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  • 8/10/2019 Hideki Tojo Prison Diary


    Hideki Tojo's Prison Diary

    Published here for the first time in English is the postwar prison "diary" of Japanese

    General and Premier Hideki Tojo.

    After an outstanding army areer and ser!ie as ar #inister$ Tojo ser!ed as Prime#inister from %tober &'(& to July &'(( ) perhaps the most ritial period in his

    ountry*s history. A few weeks after Japan*s surrender in August &'(+$ Tojo was

    arrested by Amerian oupation fores and then put on trial for alleged war rimes.

    ,y all aounts$ he onduted himself with dignity and omposure during the

    proeedings. After being sentened to death$ he was e-euted in eember &'(/.

    ritten while in prison$ this "diary" onsists of se!eral essays$ a reonstruted daily

    log of the ritial period of the &'(& Pearl Harbor attak$ and answers to antiipated

    proseution 0uestions.

    1omposed in part as an aid in trial proeedings$ and in partas an e-planation for

    posterity$ this memoir2justifiation by a entral figure of twentieth entury history is a!aluable historial doument. 3nknown to the world for more than forty years$ these

    papers were first published in &''& by historian Sanae Satoin the August and

    4eptember issues of the Japanese monthly maga5ine Hoseki.

    This translation was jointly prepared by General Hideo #iki$ retired professor of

    Japan*s 6ational efense Aademy$ and Henry 4ymington$ an Amerian speialist of

    Japanese eonomi and soial affairs. This material has been !ery slightly edited$ and

    larifying information has been added in brakets.

    I. Events Leading to the First Greater East Asian Outbreak

    Immediately before the beginning of the Great East Asian war [whih ommened on

    Deember !" #$%#&" a(an was still engaged in the )nfort)nate Sino*a(anese +ar"

    whih had already gone on for more than fo)r years, Thro)gho)t that (eriod" a(an

    had made honest efforts to kee( the destr)tion of war from s(reading and" based on

    the belief that all nations of the world sho)ld find their (laes" had followed a (oliy

    designed to restore an e-(editio)s (eae between a(an and .hina, a(an was

    ens)ring the stability of East Asia while ontrib)ting to world (eae, /e0ertheless"

    .hina was )nfort)nately )nable to )nderstand a(an's real (osition" and it is greatly tobe regretted that the Sino*a(anese +ar beame one of long d)ration,

    .learly" this Sino*a(anese +ar of more than fo)r years was a onsiderable b)rden on

    a(an's national (ower and an obstale to the maintenane of (eae in the Paifi,

    1rom the (oint of the 0iew of the nation's (ower" it was ob0io)s that while we were

    fighting the Sino*a(anese war" e0ery effort was to be made to a0oid adding to o)r

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    enemies and o(ening additional fronts, /at)rally" this was the 0iew of those who then

    held (ositions of res(onsibility,

    In the (ast" the theory had been2 Ad0ane towards the north while defending the so)th"

    or ad0ane to the so)th while defending the north, Howe0er" as the Sino*a(anese +ar

    dragged on" the only objeti0es that bore onsideration were2 #3 a swift (eae betweena(an and .hina4 53 the maintenane of international (eae4 and 63 the restoration of

    national (ower,

    It was for this reason that a(an2 #3 attem(ted to establish (eae with .hina thro)gh

    negotiations" sometimes thro)gh Amerian mediation4 53 strengthened the 7)sso*

    a(anese /e)trality Treaty [A(ril #$%#& in the ho(e of a0oiding war with the So0iet

    8nion4 and 63 tried as m)h as (ossible to )se di(lomati means to res(ond to signs

    that relations with the 8nited States were worsening" e0en tho)gh in so doing it was

    neessary for a(an to end)re things that were )nend)rable,

    Des(ite a(an's desires and efforts" )nfort)nate differenes in the ways that a(an"

    England" the 8nited States" and .hina )nderstood ir)mstanes" together with

    mis)nderstandings of attit)des" made it im(ossible for the (arties to agree, 8( )ntil

    the 0ery end" these were im(ortant reasons for the o)tbreak of war" and from a(an's

    (oint of 0iew" this is a matter of great regret,

    [Pit)re of&

    Prime Minister Hideki Tojo

    Th)s" England and the 8nited States s)((orted the .h)ngking [.hinese& go0ernment

    [of .hiang 9ai*Shek& in e0ery way" obstr)ted the (eae between a(an and .hina

    that a(an desired" and thwarted a(an's efforts towards East Asian stability, D)ring

    this (eriod" in )ly #$6$" the 8nited States s)ddenly ga0e notie of the abrogation of

    the treaty of ommere [signed in #$##" its termination restrited the im(ortation of

    essential raw materials& thereby threatening the e-istene of the a(anese (eo(le, At

    (resent" looking bak oolly )(on the (ast" I think that both nations ha0e m)h to

    reflet )(on,

    #, :oth .hina and a(an sho)ld ha0e em(tied their hearts of ill*will" almly e-(lained

    their tr)e (ositions to eah other" and refleting dee(ly on the fat that they were the

    orner stones of stability in East Asia" sho)ld ha0e more bra0ely followed the (ath of

    diret (eae negotiations,

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    5, ;ikewise" in dealing with the .hina (roblem" the :ritish and Amerian side" whih

    had (arti)larly strong interests in .hina" sho)ld ha0e based its j)dgments abo)t the

    origins of the (roblem on diret obser0ation of the at)al ir)mstanes at the time,

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    @E-(lanation #3 ?n this matter" in the a(anese system [of the #$6>s and #$%>s& there

    are many as(ets that relate to the inde(endene of the high ommand, Ations of the

    high ommand are not" as in other nations" inl)ded in the national go0ernment" b)t

    are o)tside and inde(endent of the nation's onstit)tional go0ernment" and it is nat)ral

    that they sho)ld brook no interferene, .onse)ently" these matters are different from

    those on whih the Interior

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  • 8/10/2019 Hideki Tojo Prison Diary


    /e0ertheless" there is something that m)st be said abo)t military fations, [A

    referene to the so*alled .ontrol and Im(erial +ay fations within the a(anese


    Today" it is an error to think that there are fations in the military, A soldier holds his

    rank for life" b)t his a)thority begins only when his (osition is onferred )(on him bythe Em(eror, +ith this a)thority omes the right to infl)ene the high ommand or"

    aording to his (osition" the e-e)tion of go0ernment (oliy, Howe0er" as soon as a

    man lea0es the ser0ie" e0en if he had been a general" his a)thority eases and he no

    longer has the (ower e0en to adj)st the rank of a seond lie)tenant, If s)h (ower

    were to ontin)e" that wo)ld mean the reation within the military of an indi0id)al

    fation" and it wo)ld be im(ermissible, This has always been the ase in a(an" and

    e-(lains why there are no fations in the military,

    As for whether or not the military has been high*handed" it is not as tho)gh there are

    no reasons for thinking this is so, This is something that re)ires self*e-amination,

    Howe0er" I think it (ossible that m)h of the ()bli ritiism abo)t high*handedness

    arose from the (ower of e-e)tion born of the ommandobediene relationshi( and

    strength that ome from the military's organiBation" es(eially from the im(ortane

    (laed on timing that arises from the re)irements of war, I belie0e that this is what

    (rod)ed the onse)enes of E-(lanations # and 5 noted abo0e" that is to say" those

    things that m)st be aknowledged as highhandedness and refleted )(on as s)h,

    %, ;ater" as o(erations against .hina followed nat)ral o(erational e-igenies" the front

    was grad)ally e-(anded towards the so)th, In order to ()t a )ik end to the Sino*a(anese +ar" it was neessary first to strike a mortal blow against the .h)ngking

    fores [of .hinese leader .hiang 9ai*shek&, 1or this reason" it was neessary to

    strengthen the blokade of the So)theast .hina oast and to establish a large" new

    o(erations ro)te dee( into the So)th,

    F, At abo)t that time" in order for a(an to s)stain its own (eo(le" and bea)se of the

    neessity of maintaining internal (rod)tion" and in order to (rose)te the Sino*

    a(anese +ar" we were faed with the neessity of obtaining s)h things as rie and

    oil from the so)thern islands" inl)ding 1renh and D)th Indohina, Parti)larly at

    the time when the 8nited States broke off ommerial relations with a(an" and thero)tes that de(ended on the 8nited States were )t" the s)r0i0al of a(an was losely

    onneted to whether or not (eaef)l ommere wo)ld be (ossible with these

    so)thern areas, .onse)ently" a(an des(athed ambassadors and ond)ted

    negotiations with these areas" b)t sine they already had hostile feelings" nothing

    o)ld be smoothly established,

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    1)rthermore" it had been learly established by intelligene that 1renh Indohina was

    an im(ortant" hidden s)((ly ro)te for [the .hinese fores head)artered in&

    .h)ngking, .onse)ently" it was neessary to )t this off" as (art of the strengthening

    of o)r .hina o(erations, At the time" gi0en the onditions in E)ro(e" 1rane was a

    friendly nation with a d)ty to oo(erate with a(an, Therefore" the (eaef)l

    o)(ation of Indohina @Se(tember #$%>3 was arried o)t with the )nderstanding of1rane, Th)s" gi0en the )nertainties in the so)thern Paifi" and the neessity of

    ()tting a )ik end to the Sino*a(anese +ar and establishing the oo(erati0e

    relations neessary for the s)r0i0al of both nations" a (ortion of o)r military was

    grad)ally transferred to so)thern 1renh Indohina,

    Howe0er" the :ritish*Amerian side alled this a threat to their own territories" and in

    )ly #$%#" together with Holland" ordered the freeBing of assets and" in effet"

    ommened an eonomi blokade,

    This was a gra0e threat to the e-istene of a(an, In addition to this" the :ritish*Amerian side onentrated troo(s in Hawaii" the Phili((ines" Singa(ore" and

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    debate the general (roblems of the Paifi that had arisen between the two nations" so

    as to resol0e these dangero)s ir)mstanes by (olitial means, Howe0er" e0en

    tho)gh the 8nited States agreed to this (ro(osal in theory" they laimed that sine it

    was an im(ortant matter" they (referred that s)h a meeting take (lae after

    differenes of o(inion had been resol0ed, 8ltimately there was no s)h meeting"

    whih was 0ery )nfort)nate, The a(anese go0ernment had tho)ght that a meetingwo)ld take (lae" and at)ally seleted an ento)rage and (re(ared a shi(,

    !, The ho(e for a (eaef)l sol)tion by means of a s)mmit meeting th)s disa((eared"

    b)t a(an" wishing to reah a sol)tion thro)gh di(lomati means" made se0eral later

    (ro(osals in res(onse to the Amerian (osition, Howe0er" the 8nited States held firm

    to its initial (osition and wo)ld onede nothing,

    =, Aro)nd /o0ember 5>th [#$%#&" onditions were on the 0erge of deteriorating e0en

    f)rther, In order to a0oid a r)(t)re of di(lomati relations" the go0ernment resisted

    strong (ress)res from the high ommand and made a (ro(osal ontaining a n)mber ofonessions, As I reall" the (ro(osals were the following2

    @#3 /either nation will send military fores to the so)thern Paifi or to any (art of

    So)th East Asia other than 1renh Indohina, @53 Sho)ld (eae be established between

    a(an and .hina or in the Paifi region" all a(anese troo(s in 1renh Indohina will

    be withdrawn, @63 If this agreement is onl)ded" all a(anese troo(s in so)thern

    1renh Indohina will be rotated to the north, @%3 .ommerial relations will be

    restored to their former state, Ass)ranes will be gi0en so that neessary materials an

    be obtained,

    $, The 8nited States did not agree to these (ro(osals, 1)rthermore" it took bak what

    it had (re0io)sly said abo)t ating as an intermediary in Sino*a(anese (eae*making

    and ref)sed to (erform this ser0ie,

    In any ase" if one looks at the ir)mstanes immediately before the o)tbreak of the

    Great East Asian +ar from a a(anese (oint of 0iew" one notes that the .hina Inident

    had ontin)ed for more than fo)r years witho)t sol)tion, Efforts had been made to

    resol0e the sit)ation by negotiations between a(an and the 8nited States" b)t this had

    failed, 1)rthermore" in aordane with the re)irements of o(erations" the theater of

    ation of the Sino*a(anese +ar had mo0ed e0er more dee(ly towards the So)thwestand international relations ontin)ed to deteriorate,

    D)ring this (eriod" a(an's (eaef)l ommerial relations were s)essi0ely

    obstr)ted" (rimarily by the Amerian r)(t)re of ommerial relations" and this was a

    gra0e threat to the s)r0i0al of a(an, In (arti)lar" the eonomi blokade by the

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    0ario)s (owers" led by the 8nited States" inflited a mortal blow to the s)r0i0al of


    In onnetion with these m)lti(le eonomi (ress)res" the A:.D [Amerian*:ritish*

    .hinese*D)th& enirlement of a(an only drew tighter" and defenses in Hawaii" the

    Phili((ines" Singa(ore and

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    oasions" it was tho)ght that the stability of East Asia de(ended on the lose" m)t)al

    assistane and oo(eration between .hina and a(an, That a(anese troo(s were

    stationed in .hina at the time was the res)lt of )nfort)nate inidents and not

    something that a(an had originally desired, .onse)ently" there wo)ld ha0e been no

    objetion to the total withdrawal of troo(s sho)ld the a)ses be eliminated" and e0en

    with res(et to the /ew .hina*a(an Treaty [" #$%>&" dis)ssions were()rs)ed in this fashion, Howe0er" this re)ired the elimination of those a)ses and

    wo)ld ha0e been (ossible only on the basis of a g)arantee to that effet,

    To withdraw troo(s witho)t ha0ing obtained s)h g)arantees wo)ld be only to re(eat

    what had ha((ened before @the troo( withdrawal of #$65 after the Shanghai Inident3"

    and wo)ld ha0e a)sed )nha((iness not only to a(an and .hina b)t wo)ld not ha0e

    (ermitted the antii(ation of stability in East Asia, ?n the :ritish*Amerian side the

    a)ses were seen entirely to be a a(anese (oliy of in0asion" and little tho)ght was

    gi0en to at)al ir)mstanes, The a(anese (oliy" as was made lear at the time" was

    a non*e-(ansionist (oliy" and it was not arried o)t as a matter of national intent,

    ;ooking bak on that (eriod from the (resent" there is some a)se for self*

    e-amination, E0en tho)gh the Sino*a(anese war was alled a non*e-(ansionist

    (oliy" it is lear that o0er a long (eriod e0ents e-(anded to a wide area, Howe0er"

    this was not the will of the nation b)t a res)lt of the e-igenies of o(erations"

    ombined with the inability of a weak go0ernment to (re0ent it, The reasons for the

    latter lie in a(an's internal systems and traditions,

    +hether the f)ndamental a)se was .hina's illegal ati0ities or a(an's in0asion may

    be something of a hiken*and*egg )estion, The reason was the fail)re of both a(anand .hina to )nderstand eah other and the inability of Ameria and the E)ro(ean

    (owers to sym(athiBe" witho)t (rej)die" with the (eo(les of East Asia,

    *. +e&udiation o the (anking government.

    The establishment of a national [.hinese& go0ernment[based in /anking& with +ang

    .hing*wei as Premier was (rimarily a domesti )estion for the 7e()bli of .hina,

    ?f o)rse" it m)st be oneded that it was born of the stim)l)s of a(anese o(erations"

    b)t this is only a seondary reason and not the real reason, As o((osed to the

    .h)ngking go0ernment" whih ontin)ed to e-l)de" ins)lt and make war on a(an"the +ang .hing*wei go0ernment made o0erall (eae its objeti0e" and attem(ted to

    establish (ermanent (eae in East Asia by means of Sino*a(anese m)t)al assistane,

    Therefore it was nat)ral that a(an reogniBe this go0ernment and feel friendly

    towards it,

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    @/ote3 +hen a new go0ernment is formed in any o)ntry" it is normal to reogniBe it

    if it is in harmony with one's own go0ernment" and to show it good intentions, The

    [+estern& (owers ha0e done the same in the o)rse of the )rrent war, Howe0er" to

    re()diate a go0ernment less than one year after ha0ing reogniBed it wo)ld a)se the

    world to do)bt a nation's faith" and therefore it o)ld not be done,

    The /anking go0ernment essentially wished for o0erall (eae in .hina, .onse)ently"

    it was tho)ght that when o0erall (eae had been ahie0ed" )estions abo)t it wo)ld be

    resol0ed as a domesti matter, 1or that" it was neessary that (eae be onl)ded

    between a(an and .hina thro)gh termination of the Sino*a(anese +ar, Howe0er"

    e0en with a(anese assistane" (ros(ets were )nertain" so it was im(ossible to

    resol0e )estions abo)t the /anking go0ernment,

    ,. The &rob!em o re&udiating the Tri&artite Pa$t

    The Amerians demanded that" the go0ernments of both (arties agree not to inter(retany agreements onl)ded with third o)ntries in a way that ontradits the ()r(ose

    of this agreement" whih is the maintenane of (eae in the Paifi region, This

    learly re)ired that a(an breah the Tri(artite Pat and that" onse)ently" was the

    same as re)iring that a(an reno)ne the alliane,

    Essentially" the reason for onl)dingthe Tri(artite Pat was the fat that as a res)lt of

    the +ashington .onferene [on na0al armaments" in #$55&" the Anglo*a(anese

    Alliane had been ann)lled" and world ir)mstanes were s)h that a(an had

    withdrawn from the ;eag)e of /ations [anno)ned in #$66" effeti0e in #$6F&

    bea)se the ;eag)e wo)ld not reogniBe a(an's laims, In order to end its isolation"alliane was so)ght with Germany and Italy" whih fo)nd themsel0es in m)h the

    same ir)mstanes, 1)rthermore" it was e-(eted that German (ower o)ld be )sed

    to hel( in a sol)tion to the .hina (roblem, Howe0er" if a(an were to aede to an

    Amerian demand of this kind" it wo)ld indiate to the world the )ntr)stworthiness of

    a(an, In the (ast" a(an f)lfilled the terms of the Anglo*a(anese Alliane" and at the

    re)est of :ritain" ad0aned all the way into the

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    no a0ail" and it was feared that it wo)ld onfirm the Amerian laim that the .hina

    Inident was (ro0oked by a a(anese in0asion, This was something to whih the army

    o)ld not agree,

    At the time" both the high ommand and the army in the field were firm on this from

    to( to bottom4 a withdrawal witho)t g)arantees was )nthinkable,

    Th)s" bea)se of this differene of o(inion" the abinet resigned en masse, I might add

    that I had nothing whatsoe0er to do with Prime

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    shade one's words in flattery to the (oint of )ntr)thf)lness wo)ld falsify the trial and

    do inal)lable harm to the nation" and great are m)st be taken to a0oid this,

    As it ha((ens" what has been alled the s(eeh of 1leet Admiral /agano [.hief of the

    /a0al Staff& with res(et to the Pearl Harbor attak" was ()bliiBed on ?tober 5!th,

    8(on reading it" errors an be fo)nd in im(ortant matters" and I shall here write thetr)e fats for the benefit of f)t)re generations,

    #, At the Im(erial .onferene on Deember #" it was deided to make war against

    England and the 8nited States, How the (roed)res for the ommenement of

    hostilities were to be arried o)t was deliberated )(on at the ;iaison .onferene [a

    joint meeting of i0ilian and military (ersonnel& where the agenda of the Im(erial

    .onferene was dis)ssed, It was deided to (roeed aording to international treaty

    and onfirm the (ro(riety of those ations while at the same time a0oiding a too*early

    dislos)re of o)r o(erations, Ambassador /om)ra was to deli0er a note by hand to the

    8S State De(artment an ho)r and a half ahead of time" and the te-t" as well as thetime of domesti notifiation [within a(an& were to be the res(onsibilities of the high

    ommand and of the foreign ministry, Therefore" I ha0e tho)ght to this day that the

    notifiation that a(an was breaking off di(lomati relations and was shifting to the

    )nfettered ond)t of its affairs [by delaring war& sho)ld ha0e been )nder the

    res(onsibility of the 1oreign

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    the night on S)nday" and the go0ernment wo)ld not ha0e agreed to something so o)t

    of kee(ing with a(anese )stom, 1leet Admiral /agano has (robably onf)sed this

    with the final offiial note [to the Amerians&, It is most )nbeoming that the 1leet

    Admiral sho)ld gi0e the world an im(ression that is not only mistaken b)t s)ggests

    that a(an deliberately delayed the delaration of war,

    +hen refleting )(on it today" that the Pearl Harbor attak sho)ld ha0e s)eeded in

    ahie0ing s)r(rise seems a blessing from Hea0en, It was lear that a great Amerian

    fleet had been onentrated in Pearl Harbor" and we s)((osed that the state of alert

    wo)ld be 0ery high, At the same time" sine we were a((roahing with a great fleet of

    o)r own" there were gra0e do)bts as to s)ess, It is intolerable to think that on that

    oasion the go0ernment did something inorret" and we had absol)tely no intention

    of doing so,

    . The Man$hurian In$ident And Internationa! +e!ations

    #, After the first Great E)ro(ean +ar [of #$#%*#$#=&" o)r o)ntry made" as the basis

    of its foreign (oliy" the s)((ort of international )nderstanding and the de0elo(ment

    of good relations with the (owers,

    5, At that time" in .hina" internal disorders had ontin)ed e0er sine the establishment

    of the 7e()bli of .hina [in #$#5&, 7egional war lords (roliferated and the internal

    disorders d)e to the str)ggle between the northern and so)thern go0ernments did not

    ease, E0en after the beginning of the Showa era [#$5C& and the establishment of the

    /ationalist go0ernment in /anking with .hiang 9ai*shek as Premier" its (ower was

    not s)ffiient to ens)re an orderly nation,

    6, After the /ine Power Treaty [of #$55& was onl)ded [at the +ashington

    .onferene&" Amerian East Asian (oliy beame more 0igoro)s" and at the same time

    the .omm)nist mo0ement gained strength on the .hinese mainland, International

    relations" es(eially onerning

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    F, Es(eially in

  • 8/10/2019 Hideki Tojo Prison Diary


    #%>> * Im(erial .onferene @with 0ario)s offiials as well as the (artii(ants of the

    ;iaison .onferene3 S)bjet2 ?(ening of war with 8,S," :ritain" Holland @E F==3

    * Dis)ssion with ;ord 9ee(er of the Pri0y Seal abo)tthe Im(erial 7esri(t on+ar [the offiial war (rolamation&,

    E0ening * ?ffiial .onferene with 1oreign > thro)gho)t the morning * abinet meeting

    5, #66> * (ri0ate meeting with His > ;iaison .onferene

    6, #C>> * 1oreign

  • 8/10/2019 Hideki Tojo Prison Diary


    The te-t was to be the res(onsibility of the 1oreign >> * ;iaison .onferene at the Palae

    ##6> * Dis)ssion with ;ord 9ido" 9ee(er of the Pri0y Seal" abo)t Im(erial 7esri(t

    on +ar

    #F>> * #!F> ;iaison .onferene #3 ?n negotiations with Germany 53 ?n instr)tions

    on when to begin negotiations with Thailand 63 ?n when to deli0er the notie to the

    8nited States, Deli0er by hand on the !th at 6 a,m, @a(an time3 %3 How to deal with

    the /ationalist go0ernment with res(et to the o(ening of hostilities F3 Deision abo)t

    the Im(erial 7esri(t on +ar C3 Planning for the e0ents of De, =,

    1e$. 5@S)n,3 S)nny

    ##>> * .ons)ltation with Em(eror, Dis)ssion with Seretary of the .abinet Hoshino"

    and 9ido" ;ord 9ee(er of the Pri0y Seal" abo)t ommenement of hostilities against

    8S" :ritain" and Holland,

    1e$. 6@#>> * isit from 1oreign %6> * 7e(ort ame of the s)ess of the Pearl Harbor attak

    >C>> * :roadast abo)t entry into war

    >!#F * .abinet meeting

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    >!6> * * Presentation of the Im(erial 7esri(t on +ar

    #5>> * :roadast of the Im(erial 7esri(t on +ar

    #6>> * .entral oo(eration meeting of the Im(erial 7)le Assistane Assoiation

    #%>> * Army and /a0y are gi0en written orders addressed to them diretly by the

    Em(eror, Addresses [by Tojo& to the Army * ;iaison .onferene

    The Im&eria! #oneren$e o 1e$ember First

    Outline of explanations made by Prime Minister Tojo

    #, Ating in aordane with the deisions arri0ed at d)ring the Im(erial .onferene

    of /o0, F" the army and na0y worked to om(lete their (re(arations while" at the same

    time" the go0ernment made e0ery effort to adj)st di(lomati relations with the 8nited

    States, Howe0er" the latter effort res)lted in fail)re and it is lear that a(an's laimsannot be met by di(lomati means,

    5, +e ha0e entered a state that an no longer be tolerated" neither from the (oint of

    0iew of o)r nation's (ower nor from an o(erational (oint of 0iew, At the same time

    o(erational demands an no longer brook delays,

    6, At this (oint" in order to resol0e the )rrent risis" andin order to effet the self*

    (reser0ation and self*defense of the nation" a(an has no hoie b)t to make war )(on

    the 8S" :ritain" and Holland,

    %, The .hina Inident has already ontin)ed for more than fo)r years" and heneforth

    we are abo)t to enter another great war, I dee(ly regret that His Highness' heart be

    inflited with s)h a onern,

    F, The morale of the offiers and men of the army and na0y is 0ery high" the s(irit of

    the nation is firm" and the (eo(le are (re(ared to at as one, +ith a s(irit willing to

    fae death" I ha0e no do)bt that they will tri)m(h o0er e0ery diffi)lty,

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    C, I seek yo)r [the Em(eror's& onsideration of these matters,

    Explanation by the Foreign Minister "Shigenori Togo"

    #, E-(lanation of the (rogress of 8S*a(an negotiations, Altho)gh o0er a (eriod of

    se0en months o)r nation has offered many om(romises" they ha0e held to theiroriginal (osition and will onede nothing,

    5, The a(an (oliy of the 8nited States hinders the establishment of a new order in

    East Asia * whih has been o)r )nwa0ering (oliy from the beginning,

    6, If we were to aede to Amerian demands" o)r international stat)re wo)ld sink

    e0en lower than it was before the

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    Explanation by the Finan%e Minister

    #, So long as the neessary materials" failities"and skilled labor are a0ailable" o)r

    nation an be finanially self s)ffiient,

    5, E0en if a(an iss)es military or other )rreny with whih to se)re labor andmaterials o0erseas" it will be diffi)lt to maintain the 0al)e of s)h )rreny, +e will

    attem(t to establish a (oliy of loal self s)ffiieny [for a(anese troo(s stationed

    abroad& and we will limit the des(ath of materials o0erseas to the least amo)nt

    neessary to maintain loal se)rity and to meet the needs of loal labor, +e m)st not

    be o0erly onerned abo)t s)h things as a deterioration in the 0al)e of loal )rreny"

    and the t)rmoil in the loal eonomy that wo)ld res)lt,

    Explanation by the gri%ulture Minister

    +e m)st establish meas)res to bolster self*s)ffiieny in food st)ffs" and de0elo( aoordinated food (oliy for a(an"

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    :no reply written;

    Chairman &ara's final ie(s

    #, The Amerian attit)de is one that a(an annot longer tolerate and f)rther

    negotiation is (ointless, +ar annot be a0oided,

    5, There are no do)bts abo)t early 0itory" b)t in the ase of a long war" the s)((ort of

    the (eo(le's will is neessary,

    6, A long war annot be a0oided" b)t it is neessary that resol)tion be reahed as

    )ikly as (ossible, Therefore we m)st now begin thinking abo)t how things are to be


    %, Deisions Abo)t the 1ormalities of ?(ening Hostilities, /otie of the :reaking ?ff

    of /egotiations,

    @#3 /either the date and time of the o(ening of hostilities nor the related formalities

    were dis)ssed at the Im(erial .onferene on De, #,

    @53 After the Im(erial .onferene on De, #" at the At the ;iaison .onferene on De,

    %" the following agreements were reahed2

    #, 1oreign

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    with army and na0y (ersonnel" and te-t to be (ro(osed at the De, % ;iaison

    .onferene, .o(ies to be distrib)ted to all in attendane, 1inal a((ro0al was se)red,

    5, The (artii(ants in the ;iaison .onferene firmly belie0ed that the last (art learly

    indiated the breaking of di(lomati relations and the o(ening of hostilities,

    The o)tline of the final notie was re(orted by the 1oreign ! Hag)e .on0ention on the ommenement of


    F, If one reads the 5%>> haraters of the entire do)ment" (arti)larly in light of

    ir)mstanes at the time" it ritiiBes the Amerian attit)de" and makes it lear that

    a(an had no hoie b)t to take military ation, Therefore2

    @#3 +orld (eae m)st be b)ilt )(on reality and an )nderstanding of the other's

    (osition" and an be ahie0ed only by finding means that are ae(table, It is not

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    ond)i0e to negotiations for one o)ntry to ignore reality and fore its own

    selfrighteo)sness )(on another o)ntry,

    @53 It an only be said that the 8nited States" sed)ed by its own dotrines and

    selfishness" was (lanning to e-(and the war,

    @63 Altho)gh it a0oided handling its international relations by means of fore" the

    8nited States go0ernment ad0aned its harsh laims by a((lying eonomi (ress)re"

    together with the :ritish go0ernment and others, This kind of (ress)re an" at times"

    be e0en more inh)mane than military (ress)re and sho)ld be a0oided as a means of

    handling international relations,

    @%3 In e0ery instane" what the 8S go0ernment demanded of a(an ignored reality in

    .hina and attem(ted to s)b0ert the (osition of a(an" whih was the stabiliBing fore

    in East Asia, These demands by the Amerian go0ernment (ro0e that it had

    abandoned its (osition of easing to aid .hiang 9ai*shek" and that its intention was tohinder the reestablishment not only of (eae between a(an and .hina b)t in all of

    East Asia,

    The abo0e makes it lear that a(an had lost all ho(e in f)rther negotiation" and was

    fored to e-treme meas)res as a matter of ()re self defense,

    @F3 1)rthermore" at the end [of the final note& it states2 The a(anese go0ernment has

    finally lost its ho(e of adj)sting international relations and" together with the

    go0ernment of the 8nited States" establishing and s)((orting (eae in the Paifi, It is

    therefore with m)h regret that we notify the 8nited States go0ernment that ha0ingtaken into onsideration the attit)de of the 8nited State go0ernment" we see no

    (ros(et for a sol)tion by means of ontin)ed negotiation,

    The abo0e is a notie of a break in di(lomati relations and" moreo0er" gi0en the

    strained ir)mstanes of the time" we )nderstood it to be notie of a(an's intent to

    make war,[?n the e0ening of Deember C" #$%#" President 7oose0elt himself read this

    and ommented2 This means war,&

    /ote2 #, Jamamoto" in his testimony" says" The members of the ;iaison .onferene

    firmly belie0ed that the last words make lear the intention to break off di(lomatirelations and make war,

    *arious Problems to (hi%h the Pearl &arbor tta%+ is Central

    :Tojo*s notes of likely trial 0uestions$ and draft replies;

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    #, +hy did a(an start the )seless Great East Asian +ar

    Answer2 ;ea0ing aside the more distant a)ses" the diret reasons were as follows2

    a(an's military and eonomi s)r0i0al was threatened by a gro)( of nations led by

    :ritain and the 8nited States, Attem(ts were made to reah a sol)tion by negotiation

    between a(an and the 8nited States" b)t that ro)te was e0ent)ally forelosed" so forreasons of self(reser0ation and self*defense" war was deided on,

    5, ?n what day did a(an deide to make war

    Answer2 It was deided on the basis of onl)sions reahed at the Im(erial

    .onferene of De, #,

    6, As for the Im(erial .onferene of De, #" was it not the ase that war was to be

    made against the 8nited States" :ritain and Holland bea)se the negotiations with

    Ameria based on the Im(erial Poliy E-e)tion ?)tline ado(ted on /o0, F had ometo nothing [a referene to the final a(anese (ro(osal for a (eaef)l settlement&,

    Answer2 That is orret,

    %, In that ase" a(an deided on war" not for reasons of self (reser0ation" b)t bea)se

    the 8S*a(an negotiations had failed, Is that not so

    Answer2 /o, /at)rally" there were 0ario)s kinds of (roblems inl)ded in the 8S*

    a(an negotiations, Howe0er" the main thing was to relie0e the threat to a(an's

    e-istene, +ar was deided on bea)se relief o)ld not be obtained,

    F, /e0ertheless" aording to the deisionof the Im(erial .onferene of /o0, F" #$%#"

    In order to break o)t of the (resent risis and to ahie0e self*(reser0ation and self*

    defense" and in order to establish a new order in Greater East Asia" war against the

    8nited States" :ritain" and Holland is deided )(on and the following meas)res are to

    be taken, Does this not show that the establishment of a greater East Asian order was

    the main objeti0e of the 8S*a(an negotiations

    Answer2 That is orret, At the time" the establishment of the new order in greater East

    Asia was one objeti0e,

    C, If that is the ase" then was not the main reason for the deision to go to war the

    rejetion of a(an's laims abo)t the establishment of a new order in greater East


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    Answer2 /o, The establishment of a new order in greater East Asia was one of the

    objeti0es of the 8S*a(an negotiations" b)t if this had been the only objeti0e there

    wo)ld still ha0e been (ros(ets for a (eaef)l sol)tion, In fat" d)ring the o)rse of

    the 8S*a(an negotiations" in this area a(an onsidered the Amerian laims and

    made many onessions in the ho(e of reahing a sol)tion, Howe0er" d)ring this

    (eriod" eonomi and military (ress)re from the :ritish*Amerian side grew e0erstronger" and it beame lear that a(an's e-istene was endangered, The deision to

    go to war was made for that reason, Th)s" the main reason for the deision to make

    war was self*(reser0ation and self*defense,

    !, Aording to the Im(erial .onferene of /o0, F" #$%#" At this time" it is deided to

    make war on :ritain" the 8nited States" and Holland" and the following meas)res are

    to be taken, Does this not mean that the deision to make war on :ritain" the 8nited

    States" and Holland was made" not on De, #st" b)t by deision of the Im(erial

    .onferene of /o0, F

    Answer2 /o, At the Im(erial .onferene of /o0, F" it was deided that war against

    :ritain" the 8nited States and Holland wo)ld be )na0oidable if no sol)tion o)ld be

    reahed by di(lomati negotiation, ?n De, #st" war was deided )(on as a

    onse)ene of the fail)re of di(lomati negotiations,

    =, [si& Had not a(an already deided at the Im(erial .onferene of /o0, F" #$%# to

    make war Did it not send Ambassador 9)r)s) to Ameria in order to amo)flage the

    deision to make war and to arry o)t o(erations" rather than in any ho(e of ahie0ing

    a di(lomati sol)tion

    Answer2 /o, a(an's (osition at the Im(erial .onferene of /o0, F #$%# was that the

    deision to make war wo)ld be )na0oidable if the di(lomati negotiations did not

    reah a sol)tion, +e sinerely ho(ed that the 8S*a(an negotiations wo)ld ahie0e a


    At that Im(erial .onferene we did the following2

    #3 Deided to (ro(ose f)rther onessions at the 8S*a(an negotiations, 53 As an be

    learly seen from the deision that the de(loyment of fore wo)ld be aneled if

    negotiations s)eeded by >>>> ho)rs of De, #" this was by no means a (oliy ofamo)flage, a(an does not engage in amo)flage foreign relations as (art of a (oliy

    to gain (ower,

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    antii(ating the fail)re of the di(lomati negotiations" did yo) not deei0e

    Ambassadors /om)ra and 9)r)s) Has not Ambassador /om)ra himself said" I had

    not e0en imagined an attak on Hawaii

    Answer2 /o, +hat had been deided at the Im(erial .onferene of /o0, F" #$%#" was

    the limits of the onessions that a(an was then able to make, ?n the Amerian side"from the 0ery beginning there had not been the slightest softening of demands, It is a

    fat that only the a(anese side had made onessions,

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    ha0e been orders to start o(erations, At this Im(erial .onferene it was deided only

    to start (re(aring for o(erations,

    #5, In that ase" what were the s(eifis of those (re(arations

    Answer2 That wo)ld be a matter for the Im(erial General Head)arters and not withinthe area abo)t whih I an res(onsibly s(eak, Abo)t the na0y" in (arti)lar" I am

    (oorly informed,

    #6, Tell )s what yo) knew as Army

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    #C, The war (re(arations based on the deisions of the Im(erial onferene of Se(t,

    C"#$%#" were reonfirmed at the Im(erial .onferene of /o0, F" were they not

    Answer2 /o, They were not reonfirmed, The war (re(arations of the Se(t, C Im(erial

    .onferene were based on the (ossibility of war with the 8S" :ritain" and Holland"

    and were (re(arations in a broad sense, S(eifi (re(arations had not yet beg)n, In themeantime" the third 9onoe abinet had fallen and the Tojo abinet had taken its (lae,

    8nder instr)tion of the Em(eror" all deisions )( to the (oint were ret)rned to a state

    of blank (a(er" and the )rrent onditions were rea((raised by the ;iaison

    .onferene, It was on a new fo)ndation that o(erations (lanning was deided on at

    the /o0, Fth Im(erial .onferene,

    #!, E0en if that were the ase" it was aneled only in the mind" and in reality war

    (re(arations had been ontin)ed sine Se(t, C" and onse)ently they were only

    reonfirmed on /o0, F were they not

    Answer2 /o, It was not only in the mind, It was based on the res)lts of a rea((raisal"

    and in reality" the (re(arations that began Se(t, C were aneled, To be s(eifi" this is

    lear from the fat that s)h s(eifi o(erational (re(arations as the a((ointment of

    the S)(reme .ommander of the So)thern Army and the onl)sion of the o)tline for

    o(erational (lans against the 8S and :ritain took (lae after the Im(erial .onferene

    of /o0, Fth,

    #=, Do yo) know abo)t the Im(erial Poliy E-e)tion ?)tline to 1ollow .hanging

    .ir)mstanes that was established at the Im(erial .onferene of )ly 5" #$%#

    Answer2 I don't remember the details b)t I know the general o)tline,

    #$, [si& In order to e-e)te the deision items it learly says" om(letion of

    (re(arations for war against :ritain and Ameria" and do not shirk from war with

    :ritain and Ameria, )dging from this" had not (lans for the Great East Asian +ar

    already been onsidered by )ly 5" #$%#

    Answer2 This Im(erial .onferene was held to set national (oliy after the beginning

    of hostilities between Germany and the So0iet 8nion, [Germany in0aded the So0iet

    8nion on )ne 55" #$%#,& Its main thr)sts were to maintain the (oliy of establishingthe Greater East Asian .o*Pros(erity S(here" and to determine a so)thern (oliy as

    well as a (ost)re to ado(t towards northern (roblems so as to sol0e the .hina Inident

    and establish a fo)ndation for self*(reser0ation and selfdefense, +ith res(et to

    e-e)ting a so)thern (oliy with regard to 1renh Indohina and Thailand" these were

    ontingeny defensi0e (re(arations against the (ossibility that we might fae military

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    resistane from :ritain or Ameria, These were not (re(arations for the Great East

    Asian +ar" whih ame later,

    5>, Earlier yo) said that the resol0e to make war on :ritain and Ameria was a res)lt

    of military and eonomi threats from the :ritish*Amerian side that endangered the

    e-istene of a(an" and was for self*(reser0ation and self*defense" b)t when did thosethreats begin to be felt

    Answer2 In answer to that )estion" let me first say three things,

    1irst" a(an" .hina and

  • 8/10/2019 Hideki Tojo Prison Diary


    55, +asn't that bea)se war (re(arations had been om(leted and the deision had

    been made to go to war History shows that among the reasons for war there are

    always mis)nderstandings and misal)lations, +asn't it bea)se there were im(ortant

    mis)nderstandings between a(an and the 8nited States

    Answer2 The 8S*a(an negotiations were a series of mis)nderstandings right from thestart, Howe0er" the H)ll note o)ld not (ossibly ha0e been a sim(le mis)nderstanding,

    [This is a referene to Seretary of State H)ll's stiff res(onse to the a(anese (ro(osals

    of /o0ember 5F" #$%#" whih he iss)ed on the following day,&

    Out!ine o the 1isagreements with #hie o #ounse! -eenan0s O&ening Address

    [ose(h 9eenan was the .hief Prose)tor at the International

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    distant (ast" was always a reason for the tro)bles of East Asia" and that the onditions

    of war that a(an eno)ntered had these s(eial ir)mstanes as their origin,

    F, +hen a nation risks its fate by making war" there are always (rofo)nd reasons for

    it, There is no nation in the world that likes war" and no (eo(le that likes war,


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    5, The illegality of trying to e-(lain that illegal ation in the name of i0iliBation,

    6, The danger (osed to the maintenane of f)t)re (eae by affirming this, Its myo(i

    and inoherent harater,

    7(8 enial of onspiray

    #, It is an abs)rdity to define ons(iray"whih had as its ()r(ose domesti (lots"

    in s)h a way as to inl)de the deliberations held as (art of an inde(endent nation's

    (olitial system @inl)ding abinet meetings" Im(erial .onferenes" Im(erial General

    Head)arters" ;iaison .onferenes3,

    5, In a(an there was no seret assoiation that ons(ired" or (lotted to wage war, ?ne

    m)st be dreaming to think that there was an assoiation in a(an like the /aBis in

    Germany" and any thinking based on s)h an ass)m(tion is a del)sion,

    6, ?n the tr)e nat)re of the hanges in a(an's go0ernments and the system of

    deiding on war,

    %, It is abs)rd to ignore the treaty*making rights and (owers of an inde(endent nation

    and to onl)de that the Tri(artite Pat [of Se(tember #$%>& with Germany and Italy

    was a ons(iray,

    F, a(an had no onsistent war (oliy,

    C, I wo)ld like know how it was that many different defendants" of different ages"ati0e at different times" in different jobs" and in different loations o)ld (ossibly

    ha0e entered into a ons(iray,

    !, The inde(endene of the high ommand ref)tes the e-istene of a ons(iray,

    =, That there were differenes of o(inion among the defendants is e0idene that there

    were arg)ments among the defendants, I (oint o)t the frail fo)ndation for the 0iew

    that e-(ansion of a(anese (ower in e0ery diretion onstit)tes a rime of


    $, The army's land*based (rograms were o((osed to the na0y's sea*based (rograms"

    and this" too" is (roof that there was no (lot,

    7+8 The appropriateness of the right of self)defense.enial that Japan waged

    aggressi!e war.

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    #, The a((ro(riateness" in international relations"of the right of self*defense is a right

    of an inde(endent nation,

    5, Amerian laims to the right of self*defenseand laims to the right of self*defense

    made (rior to the o)tbreak of the Great East Asia +ar, @.laims made with res(et to

    the E)ro(ean +ar and its related ations, Also" an inter(retation of the Amerianlaims to self*defense fo)sing on the Tri(artite Pat" made d)ring the 8S*a(an


    6, It was nat)ral that gi0en the s(eial ir)mstanes of East Asia" there wo)ld be

    fre)ent o)rrenes of self*defense ati0ity,

    %, I (oint o)t the self*righteo)s inter(retation of aggression,

    7>8 #anhukuo and the other nations that were established in East Asia were


    #, Indiate the e0idene that they were established aording to the wills of their

    (eo(les, @.ontrast with war*time go0ernments in e-ile that were not on their nati0e


    5, I deny any 0iolation of the /ine Power Treaty [onl)ded in #$55 to g)arantee

    .hina's territorial integrity&,

    6, a(an's friendly internal g)idane d)ring the de0elo(mental stage of the nation of

  • 8/10/2019 Hideki Tojo Prison Diary


    #, It is nat)ral to res(et and to abide by internationallaw and )stom" b)t this m)st

    a((ly to 0itors as well as to the 0an)ished,

    5, ?n the a(anese national harater and its res(et for h)manity,

    6, How this a((lies to East Asia" where h)man relations" )stoms" habits andstandards of li0ing are different,

    %, The tr)e meaning of not ha0ing ratified the treaty on (risoners of war [Gene0a

    .on0entions of #$5$&" and the fat that we a((lied the treaty,

    F, That it is )nreasonable to e)ate the as)alties of a war" started with the intention of

    e-erising self*defense" with m)rder,

    Part II ' 8PE#IFI# ITEM8

    @The main ()r(ose being to (ro0e that a(an's ations were not aggressi0e war b)t the

    e-erise of the right of self defense,3

    Out!ine o M" Im&ressions o the #hie o #ounse!0s Address

    id Japan really delare war on i!ili5ation

    @#3 +ar is something that destroys the i0iliBed life of (eo(les" so there an be no

    )estion that it is something that a nation m)st do e0erything to a0oid, 1or this reason"

    in normal times" a)ses that o)ld lead to war are s)((ressed before they lead to risisor onflit" and early sol)tions that (re0ent the er)(tion of onflit are neessary * so

    long as theyare arri0ed at in the s(irit of onstant m)t)al om(romise, This is

    (arti)larly im(ortant for great nations,

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    threatens that nation's e-istene in order to ahie0e these aims" an that be onei0ed

    of as i0iliBed ond)t

    Aording to the address by the hief of o)nsel" a(an delared war on i0iliBation"

    b)t the res(onsibility for delaring war lies rather" as e-(lained abo0e" with the

    AngloAmerian side" whih fored a(an into war, a(an fo)ght in order to ens)re itsown s)r0i0al and also to establish the (ro(er s)r0i0al of the (eo(le of East Asia, In

    other words" it so)ght tr)e i0iliBation for mankind, This tr)th is not to be j)dged

    hastily as the sorrowf)l lamentations of a 0an)ished o)ntry" for it is the tr)th of

    mankind, @A weak and gentle lamb * or nation * is born" and li0es by eating grass,It

    has ne0er e0en tho)ght of eating the flesh of lions or tigers, ;ions and tigers do eat the

    flesh of lambs and [what the hief of o)nsel is arg)ing& is like laiming that it is the

    nat)ral fate of the lamb to be eaten by lions and tigers" and that this is i0iliBation and


    @53 If one e-amines the .hief of .o)nsel's address it is similar to denying to aninde(endent nation the right to a war of self*defense,

    A0oiding any dis)ssion of the reasonableness of a war of self*defense" it is

    )nilaterally delared that a(an's beha0ior was aggressi0e war" and this is the (oint of

    de(art)re, It is not neessary to say a great deal abo)t the fat that aording to

    international law" a war of self*defense an be reasonable, As is lear from the

    di(lomati do)ments that (reeded the onl)sion of the /o*+ar Treaty [the

    9ellogg*:riand Pat of #$5=&" before adhering to this treaty" a(an reser0ed this 0ery

    (oint, This is also lear from the e-(lanation that then*8S Seretary of State 9ellogg

    ga0e to an Amerian onferene on international law, If an inde(endent nation faesan e-ternal threat to its e-istene and is endangered" it has the right to remo0e that


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    @63 +hen I listen to the dis)ssions abo)t ons(iray" I get the im(ression that in order

    to find some basis for the harge" materials ha0e been olleted and an attem(t has

    been made to make something o)t of them,

    The ass)m(tion is that a(an had established the Great East Asian +ar as a goal" and

    had already (lanned and (lotted it for many years, I do not get the im(ression thate0idene was first gathered and that a j)dgment was then made on the basis of the


    /othing is said abo)t the international fats of the AngloAmerian legal (ress)re

    a((lied after the 1irst Great E)ro(ean +ar [the 1irst +orld +ar& a(an's (olitial

    ir)mstanes are ignored" and no tho)ght is gi0en to the efforts made to establish

    (eae in East Asia, % * #$>F&, :ea)se .hina was

    weak" a(an ass)med the b)rden in (lae of .hina" and earned treaty*based rights by

    risking its 0ery e-istene as a nation, As a onse)ene"

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    aggression in East Asia, a(an tried to stabiliBe East Asia and belie0ed that this was a

    ontrib)tion to world (eae,

    53 .ontrary to the reasons for (rose)tion that are set o)t in many (ages" the e0ents

    from #$5= to #$%F * s)h things as the

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    1)rthermore" ontrary to what is written in inditment F" there was no effort made to

    establish a (arti)lar (osition of domination in East Asia, It was a m)t)al reognition

    of a(an's leadershi( (osition" of a(an's a(abilities of the time" of the fat that it was

    in a (osition to take the initiati0e with the 0ario)s nations of East Asia, There was no

    attem(t to s)bj)gate the nations of East Asia, This is lear from the wording of the


    It was not" as written in inditment F" an attem(t to r)le the world, It was the ho(e for

    a world in whih e0ery nation o)ld ahie0e its own (lae,

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    The ()r(ose was not for a(an to gain military" (olitial and eonomi ontrol of

    .hina, It was an effort to seek the tr)e liberation of o*e-istene and o*(ros(erity

    that omes from neighborly relations" eonomi oo(eration" and ommon defense,

    @!3 .ontrary to what is laimed in inditment %" a(an did not" for an e-tended (eriod

    beginning in #$5=" try to establish military" (olitial" and eonomi dominane o0erbroad areas of East Asia" Asia" the Paifi" the Indian ?ean" and the adjaent nations

    and islands, Instead" it so)ght to liberate East Asia from se0eral ent)ries of

    aggression" ontrol" and e-(loitation by the great (owers of E)ro(e and Ameria, Its

    wish was for e0ery nation of East Asia m)t)ally to res(et the a)tonomy of others" to

    b)ild friendly relations" to oo(erate eonomially" to maintain a ommon defense" to

    seek the fr)its of o*e-istene and o*(ros(erity" and establish (eae in East Asia,

    a(an had not the slightest aggressi0e or e-(loitati0e intent, Instead" it wished to

    defend and ens)re the s)r0i0al of e0ery East Asian nation and (eo(le, This is not to

    say that others were to be e-l)ded,

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    Answer2 There is m)h that I wo)ld like to say abo)t the dee(er a)ses" b)t I will

    sa0e that for later, The immediate a)se was the Anglo*Amerian side's e-treme

    military and eonomi threats that ()t a(an's e-istene in risis, a(an tolerated this"

    and tho)gh it had little ho(e of s)ess" so)ght resol)tion thro)gh 8S*a(an

    negotiations, Howe0er" in the end" the 8nited States made diffi)lt" )nbearable

    demands" and the ro)te to a sol)tion thro)gh negotiation finally ame to nothing,a(an was fored into a sit)ation that o)ld (ermit no f)rther delay, Th)s" as an

    inde(endent nation" for reasons of self*(reser0ation and self*defense" a(an bra0ely

    determined to wage war,

    @53 Howe0er" the deision of the Im(erial .onferene of De, #" #$%#" says" the

    Amerian (lan based on the Im(erial Poliy E-e)tion ?)tline form)lated on /o0, F

    not ha0ing ome to fr)ition" war will be waged with the 8nited States" :ritain" and

    Holland, 1rom this it a((ears that a(an went to war" not o)t of self*(reser0ation and

    self*defense" b)t bea)se the 8S*a(an negotiations failed to reah a onl)sion,

    Answer2 Inl)ded in the 8S*a(an negotiations were 0ario)s matters in addition to the

    demands that the threats against a(an be eased, The 8S and :ritish eonomi and

    military threats were ontin)ed in (arallel with the negotiations, I think that if there

    had been no s)h threats" the 8S*a(an negotiations wo)ld ha0e ontin)ed" and e0en

    tho)gh there were (roblems" they o)ld ha0e been resol0ed by m)t)al om(romise"

    and the Paifi +ar o)ld ha0e been a0oided, Howe0er" these threats were only

    strengthened with the (assage of time" and by A)g)st or Se(tember of #$%#" a(an

    had already been (ressed to the brink of the risis, Ho(e lay only in the slim hane of

    a breakthro)gh in the 8S*a(an negotiations,

    The deision at the Im(erial .onferene of /o0, F" #$%#" was taken in these

    ir)mstanes, The s(eifi onditions with res(et to the 8S*a(an negotiations that

    arose from this deision were that onessions were to be made on the other (olitial

    iss)es" and o)r demands were to be onentrated on one thing2 the easing of the

    threats to a(an's self*(reser0ation and self*defense, Howe0er" in re(ly to that last

    (ro(osal" the 8nited States made diffi)lt (ro(osals that were learly )nae(table to

    a(an, The (ossibility of breakthro)gh thro)gh 8S*a(an negotiations disa((eared,

    Therefore" as e-(lained abo0e" the deision was reahed" as an inde(endent nation" to

    wage a war of self*(reser0ation and self*defense so as to esa(e from these 0ery real

    threats, The breakdown in the negotiations itself was not the reason for war,

    [Pit)re of&

    Tojo reading in his &rison $e!!.

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    Jo)r E-elleny" it may be a((ro(riate at this (oint to )ote from the s(eeh yo)

    made at the Im(erial .onferene, It says2

    #3 An attem(t was made on the basis of the deision of /o0, F to adj)st relations with

    the 8nited States" b)t the 8nited States did not make a single onession,

    53 In fat" they so)ght )nonditional and om(lete [a(anese& troo( withdrawal [from

    .hina& )nder the joint s)(er0ision of the 8nited States" :ritain" Holland and .hina4

    the re()diation of the /anking go0ernment4 and the ren)niation of the Tri(artite


    63 The 8nited States" :ritain" Holland" and .hina ste((ed )( their eonomi and

    military (ress)re,

    The deision of /o0, F so)ght the end of eonomi (ress)re @in (arti)lar" the

    )nfreeBing of f)nds" and the free a)isition of oil and other materials3, The seonddraft mentions these things learly,

    ) Biyose :1hief defense ounsel for Tojo;

    @63 1rom the mass of e0idene (rod)ed so far"it an be onl)ded that a(an

    onsidered the onstr)tion of a /ew ?rder for greater East Asia an im(ortant

    (olitial objeti0e, Sine the onstr)tion of a /ew ?rder for Greater East Asia was

    the (rimary objeti0e of the 8S*a(an negotiation and was also the reason for starting

    the war" this talk of 8S and :ritish threats is nothing more than an e-)se" is it not

    Answer2 /o, As e-(lained abo0e" the a)se of the war was the threats from the 8S*

    :ritish side, This is not an e-)se,

    The onstr)tion of a /ew ?rder for Greater East Asia was ertainly" e0er sine the

    .hina inident" an im(ortant a(anese (oliy" and it was the main (oint of the 8S*

    a(an negotiations, Howe0er" a(an ho(ed for a realiBation of this (oliy on a

    (eaef)l basis of )nderstanding by both nations, The 8S*a(an negotiations were one

    of the means to bring this abo)t, In fat" on this iss)e" d)ring the 8S*a(an

    negotiations" a(an onsidered the Amerian side's laims and tried to reah a sol)tion

    by making onession after onession, .onse)ently" if this had been the only iss)e"there wo)ld ha0e been no neessity to deide on war with the 8nited States,

    @%3 If" as yo) say" the a)se of the Paifi +ar was military and eonomi (ress)re

    from the Amerian and :ritish side that fored a(an into a risis o0er its 0ery

    e-istene" why were the 8S*a(an negotiations not onentrated on sol0ing this one


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    Answer2 The 8S*a(an negotiations hanged o0er time, In A(ril #$%#" when the

    negotiations began" a(an had (olitial objeti0es inl)ding the following2

    #3 The reestablishment of (eae in East Asia by means of a resol)tion of the .hina

    Inident, 53 The maintenane of (eae in the Paifi" whih was beset by rises, 63

    Pre0ention" in aordane with the Tri(artite Pat" of the s(read of the Great E)ro(ean+ar to East Asia, %3 Establishment of an eonomy of self*s)((ly and self*s)ffiieny

    in the fae of 8S and :ritish eonomi (ress)re,

    +e onl)ded that the 8S side also ho(ed to kee( (eae in East Asia, It was tho)ght

    that the satisfatory sol)tion of these iss)es wo)ld be the fo)ndation of a reo0ery in

    relations between a(an and the 8nited States" and this was made the basis of 8,S,*

    a(an negotiations, At that time" the eonomi and military (ress)re against a(an had

    not yet reahed its (eak, In )ly #$%#" the eonomi blokade of a(an * of whih the

    freeBing of assets by the 8S" :ritain" and Holland was the main element * along with

    military (ress)re bro)ght a(an fae to fae with death, .onse)ently" at this (eriod"the main iss)e of the negotiations was the relief and elimination of threats, This is

    lear from the a(anese side's (ro(osal of /o0ember > [/o0ember !& based on the

    seond draft based on the deision of the Im(erial .onferene of /o0, F" #$%#,

    @F3 Jo) say that the a)se of the war was eonomi and military threats from the

    8nited States and :ritain against the e-istene of a(an" b)t what do yo) mean

    Please gi0e )s a s)mmary,

    Answer2 As has already been demonstrated" after the 1irst Great E)ro(ean +ar" and

    after the

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    that faed a(an, " #$%#" the :ritish Prime

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    war with the 8nited States and :ritain are to be ad0aned" and first" (oliy items with

    regard to 1renh Indohina and Thailand" as well as the matter of (romoting the

    so)thern (oliy , , , 0ario)s (oliies with res(et to 1renh Indohina and Thailand

    were to be arried o)t and the onditions for so)thern ad0ane were to be

    strengthened, It says" in order to ahie0e this goal" a(an sho)ld not shirk from war

    with the 8nited States and :ritain, The (oliy items with regard to 1renh Indohinaand Thailand were deisions of the ;iaison .onferene of 1eb, #" #$%#" and it says"

    for the self*(reser0ation and self*defense of a(an" military" (olitial" and eonomi

    )nion that is lose and inse(arable is to be established with 1renh Indohina and


    1)rthermore" with res(et to the (romotion of the so)thern (oliy" at what is tho)ght

    to be abo)t the time of the A(ril #! ;iaison .onferene deision" @#3

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    (eae" they are large s)bjets on whih both the winners and the losers sho)ld reflet

    almly, The reason why dist)rbanes are ommon in East Asia" the reason a(an had

    been s(eaking of a /ew ?rder" the idea of b)ilding a Greater East Asian .o*

    Pros(erity S(here" the real meaning of the ry from the heart of the (eo(les of East

    Asia * ha0e their origins in these dee(er a)ses,

    @=3 Is that yo)r (ersonal 0iew or isthat the offiial 0iew of the a(anese go0ernment

    Answer2 It is not my (ersonal 0iew, It is the fo)ndational thinking on whih the

    a(anese go0ernment based im(ortant (oliies,

    @$3 In that ase" how an yo) demonstrate that this was offiial" fo)ndational thinking

    Answer2 ?f all the delarations made by the 0ario)s go0ernments sine the start of the

    .hina Inident" the learest is the oint Delaration of Greater East Asia made at the

    Greater East Asian .onferene on /o0, =" #$%6, It is also lear from the s(eehesgi0en at the onferene by the delegates of the 0ario)s o)ntries, Also" the at)al

    inde(endene or inde(endene mo0ements that arose d)ring the Paifi +ar in the

    Phili((ines" :)rma" India and in other (laes are an elo)ent testimonial,

    @#>3 If what yo) say is tr)e" then what yo) all the ry from the heart of East Asian

    (eo(les and nations" their ardent desire" took sha(e as a(an's /ew ?rder (oliy, That

    an be taken as an im(ortant a)se of the war" an it not

    Answer2 /o, Indeed" it was one of a(an's im(ortant national (oliies" and e0erything

    was done to bring it to fr)ition, Howe0er" it is well known that a nation that e-ists inan international setting annot e-(et its )nilateral demands and wishes to be ae(ted

    )n)estioningly by others, This is something that omes abo)t from a s(irit of m)t)al

    om(romise and m)t)al sym(athy" with eah nation and (eo(le reogniBing the

    welfare of others and making as their ideal the establishment of world (eae, It is a

    )estion of the heart" and if only there is a on0ition that war is )nneessary an

    things be ahie0ed (eaef)lly, This was what a(an ho(ed and stro0e for to the end,

    Howe0er" for other reasons" and before its (oliies o)ld be ahie0ed by (eaef)l

    means" a(an was l)red into war, Therefore" these beame the dee(er a)ses that

    established the en0ironment for the Paifi +ar" b)t they were not the diret a)ses,

    @##3 /e0ertheless" any world statesman from a nation with an im(ortant onnetion

    with East Asia" if he had the slightest gen)ine desire for world (eae" wo)ld not ha0e

    ignored something as im(ortant as this was to the nations and (eo(les of East Asia,

    +hat do yo) say to that

    Answer2 That is orret, It is something that o)ld not be ignored and was not ignored,

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    @#53 ?n what basis do yo) say that it was not ignored

    @ shall e-plain the fats.

    #, At the +ashington .onferene in #$55" other im(ortant )estions were raised" b)t

    this (roblem was also onsidered, Howe0er" at that time" the ry from the heart of thenations and (eo(les of East Asia was not thoro)ghly )nderstood, It was tho)ght that

    the East Asian nations o)ld be ontrolled thro)gh (ress)re and by alienating them

    from eah other,

    5, It an also be seen in the Atlanti .harter" whih was agreed to by Prime

  • 8/10/2019 Hideki Tojo Prison Diary


    @#%3 Ass)ming that what yo) say is tr)e" if the leaders of the 8nited States and

    England had" e0en to a small degree" taken heed of the ho(es and ries from the heart

    of the nations and (eo(les of East Asia" then yo)" as a leader of a(an" sho)ld ha0e

    taken a (ositi0e role in showing )nderstanding to these ho(es and ries" sho)ld yo)


    Answer2 That is orret, I think what yo) say is tr)e, This is what a(an desired for

    a(an as well as for the nations and (eo(les of East Asia, Howe0er" world (olitis

    m)st work with nations and (eo(les" whih are li0ing things, An effet an be

    ahie0ed" and (eae (reser0ed only if the right (oliies are arried o)t at the right

    time, It does no good to gi0e mediine to a or(se,

    @#F3 Aording to yo)r testimony so far" the reason that a(an went to war was not the

    breakdown of the 8S*a(an negotiations" nor was it as a res)lt of Greater East Asian

    (oliies, Instead" yo) say the diret a)se was eonomi and military threats from the

    allied side" and that a(an went to war for reasons of self*defense and self*(reser0ation, If that is the ase" why did a(an not ado(t a (oliy of sto((ing the war

    in its early stages" in mid*#$%5" for e-am(le" by whih time those threats had been

    largely dissi(ated

    Answer2 +ar is not a solitary )ndertaking, E0en if that might ha0e been good for

    a(an" we did not think that the enemy wo)ld ha0e agreed, In (arti)lar" both sides

    were bo)nd by treaty not to make onl)de a se(arate (eae" and the world sit)ation

    did not a((ear to be one in whih (ro(osals ad0antageo)s only to a(an wo)ld be
