





MIKE D' ABO IS SONG IMPERSONATOR IF you're not content with your nine-to-five exJstence

and would prefer to be a pop star worldng all over the world at all hours, consider for a moment the cue of Mike D' Abo, a member of the group that opted out.

RICHARD GREEN When he joined Manfred

MaM three years ago, stra ight from the Band Of Angels group, Mike was eager and excited

:1::; ~~e:ar:s:i~ tA~dn~~ ~e~ meets the Manfred ginning. Later-, allitudes changed.

ye:Jh:~l•:,t~~ ,~~:d 'i~ 1~~= eiaht«n monlhJ of tourina to let people , ee the new hand," Mike expla ln t:d. " It was a good thlna for me. but the rest of them were :i lrudy bealnninJt to l ir~: ·

lmporCa11C It las ted for o couple uf yea rs,

until lhc g roup dttlded that there w11rl' o the r thln•s to do. f'o r Mike d 'Aho anna wrilmg was Importa nt.

"Doing gigs can ru in a ll )'Our pla ns," Mike poin ted out . " I ca n t.ave a rranged a meeting, Lhen I get a phone ca ll telling me we're working thll day, • Oh , I've got an ::ippol ntment ,' I 1e ll them. ' Well you' ll have to ca ncel It ,' I'm to ld . • Alr igh t. If I mus t I mu91 ,' I reply. That INI of thing.

ca~',/!, w.;;r ca~~n~h! ,~~/no•~~:k NIK• 1p1nd1


a let 1f am, at 111, ,,, .. ~.,, <IIIQ"I .. ttl•■ ...-t •--111n11 f 1r py1ral star1.

who writes songs for other stars

train a nd travel back tha t n igh t on the s leeper, we nt've r li lly OVtT• n laht, By the tin.e you &et home. vcu fet. l lik e 1leep1na • &•in a1 lha t SlOPI )'OU get t ing on with your work.

" I'm very conten t now no t work in;:: wrlt lna occupfe1 my t ime. I th iuk If I was a fu ll-t ime writer ,

~a;o~~d ln b~ e h!~~ ina ~~f~:,,(t~~ half-arrana er, ha lf-perfo rmer, you can't aet r l11 ht into one thi ns ."

De1plt.i thla penona l hang-up, Mike hH turned o ut aome ftn e aonp . The niaht before I called round to his ta ll, ten-roomed house o ppos ite Hyde Park, he had r e· ceived an Ivor Nove llo Award for th:! best dance sona nf the year. The number in quest ion being " Bu ild Me Up Buu ercup,'' which was auch a success for the Fou ndat ions .

pe•~; /!h ~i1fr d~n~lu 1~1~:' of ' m~ r l!~nli

~ ~1•':: ' ~nl~• h!~dll~•!~~~.• ~! f! ~~:trn

!~~01:~:~ ~~h 1~:•~i>' 1· w•h1t1n ~:i'~

1::t. ~"~•~ 1fh~~:::1 ,;';~;"df:,;e:;~; ••• I would llll e lhe P'ou r Topi to do 11 . I' ll pl ■)' )'Ou U lhe WI)' I lh lnll: t h

~t i::'t,u~~e3 °1~~:::: rfr fr':iu 1i!.' ~1llo, wherl' we hid bten 11ll:ln1 l'0 ff el. 10 lhe mu1li: room. Then, Mlll:e playtd the tunf and 11n1 It I II T1ml1. I I lndttd soundtd eomplelely new . lie then It ! ffll' hu r a numbl' r he h l 5 wrilltn and whli:h t111 thlnll:1 would li t Ou1 ty Sp rln&lll'ld1 llyle,

II w111maaln1 the way In which II 10und1d ln1ta nl1 7 like I Dully IOnll , Jull u the flnl number had bH n 10 F1ur Topi.

TOM JONES in dynamic action during his openint nicht at the Copacabana, New York, last week. NME's Derek Johnson was there and reporh on the amazinc fi rst

night on page 8.

or Tom J ones, !he people want 10 hear him. Arid you hne 10 wri te In

~~~~- ~~i:;,,U~~I nt~ i ~e 11~:1~:~d •:i a t lhe end ."

Whtn Mike's b rother and SIiier PtUl• n c,t • ct , call ed Alff• and Doll,. had fi n ished lu pins all onr me, we mond on 10 the up11a lt1 louna" (" now follow me 10 the Wn t

d~\~~·" , Ml::n!~~!d 1T~~~~1" 1


ii:Jt':=oriuuJr~~1r;~;: ~,~~:;!~i The Bible," Ro1emar7 '1 Baby •• and Aldou, Hurley·, " Bran Ne• World ." And yu\t are ,uppo1ed to be a ble to It' ll a penon·, cha racter lrom lhe books ht readt? Wort 1h11 lot QU I !

Having 1pp11nd In " CulUvtr'1

Travth " a t th• M1tmald thlltrl , Nlh II lnnlHd In dlscu1lon1 about th1 8 rN tfwaJ , ,_uctton at the ind ,, t111 yaar. H1 11 writing the mutl c: fot It and may 1v1n .. k, lhtlt■d . " The produi:e r '1 l')(lkln1 for a

it1morou1 111r, but Sun Kell y,

; oh:~rnC:01~fm th

,t.~et:he 11

, h~i1"11ueW

will be the nar. We'll hne to wait and lf'I Whit h1ppen1. l l"I the IOrt of p■r t I'd Ute 10 do - •n ulen1lon of my■elf ."

lh~llle r~~a~~~1:nul:f •~!~~ 1~!~~ Th~!n~~e. ,:

0!!!: ~• .. \~1"b1u1

10 .. ~t!i:r~~:

cer1at n ldeu.

th~ rr:~;: :~\~: :.~i n::, ~=:" !rri;i People hue 101 ID 1111,n lo her

~~!:~~-•-o! :e .~:r' s~:r: 1:: 1:!!11~~ may record. If on17 1h1 oould pla1 1ultar 1h1 CO\lld l et .... , rrom th• old lma11 1h1 bat .• • ah• reau, II a

IO~':l~~el~~•rnl::e u:.■:utr8~~ '!'~D=-~ Twtnk b1ct. If on1, In memory of the rnlnl nl1hta at the Scotch of S1. J amn and allied n l1h t.e rlH. Could be thll Mike I• the one to do I I for h mt.

m!~ke -~~t 1:!"ni ~'nn ~ d 50

':: demon■tra ted hi• p resent 1u ltude to routine by 11,1n1 : " I set more borln1 11 lhl d i)' 1oes on l I llke to ,ea to bed early, set up early and 111r1 worll." How· ■ thll for • top pop 11ar,

youns hope1u111 •• 1·m wrltlnlli mPre now with

~=~~~~~~d a~ !1:

11ha~nn' tm~~~1; · be~~~= -------------------------------1


bul 11°1 h1pp1mm1 mnr• nnw I I Pl'nt a lol ol lime t1lll:tn11 to Peter Sull\v1n, Enll'Clb<'r l'I Ul'0rdln1 min· ,,er . 1bnu1 ll tong and he IIDOWI elll'IIY what m1h'rbl II rl1h1 He Hid lhat En1elbut can do I 10n4 about a man lru·ln1 h11 wll l' , but )'OU l'an'I have him IIHplnt: wilh 11 1;01h.,, w11m11n

Wilh •nlu 1ttllsb, !ht' lyr ll"I a re

::~~:,i1~:t~;~::~!1::~~; ~~;!,~~. ;~~~-i anyunr h• ~ evrr lil1tened 111 th r vu('1l 11t on a Manfrt'd Mann rr('O) td, 1hr vouh be1;ume piHI ol lh l" mu1lc

•• But with 1umennt 11kt .:n11elbt"rt

Question -time with 5th DIMENSION

WH lc • tarting May )l

IH5Z AND CHAIILI E FOXX : Don· c11ter Alli (' UII. Wolv1•rh1mp• ton Laftyellr tnd Nutlln11ham Britannl• ti ) .

DDH PARTIIIDC.I! and the aus­WIERS : B~lfn l Ul i ltr 1111 11 IJI) .

MOTHERS OF INVENTION : Nn.·• ('IJIII! City 11 11 11 1311 , Nanl"htt• ter PIIJC'e 11 ), Bn,1<11 Colatnn Jlall 131, PorhilllUUlh Guildh •II 151, Roya l Albe-rt 11 11\ Ill

BUCH BO YS: Hammenmllh Ode11n Ull , Birmln1ham Odcon 11), Liverpool Emphl' 17l, M1nchUlrr Frte 1'rad11 Hall 111 1,

PIIOCOL HAII UM : Lo n d ll n Koundhou1r 111, Blrinl111h11m W11lhl'U 17>

Ciui11Uidi 1 0■ AN D EARL : Crtat Ylr ·

moulh T0Wl' t 111 , Suuthamp­lon Ml'CC,"I 10. Blrmln1ham

~rji''o':r:n11 sr~:~ w~5~ft,,,~:;:r~~

Ct•nlur, (7) ,

JULI E FELIX: London, Harrod• ·way-In."' u1

RICH IE HAVENS: llo)'ll l Albt'rl 11 1 \1 ISJ.

SAM TH• SHA H: Live rpool Mardi CtH and \'lflu rl11n11 Ill, oun11able Califo rnla 11 1. Bur , 1on-<1n•Trtn1 71 Club till

AU fro m Ju n1 1 ror ■n ■ WHI!. ao■■Y VII: Bolton Clllno. MARMALAD E: Stoclnon FIHII

and lflddlnbr11u1h E1l"el Bowl DUMOND DEIC KEll: Sheffield

Cutndl1h and Barnsley Monll Bretton .

TllEMELO ES : MlddlnbrouJh Sho•bott

Fro m J un,• for Summ" Sinon EMCELB&IIT H U M P E,RDINCK,


VINCI! NIU. : Crr1t Yarmouth Wel1tn11on P1l"r

From June Sf•, on1 WHII ,LATTlillS : Lh·1: rpool Woollll'


Bradford l.yl'1!um

MICK FLEF!"WOOD likes shocking and frightening people. Headt and limbs

of Victori,n dolis adorn his Ealing: flat. On his hand he wears a large carved ring ~e had specially made in the shape of the male orcans. He's the giant of the Fleetwood Mac, skinny with hair as long and as ltr.iieht as a girl's and giraffe. like move­ments that emphasise his frealrish build and leave the imprersion that he is con-

tir,u:1'i:n~:f i,:~,~!:•:',t :,re::, he cou ld have hl1 hair cut 1hort and dreu by conservative alllndards bul 1hr fact that h is appearances miaht provoke laughter and rude remarks doesn' t pert urb him In the leatt.

He h11 nner .,o,rled about his hel1 hl - oe,·er went home when he wu youns ■ nd tried to H• his Je11 do•n - 1ml you 1et the lmprnalon that he lites to

pr~,~~~uf:Ot~' 0~1:J: ~~1he 11 a born H hlblllonl1t,

11 will a lready be known to those who have seen hi• con1rlbullon to the rront o l the " Mr Wonderful " LP

~iWi ii~pt❖:£Z~:~~i:r~~:1~t,:t:~:ru,:1~•e.;o,~quoe~ hei1nt II thll 11rsn1er1 th ink he II ' a loof when he enlera ■ room - an ■ul1ude that quickly chan1e1 when yo u set on lhe ume level with h im and en1a1e him In what wlll be a WIiiy and IIHly convera■ llon .

Wick 1111:ea t■ l kln1 , like■ mecUng ~~rJ■ ,:n:ro '!n1:ec!~~:eotn~e rl0n )'OU

.. ~!s ::::h::· h'i: ~~ft=~-:•;• .:'11ip~: adds lhat It wa1 n■v■r allow■d I.O


THE first thing to under1tand about Fleet­wood Mac i1 th•t humour plays an im­

portant and integral part in the group. It ii their humour, 10 aealou,ly guarded and difficult for the outsider to compret.end , and their ability to lausfl at each other that prevents any one of them becoming flash or pretentious through 1ucce11.

Jeremy Spencer, the Impish tousle-haired 1tu of lhe lead gultu, provides the foundation, upon wlttch the group's humour 11 built, whkli may seem • t range lO

~~~lc:~~=lf~r 1.a{~d=:,~ 1 ':rim~!~r. outward shyneH and -But 11 ■ bit of an oddba ll of ■ character -

evtn ~n a s phe re of life noted for It,; unpredic ta ble. and eccentr ic penon ■lltln.

- m~:h •1:,•·h:re.11!!~~1n:u't.• tp~::r:e:w:: ry::a~~e l~d~~

Holly Ind Tommy Jloe.,

IUHe,r:!ay~_;n or for:,~rei:::' "':,'r~~ 1:n ~ 1-~':ob:ted1 , ' o~

:1~1~e;e:w lh~!C:.u,~ro~: ::::~r!~'- 1i~~d':fth llhl~. pocket• He admlll to beln1 ■n Introvert, which you c■n be•

llue, bu t aay1 thare 11 ■ bit of the uhl bltlon l1 t In him 100, which I• h■rd 10 believe. Y■ I II you·n eur seen h i■ Incredibly runny ■nd accurate lmpenon■tlon1 on ! ta1e;,ou ml1h1 aaree.. ,

I wcnl to ■cc Jertmy ■ I 'hta homll In Paddlngtnn, a one.-roomrd bed · 1llle r in a lafle c rumblln,r house. I never belloed ■II tho■e ■torlH aboul pop • .,. ll•ln1 In pala tl■ I pen1h1.1u1e1 but Jerry•• place would ■hi ll er any l\lu1lon1.

~-1~~11n/ 1::,:.~1rn1,:htt~· :1e~== Mac h11 mo1ir now .

" I let a schoolboy plea■ure from

::cotekl~~tfceopi:~•e l ~~y-■ >':nd " 1o~I;

One is a 6ft 6 giant - the other a 5ft 4 midget :r pgether they provide the basis for Fleetwood Mac humour

II you c■ n rain lnal1ht Into ■ pe.r10n'1 chuaet~ r by the 1ur, roundln1• he ll•n In then Jerry'• mind 11 eminently dllOrJ■n ised , a f1 ct I g'a ther tha t ::1, quite near the lruth.

Yet In thl• room wh~ chao1 pre.•

~:i1~n:n: ~i::reyo!.~. ':~~;e e:rrnc;

out an u:lllence on a mlae r■ ble In• come lht' dom ln11ln1 factor I• the l.houaand pound, WOMh of r-eai rdln1 ~qulpmcnt thJt takes prid e o r p lace.

l! rotlc■ and those Victorian dolls that were m11de to be beaulll11 l bu! are very lrl1htenln1 to ■dulls.

A giggle •• It 11 ■ kink but I 1et pleHure

~'!m1t!! 11111:: :eih:-1~:t.h w:fi1i~

~~~~hrne;P!~::'i'!~th1h~ek b~~e~~e: :

11 not. Jerry would understand com• pletely." W■ talked durln1 a break lrom

Fleetwood MIC reco rdln1 II I 1101• bo rn 11udlo. Mick l1 not a t cchlnc■ I drummer-he doe■n' t think drum1 24 houra ■ day ■nd never pr■elilH ,

" I clon'I rate myu:lr u a drum• m■r, " h■ conle1se1, " I'm Just ■ u11t­r111 drwmm■r, Jun ■ p■non who

~-:n daon e!,:::1a~i:, •:--;..r1::!1.~;

But they are totally different characters One is loquacious - the other reticent One is an extrovert - the other outwardly shy In fact the only linking factor is their respective freakish heights

sehool w■■ Wlndleah■m Hou1e., ne ■ r H■sllnJI.

Ed ucation 11 one of Mick '• ln ou rl te ta lklna polnta, bt lnJ 11ron1ly a1■ in11 the 1y1tem used to Impart knowledJe. particularly In boardln r 1chool1,

It W■I the l)'llem that fail ed hlm -he. real11ed he WII lntelllgtnl but the way of t e■chlnJ s truck a "com• plete blank " In hll mind , He de• clded 10 leave i;chool 11 15.

HI• parent• had alway■ le.I him make his own deel1lon1, and thi■ 11 1omethlng he. ny11 he 11 very ira te• rul for.

would 10 a lon1 lo watch. Mlc:k ba111ht a drum kll and

joined a 1ntup or ftw1, urnln1 Ha week IMtw■■n lhtm . In Mkk'I word■ : " Alter that I p&Mld

~r:t:: :i:::~:~kl:h:f p,:~r.!/~! stardom ,"

Hu hH a fund of hllarlou1 11orie1 to te ll of llow he wu In 1 roup1 1h11 wue e■ rn ln1 llllle but were pro• rooted II II they were 1 1 ■ r ■ell . There wa■ the m1n11er whu took lhem up to pl ■)' In the Cave rn In ,. hired Au1lln Princes■ where they died a uirrlblc de■ l h ,

Tiny wi/r, lo~:rr:;:n::c ,f~°,~a·a~/~!n!~:.n~~•: old Dlcon (" It ' ■ ■ derhath•e 'I r Richard "I Joined ur IIIC'T after ■

•~r:~: 11■ "if":'~~o~l..!!d: o:::::1~8 h ■r secand child. Th•1 we,. fftarr led

~!~11~'tJ,•lln;:r th~~~:;'hea.:i:-nju:: all•r Fklna had left ,chool .

A• Jerry teemed rcluctan l lo 1111. about hlm1ctr H a person, I u&ed 1'1 011■ fe r her view• ■JI Dlcon dlmbcd Into lhe c:■nl board bol hlr lather hid lai d dc,wn u a ba rrier ID prevenl 50n from roachtni his reo,irdln11 equlpmcn:.

· · 1te liker 10 11,eeri htm1el r 10 him• 1elf," ■he olfered. II' he funny 11 homer She ■ho t ■ dtsp■ lr1nl' a l■nce

111 J er ry who laulflcd and answered

!:~ hl~r~t' ' j ,Y~~•~:r~t·ti_,~~~nf, wl~~~ out of hand."

If Je rry I• ■ I lhl' rootr of lhe fl eewood M,. c humou r, then Mick



rHP ... Cthe hel1h11 a d,.w back In comm11n lnllon, !hey nnerthele.u understand uch other well.

on, :! t!'!oo~1:d:i-■n~1~er~~l~~-~ :-J~1~er~tk" ~~:· ::,~a n~1

1~ :

1 r~ WN'k,"

JerrJ'r roMe la hla lmper.-ia• tlona. He d\■eowered the ability ■ t achool and ha■ be.en mall:tn1 rood u1e of It rlnce.

He rr.cans '"lmldtll1a hK hNd· matter's •INce whe,i hl1 r-chNlmatH _,. 1maklnir In Uie i.ll1t■ . " Cl1•

:!:b!~ ~~d d:h-:,..:e:j;• II~: ::t :!t~:::.,. hHlnt clntppff them In Oie

I wouldn't have thourht that made him very popular. Ver, he did wffer at a:hool beeau■c or hi• hel1 h1-or lad of It - but dkmlues ll llahlly.

E•sily -,set I had to 10 10 the olhcrr to find

out tha t In fact J erry used 10 re t extremely upset whdl he llnl came

~■r~n~nth!Y 11r::1p~bo':i'lr.~l11 h~~

a nd ■ppeannce . " I used to te ll him th■ I II ,nr not woMh It , nol worlh worryJn;: abou t," uy■ Mick Flee.I• wood.

Ttle tint WP JTC:.O rd he can re• 111embe. r wu Tab Hunter ' ■ " Youn1

~';~•. !~~I ~:~h:~a:o fe'!:n1 P!~yle:n hut q ul1 beceuae. he wanted to plaJ rock and roll .

He WII plaJlng ■uddy HallJ , Cricket■ •nd Tanuny ■H then on a Spanllh 91111-r tt l1 fath-r bcnlghl him and IL.Ji,■s net 11nm art c:ou .. e tlla t ■Im- J amu came lnlo his llf1 and Df'D119ht him l11to Oie blu".

" I had heard blues belore. and J didn't like It. I went round a fri end'• hou■e and he. WH Pl■yln,: bluet an:I borlnJ me to te■ ra . Then he pu1 on an t.P ol bluer a rtl111 ■nd 1h11 nne. tr■elr. • The s un 11 Shtnln1.' Jusl Jumped out , Do you want to ht>ar ,flt"

J erry wen t out and bouJhl the "Be.rt or Elmore James" LP and It wu " neTer off thl! tuml■ ble." Then ca me a lnne lln1c while. he. lrit'd 10 pt rfec:t the gult arlrt'r rty le .

He lrled u1Jn1 & l■u on the 1tr ln11 bUl fa iled . lit' tuned It like. a Hawaiian 1ullar and u1ed r l1H and

filled , He Ulied a pleee of mel •I ■nd then warlow knlnt b11t cOU ldri 1 set It. Tben a lr1end made • mel JI tube which he'1 urecl enr since.

At Illa Ume, after art cau .... WU WHll:lnt H a Junl•r der11 l o r

!11:=-:r■:.i ,~hmtt, ea;::;1 J: •";•:~ hl1 1u1ta,r ,

He plaJcd In a Blrmlnrharn 1rou1 (n the ewenlnr• and w11 1n1roc1ur, ~ 10 Pcler Cne.n throu1h ■n ad\ll'II In the NII£ placed by Mike Vemi II of tilu• Hor1ion who wu Jookl11 r for undla:over■ d blue-r talen1.

Elmore .Jame, and Tommy Roe a r, a, fa r at different e.nd1 or the mu1, ea l tnlo u you can ret but J err Ir ■n addict of both and lr onr Joyed to I N " Dlny " a hit. "w ,11 !:', ~


11;1/i/ fuawre on hlmt •· 1,.

.... ,..,, WIid•. FaMu, Nr1Y Clill , ■llddy Hally and le a lfflW UIUI

~!:::,J;..u~ z:orea1:•:~ ':."!:~ •. i, ,1

In fact. It I ■ one or hlr hobb,h-1 -when Fltttwood Mae are lnnllln. round to .ean:h through Junk atio io for ai n11I N to ,add IO hi• eolltttl11n -11\111)' ol which he cot for id . eac h and M I• now on the 1ear<:h I ,,, Fabian a lbums 11nd a rln1le call , 11 " 'nle. Sha pe. I'm In " l,y Johnn~ Reale.YO,

y.,,_, •sit " " played me, Pabian'r "Strini:

a -1011,1 " and I uked Wh,11 ■ lt ratl ~I/ him 10 IOUnds lnnedlbly dated Ly

~O::{I u::n!~~~a~:. by FleflWO<>d .. ■Hlcally Oie ITIUSIC Is ,,. ,~

■ lmp l a, nl'J' rruh . u •, .,,,,. Y""8 music and •h■n I uMd la ...... Oi■H recerds whe11 I wa■ abollt U tho d id much mare far me thMI record, da n-.

" You IN when ,ou mui1r ,,~h ~e11o:,O:r!C:.p~fo cl:1 ri:~ :'t!:1u~ chord11 and technk:all lles ond tht•n )'11 11 llnd the. enjoyment 1ron1 a r, cord la ■lowly vanidtln1 .

" There were no prctentlon■ abou1 what they were. d o.Ina lhet1."

lfla favou rite reco rd ur all ll mr I ■ .. Shella .. which ,. In hll cul lecllon alonplde. Crum and Tim ll ■ rdln and 1tnan1er ltemr li~e t11r Iheme n1u,:t' from " Ben Hur " and " Ttle Greatest s 1or1 EVllr Told."

1hc IHI word on Jeremy ■houhl I think ro 10 Mick F,eetwood : .. o ur humour ca n be very cruel ■1■ lnH tht' lnd',wldual •nd when you'•t' I:~ o•er 1ilat you e■ n turn round ■n a lau.: )o; rl 11: hl at yourui ll, which 11 , good lhln1. II w■■ Jrr,y who brou1:h1 th■ l aboul-he h■s dOnl' ■ II of u, a 11:re ■ t de■ I or 1ood."

lUek'■ 1 reatest enJoymen1 from the band, howe•er. comu from merely lnlna with the other lour. " I c■n ' I think of ■ ny o ther people I'd ra ther be with and neryone else In the rroup feel• tha t way."

Born In COrnw■ II the. An o l ■ Wini Commander In lhe. Air Force. Mltk lnvelled with hi• po. renll to

He e■me lo London without e.due■• llon■I quallllc:■tlon1 and wenl 10 ~=r a°!

1~h r:~:n!

11~;'~.~~~a~ln1,,1~~~ Nobodies I BUY NOW BEFORE STOCKS t\AEIT

~~rig~• .. :~a~~C 1a;~. ~tr;r:e. ~: I~ he w■1 put Into a boardln1 ■chool btt■u1c of the elfect trnell\nr mt1ht have. on hl1 education . The.

Lhlnv In the u mc mewl wu Pete Barden, of Sholaun Eipreu whom Mleli: beca me friendly wllh. R■ J Davies wu then pl■)'lng with Barden■ and Mick ■nd D■ve Davi es

Later they went ui) In a •· d ll lu ■c " coach wi th a c:ock1111 bar and drove round Liverpool wavln& lo passer■ by. "A nd we were com ple te and utter no bod In. " lau1h1 Mick .

Finally Mick found hi■ way Into Shol1un E1prc11 Wi th Pete Ba rden,. Peter Green , Dave Ambro,c of Brian Aui:cr Trinity and Rod Stewart . But when Pclcr Green lell to Join John Mayall , Mid went back to d«or■ t • lnr. bu lldlni,: himself up a ,mall but promlslni; one-man bu1l ncn.

He was per■ Ulded 10 ll iVc lhll l up when John Mayall asked him to Join th\' Blue■ breakcn and 11 w11 from there 1h111 he and Peter Green lell 10 lnrm n eetwnod Mae.

Apart fro'" ed uc■ l lon Uure ■ 1' e■ rtaln 1ubjecll Mick l■ ■ l1 mul

f!~~~''o/~~~ .~n~o,r:n~ :~ ,:: complete latk af d irection ol young peop le .

One or his faun■ I• lell int: things J:CI bollled up Inside him when he knowa h" s hou ld confide In pt'Ople. 11e ·1 ma'lat;int; 10 rid hlmst'lf of

:~~~ ~~: :r"cd :a111tin;h:~o~nd

0 ~•1tt~ DUI 1uch II grHI weigh! on )'OU and art! In a po1il lon l o take on Olht• r ' • problem• Instead of fe.., lln 11 wrry for .)'OUrtelf,

Driving art II he had a Joi of money he woulO

oo\leet cars and already hlli threo­■ n AJvl1, an Au1Un 7 and II Bristol IJrlvln)I: In him la an art form ■nd he often drlvu lhc 11:roup 10 i,:lll!i In th <! Alvl1.

His r■tord 1nt• rnll range from

~::r.~~s Br1•n~rq11':1 t~~dTr;:r.:11~;: :: young painters 10 ado rn hl1 n■ t ,

lie bellcvrr; In Cod but dotsn ' l be• llcve. fn marriage. " I bcllcn In evHythtng marriage llands for

u~r:i uWfm:~~ 0!~~rii:n" I• never 10

be c:on lcnl. " I don ' t want 10 go ■ round like a ravln1 neurollt. I wa nt :~ ~t .. happy with Jun a rou1h edge

■ 11~r~or111: ~c:~u~:~•t M~;!1n~~ok poif. Udani and the h1ek o r difl'"liun o r youth. " There ' ■ nn con1ar1. II 1omr• one rou ld onl y 1lvc the young pC11ple Sflme tire and t•nlllU!ila~m in11tad of 1hr kids sl lllnK batk and 111ylnM • Oh m ■ n I don ' t cart• • That 'i. ii, thal ' ■ lhe whPI\' point I am 1rytn1 10 make

.. I wl1h I cou ld wake up one mornlnr and be I rantu lle poll• lldun ."

Next week: John and Danny

On sale, Friday, week enalng May 31, 1969 NP.W MUSICAL EXPRESS I


Tommy's career makes l,im dizzy Fan clubs

·· II'• only like 1Mt in £ntr l•nd, and we don' t mind," K.rl uld. " Wt· re• fi ve-ma n group inAmerle• . we :ill hnve our ow n fan clubt:. •• Al th • mom,nt w1'rt doing c•b·

uel h ■ re I nd PffPI• rtcot nlH WI lor whit we can do. We •II do nwmbu• •nd m•k• s.ome joltH. IO we' re 1 11 lnvolv•d In th• ,ct." Wha l the Hermit• have done,

t1 ul1c senJ\bly, 11 to put th~ r money 1ntr1 other enterprises. Karl haa a n 11i,::rnc-y for show buslnen people. lla rry h111 a garage and Kcllh and Lek have thdr own jingle com• pa ny .

Thlni,:s :ore very O.K. at the moment for llem,1n'1 llermlla. bu t 1ui.t what will be happenlnr a lter a hulhcr five yeara? Karl has a n am•

ro~M•~ra!~;son:"~ : ~,• .:;;i,~ h1Ye newer been re11!11 on top and h i1 low, hne never bnn low enou1h to h it bottom . It 's ju1t thi1 incon1ilf11ncy that hH kept him 1 oin1 owe, the nin e yea rs that hi1 re cCH'din1 c.iiree, span,. "It'• alweys • m11ttry," Tommy

told ma Ulla WHII, "about Whll'I 9oln1 to happan nurt. LIiia tomorr­you could b• a gl91ntlc 1br. You n1 warkn-.

" My car11r'1 raally b,an funny

t::u:~d l~~~~! d '[h.~a~re. ,:.~· b:~~ bib at a tlm, , which flnanclally I can' t comptaln about b1c•u11 It'• b11n gnaL l'v• ff!ad• ff1or1 mon17 lhlt way. l ' va n .... ar b11n r Hlly down. l 'v, alway, m1d1 mon,y.

" You I.all• Hm1 of th• 9roup1 -lhl)' rtally 90 good tor I y1ar Ind lhan th•y dl1 compl1!dy. So I r11lly


can't COfflplaln a bout th, way my carHr 11 going ••npt that I'd 11111 to b1 blg1u and I'd 11111 to tHi fflOrl ••II kn-n."

It'• b11n No y■ara ,1 nu Tommy had I hit rtCOrd avan l hough h• has

~~: a:::n 1~h~l:g~~• ::~~~ i::::,tl:;j~

on th • charts, Tommy 11 constanUy

~",. t::':fr1,::r1/:i1"1'!rt~p~~:"!i:~: - " Sh1ll1," " Ew1rybody," " SWIil .,,a," and " Hu,1. "

Tommy admits It con b , d• pru1lng b1t.11n hits , " ■ut that'• what k••P• ml going. l ' YI bHn d-n bafora, but I k now I t' ■ Just a fflal1u

of ,.t~:j',' a~':;: ~~ I 1:•.;.:,: ~-~f:~i •.• 1lthar u a n 1nt.rtolnu ortHi• h1nd th• acenH,"

Wrltlng hat 1lw1y, 11,pt Tommy lnvolvtd too. HI• latast h it "Dluy "

; : :i c;:;~;!'"a-:'Jth.:.n::,d,W,.•11:~1;'! thay ••r• on tou r totathar.

Tommy ,..,., , mbtnd , " I •u play• ln1 around on lh• guitar and I

• want..S to gal .omattilng 1111:e ' •••rJ'• body ' M(1u11 thll WII rully a ~'if,. record. Thll WH a on, F.trd

•• I nn11mb1nd lhl old J ln1my

~:: :O~o~,i~u:;:,. c:, "r!,..'!~U:i; I.hit ' You•v• Cot M1' and jwlt UM Dluy.

About girl " I Mid I'll ma•• It about a , 1r1

and 1he won' t l1awe lo pay any att1 ntlon to ffll -101h• makn m• dluy. Th1t'1 lhe way I u1ually go about I L "

Procol Regal Zonophone RZ3019

. A Harum s~L~.DtJ9

Don Partridge

Brian Hyland

A Million to One

Three Dog Night One S1aleslde/ Dunhlll


Colour my World Columbia D88583

(cuutnlly touring U.K.)

11aM11 Tl!( GAlArtn tUCOAOIIG


The Ain't too Proud to Beg

Doi 00T12◄

Jane Marlow

A Friend of Mine

Columbia 0885M

Bobby Gentry

Touch 'em With Love

CapUol CL1559S

The Karlins

Hang On Columbla


Goln9 about ltln ju1tlhalway ha1 M f■ r nattad Tommy a two and a half mllllon q Jllng 1lnglt lt1 Ule Unl tad Statu alone. For h it lawt hit t!ngle hart In lh• US " Heather, Hon,y ", 1111 aplt1 put lllt ... , . wrlll111 formula lo...,._

" I try te com, up wllh a cat.clly t1U1. In tact, ' Heather, Hon,,• 11 nally tunny. I aiartod amolllng a pipe a llttlt bit and I -nt lo Ulls ll'OOY)' p lpt thop trying to 11'1 -• PIIHI tobacc..

ti:~ · br:t a~=-r~..:::·Tt· J: ... 1a.:. CUIM I lilied Ul t -Me M mlKIII

" The llttfe can At around tile hOUN for months a n d I'd Ma It s itting thue and I ll1pt t.hlnkl•• •hat a groo,,y t1affle Muther HalM)' ,,.

" Then I U11t11t1hL, ,._, That

5'..tiat~~!r~:~~7~ .. "::;.:. 5:nJ

William Bell

My Whole World is Falling Down Sia: ST AX121

Al Martino

Sausalito Capitol


The Grassroots

The River is Wide Stateside/ Ounhill



Tomorrow, Today

Bell 8Llt064

UU. Reck1s (TIit Gr1ao,ht119 Co. lt1'-) lM.I. H, .. , . 1D M111ciut1r 5c...-., lfNN W1A 1ES

4 NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS On aale, Friday, week encllng May 31 , 19bi1


ROCK AND CRY WITH Bee Gee trio set for a big one


BEE GEES : *Tomouow, Tornor,ow (Pol1dor )

THt,:ir:ifhd~:~ .:::: .'!:. 1~:: " Fint Of Mir," Bury •a•ln takecs le1d •oul on thl1 very 1hon1 c:hut contender.

Harmonically catchy and att rac• 1Jve ii'■ hound to be a big o ne.

lhln ly mid wmpo with familiar hruh uu•d 10 10"'1 effect. addlnJ In th •• pul11 n1 n1 lyrk •rlUt'n by lllirry a nd M11 unct.

Baekinll lou. t•Hn with Tijuan a , JU1t t rumpcl and 11rln 11 II unobtrU• jm'j-y•t•!~f, .... ■nd drnppln1 bchlnd

Much more lmmcd l ■ ll' l y c111ehy lhan lhelr IH I hll a nd I tip II '" be .-v,•n b11u11•r ,

DIONNE ..... w,cic : Peopla C.ot To • • Fret (fl)'I lnt1 rn1tJon11) • for 11111 lone Dlonnl'"J btt·n mluln1 n ul nn ftUr chart& bul I c11 n' t hontttly lte 1h 11 lat«! r tlUU

f~; ~le'!i~r~~= I '.~t rl~hl\1~1 h~• •~.:.~; re m 11 mber11d melndy. diHl nc1 1vt

~~!:~.~l~tou~!~k~n01Cal .• nd powtrful, ■ut buyen wlll •o for lht

.., .. ••· • l1rlc"'"•ln•Hrydo11b&ful .

58-4279 Sly &

BEATLES: *The Ballad Of John And Yoko (Apple) QNE of the most emotionally movinc soncs ever to come

from the pen of Lennon ~nd McCartney, the lyric very nearly broucht a tu, to my cynical eye and the only thing that stopped t+ie flood was the drivinc , r,w, earthy rock to which the words are set.

11n~0~,n~: ~r:r~ ~r1~~=·· ~ia~;:

to John i nd Yoko and their mu• rlage and honeymoon, but as I've sa id, the 1enslon Is relieved by the drivlna rock backing or guiur, bus .:.n<4 drums.

It rea lly 11 a 1l0rrner and a great one to dance to

I prn ume II h ad lo be relHll!d now blt'IUII! of the toph:a l lyric bul th 11 flCI lh•I lhe BHIIH l!.lll cur• renlly II No I wllh .. Ctl Bad: .. mual det ract from 11\u.

JOE ■aOWN: SwNI Nu1lt/Su:aann, (MCA). • Ha vtn1 been I Ia n or J o,1:'1 for

~0o~~T~, 1~~; :ur~■ r:11 1~: r '~~~•~ ~~er,,~:

him back In the ch■ r lS . BUI e•en 1hou1 h this r elea•e I• a dou ble A aide 1howln1 con1r1111n1 1111n I Ju.i ca n '11nl1doln11he tr lck.

Good Havens! •1cH1• HAYaNl : TL•dy Maden111 (YerYe)

A e::;T;;e~· ~enine:~~;~e:ua~~ 1,1 themaelvta could havt Imagined and t.aken from Haven'• current ■ ! ­bum "Richard P. Havens 1983 ...

11'1 a 1n11 1on1 re•U1ll111d b y the 1ro•l••t1ICC'd Havens 11111 to prr •


>v1::.~~~ •~~p:f!~•rlh~:!:~

~:~=o~i"E:t:F;!i:r;:::~~r-d t.,~ ~I~: think 111.



CltAIC DOUCLAS: TH- a. Y•u F"I Abeut Th■t (Pye)

: ,d T••~trln':':, h~f: b~{101:ted~~f•:~

lhe 1cen1 when the ,roup boom

~~~I : ndr'e~o":J1in';ce,~~lio h•,~~•1 ,i~:~ yea ra. N- h•'• Ne.II wlUi ■ ,.,,.,. c:ltc:hy

and ceMmen:111 J•c:111■ Trent / T•ny Hatch ballad which c: ... ld -11 pre¥1dt ■ ch1rt c•mtba.dl far hlM,


1£ir~~1:1K:t;l','n~-T❖:e :~~{~: aound 11 a 1rlfte dated , b ut Crall alwaya ••• 1 1ood 1tn1er ao he mull br In there wllh I ch an ce.

·• Sweet Mu1ic ' ' 11 a ban jo-frontf'd, brl 1ht and breuy number of lhe 1or1 un which Joe uccl1 1 • nd Cl'ln

~i:~~~ J::: ~~~ :,11; :;:1n~ ' 1:i!t ~~!

current cha r t, " Suunne " 11 • puettc ball•d

lrom the prn of Leona rd Cohen 1lven 1 u n•lllvc a nd 1ympathetlt· trc1t­ment fr om J oe .

Dynamic Eric tops Ike and Tina's original

q u,1~1 ~ 1~~~: 1 !~:~,1: _1: 1un,\j~:1

' ~: mure lh•n ha ppy In be prD¥ed wron1 , nd hi• TV lfrilll •llr!lnl Ml)' SI may du Jult th at.

ERIC BURDON and the ANIMALS : .River Deep Mou r.ta in Hi1h ( MCM ) THE Phil Sp■c:tor c:lauic &i...en fhe Animals t,e,fment br Eric , nd Co

,nd completely diHcrent from the o,iainal Yllnion, thouah hard 11 it mar Hem to belie••• with ■r■ n mor• eac:iternent .

Rea lly 1lurm• 1lon1 with Erk ,:IY• lnK 11nt• uf hhr m,~t dynamic: pc rfor• m ant'H In dall• and 1hr Anlm l lll H•cm lnrb ln!ipl r ed by him ind

lh~,~~~:. \r 1~r:7~~~nfn1th:'l~y~h=~:~ U II dutrY1111 IO do, II WIii n•ally 1h1k r 'em up Clve It a i,,pln. or bt•ll11, Jl \11 , m ~h nut and buy JI now.

Family Stone Stand!


Go~~~ &~l•~~i: ic u~~ W~~~s 0Tn~;1 :.o~

~:a":1n,~ Smoke t:1. cl1•.:'

1~o:: ,~~

1%~; which r ta lty mull be 1011 uld 11, be

}roh.!: ~,:•n 1.J"r c~~;k "':!~!~~ 1hlr1 ·· Rull Ovrr B«lhnvt•n" 1111n a n er •II lhHI" )' l'IIU • In ,enllr r \'t•ln, ■IIIJ Eclllllne tl ffC tlli " C lgl " , .. 5•rah Vau1 h•n '1 Yr r1lon of "Tht· Bny Frum lpanema " lli ll 11 111>1 1nm•• b1•11ing .. A• dm•s " Mnhll lr S11 rn " liy Chulle Rich . . A man who ncvn dtd rt•a lly l'lld. lhi~ .-idt• uf lh t> Atlantic cYcn when he had CYrryth in,c Kninic fur h im Wlll B.-ook Benton :rnd 111,. ru rr t•nt " Hnll Weevil Sun1 · • w11 n ·1 help . llentun ·• •ucc-eulul 11·.,n mah- wh Ol n,h WH hln.ton ,11d ltS • dou hlld rnlln)'

~:::111~'-'";.,,!~11 ~~)' '•

11 ,r~~;,, •,~,'7i;:.t clllUkl' >"rum lhP lf1>lld o ld plum•rr d11y1 ul pop and 1> till fin • lltllr " Cn:111 Balh o r f'lf l' • " Whnh• l.0 11 11 Shakin ' Cnln ' on'" and " Long TIii lia lly" ·• Jt•nny Jenny " l rum Jerry L .. · L•wl1 lnnl uril(tnal n •rordln ,c!i l .. K1n j,1 o r Th11 Ro11d " Wlli a 1(11111 hll flt~

c~~f.=," h~•~•••~nu~~I: ,l.t'f." ,,~1'~; 1~1;'.

11 u11o•n •. All 11hlu•r un Mrrtltr)

Not so memorable as Peter's No. 1

PETER SARSTEDT: *Frozen Oranse J• ice (United Artists \ f ETER'S eacerly awaited follow-up to his chart topping "Where Do You Co To " and on first hearing not as

immediately memora·ble, but I find the more I play it the more I like it.

Taken at a allahUy fHter pace than his first hit th lt has a more lnvol\·ed Wcklna arrangement whlcn. to me anyw•y. detr•cti lrom Peter's re:11 • trength - hi• lyrics.

Thi• I ■ a aenaltln. oblernnl. IHI

~~• r::.1fta/~r.ct,:~~t e~ri!~u:!~b .:~ I thumpln1 H rJ dan"<a ble beat.

I !Ike 11, I lhlnk It t.·ould ••II be

~::r:m::::•ff1~:~!\~·~.n::i:~-ut~ ol them .

SAaDLTA: ti "'" A ··-" (l'r"I• d■til)

HA~!:~ d~~:i r::r o!lc~~:en: lhll she's a wom•n, ,he allO man­ages 10 1.lve 1h11 son,: a rather 1tn1uou1. hul vtry allr■ctlve t reat. ment.

A Cook/ Creen•• •Y number that I wouldn' t hue been 1urprlHd to 1ee

f~:i::!,.c;!f~ r~."-~°C!m1r"°e! ~-'"t~:

Sh■ kr Me," but 1lven a very punc hy

11~1:p b~!~~ 1,oriun:,. H~::~:~d~ • .,i d eaenet 1place lnthechart.

Stormy Bobbie

808111( CfNTRY: .Touch ·r ... With lo•• (C•pit ol )

Y1!i ... :.~· .!~~-.... :. '°,:~ Lulu and ,;,.. .. hlf' bo.irw:r, powtt'fu l t,.ahMrit 11.,. br Bobble Geriny who I aped to SN linnir11 up ft•■ charh, both •ilu•llr a nd vocallr,

"Wo •h~~fi'., •l.erma a._n, WIUI •• ucllln• Nc:.in1 h■lp-

!:! r;,::." J:"":u~~~'t ':0 -!,:~ bu.t IIOlltlltelHI, • • ,, Ulclty

"""'· th~~ ':~I ,::•:u:..11.e..,r,'ue~ =~! ::.':n:"'ts!!:'~f lt

11 l•lng lD 911

On sa lti, Friday, week cnalnK May 31, 1969

Lively, delightful number from new Philips artist .. . JOE GRIFFITHS Rhododendrons BF 1787

Underground U.S. group driving up the charts ... GROUP THERAPY Can't stop lovin' you baby BF 1792

Beautiful, lyrical number from three young men you'll be hearing more an·d more of ... MAGNA CARTA Mid-Winter MF 1092

Everybody knows

i\111{1& (iltIIrI◄,

'EVERYBODY KNOWS' is their first great single for Major Minor MM&12

MAJOR MINOR RECORDS 58-59 Gt. Marlborough Street London W .1

Top Ten ltM, WHk 1ndl n1 Ma y al 2 l YOU ' RE MY WORLO Ci111

Bl•ck (PIHluphanel l I. JU LIIT Four Ptnnlur

(Phlllp1I l l IT'S OV I R Roy Orbil(ln

fl.tmdonl 4 4 MY I OY LOLLIP'O, Mlllll'

Cfunt1n■ I 5 5 CON STANTLY Cllff ll lchard

lColumbl ■ I • • A LITTLI LOVINC Fuur,

l ::•~Ac:::~~~e~LACI TO (i;O Chuck Berry (Pye lnll


u ' NY GUT ll ■ rJ Weil l (Sla t .. ldt)

l 10 DON'T nt • o w YOUR LOV■ AWAY S•archers (Pyel



IIIJOP30 (Week ending Wednesday, May 28, 1969)

GET Bm .... .. ......... .............. ........... Booties (Apple) DIZZY .. ..•.•.•.....•.. ...•.• .. •.•... .•. Tommy Roe (SlatE<ide) MAN OF THE WORLD •• ...•.•..• .Flottwood Moc (Immediate) MY SENTIMENTAL FRIEND •..•.. Hermon's Hermits (Columbia) MY WAY ..•.•• .•.• .••....•.•• .... •••••• .Fronk Sinotro (Reprise) BEHIND A PAINTED SMILE .•.. Isley Brothers (Tomlo Motown) THE BOXER •..•.••. .....•.. .••..• .•.. Simon & Garfunkel (CBS)

13 RAGAMUFFIN MAN .. ........ ... ..... Manfred Monn (Fontono) 12 LOVE ME TONIGHT.. .. ..•.... ...... .•...• ... Tom Jones (Decco) 7 10 COME BACK AND SHARE ME. .... .. ... Clodogh RodgeB (RCA)

18 11 GALVESTON .•.•...•. ...•.... ..•.•.••... Glon Campbell (Ember) 8 12 GOODBYE .•... .. ...••. .....•... .. •....••. . Mory Hopkin (Apple)

11 13 ROAD RUNNER Jnr. Walker & lho All Siers (Tomlo Motown)

21 14 AQUARIUS / LET THE SIJN SHINE IN MEDLEY Slh Dimension (Liberty)

10 IS PINBALL WIZARD ... .•..•. ...... •.•• .•.....• .•. .. •... Who (Trock) 23 16 TIME !S TIGHT .•.. ..... .• .•.... . Booker T. & the M.GJ (Stox) 19 17 TRACKS OF MY TEARS

Smokey Robinson & the Mirodos (Tomlo Motown) 17 18 l'M LIVIN ' IN SHAME

Oiono Ro55 & the Supremes (Tomi• Motown) 22 19 BADGE ... .••• .••.... .. ...•..•.• ........ •.••• .•.. Croom (Polydor) e20 OH HAPPY DAY .•... ....... Edwin Howkins Singers (Buddoh) IS 21 HARLEM SHUFFLE •..• .•.......•.•..•.•. .. .. Bob & Eorl (blond) 25 21 I THREW IT All AWAY •..... .... ..•. , ...•.••.• Bob Oylon (CBS) 30 I l'D RATHER GO Bl!ND ... ..• .•.. Chicken Shock (Blue H0<izcn) 26 24 DICK-A-OUM-OUM .•.•.••.•.•.• .. •.. .. 011 O'Conner (Columbio) 14 25 THE ISRAELITES .......•..•.•• .... D11mond Dekker (Pyramid) 24 25 SNAKE IN THE GRASS

Dove Dee, Dozy, Bo•ky, Mick ond Tich (Fonlono) 29 27 HIGHER ANO HIGHER .•••.. .•.. .. ... ..••.. .Jockie Wilson (MCA) 16 28 CUPID .•.••.•. .. ... ..••..•....• .... .Johnny Nosh (Mojor Minor) 20 29 GENTLE ON MY MIND •.....••.••.•..•.. Doon Mortin (Repri11) .30 GIMME G!MME GOOD LOVIN' .• Crazy Elophonl (Moj0< Minor) • 0 LIVING IN THE PAST... •. .•.. .. .... ...•..•• .Jolhro Tull (Island)

Britain's Top 15 LPs I I NASHVILLE SKYLINE .•..•.••.•.. ...•• ..•. .•. .••. Bob Dyl on (CBS) 2 2 ON THE THRESHOLD OF A DREAM ... .. . Moody Blu11 (Derom) 4 3 HOLLIES SING DYLAN .•••...•.•......•... ... ....... (Porlophont) 3 4 THE BEST OF THE SEEKERS .......•.••..••.•......... (Columbio) 6 s " ELVIS" •.• ... .. •... .. ... .... ..•. .. ..•. .•.•.•• Elvis Presley (RCA) 9 6 HAIR •...... ....... ..... .. ... .... .. .. .. ... London Cosl (Polydor) s 7 GOODBYE .•... ..• ..• .•.•• .•... ... ... ... ... .... .. . Creom (Polydor) 7 B SONGS FROM A ROOM ........ ........ .. Leonord Cohen (CBS)

• 9 TOMMY ... ..... .. .... ........... ... .... ..... ..... .... Who (Trock) 10 10 LED ZEPPELIN .•..•.• ....••..••....•...••.....•..•.•.... (Atlantic) 8 11 LIONEL BART'S OLIVER!. ....•..•••.• •..•...•. Soundlrodc (RCA)

11 12 SOUND OF MIISIC.. ..•.•.•.••...•....••.••..• Soundtrodc (UA) 14 13 THE WORLD OF MANTOVANI. •..... ..•.••... ...... .. .. •. (Decco)

• 14 SURROUND YOURSELF WITH CILLA .. Ciilo Block (Porlophone) 12 IS GENTLE ON MY MINO ....... ........... Deon Mortin (Repri11)


4 11 9 2

• 8 10

4 14 10 4 3 16

3 17

S 17 6 19 1 20

10 7 3 21 2 21 3 24

10 1

2 24 2 27 9 6

14 2 1 30 1 30

4 I 6 1 4 3

28 1 6 4

17 4 13 1 s s I 9 7 s 7 4

21' 1 21 7 I 14

10 6

2GrEz9ts From The States Dionne

Warwick Frank


A New Abrn From ~~ '""w~ ., •• , .. :11105



On aa le, Friday, week enalng May 31, 1969

New Musical E1pr111



Kinks 'opera' single THE Klnk1' n u.I 1ln1le will be a track from their ,e t-l c;..~rele&H<l

In ml~-t!~~r,; !t1u:;n~r:- ~~ 0t1:~b~~~ ~~~a':, 1:!i~::i t~! &:: Davte1 compo11Uon " Mindless Child Of Molhe.rtmod " 11 1he flip

side, Al!:;e ,;h~:I~" f~p 3~=1'1'1 r!i:a!! ~~an~ed ~°:rt1~~f ~:; .~eMed "You Don't Have To Walk In The Rain," wMch Ray Davie■ pro­duced for them In Ney. York re«ntly, Devlh retum1 to Amulca In the near fulure to 1upervl1e the recordlna of the Turlle.s' next album.

Presley stage musical?


11::! !°:.j~ ~::u:~1n&e"~dl!t":1~a:i:: • conceru wne cancelled becau■e of poor adnnce booldn11, and the re­malnlna flve dates d~ a combined cotal of only S,$00 lanL North• west Releuln1 Corporation, the promoter, of the tour, 1ustalnod an overall 1011 ot H,000 dollars,

Accompanied by the King Curtis ouUlt, Dusty dreow only 451 Pt"(op lc 10 the • 11t S111tl• Cenln Aren a -and her blH'11t audlencu WH 1,315 In Wlnnlpe1, Canad.a. Dates canCC'I• ll'd wero: at Portl1nd, Sa1ll1toon, Ca l• l■ r)' and Spotaneo.

With Du,ty • naw HtlbltMlad H .,,. e# tft• mp pl)p raardln1 art!dl 111 Amulca, Ula tour flasca 11 dlf• fk11lt IO Hplaln. ■llt N•c prurld •"' WIiiiam ow,111 mm"1a"t•d: " In my•len th, ■haw WU .ina,..anlHd Nth an a11d oft' m1,."

Follo-.lnr the tour, Du1t7 1!1u• to Ne• Yorll where 1h11 cut two new :\~f~~ C~~:erp;;:r~ )~e,;ler'■ 1u per•

D111t7 11 due b1ct In !Andon tomorrow (Sllurd1y), •nd will 1111e 1 re-. d171• holiday before uarlln f work on her new BBC·l aerln. She :~~ 1'~ ,:: 1~nsdwl~~1n"1u1,u:op': -~~II.~ PHIIHI. Already Ht for Dust)' on her autumn Ylll t to America 11 an ;~r,e::~.n~~ '&J'o:er11';~ •• Holl)'WDod

DESMOND OFF TO NEW YORK D~:'~~ o~~~~ v:!~ on June 30 a t the outset of a fow-week tour durlna which they will make aeveral TV appearances to pro1note " The laraelites," currently at No. 41 In the U.S. Chart. Tbe Atts return to London on 3uly 28, while Desmond me-a to Jamaica to be JUest of honour at the annual lndepend1111ce celebntlons.

Desmoad la due back ln BrHaln on Auau•t 14, when he and the Aces bealn 1111other uteml•e ballroom tour here.

MAC TOlJB DATES F IRST datn have now been ael for F1eetwood'a •utunm concert

tour, wblch wlll follow the p-oup's Rm.mer tour or Ameri ca. It plays Edlnbu,zh Uthn Hall (October I), Manchaler ffff Tnde Hall (2) uid BrtatoT Collton Hall (4). A London venue 11 brin& booked for Oc!tobff a, and three further dates hav11 st lll '° be confirmed.

June one--nlahten: for Mac Include Ea.It Sheen Bull (I), Bath Pavilion (2\, Dunstable Civic H•II (3), Sevenoakl Bligh (4), Blnnln&ham Belfr)'

~e ~o~rl!f~ ::.w.~u,~~ ii,°~1?~. (~!lf ~d J~n=:~IT:;~uP!~ it. U.S. tour.

TOMGHT 7'30-11·30 10'

fllarlie & lne-z Foxx Fridly &tll.J■• 7·3D·TI·30 7 /6



AMEN-DAVE DEE TO R PLAN Roy Wood pens Corne single

A MEN Corner and Dave Dee, Dozy, Beaky, Mick and Tlch have been sig ed for five British concert dates, kicking off at Newcastle City Hall on Friday, June 6. A longer iti erary Is likely for July, and

the two groups will spend four weeks together on the Continent during Au st and September. Move's Roy Wood has penned Amen's new single.

Amen Comer - who t opped ,--------"---------------1-------- ----[,h~afr•A~ w~.,~·;:..i•:~J'"~: 7l'U~ LATEST IN SUPf11,·11111111 Dee group will visit Bourne- n~ 'l;I( 'ffVU~

~j~f~;~~~f~;)~~~~I Donovan recordinn w, h Jeff Beck dates have been set. ::I

Amen'• manaaer, Terry Slater, told the N'ME: "If these date■ are a 1ucces1, there will be ten con• secutlve British dates In July fo r t he two groups. Major cities such

:~dM!1i~~:s~li1 ~;e;r.;~.Gl~8

~h~ d11t111 wlll be by Em• peror Rosko."

In mld-Au1u1t, lhe two group1 depa rt on a major European to ur vlslllna - among other venues to be 1rr1n1ed - Berlin, Bremen, H1mbur1, Amsterdam, Cologne, Copenhagen, Go1henbur1 1nd Stockholm.

w:4a°":~n~::d &'!1,•a~l:!u=~[ ::::t ~~~;!~::~r~r7.-:!~r~-:.f-S June U nlH.. t:,y lmm•dlat.. Thi■ 11 a -Itch fren. tha orial•al ,iumbar "Al l.&Jt l"va · Fe..,id Sam•Mdy Ta Lav• " whlc:h wu to hi.,. .... ,. 111.iad today (Frida)') . No flna l d1te hll been l.xed for :~,::f~r::.~,,:::-~:~~i~:~~~~i

ortr.nala b7 And)', and there are al10 a few well•llnown 10np."


A STARTLING new combination ls shortly to make ts bow on record - Donovan with the Jeff Beck Group. They have already rec ded a single together - com•

prising two Donovan composldons - under the supe Jslon of producer Mickle MosL And when Donovan returns from hJ1 current visit to otland, he and the Beck group wlU spend up to two weeks cuttlng an album.

Commented Mickie Most: " Jr ,---------1----------­wos a ca lcu lated aamble, and 11 paid off har:d1omcly. The 11i ngle l• really great, and I plan to releue it II quickly as poaalble both In Britain and America. In th is country I lmoalne it will appe.1r on the Pye label."

Live 1ppear11ffoes by Donovan and Bock ere now under consider­ation •• a result of their joint r,e.cordlna venture. Beck ha■ now eatabll1hed h lmself In America -where Donovan Is a major box• office d raw--41nd a U.S. tour by two a ttraction• mutt be re­garded as highly probable.


C"~~: t!":~K2l :~~: week's NME Chart - la to undertake • major European concert tour durina the flrit half of Auau1L In usodaUon with CBS Recorda, It w!U play datts In France, Holland, Belalum a nd Germany, The group then fll tl dlrl!!Ct to America ror a len&lhy tour of that country.


C' on Tuesd•y - her 21th blrtllday -(or a pluUc au,1ery operaUon •. hne her nose r ... baped, She u­p,Kta to be In hot:Pltal t« three or four day■• Sbe will then take a brief holld•y untll mid-June, when she be&ln• rehearNls for her Black­pool ABC summer HUOII openlna June 20.

A naw Cilia sln&le will be luued to colDdde with the atart of her summer abow. Top t kle hu not yet :,«n selectad, but the '"8" ■kle wUJ

~~~:, ~;:,-v;:: ;:'ll!'>i~; You AN! A Mucky Kid." A n ew 1V d•te for Cilia 11 In York■bJre-

e lV's .. Bruce Forsylh Show " screened on Saturday, Junt 21 .


B~e ~ i ta::r1h1' f~a~ ::h u:.~~t':

1hl~ h~~!Y .!::don~:e .::1::~~

bridae. Aecompaoltd by his v.·il l ulu-who waa not In the car a t the time of the accident-he was ru NI t.o hospital for trHtmenL But, apu-t from shock 1nd brul1t1, Maurlceo u lucky to escape--aald • IPokumao -wllh a brokm no■e and two ck eye11.


AJb11rt Ha.II " Pap Pram " an .l\lnt - pnvlausJy rapartH - L•d Zt p • lln wlll pl ■J' a 1hart cancan t r be1l"nln9 on Ju"' U at ■lr,nlnah T-11 Hill. Furthu dat.1 ara M · chut., FrH Trad, (15}, N IWCI$

Reports that M1urk-e 1nd Darr)' Clbb are le lllf In I ftlm 1dapt1tlon or .. H1lr .. w•r• dl1ml11ed 1h11 WHII a1 "u.1remel7 premuure." Com• menltd 1 1pollum1n: ·· 11 ·1 tru, th1t Robert Sll1•ood'1 com p1ny 11 bld­dln1 ro, the ftJ m rl1hta of the ■how. Dul we hnen't yet 101 th, rlrhl• and - lel '1 It - prsellcolly eY't)' other m1jor ctunp1ny are arter lhem, tOO!"

~!'I ,,~~mt1!li; ::1:~a1Pl~~ J may N add•d. LIYarpMI Scana a


Ao 1nnouncemen1 11 e:rpected 1hort1y concn"ln1 the fulure of llebJn Gibb. It Ir undartlood that


11~~ Mm, day - 0a. IIMHt 1111 far

" ht.a'• Seturday ""Plil " campri, .. u,, Flh'taUans, •• ,,...,,, Froa•tt a"d th• Jahnny H-•rd OrcttHtra. Clllf •lcltard wltn th• Norri, Pera• ma,:. Orch11tra, Al-I" Prlc• and Mm• broH Siad• ar, In "S7ma"d1 Oft Sunday " an .Jun, ...... nd •• Oa• 1am, d11, •1c:1tl1 Ha.,."1 Is MOIIH far ''Ta, G•ar."

repruentalln.1, In th• hope or CLIFF U.S. TALKS r~:c~11~:u1~~ amlc■ bll ■elllement to

Don1ld Peers m■k• JIi i d lsc­Joc:te7 dl!but neu wcell (June t.t) when he lntrodueew ·· ramn, Choice ·• on Radto 1 ind 2.

Cliff Rkhud fie• lo A.mer it'■ I ' last week for dila.iulon1 on for1hcomln1 IUm fer the Bill)' Cnh or1anla1tlon--the follow-up 10 ··

:~:ir n~;~•h!~: h ~:,~:~]~1h~o:e:, j decfdt!d. the fl'm -.111 dellnllel)' ha • • documenlary rormtt.

some riveting sounds. They have n album coming very soon. and you c n get an idea of their kind of music fr , the single 'Tiger man'. A chunk I roaring, earthy rock with some a · tonishing guitar phrasing, this is not I r the timid. Play it at full volume and w1 h

a bit of luck you might turn on yo" whole street! It's on Decca F 22932

Rather more homely sounds fro MAUREEN MILLER, who sings 'T bonnie boy' with lots of lilt. on R x R 11 046.

And TERESA DUFFY sounding v 'I

EQUALS FOR POP PROM Lalell boollln1 for Iha ■erlH of

Pop Proms 10 be preRnled II London•, 8 07,I Altieri 11 111 I• the &qual1. They oppur In th• third concert of Ole 11rl11 on Tunday, ~~lm,fidt°'.'lth Aman, Corner and

torchy, does great things ' ber titled 'Woman of th, Emerald MD 1127.

THE SATIN BELLS arr trio who for some time charming club and caban Their style of singing is ve own, with instinctve ha 1

owe nothing to anybody. I first Decca outing 'I stand it's fresh and original and • the ears. Hope we'll be I more from these young la is F 22937. t---------

DIMENSION TOUR HERE T".E au, Dimension-st No.

14 In thl1 week'• NME Chart with Ila medley of sons■ from .. Halr " - wlll under•

::"• 1:e eo-;::i •=~er ~ui;g: Itinerary wllJ Include concert dattt In Britain, probably to­wards the tnd of Au1u1L

A new LP by the aroup will be ru1h 0 releaaed hen by

~~~:>'•,:m 'A::.:fdhe~fK-ted title of the album 11 "llh Dimension, Aa• of Aquarius."


:wl~ -based OD the IUe of Wtllh poet Tbornu-whlch wlll atar Richard Hurls. with :-:n .. :.~~t:t ~~ Chart blL 'lbe muslcal 11 the ftnt project to be &1U10Uneed a dlstributloo dul between ScrHo Geuu-Cohun­bia and Hanh' owo company, Umbrkl1e Music.

Webb la also com.posln1 the music for the Rlcbard Hanu­Robert MU chum movie "Stnnatt In Town," aa4 will shortly bealo work oo bu up­dated venlon ot .. Hamlet " which 11 also pl■Med to ■tar Harris. Meanwblk, .. Hair" star Vince Edward bu alaned wtth Webb'■ owa compu7, fo, whom be wlD make three aln&Ja artd at ooe LP eYUJ .Jur, to be dlttrlbuted by CBS.

On Ale, Friday, wedt tnams May 31, IINl9 7


JNSPlRED by the Edwin Hawkins Singers' single " Oh Happy Day "-whlch enters the NME Chart this week at No 20-the Foundations are preparing a live gospel album whlch they plan to record In a

London church or cathedral during the week beginning July 28. An apJ)l'oach has already been made to St Paul's Cathedral, scene of Mary Hopkln's appearance with the Scaffold last year, but this has been re­jected.

;€r;~r~1f~::£~l;::~~ NOEL HARRISON OWN TV SPECIAL even before Its release In

~i:::r1:•:~t :ifa~·"m~f!~i Dates for Ci Ila Sarstedt 'Pickwick' Although planned some time aso, ' f

!~~n~o~~:!;j}~~~• 1; ent~r~ l'P ~~~ NOEL HARRISON C. recorfinc ht. own BBC-2 Sunday, June 8. A. previou,ly reported. Tony nounced within a f:rtnl&ht . Al colour 1peclal at London • Tallt Of The Town Be~tt and the COWU Bo,ie Band 1tar -In tht, reported In Jut week'• NME ex- thls Sunday, for screening on Saturday, June Jf. ,ene, the followfn& weelc.

~~~lv:r:wgr~~~~rs a°.: ~1:i\:~ ~~=eJ/~l~:~~na50,:,':.:'.'.!ou!n~• a 8,i7>! ,c:n~en: 88,-f.:~~,;:~e•:r~~d u!:n~:O!u~ot~ reJ11lou1 orchestral music for re• ·the same venue. and the Web euut. fn the .ame chaMtd'• "Ba,il leHe late thll aummer. e CIilo Black ~ one of the /i r•t name.a booked Bnuh Show" on Friday, June 6. FranJt Sinatra

11 I• undentoocl thal • Cimt1n1n111 fo r a new 1i:c•week BBC•l •erlu 1tarrine Roy •tar, in I.he Hollywood muakal .. The Klalnl I:'mf:m~~=1 .. 1~.~~:::li 11n;;~':,1~~ t~ Ca.s,Ue, to be screened in the Saturday-night Bandit .. on BBC-2 ~ Wednesday (4}. the Jound1tlon1 11 d.111111 ,n variety 1pot from July 5. Cillo nuesta on Ju~ 12, • BBC-TV la planntn( to /Um a 1fffa ::L S9

:r~~•:pp~!!~~~·~mp1nlt1 are alto wn.:.oVfnc~~I, s:;:.e,:tr c/Ui~ :,.,:, :~ r:::.,n. ~pli:azwat t, R:;::: ,::r~ Cjune 1; Tll• Fe,uMaUou ntan1M '""" W06 or{glnollyscheduled to have •tarred the late and, ff •uct:euful. the series will ,o into produc-

?Jf ca~~ :t•Y';;:lla"!;' $: Bl~ fgg_~~i 90-mlnute adaptation of the niu.lcal !:~: :e~~ wh:' a:' ~ow prosramma apt1urad at o.1n1t'1 v,r1111 W11t, " Pickwick" ta beins transmitted on Wednud(zy, e Latat booltfnv for Grampian-TV's "Pop ~':im:d ''='!:""fh"• ':.n:,-.r 1'h:: June 1 I. It .tor• Horry, Roy Castle and Scotch" include CMIOrt:fwn and the Chri, lfc­atQmptad te •-•r 1u: '"· Ttm•, Hollie Jacques. The show will 1ub1equ ently be Clure Section (next Tue,doy, 3); the Moody Blues, •"'" 11n111me11t cHld net 11, repeated by BBC-1. Jaclde Lomax cznd Emperor Ro,Ji:o (June JO); ~=Jrr:~:::• ~f:°i~•i:: cu~ e~


t Rgoc~z ~~ t?.r:t~~~d::Uti~•I:,;~ e~~: ~~n,°" and°1~:Zrt.1en'; ,,~. Sound. tM Founda-11111, .. • 1,.,,n II• a.ston era not yet •creened in America. Starting on June J8, e Peter Sar•tedt. Julie Racers, Haal.hmora and lnsuu,Unt 11111 ,roc:ndlnt•• the aerie, ~ to be repeated on Wednaday nt,ht, Riehle Haven. ,uat fn London Weeaowf TV'•

The rroup wu also due la haYt on BBC-2.~A new 1erfe, bqlna In the autumn. Joe Brown seria • Set 'Em Up Joe • on S<it".u-

;:1;di:::~!~~:~~1li~1~:•:[?'!:;! B~l~=r l~~~~ve°"!u~e~t,! = ~~ba Ji! J~~~ ~=-~ Reccird1. occupies BBC-2'1 "Show Of The Week" •pot on Dee ll"OUP i, ,et far June 2J .


Tit• Neal H • rrl ••" 1111111 "S11u11ne" wftldll w.1 ta 111ft NIii

i~•.w1:11::z \!'!~~? ... 11i,,:•,1-;.: Mind," hu Mell wlllldr••· ., U.• IHI ffltMe•l. TIit NM■ w11d1nu,•• tllat Harri•• .. , ... w Ullad fitr It •etteMreleua:d, aaltwu~ltd - • IIM1 .... He le aim.Uy nianllni •- 1111&arlal 111d •• •h•naUH Utlt will IN re-M:1Mid11ld 11tartlJ.

' . 0111 l)t•('( 'd '•

with a num­e world' on

3 a tempting , have been at audiences. rv much their rmonies that _isten to ttieir accuaed' -


: :~; Ii•] ~88!1 group records I dies. Number __ • ---•- .

NEW MUSICAL EXPRESS On sa le, Friday, week enalng May 31, 1969

DUSTY TOM JONES HOPKIN NASH ZEPPELIN. disc session stupendous opening huge posters new group LP fantastic tour

IT'S ALL HAPPENING ON DEREK JOHNSON'S NEW YORK DROP - IN I : :.T;~!~es~0~:c't;~o~~':r~~~~1eS:. i,:~':t! c:e:~~~~~:: · names on Jellerheads or reco1d la bels during my four hectic. whirl­wi nd days In New York. And I st ill found time to cet to lhe top of the Slate Bulldlng a nd stroll lhrough Central Pa rk! -

1h:1Yd:: : ~ i~ve~~pl~ ~s ;r"..:.r11i: tomplelt tonl r H I which . bcCI Ulf OI

Ripp, co-h u d o f the livewfr c Bud· 111 l opl u llly, could fan equ ally 11

:i~~i.11tl. th~':1id1~~1,ee~~f:d:~:~~ :iir d=;~!~t:11:,1:~i' ~. ~hye : .~1:nu·•~

Rtst5iurl nl , h e lOld m e e)lciledly o f n11 ur ly ff mlnl1ceont of our " J ack Budd11h'.r actlv ilicr a nd pl1n1 - J1ch11n Show," with 1n1t che1 from 1nd in lhe procen, d isplaye<I an p rolou1 hit records be ln1 used 11 eneru I nd en1h uslasm th l t lf Pi • :.~~ ... ~r0~h~' ' i'n1~'r~'1~e.: .. ~:' the qun,

~:i.:.~rn:n~:-i:~•ec:~pt;~~' r~~f~~ 811dd1h now hH 111 IYU rt .. d Is rurrenlly reputed to be 1elllnr :~r'::~! ~~ t,!~ ~:\:~•dh t':•:::;~ ... ':h:~: l moro:: singles in 1he S 111e1 than d1tr•1 of accl1l m on whlct, 11 hH In',' oth ef d lsr fi rm . Hl Its hHrl.

fluddllh I • h'ICl tdtd In BrH11 in U JUd lfL n r by tll lhc •11 tll lnlf p rnm11• ~~rr;:.~~f~:r~~~r ~~:~oe~~i'u~~f:!~::~: t !~••nr~!~.:;k•.r.;ra,1:hs~~ =~ri


\'HI r •• nd·b c11ta l11rut' trcccnl!y ll ned u p fllr 1h 11 cou nt ry, we ::ould First plctur1 el (from l•fl) CIIOS8Y , STILLS and NASH .

1ncreutd by tht 1lrn 1n11: of the lslty wt lJ find 1h11 Budthh 11 aniin doi nll' a Brothen 1nd lhc l mprenlunu u Ta mi • htrt. t!~~1 ·c~1~f~~e~r::k

1!"\,1t~r ih:t' J~

1: :

• ·di H 1ptclal11y label• lu tur ln1 1u1pcl. fol k and no¥tl1)' m111erlal -plu• 1 • Blac ll: Amerlu" H rln.

Th■ dlHrtlty of Budd1h ' t prod• un rn1r now betln lo r ■ gl1ter In Brllaln , with Edwin Hawkin• ' " Oh Happy Day " - 1 dist which Arlia lllpp plcl11d up In San Fra ncl1co lor J0,000 doll1r1 - .iartlng to rnak1 Its ma rk hara. Huw do you follow II unr-thlll

phl'numenon nf t hl1 tlnd ? 8udd11 h·, 11n,wrr hu bc!rn to come up wll h a

City a nd Arc1ha t'ra nklln durlnr •!': ~ Int coupl r ol w,ek1, which meant

Q NF. ll fl ernoon I found my tha t h l1 1chtdul t h ad htfn ntrr mely

~:~rn~o,1cs81: :h;u:;: n~ hrr.: fi~f~J~ :~::~ ... : -

0b~1~- °t.~Wn;u~:~!rd =~~i~:

:,~cnhe:tc!i~d:~~ ~~~,.: 1 ~=~~~ w ,elll~;.! ~~: :,.t rtf~! ~: 1.,: :,~n u~i11n~=~eJ ~:: ::

1upe rvl1fnn Thr orliclnlll pl11n WU Onf 11 'fl' ry much In 1h1 " Prnch t r for Du • IY lo CUI I new L.P bul , In 1h r Man .. llylt, Whllr th r olher ii I : ~;'. 1n1 ly1i1, ii d idn ' I w11 rk out 1h 11 ~:~~~fi n~i~~tor:!~

1 ~~~' I ~n:;!,P:~•/;~

·• W t decld t'd In 11:11 fllr qu1llly of lhfle two wJIJ bl choHn II her r11 ll1er lhan q1111n1l 1y, · 1•xp laln1d nest 1l n1le. bu1 ti ther one promllfl

------- ------- --------, lo bl' bla. Dusty • 11 lookln c rather ttnd

a ft e r her wo rld -wide t rl'f t l• bul wu 51111 In greal form and ful{ 1111011d

~~:1x~~~ fo~e I h::u~~= : rt~r~~lnl!!he8~

1h e, J , rry I nd I vent for drinks 11 th e h ome or Ahmr d Erte gun, h H d 111 All s nllc Records . and whi t a home! 1>1111111 and u qut 1i1e ly ru r n l1hed . with Ju11 a !ouch of Ahm r d '1 natlv1•

Tuw~~re 1t~~~~ '!! i~~0 't1he cha nce ol

~f1~l~": n~h~a~~~ .h'.!~mco~ e, c;~!brn I fortnl r h t In lhl Sla ln . A 1uptrb d l1c by a ny y1rd1Uck - ll ronc In

fo0t jf'l't1e:~,~f~r'~!!1!i 0~!~1~~:


detected 1h1du of th t Hu ch Boy1, lhl Everly Brothera, the Byrd1 a nd the HolllH - plus 1n Inde fin able orl1in11Uy !hat ■hould boost 1h11 album lnl o I mon■te r hll !

TH~•• b!fork e;~:i~ w!~ ,.:~ J onu' openlnr at thf Copacabana . I h ad pr...,lo111ly been to th is world· fam ou• n l1h1 1pol two d1y1 u rller 11nd w11 1urprlsed ICI find It unea pectr dly 1m11\ a nd cnmpr d ,

i!E'"'~~~~r:~,:ren;a~d:n~~:r:}j compen11tlcin lrom Dionne W1rwlclt '1 :::~: ~h t , t4!': : r e:ct~nd hlc hly p rolet•

lo:.u,• f.,°~hi~f:11nd1::•01

1:~e h~~pa~r~~~

police b1rrlead t1 wetf up In forte. the scrn men were out en mllH and thue • 11 10 elrctrlelly In !ht air which m1df one Hlff•n rci porl,•r rr mulr. 10 mt : " I at n ·t see n nuttln ' like It 1lnce Sln111ra In •s1.··

Tom's •nllr■ HIIMln II lhl Copa ,., .. complt l ■ ly 1111d out lhr11 w11kl In ad¥lnc1 of t h• op•nlng. And_ 1uc:h was his 1normo111 c:onnd1nc1 1h11 h i d idn' t l 'f l n botha r to hun up for linll r ■ hHrsal - his m1n11 1r , Gordon MIi is, 111p1rvlMd Iha bind tllll Thf l h ow llsell WH typleal Tom,

but lhC" ruction • 11 un belleubl t . Th e 1udlf nce c:on1l1lt d of ID pu cent womfn fu ld my reporter fr \rnd :

~~!r11'h1 ~1!f.1 .i!v!,it'~p

11: n: l r~: :!

1"0, ICTH mlnr - the llke ol which I have never bc lon, hurd In • ntahl c lub.

I ••w on1 mld dla-.91d lady olfar




W 1~~h: r~11

~~b~t':, 1~~m2~h~hl~~e~;~• 1:~ewf:;a,~ ~~ ~~ i~~9

,~n-:~: "Oh H i ppy Day." The 1l naeu: the Edwi n Hawkins S lnaerr featu rl n1 s olols l Dorothy Coombs Morrison. The resull: an o h-10-beautUu l p1cka1e of aos pe l and soul 1h11 adds up lo s om e of lhe mosl movln1 and H· lla ra tlng 1o und 1 ner pul down on record.

II was In J un ~• Ian yea r in San F rancisco, at Be rkelef's Ephesian C h urch or God In Chns r 10 be pre­c ise. t ha t 1~ mosi u nlikely hit o r the yea r was born.

Cum group in Bl'0,:~ry ii~:;, ~~~lcll~~,n~ ':~ ~o~ 30 In the NM E c h a rt with lhP C razy Elepha n1 '1 " Gimme Gimme Good Lovin'" which hat b ee n played so m1 ny 1 ma ny tlmt1 s lnct llJI relust In 1h11 country o n April 3.

Seforf thal, It wu a ,mnh In A1'11e rk1 bu t therr ,. still Vll r y l111h, kn11wn 1h11 1idc of !h e At11ntlc abnut lhf 1r11up. Nnt tvcn a photo1rapt1 l'llllt here

w~:r! f{'j~P ci'1~1i~;u,~ 1: 1b~~~ u~:~~

lhe dlrfcllun of lhe Kuenet1-K1U

rhe;•PJr~ll~~~ui~C~f~~r~r'cTr~!mbrr 01

Thr son,i: wu wr ill rn by Jay l,c>vlnc a nd Rllchil' Cordrll , wh"

I penned Tnmmy J ame, and t he Shon• dell•' Nn. I hll " Mnny Mony," and !he membfn of the 1 roup art 11 11 Kini!' , l,ar ry L11n1u, Bob A¥ury, Niki AukC"na thl It dncrJbed u •· throne wil h hMl r IIO IOnk It 'll rJd k ulou~·• a nd Rnnnlt• il rtlun1•. II ICHARD GIIEEN .

The 41•t lronll' e n1embh1 wu 1hen lr. nown a• the Northern C1l1fornh Stitt Youth Choir a nd Edwi n lfllw klns. thei r d irector, pi 1n l1 1 11 nd mu1lc 1rra n 11er sent 1hem ln lll th t' ch u rch wit h t ll hl trad l llon ■ I go1pf l 111n111 1rr1n,ced by h imself 10 make In L.P to nl■ t' funds fo r th ,. choir.

The alb um 1h11 lri\n1plrt'd WII •• u. Go ln111 The llou1e Of The

~urtdh:• lj~~I;~ ~ll~:pr~b~~ r::~ ~:r~:1~ btrni: for1011en

Thrn, In mld•march. John 1.ln111I. rock promollnn dhttlor II Cha llon Dl1\rll1u111r1 In Oakla nd, ... lllrtlnc lhrnui:h 11111prl record, when hr tame 1cro11 ll 1wkln1' LP. It 1101 played nn I local radio 1tallon and the nood of phone calla confi r med

:~~l~u~~~c1:1~ ~~•,t ~-~ hhl: ~~:rer~:r. ..

Buddlh llacord1 1i9n1d lham a1111ln,1 oppo,ltlon lrom • hOII of

~(~ · o~on:~:l~l • ~o~r~tl:!d t•wr1~\nlh: l ow wukl of nlllonal r ■ lt•H " Oh ~.~r:..! . Oay " •as In Iha U.S. b11I

11 1fa~11i!ly .r~~lf~ o~el~hll;e ■ 1~~ . ; f 1'!: weeks 11110, 11 lttm• I foff1un r

f~rn~~uesl:~np t~lla~~ lih~r•: J~~i~ l~alr.~ more Wl't'kl loll of folk t hrou1h11ul lhe land will ht w11lkl n1 arou nd

~~.~~~:.h;~ o:y :::.Pt:,❖~1: LO:h::

~::. ~!~:~L::,~~!::CJ\;.!:~~ r.:j Tom • Kl11n1.1 with which lo mop his brow - U11n 1l11f11lly stuff th1 ... ,11-soak1d tl11u1 Int• hlr h•11d­b•t to tna ■ur■ far ovarl They 1tood on lhe llblH. lhl)'

Jumped and l hOU ted-and In lh t! end, the walten had to for m • human ch,tn to 111 Tom off n 11e , Prior lo this, I had been Inclined tci think thll Tom'1 ln1ern1tlun11 Imai, h i d bee n 1om,wh11 exar1,r1 ted. But mike no ml111k e, neryone In America 11 t1lkln1 1bci ut him a nd ht rea lly hll Jol nfd !hf IU Pftlllr lea gue thf t f .

A L~~d l~pp~~~ . ~i~~~ 7i:: ::wf~u~0: : 1r1: :~f!h~nu~h1:u~ 10,.puJ Studlu1, The buys were ve ry excited about th e m11 erl1I !hey havt been • • • In c 1ow1rd1 lhfl r second album and I toon had l\nl·hand confirmlllon 1h11 lhf lr tour ha1 been a lre m11 ndou1 sut~u.

They return to Brllaln nut Wttlt 1hr r ic her by near ly 1!50,000 doll1r1. I nd lh H" d11y1 - detpllt !h e WIidiy• dl1tor lfd r, poru on, r,1d1 of mllllon •dOll l r !Oun - lhl l'I bl &: mon , y for a British 11:roup h, lh t! SIIIH .

:Z1pp1lln '1 J lmmr ,111 1 told rn, :

" It's be111 a fa11ta11Jc t.ur, O•tr 011 Iha Wost CN1I, U wit Just lih th1 ltld tlay1 or rock - with ltld1 !:':ii~·-::.·=~· p:~T:,r-~· d1ncln11

f ALSO ca ul(ht a. very puw11 r• lul at•I 11 1hr Ch cil tl h

~:r..,~ n1by1r!~r~r1~ :rJ':t,~U r1! nt~~~ 1l1nl , a bit Uh Stepp1nwn1J. Sam a nd Da¥11 mov 11d lnlo th• ChC'c lah

tl=:y f;i::0:;:1~. n~ir:. · •t:::!f~,l~~f~ New Yorlt n~uon 1':nd~d Ju1t a lt er I 11rrhf1i - but I heard Hrf 1toud

reru:!~1c~d h~T, · ~1ir1 llopkin pu•l ers

iJ' ~he K~? ~~··1u1W!.~"s::e•.~n,~~~ Su nday, a nd fut h r r fur lhn,,nln1 c1ba,a1 debu1 11 th t Americana fW hlte. In ciden ta ll y, th t 51h Dlm1in• ■Ion Ire curre ntly pl 1yln1, . And 1 ••· dell1hted lo And lh11I Iha Whu h•" e fln1Uy H labll1he d lhem1e1,u H I m11J 11 r us lllracllon : II IO !h at Ten YHrs Aher 11 In con1ldrnbl C' dema nd ove r lhcrt .

Th e whol e CIJ America n shuw

irr:1;;:,~:. i:br.1~,:~h~ :;:1~r.1n:~ Retords. II con¥inc1d 1h11 the company ha ■ 101 IIHII a No. 1 a lbu m, evtn t huu1rh h• h11n· 1 hurd It Yt l ! And the prumultr •ho will be prnen lln1 the 1 roup·1 US concerl l t ltptctl II to bl lnolhtr Be1UH tour / Ctrtllnly the m oney lhe b oy, are bel ni pa id ,~ QUIi i' ln t rl'dl lll el

no;.he.,:I II;, ~',;i,!, ~!' n!r:~~':~~ r}::! Nor11n 1111rln1 11 " Mame." Tele• ,talon 11 11111 11 confused II e•er . with IUCh I wld• url, ty of ch1nnr ll fr om which lo choou , churnlnf out !he ir ware■ In t onnyor ,bell f11hl on

{:~,,rr;~,~~~ly n:14

Uhl~~tl ,:er, . d rl i s n odd uperlrnc11 to lie In bl'd ll el,chl In the murnl ng and watch " Th e Kln11 And 1 " In colour !

But perhaps 1hr bl1r111 s urprise of a ll wu In lhc 11r11 numbt!r of L.ondonen I encoun1er rd In N11w Yorll . In addlliun 10 th ose 1 lr11dy ment ioned . I nn Into forme r .. RSC " 1lrl Vikki Wlcltham . a1 11 nt1 RIil Gunnell and Jun Line11l n, l ormer NIU! 1111l1tant f d ltor lln

~:r Jeu•bll~~:k J.,;:,:~ •~im~!~t J~u:; lf1 rrl 1 - o h, 11 nd m 11 ny nther11

On sale, Friday, week enainK May 31 , 1969

LPs edited by ALLEN EVANS

Bob &. Earl bargain BOB & EARL (B&C Records:, BCB I· J41. 6d. .

HERE'S a budget ,rice record which ls very &ood vaJue, specially for the many Bob and Earl ran, that

u Harlem Shuffle " made. Ten tracks, on which lhe boya

duet on four-Your Time la My n me, with a suitably wi1tful mood to it; a awing-beat Puppet On A String (not Sandie Shaw's hit 1ong); and two of their own favourites - Baby It's Over and

l'lk!r~~n~of01Ba;'flh ti i. big hit under the name of Jackie Lee, The Duck; plu1 Lind or 1,000 Dance,, Would You Be.lleve and Ooh Honey Baby.

Bob Relf atna, solo the up­tempo rocker My Little Glrl, and a sou lful BJa Brother, Something to keep you ll1tenlna - a nd danc• Ina - a ll throU&h . A chart p()III· blllty without a doubt . AE.

T■aaY I NITH ; FALL OUT (ll'hlllp1 n,.... ..ul st•r• ■L/S■L Tfll ; HI. W .).

heT~e!.~~,-'~ ~~ly~!· o':":h~lrl~~~

~~:e::u~1r:~i~~?::rr·JE. a , er)' '71111ne11n llylc,, and hH hl l ,iultn aoundln1 almolt llb a piano!

MOit of the 1tt1Jmpanyln1 mu ll1-tl1 n1 are from lh• Ronnie Sa>11'1 Band, In which T~rry hu cnJored much 1ucceu. 'Mle rl" 1re 1wo aacharach numben f111 1url"d. TIil" Looi! Of Lo•e and Window• 01 Ttle

:::r1,~·.!::r,:-t-:::~~ 111~:; .• v;ie:n~~ which was wrlllfn f,y b1ndltadtr


ANTH I NI ,■oN .... (Harvnt. 1tu11 SHVL 154; Mill W) .

Fuc1nallnJ folk aound 1tr1l1ht from Ve Old• ln111nd. r1111unttt1d

:rlO ·:::a~~~n,:'911':l -~~~":· .:::: SfllrM:, on or11n. Amnn1 the other elJht b1d1ln1 ln1t1'11fflfllta are bau •Loi, rebK. dnc:anl, Hdtbut Ind bell1I 15hlrler Collln1 11111 p)uaanl, C'IHr aoprano ,oltt Ind II t1n11111 hu • well ballnl"td l"horu• bl.hlnd her,

1n''?{h,on:on'f:'()f c:.i:;.rl~L 'i."''!:. tlrely unattompanltd 11 1M tel 111

=~e1't!~~u~~::~f c':1!1:0~,Jf I~ • d lau1ed double•deckcr bua near H11llnp In ordl"f to conc1ntr1te on



Side on• 1•11• a aon1 IIOl"J In •ar• k,u1 &n1ll1h •olk tunn, and aJd1 two off'er• acnn l radltk,nal 111Uah 1on11. - A■.

D■VIANTS: noo,,1 (Dlcca ; .... Lit-a fflJ lftd 1&9rl1 SICL-a 490 ;

lhr::t'!,tl~~~• i:~tn~~~lur'ou~~• all~ bum . now luuld by Decca, l°ff! 1ure

:~rt ,i:~~lft•~ 1 ."'O:rdn •i:d rn•~r;

t~e,:~;u1::r.:.lnl,d ~1J.i:: i:: :ddl'Ur::~ mtr ■1111 Hu•l., art• C'lpable of ~ ~\': ~l~fthe~oduC'llon l1n·1 111 11

Side on~ lsn'I loo bad with I'm



I·o Uh 10 co•ment on th• atlTIO l ln,Je dl,ai.ulen . IAl ' I Im 111

~~!:!~~i::!;!::~·a:1::1EJE~ t1mpt1Uon for e.m-yea1 le buy 1ten·o equlpmenL Th• ITlt ltap lhould be done by the lndustl)', the p11blle wm folio• .

11!:r':fu:=~ ~~ot'°w:!t

!.!mr:::d. d':..Teu~---d~oi1:h~~ 11 la cheap and Jin• rou fir b9tttr ,ouncl raproduetlan than 111ml 1mplllln at a •olume 1h11 blows your eardruma cwlthoul up1eulnr your nelr hboun l).

Ttle et1ht to 1lst1111n ohma head· phonu can be operated will! nearl y all C'Olll-.:OOn unpll len. You •IIIM a !:!no m::';!, •;fth '01~ui:

0 :~~111~

=~:!! Id: •~! ~ ~!!~" ::cr MAHNl:a, Ha---■.

Not worthy? •• The Ballad Of John And Voto "

ourflt 10 be reteued u I B 1lda or LP tract or on • minor Sabel Uh %apple but ftl1'ff u..a B1111Un A llde. I lhOuJd hate the Beatln to hlVI I dtar1 flllur• aod lhe Ballad c-o.ild well be one In mr opinion, b1c.1uu or lta 1ubJeC1 matter and the 1.bsence or two of the Jl"OUp from It. PE.NELON DOW, Ul ....... 111.



Thanks from Czech l•o IIU to lhanll JCHI and all your

readers who • rah 1110 and unt mt J'OUr •••• In llllWlf 11 "'Y pie.a a l a few nioootha 110. I re1Hy

:c:.r~,:a:,i:;;r ,:~~d:::: :&:d.,•Y:;

~rft. 1;0~~':i!tn:·a~:' J~·~,.~ ~-;:: nadirs who 111,e wr1t t1111 to 1111 In the put Wllllfll , Onu apl• pie.all! SI•• I.Mm my thaa.11, and lo.e. Josa, SV.IIODA (UC..-t1ce. Cadt­......... ,.

LP PRIZE POEM Goodneu, Gnidou• what b

"""'" U1ten to my woeful son&,. Charla De Gaulle ■t numba' one hla revival of .. Non, Hon,

Noni '" Numbtt lWO, dare I .. , -Georsle Brown with "Yater•

d,iy."' Harry Wilson at number three With that rocker " Give It to

me1 ·· ''-£.dward Row The Boat Ashore " Hu bunt In Dt nu-mber four.

!..':' n5:'~ ~Ill~ !!ft~~ Black."

Number seven dare we uy Terry O'Neil with ·• ~ -­ 1tudy at number t Jl!ffffly 1borpe: .. It'• Not oo

Late." Now at number nine we find, Enoch Powell's "Blow Your

Mind,'. And driver Marsh ■t number

ten Slnp " I Am On The Road

A&■in." ¥ TIM BARWOOD (SUst.u)

H'-rhr. ~,•~1i ·n1 d•• LP and perf.-cl

111 r thocir 11kt my,ell who need 11n \n1r1,duct lon to 1ood Jn., C.C. Othtr UUu: Nornln• Nina,, llarly

N1,nln1 C.rao••• N:, Nan'1 C.on1 N-, Fall Out.

~~~~: a:d'::riu!n'r1~':~ol"~~/~~iif Of Th, ~ky and Cha rlie. Side 1wn . 11 unlw1ntbl• for mure than one 11,1111n. Han lhl")' fOf"IOltm thll mu1IC' •hould ,n1ert1ln as well1--NL. Other I IIIH: N1Lhln• Nan, G1rb111,

From JUNE HARRIS in New York and ANN MOSES in Hollywood YANNI T1Eaa1ELL : CHUC K JACKSON

(Narbla Arch, MAL Ul.O ; 1 .. W) ■wn , Davlatlen Sinai. JT ~:I ~:r a:, e.::!'w1e,•:=1 ~ ~M!;! ::,,,~ =•-= .:! ; ~~w.P.T~=r~e!ou: n 1\n~ 11~h~1lll~;r1:

1ome or the lhln11 that happened.

11dt' of Il l tune■ , Tammi l l"O TU with Bi l John and If You See 8111 : and Chur k wllh Sunny and I've cn1 Tn Bir s1 ron1.

ll'l!T■• L■ I! SINGS .NG•L■IEaT • TON JONIES (Marble Arth, 11.trff NAL lUl: la$ w .). Vocal lmprH· •Ion, ur both famuu a 1tn1en and lrnllation• of lhirlr hi t., 1b: on l"ll"h • ldl•. Cond pcrform antt by La•.

,-o::11ro ~~

11Vo~=~ 1p:~:l~~h1

1~ ~~!;,ve•~~';1

1~cd •~:,okebu~::5


1.i~~': . i::~~:;~:t~f!r7ii":~t~~~'iff ,111r T1wn1h1nd w•• i•nlnc II lly ol hi• perform ann. Pele 10

§!~~e ~o 0!'d:'!1~uple of dt" lalb !~:n:,h,edn: hh.!t :i•~f: ,!f:::_hl"d RONNIE ALDalCH : IT'S HAll'll'ENINC.

NOW (Dlt:U PhaH 4 Sterll ll'FS

:t:~. '!1nd wwlih •,i::n~:;enh1}a~tl~ to 1h11 whole lnd denl Cwhkh has Now all thal'I cone Now 11'1

: ~!y!!:c:Yt~111

:~l°:unul1; ;~: ;!~ ~~u~m:,1~u~;l"fon" 1I~m!'!!t f~~ ,11 Orchutn1 , make1 lhing• nf ln -

;i:~~S~~•/oo~oauugl~ i~1~1da'"nJ'YL1~1~:

CATllllMA YALIENTIE • EONUNDO ROS : NOTHINC. ■UT ACH (OKILI Ph11e4Sler1t111'FS4lll; n,. W.). t.u1ty vnc:a l du1•11 ind 10101, badtl"d ~!W!~~~I ~t~nri: ~reth, b~~.'!:ici br!!~·~:: ninl~~r,e~r:;~~·- l:'~1~:

11how on Friday wu ce nctlll'd . ule 1ru1 men1 of tome of the Ctten Apples 11 nd pl1y• nl nt' mnn· 1r11·h . :ri.,.:~:. ,~•~ndn:,~e~l::~11l:n:~: Fur twn Jtlfll thr Whu hll maJor "Tommy;• LP 1nc1t, .

WALKER BROTHERS SHIRLEY BASSEY I ti -.un .1 ··1 ,•0111: ltinl iJm mun

\ 111111 01.11 c..·ricd IU 17A f THE SPRINGFIELDS

"-Iii l· Iii l':ld., .111rl ;.!nlJl·n nu•dl,·, 1 .. 1.11111 flf 111 711\ 1H 17~

THE MINDBENDERS \ !!lllll\\" l-11111 or Im,·

\-.h1, 111 IS 11 IU211

THE PLA TfERS '\m,1!,.1· 1!l•I\ in ,onr t·\t

I larl>om Ji~l1L, \H i Wl BILLY ECKSTINE

:1Jl 1h,:.!i"1 \ h fuoli,h lu.ar1 \fl 110.l

ROGER MILLER hi11v, ol th, road'

ln1•l.wcl,\\J111~, \JI- (JOH . JERRY LEE LEWIS

I on:.. I.ill ,~th .J,,11 J,111,, \11- JHt5

BILLY ECKSTINE ti; 1 C ,.,,um· \lf tlOC'l

SARAH VAUGHAN h tJ ,, 111110 lp:111,·11111

l tH \If I ,u, CHUCK BERRY ,11 , Jh·,:th,"~n


\I Iii ...

( I I ,utl Ill I ,I turf Ill\

I I \ff J Jlfl)


,1111 11m ( :t1111· ol lou: If 11122


\II 111111

\, I 101 :uu k.i .. , m1..· hnrh \ luuu·\ l~i"' 111(;

111· li~2 BROOK-BENTON I lit B1,ll \\ t"'-'' ii "',r,ng \\ .,11.. on thl· \\ ild ,itll• \ ll IOlJ9

THE MERSEYBEATS I thinl-. ot ~11u \\ i-.liin" :rnd hupin' 11 to!.:; WAYNE FONfANA C ·om(• uu homt P:1111,·ln. P;.mu·l.1 'IT I027

_EDEN KANE fin" rn 1)1,n't cmm• rn int! to mt dnHli fl 102-1 THE PRETTY THINGS no,,1h11 U1111·1 Lrin~ mt II 1111.l MARTY WILDE I ndll',, ,ll l"[l llunn11 Ill 17~J THE ALLISONS \ft ,ou ,un

I hc..r, · .. IIIH: thin~ mnr{• II lll~I-NINA SIMONE (,1101Ut' 'ii 11"

l' n,c t1ui1fl a- HI THE FLAMI GOS l\o,JJ!alnu 1• 1r1,

Iii,• tll'arm•,, ,it ,.,j, Ill 17M/1

FATS DOMINO \\ hnr, 1hat H,u "111 ·1

.1:.t111haln,11 1;111 h, I\,, JERRY LEE LEWIS t,r\:ttt h·,11.., hf Iii, \\ hola l111t.1 h:11 m nuh

111 Ill

If I !OJ



A 1tandina ova1lon? ijo. It w11 more lhan lhll [ It . .. IOlal I nd ab!iolu1e ,urrender 10 the mDII dn ervln& neu 1upu1roup to ~~~! ' -~~!~ul~m~~ee~bweb1 and

·· Tommr" and the Whu, play­Ina 1 ◄O mlnulc 11nt-ore or 1hel r ~{ ~f~~~:~ o~~u "u n~~int~11::


Now !heir p1lh1 have croued


it!r, ~::~ ~::•~:sl h:i~ P~ft~lded The sonr la •• In The Chd lo,"

co ml)OM"d b)' J7.yur-old Nae (Sc111) Oa'llh,. under HC'IUll'fe C'1Jnlract 10 BnB Mu1k. Calncl, dentally, Dnl1 i nd BIiiy Stran ae wnte lbdore thl" ir 1110C'lall1m with Nancy) Pr11ler·a hit , " Mem-

:[~::l":· Na!~ w!~t"d ~"U'~:!!r1eih,! lor her eurrt"nt a epr l11e LP -•• Nlnc-y Tlnhr Dlff.rr nt WIJI. · •


• Grell t.1J>t"d allun1 are beln,; held for Ow upeomln1 N-,-rt

~~rrtr::!::! ~~ ~' h=~~ ~,~•::; Valley (IDmlll 20 mll11 Nwlh of lloUywoocH June H •t2.

J l1t1I Htnclrla bparle-.c,, c,..... denca Cl1arw1i., ■nl•II . an-

!~l a!i:: ••:~:f7!•~i:=i~! IC'hedul•d to ap•)f'ar .

The concept 1, nlC'e enou1h, b.H 1111111 olhcr .. ,atlHII .. held a t Ol!\'on1hlre ~own1 In till" PIii. this will pro1Nlbly lin e the u mf' problem,. wht'n hur e crowd,

~ lu~~dh~o"!:r o~h:h:rot1:e 11~':!

there I• no re&ular 1ealln1.

be Sl~! ~J 7: :::e •~7u:~e m,~!ne:!

rorh:~;• ,!~\~~rr,: pdr!{ry 1r'!u~r:.


-----TWO SMASH HITS 1------,


AN earl)' sett lement In Robin Gibb's d ispute with the Bee Gees

Cat ~~d-~:i v"o8r~8:!~it~~!>:n~ s~~l~~r:r ~oo~cal~n:1' af~ ~l ~~~ pa rable to fi rst Beatles visit there ... Did manager Col. Tom Parker accept Lu Vegas uba re1 fo r Elvls Pres ley because or wa ning sc reen popula r ity? .•.

Great achieveme nt fo r Dusty Sprlnafield 's version of Noel Harriso n's " Wind mills" to en­te r U.S. Top Thi rty •.• Unlikely report from Hank Grant in Hollywood suggests Mama Cass Elliott to televise " Cinderella " with Johii Lennon tor BBC ! ... Producer Watter Shenson doesn't th ink lhe Beatles will film again together ...

New ITV David Juobt ser ie:. produced by David Bell , . Larae orchestral hackln,: for Don Par,

rld&e'1 "Colour My World" single . . Chicken Shack hit si nge r Chrl1t lne Perfecl and gul tor\11 Slln Webb once In Birm ingham ~rOIII) with C.hrl1 Wood, lnrme, memb.r ol Traffic

In Las Ve,;11 cab:i ret, Petula Clark 1uopor1 N.1 hy E11abllshment

l'I A G


8 PDF 135 PAGE ONE REtORD~ UMIJED JAMES 1-1ovsc 71•75 Nf.W o ,u·oRO_STR[tr L C NOCI\I w e ·


1troup in Ju ly , .. ATV chief Sir Lew Grad e aelecll Pye'• Louis Benjamin al Northern S<in1a dlrec-1or . .. Jackie Rar oenned lyrlc1

e:hl:hndlt., w~~'!!10m~:ic ~~~1~ub-

liahes ... Declined by Rlnao Sl:irr. scre~n

role In Peter Baldwin's " 1 he Im• Potent" , •• Are composer Burt Bach .. rach 11nd fi lm 1lu wife Angif'

~l~ ~ln;~ref ~:t":n 'J:!,"111;•eroo!:1ni; . a: and•r he11d Mike Sloman . . .

Mike D'Abo WTiti nR music for Mlehu l Crawford TV show •..

: !~d~~~efut~~tsv:::..el~e~~rnH~~~ On BBC-TV, Val Ooonlcan s.urpns• ingly cmjoyahlc singing Bob

H■rum'• hit cou ld be relllled by Scaffold, " Whiter Shade of

w~7:{s P~I:~· 1

• 'nOle, • Duaty

lt!r:.:::.~ ~~~:w~~: . ptitl!rh C:,', ~l~~l!~~•~o~,~~!a!, ~ ~nS:~: nex l Nina Simone a lna le ..•.

This week, Tommy Roe almoat replaced Beat les at Nu. I . .. Love Affair compnalllons publlahed by Dick J ames' mualc compa ny .... Is Colin Ch• nnan adverse to playin,: Simon a nd Garfunkel 's hil nn " Top Of Tht: Pops "7 ...

On aale, Friday. week cnalna May 3 1, 1969

Dylan's "Blowln" In The Wind" .. .

HiJ1,hllJ1, hl of MonkeH' U.S. con• cert tour ii Davy Jonu ' 1Urrlng version of Slevl e Wondtt's " For Once In My Life•· . . . Elvl1 Pres­ley very keen Ill get Tom J ones' ~ - ---- -------- -------

Music publisher Eddie Roaen' BBC-TV remarks cencernlng Elvls Presley were s lUpid ... H plans to fi lm Josephin e Baker's life s1ory ma1erl11 ll1e, expect Nancy WIison in leadinR rnte ... Fran k Sinatra st ill a rea tly udmlres Vic Damone', s lni;ing .. .

or i: ~,: .. '~!r:r~:r sFn,'i~~~ . '.Ii&:~: Kina of the King Brothers married on Monday tn Do n Arrol's widow, Car)'I .. Sma ll screen role in

fc!; 's ~ •~?·~;~,!':l.e ~~t::.~1~;:

ba~ i,8

~ e:.11~apy ' vi1i11 his

ma nager Gordon MIiis In New York .... Currenl auc:cess or Ho!• lies LP (a nd his own No. I) u ~n• in& Bob Dylan fo rtune in royalt_1es .. . Offers for J im Webb to sing on TV here .•.

Peter Kaye brillimntly impen"J nated Martin and Cliff Richard (BBC-TV, Monday) ....

1:,z~!~n:a:r;)'p::!1, :.o_w~e~ ~:;;\

opinion or his next 1\na le . . . Sammy Davis olans duels with J ames Brown on U.S. TV .. .

Forme, JOurn allsl Sut Mautner now au ls1an1 In aaent Bunny Uwls . . • Proareu here fnr Flflh Dimension &low but aure .. Colin Berlln reveals cabarel record broken by Tom Jona a t Syd ney·• Chevrun Holel ...

Advice no te 10 Turi Stevens: ~c::~t1

. n~~ t In chl!yl!'c\oo,s ht~:, Del O'Connor 51,ng with 1c1or­composer J im Dale In aame North· amptoo cho ir . .. All Andy WII· llama " Haooy Heart ·• 1oya l1 ies donated to Jules Stein Eye lnstl-

tu~,~~ a~h ope ration for Rod EY■ ns, lead si nGer with Deep

NME POPWORD Compiled by Trt-\/0r Parks, Barton on Humber, Lines.

ACttOSS : I An arlful R11ur

: : ~~~~~r L~~. p~rre:1an d

All n ti Nut 11t•r t!i • ,

12 :;r't;rf,'n:! .:· js.~u~~ '-~--~--.i----------11 •• J ulleue ··

quar lcllt• Ill Eu ruvl,ln n winn.-r

In I IHIII I ll Bach,•lou hera 1dh:

1n\m1I 28. J udilh , Br un-. Keith

and Alhol 2$. Tup himalr ,lni:e r t i

H . ~~•£tr, 11 11!~• 1~ir~! i..:...-1...1---1..,1--1.,.,b--,ll~_,ll~_,ll ..... -l :n. Marrl i:d tu ai::trcn

An11lc Okkln-.:m 211. Mull Wynter ·•

pll ncl 211 ·· Ncl'dlo and Pimo"


DOWN 2. Gu n b r1, llwr ~- Rli:: Grt•rh ll'fl lh1•m

Ill Join Kli 11d t"Rl lh 4. •• •••.•• D1•1 n " (Tup

of Pub charl•!) ) Turl1t•li hi\ I Wruk "' Tht· L H I

W11 ll1t" 1. Rt"tl'nlly m11 rr hid 1

Grrm an !{h i 13. 11 ID Hom1nl lt· b:1 l1 11d

poul ll ly 14. 0 ll Tnp ttm r ttord •·l1h

lnvnallun lu btc-11k II~ f) , l)

U Rt-nnt 11umbt-r I

23 , " Pnr. il lvdy S l rl'l/1 '"

:!4 l' t• h •r Gorden;, for uamplc

21 P O! l l' Towndlt'nd 1 1ran1por l !

Answers next week and here is last week's solution ACROSS ; I IJat-qtJt'I I Htl' I. 1

llarr b,, • '" In· t in Thi· Sun1". ID .\pplt-. 11 El"lm. 12 Kkhatd 111 lillhari1h1. Ill. llnhm : 211. OIi• IRcd din10: 21 fMlkr) 11 .-run: 22 E:t1 11, 2J J ohn . ,s Bn11dun ; " I \l1t.-1 Sarot•, 27 Nl' ro. lit <';o l , 12 Snln. ll o,•,. 36 1H11d1u 1 l..lm t.11111 : JI, Cn :.m, :n, 11 11111.,,., 40 lh11r ; o 1'1•l'I , -1 2 A11l111 ill 1urhll.

DES ON TOP FORM DES O'CONNO R is in top form

Londn~nio ft :~7i~f. :~r:\e~! j~~~ opentd In hi s nrst seasnn a1 this world-famous venue.

11 , fl hYiously "" 11111\0 fu r th1• bh.>• •)uur -mlnd • crowd bu1 fur

~nu:'~ ::,~fJ ~:t/11~,~~;~,• f,!:°,!!1'0~! a 11d th e- mrdlum •nllml' 1u ppor 11n1 11111 Whl•n I uw him lhl'r" • ·u "" Jlll n of h11 ruent comp:.r:. l in• llup. " Dick A Oum Oum. • hUI ho• uud a lone ll llm i; un 111001 dfl1n1 I PUI Ill fH IUfl' hill likl' •· C1rdtn Hands,

Ont'. Twn. Thro· O' l.c-a, , · and I Preh•nd •·

Dn 1/10 Jnl ptrn1 7 r,f fl';ir lmn for 1111 , muulhl)' •JU nJ ·• Dann) llu), "

~:~llllht tsf11~~~~l~~lffl;:d~n~11:~l'n1h;-:;-lhuugh lhHIJ W-C'rt' pknl )' 11/ /,1u5:h r., WO 111, rnulhlt wiltl lh1• t11!td N1c-Crr1ur h111llu•r• Imm ~ C'ti ll a nd • •h" lurnl'd uul I" mrlud1· 11 ru,-1 hl 11rt 11tu l bmlhn und ,.

htJ~t)'• ,-~~.~:m~~l~ll~I ~ 11 111ml 11111, On lhrtill' l'lU\ J<un ..- ul hli. 11ld"r 1:1111 • hlC'h hct hC'l'n th,g1m11 ' " rh••lh un 1l•Kr ;ind TY hu )'r110


1:11,~" ~~~ ~.~:,'." th~~ ,~~~~ 11111' Thi, \ll'IY prnfrnhm11I 1n,up•1 lll t: nd 11 f cmnrd)' \fnpu•uhm, and pop 1{1°11 lw \lt•r •' H"r)' ti,rw - ALAM SMITH.

DOWN ; I ICII IIII ll l11rt; : . f.m • p1•r111 1H,1,; t,.I. J Grt-rh , -1 , SUar. 5 Hi t' , I.I'll. 7 ll crman, :• Chrh• Imo: l'trft"1 1. II •:d Sh•w,1rl, U Ian 1J.11l .•a,:11n,. 1-1 1Tu11y1 111 11: h . U Rm, 11 Hit Iii llc,ry It 1.onnk 23. Jom•~ . 24 •• On1• k ua4 " . 211 o ·c•,111,or . 2f Pd 1Cll,11k) , J I t:hutl. , 34 Tum. :1$ ("nlln 31!1 1 ·· 1•1•t1fl)'I l,11 11,•''; l 1 , Ohiu

Purple ... Happy evenl by Bobby Ha tfield'• wife ■wailed ... Pro•

t~~f!y 1!!1 c::!~: !i:h 5~ ,~~'<I c';:O':!

bell In " NorwOOd ' ftlm . . . Cyril Stapelton refuses to sell

inlert:s t in Gfoffrt)' Everitt '• Shaft esbury Music ... In P1 rl1, Maurice Che.vaJler waxing LP whh Jimmy Durante , , . If lilm pro • d ucer Arthur Ptnn ,tell hi• way Mama Cau Elliott will olav o ppo• alt ~ Dustin Hoffman in "Llllle Big Man ".

U.S. reissue of Bob and Earl'• "Harlem Shuffle", . . . Steve

~t~i~~ M':fi~n■gnd~~oaadn~aNo':1:!~ Sacha, . . . Ano1her version of Dean M•rtln .. Gentle " hit o n nex t Elvts PrHley LP ... .

so~• d~~f; t~ .' ~ ~h~~ i 1~~oa'; cabaret, Everly Brothers now co• starring with Connie Francis ... Her version of Noel Harrison•• " Windmill s·· on nex t Petula Clark LP .

be c~~~~-ri.':~· r,o~A~::d c~k~~: can follow-up .. . U.S. compo,er­pruducor Eddie Holland has launched new label . . . Doeln't Peltr Frampton faclall y resemble Dave Dee? ...

Laa Vta■s debut by Art.Iha Fnnlr.lln next mo nlh . . .. Sarah V■uah■ n 1uin1 her former aaen1 Preacher J . Wells for almost 1 mill ion dollars . .. . Smokey Robin• son could revive Fra nk Sinatra'• " Pocketful or Mlradu " •••

WIii Ron Kua run MGM label? • . . Al Bennett revea ls world s•lt11

?~o Fl~~li~~m~n~l~n•~e:J~r b~.~ Chambers 1111.& these LP• he could do withou1: .. Enoch PoweJl'li Motown Favouri tes," " Jet Harris Comeback Volume 2tl," .. Mr a nd Mn P. J. Proby'a ' Passini'

,~~~~,:.~.• ·::o;~~~Jo~i~ i1:~ie~1!!

(Tony Blackbum'• Trlhule To Joe M Iller) and " • Desert Song • Selec:1lon1" by J immy Young! .




TICKIJSr 25/•, 21 / •, 17/ 6, 12/ ~ , 101•, (Ol-t21 Jltll ■nd .......




Guest Soloist: TUBBY HA YES

On aa lo, Friday, week enalng May 3J, 1969,.. NEW MUS ICAL EX PRESS

it9"!>~ 9~Yla'?, MOII.EY flousE. IIOINT ST., LONDON, W.1 23

JOHNNY HOWARD '::.'~ BAND RABIN AGENC y ~·~~~b',!"! ~~•H (~·tH\~r.;HRtt"· ' (ll>(l/

STAPLETON•LIPTON ARTISTES & MUSIC LTD. Bands • Orcheslm Carel Artistes • •:~.••

THE ·uN100




SUNDAY THURSDAY 1.00 Ooyid Ch rillion, 10.00 Jimmy 1 .30 T0r1y Prince. 9.00 Kid J~. ~!i. 11 .00 Sound Su,yey. 1.00 KMt 10,30 Poul Burnett . 12.30 Kid J~

MONDAY HIDAY 1 .30 T0r1y Prlno. 9.00 Kid J • n w n . 1 .30 T0r1y Prince. 9.00 l( ld JenMtn. 10 .30 Poul Burnell . 12.00 0o¥ld 10 .30 Poul Burnett . 12.00 0o¥1d Chrb lion. Chrllf ion. TUISD4Y 1.30 T0r1y Prince. 9.00 Kid JenWf'I . S4TUI04Y

fll Sllf 1/ · P" word

M•lnnlll ,-.1a1 nunu ,.,, "'""'"' 11,Cll•II.J I• 11111.,. - PirlkllllNI. N lltl ll!S M111,,..111re, 61 R•I II NM r, IAndGn. WIP JA Ii .

NAIUIIC a au a NAN SCNCNIL NOD■■JI f'Of' IINGIIIIIG . Pr1ota 11111 II UI IIIMfll o,nnlllfllllcl . - 137 ■ tt"III lhnal a lU. 11,1111 1 ,,., 1. W. t. IIUM 2 ..

BANDS I/· pt r word .. . , . ··•"- 171 04'. 01,CDTN■QU ■I, 8111dl . Cl ro-.1 . - 0 1-

:111 UIS. GIIOUf't , U.DS, 019t1)Ul"1111. -~=r.·;&~n-:s"•rp AUocll lH . 01-431 HOWAIID ...... • llcl ... ncl . C.b•ret , M.:.:.•~i-aM> -tofl. (l len• Mcl Gn ll•na. LOU f'aUC:.■ 11 ' 1 PIIHa•TATIMl,

B• ndl . C•"•-'•-41 G l111wMcl Ga1'11 1111, lllo rll . DI-HO 4043,

L~;:l~-Burne ll . 12.00 Noel lf~. rrc1, ~~'i'1·d~/>cw.ct Chrh•

!~J~i::!ui Pri~~ne,~:°° 1f~ J~ d ,v~:r\v~:1~~~ j~~!~~c:t,c:.... ENG~GEMENTS WANTED '!·older

F~P:":A:":P:':':W:':"O=":R='::T;;::;H'="s~FO~R =R;;;;Ec""o""R=D~S~:'.:::..I, it}!:'=:w,~;l~ :~i::::; Tox freo to oll parts of th• world. Ch.apHt po1togo. &.,t currency rotH. Qulc~ dH potch. S0ti1foct10n guarontHd. Sond for dotoil,

ond frH 11'11.

RECORDING 1/• per word At'AU ......... •ow wl lll P'l)UM TRACK .

111111 111 11 lar llllllll n, 11,m 111ot1d , PtallO.

t!n-:,d 1':.":~,. i:r·:~:: ...... _ - II PAPWORTHS OF NOTTINGHAM tOUIIID HGAJIISATIOlli , t't llr ll'M'il ,

1111.n11 clllnrwl"lll1>m1nl. tO I ) H I IUI.

~2 Attr.~ ION, Nottlnghaffl, N07 IHI.. ....,_.. TRANSPORT 1/· pe r word

•~•us .. !8L0C k CAPITALS)

DYOaGaOUND TltAMtf'OaT. "'"""c. :.-.rJ~ •;;;,;nit lloalll, . Clip •ncl 1011r1 .-

Tick -~.-ri~d ·;;,~·1;~:· ·12 ·.;.~~t;.;. iii.'14:0i: ;; ·.;.~~~; -jfi.;:o,~. O~~~ •• tJ. 10.0 b u1f• rit ••Ill . Past t• : .. Mt • M111J ul f•,,,,u". l•wtr HNi.e,

S..tN•,•- Sh .. t, L-111-. W.C.2

Just write about the most unforgettable date you've ever had. and be our Valentine top dating girl In the VALf'p,,ffl,-.1: VATl,-.6 COMJJl:TITION PLUS YOU'RE ON YOUR OWN NOW ... living on yo.ur own can have its drag side, too! 2 True-Life stories SHE STOLE MY BOYFRIEND THE OFFICE AFFAIR



this week and every week 7d.

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■aAJIIO N ■W 11•- 3 Wt I/•. Id 1\H1p ,-Onld Ol•dll11 r11 I DtPI , llltla•II, W1Mk\cl,

11 .. , ... • Ca rn .

OLO," Unw1n le-cl •- t•• ••dl•rw• d la r n • • o r u • . -S .A.E . ddall• CO Ii Rece>rd C1111at, Pon ­madoc , Cr, t m•no nlllln.

TOf' f'■IC:U 11 •■n lnr .. n11anUII ,... CAI' ... . Send Ital lfld S..A.R. l• r oll' lf . R.

::-.,.':iu~.• w:i!Zr,~ • .::,■.11 , CtaJMl l'll ■ r , ZDN•l■'t Is "fllla n , DtHl'II . .. , IIHn

e n .. lo r Yo11 . II Hdl Ir llllffllrbCl .- 11 RUOC1 CI014, Loda• Parm. Will m llll m. SlaJI I ,


,,..:•::0, .. 0t!'1~,• :::.c.w~nt~~.S.:""f~~ DrJ'IIIII O •mHno. 111 Oa lord SlrMI. l..onclOII . W. 1. I CI . Nmp.

TaY A D■NO ltom UI ••. w1'n 1ooC11 P'ne -•let from M1nlo Mualr:. l.lm1!1d. l nl1ncl ,

SITUATIONS WANTED •~.~: • '""" C:OM■ DIAN relldlnr Ill 1 ... -. ..

r.q111rH Aun e -11<11 No 270$

DANCES I / • pl'r word

Wf~n~:!~·~:~?"':~.~ri:~. ~~:li~~:c~: 1115 ., 111allnp'f11,. r u, 111 IAn rtn n , i. c. :i

BUSINESSES FOR SALE •~0r3• YOUII C HAJIIC■ 1ft S.oc-Jr. I I 1., ' l'.m li1 llr l

5wllo:h1d on pur , IIHH tr11 u1r ~d ,,., 11, ,,....­h ll l<i! :HNI WIUI Collff 111, •nd Kn111 q11 .. In C1m 1>rldlu h1,., Co11n1y Tm.-,, w n.,ld nin,e!I to rull~ '1a1111U dh,,·uu,,.,..,. 11,r

r::!"> ,r!:11 .. ~~~ ·· o!~ .. r ·.:n,;"'n:~~::.~

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PERSONAL "' "'' - ,.

INSTRUMENT REPAIRS •~~t," ••P• •T HOHN ■• Orom1IIC' lla rmo n lC', :.r;i:~:t:'~oi.d, ~~~=~. '~.:~ r:,1il~1~1,!

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■LLOUS I ..... , ... . . . ror ll1taU1 10: NAllaLO f'111 Clllll, Sl' ll!'0011 lltHI. i..ndo•, W . I .

TON JOII U Oktal P'lfl Clu b . - S..1 .1. for C.Ulll 1G Jo , P .O. &al " · Poll 011kt. W• l'brldc•. 1111'ff7.

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On sale, Friday, week enafng May 31, 1969

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Old brown shoe

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