Download - HIMEKA - nt2099like the ideal self that I wished I could become. J!-ENT: What was the moment in your life where you knew that you would be pursuing music as a career? HIMEKA: My desire

Page 1: HIMEKA - nt2099like the ideal self that I wished I could become. J!-ENT: What was the moment in your life where you knew that you would be pursuing music as a career? HIMEKA: My desire


HIMEKAJ!-ENT Covering Entertainment Worldwide since 1993

A J ! - E N T F E AT U R E A R T I C L E & I N T E R V I E W

Page 2: HIMEKA - nt2099like the ideal self that I wished I could become. J!-ENT: What was the moment in your life where you knew that you would be pursuing music as a career? HIMEKA: My desire

J!-ENT interviews HIMEKA

2 J!-ENT | NOVEMBER 2009

aking the impossible...possible? Who would of thought that a an anime fan from Quebec, who enjoyed singing anime theme songs to anime such as “Sailor Moon” would one day go to

Japan and win the Animax Anison Grand Prix? In a country where the majority of anime theme songs are primarily sung by Japanese artists, chances are slim for a foreigner to come into Japan, challenge many other Japanese hopefuls and win the contest. But then immediately to get an opportunity to sing a theme song for an anime TV series. Yes, it seems impos-sible but it did happen for HIMEKA. After winning the contest, she was given a recording contract by Sony Music Entertainment and her dream of singing for an anime series came true. HIMEKA’s first single “Asueno Ki-zuna” was released in Japan on May 2009. The song was the opening theme to the anime adaptation of PlayStation 3 video game “Valkyria Chronicles” and debuted at #28 on the Oricon Charts. Her latest single “Hatenaki Michi” is planned for release on Nov. 25th and is the theme song for the anime series “Te-gamibachi” which began airing in Japan in October. J!-ENT recently had the opportunity to interview HIMEKA and learn more about her, her career and making her dream come true.

J!-ENT: Before we get into questions about your music career, let’s get to know more about you. You are origi-nally from Quebec and is now living in Japan. Aside from family and friends, what part of Canada do you miss the most? HIMEKA: The city I lived in was part of the suburban area so I do miss wide spaces. And maybe a few products I used to buy at the grocery store that aren’t sold in Japan.

J!-ENT: What kind of student were you in high school. The artsy stu-dent? The book worm? The prank-ster? The athlete?HIMEKA: Is doodling part of the “artsy student” category? (laughs) If not, then can I make a “daydreamer student” category?

J!-ENT: When you were younger and still in school, what career did you imagine yourself working in?HIMEKA: I dreamed of working in the animation industry. But I admit that I really didn’t have the skills nor the drive to pursue that.

J!-ENT: Which music artists or bands did you listen to a lot while growing up? And was there any artist that inspired you?HIMEKA: My family really loved music and listened to it a lot, but I was mostly familiar with whatever was playing on the radio at that moment. Sometimes my father even bought movie sound-tracks. I never had a favorite artist, so I think various people inspired me in different ways.

J!-ENT: Curious…If I was to look into your MP3/CD player right now, which artists or song would you be listening to at this time?HIMEKA: I mostly listen to anime-related music recently. Nana Mizuki, Suara, Kalafina, Akiko Shikata, Haruka Shimotsuki, etc. New anime themes of the season, the ones that I’m interested in. These days I also listen to a lot of original Vocaloid songs (Miku, Luka, etc) and people on the internet who cover those kinds of songs.

J!-ENT: Curious...Which anime series did you enjoy watching?HIMEKA: I don’t have just one or two favorites, so it’s a bit difficult to decide which ones to mention everytime... (laughs). When I was younger I often enjoyed the romantic themed series


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J!-ENT interviews HIMEKA

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2006, I made up my mind to fix my life in order to pursue my dream. I didn’t know if I could make it happen or not, but I believed it was my last chance to try and change my life.

J!-ENT: You were the winner of the Second Annual Animax Anison Grand Prix which led to your signing with a major label. But lets go back first be-fore the Grand Prix. Was this a spur of the moment competition that you just tried out for?HIMEKA: I went to Japan with the re-solve to find an opportunity to become a singer, so I tried to look for chances as much as possible.

J!-ENT: How did your family and friends react when you told them you

were going to try out for the Grand Prix and then found out that you won it?HIMEKA: I think most of them were happy for me. Some were surprised.

J!-ENT: Now take us to the moment where you took part in the compe-tition. Seeing your competition, what kind of thoughts ran through your head as you began to advance through the competition and realize that you have a great chance at win-ning?HIMEKA: I actually focused on each performance without too many further thoughts. I think that really helped me calm down and concentrate on the most important thing to do. So I com-pletely realized only after the contest

like “Marmalade Boy” or “Fushigi Yuugi”. In the more recent years, I have really enjoyed “Chrono Crusade”, “Fan-tastic Children”, “Fullmetal Alchemist”, “Code Geass”, “Higurashi no Naku Koro ni”, etc. The list goes on...

J!-ENT: What were your favorite anime theme songs did you enjoy singing?HIMEKA: Many! Making a list would be requiring a lot of pages...(laughs). I first started singing songs from the series I was watching. Later on, I would even sing songs from series I had never watched, if I liked the song. Back when I was still a teenager, I sang a lot of ‘“Marmalade Boy” songs. “Fushigi Yuugi” character songs (laughing). Oh. and a lot of the “Slayers” themes also. I loved Megumi Hayashibara’s songs a lot.

J!-ENT: Did you attend a lot of anime conventions and what part of conven-tions did you enjoy the most? HIMEKA: I went to anime conventions in North America from 2001 until 2006. Some years I went to two different ones during the summer. The things I enjoyed the most about conventions were to get a chance to sing. Some-times contests or sometimes just open mic karaoke, music concerts and voice acting discussion panels and of course hanging out with friends. I love to see cosplayers, although I haven’t done much cosplay myself, mostly due to the fact that I don’t have much potential in making costumes.

J!-ENT: You go by the stage name HIMEKA. How did you come up with your stage name?HIMEKA: “HIMEKA” was a character from a story I thought up when I was 16-years-old, and ever since then, I had been using it for various purposes as a nickname, so it took a very sentimental value. “HIMEKA” was a very respect-able, caring and legendary-like charac-ter who had a lot of dignity in my story, so I always looked up to that. She was like the ideal self that I wished I could become.

J!-ENT: What was the moment in your life where you knew that you would be pursuing music as a career?HIMEKA: My desire was born in 2002, but slowly from 2005, I started con-sidering things. Finally, by the end of

Himeka winning the Second Annual Animax Annual Anison Grand Prix. Images courtesy of Sony Music Japan.

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ended. It was a bit surreal.

J!-ENT: Having won the competition, you then debuted with the single “Asueno Kizuna”, the opening theme song to the adaptation of the popu-lar PS3 video game “Valkyria Chron-icles”. How was that experience for you?HIMEKA: Of course, singing for an anime based on a popular game is a great opportunity. I was very happy.

J!-ENT: You are the first artist I have ever seen who started out and imme-diately had two anime theme songs under your belt right away. Many Japanese music artists never get that opportunity. How does that make you feel?HIMEKA: The prize offered to the winner of the Anison Grand Prix was to make a debut for an anime open-ing. But yes, in general it is always a challenge to get tied up for an anime theme. There is a lot of competition. In my case, being known as an anime song singer, I can only release anime-related material and such, so it is a lot of hard work to get a chance to release some-

thing. I try to cherish and appreciate every chance that I can get, because I know it can’t be taken for granted.

J!-ENT: Having sung anime theme songs when you were younger, here you are now with your own theme song for the anime “Tegamibachi” with your new single “Hatenaki Michi”. Now, it’s a different situation where anime fans of the series would be singing a song sung by you. That’s pretty cool!HIMEKA: It was always a dream to imagine that I could sing songs that get used for actual anime series. Even now sometimes I still have a hard time believing it happened. And of course if people enjoy singing my songs, that makes me happy as well.

J!-ENT: I was watching a live video with the Japanese audience singing in unison to your songs. It’s a sight that I usually see from a popular idol or seiyuu performer. But they were singing along to your performance. That’s pretty cool! How did you react to it when you first saw fans doing that during your performance.

HIMEKA: That only happened to me once. For a starting artist like me, to have had an opportunity to sing at a music tv program is almost unbeliev-able. I was really happy to see the audience welcome me warmly as they did for the other established artists that performed there. It was a lot of fun and I hope to have other chances like this in the future. For now, I will keep this experience as part of my precious memories.

J!-ENT: Looking on the Internet, you have fans from all over the world. Is it a bit surreal for you to know that your music has achieved worldwide appeal?HIMEKA: I am just a small starting art-ist and I don’t think that a lot of people know me yet. I am aware that I still have a long way to go. But of course I am very happy and honored that there are people from various countries that have interest in listening to my singing. Thank you!

J!-ENT: Many people would love to see you perform in their country. Are there any countries or cities that you

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would love to visit and perform at?HIMEKA: I would be honored to visit and perform in any country or area where I have a chance to do so. How-ever, I have never visited Europe, so I’ve been “secretly” hoping to go there someday!

J!-ENT: For many people who have watched videos of you perform or appear on television, one thing that everyone has noticed is how good your Japanese really is. What helped you learn Japanese and what advice would you give to those who want to learn the language?HIMEKA: To learn any language, the most important thing is passion and motivation, I think. It’s good to take all the chances you can find to learn more and improve. Be curious. May it be textbooks. I suggest ones sold for students at universities because they are more detailed for grammar explanations and such). Also, watching TV, reading and most importantly, try to find a chance to have conversations with native speakers. Understanding is important, but speaking is the way to connect with other people!

As for myself, of course I still have a long way to go, so I try my best to find opportunities to learn more little by little. Aah..! if only speaking in front of crowds and cameras would be as simple as speaking privately with people and friends!

J!-ENT: Outside of music and anime, what other hobbies do you enjoy doing?HIMEKA: I love fast walking. Is that a hobby? Who knows? (laughs)

J!-ENT: Do you still watch anime and if so, what anime have you enjoyed lately?HIMEKA: Yes I do. My two favorites series of the season are “Umineko no Naku Koro ni” and “Kimi ni Todoke”.

J!-ENT: Now I know you have an anime theme song for an anime based on a video game but do you play any video games at all? HIMEKA: When I was young, I’d al-ways watch my brother play games and enjoyed doing so, but when it comes to me playing, I’d see those words say-ing “game over” on the screen pretty quickly (laughs). I did play a few games that I was able to finish, which were RPG’s. Recently, thanks to a friend, was able to play the game Hatsune Miku “Project Diva” on the PSP. I’m not very good, but I’m improving at it!

J!-ENT: Speaking of Japan, …what fa-vorite shops or areas have you found to be a fun spot to visit? HIMEKA: I enjoy accessories shops. They have so many cute accessories that match my taste in Japan. And a lot of stores have affordable prices too, especially in Harajuku.

J!-ENT: If there is one word to de-scribe yourself, what word would that be and why?HIMEKA: Funny? Silly? Something of the sort. I’m really serious on the inside, but when I’m around people, I often feel the need to make them smile or laugh. Even I make a fool of myself at times, I feel that if I can make some-one’s day a little brighter by doing that, I might be a bit useful.

J!-ENT: For every interview, we have a section called “word play” in which I give you five words and you give me your definition for those words:

LoveHIMEKA: What is love? Baby don’t hurt me, don’t hurt me, no more. (laughs)

SuccessHIMEKA: Success is happiness. In my opinion, If you aren’t happy, you aren’t successful, no matter what great things you may possess.

PainHIMEKA: Something no living being can avoid. Knowing pain, we can also be aware of the moments of joy and appreciate them more, and learn how to grow.

FamilyHIMEKA: Even if you don’t have a blood-related family, whoever is im-portant and close to you should be like your ‘family’.

Sailor MoonHIMEKA: A Japanese manga and ani-mation that is famous worldwide. That I of course have enjoyed.

J!-ENT: What final words do you have for your fans worldwide?HIMEKA: First, I want to thank every-one for the support. Second, I’d like to encourage everyone not to give up on their dreams and goals. Sometimes things seem impossible to achieve and it looks easier to give up, but nothing happens without belief and persever-ance, so please believe in yourself and always aim to move forward.

For more information on HIMEKA, please visit her official website at:

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Asueno KizunaHIMEKASony Music EntertainmentSICL-222RELEASE DATE: May 27, 2009

1. 明日へのキズナ 2. さよならソリティア 3. 明日へのキズナ 〜Instrumental〜

Hatenaki MichiHIMEKASony Music EntertainmentSICL-221RELEASE DATE: November 25, 2009

1. 果てなき道 2. 空は教えてくれる 3. 果てなき道 〜Instrumental〜 4. 空は教えてくれる 〜Instrumental〜 5. 果てなき道 〜Anime Edit〜


The debut of Sony Music Entertainment anison (singer geared towards singing anime-related songs) artist HIMEKA with her first single “Asueno Kizuna”. The single is the theme for the anime adaptation for “Valkyria Chronicles” and was produced by Shintaro Tokita of Sukima Switch. The arrangement for the track is really done well with the rock and synth strings and also a single featuring melodic vocals from HIMEKA. A pretty solid single! The coupling track “Sayonara Solitaire” is an elegant ballad showcasing her vocals along with a calming jazz arrangement highlighted by elegant piano. A wonderful track. Overall, HIMEKA’s first debut single is quite fantastic. For her second single “Hatenaki Michi”, definitely a solid production featuring HIMEKA’s beautiful vocals with a nice touch of synth/strings. The coupling track “Sore wa Oshiete kureru” features a more rock driven-style of track but overall, a very good upbeat anison-style of track. For a new artist, I always find it important to see how they follow up with their second single and with “Hatenaki Michi” (the second anime theme song for HIMEKA for the anime series “Tegami Bachi”), overall a solid followup to her first single. Overall, both CD singles are well-done, well-produced and for fans of HIMEKA, definitely two singles worth owning! Highly recommended! — DENNIS A. AMITH

< Two solid singles from the new anisong artist!

Click here to buy the single

Click here to buy the single

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