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06/14/13, Welcoming Party at Dokkyo

CLS Welcoming Party Tour of Himeji Castle CLS Welcoming Party


We  are  the  29  students  who  have  come  from  the  US  as  part  of  the  CLS  program.  Although  we  are  unfamilar  with  many  aspects  of  Japan,  we  hope  to  acculturate  as  quickly  as  possible  and  make  the  most  of  our  two  months  here.  

1. Looking Back at Last Week

2. Features of Himeji3. Interview4. Fiction5. Housekeeping



Two  weeks  ago,  06/05  to  06/07,  we  had  our  orientation  in  Washington  D.C.  We  stayed  at  a  beautiful  hotel  and  we  met  many  of  the  students  from  CLS.  Many  great  people  from  the  State  Department  spoke  and  we  had    Chinese  food  at  a  banquet.  We  woke  up  extremely  early  to  go  to  the  airport.  Once  our  trip  in  D.C  was  over,  we  began  our  summer  in  Himeji.  


On  Monday  06/09    we  went  to  orientation.    Many  things  were  explained  to  us.  We  met  our  language  “buddies.”  We  walked  around  the  campus.  It  was  a  great  day.  (S.  D.  M.)

Our  Birst  class  

On  Monday  06/10  we  had  our  Mirst  class.  We  made  self-­‐  introductions.  I  was  very  nervous,  but  it  was  Mine  in  the  end.  (A.  R.)


On  06/16,  all  of  CLS  participants  went  to  the  festival  at  Dokkyo  University.  We  participated  in  the  tea  ceremony  club’s  demonstration.    I  don’t  like  matcha,  but  their  matcha  tea  was  delicious.  I  did  get  a  little  lost  on  campus  though.  (S.  G.)

FROM  THE  LEVEL  1  CLASS,  A  LOOK  BACK  AT  LAST  WEEK.        06/05/13  to  06/16/13


On  June  12,  a6er  mee9ng  with  the  mayor  of  Himeji,  we  visited  the  Disaster  Preven9on  Center.  While  there,  we  received  valuable  informa9on.  First  we  watched  a  3-­‐D  movie  about  fires  and  earthquakes.  Following  the  movie,  we  were  given  a  presenta9on  about  the  measures  that  Himeji  is  taking  in  disaster  safety.  Himeji  has  invested  a  huge  amount  of  effort  to  ensure  that  food  ra9ons  are  available  in  the  event  of  an  earthquake  or  fire.  They  have  strategically  placed  many  food  storage  sheds  and  large  water  tanks  around  the  city  so  they  can  be  reached  regardless  of  which  roadways  and  bridges  become  impassable.  Many  of  these  facili9es  are  located  at  elementary  schools.  It  is  easy  to  coordinate  the  ci9zens  coopera9on  for  the  maintenance  of  the  ra9ons  sheds  and  water  tanks  because  of  the  central  loca9on  of  the  elementary  schools.  In  addi9on  to  their  ra9ons  assurance  program,  there  are  many  other  clever  systems  in  place  in  Himeji.The  fire  evacua9on  prac9ce  we  par9cipated  in  at  the  Disaster  Preven9on  Center  was  notably  different  than  the  one  I  remember  doing  in  my  elementary  and  middle  schools  in  Pennsylvania.  Pennsylvania  does  not  have  earthquakes,  and  in  the  area  I  lived  the  buildings  were  built  far  apart,  so  even  if  a  fire  broke  out  there  was  not  much  danger  of  it  spreading  to  other  buildings.  Accordingly,  our  evacua9ons  were  very  simple  -­‐  just  walk  out  of  the  building.  In  contrast,  at  the  Disaster  Preven9on  Center,  we  were  made  to  get  low  to  the  ground  and  cover  our  noses  and  mouths  with  a  

Although  we  just  arrived  in  Himeji,  last  weekend  I  wanted  to  do  something  fun  outside.  Himeji  has  many  great  places,  but  I  wasn’t  sure  what  to  do  on  a  rainy  day.  On  Saturday  it  was  raining,  so  I  went  to  Book  Off  to  buy  some  books.  Book  Off  is  a  used  bookstore  that  has  many  inexpensive  books.    It  has  many  books  including  novels  by  Haruki  Murakami  and  Harry  PoYer  in  Japanese.  I  bought  four  books  for  about  1,000  yen.  If  you  go  to  Book  Off,  you  can  take  home  lots  of  Japanese  books  when  you  return  to  the  US.  

-­‐Vivian  Shaw  

handkerchief  while  fleeing  the  building.  The  federal  government  and  many  state  governments,  especially  those  more  prone  to  natural  disasters  than  rural  PA,  have  implemented  measures  similar  to  Himeji’s,  but  I  was  le6  wondering  what  kind  of  prepara9ons,  if  any,  small  local  municipali9es  have  taken  against  disasters.

-­‐  Erik  Hornberger


Recommendations for your time in HImeji!!

There  are  many  delicious  restaurants  in  front  of  Himeji  Sta9on,  but  this  9me,  my  recommenda9on  is  the  okonomiyaki  shop,  Kamontei.  They  have  a  lot  of  Japanese  items  on  the  menu,  but  the  most  popular  selec9ons  are  okonomiyaki  and  monja.  A6er  you  place  your  order  and  your  food  arrives,  it’s  placed  on  a  teppanyaki  in  front  of  the  customer,  and  from  there,  the  meal  is  enjoyed  at  your  own  pace.  Besides  okonomiyaki,  this  restaurant  serves  yakisoba  and  shabushabu  as  well.  The  special  okonomiyaki  is  especially  tasty.   This  okonomiyaki  shop  is  open  un9l  9pm,  and  the  cost  for  one  person  is  about  1000  yen.  The  atmosphere  inside  the  restaurant  is  lively,  everyone  is  having  a  lot  of  fun,  and  customers  from  students  to  elders  are  present.  If  you  have  9me,  please  go  and  give  this  place  a  shot!

-­‐  Grace  Meng

The  Egret’s  Eye  View

The  Egret’s  Eye  View,  a  castle  tower,  is  the  most  famous  place  inside  the  Himeji  Castle  compound.  Presently,  it  is  under  construction,  but  tourists  can  still  take  tours.  Because  the  castle  is  located  in  the  center  of  the  city,  there  are  many  options  for  getting  there.  It  is  equally  easy  to  drive,  take  a  bus,  or  walk.  After  arriving  at  the  castle,  

visitors  take  an  elevator  to  enter  the  tour  area.  During  the  tour,  visitors  can  see  the  current  status  of  the  construction  from  a  window  inside  the  scaffolding  and  learn  about  the  preservation  methods  being  utilized.  Additionally,  visitors  can  watch  the  entire  construction  process  up  until  the  time  of  their  visit  on  monitors  in  the  tour  area.  The  Egret’s  Eye  View  is  a  historically  important  location,  because  it  was  from  this  tower  that  Kuroda  Kanbei,  a  daimyo  in  the  Warring  States  period  and  notable  military  leader,  planned  his  battle  strategies.  This  summer,  the  Egret’s  Eye  View  is  open  every  day  from  9:15  AM  to  5:15  PM.  Admission  is  200¥.  If  you  have  the  time,  please  try  to  visit!  

Patrick  Woods


Recommendations for your time in HImeji!!

Introducing  Himeji’s  Sightseeing  Rent-­‐a-­‐Bike  service!    Perfect  for  exploring  the  area  around  Himeji  Castle!    You  can’t  make  reservations  in  advance,  but  if  you  go  directly  to  the  Himeji  Sightseeing  Navi  Port  in  Himeji  Station,  you  can  rent  a  bicycle  there  for  FREE!    All  you  have  to  do  is  get  a  numbered  tag  from  the  Navi  Port  and  take  it  to  the  employee  at  the  rental  parking  lot.    You  can  either  return  the  bike  at  the  O-­‐Temae  Road  underground  parking  lot  by  5:30  PM  or  the  Himeji  Station  West  underground  parking  lot  by  6:00  PM.    Give  it  a  try!-­‐George  Gonzales

Shoshazan'  Engyou-­‐ji

Engyou-­‐ji  is  located  in  Shosazan,  a  mountain  range  near  Himeji  Castle.  Surrounded  by  the  quiet  mountain  range,  it  can  only  be  reached  by  the  Shoshazan  Ropeway.  A6er  enjoying  the  mountain  scenery  on  the  ride  up,  you  can  visit  the  temple's  unique  and  culturally  significant  ar9facts.  There  are  many  buildings  within  the  temple,  such  as  Kongodou,  Gohoudou,  and  Jougyoudou.  Buddha  statues  and  gardens  are  located  throughout  the  complex  as  well,  crea9ng  an  atmosphere  of  tradi9onal  elegance.  You  can  even  try  copying  sutras  or  medita9ng  in  the  temple  itself.  If  you  wish  to  visit  Engyou-­‐ji,  please  note  that  the  ropeway  is  open  from  8:30  AM  to  5:00  PM  only.  A  round  trip  9cket  for  adults  is  900  yen,  while  for  children  it  is  450  yen.  Engyou-­‐ji's  entrance  fee  is  500  yen  per  person.    

-­‐Cynthia  Wang

Floral  in  Himeji  Dining  Room

Since  coming  to  Japan  I  have  eaten  breakfast  at  the  Floral  Inn  Hotel’s  dinning  room  every  morning.  The  dining  room  is  located  next  to  the  lobby,  so  I  think  it  is  very  conveniently  located  for  the  hotel’s  guests.  The  Floral  Inn’s  dinning  room  has  a  variety  of  Japanese  style  breakfast  foods.  For  example,  there  are  three  kinds  of  pickled  vegetables,  miso  soup,  and  pickled  plum  among  others.  As  for  me,  I  think  the  pumpkin  is  the  most  delicious.  The  Floral  Inn  dining  hall’s  pumpkin’s  color  is  pleasing  to  the  eye  and  of  splendid  quality.  In  addi9on,  I  think  the  Floral  Inn  dining  hall’s  coffee  is  very  delicious.  In  par9cular,  the  dining  hall’s  cappuccino  has  frothy  cream  that  makes  me  extremely  happy  every  morning.    However,  in  addi9on  to  that,  the  dining  hall  is  inexpensive  and  because  it  is  buffet  style  I  was  really  surprised  by  the  delicious  flavor.  If  you  only  pay    500  it's  all  you  can  eat.    -­‐Devon  Cahill  

6/23/13 12:55 PM姫路観光ナビポート - Google Maps

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Japan > Hyōgo Prefecture > Himeji

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Recommendations for your time in HImeji!!

“Sushi  Roll”  Rotating  Sushi  BarNot  far  from  Floral  Inn,  our  home  

here  in  Himeji,  there’s  a  rotating  sushi  bar  called  “Sushi  Roll”  (スシロー).  

It’s  only  a  10-­‐minute  walk  from  Floral  Inn,  so  it’s  extremely  convenient.  If  you  exit  the  Floral  Inn,  turn  left  and  pass  over  a  small  bridge,  you  will  soon  see  Sushi  Roll  on  your  left.  Sushi  Roll  is  not  only  convenient,  but  also  affordable  and  delicious.   At  Sushi  Roll,  the  way  you  order  sushi  is  really  cool.  Next  to  your  table  you’ll  Mind  a  touch  screen,  which  you  can  use  to  order  sushi.  After  you  order,  if  you  wait  5  minutes,  the  screen  will  soon  display  a  message,  “The  food  you  ordered  is  on  it’s  way!,”  and  in  no  time  the  conveyor  belt  will  bring  you  your  sushi.   I  eat  sushi  often  in  the  U.S.,  but  before  going  to  Sushi  Roll  I  had  never  had  the  experience  of  eating  sushi  in  Japan.  I  ordered  a  variety  of  sushi  and  expected  it  to  be  the  same  as  what  I’m  used  to  eating  in  the  U.S.  However,  when  my  sushi  arrived  and  I  took  the  Mirst  bite,  I  couldn’t  believe  how  delicious  it  was.  The  sushi  at  Sushi  Roll  is  very  affordable,  but  the  quality  surpassed  the  expensive  sushi  I’ve  had  in  the  U.S.  The  experience  of  eating  sushi  in  Japan  is  truly  better  than  any  you  can  have  in  the  U.S.  I  hope  to  return  to  Sushi  Roll  soon.  

Dervla McDonnell

Since  we  have  been  in  Himeji,  have  you  had  the  chance  to  explore  interesting  places?  We  are  at  Himeji  Dokkyo  University  during  the  week,  so  I  am  sure  you  have  been  to  the  cafeterias  several  times.  There  are  two  cafeterias  here  at  the  university.  The  student  cafeteria  is  located  on  the  Girst  Gloor  and  seats  432.  The  second  cafeteria  is  on  the  second  Gloor  and  is  a  bit  smaller,  seating  297.  To  get  to  the  student  cafeteria,  head  towards  the  library  and  once  you  leave  the  building,  you  will  see  it  right  in  front  of  you.  For  the  second  cafeteria,  go  through  the  other  one  and  turn  left  and  you  will  Gind  it  located  in  the  building  ahead  and  to  the  left.  Both  cafeterias  are  very  useful.  They  have  a  variety  of  foods  that  are  quickly  prepared.  Additionally,  the  food  is  quite  good  and  very  reasonably  priced.  

I  have  been  to  the  cafeterias  several  times  for  lunch  and  have  had  great  experiences  each  time.  I  Gind  the  curry  especially  tasty.  

You  may  wonder  how  much  the  meals  cost.  They  range  from  200  to  500  Yen.  The  student  cafeteria  is  open  from  10am  to  6pm  on  weekdays  and  from  10am  to  2pm  on  Saturday.  The  second  cafeteria  is  open  from  10am  to  2pm  on  weekdays.  Please  check  out  the  cafeterias  and  enjoy  the  experience.  -­‐Katherine  Marcoux


An Interview with a Citizen of Himeji!!

  Each  addition  of  this  newsletter  will  feature  an  interview  with  a  citizen  of  Himeji.    This  issue  will  feature  the  assistant  manager  of  the  Floral  Inn  Mr.  Akihito  Tanaka.  Originally  from  Himeji,  Mr.  Tanaka  has  worked  at  the  Floral  Inn  since  February  of  last  year.    I  had  the  opportunity  to  interview  him  last  Sunday,  at  which  time  I  learned  some  extremely  interesting  facts  about  the  hotel  where  we  are  staying.     According  to  Mr.  Tanaka,    the  appeal  of  the  Floral  Inn  is  its  “at  home,”  and  relaxed  atmosphere.    The  Floral  Inn  is  reasonably  priced,  just  a  10  minute  walk  from  Himeji  Station,  and  features  an  all  you  can  eat  breakfast  buffet.  Therefore,  he  believes  it  is  an  extremely  comfortable  place  to  stay  and  we  agree  with  him  about  that.     Frequent  guests  of  the  hotel  include  professionals  on  business  trips  to  Himeji  and  personnel  involved  in  the  redevelopment  project  at  Himeji  Station.  Occasionally  tourists  from  Asia  stay  at  the  hotel,  but  Western  tourist  are  very  rare  guests.  It’s  not  clear  why  Westerners  don’t  stay  at  the  hotel,  but  I  encourage  all  the  participants  in  the  CLS  program  to  write  a  good  review  for  the  hotel  on  Trip  Advisor,  or  a  similar  website  once  our  program  is  over.   In  the  interview,  I  asked  Mr.  Tanaka  what  he  thinks  about  the  CLS  program,  he  replied:  “What  I  think  is  amazing  about  the  program,  well  of  course  I  would  expect  all  the  participants  to  speak  in  Japanese  while  they  are  at  Dokkyo  University,  but  the  students  even  speak  in  Japanese  amongst  themselves  at  the  hotel,  they  don’t  speak  in  English!  I  think  that  is  incredible.  If  I  were  in  America,  I  would  speak  English  with  Americans,  but  if  I  were  with  a  Japanese  person,  I  would  speak  in  Japanese.  That’s  probably  because  English  is  difMicult.  So  I  really  feel  that  the  students  speaking  in  Japanese  all  the  time  is  incredible.”    The  CLS  participants  took  a  “language  pledge,”  in  which  they  promised  to  only  speak  in  Japanese  while  in  Japan.  Since  we  arrived  at  Kansai  International  airport  in  Osaka,  we  have  tried  to  only  speak  in  Japanese.  To  a  citizen  of  Himeji  who  doesn’t  know  about  our  program,  it  is  likely  this  group  of  

foreigners  talking  in  Japanese  on  the  bus  looks  very  strange.     Mr.  Tanaka  is  extremely  knowledgeable  abut  the  area  around  the  Floral  Inn,  so  if  you  would  like  a  recommendation  for  a  restaurant,  or  other  attraction,  ask  him  personally  and  he  will  be  happy  to  answer  any  of  your  questions.  Mr.  Tanaka  and  the  staff  of  the  Floral  Inn  are  very  kind  people  and  we  all  greatly  appreciate  their  help.  

-­‐  Jeanne  Michaels,    Mei  Prang,  Christie  Nguyen

Assistant  manager  of  the  Floral  Inn  Mr.  Akihito  Tanaka


Serial Fiction: Great Detective John’s Big Adventure

Great Detective John’s Big Adventure

Since they had finally come to Himeji, John and Molly decided to ride the Ferris wheel at Himeji Central

Park so that they could look at the city from a high place. However, they didn’t know how to get there, so they

asked Mr. Tanaka, who worked the front desk at Floral Inn. “Excuse me, we’d like to go to Central Park, but…”

“Central Park, right? If you go to Himeji Station, you can board the bus to Central Park,” Mr. Tanaka

replied. John and Molly started to leave the hotel, but Mr. Tanaka started talking again. “Please be careful.

Central Park is a very odd place.”

“Odd, huh? I wonder why he said that,” Molly said as they walked to the station.

“Yeah, I wonder why,” John replied, but he didn’t really think about it very much because he was looking

forward to Central Park.


As they walked around Central Park, John said, “Man, it’s really hot. I’m really thirsty. I wonder if there’s

a vending machine around here.”

“Yeah, I see one over there.”

John took out his wallet and was about to put money into the vending machine when he realized that,

since he hadn’t withdrawn any Japanese Yen yet, he didn’t have enough money. “Shoot. I only have 48 yen!

Sorry, but could you lend me some money?”

“Well fine, I guess. This is why I told you to withdraw money yesterday…” In order to take out her

wallet, Molly opened her handbag.

“Look out!” a robot-like voice called out. John turned around to see a silver egret flying towards them. A

high-pitched scream slipped from his lips.

Molly turned around as well. At that moment, the egret swiftly plunged its beak into Molly’s

handbag and flew away. As they looked up, John and Molly saw what the egret was holding in its beak.

“That’s my passport! Oh my god! What are we going to do?? This is all your fault, John.


Serial Fiction: Great Detective John’s Big Adventure

If you’d just brought money with you, this never would have happened!”

“I’m really, really sorry! I promise I’ll get your passport back, Molly.”

“But how are you going to find that silver egret?”

Once again, Molly and John heard the robot-like voice. “That was the lord and protector of Himeji


“Who’s there?” Molly asked, looking around.

“It is I.” It seemed like the voice was coming from the direction of the vending machine.

“Is there someone behind the vending machine?” When John went to check behind the vending

machine, the voice spoke again.

“Sir! Please don’t do that, it’s embarrassing!”

At that point, John finally noticed. “This vending machine can talk!”

“That is correct, sir. I would like to help you two out, so I will reveal some special information.

That silver egret is the lord and protector of Himeji Castle, so I believe it will return to the Castle soon.”

“Then, we have to hurry to Himeji Castle!” And with that, the great detective John was born.


To be continued…



Housekeeping Notes

Information from the Hotel Staff

First, we would like to address the trash cans in the rooms. Everyone has been told to place their trash bags outside when full, but it’s best to put out the entire trash can so that the hotel staff can put in a new bag.

Next, there is the shower and bath tub. When you take a shower or bath, be sure to close the door. If you close the door, hot air cannot enter the main room and set off the fire alarm. Please keep this in mind and close the door.

Lastly, in the desk there is an internet cable and it is free to use.

Some people in the CLS program have realized that the pillows in the room are not the type they’re used to. If this is the case, there is the pillow exchange system. On each floor once you leave the elevator and turn a little to your right, you will see the pillow exchange shelf. There are three types of pillows. Choose your favorite amongst the three types and you can exchange it. Remember to take off your pillow case and put it on the pillow you choose from the shelf. That way the pillows remain clean.

Although there are three types of pillows, it is possible that you will find only one or two types remaining on your floor. However, if you're worried about this, feel free to search on other floors.


About the Keys

There are people wondering about why we return keys to the front desk, and there are several reasons for this system.

First, it is so that if the key is lost, the staff won't have to change the locks on the doors. Second, it is safe. In the case of a fire or earthquake, getting out of the building is essential, and the staff can quickly figure out which rooms are occupied by the remaining keys at the front

US  State  Department’s  CLS  Program  Newsle7er.  Editors:

Jeanne  Michaels、President  of  the  Community/  Events  commiYee  

Devon  Cahill、  Vice-­‐President  of  the  Community/  Events  commiYeeSana  Ali-­‐ViraniGeorge  GonzalesChris9e  NguyenMei  PrangAshaiah  RaineyVivian  Shaw