese paintings of battle 142. Port Arthur Today 143. 144. 41. Russo-Japanese War- -fought in 1904 and 1905 over northern China (Manchuria) and Korea -Russia wanted to negotiate over territory China lost in the Sino-Japanese War (1894-95) -to the surprise of the world, Russia was soundly defeated -exposed the corruption and inefficiencyof the Czar and the Russian government -also showed the rapid industrial successof Japan 145. (1) Felix Yusupov wrote about his views on the Russo-Japanese War in his autobiography published in 1953. The war with Japan, one of the most terrible blunders made during the reign of Nicholas II, had disastrous consequences and marked the beginning of our misfortunes. Russia was not prepared for war, and those who encouraged the Tsar in his purpose betrayed their Sovereign as well as their country. Russia's enemies took advantage of the general dissatisfaction to set the Government and the masses against each other. 146. 147. 148. 149. Russo-Japanese War Nicholas II of Russia was playing tennis.When the Emperor was handed a telegram he had two tennis balls in his left hand, a raised racket, ready to serve, in his right.He took the telegram and read: Russian Fleet annihilated at Shushima (stop)Nearly all our ships sunk. The Czar shoved the telegram into his trouser pocket.Thirty-fifteen. he said, and served. 150. 42. Theodore Roosevelt- -won Nobel Peace Prize for mediating treaty to end Russo-Japanese War -signed in Portsmouth, New Hampshire on September 5, 1905 -neither was satisfied with treaty but both Japan (financial difficulties) and Russia (several sever defeats) needed quick end to war 151. 152. 153. 43. Bloody Sunday (1905) -protests against the Czarist government grew dramatically following defeat by Japan -on January 22, 1905 a group of protesters made their way to the Winter Palace to present the Czar a petition -troops protecting the Palace shot into the unarmed crowd killing many -this action sparked riots,strikes, mutinies from the military, and street fightingacross Russia 154. 155. Young Russian Soldiers 156. 157. 158. 159. 160. 161. 162. 163. 164. 44. October Manifesto- -issued by Nicholas II in response to the 1905 Revolution -pledged to grant civil liberties like freedom of religion, speech, and assembly 165. 45. Duma- -representative body of government established by the Czar in response to the Bloody Sunday in 1905 -Czar issued Fundamental Laws the following year-Czar could appoint and dismiss any government official and could call for new elections by dismissing the Duma at any time