Download - Hezlett Happenings ~ 21 August 2020

Page 1: Hezlett Happenings ~ 21 August 2020

120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155 * NUT MINIMISATION *

Please support our young students who live with life-threatening allergies to nuts by refraining from sending you child to school with

nut-based food products like Nutella or Peanut Butter.

[email protected]

8801 1911

Hezlett Happenings ~ 21 August 2020

COVID-19 Testing Now Required Before Students with Cold/Flu Symptoms Return to School

The Department of Education has updated its guidelines for schools for the remainder of Term 3. Updated guidelines can be found in my communication from Tuesday, linked here. Key changes include:

• If students have cold or flu symptoms, they must stay home and cannot return to school until a negative Covid-19 test result is achieved. The school must sight evidence of the negative result.

• Most extra curricular groups have been suspended.

• Parent meetings with staff must occur over the telephone or in rare cases via video conference. On-site meetings are for critical matters only and approval from the principal is required.


Seesaw is an app that will help you connect to what your child is learning at school. Today your child will be coming home with a unique invitation explaining how you can connect to your child’s online learning journal. Once you have connected to your child’s journal you will be able to see work that is posted such as photos, videos and drawings. We look forward to connecting with you and being able to showcase some of the wonderful work that your child might be proud of, working towards achieving and enjoying here at school.

Tell Them From Me Survey Snapshot

This term, North Kellyville Public School is taking part in the Tell Them From Me student survey. The survey will provide us with valuable feedback on what our students think about school life, how engaged they are with school and the different ways that teachers interact with them. Schools in Australia and around the world have used the Tell Them From Me survey to help them improve. The survey is completed on-line and is run by an independent research company, The Learning Bar, which specialises in school-based surveys. Staff in schools will not be able to identify individual students from their responses. To ensure confidentiality, participating students will receive a unique username and password. The survey typically takes 30 minutes or less to complete and will be administered by the school during normal school hours. Once the surveys are completed by students, reports are prepared and in most cases are available to schools within three business days. This survey will help our school better understand how to improve student wellbeing and engagement. It will help the school identify what works to improve student outcomes. Participating in the survey is entirely voluntary. Your child will not take part if either you or your child do not wish. If, during the survey, your child is uncomfortable, he/she can choose to stop the survey at any time. The majority of questions in the survey can be skipped. If you do not want your child to take part in the survey, please email me within the next week. More information about the survey and the research is available in English on the Centre for Education Statistics and Evaluation website.


Page 2: Hezlett Happenings ~ 21 August 2020

120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155 * NUT MINIMISATION *

Please support our young students who live with life-threatening allergies to nuts by refraining from sending you child to school with

nut-based food products like Nutella or Peanut Butter.

[email protected]

8801 1911

Term Overviews

Each term, as part of our deliberate strategy to engage parents with their children’s education, we provide a term overview outlining the key learning and events of the term ahead. Term overviews for Term 3 are available on our website and linked below.

• Early Stage 1

• Stage 1

• Stage 2

• Stage 3 P&C Fathers’ Day Initiatives

Please get behind our Parents and Citizens Association which has two Fathers’ Day initiatives underway. Both the virtual stall and raffle are well worth your consideration. All funds raised go to the P&C and are in turn directed back to school projects. Details of both initiatives are included at the back of this newsletter. Statements of Account

Thank you to the parents who have made payments to the school after statements were distributed a fortnight ago. If you are yet to receive your statement, please contact the school via email and we can forward it to you. Statements include items related to teaching and learning as well as resources and voluntary contributions to both the school and P&C. Please talk to me if you are experiencing difficulty making payment as some support might be available. Important In-Take Zone Update

An intake area adjustment (boundary change) has been approved for North Kellyville Public School and is being applied immediately. More information can be found on our website here, and the School Finder website has been updated to reflect the change.

Recess and Lunch Breaks

This term and next the school is trialling a shift to our morning tea and lunch breaks. Changes have been made to:

• Prioritise teaching and learning time

• Reduce behavioural incidents during break time

• Increase playground support for students through semi-structured play initiatives, facilitation of games and social development groups

• Extend morning tea and reduce lunch breaks to make them equal in length

• Comply with Department of Education and New South Wales Education Standard Authority guidelines

Current bell times are:

• Session 1 Teaching and Learning: o 9:00 – 11:00

• Morning Tea Eating and Play Break: o 11:00 – 11:30

• Session 2 Teaching and Learning: o 11:30 – 1:15

• Lunch Eating Break: o 1:15 – 1:30

• Lunch Play Break: o 1:30 – 2:00

• Session 3 Teaching and Learning: o 2:00 – 3:00

We have made an active decision to supervise students eat at lunch out of regard for nutrition and wellbeing and as many students require assistance opening packaging. We have retained a mid-session 1 ‘crunch and sip’ break which occurs during the first session of the day. Please contact me if you would like more information. Tom Moth Principal

Page 3: Hezlett Happenings ~ 21 August 2020

120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155 * NUT MINIMISATION *

Please support our young students who live with life-threatening allergies to nuts by refraining from sending you child to school with

nut-based food products like Nutella or Peanut Butter.

[email protected]

8801 1911

Dream Big Award Recipients

Our Dream Big awards celebrate student endeavour. Congratulations this week to Week 4 and Week 5 recipients:


KC Evelyn R

KC Gurnehal B

KKC Aarav V

KKC Amelia G

KKC Hunter N

KKC Zoya K

KO Lauk S

KO Levi C

KO Riana G

KO Shanaya V

KP Claire W

KP Yuna G

KP Chelsea M-E

KP Ryu K

KPV Isabela R

KPV Johannes G


KPV Russell N

KPV Russell N

KPV Seerit K

KPV Zachary C

KR Christian C

KR Jackson K

KR Jasmine H

KR Lisa T

KV Gene G

KV Justin H

2/1A Aaryan B

2/1AK Annabella T

2/1AK Ashley V

2/1AK Ayman R

2/1AK Madeleine C

2/1AK Michelle M

2/1AK Pritham S

2/1AK Rannveer G

2/1B Eshaan S

2/1B Ezel O

2/1B Smithika T

2/1B Zainab A

2/1D Aakshara P

2/1D Ella H

2/1D Lily S

2/1H Charlotte N

2/1H Chloe M

2/1I Finn M-R

2/1I Kevin M

2/1I Laurelle P

2/1I Udham S

2/1J Amber M

2/1J Evelyn J

2/1J Tanishka S

2/1J Zachary X

2/1K Claire S

2/1K Jackson M

2/1K Parmida S

2/1K Sharanya M

2/1M Grace C

2/1M Lily A

2/1M Max P

2/1M Max P

2/1P Angelina S

2/1P Oliver F

4/3B Abhineet S

4/3B Fabiha S

4/3B Jack C

4/3B Raphael M

4/3B Sene M

4/3B Will R

4/3B William R

4/3B Wynn T

4/3C Harnish P

4/3C Liam J

4/3C Lily O

4/3C Saanvi B

4/3C Zechary V

4/3C Zechary V

4/3J Aishani S

4/3J Hamsini H

4/3S Alexis L

4/3S Daniel M

4/3S Emma X

4/3S James B

4/3S Sean H

4/3S Serenna U

4/3T Milton K

4/3T Pritika A

6/5A Ben G

6/5A Kannin H

6/5A Sabrina S

6/5A Samantha A

6/5H Angelo A

6/5H Danika S

6/5H Ghazlan E

K-6A Avik P

K-6A Mansimrat K

Enrolment for 2021 Including Kindergarten

Our administration team is currently accepting enrolment applications and supporting documentation for students commencing in 2021. If you are enrolling a sibling of a student currently at our school or any another NSW Department school please contact the office for a pre-filled application. Our school is adhering to the Department of Education enrolment policy for local and non-local enrolments. This process and information can be found on our website. Please contact the office for further clarification if required. Future Kindergarten students should be enrolled prior to the end of August to ensure that we can communicate information about orientation programs. Kindergarten Information Session Materials

Regrettably, we were unable to hold our face to face information sessions for future Kindergarten parents, however the following resources have been produced to support parents to learn more about our school and the process of enrolment.

• Link to video (14:25)

• Handout of Useful Information Luke Hogan Deputy Principal


Page 4: Hezlett Happenings ~ 21 August 2020

120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155 * NUT MINIMISATION *

Please support our young students who live with life-threatening allergies to nuts by refraining from sending you child to school with

nut-based food products like Nutella or Peanut Butter.

[email protected]

8801 1911

Fizzics Incursion

In Week 3, Stage 2 and 3 participated in an incursion run by Fizzics Education. The incursion was used as an event to excite students about STEM for this term. The focus for Stage 2 is to explore heating and cooling by making a container that can keep home-made ice cream cold. The focus for Stage 3 is using our understanding of changes of state of matter to create and power a hot air balloon. The students engaged and participated in learning enthusiastically and gained a great insight into the concepts being explored this semester.

Kieran Janes Coordinator School Photos Catch Up Day – 17 September

MSP Photography will return on September 17 to take portrait photos of any students who were absent this Wednesday. If you have any questions including about ordering please contact MSP Photography - Sydney West directly. Phone: 9831 5505 Email: [email protected]

Samantha Newth Coordinator

Mr Hogan’s Visit to 4/3S and 4/3T

4/3S and 4/3T warmly invited and welcomed Mr Hogan in their classrooms to read the text ‘Ella and the Ocean’ written by Lian Tanner. Mr Hogan focused on ensuring that students were developing their expression and pace when reading. As a class, we identified the different elements that the author included in the text, focusing on the who, what, where and when of the story. The learning intention of the lesson was to construct an orientation paragraph about the topic ‘through the magic garden’ by applying the strategies Lian Tanner used when creating the text ‘Ella and the Ocean’. Students individually developed an orientation paragraph to begin their stories with a focus on building suspense to entertain the reader. They produced quality work that demonstrated their growing capabilities as writers.

Sandra Tawil Class Teacher


Page 5: Hezlett Happenings ~ 21 August 2020

120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155 * NUT MINIMISATION *

Please support our young students who live with life-threatening allergies to nuts by refraining from sending you child to school with

nut-based food products like Nutella or Peanut Butter.

[email protected]

8801 1911

What’s Happening in KKC

We have had a very busy start to the term! We have been learning about nouns, adjectives and compound sentences using the quality text, Thelma the Unicorn. The students were very excited to have Mr Moth come in for a visit and eagerly showed off their compound sentences. We have also been using blue-bots during literacy groups. The students needed to program them to move them around the board! Students had so much fun learning how to program and manoeuvre the robots and creating a path the robots would take. Finally, I would like to welcome Miss Cooper to the class, who is completing her final practicum to become a teacher with KKC. Miss Cooper will be working alongside Mrs Cremona for the remained of Term 3!

Rebecca Cremona Class Teacher

What’s Happening in K-6A

K-6A is working fantastically well to improve our literacy. We've been working hard lately on our reading and writing, enjoying group work with our friends. In SISA, the focus on fundamental movement skills has seen increased confidence and skill in throwing, catching and kicking. We also love our weekly dance session with the fabulous and talented dance teacher. Term 3 has been busy, productive and so much fun. We were all particularly excited to get our photos taken this week, and can't wait to get our class photo back to stick up on the wall, ready to make new memories!

Laena Allbon Class Teacher

Page 6: Hezlett Happenings ~ 21 August 2020

120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155 * NUT MINIMISATION *

Please support our young students who live with life-threatening allergies to nuts by refraining from sending you child to school with

nut-based food products like Nutella or Peanut Butter.

[email protected]

8801 1911

Book Club

Issue 5 ORDERS have only just arrived at school. They will be distributed to students early next week. My sincere apologies for the delay. PLEASE REMEMBER… all orders must be placed using Scholastic’s LOOP system – this can be done online or via the app. NO cash orders can be accepted. Instructions on how to do this can always be found at the end of the brochure. Register for an account here. Book Week

Children’s Book Week has always been held around the third week in August in each year. Traditionally, we would be gearing up about now for an upcoming week of festivities including dressing up and the like. This year, for obvious reasons, the official Book Week is postponed until the second week of next term. Plenty of time to get those costumes organised! This year’s theme is ‘Curious Creatures Wild Minds’.

Library Lesson Days

Monday KV, KO, KR & KKC

Tuesday Stage 3, 2/1H, 2/1P, 2/1D & 2/1A Wednesday KC, KP, KPV, 2/1M, 2/1AK, 2/1B, 2/1J, 4/3C

Thursday Stage 2, 2/1K & 2/1I

Friday K/6A, K/6B & K/6C

Premier’s Reading Challenge

** 7 DAYS TO GO! **

Our latest batch of READING HEROES are listed below! Congratulations to the following students on their recent completion of the Challenge: K-2 Challenge 3-4 Challenge 5-6 Challenge Aaryan B. Katrina A. Ahmad A. Saanvi A. Nairit B. Anika K. Nulara J. Eshita G. Christelle L. Ella M. Janessa P. Zoe R. Melody M. Marcienne S. Alishba B. Alyssa C. Sienna J. Aishani S. Laurence X.

ALL Kindergarten students have completed the Challenge except those students who enrolled at our school after the end of Term 2. The next edition of ‘Library Biz’ will be your final opportunity to have your name published in the newsletter until the 2021 PRC. Parents and students only have until next Friday 28th August to finalise their reading record. Use this video tutorial that guides you through the process of adding books to your child’s reading record. Please go to the website for more information. Login details are the student’s departmental username and password. ePlatform & Storybox Library

A reminder for parents and students that the school funds an annual subscription to Storybox Library and Wheelers ePlatform. What does this mean? Well, students can access these incredible resources, free of charge, from any web-enabled device. AND you can add what you read here to your Premier’s Reading Challenge record. Until next time…happy reading!

Ms Katie Whelan Teacher Librarian



Page 7: Hezlett Happenings ~ 21 August 2020

120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155 * NUT MINIMISATION *

Please support our young students who live with life-threatening allergies to nuts by refraining from sending you child to school with

nut-based food products like Nutella or Peanut Butter.

[email protected]

8801 1911

Father’s Day Stall

Orders for the Virtual Father's Day Stall close on Friday, 28th August 2020 to allow our Father's Day elves enough time to package your gifts and get them to our SUPER SPECIAL delivery girls and boys in time for the special day.

• Fathers Day Stall Catalogue

• Fathers Day Stall Order Form Father’s Day Raffle

The North Kellyville PS Parents and Citizens Association has organised a giant Father's Day Raffle. Details on how to buy tickets are below. All funds raised go to the P&C, which are then directed to school initiatives by P&C members. All parents can become members! Buy your tickets here!

• Gloria Hill P&C President

P&C News

Page 8: Hezlett Happenings ~ 21 August 2020

120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155 * NUT MINIMISATION *

Please support our young students who live with life-threatening allergies to nuts by refraining from sending you child to school with

nut-based food products like Nutella or Peanut Butter.

[email protected]

8801 1911

Out Of School Hours Care – Wesley Mission has been appointed as the provider of out of school hours care. The centre will run out of the school hall both before and after school. Morning care will commence from 6:30am, while care in the afternoon will be provided until 6:30pm. Contact OOSH on 96266620 or email [email protected].

Facebook Page – ‘Like’ our Facebook page and encourage all of your friends, families and neighbours to do likewise!

Mailing List – To be added to the Hezlett Happenings mailing list, click here.

Parent Handbook – Edition 2 of the North Kellyville Public School Parent Handbook if available here. Please read this document to become acquainted with many school programs and procedures.

School Stream App – A lot of news, forms and notices are pushed out to mobile devices through our School Stream App. If you haven’t yet downloaded the app, do so now!

Parent Volunteers – must supply 100 points of ID to be brought to the office where it will be photocopied and kept on file for audit purposes and Appendix 5 which is a summary of the 100 points and a signed declaration about character and previous offences.

Follow our staff on Twitter: @moth_t @KaseyLeaMcGill @NewthSamantha @SoniaKadian1 @Miss_M_Cannon @Caitlin65032239 @NKPSLibrary @Lauren33421276 @muqadasa_ghaf @cheahmilly

Dollarmites School Banking – The P&C led school banking initiative is currently on hold.


Page 9: Hezlett Happenings ~ 21 August 2020

120-126 Hezlett Road, North Kellyville NSW 2155 * NUT MINIMISATION *

Please support our young students who live with life-threatening allergies to nuts by refraining from sending you child to school with

nut-based food products like Nutella or Peanut Butter.

[email protected]

8801 1911


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