Download - High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

Page 1: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

High Elasticityof Polymer Networks.

Page 2: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

Polymer Networks.

All polymer networks except those who are in the glassy or partially crystalline states exhibit the property of high elasticity, i.e., the ability to undergo large reversible deformations at relatively small applied stress.

Polymer network consists of long polymerchains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensionalmacromolecule.

High elasticity is the most specific property of polymer materials,it is connected with the most fundamental features of ideal chainsconsidered in the previous lecture. In everyday life, highlyelastic polymer materials are called rubbers.

Page 3: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

Molecular Nature of the High Elasticity.

Elasticity of rubbers is composed from the elastic responses of the chains crosslinked in the network sample. External stress changes the equilibrium end-to-end distance of a chain, and it thus adopts a less probable conformation. Therefore, the elasticity of rubbersis of purely entropic nature.

Elastic response of the crystalline solidsis due to the change of the equilibrium interatomic distances under stress and therefore, the change in the internalenergy of the crystal.

Page 4: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

Typical Stress-Strain Curves.for steel for rubbers

- the typical values of deformations are much larger for rubber;- the typical values of strain σ are much larger for steel;- the typical values of the Young modulus is enormously larger for steel than for rubber ( Pa and Pa, respectively);- for steel linearity and reversibility are lost practically simultaneously, while for rubbers there is a very wide region of nonlinear reversible deformations;- for steel there is a wide region of plastic deformations (between points B and C) which is all but absent for rubbers.

l l∆

1110E 5 610 10−

А - the upper limit for stress-strain linearity,В - the upper limit for the reversibility of deformations,С - the fracture point.

Page 5: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

Elasticity of a Single Ideal Chain.

The energy of an ideal chain equals zero.Under the external stress an ideal chain elongates and adopts a lessprobable conformation, its entropy therefore decreases.Thus, the elasticity is of purely entropic nature.

According to Boltzmann the entropy takes form

( ) ( )ln NS R k W R=

where k is the Boltzmann constant, is the number of chainconformtions compatible with the end-to-end distance . Obviously,

( )NW R


( ) ( )N NW R const P R= ×

Page 6: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

Elasticity of a Single Ideal Chain.Thus,

( ) ( )ln NS R k P R const= +


( ) ( )2

3/ 2 32 3 exp2NRP R LlLl

π − = −


( )23

2NkRS R constLl

= − +

And for the free energy F 23

2kTRF E TS TS const

Ll= − = − = +

Finally, the force equals the derivative of the free erngy with respectto R: 3F kTf R


= =∂

Page 7: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

Elasticity of a Single Polymer Chain.

3F kTf RLlR

∂= =∂

The chain elongates in the direction of the force and the elongationis proportional to the force: (the Hook law).f R

The elastic modulus is inversely proportional to the chainlength L, and is, therefore, small for long chains.Long polymer chains are very susceptible to external actions.

3kT Ll

The elastic modulus is proportional to kT and, thus, increases withthe increase of temperature. This indicates the entropic nature ofhigh elasticity.

Limitations: the elongation should be small enough for to remain Gaussian.

( )R L

( )NP R

Page 8: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

Elasticity of Polymer Networks.

Consider a densely packed system of crosslinked chains. Assumechains to be freely-jointed, with the segment length l, and totalcontour length L. Let deformation along the three main axes x, y, z be , , , respectively, i.e. the sample dimensions along the axes to be

xλ yλ zλ

0 0 0, ,x x x y y y z z za a a a a aλ λ λ= = =

Affinity assumption: assume that the crosslink points are deformedaffinely, i.e., for any chain, if the initial coordinates of the end-to-end vector are then these cordinates in the deformed state are .

{ }0 0 0, ,x y zR R R{ }0 0 0, ,x x x y y y z z zR R R R R Rλ λ λ= = =

Page 9: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

The Flory Theorem.

Until now, we have discussed only ideal chains where the links which are far from each other along the chain do not interact with each other. In the real chains it is, obviously, not the case. Thereforea natural question arises: is it reasonable to employ the results obtained for ideal chains when calculating the elastic response ofa real network? The answer to this question is given by the so-called

Flory theorem: the statistical properties of a polymer chain in themelt are equivalent to those of ideal chains.

The explanation of this statement, which seems conterintuitive on the first glance, is as follows. In the melt each link of every chainis always in a dense surrounding of the other links, and thus all directions around the link are completely equivalent. Indeed, for example, any approach to a link of the same chain is completely compensated by a withdrawal from the links of the foreign chains.

Page 10: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

Elasticity of Polymer Networks.Thus, the change of the free energy of a chain between two crosslink points upon extension is

( ) ( ) ( ) ( )( )2 2 2 2 2 2 2 20 0 0 0

3 32 2 x x y y z zkT kTf R R R R R R R RLl Ll

∆ = − = − + − + − =

( ) ( ) ( ){ }2 2 2 2 2 20 0 0

3 1 1 12 x x y y z zkT R R RLl

λ λ λ= − + − + −

For the whole sample the change of the free energy equalsF V fν∆ = ∆

where ν is the number of chains per unit volume, and V is the volume of the sample:

( ) ( ) ( ){ }2 2 2 2 2 20 0 0

3 1 1 12 x x y y z zkTF V R R RLl

ν λ λ λ∆ = − + − + −

and since 2 2 2 20 0 0 0 3 3x y zR R R R Ll= = = = we get finally

( )2 2 21 32 x y zF kT Vν λ λ λ∆ = + + −

Page 11: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

Elasticity of Polymer Networks.

( )2 2 21 32 x y zF kT Vν λ λ λ∆ = + + −

Note that this result does not depend on the parameters L and l, whichdescribe the individual subchains. This indicates that the theory isuniversal: it is not sensitive neither to the microscopic details of thechain flexibility, nor to the values of their contour lengths and Kuhnsegments, nor to the particular form of the molecular mass distribution.

Therefore, we get the limits of applicaility of the theory: we consider polymer melts (i.e., there is no solvent in the system), the network isloosely crosslinked and the extensions are not too large (i.e., even theshortest subchains remain Gaussian). Moreover, we have neglected the topological restrictions due to the chain entanglements.

If we have another look at our calculations, we will see that the onlyfact we needed to draw the main conclusion is the fact that the subchains are ideal and the Gaussian distribution is validfor them.

( )NP R

Page 12: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

The Uniaxial Extension.

( )2 2 21 32 x y zF kT Vν λ λ λ∆ = + + −

For rubbers the incompressibility condition is valid with high accuracy: their compression modulus is of the same order of magnitude as the compression modulus of the low-molecular materials (the all-around compression inevitably leads to the reduceof the distance between the molecules), while the Young modulus is 5-6 orders of magnitude lower. Therefore, we can assume that

0 0 0 0 0x x y y z z x y zV V a a a Vλ λ λ λ λ λ= = =And thus, taking the symmetry considerations into account

1y zλ λ λ= =

Consider now the application of this formula to the case of uniaxialextension (λ = λ > 1) and compression (λ = λ > 1) along the axis x.

x x

Page 13: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

The Uniaxial Extension.

Thus, 21 2 32

F kT Nν λλ

∆ = + −

Therefore, for the stress σ we get:

20 0

1 1 1

y x x

F F kTa a a V

σ σ ν λλ λ

∂ ∂ = = ⇒ = − ∂ ∂

Analogous formulae can be obtained for other kinds of deformation (shear, twist, etc).Let us remind once again that the result obtained is universal, itdoes not depend on the microscopic details of the chain structure.The reason is that the entropic elasticity is caused by the large-scaleproperties of polymer coils.

The Young modulus, thus, equals .For the loosely crosslinked networks it is small sincewhere υ is a volume of one monomer unit. This is exactly the reason of the high elasticity of rubbers.

3E kTν=1 Nν υ

Page 14: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

The Uniaxial Expansion.


1kTσ ν λλ

= −

Other important conclusions:The stress-strain curve is substantially non-linear:

If and temperature T increases, the value of λ should decrease. Thus, rubbers shrink upon heating, contrary to gases and crystalline materials. This property is connected to the entropic nature of rubber elasticity. Consequently, rubbers heat up under adiabatic extension.

0constσ = >

Page 15: High Elasticity of Polymer Networks. - · Polymer network consists of long polymer chains which are crosslinked with each other to form a giant three-dimensional macromolecule.

Comparison with the Experiment.

0.4 1.2λ< < excelent agreement

1.2 5λ< < theory slightly overestimates stress at a given strain.Reason: neglect of chain entanglemens.

5λ > theory significantly underestimates stress at a given strain.Reason: finite extensibility of the chains.