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High Tunnel Selection and Construction Considerations

By: David A. Dickey and Jason D. McAfee


• What are high tunnels? – High tunnels are passively heated and

ventilated, plastic-covered structures that provide an intermediate level of environmental protection and control compared to open field conditions and heated greenhouses. (Source:

Differences between high tunnels and greenhouses

High tunnels • Simple-low cost structure • Passively heated and ventilated • Usually one layer of plastic

– Relatively low R-value

• Used for season extension • In ground production • Low operating cost • Site may or may not need leveling

Greenhouses • Higher initial investment in

structure, utilities and equipment • Heaters, fans and cool cells • Higher R-values

– Glass, multi layers of plastic with inflation

• Year round production • Typically container production • High energy consumption • Higher maintenance operating cost • Site will likely need leveling and/or

construction of a pad

Differences between high tunnels and greenhouses

High tunnels


Advantages of high tunnels relative to field production

• Season extension/off season production • Reduced moisture on foliage from rainfall and dew

– Lower disease potential

• Increased growth rates and production – Increased heat unit accumulation and retention – More even light distribution – Reduced plant stress

• Exclude insect pests and some animals – Plant health and food safety

• Controlled water application • Higher quality products

Site selection considerations • Available space (dimensions) • Direction of prevailing winds

– Natural and man made wind breaks? • Sunlight and shade

– Incidence of sun’s rays – Tree lines and other structure

• Soil structure – Rock may prevent or alter installation of ground

anchors • Consider locating tunnel over soil with adiquate

texture, fertility and internal drainage

Site selection considerations • Slope and external drainage

– Prevent water infiltration from runoff – Will the site need to be leveled? – May choose high tunnel type that follows contour of

the land • Access to water for irrigation • Ease of access to site

– Transporting materials to and from the tunnel – Access to site and inside tunnel with


Site selection and preparation

Suggested tools and equipment for high tunnel construction • Cordless screwdriver, hammer drill

and bits • Sledge hammer • 100’ to 300’ tape measure • String level or transit • Ladder • Auger • Level • Lift or tractor bucket

• Pry bar • Skill saw • Metal cut off saw • Nylon string • Ratchet and appropriate sockets • Duct tape • Bracing • Trailer for flat work surface and


Components of high tunnels • Most tunnels share three structural elements in common:

– Steel hoops covered by greenhouse grade plastic – Passive ventilation through roll-up side curtains – Sited on field soil

High tunnel terminology Rib (arch)

Polyester curtain cord


Base board

Polyethylene cover

Hip board

Grower decisions

• Types of tunnels – Stationary vs. movable – Single bay vs. multi-bay – Architecture types and utility – Manufacturers

• Plastic – Advantages vs. costs of various types

• Ventilation – Side walls (curtains) – End walls

High tunnel types • Stationary Tunnel

– Fixed location – Long term

• Movable Tunnel – Relocate – Seasonal rotation considerations

High tunnel types Quonset (hoop-house) tunnels • Single bay (structure is a single

component) • Composed of rounded steel arches that

create a single bay that range 12-40 feet wide

• Arches are 11-12 gauge steel spaced 4-6 feet apart

• Two types of arches: 1. Arches beginning at ground level

give the tunnel a rounded structure 2. Or the arches can sit upon straight,

4-6 foot-tall sidewalls Add height and allow taller crops to be

grown in the rows along the walls

High tunnel types Gothic style tunnels • Single bay • Have peaked roofs

– steeper roofs help manage snow loads

• Gothic high tunnels tend to be taller than hoop-house tunnels – creates a more stable temperature regime during warmer months

• Require additional bracing (purlins) to withstand winds

High tunnel types • Multi-bay

– Used to cover larger acreages – Consist of several spans of arches connected by gutters at the roof seams – Do not have purlins or braces and are not designed to withstand snow loads or high winds – Require removal of plastic during potential wind storms and offseason during periods of snow – Popular in Europe and California – Tall enough to cover fruit trees – Accommodate tractors and other large equipment

Pros and cons of high tunnel architectures • Quonset

– Rounded roofline of these structures provides more surface area for snow accumulation – Provide less space utility for using heavy equipment (tractors) and growing crops next to side

walls – Least expensive

• Gothic – Taller structure provides more surface area for wind related damage but steeper roof

orientation makes it easier to handle snow loads – Vertical arches on sides allow more space utility for using heavy equipment and growing

crops next to side walls – More costly than quonset tunnels

• Multi-bay – Best for large scale production especially tree fruits – Provide good space utility and ease of access for heavy equipment – Plastic roof cannot be left on year round – Expensive

What should you choose? Considerations: • Size

– Narrower tunnels are easier it is to ventilate – A tunnel >30 feet wide may not have optimal lateral airflow for cooling – Taller, wider tunnels are more efficient at holding accumulated heat

• Trellising – Both single bay types (gothic and quonset) allow for vertical trellising (indeterminate

tomatoes, cucumbers) – Multi-bay tunnels are better suited for crops that can be horizontally trellised (determinate

tomatoes, peppers) or crops that need no trellis (strawberries)

• Snow load/wind – Gothic types are best for withstanding snow loads and wind compared to multi-bay tunnels

• Mobility – In-ground posts make stationary tunnels harder to move – Movable tunnels can be relocated to fresh soil annually – Crops can benefit from soil health and reduced disease and pests – However, movable tunnels carry greater risk of wind damage

What type of material should you use for the roof? • Four to six mil, 4-year, greenhouse-grade polyethylene is suitable

plastic for covering a high tunnel • Infrared light additives provide excellent diffusion and absorb and re-

radiate infrared heat back down to the crop during the evening hours • Different types:

– Standard types can range in light transmission 80-90% – Anti-condensate film is ideal for preventing water droplets from

dropping on plants • Drip control additive is incorporated throughout the film • Prevents water droplets from falling on plants (disease)

Spring frosts by region

One single layer of poly provides one hardiness zone of protection


High tunnel temperature control

• When to warm? – Evening until morning

• When to cool? – Morning until evening

• Why? • Natural ventilation is BETTER • Roll-up and drop down side wall systems SAVE MONEY

– Temperature inside the structure can be maintained within a degree or two of outside during the warm season

– Natural ventilation provides uniform temperature throughout the high tunnel

– Opening the sidewall allows easy accessibility for moving plants into or out of the high tunnel


• Manually rolled side walls – Time consuming – Labor intensive – Inexpensive – Cost vs. time

Ventilation Roll-up side walls • Plastic is attached to a piece of steel tubing with clips • To open the vent, the tubing is rolled up with a hand crank • Opening the vent introduces cool air at the bottom or ground level of the tunnel • Roll up side walls save time compared to manual system;10551;gs1_vent_openers_1;gs1_side_wall_curtain.html

Raising and lowering side walls Drop-Down side walls • Introduces cool air at the top of the curtain • Allows it to mix with warm air and moderate before reaching the plants • Bottom of the curtain wall material is attached to the baseboard and the top is attached to the

steel tubing • System of cables and pulleys attached to a manual winch is used to raise and lower curtain • Curtain material can be a 4-year copolymer film or it can be a heavier material such as a

reinforced polyethylene or polyvinyl • Similar to ventilation curtains attached to poultry houses • Roll up side walls save time compared to manual system

Raising and lowering side walls • Manual- pushing the curtain up and

lowering by hand

• Drop down system

End walls

End wall considerations

• Ease of access – Will heavy equipment be used?

• Type of material used – How long will it last? – Cost to replace

• Movable tunnel? • Modifications may be necessary to suit

your needs

Economic considerations for selecting high tunnels *Pay for the tunnel fitting your specific production goals, management style and resources………Consider…. • Crop type(s) and their management requirements • Space requirement of crop (Ex. Strawberries Vs. Cherries)

– Dimensions (L x W x H) – Do you need a 15’ high tunnel for lettuce and strawberries?

• If trellising is secured to frame extra hardware and/or stronger structure may be required (Ex. Tomatoes and Cucumbers)

• Space available at site (may limit size of tunnel) • Topography of the ground

– Some models need relatively flat surface while others can follow contour of the land

• Will equipment be used in the tunnel? – May determine tunnel height, end wall/door type and side wall height

Economic considerations for selecting high tunnels • Structural integrity of the tunnel structure and design as related to weather

extremes – Wind and snow?

• Will customizations and extra material be needed? – These will likely add cost – Many tunnel kits require outside purchase of base board and end wall materials

• Cost of the tunnel and availability of funds for purchase • Reasonable expectation of return over time

– When will the “operation” break even?

• Construction labor costs are variable – Dependent on your experience – Size and complexity of the tunnel – Anchoring system and soil structure – Equipment available to aid in construction

Economic considerations for selecting high tunnels

Important: Think of the tunnel expense(s) and revenue in terms of dollars per square foot under cover • Must manage to make best economic use of limited

amount of space • Rule of thumb: Tunnel cost per square foot decreases as

covered area increases – Spread “fixed” costs over a larger area

• Ex. End walls and doors • Extra height may cost more

Economic considerations for selecting high tunnels

Cost per Square Foot of High Tunnel Kits from Three Different Companies

Tunnel Brand/Model Farmtek Round Style

(Premium) Farmtek Round Style

(Premium) Farmtek Round Style

(Premium) Dimensions 20'W x 12'H x 24'L 20'W x 12'H x 96'L 30'W x 12'H x 96'L

Square Footage 480 1920 2880

Total Cost $

2,809.65 $

6,935.60 $


Cost per Square Foot $

5.85 $

3.61 $


Tunnel Brand/Model Farmtek Round Style

(Economy) Farmtek Round Style

(Economy) Farmtek Round Style

(Economy) Dimensions 20'W x 12'H x 24'L 20'W x 12'H x 96'L 30'W x 12'H x 96'L

Square Footage 480 1920 2880

Total Cost $

2,421.60 $

5,919.09 $


Cost per Square Foot $

5.05 $

3.08 $


Tunnel Brand/Model Haygrove Super Solo Haygrove Multi-Bay Haygrove Multi-Bay Dimensions 25 x 200 3 Bays 24 x 303 (.5 Acre) 15 Bays 24 x 303 (2.5 Acre)

Square Footage 5000 21816 109080

Total Cost $

10,293.38 $

20,900.00 $


Cost per Square Foot $

2.06 $

0.96 $

0.69 *Does not include labor cost.

Economic considerations for selecting high tunnels

Scenario: Off season strawberry production under a Haygrove Super Solo High Tunnel( 25 x 200) Plant September 1. Harvest November through May. Assumptions: 1900 strawberry plants. 5000 square feet covered area. Tunnel cost per square foot -$2.06 Cost of production per square foot-$.71 Season 1 tunnel + production cost per square foot -$2.77 Average yield per plant- 1.5 lbs. Average price per lb.-$3.00 Calculate: Season 1 gross return per square foot-$1.77 Season 1 profit per square foot (-$1.00) Season 2 carry over expense per square foot- $1.00

0.5 1 1.5 2Price Per lb. 1.00$ 0.19$ 0.38$ 0.57$ 0.76$

1.50$ 0.29$ 0.57$ 0.86$ 1.14$ 2.00$ 0.38$ 0.76$ 1.14$ 1.52$ 2.50$ 0.48$ 0.95$ 1.43$ 1.90$ 3.00$ 0.57$ 1.14$ 1.71$ 2.28$ 3.50$ 0.67$ 1.33$ 2.00$ 2.66$ 4.00$ 0.76$ 1.52$ 2.28$ 3.04$ 4.50$ 0.86$ 1.71$ 2.57$ 3.42$ 5.00$ 0.95$ 1.90$ 2.85$ 3.80$ 5.50$ 1.05$ 2.09$ 3.14$ 4.18$ 6.00$ 1.14$ 2.28$ 3.42$ 4.56$ $ Yield/Square Foot

Season 1Yield Per Plant (lbs.)

First season profitability range

Business planning by the square foot

Economic considerations for selecting high tunnels

Scenario: Off season strawberry production under a Haygrove Super Solo High Tunnel( 25 x 200) Plant September 1. Harvest November through May. Assumptions: 1900 strawberry plants. 5000 square feet covered area. Carry over tunnel cost per square foot- $1.00 Cost of production per square foot-$.80 Season 2 tunnel + production cost per square foot -$1.80 Average yield per plant- 2.0 lbs. Average price per lb.-$3.00 Calculate: Season 2 gross return per square foot-$2.28 Season 2 profit per square foot- $.48

Season 2 Yield Per Plant (lbs.)

0.5 1 1.5 2 Price Per lb. $1.00 $ 0.19 $ 0.38 $ 0.57 $ 0.76

$1.50 $ 0.29 $ 0.57 $ 0.86 $ 1.14 $2.00 $ 0.38 $ 0.76 $ 1.14 $ 1.52 $2.50 $ 0.48 $ 0.95 $ 1.43 $ 1.90 $3.00 $ 0.57 $ 1.14 $ 1.71 $ 2.28 $3.50 $ 0.67 $ 1.33 $ 2.00 $ 2.66 $4.00 $ 0.76 $ 1.52 $ 2.28 $ 3.04 $4.50 $ 0.86 $ 1.71 $ 2.57 $ 3.42 $5.00 $ 0.95 $ 1.90 $ 2.85 $ 3.80 $5.50 $ 1.05 $ 2.09 $ 3.14 $ 4.18 $6.00 $ 1.14 $ 2.28 $ 3.42 $ 4.56

$ Yield/Square Foot

Business planning by the square foot

Season 2 profitability range


• Evaluate tunnel costs and revenue by the square foot • Consider crop type(s), management and revenue potential when selecting

tunnels and accessories • Remember high tunnels are not greenhouses • Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) has a program available

2013 – Allows growers to apply for cost-share of high tunnels – Must meet requirements (no guarantee)

• Structural integrity – Snow and wind

• Consider insuring your structure – Why?

When disaster strikes!

Manufacturers Ledgewood Farm Greenhouse Frames Rte 171 Moultonboro, NH 03254 603-476-8829 Rimol Greenhouse Systems Inc. Northpoint Industrial Park 40 Londonderry Turnpike Hooksett, NH 03106 877-746-6544 Greenhouse Supply Inc. 12 Acme Road, Suite 212 Brewer, ME 04412 800-696-8511 Haygrove Tunnels 694 Kraybill Church Road Mount Joy, PA 17552 1-866-HAYGROVE 717-492-4955 [email protected]

Farm Tek 1440 Field of Dreams Way Dyersville, IA 52040 1-800-327-6835 Walker Bros, Inc. 105 Porchtown Rd Pittsgrove NJ,08318 856-358-6493 Tunnel Tech 1925 Windham Rd. 19 La Salette, Ontario N0E 1H0 519-582-4424 Four Season Tools 9615 Grand View Rd. Kansas City, MO 64137 816-444-7330 [email protected]

Other high tunnel suppliers M. Leonard (Piqua, Ohio) Atlas Greenhouse Systems, Inc. (Alapaha, Georgia) Conley’s Greenhouse Mfg. (Montclair, California) CropKing, Inc. (Seville, Ohio) GothicArch Greenhouses (Mobile, Alabama) Grow-It Greenhouse (West Haven, Connecticut) Hoop House Greenhouse Kits (Mashpee, Massachusetts) Hummert International (Earth City, Missouri) International Greenhouse Company (Georgetown, Illinois) Jaderloon (Irmo, South Carolina) Keeler Glasgow (Hartford, Michigan) Ludy Greenhouses (New Madison, Ohio) Poly-Tex Inc. (Castlerock, Minnesota) Speedling Inc. (Sun City, Florida) Stuppy Greenhouse Mfg. (Kansas City, Missouri) Turner Greenhouses (Goldsboro, North Carolina) XS Smith (Eatontown, New Jersey) Zimmerman’s Welding (Versailles, Missouri) 573-378-4770