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Page 1: Hidden Treasure

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Hidden treasure

Millie and Billy had been having a lovely time staying with

grandma and grandpa. But it was the last afternoon of their stay and

they needed to pack to go home. Grandma packed a basket of fruits to

mummy and daddy. They told grandpa what they were going to do.

“What?” grandpa said. “Don’t you want to find the hidden treasure?”

“Like pirate’s treasure?” asked Billy, a look of excitement on his face.

“That is right,” grandpa said. “It is hidden in a treasure chest

somewhere. Would you like to try and find it or would you prefer to


“We would like to find the treasure!” cried Millie and Billy.

“Well, you will have to be quick,” grandpa said. “You can only be allowed

until four o’clock to find the treasure.” Grandpa added, “The treasure

hunt starts now.”

They started with the garden where they looked under the apple

tree and lake. They saw a school of fish in the lake. There was no sign of

the treasure anywhere in the garden. Suddenly, they saw a gang of

thieves try to rob their neighbour. They hide in the bushes and make a

big sound like a pride of lions. The thieves scared and ran away.

They came indoors and looked downstairs first. They saw a pile

of books and a loaf of bread on the table. But there was no sign of the


“I know,” Millie said. “We will try the roof.” They climbed the ladder to

the roof. Millie’s sharp eyes caught sight of something shining inside the

partly open cupboard that was under the box.

“We have found it! We have found a string of pearls!” Millie and Billy

cried out.

Grandpa appeared beside them. “You found the hidden treasure

just in time,” he said. They were very happy. After that it really was time

for Millie and Billy to pack so that they would be ready to go home the

next morning

Page 2: Hidden Treasure

Name: Date:

Answer all the questions below based on the text provided.

1. Where did Mille and Billy stay?


2. What Mille and billy did before they pack their things?


3. State what they saw in the garden and lake?


4. Who they saw at their neighbour’s house?


5. What is the treasure that they found?


6. They make a sound like a pride of lions in the bushes.Why?


7. In your opinion, what is the other way to stop the thieves from robbing their neighbour?
