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High Availability and Disaster Recovery

Page 2: High Availability and Disaster Recovery

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1. High Availability/DR Requirements

2. Cloud Environment for High Availability and DR

3. High Availability/DR Cloud Deployment Options

4. Basic Cloud Deployment Architecture

5. Intermediate Cloud Deployment Architecture

6. Advanced Cloud Deployment Architecture

7. Ultimate Cloud Deployment Architecture

8. High Availability/DR Challenges



Page 3: High Availability and Disaster Recovery

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1. High Availability/DR Requirements


High Availability/DR Requirements

• High Availability and Disaster Recovery (DR) requirements often overlap

• Application and Infrastructure Scalability

• New Software Version Deployment

• Transparent, Real-Time or Near Real Time Failover

• Uptime Requirements

• Disaster Recovery

• Application and Data Rollback

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3. Cloud Environment for High Availability and DR


Cloud Environment High Availability and DR Attributes

• Unlimited Resources

• Ability to Allocate Resources on Demand

• Ability to Clone Environments

• Ability to Allocate Resources Automatically

• Geographical Dispersion

• Ability to Create Environments on Demand

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4. High Availability/DR Cloud Deployment Options


High Availability/DR Cloud Options

• High Availability and DR recommendations and options vary in accordance with the uptime, scalability and cost requirements

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5. Basic Cloud Deployment Architecture


The Basic Cloud Deployment Option

• Application infrastructure (Web Servers, Applications Servers, Databases) is set up in a single Cloud Zone

• In case of a catastrophic failure, the entire environment is restored from the back-up “image” and “storage” in a different Cloud Zone

• In takes roughly an hour for “A” record propagation and back-up loading

• Uptime is governed by Cloud Provider Zone availability

• A Basic Cloud Deployment option scales with an addition of resources to the Cloud Zone

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5. Basic Cloud Deployment Architecture


The Basic Cloud Deployment Option Scheme

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6. Intermediate Cloud Deployment Architecture


The Intermediate Cloud Deployment Option

• Application infrastructure (Web Servers, Applications Servers, Databases) is set up in a multiple Cloud Zones

• Second Cloud Zone is a scaled down copy of the main Cloud Zone

• In case of a catastrophic failure, the unaffected Cloud zone takes over

• It takes roughly 30 minutes to add resources to the scaled down Cloud Zone to restore full availability

• Uptime is governed by Cloud Provider Multi-Zone availability

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6. Intermediate Cloud Deployment Architecture


The Intermediate Cloud Deployment Option Scheme

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7. Advanced Cloud Deployment Architecture


The Advanced Cloud Deployment Option

• Application infrastructure (Web Servers, Applications Servers, Databases) is set up in a multiple Cloud Zones

• Second Cloud Zone is a full copy of the main Cloud Zone

• In case of a catastrophic failure, the unaffected zone takes over

• The Advanced Cloud Deployment option has virtually no downtime, unless both Cloud zones are affected

• Uptime is governed by Cloud Provider Multi-Zone availability

• This option is expensive since it requires full Cloud zone duplication

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7. Advanced Cloud Deployment Architecture


The Advanced Cloud Deployment Option Scheme

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8. Ultimate Cloud Deployment Architecture


The Ultimate Cloud Deployment Option

• Application infrastructure (Web Servers, Applications Servers, Databases) is set up in a multiple Cloud Providers

• Second Cloud Provider is a full replica of the main Provider

• In case of a catastrophic failure, the unaffected Cloud Provider takes over

• The Advanced Cloud Deployment option has virtually no downtime, unless both Cloud Providers are affected

• This option is the most expensive one, since it requires full duplication for using multiple Cloud Providers

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8. Ultimate Cloud Deployment Architecture


The Ultimate Cloud Deployment Option Scheme

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High Availability/DR Challenges


High Availability/DR Challenges

• Overall application is designed for the named resources

• Application Service Layer is not designed for clustering

• Application DB Layer is designed for a single database

• Application Database is not designed for replication

• Application Caching Strategy is designed for long data “hoarding”

Akelios helps you overcome these challenges on your way to

implementing effective High Availability and DR strategies

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Akelios is a team of Cloud Computing experts that provides a wide range of Cloud Computing services, including Cloud training, Cloud development, Cloud migration, and Cloud support. We assist companies across the various stages of the Cloud adoption cycle, providing:

Cloud Vendor, Platform, and Product Selection Cloud Application Migration Cost-Benefit Analysis Cloud Disaster Recovery Security Planning Cloud Performance Tuning Cloud Architecture Design

To learn how Akelios can help your company benefit from the cutting-edge technologies and cost savings the Cloud provides, please visit

7. About Akelios

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Author: Matthew Brown, VP of Marketing