Download - Here’s your copy of’s your copy of my ... difficult to lose unwanted weight - there livers are

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Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

Here’s your copy of my

New Health Resource Guide!

Inside you’ll find valuable information on:

How to Decrease Your Pain

Increase Your Energy and Sleep better at Night

My new Heath Resource Guide was designed to help you start improving your health immediately. The topics I selected will help address the top three issues most people have problems with today Pain; Energy and Sleep. As you read through this information my goal is to show you how each of these three health issues are a result of our exposures to substances outside and well as inside your body as well as the foods we eat. Most of this information you probably would never hear from your physician. ******As an added bonus I have included three recipes from my Season it Well! Recipe Collection. *****Plus you’ll also get my Top Ten Worst Food Mistakes and how to avoid them sent to your inbox over the next several days.

Page 2: Here’s your copy of’s your copy of my ... difficult to lose unwanted weight - there livers are

Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

And I am offering you a special opportunity to talk about your health concerns with me privately.

My Health Profile Questionnaire is a valuable tool you

can use to begin to see where your body is in need of help. This document was an attachment with the email you used to download this guide.

Please find that now and complete it.

Once you have filled out the Health Profile email it to

me @ [email protected] so we can set up a complementary 20 minute phone consult where I can go over it with you.

During that call I’ll explain what your score means…..


Page 3: Here’s your copy of’s your copy of my ... difficult to lose unwanted weight - there livers are

Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

# 1. Toxins can make you feel sick, tired and in pain

Did you know we are exposed to at least 7000 types of toxins every day? These come into our bodies through the air, water, the food we eat as well as through our skin. Our bodies are constantly removing these substances through our liver, kidneys, lymph glands, lungs and skin. However, whenever the burden becomes too great the liver – which is the body’s main detoxifying organ, cannot keep up it stores the excess toxins in our adipose tissue (fat) for later. With a continual onslaught of more toxins being processed the liver is forced to store more and more in our fat and this can hinder many people from losing unwanted weight. And the more toxins you have in your body the more pain you’ll have! The body is constantly removing wastes. This process allows the body to eliminate used wastes and toxins and helps improve our health as it removes harmful substances we in-hail, ingest and are exposed to every day. But this process can get backed up and when it does it can lead to a ripe breeding ground for pathogens, bacteria and other nasty things. This added toxic overload decreases your body’s ability to fight off viruses and other illness. What actually happens when you detox? While the body is always naturally detoxing today days our bodies are exposed to many more contaminates than ever before due to commercially farmed food, processed foods, pharmaceutical medications, stuff we put on our bodies and all the pollutants in our environment; both in the home and outdoors. Over time this overload slows down the body's ability to process and remove toxins and they build up - especially in fat stores. The skin, lymph, lungs, kidneys and liver are all major pathways of the body for detoxifying, but the liver does the heavy lifting. When the liver is over worked and over burdened by medications, alcohol, caffeine; poor food choices and environmental toxins proper digesting of the food you eat is much more difficult. When you don't digest properly you don't get the nutrients from your food to nourish your body which not only leaves you feeling crummy but also puts you at greater risk from invading pathogens. Anyone who frequently gets sick with colds, flu migraines, experiences nausea, constipation or diarrhea will most certainly benefit form cleansing. Likewise anyone who has difficulty with

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Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

concentration, ADHD, arthritis, GUT issues or allergies should absolutely do a clinically supervised detox program. Remember that the liver is not only the body's main detoxifying organ it also has a dual role in proper digestion of food. This is why so many people find it very difficult to lose unwanted weight - there livers are overloaded and fat loves to hold on to toxins! It’s also why, the more toxins you’re holding on to the more likely you are to feel tired, have pain and get frequent illness. When we detoxify our body’s liver must convert fat soluble nutrients to water soluble nutrients (Phase I and Phase II) before they can be eliminated. It's a complicated process to convert these fat soluble toxins to water soluble ones and involves a number of steps in the metabolic process. As more people become aware of the multitude of toxins bombarding their bodies many are turning to detox or cleansing programs. Detoxification or cleansing is very misunderstood. And frequently when people move too quickly, or have problems with some part of this conversion process they end up with toxic metabolites that are fare worse than those they were trying to eliminate in the first place. In effect they re-intoxify them self. This is why the Master Cleanse is NOT a safe way to go about cleansing and I do not recommend it to anyone. The best way to help your body detox naturally is to start slow! All detoxing programs that are worth their salt so to speak must first address proper food choices. This means taking out foods that are really garbage & non-foods as well as those foods that are known to be commonly reactive to many people. Foods like gluten, dairy, soy can frequently cause an allergic immune responds in many people. Both reactive and toxic foods need to be replaced with whole foods otherwise you’ll just be re-ingesting more toxic material your body has to eliminate. Good foods to include are fresh green and brightly colored produce, healthy fats and proteins and of course plenty of filtered water. Eating more raw or lightly steamed foods vs. cooked foods helps. These kinds of foods are more alkalizing and assist your body as it cleanses and helps process metabolites better.

Page 5: Here’s your copy of’s your copy of my ... difficult to lose unwanted weight - there livers are

Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

Any safe detox program needs to be done for several weeks and should include specific therapeutic and supportive supplements to ensure proper removal of toxins through the two stages of the process. Here’s a great tonic to help you support you body’s natural detoxification process Greens n Lemon drink – (1 serving) 1 head organic romaine lettuce or 1 head celery 5 -6 stalks kale or 1 cup fresh organic spinach 3 parsley sprigs (small bunch) 1 -2 organic apples 1 whole organic lemon (peeled) 1 -2 inch piece of fresh ginger Process all vegetables in a juicer and drink immediately. Very alkalizing. Loaded with digestive enzymes, calcium, potassium, magnesium, vitamins C, E & folate. Very alkalizing. Drink on an empty stomach. Would you like more great recipes that are designed to get you feeling and looking your best? I’ve created hundreds of recipes I’ll share with you as my client. ~~If you've been thinking of changing your diet and want to start on the path to better health you’ll want to take a look at one of my comprehensive Nutrition Programs. If you’re not sure which one might be right for you complete that Health Profile and send it to me and let’s have a chat!

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Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

#2 Natural Pain Management

One of the most common complaints I hear from people is that they experience chronic

and often debilitating pain.

Our current health care system does not do a very good job helping people manage pain

and they do an even worse job helping people to understand what causes their pain and

how to prevent or minimize it. Help managing chronic pain is one reason many people

are looking to alternative and holistic therapies for non-pharmaceutical ways to get thing

under control.

Chronic pain is among the top health complaints in the in country. An estimated 116

million adult’s experience chronic pain, much of it preventable. It’s estimated that

chronic pain management is costing the United States up to $635 billion annually.

Did you notice that I said a great deal of pain is preventable? Let’s look at how you can

make a few changes to decrease your pain…

Begin with uncovering and addressing the

cause of your pain….

Pain is a result of injury, trauma or infection. Chronic pain is a warning sign that

something is wrong, out of balance, infected or otherwise under attack. And we to need to

pay attention to our bodies when it cries out in pain because it is the body’ most basic

form of protection.

Chronic pain is persistent and does not abate. It is often associated with an underlying

condition. People suffering from cancer, chronic back pain, diabetes, osteoarthritis,

rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, fibromyalgia or even depression may experience

chronic pain affecting all areas of their lives.

1. Diet is key!

There is a link between chronic pain and foods may people consume on a daily basis.

Many commonly eaten foods actually inflame the body more and cause more discomfort

and pain. And this is why many people are now taking a second look at their eating habits

and removing some of the most commonly reactive foods from their diets to see if this

helps them.

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Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

Some of the most common foods people tend to be reactive to and thus add to

inflammation and pain are:

Gluten containing grains:

Wheat – including wheat germ and wheat bran, Rye ,Barley including barley malt,

Bulgur, Couscous, Spelt, Kamut, Semolina, Triticale, Einkorn

Dairy products




Self Help Tips for Chronic Pain

Stay properly hydrated. Drinking good quality filtered water – at least 50 oz. per

day helps you remove toxins and wastes from the body. Hydration is necessary

for every cell in the body to work properly and be nourished.

Use alkalizing drops or trace minerals in your water to help keep your body

slightly alkalized.

Eat more living, anti-oxidant rich fruits like berries, apples and grapes.

Eating more alkalizing green vegetables either by fresh juicing or lightly steaming

or sautéing them. Try adding leftover cooked vegies to the next day’s omelet or

salads to boost plant fiber.

Decrease the amount of cooked food you eat. Try lightly steaming and sautéing

foods if you find it difficult to eat raw vegetables.

Eliminate sugar and high fructose foods as these increase pain.

Eliminate inflammatory Gluten containing grains and consume less of those GF


Buy organic produce to reduce your exposure to pesticides and other chemicals

that put more of a burden on your liver.

Eat more wild caught fish!

Chronic pain uses up more serotonin so replenishing serotonin is very helpful.

Getting your body to produce more serotonin is a bit complex and does involve

several co-factors. Tryptophan is the precursor to serotonin so eating more foods

like turkey, sunflower seeds and pumpkin seeds will provide tryptophan. You

need B6 too. Here are some vitamin B6-rich options: spinach, turnip greens,

garlic, cauliflower, mustard greens, celery, fish (especially tuna, halibut, salmon,

cod and snapper), poultry (chicken and turkey) and lean beef tenderloin.

You need carbohydrates too and these should come from vegetables first and

gluten free grains second. Here are some good GF gain carbohydrates Amaranth,

buckwheat, millet and quinoa are seeds with grain-like taste and properties. These

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Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

are healthy, high-protein carbohydrates and small amounts of the

right carbohydrates are critical to boosting serotonin.

2. Improving digestion and absorption of nutrients

Poor GUT flora is a common thread in most people who suffer from chronic pain.

Boosting enzyme and pro-biotic rich foods is critical to improving digestion and

thus nutrient absorption and removal of wastes through the bowel.

Besides fermented dairy (and now coconut products for dairy intolerant)

something as basic as natural, unpreserved apple cider vinegar adds enzymes. Use

apple cider vinegar in salads, marinades and add a ½ teaspoon to a small amount

of water to help digest proteins.

Cultured vegetables are another way to help improve digestion. Any number of

vegetables can be naturally fermented.

Be sure to keep your bowels moving and elimination healthy because as toxins

accumulate they not only increase pain but provide safe harbor for nasty

pathogens like yeast and bacteria that can become more serious health problems. Fiber from vegetables and fruits help here. In fact apples contain pectin which is

soothing to the stomach and intestines.

Adding ground flax seeds to smoothies and other dishes provides both fiber and

essential fatty acids.

Chia seeds are another fiber option I particularly like because they become

gelatinous when they are in liquid and once eaten help pull waste deposits from

the lining of intestinal walls. Plus even people with diverticulosis or who have

trouble with other nuts and seeds can usually tolerate these without complications.

# 3 Food intolerances, food sensitivities & food allergies: how can you tell them apart? Identifying and managing food allergies can be challenging and may have you wondering where to start. Many people (including many children) who suffer from a variety of conditions actually have undetected food intolerances, sensitivities or allergies as the reason for their discomfort. And importantly allergic reactions up regulate the immune system and cause inflammation.

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Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

~Remember what the cause of all diseases? It's inflammation! So if we can control inflammation in the body we can go a long way to preventing disease – and this includes pain and decreased energy. This is why getting and keeping inflammation in check is a major focus of all of my programs to help clients increase their energy, sleep better and have less pain. Could your health problems be driving by food intolerance or sensitivities? Here is a list of some of the common symptoms that can be due to food intolerances – how many of these do you have?

Asthma or respiratory distress ADD & ADHD or poor memory and concentration Depression & other neurological problems Skin conditions such as psoriasis or acne Joint pain, arthritis Migraine headaches Chronic fatigue and fibromyalgia Digestive problems (such as irritable bowel syndrome, constipation and

inflammatory bowel disease) Weight gain

While many people use the terms food allergy, intolerance and sensitivity interchangeable these are three different types of immune responses. A true food allergy is defined as is an immune response to a specific protein. When this occurs the body reacts to this protein as harmful and defends against it. There are two types of food allergy IgE mediated and non-IgE mediated. In an IgE mediated responds the body triggers IgE anti-bodies to bind with the food protein and this actives the release of histamine and other mediators. These mediators cause symptoms such as red, itchy eyes, runny nose, and respiratory distress and can even be fatal. These are the types of true allergies that are determined by the skin scratch test done through an allergist. A non-IgE mediated response is where the immune system response directly to the food protein causing the release of chemicals. This leads to inflammation being produced in the body, which is prone to occur in the GI tract. Common symptoms of this type of response include constipation, nausea, diarrhea, reflux, bloating and abdominal pain.

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Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

It's probably surprising but only 5% of food allergies are due to IgE mediated responses. The majority of food allergies (95%) are non-IgE mediated. Non-mediated IgE allergies are what is called delayed response reactions. As such these reactions usually occur several hours up to several days from eating the offending foods, so this is why they are called delayed response allergies. These allergies do not show up on a skin prick test you might have done at your allergist. Because there is currently no reliable test for these non-mediated IgE allergens the only way to detect them is through an elimination/provocation diet. Here is a list of the most common foods that about 90% of people who are allergic react to;

Milk and dairy products

Wheat & all gluten continuing grains





Tree nuts - pecans, walnuts, almonds, cashews, hazel, brazil nuts


Shellfish Although these foods are the ones most commonly found to cause reactions you can be reactive to any food. A food sensitivity is a generalized term for describing an abnormal reaction to a food or food additive. A food sensitivity doesn't actually involve the body's immune system. While the symptoms of a food sensitivity can be the same as a true food allergy these symptoms are generally milder. Some of the most common food sensitivities are to;




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Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215


Yellow dye No. 5

Preservatives (BHT & BHA) This is why eliminating processed and most packaged foods can really help reduce symptoms from food sensitivities. This is especially true for individuals with ASD or ADHD. A food intolerance does not involve the immune system but occurs when you eat something that irritates your digestive system. This is because you lack the specific enzymes or co-factors necessary to properly digest that type of food. Gluten intolerance is one such case of food intolerance due to inadequate enzymes to digest gluten or other grains. Lactose intolerance is due to too few of the enzymes needed to digest it. Sometimes taking specific digestive enzymes can help eliminate this problem. Testing and elimination diets Using the elimination diet and food challenge to help discover your hidden food allergies and intolerances. There are specialized blood tests to detect IgE mediated type of allergies, but if you have not been eating specific foods before testing chances are your body won’t produce the antibodies – even though you may still be reactive. So the elimination diet is actually the most inexpensive and accurate way to do this. The elimination diet is time consuming and does require you keep a detailed diet and symptomology log so most people find they are willing to have some specialized testing first to rule out as much as possible. And this is why many people decide to work with me to help them through this process. Gluten: While it’s very possible to react to almost any food I suggest most people begin by eliminating those foods that contain gluten and sugar and see if you don't feel better and have many less allergic symptoms. Remember gluten is found in crackers, pasta, baked goods, cereals, and many packaged food including condiments so this too can be laborious. Gluten can also be a hidden additive in many packaged and convenience foods that goes by other names such as hydrolyzed vegetable protein, glucose, maltodextrin and modified food starch to name a few.

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Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

Sugar: Sugar feeds a host of diseases and is highly addictive. Sugar is found in practically everything that is pre-packaged and especially in condiments. So it's best to make your own salad dressings and condiments and avoid commercially prepared products. And read labels judiciously. Remember that gluten, sugar and many other yeast producing foods can lead to candidiasis. In fact many people suffer unknowingly from candidiasis and most doctors do not know how to test for this condition. And if they do most are not trained on the dietary changes that are required to prevent re-infection.

Think you might be affected?

Be sure to take the Health Profile Questionnaire which was an attachment with this download.

Once you take this email it back to me to get you complementary 20 minute phone consult so I can tell you more about what your score means.

If you score 45 or more it’s time to address the cause of your problems before they become more serious, full blown problems.

A score of 75 or above means your body is already in need of immediate help….

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Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

Now, here’s your three free recipes from my Season it Well! The Outrageously Delicious Gluten Free Recipe Collection for the Discerning Palate.

~~~Bon appetite and happy gluten free cooking!~~~

Super Moist GF Zucchini Bread (makes one loaf)

I use a glass bread pan and so the temperature needs to be higher. Using a non-stick (which I do

not like due to toxicity) temps may need to be at 350°.

Preheat oven to 375° and move rack to center position.

Step 1: In a medium bowl combine the following:

1 Cup GF Baking mix

¼ cup coconut flour

½ cup almond flour

½ tsp. xananathan gum

1 tsp. aluminum free baking powder

½ tsp. Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt

¼ cup flax seeds

1 tsp. vanilla

Step 2: In a smaller bowl combine the following & blend well

2 eggs (beaten)

1/3 cup melted coconut oil – cooled

1/3 cup organic pomegranate acai kefir

1 cup organic dark brown cane sugar

Step 3: combine liquid and dry mixtures together and mix well by hand

Step 4: Add to above mixture and combine well

1 ½ cup shredded zucchini

½ cup chopped walnuts

Step 5: In a coconut oiled glass bread pan add the bread mixture and bake at 375° for 50 – 55


Tomato Basil soup with Roasted Garlic (serves 6-8)

I love tomato basil soup however, most served in restaurants seem to have milk or cream in the

recipe. This one is dairy free and gets it’s richness from three different tomatoes and the help of a

food processor.

8 fresh roma tomatoes cut in half lengthwise

1 head of roasted garlic

2 Tbsp. olive oil for tomatoes

Page 14: Here’s your copy of’s your copy of my ... difficult to lose unwanted weight - there livers are

Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

1 Tbsp. olive oil for roasting garlic head

Balsamic vinegar for drizzling on tomatoes before roasting

1 Tbsp. Olive oil for sautéing onions

1 small (sweet) onion diced

¼ tsp. dried red chili flakes

1 quart vegetable stock or chicken stock

1 – 8 oz. can of diced canned tomatoes

¼ cup of sun dried tomatoes (optional but highly recommended!)

Stevia to taste or 1 Tbsp. of raw honey

3 Tbsp. chopped basil leaves

If not dairy intolerant use 2 Tsp. homemade basil pesto

Baking sheet or jelly roll pan lined with parchment paper.

Large soup pot.

Heat oven to 400° or if you have a roasting option set to 375° on roast setting.

Step 1: Cut tomatoes in half and sprinkle liberally with olive oil, Celtic or Himalayan salt and

balsamic vinegar. Roast heads of garlic at the same time by cutting off bottom of garlic heads and

drizzling with olive oil and placing on same baking sheet as tomatoes. Roast tomatoes and garlic

head for 25-30 minutes then remove from oven and allow them to cool.

Step 2: While the tomatoes are roasting, sauté chopped onions in large pot with 1 Tbsp. olive oil

until translucent.

Step 3: Allow the roasted tomatoes to cool. When cooled place both the roasted tomatoes and

garlic (squeeze to remove from outer skin) in food processor and pulse to coarsely chop.

Step 4: Add the canned tomatoes, onions and sun dried tomatoes to the food processor and pulse a

couple of times until chunky. This may need to be done in two or three batches depending on the

size of your food processor. You can also do this in a blender.

Step 5: Return this mixture to the pot and add the vegetable stock. Add the red chili flakes.

Step 6: Simmer (do not boil) for 15 to 20 minutes.

Step 7: Taste and add the honey or Stevia and salt and chopped fresh basil or pesto. Simmer for a

few more minutes. Serve warm, not hot.

*Note: 2 Tbsp. of fresh basil pesto may be substituted in place of the fresh basil or oregano

leaves. Add near the end of cooking.


You may also try adding 1 red bell pepper; cored and seeded cut in half for a zingier variation.

Roast the seeded red pepper along with the tomatoes if making this variation and blend them and

add them when you add the tomatoes.

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Anne Baker CN, LE

Nourish Holistic Nutrition

(248) 891-5215

Sweet Potato and Zucchini Latkes (serves 6 as a side more as an appetizer)

These latkes can be served as a side dish or made into small appetizer sized bites and topped with

a little plain yogurt with some fresh dill weed. They look fancy but are easy to make and take to a

party. Kids really love these!

3 or 4 small or 2 medium washed organic sweet potatoes or yams grated in food processor

1 medium zucchini squash grated in food processor and squeezed dry in paper towel

1 small sweet onion grated

Note: You should end up with about 6 cups total of the above vegetables once they are shredded.

1 clove garlic - minced

2 organic eggs lightly beaten

1 tsp. Celtic sea salt or Himalayan salt

Dash pepper

¼ tsp. dill weed

1/4 tsp. aluminum free baking powder

2 Tbsp. GF baking mix

2 Tbsp. melted coconut oil

Olive oil or coconut oil for pan frying

You will also need a large cast iron or ceramic non-stick skillet. I find I have fewer issues with

sticking in the non-stick skillet.

Step 1: Using a food processor with the grating blade grate sweet potatoes. Reserve the sweet

potatoes in large mixing bowl.

Step 2: Grate the zucchini and squeeze out excess liquid using a paper towel. Add to sweet

potato. Grate Onion in food processor and add to sweet potatoes.

Step 3: In a small bowl combine the GF flour, the baking powder, salt, pepper and dill weed. Add

this dry mixture to the vegetables.

Step 4: Add the beaten egg to the shredded vegetable mixture. Combine well.

Step 5: Heat the oil in a ceramic non- stick skillet Form into patties with a spoon and drop onto

hot oiled pan. Fry on both sides until lightly browned. These can break so use a spatula and leave

enough room in the pan for maneuvering. Cooking will need to be done in batches allowing room

for proper browning. You may need to add oil as you go. Be careful not to burn. Drain on paper

towels and serve.