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Redistri,~ting Ma:by County Grou I

Seek· Public I

Comment 0

School PlanMayor's


Don't Vote




...: i.




at SIOUX CIty.I Shown arc Jnstructor LaMOineBrownlee. Dean G eve. RobertAndersofl. Bd~ Gre,",':: dncl Ken­neth McQulstan. .

Pic~ured above is the ,Wake­fjeld IFFA judginQ ~eam whichpartl!,pated in the 1956 invita.tiona vocat~onal agriCullture_IJves_+~jUdg~~~~~~~~ ._~~..:day.

,.! il.~ 'i .

,~9r Tuesday 1- It's'Your

pages I TlIE

I;Wa'yn~ voters \'dll go to thetlulls Tuesday lor the annual 1 itv.dlectlOn. Local cJtJzens,.Will 11 me,8 nwyol:. thn'C ('ounctlnJ~ll , ndt.wo ~;cI10iJJ bOdld nlcmbers. I'

Names 01 only two incumbe ts

;~~I B~P:.c~e;;/~~stb~~~~c: ~~cllman, am) Albert Kern, SC ~l

board, OthCj.· ,candldat'es, na ~,d

at Citizens party caucus, e:'Willard Wiltse, mayor;'". Wa l1e

. l'y1arsh, Second ward (;oun, il-man; Dr. Gordon W, Sh, e,T~lrd ward councdm<:ln and H tlbti".ollmprqcn, school bbard. !

I'nlh be Opt'11' H ;J! n' W

~.'>I~)i;J prJl1 11~~!1;7;d~~;~~1 be aiL~~~v.~aI'U. Clly hull; Sl'cohd .wardJl Ji­lJplrv bas ·ll1l'nt. and Thu'd wj rd.courlbuu:-.c lubby. -

WaYIlt: .Ja.~ eel'S and Mrs. , av~cees 1:In' ::-'j!liJlSo-l"ino: a gct-out.. l~c­

vote C{JJl[l<lJi'11 llfKIJll--: Joc..1 citl, ensto CXlTClSC theIr civJC dutv bYI, ot­i¥1g d(·sD!l.j· the lol}(:k of a'nv cle ,tron(-,onk,,;ts.

Mrs. Jll\C"es WIll cuU IDeal ·csi­d(:lJls to rl{'m~l.ld. them to vote'. ~ar~

. \'~'Ill !n' PI OVIdI'd tu TJCl'sbns 01, edj~H:':' Il,"aJ) .... purlalJUn to an

.-Zv<J~lh~~I~si i~ln ~10 tshe~·!~~ic~vA~~II, h~~vote.

- Transport-ation and baby· Jt-ting m~y be obtained by. ¢ II­ing" 587-W Tuesday, Chair ~nNorman \ Ellis 6tated. Cars 111be furnished by Wolske A toService, Coryell Auto, ' Wa' neIMot9rs and Seyler. M,qtl?rs.WIJl"klll~ With EJlIH 'on tlw pro­

ject ip'e Boll Johnson, llPrll1 ie~'~!:jUIl, Uf'r·IJIV Ulriclt, Lou' Pasp shlI.

~.~:~ ~J':':lllli::,~~::l(l ~~~~~~'sM~~~ :~er.

0r dIstrIct loomed thiS week wIthfIlings by Gordon Nuernbergerand Carl () Sundell, WakefieJd

Terms of Lyle Marotz, Hos­kins, and A~bert Wals/On, Wayne.expIre. Marotz had filed prev­iously fot' re-election for a six­year term. Deadline for filing Three-Hour UnionIS Apr. 5. d

I (Jlhf': county posts are ~ithout Servic;es PlanneI

Opposition fOf the May pnmary.• [ncumbpn!s who have filed are Frl·day Afternoon ' •I County. Judge David J. Hamer, I ' WHEREAS, The United States of America is the strong-I Uprk of Uistnct Court John .T·I A three-hour Union GrJOd Fn- hold of democracy in the world today, and

: ~;~I~I~~',:s"}~~T:~~o;~~~~ol~isg~~~ ~~~~~~~~~1t~~~rc7 ~!~~th;:~?~~ Iree ::~~~r~~~' ~~ei~n~::i~e~:o:~sroo:g~O~;ritChOe~:'r~~~ ~~~ =:~J~~:~~~~t;l~~~, (!. i~:Ie ; Wavne :'ollnlster~ have resolved '~heir issue~ an.d chosen their public offiicols by County Reor~ization cornmitt

:Quarter-Block I SJX Wayne pastors :v,ill delivpr the power, of the ballot box, and Ra~~~II~ansai~e~r;,I~~k:~b'I b:..;ermnns on thp se\,·f'n la.~t .....ords WHEREAS, only by true representative government may no means definite but were formuPurchased y of Christ. OffprJn~ \'.lll bl:' trtken the United States of America continue to be strong and free, tated. to determine public scntt~

'" to gupport work of the a",~oclatlon and ' ment ]fe adtfe() that the. DroPO'SC

i CounCil Tuesday AJbert G. Cal"lson and Mrs. I diVISions. of the county were mad... In accordance "';tl~a SUrvey 0l Vv'ayoc,ls lJty council Durchased :~~::..M~~~ls~'1Ia~drvemaussl~:l. WHEREAS, true representative government can be COrl~ hIgh schools attended- presently bi/ .ia <;Juartcf-block tract west. of the 9?luPS from. several churches tinued only by the citizens of this country by the exercise of tuitIOn students from rural COU111.

I sWlmmJll1C: f)l)ol Tuesdav night Jar will also partiCipate. Churches their precious American right of voting, and t\ dlStricts_de\,clopment iOta a rl'creatlonal represented are FIrst Baptist, A mao of thiS survey and lh~arca. Redeemer and St. Paul's Luth- WHEREAS, the Wayne Junior Chamber af Commerce is proposed map for. redistrlctUl~

The 150x150 area was option- eran. PresbyterIan. Wesleyan encouraging all citizens of Wayne to vote on Tuesday, ·-Apr. 3, are shov.rn at the bottom of th1ed f~om Mrs. Alex Jeffrey, exe- I Methodist and Methodist. 1956, in the American way; oa~e have tried to get earn p~~

~~~r~~,;60~he Hoguewood estate, I. nooT,~,(' "~:ohrc;:J,.~~('n"Oss,I .. s('Rr~onl~I'''''f:211 posed district's .....aluation higll

lJ,'s'c'''so',r'n 01 Ihn ",r"-ctJOn of al Dacl~pn:J;" 1;1('; 'f).m ·~~dh~llon· NOW, THEREFORE, I, Glen Houdersheldt, Mayor of enoug-h so that all county cbildn>l1U< f <.- <:: Wayne, do hereby commend the Wayne Junior Ch.amber of ·ll b th edu bon 1

m!'rTWl"Ial munument to scrvlce-II Rev. S. K. de Fn>f><,p. L.';::') Commerce on its Get-Out~The-Vote project, and hereby urge ~~port~~tiesea:m~ tba~a.•tax~sml'Jl al the Dark i:l ml1e north of "I..o\c· .. · Re\ 0, '11 PrrH,tt 1::21). . f h' ., h· t. .....111 be o.;uite:ble." a statement

,Irmn was also held. Lyle W. G~J11.-;I··'lln('!:'s:·· Rp\!. \\. (; \·(0114(': all citizens of Wayne'to take advantage 0 t elr CItizens Ip UY ISSued b;'tne committee said_ I


blv, !Jon Ml11l'r and .\le~11O F re-I L43. "Ph"slla] SUfknn~ Rp\:'o1 voting.

L,·st R. t' lor S h Vl'l I. n"lJ'T~f'n. Ime "etc:-ans organ- H. Rudpnslek: :2'IfJ. "Tl"Ium~.h'" In discuas1nq the map, cern-a ,nhs peec nl'esentcd the matter to FU'\' ~ B. Gnl\. Clnd 2 ~.~. 'Rfl- Dated this 27th day of March, 1956. mittee members rePeatedly

, [, -, , ~ ·n~:I(:~n~~t'1' a~kl'd. to reach art un;nn(, r:~~11~rr::'tt;n\ ltrr1 tn rrlm" Glen Houdcrsheldt, ~:~t~ ~~~~;.Ia~st~r~ :::!"rama Contesfs ·~a·turday i1iCll·,'r;'Wflt with-the Wa\nc Coun- I alld ~o a1 aO\· tIme. but .'i ;J"~(·.i, Mayor of Wayne trans are asked to discuss the .Ii#:. . ,;~ I tr,\ clull concclnJng.lOl'UIH)fl of the I to ff}: ilnd oh",·nr thf' tmw IJr,·ak.... plan with echool board officials..l . Il!?,)..i 'I - I nlc,nunH'nl and devcloument of to f'~u<;(-' th~ If'i-l'if(nJ!ootIJfhan,'f' ~_ _ _ ~~i~. l"S of tha reo!rgizat~n

M'IIre than 200 sludC'nl" frorTI -~ l' (l('dtJOtldl (acJlltJls I - --t. INcWrheast Nebraska hH!h <;(ho(Jj" I I POSSlbdlt¥ lveterans pu r- 'w .1'I Committee members are: Hilk~oa~IC1P-'dted In the 1)1,,111(1 III I I eh thet m the city was M d S . t B t mann. Otto .ulrich. and AlVinsp ech and on(-~(t tJlav (1))i1, " ), a)::m~~ :se Mayor Glen I on oy por 5 anque I. Schmode. \\'inslde: JOY Tuckt:'r.s~Uldld\ <it WSIC ill (,II Houdersh~'t ~ ressed opinion I CarroU; Ed\\oin Slr~te. John Ai·

~super~or ratlMQS In the play II" ~{ liJllC 1/1,/1 >J I ,lId that such a m e was possIble. IH HI. h S h I AthI # ~~; arfo~::i~i~l~rn1e~€~~~:lontest went to Wayne Hlqh, JIL;,(r llcrc (;; Jv.cru c:r<lnted to 0 e es and Burr Davis, \Vayne.layne Prepand-tAlien MarVin IJ11I11:IO\\II/l~;,'>(III// Ililldll rdl ,ns Lester llol(ldt. onar 19 COAtthe reQuest of Dixon a!~dRatzlaff, Wayne Prep, Jas J! 11 I 11 \\ ii" II I I I 0- 1111S V\'. f,Jh ano Waif rt;d Cur 1-1 1 Cedar county authorities.· Sll~named the outst<lndmq act In 11 I II I "rJIl ]I If lllng!> of slrmlar llc- ~ committees were named to \}"od,tlass B. Nancv OVIatt, Allen, S(;' Jl~II/::I'/11111 II' fl( I I;J "I II"'" I ir 'GpJOld E::ulbcl[! and L' 1-C h ~ with j;U'Oups from those atf'a~ tnwas ol.1tstandlnq actress, Class 1 dUll I III I II l c..: \\ 11.11 I rldn!-; \\(Ihlpr v,prf' ~cheduled oca oac \.ocal Firemen Called 11,000 Pheasants !'>todv reOrg2.111zation. \VorkillL:"~A awards went to Ermer Skeets, Ilflgh "IIPI III) 11'1 AI}] lu H.l ommcndCltwns tJ1at • po • I with Dtxon county ere Davht ~!(._~:~~ah, and Marsma HooQner. IJ~ Ifll Itl' I lIlln p( <." I jJd.( kal.;e lie enses h(' grant To Get SIOUrv ror Four Grass Fires Released by !kes QUlstan and Schmodc. \\':,ilh Cl'

• LeW/I! slJjJlll()1 -\1, II .. 1!1I11(11 (I J[ofcldt W,'S aso fUlv,arded 01 lI\. \\a\nr \ollmtC'er hrempn upre eEl h d T=uckteY" 8a

"'nd HJS1~jpl,atm, Sch~rml·r.Events were ludg-ed b" number:; PII*'I hdl{!1 \\'1111' AI]r II I til{ State LIQuor OmrntSSlOn. Co d I r'lJlf'd on to battle four gras~ f1n:'s L T urs ay • .o~,

01 tha Unlversltv at Nli'"hla~ka lyn l:\ti( ('(Jld \' \ Il( J'II J A I,_ter from orthmllton cor- Ity Aw....rr 11\ lh \\'eckend 1"\'1,"0 came al- gue _A meetin£ was held. for .sehuolHome Extension C.oun iI speectydepartmel}t. ThlY \\,er; Dr JUd~'Deck \\ a\-IJ(~.!]gll c~Il III nf Ipm .IliOn said dell el'Y of the new I a' m~~f ~1~ultCln('ous'lv ~aturday aft- ",.,nayne count.....·s pheasant .........pu- P~nctstrQns~da-Lo~andt.. ..::.e


delS, Dc~2:

Dallas WIllIams, Dr place Clom- E '. k' l light plant eng J5 schcduI{Cd In 'I h Bob J h HJ vv Cl -'"1.1 Y ~l ~.u::: .....,...Slares Tuesday Meetin. well, Donald Olson qnd Clarenc~ ~ temporaJl( (JU SlJl d JIlL: on- June ThIS IS on month later th3-(l~ Wavne HI.f~h and \Va\ nc 1-'{ ep f'rooon one north o. t e ? n· lallOn increased Thursday . when sed th.~ (p$ts Qf K-12 unirsDenton. I me ?hl', ~alJl' 1 ~P{ no] Char lls orlgJl1allv speclfi ... nthletes WIll be th~ ~uests of 1l0n~ son I f'sldence In Hillcrest add1Uon the lzaak ~Va1too league JQ co- with~ransJ)Ortation~' two K-:3

Wayne County Home Exte ion LenQl;U .Ramsey was 1n charg-e Ko;, (! v.. I\-n(' HI h lxcelte{lt W..sT-C was granted tierm1~s.(,.b 01 Munda) whf'l1 the Chnmbf'r of lind thr- other at the Hf'nry Hoff- olJoera':!on With Ule State ~me units.. and. tv."O-room sch1xus.. cOilhcil will hold ils1)('eond qua t~r· of the drama division.wh1lc O€-orge Ilu 7irYo,:J~)~~; hal7~ (s~~~~J~cl~ to hloek off J'(-'nth stref't bet~een Co-mnlPrcl' and Jd\CC'es sDOn<;ur ,j m~n farm 6 1

"J miles northwC'St of C?numsslOn releCl..."'Cd LOOO adult It \\las decided to or£anize a.. lbel~lW~~~neT~~~~rhO~~;~n~o ;:; Criswell superVised the SPf' \Valn(' PI ('P. ami \ltOWflLI! \. ':'1c- Windom and Lo~an ADl. 14 to a~~ sp~ts _m.. drd b~nqu('t at the ("Ity 10 \t rLw fiffl'; Wflrfl f'xtingulshed blI~~C pheasants Will n('st and ~ar ~~~;f:;;et.~~c:rtlf~:-~~~

IAgent Myrtle Anderson Bald to· e':'W~~r ratin::!:s tu area students l~1)4<·Jl· [JIX()!l, (';('~llf'111 :~(:L~:~Od;Jl(, dlStrtct music conles au¥~;~r~~';nt\"·~·l~~:~~iwJ. wlil al·I~~. ~'rllnk Horrpll proPf'rty in vo.ung thiS year, game oHiciaJs discuss reor~izati~ POs&ibilitiE'''.day.; '1 ,,' were:-· .! I Thr('f' bUlldlJ1J:!T permits were is~ bccQh1e an annual al~alr. l~ ODell J~no~l'\f'l' park Rnd south of t.h~ saId. State Game Farm .},laD82er Gordon Nuernbenrer. ~d Emil. '~rs. Basil Osburn will e· Original oratory: Marie John· S~ I 51 .... tH·d. Thf'Y were: to f}w publIC. Tick('b ille nO\~ 011 (lfll('rlCf"' Sor~nsen hom(' on Lin· Orden Allen saJd th: bl~ds I::n- ~fuller. WakeCteld. ""ere aoooinT,

·d·- 't the 1·30 pm sess n son, Dixon, superior; Barbara 0.0 me ate Frank Thlf'lmRn. 24x30 attaclwd sale fit WaYl1l' bank.-; and ~l'\el!d coin sln'pl ~o damage was done crallv art' larger than J:',;ebraska ed to organize the meetinE: ant!~la~5a for the MaY'4 ~pring 'fi~ HUghes, Wayne Prep/Joanne Tut- al rf'SI(jenn'. SIxth and busm('ss l1ou!'es. IJ>' any fire. phpasanls t bl SPeakerat Carroll WIll be discussed. \ tIc, Laurel, Mary Witte. yYIOSHh'. A r.' 5 Me ting I"::-timnlpd ('().'it at' $1.200. Guest speaker will be Jerry • They \,\·('re ourchas('d from ~IS- C'O~acm~i~~ ~n the ~ao. Ihp

Ceunty chorus members ,will and Phyllis Cook, Wayne IIJgh. ('x- ,\1. Morns. 20x24 l!::lrage at Bush, University of Nebraska comin oheaY-<'lnt br,f"C' \'.lth ornposed Wayne district \\'Otll'!

meet at the Mrs. Joy Podoll b~e rellent. . , ,H~·'1l ·1\,1 West s,-·\·('nlh. $irX) basketball coach. Wa.rr-en Cook. Board Approves fWlds from tml;lllri bll'd sta~~n sales han' a 512,000.000 \'·aluation. trmJ'~at.8,p.m. Wodnesday ,to pra tlCC Interpretatiye1 ora~rv: ~M;Il'I(ln IIUf~lIn'I"t i Ball(:,. ;,IJx] ·11 bowltnL:I Nortol k, will act as toastmaster, zn the state dunng the 19JJ hunt- Its curn:-nt slze_ Enrollmt'nt. hol'- ..l,·cO:.':r...:l~b~c...:t>cC'.:a-,p':.:r.:;es;c.::::"ta:-t::io::"n:... _i!--__Hansen. Di~~:~_~("hlltt(.. (1t~""":,"'·""lr('lj~'I,:"""llId ..... ,',,',',., L I ;111,'\ l':"I)iln~llIn at ThJr!l'('nth cll1d Alex Stoddard, SIOUX City Jour- Three College Ing season. t ever. would be increased onhl~ --- -' ! ].lllr ,)Ill. $10.000. 1 nal sports editor, will attend to State game offIcials spen about 200 In the eleml'nlar>/

Ok Three i Ne'w ~;;~tiil~~(J~~lll/n,I.J,\~~,~:(',~: ,Iti·, ~~~\f~:~~~~tltt(}~:=~··"~:~~d Building Moves ~5~:OOfO;0 N~~~as~~~ ~~~~~ ~l~~l~s'be~ahng~h~b('~?:;y~~~~~~1~;,~.11 .S,('hl)(J!Jl~('\I.~ 0111 300 Youngsters I to WaYfie Hlgh·s Harold Macie, I Plans for \\~STCs new auditor- population. Th~ pheasants ~t rural chlldr('n 10 the are~a!l' now

.. " \\ S,l ( ApI.) '. • • Jewskl, IilJm-g:r:\aSlum were' aPPrQH'-d $2.95 each. BIrds released In aUendmc: \\"avne Ht2"h. •'W 'C Fac It y Me...lo.b.... rs· Eaddition to the r tarks. a Participate In Senl(w:- ,II both Ill~h .ind S,ltlll 3) b. Y til(' State :'\llrmal i Wayne county ·had a total cost Averagf: per pupil cost for.111... ]sy pOSlum on coor Inatlon of 1 m('Jllber~ oj Ill(' ~1<lll' C»flllT-1 hoar RIds for ronstructwn of of $2.950. t!ducation in the Wayne area, ' .. ~' --~~-- I ed, ca~lonaf efforts, 1by state lEt E Hunt I ('/le\, dldlllpiorl'ihJpj 1.-am;, \~ ill n:'- thl' hwlrllnJ.: Will be callC'd for late Comparable' Dhea .... ,lnt rP!('<lses dl5trlCts is $338.75, CpuntY alo"

Dr. Joe Nichols. LEJl~dal • N. agencIes ~i11 also be \on(Juc~ed i as er gg I cel\l' "IWCJdl Il'("O nltlon. All :tth· IW'l month \Vere made In 23 l::a..'\tprn :'-iehrBska is 5351.34. Wayne's a\l-

~~h~~v~s~~;:~p~~~~Sa~e'i~~~: .~:~~t~i~~O~~ ~~~r~s hf~·();:l~~ft:;:~ ~F:~c F~~~:~:~ CI~~~\ ~h~er-s~l::~ 1); )11·:I~:~'l~![:,~n~~~'rl~U~~r~ll~:11~;;II~,:~;:~~~Jl/~·'~;llllt~:~ 1~~~~7/~.. ,,:::Jd .!o Lh~ln~~:~;'lril.~I\~,::ft t;~~' ~\~~~~~~:i ~~I~~S~t~~~.s(l~~.~~;~tl::x.~~~tlll~ ~:a$g1~~~ per elomcntary pupil.,tOI'.' 01. teaQher~t~u1Jng pro am. of the eolkgc end. !wnl! 01 tlw I nl~ht when SUI nl;ln ,I ~e q ;9,1 t.,.rn(l"ll al Uff,~ .... II·r IHol k. TllL'1 Anot he)" ~P{"<:" tI \\ ill b< ~t II111JTl1 1<: Si.-10 (jOIl With !lhrl1s,ant stl1mp mOnles_of·.- A\ f'rac:p 1955 tax Irv\' for di ,-·Interim Pr side-nrMiI~on J.,! as- ct}ueatign department. Ill' L" mar- speaker. ('\('nt \\,\:-.. .,>pol1sor1.d Lv :'\1ls J;I\-I til,· pJ"C'scnIHIIO I ]lllH~lJ"-' I" lb,'· . bid Phra:;.anls w("rr n~ka.5Pd In tl"i('t"~ In the ~u£j::est('d \Va\'ll'?·S:el announ d tHis w~ek. ~ .ri~d ahd has three' chihlll'tl. t· n'r's : OU1."1.llldlnl! ,,' II'" ,lIhll lo' Inrlll The board ;llso elccepted S I:;roup... of W lhroul!hout tlw <»un- QlT'a was 1573 mills, Countv a\,.-:'I·

_" Nichols filPpo~tmqht wa_1 'ap- Samp~onwilJ fill a slImnH'J' lIosi- ( Pr s for flndinq specIal' both :-..cl1ool;,·l ~j\\ Il,j~ I tot.llllnq 5189.389 for construcd t\ bv' Ike' memhers. (In" .r~ter al:l." \..·as 1;:)67 \Va"'nc's Ie\\ "ot'd"

ol,Qvcd b~" ~~c Stdte Normal pard. tion in the Enl:':llsl) l!1·parlflH'll' I gOld~~eeggs went to Marsha Rus- I ~J-lOJhnITd b\ till' tlon e>f wings on Morcy hell! an and nine .hl'ns WCI"1' \Itx'rilt~d In 1526 millsHc' will· 'lSS me hiS duti ~ at left by DI." D.orOtln. Sl·I;:. \\)11) lsi M k I kcll JCdnne Pollard DennIS and, (·()-chalrn 'II 01 approved construction of a n~~ spol.o:; prondmc am!)I" COH'I". luod Plan!'> a~T' underway for nllll);!";

, Wiivne JU~~·1.· ,': ~1l Of .absc~~'~ ... SIll' ('IIIllI'S I t' PIly'llls Ellermeler. john DOflnq, ~ G('(lr~e Bl'1" l'~ ;l1ld ~~~;dence hall north of Nelh2 and .... a!er. mN'tlnc:s and l1uestioo and <J.n .... ·,~' t"

~ .-.:. 1 , trom Eau (.Jall·e .sIC. or e S Arlen Rieken Carol Boyer. l'L . ,\. Sf'SSlnnS on the proposed \ ... d. ... :! ..~. The board \also approved the 'vVayl wJlI loin tlw 1.11'- . S.lnd Strong· Elaine Johnson. j-l;r1" :wc,'plrr! fn)" lhf' :\Ion:-v hal] • • dl~tnct.:"appolntment of ~r" He.le X. iultv in thf' Il('og"l·anlw I. R b Y B' 'thai Ketren Jen- 1',\I"n'l()l~ \~ I'! f' HlJ:-..ooom and Leader Training M~et.Sa.mpson, EaJ,l. CI Iroe. ~tS" iand I'eplacing Fr~d I~111(', \~ \\"111 lii'l L j e eC~d e';omm'er1eld Leslie H uJh h:.ln~d:-. l:f'n,·ral cnnslru("- cluh·W. Burt Wayt, HobbS, N, 1M., on leave dUnflf.: the 111"'\ ;.('S:-IIJll.' (PrjICCS In Wayne Wccflead,ly a.lll) ~C;;jenbr~~h. Bruce johnson, 11"11 Altlwr I. !-I!Jt)('fl" K!'arnflv., \\'a~~~(' rolln!)" ~~I::n~tn()~lons

'"'to ..the_ sumTer faoulty ,an I a~- Wavt is a Wa\'~f' ll.rmill<ilP .Hllil I" I CIol"n $130 MarCld Ehlers and JeaAne . B.les!. 1111'( h', ilf1d Kruc>:,'r f~l('Ctnc.llrarl('r..:;lfrom \\I~sl\lrsn C!lIrcncf'1 Buys Ayrshires Iccpte~ t~~h' r€(slgnation 0 Dr. !u·C'R('ntlv t.CBehlnl! In II<ddl) Ilul\- OiltS .63, ., ."\<I)-:'Jlk el('C1flcal. I \'111 rTi:f'~t at thl. h. fl,' Don Paintl"r Waym'. T:f "II 1'1p,' f:(aul~·IFM"ler, 'socloloay' pro- lie schools ~ I qre.lm. lb. .58 I {'II'/J" \\('1" ,tl"ll ,11.\,lldcI! In IIld, cor the rf·... ldpnr't" lUlU ~chr()('dflr hom(-'. IloskiTl;"'. t IS ·'i

hI dp an inlti~1 purchas~' of ldlll'

·fOS506. ._. I· 1 . Mill('\' will r('sign from VST{· Hens. Ib.llover 5 lbs.) .17 ,hildrPII Ilm.lIIH:. Itw 11](1""( (.L'L'~. Itl \~'II ;)(: at th,. Anr :?llprnonn r~o (f'N'I ....e tram~~5.1~.....~kelma,_t:.... .... At-'rshirek accordn,..:.!t'J.~ -1 " . . . 1 H Ib 1 5 Il) 15 111·' . 'I' 1,\·,,1 Th(· ...(' \~'·nl to .. A 11 'sti-0fl tnplC "S('a[VV'u, '-.AIV -, reInS e,t--u J. .•" Nlchol$ ",iill filV tl'tr> DO!'1. nrm- pept.' 1 10 lOin thp !1l('lllh (1 :\1:11\- ens.. I un, c> )5. . I If ,:L..:., , ,\\.1 1]\ lnd ConslruclJOn lS pr:. t, Ithe Ayrshne Breed('rs a~$c¥·lallqn"

~ci~l'~e;~~l~m~~'q1·t\hl~* ~~r~'~~~~, ~~~ln·tJ~I~~(' n~\~;J~'l'n aI, n;ots. I .~~ ;;::::,~"h::!::,;,n;::""" w, , v . to ,tact on ~la, p,'" Proposed Redistridjng~'

High School Use Map /' LAUREl. Ittust'"ted he'e rs the p,opo",d '~d'S--

l.. tl \ \ 1\ / trictll,'Ig map of Wayne county &-uornltted

TIle county"map shown here ill~strate . \,' thIs wet!k. It IndIcates .divisions.. of t_hethe use of a".ea high schools by tUltl . county for K.12 school UOIls (klOder9a~E.'~stude-nts from Wayne county rural IS- through hIgh schoolJ. It was determlOeil1-ICtS during the period from 1951- . . RANDOLPH after a carefLri study of the schoo! ~5e map":

I, Unshaded portions Indicate ~tlOn~ $1~~87;,12~ .ilt left.wnose stude~ atte.nded more an on~ FIgures indlc.ate 1955 total vat~pt~on5 I

I,hlgh school dUring tn..he sa,me ef"iod. of areas Included In the proposed.dl.~n-Ict~.

; .r' ",', Recommended valuation for K-12 units IS jb at ·Ieast $6,000,000 and 15'0 swd-.,ts, : I


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G. , Ith your sa)(> :1f1 Ih th~

': ~ayne Ilt'rald Ylln rf'ju·h"lor(> farrlwr~ than i(l jlllYo her nlt'llium.

, '

6. ~J.:r.hl~l:'tl~::~{' nl~lt ;:l~:r ~l~l;h [Is tit'-lIlt, \\ !lkh Inall..·.,;\' .ur ncln'rl isin~ 1'(JI~IJ)ll'lt~

lone job.,I

7. If,MOS {''\;Ilf'n"p, 11"","" (lrl\l'ln~ ...a- d limo 1H'{'I1t't1 In: po~t.

I g; f{'\\'l'r "all' hlUs r~(,I'dl'(1.I .

8, ~\Ir new'pal"r ad ~ ,pa.p r glvps fnrlnt>rs op or1un-I y to study )-'.our su e listo '.er ('ttrpfuiIy •. in till' OWQh~es. and del' Ide n theR ~I{')es tlWY I'lluy w sh tob y. •


~'i'!1 you caQnpt !t{'t In ~o the,] eralll OrriN" §oon, Jl.1 t {'Jolill

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2; :u~lt~=htsa~~~~I~~~:e~colors of regula-Ii sate billpaper.;

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, , , ) SHatludrdfa,'Y,.·W,Ri,fC~,'5 I~~~~e~::c:~!:ed I., :oc:d ~~:"iT I',' 'IT·"h"o·S'~ 'W'I h''0' Ser'~Ie: ~ or ... 'I 'Merlyn' D. Brindley. W'ayne,' eVlse e~e I:" il,:,.,", ' g '- I ',' , .' Fox, POl1'lal1d, ml 1~~~;;;"lc~S b:~~,"8J~~,;,a~~n~':;~ Textbook Sysjtertl

Funer,al rites',' were i..:,h~Id. Sat • in -a' two-car crash three m.lIes 1 A'm. of r£:-,ntim;-. tex books inpip . III O· IA.. d F day affernoon' at 'pct:-kenha er north of Laurel. II,. \ take-n'ta! );pbraska·s four state t..achers

were Sund y' dinne~~~res~ame:-.J'" i'A?- "u;r, .A. 1< m:'e ,- OrCe$ chap~1 for William - cakuer F x Ia Sio~x Cit.>, hospital. The aCCident colleges \nll (orne to. an end with More New.Spring .¢ompro:tied . Me; " ' .. ' I , , ' , i 72.- who died M'-ar.".18 lin'l p.ortl d. was. ,mvcshg-atcd by state- patrol- the ope-ninO!' of the first :s-em('stc..r .B~.kempe-r ~omQ. . " ~ Ore. ~Re .... o. B. Pl'oeU Gfficia.t d. mcn. . I next fall. Students will h+nceforth ; S· 0d' "",.L.' -. 1· b I I 1 Burial Was in'G'rC'l'ni..uboa., ce c*1 ._'DurC.h.ase books r('Qutreo for.:- H ESay eVt:nmgi' ' , ' ,·Hljlskin Pf(', R0l!0rt D Sh..rrv. !';on of ,~.. I ~ J \

I . Mrs. Lamb ~nd ' sn_31F<pnncth ;\,1 Asmuc; snn of :.vIr, <lnd :\l'rs. Dan ,::::;herTV. has te\.¥/illiam caso. pr Fox.· son of B' R T H 8 ~ c ;:~}~~acJion· ,~as taken .Saturda,vltietH'arm V181ted

/mLe arry M;"1n 'Mrs JollnP i\<;rnlJ<:. rIo,; fOllo.".,.n.".IWWaf) Casoer Allen and Viola: Fox. \\fa:s '.= - b ... tne~State ::';ormal bo<'trd af!l

iHeikes ho e near Dakota CIty kms '- I('~(nt).'r' \' Ii': l\\ udrlrl thr l.""i!i'.,)·ln. US::vIC I oof'n Aug" 2-.- 18&1 in Wayne, coJ.hj- '-: a sunf'~ of praf';\C'es In colle{!l e ~~;,:.Sunday ~~J ~noo~ Id R9Jiene Go~d 'OL1ducl mrorlal It~ r\.1'hkd. II e\ S Co" 'om, PH., 3rd TIn. tv. Aue-: 16..1919, hp" mat,ried M~'V r institutions th~ou~hout tf>e co _ •.#.

The fa~ he,S °t Wa 0 • where (' lS n hus dn\,:C'r Inl f!r"id* 1-;J ),-lannc R 't., ... L . Mar. 16: Mr. anel ~lrs. Paul tnr I ~O'l'!Ernest WI eg'a~ner. MyrOhn ;ldSOl1 quartcts ('IH1W:3fl\ <1t Ft l' (~lld. 1.,,1 JJI\'. R,('inf MF :' J,. myers who' pied :Mar:. 24. 1:3 3. Brader, a son.) Billy Albert. 10 lbs.. • '-:t. ..

rm n a,pson 'if u 8 ay " 'Camo Pl'ndlet n calif;. He married Ollie Dimmick Jan.,i5.. 6 at a 1\'orfolk hospital. W'STC Interim President M~II'\ r r,g.. Iha a op:~fabve)blF day rfson. ----'- ~ '·1 1946. .'. .. j Mar 20: Mr. and Mrs. \Villis: ton J. Hassel said the board fe, gO . ~

al';':\\T,in Nm~rod borne ~ ~ I'., SUrvL\'jOrs mclude hIS WIfe. Oll;e: . Wills' SHelby a dau,ghter. Kim- the chanQe would a~l1ow a m ~~rUiday P G d a son. R:usselllC. Fox. Henders~n, berl\' Kay j Ihs If! oz"> \ir" \\ Ill.. fto:=xl,ble us~ of up-eo-date tex" • • •

' .~ . rs, e s, Dv.a'ne ra u~te IF..n....r Serv!"'es Colo step-chrldren. Frank :\-he,rs thf> fanner Jand \\nght Il'td n books as wef!.. as ' • .Mt,':,dl'td M1S Fred ~arl'lSOn an and Eunicel attended the Lu<.her I .., "'\ .'- Pittsburg- Pa Claire R :'.'!V

m' 'I H k ber of )-( 8f'i stu-lfents to acqUire a professlOflf : •

·1VlI.s·~"')al;I3Jl\.ck ana,Childfl'COll.egC.Chqlrconcurtil.tCO.llCOldl IF LI G· ~ t ·Navne. Clif::>rdl\.hets Gt-a\S ~~a~s2~n~~andr-.lrs' Hor-ace a.I.librar.Y.It.wdl,resulti~COf'\-r. . :pre entemtned at dl SlJJ1day evemng. Mrs B 10rklund or n. rlgg a I <lnd .:\oiary Fox Wl1mmcton Cal f IBe Den\ er a son James !Olderable savlng3 In operabon of I' ,

EV3iyln V~slted Hilda Lundstrom I ,1 0 ~i I k· - h'l tv..o sister<: Pearle 'Y'oodW~d Fr:~erMrs -Beavf'r h th~ fflrm r th~ colleges, . 'j FOR MO'M',~ Nancy Lee, daughfer Of IMr. I" Wa e Cure Leonard. ),10 and NellJe E F x I D(lores Baird C'arroll F.'!:Cl1]IIf''' of' th(> WSTC text-I.

Mrs.. Gene LuncUn an(t IMrs, Marold Oberg was bap- I ~'''- I r , Seattle, Wash. two broth S 1 \-/far 21 '\-1r and ::\Ilr .. \\'al-rea hOOK lrhr<Jn:. will bf> uspd 10weddmg Of 1 tlzed Sunday morning at Salem ~'llh( ~i11 h<:pr~ 1(' ~ .. r~e! S h,C' \dd j)t Clifton C Fox Columbus and E rl r:;rlson \\ a\ ne " ,;on Dradln hanr!l,:c nl '.'. dnd LGed books. Ha~s&J I DAD, SIS and.Wihgj Mmn. Mar. 1. 'Luther-arT'l church.- Rev. C. W. I ~it r m UI {ran rc a blr a\ 1 E Fox BeaH'rton On> and 1:\0 I - _ _ ""'d iMrs. F aro14 Olso~ a Car;-fson officiated. Esther o~eeg I alter nOOn for Hay; 1 F dflggs 43 gr<lndcillldren. I I ~a~ . I lbs b 1oJ OZS, Benthack ..""1.... ~ iJJr-i',1~'-' ,-,f :'iO ('pnr;; {ler wpdk I{tended the weadm~ 0 was spot'Jsor. 'Sunda}' di ner 1 Gn!!"" \\'·1:-\ krill" hout 80m. I "osmtal.. ,.. . l' h ' \Vs1t": BROTHI;R

1Jol~dd Wm~rboer and MarJe guests' in hie Oberg home were 1 1,Ist \Ved~~"d~.V n his Di~kuo i • ' I :'olar. 22: )Ir. and :\ri"~. AlVin In __ ,~or'nn r,"':l:t:..s .lor It el ~q IlAi'\\JsatSpencer,Ia.Mar.18.Do Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Obe,g, Esth- lnlf'~ {'1',1....1ll'r] (j (,O~h road I .' I ! Rot~. ,~elden. ~ d~~(!l:t:;. L2- ~~:I~~'?('bn~~.L"~~~~n~i~~t~~~Ot~t,f,JIl h tJw you~est son rf

Mr. an er and Robert. .,'! SIJIIlIW;I"l of P(:n<!('r. .' . _.L!=une.ral Services r Da\.. na ~...,u('. 6 lb,;,. ,.l- GLS .. Een- . __ .' '.' !'. f'.I " DIck' Wl tcrboer. I Mr. and MI'",'. ,j·"'.n,·y J "'nlbo""j c- '1" fr,!.... thack hO~l)ttal. . .,ummf'r ... ",.. ..,,0n. If>!':!a 0 most

B kl d h b ~ " - i:J c. "" .,.11 ~hn,., O:,~IU-,. H Id'f R b ' t '[ Mar. :l:2: :'II.r, ;md. ),Irs .. Larry j·00m.~ •.\'.;.1!,.':;'::' .'32.lJ a weck i:::J-hullJ(:e J, un at; ee wer.e. Sunday <li.n.:ner ~uesl!> Itt Ow .. ,,' :-.,} I1._ file e or 0 er :\-lcAf('f' Alkn a !'Oon,.6 Ib~ 9 oz., q(,i'lr1 G-I ::--2.~.). QTcctcd to teach, In Oakland ele Reuben Goldberg- home. (!() ...... ,11111 ~n the:. d I hi \\"akf'fi~ld hospital ' .;,-...;., ...;.,......==;;.-=..

Jnt"ltdlY gradejS for the conun ;Mr. 'and Mrs. Eugene Swanson. I ;1('( Ornf)"I1II',! hv .'III'S, Wintz Ran OIP I :\'[ 22' \1 r:l '\[ D,\(,)1 Jeff ana· ClaudIa weI"::' Supday l'al]b",'ll'l'''; S,\,," ~~,~. L ,B~k;~pror.'\\ra~('f~;lq.·a ~~n. ~~~1~',. 0L Emn.,18 ftmg, ~l':lel~a H9oeY .afternoon g' in the \VuJt~L'1 • Ph~l,nd ,H.tlt~ Lm.~r~·. 0n:

aha, anj" Otic home. ! I [LlfHlolph __ , Funeral. s('n'j~f's I ~,r~d K~i~<:h"t611bs, 11 t ~ oz. \\~a.{C'.' .

,L\·dme Rmg, "S~oux. 91tV.- ~eJ; Mr. and. Mrs, Ellis Juhn.c,oJl <111(1 i \:\.'r':- h~ld ~lonri~y mOTmng at St. II":\lar. o~~ \ir rind :\in", rh.ilrle.s· one:,~·~>.('k\md housegue..sts,ln.: the PhIUI: MI'. and ),Hs..:\'I~J\'ill L:lrSl'll \n!l'c 1 r 1C111("(':-. (alho1Jc c.hurch, r:-an~ Brockman \Vil~!'idr. a mo. -: 1bs.. \ .j~!J1g home...The g~.ou~wer~ S~t- luncheon Ullcsts 111 the.E. W. Lun- dr:dph for Robert Anthon..- Wll'z .

\ d n rn: t '70£ ,.., .".J. Th'U'".d.",'. morn'ng. \\','n" ,'ae,' ',1312 oz., .\'Vakf>firld hnspital. ,.t;.I.(•. £'';'l'.nu.,g. '. m ,r go .8 S I 1 dahl hom(j., .sund.jl.v eVl'/.. IITl!! utter I' .,~ " 'I L. ~ ). 1Illt),JQC RllW:.. Sunday . ~ll n~, the~ attenclinl! the cantata. attcmotin<!; . to COnnect runnln!! . :\fa:, ~.): Dr. iln~ ,_,r"" J ~f::'~I'1jl ('ntc'rtl.uned at .mner ill thd 'MI'S. \\Talter Cliinn dsited ,'\Irs. l!;I'F1I. IInner a Imo0d W~~Oll which: :\~~r': ~~:'.'T~i~,n 21117\{f,'~!>:),tlll.;~ JohnsOlL hom~. I ',Olive Lamb unci .:v11::-; .. Lt.:l tIl: Ilcu'-! \\ a" l<lck,r:'d up. Th.f' \':a':'()ll roll,f'd I :\I~g~ll;.<:;n· }·-m~r~n~l "'I :i:JII~'ht('"

::VIr. and, !vlrs. Dean Pierson atJd IDeHl Satu~'day c\'en'lI1,tt., : d l f th(' nck On him kllllJ1(J' him 1~ ..CI-:{wtc, \iVUY!=ie, were Sunday d(n- Mr.· fl.od :;0,11"05. Ted !~·lan'ison TIC-! !~stantl,Y.' :>fr5. Wintz djsc~n"fed i lbs.. 14 I:;: oz .. \\~\k,>f;t'lrl ho"piLl!

1101' "I es~s in the Charles Pierson compamed bv lVI". and ~1"s, Dill I 'h,;:,~\ec'~~'~'~lOnrl Awl' officiaterl 'Gels O~alorv Award,h,o~,'rle,:,'j"'ll.d '1"'5. Ha'r9'ld Olson an§,.,~rloamrris~nja,~.lI.'l.~sl"nbiJ,b"C:I,,:Wi:Jjt,n~G'U\(,ll·I,1,~I' II \"1 ,~~.IV .... J ... ~, ... PalllwarPI;;; w('n: .'II'H"'.-in ilse -I bonna Lagro \\'a.,.n(', \VSTC"

d{lUiihlcrs wero 'Sunday ,.a~t'erno() Point Sun,df.l-Y" ' horsf. \\'ll11s Stueckf"!th. rh;ll'll'~ I, junior. n"'c('i\'('~l nn (':-,:rdknt r<lt- i\'i:;'ito~'s in the; Mark String:er hoW . Mrs. Paul; Everir.rkhnm ·illtendecl !..r'nhoff, Ir .. Fern ~('hUH, Ralph I ing in women'" or<J!(jl'\ r'T' :lthll,Cut·, IW<~Y"nc. They,waJ;!c Wednes Mrs. MeIvjTI llt>J1l·y

/s bIrthday \\'If,,c' and PtJtn~" ;Jnd ::\fch·jn :Miller BurIal I at a colleg,' spt'l'rh 10umam'"nt In I

,day (,lvc.n; ng' ViSi..tors in the Ed ~~ , party, Tuesday. 'l:1..f,t-ernoon. te-ls, ~wakefield' -(.ccent.IY was Alice, \\'<1"; lr:!c lilt' church ce-~et,('n, r \\'infif>lrl, K;m, ~~-..,.home. . j - ! . ' Mr. and 'p;-;John Hallson and gradu ted from the r.llllta ry C-;uc' Robi'rt Ant4t0m tVIOL/--: SOil o. I _

... 1111." tl!1'.(] Mrs. Clarence SChlm.h. Mr. a~d . s. Russell .lIarti$otl Police Tral.ijinq cent",r at 'Camp I )'llo'\·nh".n"\"a'.}eb',',rlnle,nl,r.,'\',.~,lIn. '1'9'n~ron:, '}vI,\-T9aall~.Mer~e were. ISUl,lqtl~ were ~lday.e\'ening Visitol's,in GOrdO., Ga.. He entered the .~ .1 1m" EASTER SUNDAY'Me.vCrlll1g' V1SIto-rS ill the Rov HoIrrj tho ed HHrnson home, Army last OctOber and complct- • ;J l;,rm near RandolOh, }Ie altetld.

l'lOrpc.. '. ~.' ~ Jen.'y. Oak v.ras a l~'rjday su.ppcr ed bas,le tralnmq at Gamp Cllaf· ('(I St. Fn]Jl('r's ",chon!. D('(', 2R , '.. ..•.... _. Ml'S, Ha.rold Olson,' Mrs. WI\hu guest in ,th~ Ted Harrison home. fee, A,irk. Legislative Council F~36 he marri£'d, Dorothv H""]en "'-Utpch!, aJ~ Mrs'I~.rbl:!:rt ,;!3:

arel",' . M,rs. K.erineth Gustafson \,:ibite-d 1- -·f- En2'£'lhBuot at Baker, Thr' .... Jin>d APRILl: , '//',

.~~.,.na. r\.tv.~.;.~b.. ~ .M-~..'e1~~~.n.£..- meet~ ~.:~;~~. ~ed I-1arrison M.Olld[q,.. ufter_.


y., n,e~ :(,l To Meet at O'Neill ~,\~a~~~~n~~,;-:n~'~~rn~~~ ~~~~l~~' l--

Rev. ,ardlMrs. C, W'. Car1!bfJ u'Cfhe'l Verrl C~rlson ~arpily. were \-1?(l;'~f('~~, ~I '<,I'I:I~k·l I.. ~:I<:I;Jtl\" r()\Jnril'SI HIJeO\:,:-"a""'aam~('smob:,;~,o~.,f~hen"\ (C)"'ld,llj(li \O,.,f: at:I,· " , . :;:[ Thursdl!Y Eivenmg vls,'ors In the'" t" ,,,m,,,,,,,,, 'n II", ,',,,II nl '.' , "r' i1d THE IDEAL GIFT IS ' "

4 ,'1. ' .• ~, ," , Veeel'redberlalteLUhnl.sdblilo,r,mhdea'~O"'J~hee\Ov G\'.,~,r"tY. ~~-ri~(;ll~,f'~H.t~\ 'llnl'lll \'~il !I',l,] (l F0restf'rs, ~ 1 . AON'TMISSA .-.. (1':'\"lil SUf\I\orsincluOf'hiswlff'. or·~li~'Q " ed in'the Dick Utecht home Fri-I manY·.I\\!lt'lf' r'I", ('(l1ll1l111t, :... 111\rr- nIh\': 1\\'0 !wns, Rbhf'rt. If' nr!' ,.,

.... 'T' day evening a sur\~\lnl-: I III (':;;11II/:,I,rol1 !II11('llfln" i1nd I);mny .1(11': hi, Oilri'nts, ;'0.[1', anri. . _,..::.~E:,' -. ' .• ,,- " At co--ope·rative Sunday dinner n~(".('d :;l .'I'r I, "II' 111 \fr". !-Irnn' \Vintz: IWo brnlhh" - ~,SH J.:·P ATI, ,l and SUpper in the Gene Lundin \\OIk ,nt 'fl", lllllH'nl'i'ting (;ror~(' ;Hld Joe and a sistf>r $1.<:-

',"" ", l10me were: Mr, and 'Mrs. 'Gord· rlr~'s~,)t:_r ,I III" 1 t i" ,'1111 lror Mnn' Dionin. Buttf'., . ..' . ' Idon Lundin and hee mbthee, Me.. .'5·"f"1.1 ,'1:7",.\ \ 11" CHOCOLATESARN,I·E'S ,St~phen Meleski, Chicaqo, Mr. ~;~.. J,I1!('ll

, (11'\1

! .• i ,I, p~~C~;rsM~1 ::dkO~r~~~M:~;i~ N"\\~ ,"\ \'r, .. '. tt -- -Lundin, Donna and Darrald. Mr,~'upere ,e atlCi Mrs. Myron Olson and Cll1ld-

" '"", ren, a.nd Fred Lundin,, Mr. Qnd 'Mr~. lIarr,Y O;~k and

Mr. 'and Mi"s. Tetl Kai were Fr.l"~~ h~~~~r iuests in 1he bonald!

. Mr. ahd Ml'S, Bud I3occkC'nh<lurr 1

find' sons \\)"1'(:' .sundav a/tel'rlO(lll,and sU'!1per p;uc'sts in thc John I

Bocckenhau rhome. J!

HQ;ward SmHh; Oakland. Calif .. I

Iwa.';. a Monday visitor in the LeRoy'. Sh:vel's home. Mr Hnd ;0..11'5. AI-Ir~rt Dammc \\(.'l·C Sunday ('\'(-'nitll!t'isitors.

Dhmnc Carlson !ltt011dc(] a !»um* i

her party in the Ll~\'j Uclun'f1';1home Tu£>sday (:wnin:..:: In hpJ]);

':~f:f1~aJ~~d Joycc celebrate tl1('I[':

Mr.- 'ano l Mrs. Donald Kai and Idaug-hters 'were SUlldHV dinnc'r I

A.. :..-A'...'.'1''''', iand SUJ'JPell guests in 1hr' H<.lIT\

'·YI A 'Oak homcrMr. /and :'-'II·s. l\[01\'in I 1.1II's(,11 (

1.S' ~c·, r'werr Thursday C'V(\1.1i,ne; '. \'i,C;i. !OI'S bll·and- Mr. and MI's. ErIk (~, .J()hn- 'g

I son1lwere Friday afternoon viSitors I

. n h I h't 11.'lin~~: ;~~i\t~s~n~!~~nh~~:lson'andlY,e O,W. COCO Gte. W , e 'f-amily altended 'he, weddine nr'

+-~_~_l...""__~"'1 ;Mar",' .Ann Korth nfJrl Richard

~I' '.' Wert Sunday e\"eninI::'""t \Va\'tl£,.

~; .opp.Y..,. H.OU.', ' B,jrthday club members, Mrs.Kenneth· Gustafso'1. Mrs. Wesley ,.; " ,ffe"",6 Iftlce· al'Jd Mt'S, Gene Lundin vis_ I

7 ~ ited Mrs, Bob Fredrl~kson 'Wed-nesday afternoon and served a

Ib '7,1~9'" .cooperative lunch,. .. '.. "C'I , Mrs, G('/h~ I,Ullt!ill obs(\l'\,pd l1l'l'

, '.. '. " ..". !birthdav Tw'sday afternooll. '1'110:'("

~~~~;,t.iI~·r'~~I·l~\;:;:;~;(r ~·}b(~/~.I" ill;(,ll;~~ ~'l~ 1



new sp.ring fe-It

adds eye catching

Dobb~ or Champ

Essley and

2,95 up


good rooks.


Preeman shoes

in the sea~on·d·

dress shirts,

Pio1eer gel.ts for

,disqriminfting ,

m,~ 'IJ 1.50 up


Dress Up




, ,

of ,e ,imbined

C'lothin~1 ~xperiencel

II. Clothes from

_ .L. I

Methodist 'Young Adults:l\ldhodis! Young Adult fl'i-

lowship met Rft('r till'. Le'ntI'I~5('rVI('1' \V~'dn('se!ay ('\ C'llltlg wI! ilsc\,('n 'couple's, pn'scnt. Rl'fn-'sil­mdnts wc:n' SI'rH'~by Mr, ,\l1d

Mrs, LoUIS CopplC' and -'\'lr. and:Mrs. Lloyd Conry,

•••• T ••• .) , •••••'." •••• j • ". r ••• ,: • ~ ., • ~ ',' • ., .j •••••• ~'.'_.!.J ••• ~

I, '

5,,7 Years

You'll eflect Good Taste From

Griffon & Curlee

suits, Finely

tailored. rich

37.50 - 65.00

Dress p

Swank Jewelry

to co~plete your



1.50 up

Ties by Wemb-ley

in t, he bright~st Iarray ever. Bow;J

anc:( four-in-marrds.

1.50 up

spring colors.

Qualifies Us to Help You Select the Right Clothes for Every Occasion

Swans' Assures you Quality, Styl~, fit and Com fort '"


IHoleproof nylon

'stretch socks and

others in~ styles

you like.

SSe up

Mrs, Wischhof OuesAt Friendly Neighb rs

wfJ~~~~~y ~:i~~~.~E~ 1)~I:if~:ing, 'Mrs. Ge6rgt' 'Wischh f wasa guest. "

},kalth' 'lesson was" gtv n byMlis. Ray Ag-Ipf. jl',., ao( Mrs,

~t~lgj]~:~t'ff.~~~~~~S~~s.~;s~FI~~~.,E2c:t~nJ~,~~~'J,.m b With::'\-ft: Hal'old SOI')'llsen.

H~PPY 'HomemakersPI~n Fremont Tour

Thursday ,Mrs; BeI:'llardgl'lrb{'r entel'tain{'d Ha-ppy orne·milkers with 10 mcmber pre·-"dl t. TIll:' tour to ,Frem. 1'1t inApril was dis,C'uss('d, Mrs F'redFj'(,\"('1"1 gavr:,'1hc health esson,A H'. 19 nWfp ing will be withMlrs. Frevcrt.

Mrs~ Carlson PresentPortraits of the Mas r

FiftY-,'W\'('11 attf'ndf'd St. Paul's\\"om<'n Thursrlav. Mrs.' tarold(;ildvl'sl('l'\'(' It·,ei ('1l'voti'O s nndjll"IYC')'.

Mrs. Alll('~t G" Carl~Ol pn'·~('llt('d Hn f:a"tet' program, "Por­tt'llits or thf' Mastr'!"" A pecialca~h of!ering was taken [ r Ta­lJdha !lOI'l1C', Mrs. Fred L eden,is chnirman of trlC' commi tec.

GIlt'sts W(,l'{' Mrs. K nnpthNu('rnlwt'ger, Mrs. George John~

stan. .l\'!I'S. Vc'rna, Gra quist,Mrs. Paul Cook m'1d Mrs. MarkSlrjn~{,l·. Chairman or It'h S('I'\'­ing committl'(' was 2\1rs. R dolphKa,Y.


Nnw you ('an Flay

figure magiriall ' , ,;n1:lkp,Yflllr hiJl~ do a

dj.~nrll('arin~ a~1. F:\~i

as pit"', ton, w1-il-jlle

hrlp of rllrmRt"s

\I"(1nli('rfllllitll~trif'b of

d('~ign, Panf'J4 to and

fro ('a~\' indwf nIT

ditlH'n"ion~ w~lh lH'ver

an vnn1!nfnr!rl,le, monl('n'l. \'rai~;t and

!\lllllllV M{' ."n/lfJotll('d

inlu linf', pf'rfrrlly! Como

in, be filled tnJay, in

Fllrmfit's flgute.mutiioLife Girdle.

, ' IFlgure'magic


CJ<Jrrrlfi t'~, JJfe,


, • • .... , , • • , • ~ , "-•••••••• , •••' • ;. '~ •• '.' :.... , ., .•• L

Mrs, Sieck man EhtertainsMission Group Monday

H('rlPl'1111l't" :'11 i~ s i hri ,Studyc:rt1l1P ml'! l\lonrlay il~ till' home01 l\l]'~. ('harl~s ~Si{'Ckman,TW('I\'(' Ilwml)('l's W(' (' pl'rsent,]\'II'S" Lo~'cl .Trn'i{'tl (~a\e the to-f)ic,"Hopl's anl'! Hungpt'Sj' 01" ThisHr\'ollllinl1HI'Y Filitll.' Apr, L;~

'nwl'!ing will Ill' Wit 1 Mrs, EdBah!' - I

Clu'b 15 Meets Imlmbf'rs

~I/ 1Iw !/orrf'~tj\ I'S. Adoll)h

;~U\~jl(~~~;, i~~~~~AP;-id~=I(fl~'~~':~\l: '

,;lIfo Girdle No, 2~71 In

comfort·loving Nyldn IJffelocnd Nylon lerjo e}ollic.

~ink cnd Whitli, $! 3.50

LJ e Bra No, 574: in Nylontaffeta wJlh f1otr.ering l~oshlfront.

fink."WhilCl and BIg(k, $2,50

·1- ' ,

Of ,ieers Elected at-BPW Meeting Tuesday

rlP\V rluh llwl Tllt'SflIlY'C'\'['..:.

11 i l~t,:,n~,;;:~ ;~I.\~,~~;~hWl~~'\',~'~;)n'"r1: .\\Irs 'Etta F'islwr. \'i~'t'IlI'~~ 'idC'llt, :'\tr~. DC'lons MI'Y"lr,S,,'c,i'lUl'y, ann :'drs, Fllr\ LHI'sojl" I,n'f~lIJ"(,r. 1\11'''; Paula Bllrndt Ij!tl\ ' 11 IH'Ol!1"I1Ill 011 1Iw h{lm('~

~~~~ -i::ll~nd~~~:~\~~7rltlltfl1t\\' o;~'~~1~ I

T(;~P1('~nl('Stll11~ will 1)('Till'ophi Ill:'>lIn l('~s"s

Sllll. and :"In:lI

Wdmall's Club Gives$21 to Callcer Fund' I

\ ·'Hll:lll··...; ('lllh awl 1"rid:n l~)r.C), H Pro{'lt ~a\'(' 1m 1<'lstl('1'1.Ill. 'S"',:,' \\'a~ n,' IllF;h ! 1'11'1\' t 1"11)

~.:~i~, :>; :>: :1'1:~11\\\ IT//:;\l~~ ~It (;;~:~ 1~~\.~1Cn<pk Sllo'il,l Ilkkt'I',SOll' Dc,ltllnaiBrdf'l, .Iud\; \\·(Hld". Slwl"f\' 1'1"\ J

G,lIc Hdthk(', ,lull!' Lillll)J <In(~

\\"l'1L:ht, nl'C l"':llllmnl"t!t'l~

- ..........--..;..-----+------oil--------f--..:..... TheophHu'sAid' Seesn i. Film ai'Thursday Maet,I 1\v0nt~rsix 1"J;1l"mhprs attended

, . I ThcophihJS Aid Thursday. The

ew'~' topic. '~What Po WE!' Me n ByI ,.;J: ·Di¢iplinc·," wus' prcs(,ll1. d by


EV NTS Mrs. ~lvin Rpt'l~ and a fj'lJ WAS

~-}~~~;;1 ~~.~~~~~s an~'('~~, '~t~Gerleman.

R!1~'OOk3h t6dge Meetsll'I~'lf.'ll~III:~~, IH ,lh'Ihi"~1Ih""lnd,~5'

1:'il1.d,~~' 'IoIlll~'I'(" MN-.~, S~l. In (;lll­.;'t!rrstl!',r llll)d ;,.t'n.. ...\. '. F'rtlSt.~~.1.lo:tt 'tl~hnt ~,~ A1)1\, 1'.

Acme Club Meets,Monday,1I':l'I1tl·, !1I'Id ~hmd,IY, in tlw

~~,~rn~' 1(Jl~1 ;\IN, :'-.tM·I~~ll Bll'I'ft'1alm.'"tr~ M~~b~;' Hl~~lr ~ll\r~r Uw 1)1'\1­'il':~""'f~l ,~p'r 9 Uh"("tillf, ...... ill U<l~~ 1,~1'l1 t,~I'ltlll" S.::UI L

Mrs, Koskovich Wins~~11IJ) cl\,lh rrll't in 111(' Iklh,'rt

Alllj''r~orl honlo" ThtJl"sda) {'\"('.rlln~ \ll·~ ('!1;lr!('S ('1jl'h;:(rl was,1 ~~U~'~I 'lltKh TJl'I7.l' \\l'll! tn l\ll"s.F..tll:j" l'nsko\'i.-h. ApI,) !n{wllng:\~lln 11(' wllh :\tr'J'. lJ~'arl ~dll":lm.

Jolly Sewing CircleMeets with Mes, 'Otle,

:'\h-s. HQ.\'lnond 01f!' (';l!NIIlinJI'd .J'111~ Sl'\~'lng ('ilT'" Illsl \\'l'd~1t<'~rd;lY Htipnlnnn. (;\If'sls \\"'!'f'

:,~",: I-"r"d (111(' .'\In;. Arlllul·)'nQill:t:. I~llll'l'l tnd :\IIS. Al:gllstErusI·.

q(llll 1I1f)dn~ \\'l'H' f'tnhroidt'l"­t'd "(II' Ihl' hnsk~s, "1'1" 1~ lhll'('t·'I~l: II ill 11,' \\'1111 :'Ill's (':\\'1 ]\'0'1-


C~jfel' .

J1nJ 5;Jl'infj


<i perfect partnership,

btau/i!lIJUy c



a{lk-toppea.... -



';'Sprlngtime and ~~ts"" . th~ twO' gd perfectly t~gether ••• especi.ll~ in this dellghtful two-piecet.A.(abillous widtl"of bqllar .~~asis Ia detachable over.!

J /collat of polka dot silk sllanturig, ea,les into °a dn~:walst. The. skitt l'~ slim. with :l deep back pleat:Si:~"7 to'!6' 'Imi'",< -"'r'<"..- -' )","~'-'--'-'''' 24.95




row Mt"els Thursdayr'~ l\\" n~'" Thun;.dHY l'\'('ning

Il'r. 11'1,(' hHIl"· l~! :\1111. B.'alnc,-'i~\'lt""llIT" '1"lud lU'III':- \\'('1l1 '0 Ml'l',

nUl ':"IIlJUl>l.~' HJld 1\11';; l-:k\b l\lJ~'"

"\~w ,1 mN~1111~ will Il,' willt~~,r'" H~l~ "11·}.;'~1l..

G('K Meets Tuesday

---------- With Mrs, C NussE~lENTS ~, ..,:::;~~~I~~I~lt!lll::~;;~ 'W;~~til~:~ \~ns~:;·f~

ht'l: \\ \~ kll,ll't' Pri;'~'~ \\"~,tll to~tt~', '~<']111d Quinn. :'\11':-; (hear}',,'n. 'll'~, \\'111011 Ila)'l1t'S,

:~~.:; ~\rtlll::::~I~;~ l~~l::/(~~. ~\\ll~~:\h·, .\!,'rk (;O:<.h01t\.






Cornns 89c



- '1couldD'lhavoloclle·dthBwbeels.officer.. I don't evl!ll have akev for them!"



No. 2 ca~ l7c",





oz. cal)

nls $1.00


les pt.

........... 1C<ln

Honeymoon Asst'd. Siz, iPEA S ',1

Lorge Heads

Lettuce·Green Top


Honeym'oon Sweetened~



Sumar Fancy

Honeymoon-303 cans

Wholecan 19c

Honeymoon Whole

Sweet PicI

Honeymoon ~ CANS

W<lxBea ea.23c8t9c.

Honey loon Jellies10-oz. tumbler 211 c I' . 5 for' 9.90 :

Cherry Grope -I$)ockberry ~ Black Raspberry ..·L.


IStrawbe ty Preserves

~:~~,~: '" TUfbler ~~:Cherries 03 can

Nu Tast C!;!EESE

Spread 2-~

Durkee's Pure 'vege able





~~~:~~n~~k!~~~:~Od !a~~t~~tionsctJrrec ness and smartness of invitations

printed t your order. Also stationeryand alling cards,

CO! e in for prompt service.

Th~ rayne Herald

Phone ZZ7,J


Good Only ThU;s!, Friday, Saturday-March 29, 30, 31

Yes, we n~d~O~~O!~ing~O?S:~~iS ~t~$40'OO onon pur hose of a f\ew 2-piec~ 'Suite.

$40.00 I

,:, ...,-? '. ',' .•. ".'~,"' .•

. Gries$ I

Rexall S't~re fWAYNE, NEjm. IWayne, Nebt.


luceI .


i I

Wmerican Hatchery

'BA'8:YCHIC. '11' '.\

IJ!M} Apr.B'ring YOti Own C6ntaiher Iand Take

I "

.Home ts Chicks per F[arhilYI I

, ='hil~ T_het Lasti'-'Y·,·····, S'.·.0;·.. · •. qrg ·nt!P~'cfDea~r.. I

,···.1..... ; '"f '

IHo.. ward. Morris w~r•..e. ' r.S".in.·the.. ".p.e,.le.rso.n "g.r

v. e, repor.ts 0 cuts

I HO.·"'S INS' N·E: ~~~~~~' Hamm ,..ho~r- ~S~daY-ia~~:'~~pe~~O~fth~Jl~ ~tir~I'MI'.and, Mrs. 'Leonard' NorlinE' ;aet, at . Brandstetter" I plem

I I I --.., I and' ,Mr. and Mrs., Dallas, Shel1en.:' Friday"evening to se* a d mons'.1,','~II II I, "I ., I J .. berg', ,Kirt-~ and :,K'1U"lrien;., wer~ tlOO of:tlie H~nition syate ,by"" I I a N #0 visitors Suriday afternoon in: the 'lace Hughes.M . ,I C S ~ ':,.l: :' , 'e ' EdShenenberg--h~e. . --,- !

'~S " .ra,e er : ,am ..' Walkei', Omaha. Mr, Amelia coIn. Mi'. and Ml-s. .rohn Vo ~,;;.a~~dMrMr.F~~ ~:~ B::~ Western"b~sslesI • f .I I I I 1 Fuhrman, Norfolk, an Mr. and and ~rs. <Bob Munter and K~llmer and fa~1Y Pierce were Western ILassies tn~J rids'd If" 'EI 'D I t Mrs. Raymond Jochr.ns d fanuly. Mr. and Mrs. John Munter. r. 3:,nd '$ nday aftern '.0' and ~upper the home of Mary Lo~ cheurH ' p! '. ec# e eg ·es Elna Walker. Or..;;,,~a spent the ~familY and Mr. and Mr .Elick gu sts in the Llo d 'Wilsonllome. AS;Jsting Miss Scheurlc withea - '. weekend at the hom~ f her par- unter and fawly. Ramlol . Mr . preparation of ambrosi ~.and _

, "ents Mr. and Mrs IAJW It Wa..Iker. nd Mrs. DWIght Brllgge n. A, Re":. and MI,"s., PaUl, Ri21lS. ;Mr., ph~ C1'isp -"vas Nancy Fa k. Ga s- ~I... I ~ Sl}pper guests ui th Claren€e ruggeman and Mrs Elme Peter. and . Mrs.. Wilham :Weselv and and singing furmshed entert n-

.\,:i~.. q~... o:t(~~r-:walio I' I Schroeder home SunQ.a were Dr. Debbie and Susan. Melvm Melerhelfry. ~mcoln. were ment Easter decoration cent'.~I "'~"~~..l$"~Ir:t'tt.~ .. ~Ufuit of 1.1a~ Norfolk.: and Mr. and Mrs. and Mrs Darrel KruCr.Cl' aw.til~m and Mrs. John CilVrt.lerce. Dr. Mr, and Mrs. Everett N W1l!an SU~day dmner gtlests In the Au.ln1st -the serVing table Apr 20 mee hgk. ~~~J;;,"',ji a:t~ TrW. W~ wwk ;at the- Rent')' LatlJtenber~. jr., and familY dau~hters. Mr. and 1;s. '1 and Mrs. Allen a kh dt. Nor- and family were Sunday enmg Melerh~ry home, WIll be With Manetta and J be1:i"":~1 Jol: (lG iI~~ ,1\<·CrP.. visitors in the Donald Lang- Krug-er and Duane. ~ ~the} ~ re folk. and Mr. '5, Walter guests In the Bdwm Koepk home Mr. and IMrs Paul Z.utz, NlOr~ Wittler. ~

(U'.r.<itlft ftfl~ tIIi"rMId were: c-l"rberg h~e Friday eveninR', awarded to WIllard o. o. s. Chace and Judy. Pilger. Mr. and Mrs. Clarepce nson folk, ahd Jean Zutz, Clmton. la., _~~, lII~t ~~~ ~ pttll~; I ~Mts. Mlrinie Krause and Mar- Nelson. Kruger and IS. Wllllitm Mr. and Mrs. Erne t Behmer and KeIth were called to Hugo, were Sunday afternoon leallersIM~ Jt:~~~ ......n.. .....1"11'. I Nt Were ISunda.v dinner lmests Kohlhof. I were Sunday afterttoon callers III Colo., Sunday Oy the death of Mr in the ClarencetSChroeder home. Busy Far.meJ'ettes_1i:t!llillW r1j.. ",,*_..!.1ttol&rek.~6 n the Charley Fuhrman horqe, --- F~ d F ryi the Albert Behmer hom~, Norfolk. Johnson's cousin. lBev~rl Car- Thev also caHqd in the lMartha Busy Farrnerettes 4-H club tIt.U'1;I~ I NorfiOlk. Afternoon and SuP~r Mr. and Mrs Ie re 0 Mr. and Mrs. f~5 Behmet penter. Rohl"ke h1)me. WIth Beverly Davis In the Do dlitl

•...•• lA ~i!. 'COn'- neSts ,,"-ere Mr. and Mrs. AU2' Wavne., were Fs!~ors In the E. . were T.hursday af rn on ~llers Mr. and Mrs. Herman Opfer, Melvin Melerllenrv. LincollJ;. Painter home Friday evenmg v-"i,bl;~~td mttttna:,·,MTS. SpatiJrler. Behmel hOt;.»~ rl.(t~ Rathnian 10 the home of Mr Belffiers 515- Nanc.v and Blll. weresuppe .guests came Friday' afternoon to spend eral motheIjs of the gIj'oup c

l~I;I';l..~,I:"i:-f' ak" I Mi". and Mrs. Vernon Behm~r Mr. and rs. th U~red BatE'- ter, llVIartha Freve ,'. yne. ip th~' Raymond £ernhardl

home. the week with his parents, Mr. and guests. Roll call was.,' ah.sw ~d~,:.,. Hi~;: a:nd Ifamily. Mr. and ~l's. Lloyd were Vlsltors ill e 11 eve- Mr. and IMrs., Erwm utz. Nor- Norf~k, Sunda~. . " Mrs. August'Meierhenry.. with a safety hint in· the h e. ' NATION~,$Amy COUNCil'.I;I't;~~~~: &Eo.. hme.r and fntftUY and Mr. and stadt h01J1e, PIerce. hursd v. folk; wer.e sun~aY1fte noon call·, (Mr.,and.Mrs~,?arrYPm~ l.DeB? A-3CBill.Harris.-A.-2C ROVWilk- Beve.. rIY, Davis gave a d.emons ;al.ll--------',;'~·;I 'M'rs.. Leo Jordan, QuToll, were VIS· mng. d Mrs Fr~'Kleen$ ers 1ll the Mart a ohr e home. and Ivan. AurelIa,: la., arn ed F!"l- er, Salina, Kan., and Deloris Pfeil, tion on a chiffon cake!. Ga ~ '-----------+-c.' -r"

nor'S in the .A:lbert Behmer home, Mr, an .. W VI I I1'i Mr. and Mrs.' ,8. 1 R ~rke. Nor- day. afternooJ:;l at the J. . ,Pm- Norfolk. Were weekend guests in' Podoll, gave a demons~atibn bn ~ .' e/ '~) ~"at Norf,olk, Thursday evemn~. andhHe~r~rause e:~ to folk" were ,Sunday eve mg callers gel. home to spend. the w kend. the Herhe:rt PfeH~home. setting a table.' {;Jegin er ba rs r ~ 1~ ','. ~

~\'1f,~~~","'.,I:,*, ..' :':'i-' ....... h.ldb." Mr.nndMrs.JoeWagnerandlD


., mme 1 se intheMarthaRohk8l0me. Mr.andMrs.AlvmWagerwere .,' _ hada:Iessononbiscui.Se rg

.' 'A'.~ W '.,'" ,~ 'Iu~ ft .. ~ rtln~lt;y were vIsitors In the Do~a..Id ~ti:y~Jn:tW;s RoUert Euss Iar- Mr. a!1d Mrs. A ppel and Monday dinn~r guests in e, Pete . girls had a lesson in ·sewin 10-~

',M~"'·II~,{~.~~~~md t()W1.h 1(1 !..arson home Wednesday evemng. . d· H k·· '"laj t W k \Lt grandchIldren, Eo me and Leon~ Moody home., 4~H <Z:LUB NEWS zippers Girls will entertain i a . Ii.' i _t.... ... ~ _...,4tl.. ,,~iar'tin Pfeil was a caller in the rIVe at. os I~s·l ee. t~ ard ~ppel.. were all rs in the Mr: and Mrs. Alvin V(E1 er and family furr-night Apr~ 13 'at Dis Jct~~tN'Wr1f~~ :.~nt served, b~.,. Mrs,. ~1innle Krause home Satur- B~s rec~~ye~.h1sFdliha~~er~e Martm Schermer 'om .Tuesday fam.By, Mr. and Mrs. WillI m Bro- 16 schoolhouse Apr 27 mee /lg UtI_ m.a. _,IIRt.tC.

;\\t~~"I' .l'wiI'/lt' W~.and !M.~ ,J. E. da..v. 'ly rom· e lr or e. y evening. gren and boys, !Mr.. and rs. R Clovelrettes ./ will be in the Dave Miller ho e ..~.,. 16 ~u..~l'A,~'d. Mt. and Mrs. E. 0, Behmer were moved on the Ed Ko lath fanntIre- .1M Irs. Oscar Ho~ma , Wayne.' J. Browner and~amily w,re Sun- Cloverettes met with Eunice I,;:::::::::::::::::':::=::#='=======-~=' =1~"::'::::4;~:,'' ,....,~._- viS'~trs in the Lea Jorda,n home, cently vacat.fd by he Raym nd gave a, farewell aM: ,for ,Mr. day dinnii'r guests- in th Wilma Barelman last Friday with all

I e. 1>11" ",1<1 '11"'-' lYE: Pil1~.1 and C 1 W d d ft oon Kraemers' d M H S h G

~ J~. ft Al~It+. ~d ~r~eGi~Ge~~~use,'and Mr. an~ M~s..,Ev~rett N~v.rman :;v IeS:~~I:.r~~~~ ~ ~:sn w~~ De~. ~~d' Mrs. (Marvin eihack ~~~b~~~to~r:~ertJudYu~~s v%i~~'::';i~r~~::,~. I:' to ~)~~ Richard were Sunday mornin~ an~ .fa~116 l:v~e e~l~.~s lnJ:fh.te ~warded to Willis I ey r. Gli~beM we,re. Sunday. dinner gues s in the and Mary Cooper. Miss Barelman S.p·rl·,n.g o'd Ca,r'n'I'va'lt,ill'1-.'Wj~'~'fH~ 1M UI1aJ • Mrs.; :J'-tX"nens in the Mrs, Minnie Krause De VITI ~ U Z (}me~ I ger. I a - Baier and Ted Hoema • Wayne, Rev. 'G. B. ,Frank home. gave a deJTlonstratipn on how to' . l·<-brother. home, da; ~denmg.. -J d ,Ed I;'oescher, Con ord~ and . Mrs. Marvin Meihack will be set a table and Joanne Olson dem-

'l::·,~.~.',~~.,.t,~~~~.•,d,..... familY, Eve~~ttYN;~~g a~1ir·f~ilY. ~:' I~nd' Anderson. I. . teaching the parochial s hool at onstrated how to y:t~ke cocoa. i -' I'~ \~'~ '!ial:~ir.':~ and Mrs. Ed Shelle~berg?andMr. ,Mr. and Mrs. ~Oy. Wltte had Hadar the ne~t two week. Games were "play~d for enttTtain- MA 2 29 30' 31t:r~;tl:"~, i i'1a:tt~ SO-,·ety and Mrs. Erlwin Brog-ren land Uois Clarence Ho~ans~s dl ner l"fllests Mrs. Lizzie PuIs unde ,eot rna- .ment. April 20 meeting will be with ' R. _ _ _

h'tJn!ol."'ll; ~ • -e.. ,nl.n$:, .. • • • were gues~ ill thel Harlan Her. Monday. ev~nmg. " . ' jar surgery at Norfolk utheran Barbara Bard. \,,~ . I

~.rn:;~·Mt:~i','; Northern Heights Club . bolsheimer home. Pi~r~. In hc;f,0r an~~a,;:n~. ~r:;~do¥~~o~ ~aJ:n';i hospital Monday mor~ing FE.o.TURI~GH NEYMOON BRANDS.' !':loine. J Northern Heights Garden club of Mrs. Herb< 5 birth ay: Mrs. John Volk. ~hdol h, Mr. aneJ, Mr. B.?d M~s .. Alvm argstadt W!lhur Willing Workers i !

AIOJtin' WiUlil,r and met at the Earl Anderson home Mr· .and Mrs. JohnlD:revsen, ~or- Mrs. Elmer Pete;~.Mr and Mrs. and famIly, WmS1?e, Mr. nd Mrs. la:-i~~~ai~~~int~e~~~:;sPf;"7:e~: Mosr Repu,toble rand in This T rode Area

Frl~~f<!'\"~':~~~~ ~X~~~~s~~~:Je~~o~~t;~gO~~:f~l~hew~:lsS~~~~l~~~;;'~gUQsts g%~ldD~;~~~e~-;:~g~~ a~w~~~ ~a;~:f:,;:,;~~~;,e~er~~ =a~~ son home VerhaMae and \..arry for ore on Half a Century

.' Donala.;urson son on.lawn ~rass and lawns was Mr. and Mrs. ~~a~le:y Fuh an, Fridav dinner guest::; in the ,A'I;St:h:e:ll:en:b:e~rg=a:n:d=M=r:.=a~d=:M:r:s:.:H:a:n:se:n:':a:n:n::se:o:tt:y:ja~n=dD::al"Wl='~nll'l.-1R~tors :ti'l the,'1 'by Mrs. Louis Bendin. Apr, N~)}'f~lk, were VIsl1:q'z s In Bruggeman home. . ----WL1l'lltY' t~,'horrnt, Randolph. 18 meeting will be at the Guy Mm~le K~use home W Henry and Apna W tach visit~ and Anderson home. eV'M:~~nd ,- rs. ~rthur B~'hmc ~d i~ th~ Fd'cd af'Ya.~ °oc~ home, T'RA EIN SALEt:.!.#~1;~~'i'" (d,t., ',tHal ,Mrs, Gleim Frink were visito ' in the.,WilEam 'Dang. tan on, un ay e1 . .~~,Q::'I(}'~"I~ ~n-d Mnrl~,nr- and Mr. and SU~~~ ~:l~~ club memb~rs and ber,l:{. home, Winside, I Thursday gU~S~~rtna~e~rb~lfa ::~~~~~~ ,_.'1~,~L' !!'~,' ,:)" nt-hIner' Wt'ro t!u~sts in their families sUrprised Mr. and evemng. 1 I' home. Bancroft, Sund y (-'v..cning"~~~'~~:'.~~~ ~~1a~: Mrs. Kenneth Andersen and fam- ,! to help celebrate MI'. IjtC'psc.:l;1taeg-

~l/'" 'iif'1i!1 ~trt, nO)~ B.CIrcstadt and Hy Monday evening at their home. Ch h r's birthday. '

~~~:~~;~;"I~;~,;';;;<\~a~'I~~~d~~ W~:~~::~\~F~i!~~~:~ Evan.~~~ Br~~~n "Ch:J"h 1 ~~7i:~ht~~i~:'f:CTs~~ h~~ea.~~ld:~h'" ~"l1 ~tl"$. Donnld Lnrson Md prizes to the honored couple. La- (Paul H. Rig s,- pasf,Or) I SuMsarn'.· EMlmrs.erDPWej'g'Chrt· 0reUbgb~eemaannd,

H'!:jl("~f ,~~;~~,~ V~U.ot'tl,,111 th~ Arthur dIes of the club served a no-host Sunday. Apr. 1: Sunday school. lB ...mlllU: homtl~, Carroll, Saturday eve- lunch. \ ' 10 a. m.· worship "'The Last an~ Mrs. A. Bruggeman arid Mr, and~,;,tl~, First W?rdS of J~su::;," 11. I ~r~h~~~nh~~~l~rb~~t'~~~~f~~f,~::\j~r ~~l;~a~r·~w~~:~~u~~:~ BI~~,da:J;~:r:arg-uy'j Anderson -Trinity' Lutheran Church, Thurs<;lay. to Vi~it IIan'C'V.Marhrt,~I!t;i"'mf,li>t"j lmd SlJPPt.~r Il:Ues~s in the entertained at five tables of cards (G. B. 'Frank, pastGr) : I and ta!'!lll.v, 101edo, ,()hl~. Mr.n,.,~,I't,~d l:..tlrson hon~e, I~\'enim ... Friday night in honor of -his birth- Sunday, Apr. L Easter sunris~ Marhrt u; Mrs. BrUggl!man::; bro-~'I.IIj:i:h -wi~re,: :Mrs. Elizabeth Lar- day. Guests were Mr. and Mrs. W. service, 6 i a. m.; Ladies. aid breakt Ither., " < ]'." •

$<':'rt I.!lfry Duryc-a and Griffith E'; Nelson, 1Mi-. ·and Mrs. Albert fast ,.will t' l1'ow; no Sunday SCh()Oll. .~vr:s. S. i.l~11 R.C,.lCher~, ldrh:,'11-1,i~l. l~$ndolph. . ~Iatteo and Beverly. lVIr. and Mrs. worship ::;>rvice, 10 a. m. "Yl!lls Wl'le Wedncsd' v c\.cnll1j!

"tt". Rnd 'Mrs. Clause'Rathman Raymond Matteo and daughters. Thursd y, Apr. 5: Ladies aid. r vlSltor~ In !-he ~-IarI".Y S !·;,tle home.

~':~~~,h~~~ ~1jt~n~~ckTuX;s~; ~i~~~~rs~rJ~~e~~fc~~r~~:~ P. 'm. I JU~~l~~~\~~;{~l\:,~~.~i~(' ~.:l'rl:·~e~I~~'evemn$t. "1" Mrs, GeOrge Tho~s and Judy~ Mrs. Leland AnderseN. J{O£,,...'·I "J,~l gU~,oL:> 01 Irm:l Jf'i 11 State.., ':Mt'~:artel Mrs. Henrv Lanf!en- Mr. and Mrs. Willi~mKohlhof, Mr, Lee and Dougla::;, Mr. itlld Mr~. f Mrs. lIal':':V',. _St~';lte, j;";1rs. LoUIS I

&nr. st;, :Mr. and Mrs, DallaS. ·and Mrs. Willard Kohlhof and Clarence H. oeman, P,e.rr.y and. pegf.. BC'!:dlll and 'I.n".. '.Jar('nfc~ ..SChrCX:d~'S=dlenbe~, Kirt, Lee and Karmen family and Gary Dean, Norfolk: gy and Mr. and M!'s. H<lns llall- dttl ndC'd thc,-;-4-I-1 .1U _tng tram

~S:taJl::I':Y:::I.:.n:~:e:nbe=l'lr=an=d:Vi:,"l:nnru:·:·:a:::M:r:.a:n:d:.Mr;:S:.:Irv=ln:g:An::d:e:rs~on::.M::;r sen, 'W'inside, werc \'lslt0rs In th[ 1110.i'.tll1g

11,1. \VJ~ynl'. ('e:tnesd~Y.Mrs. Minnie Krause home Tucsd .." ,1nd M1S. f,.ln II ns.en, Wm-afternoon. \\"f'rl' ~uests In th' quv And-

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ncwkir. erson home Sunday ev mng.

N'Q''" 'I' I'(E and .DOlll):a,. Norfolk and Mr. af 'Mr. and Mrs. H~rmat.l Buss. Mr.. '" I I' I, Mrs. Robert NeWkirk. Oma , and Mrs. Reuben B,uss and Pe~~yii' :, i:', :!. ' ,~ere visilors Sunday evening: i and Mr. and Art Eehmer and

" j, ,I V; ,i ~i i~;: :,. ,',' " the Harry Drevsen home. ,i 'Yvonne were dmn~r gU~sts ~;mday;. : IM.r~ and '~rs. E'arl Draqoo ~rd atrJ.~~ ~n~eMr~U~te~~~er,r;~~

.. . ·,_f ', N,ell'g'h, were suncta,Y. ,mj and -Mr and Mrs EdWll~"Oel~ke

G' ,I '( "f ' ner Qu.ests in the Pete MoOdy were T~esday ev~ninJJ; ests in" 'e'"n'ei

: s' a'· e home. -" rI' the 'Dallas SheIlenber,!Z h me.,,:' , Mr., an~, Mrs. John Drevsen a d Mr. and !Mrs. Mer:vn Bruggc-,B ,~~~~~, a~red/~oonNO~~OJk, su~~~~ ~~n aan~c~:ulI~ ~~Cco~~il~rcO'~p~l~~

W·,,',i i' ' C, d guests i 1 the Harry Drevs1n Bruggeman's parent.:;, 1'!~r, and'I' .. . e .ose home. . .IMrs, Marion Calli,", Norlolkl ann

w:;·ca~l,~.s~r~heW;~~ft 0~]~ ~ th~~~. B;~~;~m*hoh~~~e'~~~f~r~~:! ,rS":oIi' iILh' a'n'd M': lftn' Apr 1 2 hom.e Th rsdayevenmg. 'A.'Bl'uggeman attendC'dj the fll!neral' 'U. ' . IV., , . • ' Mr. a d 'Mrs. 'l-Ierman Mart n of their aunt, Mrs. Mag)..;ic Brugge-

and Mr. nd Mrs. Albert Behmer, man, Laurl'l, Monday.

',FO,R...·· REMOD'ELI N,~...,';":<'·; ~;Jf~~:-~d'~~s.MA~a~ik~a~ ~ w:r~' e~1~rsM;~. 1~):to~e%lcM~~~::. .U spent il\II day in O~~a. home Friday -evening.

Mr. an Mrs. AwalJn~alkerh d Mr. and Mrs. Donald M4K

C'nzi0'j~=::::====:±========~=====~~ II~:;a:;:;:;==:iE=============~:a:s;.~d~i{i~n~e~,~,,--~u~"~t~s_~S~'~i,~~d~a~v~: ~E~"d~,~al ~~~fg~kh~~es;~~;J~vtn the pcte ll-- ,~__ ._j .__~~_i-it Mrs. Raymond JO~henS had

their son, Brent Davi , bapt'izedat the EUB churn Sundaymorning by Rev. Paull Riggs.Mrs. Pete Mood\' retprncd hom!

'last \\"('C'k from Not'io;,k Lutheranhospital.. i

~ MI'. and Mrs. GWkrl Appel

,~·1~r~~;~~~~~:;f~Llr~:~;gf. raIlers in

Mr. and 1\1rs. Awalt V",-'alkpl· werecallen> In '1h(' AI·hC'rf 'BC'hnlf"l' hom~Norfolk, Sunda.v cvcning:

fa~i~/n~~~rs·~i~~Wi.{n~l"~~~~.a~~iShell('nhC't'L; \~'rl'l' r:lI1C'r~ in'thrIpptc {",foody home '\Vl'd~l(':;(lav cve-

:m!~;_s. A. I1rul.:gt'lllan a~s\sjprl Mrs,John 'MuntC'l', SI'. in <" ,iGint pre.;Easter dinnpr <it thC' ·l\lunlrol· home'Randolph, Sllnclav in honor ofI{<irvey Marhrt anrl f,mnih". ToledoOhio. ·P!'r.sC'nt \~;('re ::'I-II". Ilnrl MrsMerlyn Bruggeman anqi PIiUL Lin-



'~ /..... I 'I


I.LB. 39C : iPKG. . /



LB. 49C



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I \VTSH TO Ttf.A.';K rr:-.' :narr,~ri'?rlC5 2,.-::1 r-?!,,~;".~·; ~"r ('27C:;

2r.d •..1;;~.s, ·.;-hd.e r ',"-a5 ::-: ~.te~:1.c,~·

L;t htOsoital and after I t('tur-:1,qd: horr...e. A special lh.a.nk \t-'jU to ~.fl'"

• aru:t :\k; J<1!<ic' Erwin ~o.r- !hl!"'ir<;("r.:k·"S. £..lrl O:"1("'"lt: n-.;;J~ro


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N,EW i,SALES, 'lOT1Y2 fli1eJ North of Wayne ­, Ac oss from Golf Course

I '

W~'re Offe:ring 1


\ $2

I Clean Cctton

Phone 70



Other 8. F.' GCQdrichJubeJul Ti,u oll"w OJ$18.95 plus lOll: and rl>\I'

S4.00'DOV/N O~U;~~!2~~ ti,..


Stirtz Oil (0.

l'rli tH6Ht i

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'i.$SAVER TUBELESSThe.tll,.,.;> to think about puncture pro~ec­dOll i~ i'<'/M,· \"(1U h;"'e one. liFE·SA\'I-.R isrhe Tuhde« Tire , has a par~n[eJ Sl:"aj.ant under the trdd. It grips th<.' punctllrlngnail. ~'hen nail r< rullcJ. ,<;e;!ilnt pJup.-s [hehole, m3k~ permanent re?3Ir_




Fritz Temme, Wayne, geh Opera~or's

SUNDAY, APR, 1M\.:sic by

John Deere ~ Power Steering offer5. r. .'. iyou an amazmg ne ..... f~eedom hom@,~'"s~E'et1ng .eff~rt a.~d dnver fatlg.U,e , ','every mmute you re at the wheel. ~ .Yo~/Il have to try this outstandmgfeature In the held to· fully oppre- .!ciete what it can ,"ea~ to you onevery tractor job. " : '. !


Brandstetter fmRlement Co~, WA~NE - WINS~I;)E ": ~: j

tlOn clas~'':-i

Sundrty. Ar)" 1 !<;h!. l '-'J'lr>' /

';(T\'lCP 7 il rn I.llt;·" r !I"ll!ul Ihrr'ilkfClst, R 1.-) I ')1,'.4-- -~+j.)<'.. ,L';'"q ,I."): \~nr .... h,p ~l ~·\I.·(· ;1

Thursr!<l\. AI~l .-,\\'ornf>ll, R,,\ H;.ll"l<;f'ntJn~ a film f1!i .\l:rlillill ('1 pm '


~ "lIow, 10 ;;::t"rl\~ IJh cn]urr·d

Dance at


REUBEN BEST QRCH.\rill! _-",

GLEN BOWMANand HIS Orchestra

SATURDAY. MARCH 31:\d.pj ')II(



and HIS OrchestraAdm. Sl.c1u taxJPald


Phone 899



8:30 p,m,

A~mission sac

City Aud,itotium,~

Jayho'ppers Ball"Saturday, Apr. 7


'Apr.14-15, 21-22Get Entry Octails at Bowling Alley

Melodee Lanes13th (:r Lincoln

'"corsages.! ,', _',~ . '1 "·t·........ I _......m,,,"m It I

1.956 "~a:J.inova~l~ pink carnation cor-, A recep ion for 235'was Iol\\d in f ~ - G a~~i~~~r~I"~"Y;o~u_l"cp WAKEFIELD, :: .Sj·sMlrJ~ridof06'lhhocnobrrl·dw"a.s SJhU~,Ywl<oor'ith• 'he chure parlors. :A five-tier"N: " C h fE J .. Bernthal, pastor Hasp·.t'al Notes

'1 <:-" e ,wedding akc cCriterep. the bridal , e',W"S 0, 1 ayne i urc e,S Thurda\",?lar.'29:Service with:urq~~JOiSC crystatet t e, ballerin8 'able. De orations ~I::e: turquoisE' hol":>-' c mmunion. "The Uni n in ! I .len, h gown with matching'l1ead· g;nd coral Mrs.' Amdld Hammer Comm ion," 7:30 p.rn. 1--....-+-----.....-_ban and mitts. She carried a was haste s, Mrs. Bentor Nichol· Frid y. Mar. 30: Services with A;drttittedF Mrs.. Mercy (jllivcF,::?lor,tial bouquet of coral' carna· ~~n cuHt th wTf'dding cak~. She and Iprocession and benediction of holy c mmun:ort. "He Love 1 Me Wakefi.eld;. Mrs. Dale ilfm\,,~14-...;J-..".,;,;...----il-,.,......---..----j--.-,·ltlOns. . .h.l-TS. en arnow baked and bleSS,ed sacratnent with Senior and G ve Himself fQr Me:' 7:30 rM. Jf

Bridesmaid was Sally Becken· d~corated it. Patsy Wert and Mrs choir. 7 a.m~;High Mass with p.m. Wakefield; ,Mrs. A. N. Di'x 1. Em-

Richa rd :W'e'rt Wed ~t~~~~' S~rla~o~e t~e ~~~~l o~g~;: .~I~nirt~~ ~g;:a~!et~e c~~~: ~r.h Easter hymns bef()l~e Mass with sc~~~ ~~}~~~~f~~ij~~~n~~:~~1~~~~~e: M:~s. Eri~:neS~o7:~~:or's. She carried a colonial bou- Table waitresses We're Lois JUT~orln4 CA Ch30lrbC9 r ":\. c1as..c;es: Junior choir. 2~30 p.m. Wakefield Susie Souders \Va .... n.

S d N' ht qupt of turqoise carnations. Bra,",-,"", andra and Sally Kay. 6--7 e~ ay. r. : on PSSIOns. ;:,und.... ,Apr I Easter !\latInsun ay.....·.. ' Ig Best ma·n wli!-, -Ronald Wert. Suzanne ~erry and Diane Carls>on. p,. I _ 5er.lC'" - "He Is RISen' 6'30 Mrs, Larry ::\IcAf-ee Allen, Thomas

Junior Lindsay was groomsman Jea~ctt(' ans.en. Lavonne Bic,hC'L co~~~~~~ay'fb~pr~('~~'m~~rpo;;~b~ breakf st for Choirs folla~mg serv- Christopherson Allen Ra( A"1 nThe-bridpgroom and his attendants Delila Gi bert. Elinor Brudjgam chapel. 6:43 aim.; Mass. 8: New- ICC jO,f1t sund~SChaol and B'ble Johnson Penner Rev Chr \\ II t_wore light business guits and wh'it€' and Mrs. Harold Surber were in man club meeting 7 pITL r-Ja"sPs[\"'lth li 131 m .... l1atl0n to mg' vva::-ne Mrs Charl('s Block-carnation boutonnieres. charge of the gift table, t par('nt~tQ .... H~V. he film. 'Miracle man Wlnslck Lmda Haas, Waynp

wa~~nf1~w~ng~irrieC&~iJheJ;~~11:we%om~~nas~:~~ ~a~~:it~~~ First pres~yterlan Church II ~kas~ t:'D:d l2.. lrcond service, ;~~~ Wilham :\lagnuson, Emu.Ranklolph cousin of the bride Llnd<! B udlgam, Mrs Marvm First Baptist Church (Olner B IProcH, pastor I Man ay Apr 2 Church coun-groom,. w'as .ringbearer. . BrudlJ1:a and Mrs Wendell (Russell M. Dilcken, p~tor) Thursday. l\l1ar :29 CommuniOn cli R p m1. J l Dismissed \Irs. Olaf NI Iso)

Cl:nd1eJigl1ters were Susan Wert. Korth. / Sunday. AVr. 1: Sunday school. senlce arrfl rcc~ptlOn of members. Tues a\ Apr 3 Sunday school' WakeflPld ~ MIS Vernon (urnsist r of the bridegroom, and Mary The hr 1Ae chose a white lmen 9:45 a.m.; ~rning worship -serv- 730 pm teach£' mf'('~g 7;lO pm Emrrson Elmer Wilmarth Con~We t. cousin of the I)ridegroom, SUIt With pmk accessofles and Ice 11 senlor BYF. 6 ~O pm Fnday, Mar, 30 CnlOn Good'i \Ved (',da) Apr 4 WSTC cord Mr::. Dean Bnndl~v Whnp,

~hers WetrfT Harland Korth, pmk carn tlOn corsage for her go evemng serVIce 730 Fnday ser.lce- sponsorcd h} the Gamm Delta supper mectIn~. Mts A ~ Dixon Ernqrson ;,\I[~

bro her of Hjel bride, and JUnior 109-away nsemble Wedncsday Apr 4 I\1ld...... pck Wayne Mlnlstenal assoclatJOn. 1:21 guest s cakcr Rlch~rd Recs. Wayne. Mr:;; LarTar ow, cous~ of the bride • The bn e graduated from Wayne praycr m~etmg iind Bible study noon-3 D m I r\ Lanspr. Da~ ota Cit). SIJSIC

other of the bnde wore a navY High an~ has been employed at 7 30 Sunda)- Apr, 1 Youth sunrise.', •. S~dprs \V~yn(' Mrs D~!(' Kjl1dre s With white and black acces- Griess R xall store The unde-- pm sen-Ice and breakfast 4" am, ~1-(')i. \\iak"~I('ld: :\'f!-s. Da\ Id Ttrn_son~s The bridegroom's mother groom aduated from Wayne First Methodist Chur'ch church Hhool 943 \\orshIP', Mrs., Ray Fran~II". Huron. S. In;:;. Allen; Thomas, ChrislnjJilPr_cho~E' a na\.y drcoSo'> With whIte ac I-hgh and ha$ been farmmg f \ B Gray pastod 'Hope foj a Future Lilt:'. mU:SlC fJ ~P'---~lt thl" \.':,I"t'kt:'nd \... :th,~rrs., so.n, Al,lf'n: :\lr<;. C~1ristin(' Flsch/'r.ce~~r\(s Each wor~ a corsage of Af1pr ..... eddmg tnp the cou Thursdav. Mar:.!9 chddlt:'ns b) youth chOir and pubhc rc-c(p- John" nJ~.:!r.·~. ~~e.c;:Jme to attend l \\akf'.f1el? :\Irs. \-'Prnon \\'!1':"h'.pm~ carnations Gl'andmoth~rs of pte willI ve on a fann southwe-S1lmlmbcrShiP claSS 7 pm com- tlon qf mcmb.ers, 11 fu.n', t" ,,'-I\lle-. 101 :'vlrs-. Art HI£!:- ~~I('n, Linda Haas. \Va;n~': :'Ilrs.,

of Wayn munlon 8 ,-~- I b\. __ + ~ I{.Ilbe Purucker. H~bhan1l; :'Ill'\>rJlda) Mar 30 Lnlon srf\ICCS IRedeemer Lutheran Church ULC \ I


dn" kBoIWTn\\IWk \\akdH'ld: Pll

I . (S K to, USE n' rt(~s()n a dl::J{ld:\1r L

I I dman Gror-'e hll:~h school and has PnSb}telllln church, I:.! noon - 3 u' rtlSI pastor I WAYt4..E HERALD\WANT ADS r) \IcAlr(', \lIln . 11-B.-"\J\ler y Ne son An bccn em¢lloyC'd In a bank th( re I p m Thursd,q::- :\lar 1* Hoh _ \ __ _ _ _

QV The bndt'l:room c:radU<ltN! from r Sund<J.} Apr 1 Sunnsp! serv!C'c rhu!1lOn sen IceS ~ p' , - \ I "N Irman Maben Marrv Wa .... n(' High s('ned two ... pars In golf COUtSf' 6 am brtpakfast. rnda\ 1Iar ,:,n l nlo.,n. ,~."""r.,.:, B'.E G,o"od,,rl·ch L~_FE'-S/l~ER\\. 'CD ! the Army find is now farming neill' I church, r'arly \\'or'"hlp, 1"\:·1;': \\:r'5-1 icr's. Prl·:;hytcrlfln Cillb f'il _ ,

I N G \Vavn('. 'I ..y IOtll1datlOn cnffce, ~J:.3r); 3 p.m.: huly comrnl,:'I'J!l y·rnc(·~.

n i ewman rove After a w,..ddin~ trip to D('m'cr sUr:!.~ay school. 9::~?; v.:orshlp. 8 p,m. '

Bb'Prjy :"Jelson. daughter or thf' COUD~f' wiJ] reside on a farm lfJ :;).): nU~~f'ry r0r pre-school chll- Sunda~·....~pr. 1: seals punctures, p'ermanenfly-n.ail in or out ('IMr.' and' Mrs. M. D. Nelson. New- nCB! Wa,Vne. ~ !~~:~~.' 71g:~;~: Intcrml'dJa!(' fcllo\\'- 6:30 p m a~i~nda~

mal) Grov{'. and Nonnan Maben. \\·('iIJ1";"I!;iY, :\[1r. l' ;\ktlilidlst 11 ,{, 1 \\\~~~, o~~~e~n~'e~~rs~;~~(~J' ~~~ Business Notes .\lr·o, .~ p.lll.

Sunday evening at Trinity Luth- Wesleyan Methodist Church \eran church. Newman Crave (':'1 H. BIJrI('n.~l"k. pa'itor I

Bond Exhibit .. '. :-;;~J~~~J;ly~,.I~~r~~lIpl!:cl~~Jn~~~~~'\~:~~~~: ,S ~:':no~ ~~]oJi~<;~I;J~~I~~(.+~~~/~l ":~i~il\);:tl !.';o.~flel hOI;!'. 7A.1 r rnbank VJIM1s out tl1,,1 <;aV1l1g" bonds Apr, .j. Bib],are as gnorl !L'-i ~()lrl, dC'spllr loss ,Inri PI;I:'I.'l m,'('lIJ'lL;,:-<- p.m. St Piwl'sfrom th('ft, mispJ'lcpmcnl. mlltila- I \\- C;. \tion or drstru,tion \;'11 ..:~!: Ii,,·

Bonds rlIisplaYf'd w ..rp cu! up hyehildrc'n for ChristrnH.:; trpC' orna­ments. el1rwcd by a dOl-:, mutil<1trr!

;~~nndirc;." g~;:1~d'{;~~ ~~ ~n~~~~~~t~~ ('\ ~:;~I'la:,.and shn'cklf'{j hv HIl IrHtl" WlfC' Tlle I Ih,.'. Blood )Iilr 31 "God Shut~~~~~~ wlll hc' ill Waync three :1'h;~';;~;):I~>

1 ~'Jnd<-l\ .\1., l' "The LI\'dl;.:':\Von1 K ".Tll: fiJi)]" 'irfJool. }IIm(lrl)ITH.~ \1,o)1";hip "ThlnL:s 1 ]1<-1\"I..r'iil'r1I'd 111 .hpill1- Inl\(l·.·.in;.: Ill,I ... lIr1· ... ,,'q'p,'r and -"p"('lal musIc11),:-).-1 l!il,,){\'1 dllllH'1 1):'1 jJ.m.

:..!,~(I. ('yp(.\ "lling <"i'I'\ Iff'. ";\11S­

\\ Illl' Hrnl!l"l~I!d+'~ ilnd



Friday Night

'Til 9:30

. . 50 MUCH fOR SO L1THEI$595 ~ $ 79P.Slnce rflc mlnufe -.c onpoc1:,(!-d' 'em o-ur sto,rc's. a-t.....ittcr with cofar! Hi hc-els, little heels, c1o-se,·ups,n ~r~~ . Q~1 shoped fo 0 new s·fcnd'crn,e:s.s.. Feci ·em. t~cn we dafe you fo keep 'four feet ou~ ofem. Blond, B"l:bl. 8lue. No,,·, Pat.nt, Wedgew,od, lu,lre Ieothers among our 16 colors!,

=tlWET fOe·ld :~:t:~~::"TP':'Hl[ RAL'D'~~I~J~ '.~~~t~~;1~..~t.dhisY~.sand~!'i.,"I,,,g~e I . s':ift!ue "l'd Jack Gustafson .and •. ..• .• ., ard Koch were Thursday evenin"'anddau..hter-m-law, Mr. and:Mrs; I,i ::";::·II"'M'N;.·'~~M;'(,~'d'Ak\O ;su~\,e~~~:ffe2t9~~I~e~Ra~b~~~ ~ I ,ILyt~-,Cleveland.-~ -;·,·-'~,i~:- J

I P>m. AT" .. 1.aao I Fischer. I Mrs. Gustfason was an Vol. 81 ~ Na. 47 :Wayne, Nebra ka, l'h'ljrtdqy, Mar' h ,1956 Sec. 2 _ Pages 1 to 8 ~ .: . U1st T,""",a>: <:Y.ening g. in II, . '" ... ,! 'm:~~nd~~~~:'ciiffM~n$OnSpent . ~ t . W.elb .r :41:'~e~ik.fh::,ed~~Mr·1

,:Mr;1 ,:~:;td )"t:l'"$. Sam IR~~, Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. NORTHWEST gren.1 Lincoln, SatUrday ni ht 'and l~,n~ Mr. d Mrs Don Jo :tlson Ranee, Donald KoCh and Mrs.' . Last ·Sunday·afternoon aM SUP-. IO'N'lll,.....eN ... 1M, AlMll Su,,, F'I'e<!·Lubberstedf 'Wayne' ... I·.. ··. '. Sun~aY.. t.r and sons, Waybe,' Mr. and Mrs. Mary Schulte. • By Sta~ Correspond~nt , iller JPlests in tbe WJ!liam :Nponan~~ll ~~~Iot~iI<1,\~'i,"~,nl~S?-u:>'_, ,. '. '" :Mrs, BUd Boeckenhauer'and' sons W'''''k·ef.Oeld ~. and Mrs, Verdel L d and~ Del in, Mr. and Mrs, Emil IMr. and ,Mrs. Oon Painter and I ~: ,.hon;te were- Mr.; ~d Mrs., Albert i.',,~t'i~'IJ~t... ,~tr~ r.. 1..,..~toslC~,~ \\crf' and' Mrs.'. Elmer aoec.kenhauen U sons. 'were' Sunday evenin cot.tee .~.. ber an, Mr~an.d, N nnan family were last Tuesday evenin~ Mr. and Mrs. Geor-ge $andl"OCl(;~ and family. " .!

~;:,,~f,~\~~~~:~l:l~n:St~~~s~~ VSednesdah'jrit~¥~s, Weld-{ By :M rs. 'Wallace Ring ~t~:Sa~e~arn~v~~eJi~~t ~ ~~~ '..~~~~~~de~:/ d~~~en' an son guests in the Ralph Austin home. and f~y. ~n,. wer.e last :.' , .' .-!~.~...".......:1'1l..• i~'•• '.' ~'.~'~...'~.... I.:~.~q..~.~.~'.l'iii!'..'t'Sd.S.Y ,."r.l.'.. ~-ork;::-;.!~~.~~e~ M.~·, .Le.

e...rit:~ .Ri~: (Wakefield ATlas 7-287~) conc~rt in, Concord. ,Were Tues aya ternoon visit rs of ~~~~ ~d :ers.:e1~ ~~h:-~~ Swuta:y afte~n callers in the i '.~ Mll "k'" 'o>lt':<I In the.~re. ~d her slst.~ Mrs Emil Erickson Anr.ouncement~ have b re, Mrs. EJ11Il1. LeYene. , home last Monday evenln.., Oscar Thua hOme. REPORT YOUR NEWS!

tru~l"1_ !'IIQ-d'mll,\ S!~~ will'teaC'h' 10' Frernont 'we;c Friday af~ernOO~ Mrs: J~l Dahlgren and Stanley ceivep. of t.'he birth of a so to Mr'. ...,111r. an.d M~S.' .GE:0rge J.oha.n!1';S, Oscar Thun~ -Wet"'e- last Sunday~, in ltlm, area next: Jil.l':aI'.I" " visitors " , have moved to Sioux City. and t~,rs. Vorace Packer, Omaha': Pfgnder, w ~e'rfiday evemng V!SIt- SOUTHEAST evening visitors in the Fred Boh1~':~~i nl:l'lI.·lf~lt1:$('n family il,vas t "Mr. a.'nd Mrs. 'Jim Ch mbers ErW,.,e1s1ti pMaUcl'PhrYhomViseitferdominThutrsh: Mar 24 1 0 at Iva NiXtln's. 'ken home.~ ,pHO'N·E·'tw ('it~~ 6h:(~n hml"lc- for' Sun~a were among 30 relatives ~. coop.. ~U€ Mrl. a~d Mrs.. Foy erstrom:, c.mMprs.·nyNO r anhe·r Robl1'etbbedrayeThnioursyed. Wayne M ".- and l"'S.. Clark Banister.

qlson ~CC?ml><lOlt>r, erative dinner Sunday··-10 the day to Saturday. He returned d IJ Sed Mt \II' spent last ay and Wednesdayb\)lnt~ to Sioux CUr David' Lee Chaml>ers home ne~r Tuesday after spending the winter :~d M~~:'E~hu"car~~n,.. B.elden: 9.8.M

Y re.veanni g'Mrs. Thur'e Jo'hnson in the Euge Anderson home, 130~ \: Thurston, I with ,califOJill relativesj oS d fter • By Staff Correspondent Dixon. " .~ I.'

rn\~;hl .(l~d-Sntul.da*~' Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Erickson Mr. and rs. Levi Datilgren and were~t un ay ~ noon vl,Itors at. spent Tuesday evening with: Mr. Mr. and Mrs. 'Herbert ThunA!~' I~")rg horpC!- we and .children.... 0.nfaha, were l~atur." .Mr. and Mrs Thure Johnson were Erne!, Pa~k,er s. ~' \ aIlfi Mrs. A. G. Schager. . Leonard PC?lIifrds were last ~e~elW~W~~~;nh~~gu~\\"ayn~ alid Mar ~hiv F~~T~~~~e~i¥~~~ ~e:~fj:na:d ~heCf~~~~ h~~~~%once;~~iilg for TU~S S~yC;lf:e~~~'w7;;:re, s~~ e~:;iafge~ ~:,., a~~~~~~=~ Wednesday evening ~ests in thel,mF=on:t.:::::::::~'::::::::::::!:·::::i·=::~::::::::::::::::;.

at -Sunday dinner by th~ ladies' Mr. ahd M s. Paul Dahlgren vis. Mey r. ' carlson and- Joleen at Sunday din- Art Meier home. 'parents, ,Mr, and Mrs. Oscar And- ited Mr..and Mr~. :Clarke ~Dahl- M~. and Mrs. Russell Joyce, nero : I ~on :Lutts and Don P.edenoef15

'In:l'-'\\i\~rl.!' no r erson, Oakland, lind their',brother, ~~ Syr~fuse, brought ~rs. Be~ha Friday I evening the Vernon spent Friday evening' ¥i ~I I >

t:' .t~l~~$1~ in the Hnns Lu Carl and fanlily, Atthur Felt was Bean, to her home I~. iakefIel,d Schultz family Ivisited In the Os- Charles Nichols h6me. A P' f: ' 'h A" .bit.Ntl:~ I t~n:li", near En1~l'Son: M.' also'present to enjoy 'the observ. celebrate her birthday of Sunday. after, an extended VISIt In theIr car Bloomquist home. The Ken- Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Kay s~ntt . .,·r·.aye'r 0'r t e < gedciiI,l ~ti~\:?\,'(~~I! Mlller"",C98J;lCl once of the l,)irthQay of'his ,son. All were ,dinner gues1~ in the Jack home They called befor~ going neth Slut'f'l Iso last Tuesd.ay evening- in the Frankl',!lllI,,,,_, ~ ,~.,.....__~_ .Friday supper guests in the ,Bud, Kreuger home, Winside, in observ- to S.i~ux City to sptmd th~ week- Mrs. E~ifmJrJil~~re:Od ~~~~~ cLoelnebgreatehOmehertobirtbhedlPayth.Thehursdostess

a•. '

Erlandson home were the Elvis 'ance of the event." Also in attend- end !n the James WolphJ home. drove to Lexington Saturday to .r ' "Mosr prayers ore f'or the young, 0 Lord, but thisOlson and;, M~I:vin Felt families jn~e--'wert t~~ Kermit and \Alden Mrs.: Wolph is their daugqter, visit in the Paul Gerdes home. e"fning they helped Melvin Long-eI Is fo, r the aged. Groat t.hem arowth of spirita~d Mr~ and .Mrs. Jerome' Pear- 0 nsoI) amIllcs. ~o honor ,Mr. and M.ra:. Lau- They returned Sunday afternoon. ce ebrate his birthday. T f 11 h·son and Jolene. The' birthl1ays of .Con~~e. and Patty Roberts are renee Blattert on their tv.lentreth Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. Guests in the Larry Muhs home 0 .compensate or ot et t 1"9

Sthey miss, ~

the host and Mr.; Felt were' cele- wlth tlle,lr ~rl,mdparents, Charles wedding anniversary Sunday', Richard Hoffman and familv were last Sunday evenin~ were Gloria 'I' An~ give them inner vision for the strength of Quietude.brated. To furthr:r observe ,the Me~~el1s,. ~iObrara, f?r an m- cO,operative dinner and Isupper guests in the Cal Swagerty home. Ahlvers, Gordon ZaPP. nlarian Let :them enjoy each dc;a:y•

. .event, the following were Sunday _def~mtel ."ISlt. Mrs. Eldin Roberts guests were Mr. and M.J-. Gos .Mr. and Mrs. Joe Erickson. Lois Kugler. Gene Perry, Gayle Gruob, ' That comes as fresh to: age as youth, a rosedi.n.ner .'.nd. sup.per guests in the aSS.Iste~In the home last Tuesday S I M ~o, d Dw . Li~dy Brustkern. Mrs. Robert! U faErlandso~ home: \Mr. and Mrs. aftern~ n. ~nd Mrs.. Delbert Rob- Lf:dUt~~, St~~to~~dMr~:~d ~~~ ~~nday ~:~e;~~ethe;~r~~e~u~: LiTfes, Mrs. Mark Tietsort. Marciain. Iding to maturity, .he- ..aySwan Soderber~, .~Mr. 'and Mrs. erts, VI gmla an~ BrIan were there Vincent Vaught, Stanton. and dell home. ~J~~:kr ananddB}laJI'n·e.and 'j}1rs. Jack I, The sunset paints the sky before it goes. ",:'.11Warner, Erlandson 'and Robert and Wedne day evemng. Mr. and. ~rs. the Leo Schulz and Virgrt Eck- Mr. and Mrs_ Harry Bartels and ueL Gil, them 'some task that only they can do, ,~Mr. and Mrs, Paul Burns and Russell~Lutt and Norma VISited berg f.ami'lies. Marilyn Ann were Sunday dinner Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hab-Elret'I" A place to,.fHl as long .ClS life sholl last. •.

ChW;d~es~~~u~u~~' gU~sts' in the' :o~rt n~:Rr~r ~~:;;~p~rt a~d an~~a~~~tc~r~e;;e~~::ili~~~~ W:ft~r~f her mother. ~lrs. Sophia ~~r~tJo~~~aho~~~~re~n~e! ~~_::~:n~~~i~~7~~dd:Ja~'f:g~::dththea~shtt,~ for new, ,Merle Ring. were Mr. and e.,. e oy .un a,hl faml y. f!tHm .- Sunday dinner and supp-er in the Mr and Mrs Cal Swagerty and Mr. and Mrs, Frank LaMing and I ,..-Mrs. Bud Erlandson. .. ed tt~: eddmg of Mary Ann Korth. Mar~in HolmberR hom,.e. , chIldren were Sunday dmner guests daughter "'ere last SundQ} suPU€r I And ~ol'e important, L-ord.. than all of these,

Rev. ,Merlin Wright wa,s a din-, ~~~ eV~~i~r: Wert at Wayne Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Gene Packer mov- of her patents, Mr. and :\trs Hcr-I ,guests m the Frank Soden home.I Someone who "ill love them dearly, please."I;Ier guest in the Merle Ring home, Mr ~nd l\'lrs E 1'1 Lu dahl weI' ed to the Jim Grier farm north- man. Longe, Dakota CIty Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Ft"'e$e enter-l.1,\st Sunday. Mr, ~nd Mrs. Leslie at .L~~sr Sm'ith~s ne~r Laure? west of Wayne the past week:. FrIday. evening V1SItOrs at Joe tamed :\'[r and Mrs Stan;c} Han- 0 hi N . H-Rockw71I, Sl?~th SlOUX, spent Sl;ln- Wedne day evening and were Sun~ The Irvin Brown familv were ~rlckson s were Mr and iolrs Al~ I SfCl1 Carroll, last Surda\ aftPt'-'a.UrSlngOrne.··dar WIth Rmgs and apcompamed day din er guests in the E. J. Lun- Sunda,y evening visitors ,at Ivan .. In Sundell and Suellen. Inoon Sunda} e'\emn~ Jn1csls were ' ..them to the cantata In the evc- dahl h e. Nlxd!1 s'l Mr. af.ld Mrs. G. H. ~'[r and :\!rs Ehnn Nelson andIning.,. Mrs. A. J. Munson, Carroll and Schnier and L?nme, Bancroft. we:re AI famll}. Carroll. ,~frl~ay. evemng Mr, and; Mrs. co.n w~re accompanied by Ardyth w~~.neSday dmnC't' guests at NlX- tona I Mrs. Helen Prouty and LUQUe, I Wayne, Nebr Phone 18 - Res. 532

Merle RIIl:g were guests m the and Ar<Jyce Koch on a trip to.Gav- on s., . I • , Wlchlta Falls. Tex.. 5~t Thurs- M d M CI ff d M D hiDea": BaClt~tr.o....m hom.e, Wayne. ins PO.itt Sunday afternoon Mon- Rev. T. H. Buehper and Juarnta; _ By' Staff Cor'respondent dB} In thp Lou Lut1 home. 30trs A. r. an rs. I or . a

Frl.d!;lY sUpper guests in the day m rning Munsons we're in werE! Sunday ~fternoon callers a~ \\~ Powell. St. Petersbunr. Fla...Martm HolO1berg home were: Mr. Wisner to meet Mr Mun~on on Theron Culton s. F k I w,,~aS~'~F~r~,d~"~\~LS1~'lo~'~F~r,~o~'''gdmr.~·'~''''~-~~~~~~~~~~~~;;~~;;;;:;;;;:;;;;::;:::;:::;:::;::~~~lana Mrs. l.ehus Ring' anq their his rett rn ' from a m~nth' ~ ta t TQ honor Gary Lund on his ran Larson and! Clarence Cor~ -;houseg. uest,. Mrs.. Emil. Eriokson, Hot Sp 'ings Ark s 5 y a birthday,. Thursday eve.ning visit- bit ""erc Sunda:'i- a. ftcrnoon callc."'.1 : ~••_••Frem,ont, Mr. and Mrs". Helfry Sund y di'nner ~nd ~u e-r uests ors in the Verde! Lund home were in the Glen GranqUIst home. - •Holtiberg and ,Mr. and Mrg~· R~u- in the ~lbert Sundell h~megwere Mrs. Catht:'rine Culton, Mr. and . '~rd a.nd Mrs. Glen Granquist: •ben Goldberg and {laughters. Sun- Mr a] Mrs Joe Erickson LOIS Mrs, ·Ben Lund, Mrs. T. C. Hypse, VISlte ~ In the, I,~,~ ton _ •day dinner and s~pper guests In and Dame Mr and Mrs VIC Mrs,. Millie NelSo.n.. :, Clarence ~omesund.aYe~r~l,.,g-tohe.IPMrs·l· :the Holmberg home we~Mt and Sundel and' Eumce Laurpj and Hypsc. Melvin Wilson and the O~QUIst cele, ·ftitie'· her birthday. : •Mrs. iIvan Johnson, Iv lyn and Marvm Borg • 'I Vern Carlson family. r l!Uests ye-re Mr, and :IoITs.. _ =RQg~r· and the Kennet Packer Wed esday guests in the Law- F~lday evening" VISItors in the Ede~ Swanso~ an~ famih. How. !- •famIly rencc mg home wer M d \hpr:del Lund home were Mr. and ar 3!.unt .ann :\1~lrcla.. ~lr,. _fl':O' : . h h • ~ •

Mrs, John Johnson was honor- Mrs G D Tonjes Omaeha :u \\ae~E: Mrs. Ivan.Johnson and Roger. Mrs. Mr~, f 1f~ri (~t1ril'r.~i<'I:::.,-, :n,[; dol'l;::,. • "UC S oe -g'Gin,'gs-on.... :ed for her birthday when ladles m the Ralph RmO" home m th Emil Miller, Mrs. ca.therinE' Cul- .te. rd, :\~'[r!>. ",.('rna, (,.... ranqul:.. I. )otr.· • 'i.. . .'of the neIghborhood brought !lInch aftern on as \VCr0"'Bf'n Chambcr~ ton and Marie Fredrickson. ~~. ~s. Lyle ( ..~nnbl .... ,:\ir, and: .-: 1

llnd spent Saturday afternoon at lam t~nton and IllS brothn \ Mr, and fv!rs. HJ8!mrr, Lund M NO. ~Ul Bos~. ~_11d ,f!le~.llY fJfI~ • 5 • , •h. , her home. FranklSPOkane Wash ~pr'nt Wpdnf'sday evenmg With tile i r .. an, ;\11'0;. \ 1r.__ ,11 I r_. -",!1 ilW: • pring'. ·s arr'·Ive.... ... •'S' ':orry' Last .Sunday dmner and supper Mr' nd Mrs' Lav. rcnc!' RIO A. G. SchagcrR. ' nmIl;r. , I: :~. ,' .. _ guests 10 the Alden Johnson home were lth a group a~ Sunda dmg Mil'. and Mrs. Emil Rocher Rt- Mr. and M~Chrl5_Jacobsonandl_ •

. were Mr, and Mrs MarVIn Morten- ner a~ supper guests 10 l'h~' Art tf'.ndef.l Lawn:'. n.ce .RIl\\'. •C.'S bir.thdaY ~tU2hter.• ~remont,t..sp.'nt S~nda) .:... : : .. B···•.' :~'~.,''.',5·..•" ". p'.'!r~.0'·.·d.· U·~.. ,·,·.I~' I son and daughters and Mr and Florm home Wal{pf1l'ld party Sunday evening. ho ernoon In the rnest SIefken - •

:. ,"'" 'IIi Mrs. Merlm Holm and JulIe Gay. Mr nd Mrs Bob KcrlwI ;lnd Mrs. Floyd Sulll"an was II Tues- .~" I: •· I '"\ ' I' Myrtle and Helen ~undel1 came sons, ecf Oak lu came Frlda\ dfly gllf'~1 of Mrs. A. G Schager. \'iSit~· ,Manm Holst and Elmer'.~o~co~4," ·,::¢.cVr;ol from OJ!lah.a Saturday morning to ('vemn for a VISit With Mrs K( J IJ- MI'. and Mrs .Erv~n Bartels Hoooer llS~hd(' \~hrJIs Holst hom(".::'5::=E~~:=~~~~~~h~e~IP~th':e!':lC~s:l:lS~te~I'~.!l'M~rS~...!J~oe~Jo":'h2':n~so~n, er's p ents Ed S'andahls All srwnt Sunrtay evpO!ng m the Fred . a.. ' •• 'iI.II'••'._.__••••••* J!l•••••••••• were aturday sutJper gu('sts In Victor homc. W;oyne. :• . " ".1: I" ~ • the M rns Sandahl home near Lt. and M-rs. -Oick Pospisil and Bren·na •: • Carroll and werp \\lth Homer Bler'r da.ughter arrived in the' ROb.~rt •• =- manns near Wisner for Sunday Blatchford home la5t Monday I • B.y $taft Cor're'spondent ::, • dmner i from Texas for a fUrfough. W-ed.. III." •. ,M~s..;~rt.Borg- and Mrs, Law- ne~day Mr. and Mros. Pospisil, "I I . •• .: renee, tll:rg a~&lst.ed wUh the Red aooo-mpanied by his father. A.. '. Mrs.. Adam ,Rceg "'n~ E.rn,~y 'Wer1':! ::< .• c.ross ~rlve I~ .Wakefiel? Friday L. Pospisil. left for Covington, II TI-wr:sd:l}' e\'rnmc c:mo.", lr.l t:!~,;::. /cd· •• • as r~p~e!1entatI~es of their church Ky. to see Diane PospiSil. who nn R(.'C"jl; home. 1,.1:I·t .~Ull(jar (j!i',. •: -= group~i Mrs. Rilig had no£?n lunch- been injured In an auto <lC- l1n .t.."'tlF·?'-" .\('1"'" ~,rr, ,.:Jr,i '.'.";1'." :• =eon wIFh Mrs. Wallac(' Ring. Cll'Jcnt. They rl:lturned Sund.1Y I :\l:('hm \.oun~= ~~~"l ~;,;n:-·,. F~:;:· ~..•• ,'.. The~~paUl' Everingham family aHernoon .1ccomp,1nlcd by Mrs. ' a,nd :-'11', awl )11",,", 1~.;~'<~""4" \'> ::, '. were unday supper gUf'sts In tl1t' A. L. Po!'.pisil who had spent ~ lkor!11.f'L III• =Gordo Bard .homf'. Dean Sandahl sc .... eral days there. Kathleen 1 _ Last Slfnd<lY d~nn~r qutsts jn,H~r. •:. '. • an.d L rry. Lmcoln, sl.}('nt SOn). (' Marie spent the time with I F rcdnc}~ JanlkiC' hon."lf' .~ ,.;~, 'Mr..'.'.".d;:_" ' tim,e 0 er the we('kf'nd In the Dicit Blatchford's. I ~It,~. J.J"ohard ~lw.-.i·b "rid ,~~;r.i~"·.I.

ti Sal1~a 11 homp '\/hil~' Mrs. Sundahl J\ln; Llo)'rl Rnprn-r f'tljo\' d R! P.A~ Ro.t?ert~. st" Rrtl}- HotJ,r-ttt.. l:t ,.

• .. a~d Llnda wpre '.VIIIl Mrs. C. Kll1:rnUJl of visilonl f()r hPT birUtdlJ\" t ,;\!r.. ~I.HI Mrs- t)C'1,",,1r1 J'::'n~;.r'".~(~ :• . Flsc~er who rp1!11"npc! lrom Ihr Snlunlav /"vpninI" :'\lr [1 I r.l: fnmll},:'tit. ;lfA :,,<rlr~ t_:t,;:r •=- ' hospital Saturday IlHJrnillp ~.t"1 1''''''11 fl(;('l.)"r J\. l' " 'j. :\1 mG. rl~. ettt~ .anq f'll"ll,lh fl:;I:l ~,i, •.'! and MJ:g, Diek Sandahl \"Isil';·rj Il('~ Ik~IH'r find 'n:I~'h~ni • r~" J('ra d I Ald"il UunMlau:, . :• after qw canll-ltH Sunday ('\'('nln~. )\--tr~ ~lilf/)rd R~rtwr ;::~iJ ;o~~ n~J_" ~'r~."H;t1 Mr-s. Car'! Mdi;ci<,~.. r:r~ -a • --" .--- ----- .. --.- -- ~- ~ -.,~ !~~~' F~_~~~i\~k;llrl~r~'f;;:;:~~~.__ .c"':';.~ n; :'. N ! Mr, and MJI"L RIchard Rt!e-g OIInd'l-.= EW IT~rn W('tt',lilst ThIIJr'Ml.1't {";.-m~£"I:• <:l,~:~!!- In I:~~' :\iJ >. l·;,,·. 1..... 1;~ •

: .... a.nnouncing fabulous i ;:;:';';n;!;;;;;:,I.:",.,.r, .'" :,. 5'. I Mr. .and M".. Nryron Wt>od••,= ~~ \~-.1r'rf and G.~>13n \~"(Or't" ~A"~ StJn. :,~ • ~ • . d'1; d,1ll1H'T ~ll(',ttl; m ~hc- 1 k .........-'.5 i '\\'~~::{~~y h~~:~,:,cn Q~;~~:' \'" :

• l' ;;:,;'.! L".,. •

.E'; ~':;~<"};I'd t<l'I"~':~,'~I-" :

• HEARING 'GLASSES • F'n:~n~ Nr(j~r1:WAVERLY~ hide,~" \I" .." ~T; ,I i,)

'~I>~ ill' deafnes s -_._-_.._-_:.....:~--"., ,," :,,, ,, ............• ~_..•.11 ••• ~ .• ~ •••••• .-••.·.'II,···Jie'l GARDEN CL' as never before ~.nnnnnnnnn.n~~~~ nn~.n ••n.ll.n.n ~n·S

:1' II . . • ~;;~;d~~d'~~:i,':;1'~7d':J~~r~ S'" V' -', .. '. .<1.-.-= '. " '$1'98' I ooctempleOf&ld~": IrZ-~~;";":7'-::~~:::":;;', i O'U..'. (J .:;raci(lus~r sot!prt4rt"d /t.-nJ.: from :. I " d ",: .~-::.,:£~-r-"§;:S;~~~.'S:"'-:-,::~.. .I;,: ,-.. '., pc yar /'~' • n~~~:iri;c~d:d:~-ilh both COoL'"u: ,..., ...~" 2~~~-,.~,q:.f~:;'J~~ ha) t·'1rt,Tn at a Rc·,15Mlablt- P,UJ;:!

i:~5 '. . ?'O cord ... 00 button 5.h/Y_'1. : ~ ~.~--::::I:~{.f(~~.::~.~~6~= •You Jool.: as jf you're 'iiunca : CH'&'FE~ ~~:_~ b!"~;:::',::-::- 'I __ ele"', of

I= ~olor'ul: new ;flora s, smart. stre.amlincd g1asa::s. : c ~'."~d'r 1:>'('":".::1 c! '-P'CJ'I~d .... -:>01 a,"'..,j

i:., .ach ,with a.ha,monizing~ B.ELTONE Hearing Glass"'" ••• \'."0"".' .".6,1 <"'P<' 'oy"" wit,1\', ~ vel t::" ~·r,aLl!¢'''''(~ b_;l!.i/ot fot I"~ hie 0';

,;, ploidi' ,'ripe or Rlain. A," gwe you all Ilfcse advantages : ,,~ <a,?,,'" A ~.hl~l ""i.'o.... w·

=. ,w,'on.d·~rful way' to 'br'lghl'n M d'·: Ie on an. women C~'1n hide dC..'lfne.'is ;:l.S never bc-JCI~ ~'tUndJ ~:>c:'I" IMd ~"ii1 IrOi"'"l f~'~,t !o dO'l'"_. Ii.,;,",

!f~~~:;i~~"'" ~-'~;f,;t~f,:~,~~:: 1 ~:7.~=-:~~~::::: '..CdjSfa,~f~Of!.1 ct~~~w "~ .,,' fOl./l,l' ilfl.J(f·.:JU.i fo!'>(\l. IAal :• ,. ','. ",.:,j. ~~.~;('~~~I~~;~~'=~,-r. .. :~,;'"~ •

,• CUSTOM~M'ADE) ANSWLR:; Tlal t'\'lt D/l 1M Iff!. Tbl' '"\~••'."'1 :*'..~, ,,""-I 1'"%',-' :

\'~'e or :.=. DO-IT-YOURSELF; BELTONE HEARiNG SERVICE : G" I u t·'1., , Complete seryice1o,\ 402 6th St. S'oux C'I)·. lo~o • Ila,·he . L.1 if,

i =.'.-(', ~,u,s~~m: made. draperies! =. 1JVje measure, make and COME IN AND SEE OUR

=1 '"~tPJ~ ..'alsohd~~anth~ Demonstration i Bigelow"II ?;,1' '''(?g:::1,~"~,h! lANSKE'S" JEWELRY II $Co, en,' il Thursd A 'I 5 : F"d3" t\ i': Parking !"c1 ay, prJ· ~ . '" _ .;"~ to A.M. _ 3 P.M. : "L. ~r ,.:U .. .. lr1 .;

, __~ -:- I':.;h:o:::n:.~1~".;;3.:;.):.... • ' ', •. •••,K ••;.,•.Ii.. ,., ,•.lIULall: IUJl ·••'••~'~:a~ : '~••••~••••·~· -:a··..~ ~J1T'~",,',

~~-- .------~ -----~~--_._--~~~




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1=iedtke~lumbing I

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\Va~ne . ~ehra}-ka.





Sherry ,Bros;Produce


: ~OON~'~~~I~~OlO••~~~YOT~~~~,So to handle in cle:lD. Iijl;hl'i\"tl,llbl,ba •• and SA~I ~tOR 1~;LJ~1l u~mn' )c<'l,add. bJ.a or 1"'0 a5 ne~~. POuN lod


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bt H""c . 7buy( Il. l'\-. . ('.all (Jpl'ratorS '1' ump~un. lJ]:k llansen.

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YUII'I1Il\Hl it iiI t.lw hkgcr thrill yn!1 ~d fT~ ('()mmand­

il.H: tb.('l:l~.'lt. Illlght BIIi('k''i hi~ IIt'W J22'lIhic-in~'~\ "l CII!2; Ie. •

lIJlI']] II d it ill t It' ~rl'.lfl'f '>lllootll!H'\s of nuicl'.s superb11' \\ nd '--111 th. llt!,,1' \{ wnity of Htlidfs new handling:

(',I"C-- ill'Ih.I' hi~'~l'f ~.lti"L( tiO,tl 0.f lillie,",. sizl' 'lI.ld roomi­l,il' ...... :lll sk.t~1 Ill'')'" ~nd ':.t) Ilfl~.

YI'Il-ll f-i d 'it~(), jTl'~hf' fact that here you CJll !!;e! the1l1.I!fhll' 'i 'iTll()()il111L'~:.-ofthe world's most mo(km trans_•.11I~~~.1IlJl Fl1r, at ~ our Optlill1, y01l can also have the n~w .dl'llbk le-tinn Like·off - and the cxfra ~J.s'~aving

1~lll{ .t:":CI- of Buid.:s .1(l\"anCco liC'-¥, Yariable Pitch

nv, ..dl'f'·!· i .' '.So" hmlahout it? \rin \"OU come fn real soon? '''c've:g'lt the facts and the 6gl,res-and tIte car-to pro~'e('\-I'r\lh IlO" Wt..'H' told YO:.h-lraiting fot you.

l.YelC . rh-ancnl' 'aria!){e Filth DynafiOlc is the Onbl DfJnaj1etD. \-Jt]llJ/ck builds toduy" It fs.,;;tandald olt'RoadrJUlster, Surei' a~Crt/tu y--opll(lrla[ at mo' extta Cost on tile Specll1l.

, .o;n Buick's '4THR1LI.·A·M'NUT£ CLUB"

Jusf drop in o~d drive 0)956 Buick. Ois<:over •th new thrills in ride. handling, power "and switch-pitch

performonce 10 be hod in-the Best Buick Yet.


5 ress prompted you to hove your eyes examined. ".ress is what you have left when your eyes check aut-

o :norma I limits. . I

S~ress IS the cause of your child going neQr-S'9~,ed.

Should you wOnt to get" nd of the cause of stres~ pl:1..oneor write us for an appointment.Phone 59960-011.,0 HaulS. Weekday. 9· 5; Satu,day 9-12 noon

Drs. Griffin & Griffin, Optometrists",. 300 Toy Bank Bldg., Sioux City

\11" If, 1I.'lt ~===r================::===:'• I' :, d 1>\----------~ ---- ----r---- -------


T UIS IS the onr~ th.1t !nr:\'ill[('S BIG-by any ].Hlh"tilkyou thoose . ; . .

BIG in solid PO\l~J~ ~l1d 1v"\fll'st inches ...

BIG in 11igh-c{)mprc~si(l1lhrlfscpowcr ..•

~'G, best of all,~in the way 1t :')11'1C\ t.l1k.

For this stmrping.hC"a\~t~· is,th~ 1956t~;Tll~l_ SI'lrl.\l­

Liggl''it nf~lI:-:lt"fa:;ll1f)1l hJ\:lln alld hj~.h­

stl'ppillg perf(,)rmalll'c c\-er pfkred ill 1l11ll"k"S lll\\:"'-t-

"priced Series. I

\Vhat that boils [iOWIl td is iust this:

You can call th~s Ir\l\\"llY Hllil k your (l\\"Tl for ,rlld: :1 few.. dollars more th<fl-th~ price of l11l' wI·ll·i-..nll\\ll "ll1:l1krcars-for even Ie than some JIll'lIe].; 11[ t!J()I't' \-ery ~.ltlle

cars. And th~ pri c\n:: ,1?foudly prillt bITe b,l(~:' lip that..st3ternent. .~", '

But lo\\' ~ricC',,:t'R):n~~ d()('S11't ('{~b.,·n \~"l? BUic~ out­sells c{;crlj ofh r car 111 A.m~'rt('a c,X( cpt tltt' t!L"OtL'cll-knO!t:I1' m1a er ones. \

The big reason, irOU will fllld. is .h(,(,~l1.t:e.--I3uick r;i\'csyou so much rna e pure;mtomob1lc for the monel',

I";>!!ii~I~L"i.l~~J ~~~ .li"lli '\'ii,l,.





.. 98cspot

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Floor Wiax, lb.

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for ho rdwood floors~ . , II ' .... 1" I

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III d lid \11 ~ ] )1' III IFor dirty [Woodwork, try

:50-Kleerit, qt .

About 30 rel<)tives 1nel fnct1cl<;surprised Mr. and Mr<; Morrlt;JenkIns FndilY evenlrl11 theirtWW1tv fourthS:lnv. C.lrd nrlzesWdli;ltll'i Mrc; [!lIlly

M,'s. J,m Griff,·" .'ndkins. Cooper.lll'.'I' Ilinchyeo.

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1"1·':.'." I~-'i1q'J. J. Drake

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3S5 up

395 "P

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Rehable PrescriptionSe,,-jce Since 19Q6

2 RC9isteredPharmoCl'it'i to Sene You


fOR THE fAMOUSAUDIOTONE HEARING AIDSPulll' guaranteed ... Batterle~sUPP:;.e5 for all makes ... Let ~take care of all your hearing needs

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PricesStort at

BATTERIES fo' All Make,',


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•..r~'I~IJ1 wflltt, 1l'rrpe1, sor.d «lIon

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fQ,:.';,r('~ .;.t':':: 's.:l..t ...·'c.:1i>d ;: ~~~ ~it S.~-(" :h~'~ r.~", ,,~ .. l'll~-:. ;'U";"::~" !l:.lH~ ,oIer;.




Steel BuildingsC~eck y~ur building requite~~f:!i1U and yod"U find tha,t 4Butler building can give you theqU~cltest, lowest cost answer. ,; I~utler bUiIding~ provide max;~unum usable space-with per...~~ent, aU-steel construction;.TheYo"'help:improve-effi'ciencyan~slash your maintenan.ce cQ:;ts.'

Before ~ou build, it win pJyou to see Udi.or Butler bui~ding

t,a~yantages and' savings. Phoneor Write ••• toqay.

'F'~L J


Bi,hop's Block I Rooml15

.Norfolk, N~br.

!~4;4~~~ll!~~~~~~!:2!!~~!~:J~j~_""~_",,_"" __~__ lwas tht> wedding anniversary of .--:-' I ! Mrs-. D£"nr~is Gre~nk~ and Mr. ajdMr. an* Mrs. Gary Spahr. , ...i I :\lrs. _LoUiS PospfShll and dau~A_

"1" IIi'" , Mrs, IGloria Koeslerand DeVee I '~E BY' THE H·,.~[).·A',i,'LDi,..' ters.. I,.""o'x 'Ni ~ 1,1 :;, I ~-1-'-' ~ ~i~b;g~~~e~~ N~ft~~ ~~~oon ~ -.-. I'.r\ ~is~~r'i~nt~1eM~~~ria~~~e-~u~~~

,,D,'i.'.'" ·'I~.l,o,.. n, S,~,'"II~.i','.:.',&~.,.,: 'en't,s· Win " wO T O,.,P ~;~lv~:~~vl::i::::: I ems about Wayne folks you know ~:r~:a;nl:~:1ieE~:g,a::a"H~'~

. '! ~ Mrs. Ulslie Doescher were lunch~ blrthd3.Y ,In the \Vllham :\t<l:lS~),

1 I~ eon guests Thursday in: the L. R. M. a~d Mrs. Harry FahrenJro9, William Knon,' Mr. and Mrs.Iand Mrs. Fred Gildersle ve and h~~. ~:U~~~R~rs~ab:~~~~n;:~

R't" , ','''. " , i L , D. t · t t 't McCaw' home' Wakefielil. Hartley. la.. spent the week~d in AdOlph Rohlft. ~r. and Mrs. Carl .famiIY. v)'.Ir. and ~lrs. bare:nce tended a ch\lr<::h supper in \';.;~. '.',".' •

,"'.' "',I" :.'..n,'.',,::g.'.. ,·"".f.'.,'"'., .11..1 .. '".. ft,:.... . '.', '15· flC O·n· e'5 Mr. ahd Mrs. Gerald ~ewel1 and the honi.e 4Pf their son, Mr~and Mellick ~d family, Mr. Cl-nd :Mrs. Br0TI.Z?71Skt and Mr. and :\1r'S. Thursday and spent th~ ,.\ " f ~\.:I W Mrs. Lester Troth wer~ SundaY Mrs. Rolin Fahrenkrog and am- Ralph .Miller and. Darlene and.::!I'lT'I5eu.LmdsaY. .' ,. l In the James Troutman-homp

visjtors in the Merri~l Jewell By. and Mrs. Dale.lrttUer and family. Linda .Beck. Lmcoln. arrived M. rs. W. A. LaRue. River'For~ ~D1X<.IU- higg school st dentsl'won rI' home. j Mrs. George A..Smith, De met, HarrlSOns and ,M~ SeI- home Fnday evemng to spend TIL has i)ef"'n yisnine in thp .. ,,.~'

!'.~.\'l'~! st~~~~..,...rl~amra.Ut'.ar\;:'an~:':'~o'n: :jD•.a'.~.~ I Mrs. Raymond Spahr and Mrs. S.D.. arrived Friday to spe d a rna Se~erberg. and Ruth will be IEaster v.ith her parents, :\1r. and Pett>rson hO:1ll". Leland 0\"'01' '~.~'-'-' m "'t;~ vue !--~ ON ~EWS Mabel Noe and ~rls ere Wed- few days in the fl..ex Conner h me. Easter guests ill the Alden Seder-I ~1rs. Clarence Beck. LaVonn(' Scho£rr ~·isitPd· ;J~;:r I

pta\- ctmt~st Saturda Jd. Wayne. ,DIX ' ,':, i nesday afternoon ;visit Irs in the su.ndaY d.. inner guests in tl1e~el- berg .home. _.. Mr. and MI"S... S. J., Hale. "Mr. Sunday afternoon. Paul Pd"r~rTh~\" \kcre earned by' Marie :.tohn~ Vernon Bass home. bert Alderson home were ::'dr. and LOIS Dranselka vIsited In the! and :\frs. Clifford Hale., :tIrs. \Valt lOJnfod th" grnup in the eW'nlll"S,,1n "ini Q~i&i~~l oratorYt AA~J'~~r. in ~~~. ~~~~onOfB~:v~'~n~v~~ Mrs .. R. 0, Jones, 1'vIr. and J rs. ~~=asebroockhome Thursday I!...age. Carron, ~I:rs. Harry B1':~er Or. and Mr-s. R. E. Gor~le

::):~::::t111 r:::::re:~:t ~,o::- M,.. Earl t"ke"y, Pho e 12l'R19 ~l~fford Schultz Satur4ay morn- ~:~~Fartf~~~L~~i~~ BU~:t::; ''i'ia::s':,''"sen~o~~edi~iJa"; I, ~~:a:~~ ~~~~. ~;~~~~h~~:;:~ I ~~~~·~f:~r~~j'~~;)~l~,~~~~ft~~lC~i,~, ~.;~Sutch' hom 1n newScastlh91 nd ca

u"Dixon, and Mrs. Petro Fe~- MiiI!e, Wayne. wC'rp' S.llnd~y visit- Donald Peters, Ronaldiand Mary Jenkins. .: evening ;;bb~es' funeral at Tekamah iast 'I tor s ~f"Il·rath, r, U'on Saml], '~"1

RO.'sem,uy McGowen' fn poe rY. ley, Allen, w.ere supper guests Ill· ,ors. m,'1 the C:n-lyle Garvin home. Jane were Monday supper guests Mrs. Uoyd Manske and chllrlren Mrs..Alfred Test spent Friday I' °sn ady

· d' Mr. and Mrs. Earle Koskc.v cbL".nd I Saut\ders. ,.~lYetl ,a ~ ad h S d M P-\ in the Victor Carlson hdme. r: afternoon in the R. H. Hansen un ay ,Inner g.uests In t.he 1. Vi'<:ltl'{'j In HlP ..\1\ :.0 Peterson ';-

.., r~"'!'df~iltlcsand'M~nte:ls"Omit"e ~e ~~~.,~~;.le~er~~eB:S ~;;d Bro;kiJ;s~ s~'~'\\~~~CSundl;'~~~~ Mrs. Vernon Bass ~nd Mrs. ~he~~t:ns~~wh~~sl~~w~k. rens home. . ' Fl"('('mont Lubberst."{H nome \o;en- I Sflll:rrlay (','nlf:O:' ,,',~,.. SJilme ~n humorous !:roadlhg. ~ Mr. i and Mrs, Lloyd Fender and ito~s ih Ithe Mrs. Eva Karnes home. :rJrabel Noe and children. Were vis~ Mr. and Mrs, V. A, Norton; ~ark Mr. and Mrs. Lee Collins Car4 I :\1r. and. :\lrs. KermIt Gmf. :\f, and --- -- - -- --- - -..;.

.:mxotl's on~ pIsS'r(;ceivep. an ~hildren, Whiting, la., speht Sun- Mr. and Mrs. Junior Smith and jtors in the- Raymond Spahr home Rapids. Minn., left Friday after roll, were dinn(>r guesL<; 1~ th" I :\!_c-s , C11ff ~~lJ.',";;J:; c?ikd S'--,>lGay .-::::::::::---,---...:.;-'l\'l'l"\g~' rating I day visiting Mr. and Mrs. Dale fatnil)l, LaureL \\'I'f'C Sunday vis- Friday evening. spending two wecks in the Arthur ~"'~:~. Denesia home ! V'-Cr1= ~\~~':Jay di~ner guests in ~he EI-

~,~;::,.:..:.....~,' ,. :~:: ,O~ahrv;r. and Mrs. Dwight ito£:;.4>~n~r~t.~~ll~;~~;:sKavanaugh we~:'s~~~a~r:up%/iu~~a~t~r;Co~~~ra~~m~rs. Jens Christe~sen Easter weekend guests in the ~}:-<jt P.n~p~s~:; '·,r:J~.o ;'::::-:' ~'~l", ~Cld,H.~~~np~;~~ejr. is spend' 'g a' ,.and Jimmy were .!\~onday afternoon and Mrs. Jack Kavanaugh. entert:!im'd at SundaY dinner: and Jim Bressler home will be :'tlr. ann .1<05_ P..,1-f101pn Grqmrc,'. :'ir. ann3Q-odny Ie-ave in the- hom~ 6f11~is ',visitors in the 11. P. Kavanaugh Mr, and Mrs. Burt Mahon, Mrs. supper.: Ralph Bishop, Patty O('n- and )-Irs.. v;. \V. Roe and Susan I

m",th,(!l"1 Mrs.. Elmer .sundeP-L~,.rk 5 ,., home. . William McCloud, Norfolk. Mr. kinger and ;"\']ikp Eff)'. ::\lrs. Oar- Crist. FIf.'mont. and ~lr. arrd )'£rsarl'l\,('d, home Fr~yand~'~ n- " -(Ie y~. •• I Kim Stalling sprllt Saturday ~nd Mrs, Jack Kavanaugh and Mr.' ence Giese' and Terry visited in the Will :--relson and ~ancY. Colum-route- to Alaska here he il be Ice Cream Supper I visiting in the 1\'01,1 lsom home. a!1d Mrs, Gerele Kavanaugh and' aft('rnoon. _I bus. 'sUltion~1d ,for the om¥tg Y, Mr. and Mrs. :-<01,1 born \\,pr-e 4lrls were Thursday supper guests Afternoon callers in the ~ella Ms. Edna M. Agler visited last'~__ , 1 I . and Mrs. MarVin Hartma:ri Sunday SUPPPI' gUI'sts in tile Den Of Mr. ann Mrs. M. P. Kavanaugh., C/1If:11f':<;1C'!' homr last Tuesday week at the Clare BlJski:---" and,FirementsJ Meet~ng: I en rtained '40 ,g-uests in\tueir homi;! Isom home; All('n I :\1rs.. ~ary Clark and LeRoy i \\"f"'rf' :\Irs. \\/111 TC'!'t. :\lrs, Arthur Loren A~ler homes, Omaha and

Thl~re "ill bel a'meeting M the Fri ay evening at an ice cream Mr. and .:\-1rs. AI Rubr'ck <wd \~"ere \'lsltors Sunday aftprwlon in IOr!f'f:RClrd and :'orr!', RRv Camhlf"', with :'ofildred Ag-lcr, HO';,oer'·olunteer Fil~,)ie~rtment at the ~;z&~~,~fsCY;~Old!~~~Sa~J Mrs. ~I. !-'. I\:,:\·.'IIJ;IUgh \\'I'rl' SIIl1-! tlw Noel Isom homp. Mr. and Mrs. G"len S'urnham vis- Sunday dinner guests in theilee hal.l today at g.p,In. I oth Jriend~ and 'relatives, of the day eJenlllg \.'1t'llnIS In tlll"-GeJ'clc Mr. [Inn Mrs. Bill FrN'man" it,-,d F. R. Clar\-;, ('".noll. in a Ralph Duha<::h'---'k h'1IT.e. ~,r·-2.dIY,,:_._-- I Ne tie area attended. Kavaqaugh homt', Omaha. sP.f"',:t. \Vr'dnf'sday and i Si0\1x Cit:;. h0SpitRl Thursday. Grove .. \"·('fC :\In:. Harry B~"Ck:n~r

1\~r. and Mrs. Elmer Sup.<ilE;l1, Mr, and Mrs. ::'I1;ll·II'n Kraemer Thursday \"lsltmg In the ElmC'r I I rma James, SIOUx4City. spent and Leland and :\IL and ~.:r;;, S~u.mor Park, ,Dorothy Peterson, 'W"Sls Circles ~ and famlly Sl!nday evening Sundel[ homf'. I Sunda;. in thp L.... ", ('aauw(, hbmp.: J. Hale:otr. and, n'frs. ~ysle Park ,and "Ct-cles I II land III :-,;ponsored callers m th(' h.racmcr home. Mr. ami ~Irs. Frank DUr!", Ona-: Mr. ,and Mrs. Jim Ed'«ards . ,""r. and Mrs. Don C.HI;:M, Mr'S.Susie. Norfolk, and ':Mr. and

JMrs. a cO~ope:r:ative sprmg cleamng_of d MI s hma spl'nt Mon~ \\:a: la ... wr,Te Sunday O\·!·rnlght.' call.·ri 1il Ihr' R.---.y \1 II. P,1J'-j"~."I.,k Gllh~~f,t P3:r.c;b'·T~ iii.': ~';:'"'.:";:' ('''Ir~.

Earl Peterson ..vere Sunday, sup· tlte~ Methodist sanctuary and ay In Allen a ~I-H dem- VISitors m. the hom. (' of 11r, and I' hom.-' 1a;;1. ),rood:l;'.' f'\",nmg,*'H~'\"!son \·i..';;lted I.n thE:' D. '. ',;d l-'E.",k~per guests in the Claire Park ch ch parlors Wednesday and onstration. Mrs. Ste-rllng Borg, , Bwlf-m::..k s fathl'r. Carl B' dC'n- I hom~ Thursday )~r,~ :-.r'lrk Tr,pi-hO~~: ~~:irs. Marvin ~an Th day. ,Donald Peters, Ronnif' anrl Don- .!"IPk. Zumnro!.'! ..... flnn . ."P""nt U"."- I <;or1: and Tan:! S'J.I- C;:;;:rri ~'~0"'~":'

- ,Negro ChOlf to Sing, na Kay wprr' \Vedncsday suppt'r! day thr01J~h Fnd'1;' fhf.'fi'. ' I and S<iturri~}"~.;~r; ~~~~~d.i~~~~,~~~~~a~rthe M~it~~~i~~~enmet Monday eve- At Dixon Auditorium Ruests in Ih(' Lor('n Thom:;r'n home i Mrs. Harry Beckner and Leland Terry Fisher. SD" of ,'M.

Mr. ahd :Mrs, Dale Stanley ilina n'in~ at tile ,church. kbout 15 'mem- The famous OVIT Jordan ~1~11 ~~:~~~a/~ ~~~:~~ gU{'.SlS In the 'I ~~~:.d[-;~);ult~l_;l.'/;<~!'I;~HI J~~~-~~l;!~~f~ 'I' ~;'~~":"~~12"~J~-~·;~(i,~..- T~1' j~~Gi1:' .( ;;~«.~~hd~d ~~'e~~~~~~sS~~~ i~~: bers were pres~nt. [GeoI1ge Bow- Negro, choir a concert at Mr. and ]l-1rs. Bill Chaml)('rs !'on ;n~d C} nthlR (":;=>lkd h.---.r(' \ .. "T~ 11 chlldrf'n. ~[r Cl,;-j'l :"o~r;;

'.. aid Stanley home; ers nd Earl Ankeny, w~re hosts. the Dlxop ;l\Jdllorium Apr. :'lr. and Mr:(. DICk ChambC'fs an'd TIlur.-oay. Fnda~' c:\Jf"5.ti' wef(',1\!rs !~olJ.i.'rt ~fprchanl" :'«~ anri ~~n.Mrs. Max RShn and Darrell were ~eld ~~~ ~:~,,~eeting"was also 8, it was announCt ti this \\"Cf'k. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Ankenv and j Gn;'jln Hall' anrl Bl"a.1If'Y i r ran.k Gnt:s-e and ~'.:", ELdi'::

Sunday visitors in the Lyle Ahn- f~m)jy W('T(' Sunday dinnf'r i.tlJ(,~!S I Mrs. Se-lma Sederberg and Ruth, I :'~,tcndlstrong home, Ponca.,. I Mr ~r,iancl Mrs. D;1\'I' KlIhl, Dpbby of :Mr. ann :'Ill'S. David L. Cl1am- laWn. arTl':NI Suncj;1);' If) sp<"nd the I Mr. and Mrs. Ray Gan:ble visrt·

Mr. and Mrs, 'Ed Kessler we-re' . and's, F. L. Lisle spent and Lynn and 1\11'. and :\-rrs, Har-, Th. urston, ()th'---'r gupS'f.<; Wen', w!·.'k \-\'Ith EIrr:Cf Hi'lTT1."Qns'l '. ed en t~e Altw.rt GamblE' nf}r:-,c'-' ],a--t

,~:,~IU1~ahYheoam~leers. ~nor\hl'eAMnn

' PK'eKaS~l'evr' G:re

., d:.eanrksl~ann' t~i~:e~,,~ 2'n~~hlg~~<;~/~~lilt~~, S;:~~it~~ ~r'k and I\Irs, Jim Cham!wfS,! Kenneth Oe~"ick visited i~ the: ~~~d~~r:;e\~mt1~ Tl;'~r~ay a~~.-',-" .ij.' is ~ son homC', Laul'f'!. _ a f'f!(':d, !-oIl'. and. :>J:r" David I F:"1dfln Fl"nlll1l: hn!TJr- for th',; lilst 'Gt:--o ~ \~;{'rtarT': .'0' ,3 ,~~ ('7; • n

Sl)(!nt the day in the Kavanaugh M . and Mrs. Clarence Hermin£- Chamhclt'. sr., ~lrs Lloyrl ~1r· n'," ~ anrl a half. ::\fr. <:lnd 1:\1",.' ,rg- .home while her parents were in sen were Friday evening callers Mrs. Skrlinj! Ql.llSlan find fam!!y,. ;.\lr, a.nn ;"lrs \'wlnr DPrr.. wk .. I...·.~..'.o.rfOlk m.lIl"d. Mrs-. ~a~ Cambl~ and. ~~Sioux City. (! in e Dick IChambers home. rna KraenlPl' Jew.1'1 KillIOn. ~jr. and :>tr-s. Elml'r J th' r, Tllul..... rtay: ..;;:',~', . i I ~rthur (IrlP~-'!<H"O .. \.~,~,-..,-j ,r, tt,,~ bi

WC~:'F~~~Y :vr:~nigJhlr'g~e~~~:t in~s ri ~k ~~n;lb~~~ceto ~~~ T~Jgi~~ ~~~~~l:' ~1~~I~~~~~s~n~n~~~~'~~, L;\~~l: Edna! h()~.~e~~'J~~D;~et~h~~~\1:rr~~~~ I ~~r' .,::m:~rlst c·~,~,,:·~~ .1{t" T,

Mr. and, Mrs. Chet McCaw, lle- Sta colle£e. Ames. Ia.. Wednes- Mrs, Vernon ]~;1.~~ I\!r. and :\lrs. (llf' Al1rlo'rson ;jnrl l' n C",~~',rfJtI' tv', It>Jr1hfL'l\- \-'n'rfO h' rl f. . n.... a -e -c_ BeiL:1IC

Mars,la. . day after she spent sprine. vaca. in the Clan'IlI'I' ll'·I'II·l home, !eri Wt'!~e Sunday !'wnIOf-; \ LSllors :"olr ;l;'-,l ,tr~., Llq~'rl ~fl!l.:r ~,":lnrl 1~~~'2':;th ~:-r~~~',.,:- ",:"n·~_,,~;:;:·.hn~t ....Mr. 8.nd·Mrs. Inrm FegJey, tion with her parents. Mr. and Sioux City, and Ih,·I;"(JJgl' 1\1'11- 111 thl' G('ra!n S!'mll'\ h'-11 1.....,,· 1'1"'1 • 'Ild'" \' IJ'" '-' ,.

~IOUX CI,ty; }VIr. and Mrs. ~~rr MI'S:Henningsen spent Wednesday. com home, SOUl il :-;1()UX City, !\Ir, c1l1d l\tr; 'G"~F1ld I T.~tHnl('Y: H,.'i~i :1"::1' f ;~~~;;) .. ':,.\;'1, ~IHi "\f>-r~ W"'-";:--l",~(h;~ ",,·,',"r;~ngEmery, Mr. and Mrs. Merle White eve "ng visiting the Rav Turner! Thursday. WN" \'isilors Th\lr~dH\. ("\"'nltl~ i;1 CI1S~ }-\oll ;wrl {",mil,,, "h Hnrll~frl; Thu~day ,evening visitOT"l in theand Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Goo4eH, f 'ly~ Rockwell City. la. Mr. ~nd Haymond Spahr lh(' r;pn(' S:lllfl;lI\1 hmn' \\'11\ 11" - _:~ ~,- L\ \." <;a:rnh,~ h,rJm" it' r,I'}~,,'r I1fAllen; Mr. and Mrs. Jamesl.pi!.c- D,,,:!d L, Chambers: Thurst?n. c~lle~ III , .,~pallr l10mp (;1]0<.;1" prkr;"0f1i 'fr ~nrf \b"~ Lnl... ~~r;: ;::..m~~.~_~lrt'h~~~ cpr", ?llr I

was.~. Tuesday caller m the DICk Scltulclay C'\{'llllll, Ill" fWI!l"ilill J-:lnwr • --f ~"" ,.,.' "r, ~", ;J:, _= -, .Tailored·to Fit Cbiirb~~dh~~: F. L. ~isle and ,--- - _ !'.. ,., 'I"" - _L._

V I 'd Barry Pritchard, Laurel, were I' Ilour n_ ustry Sunday 8.upper guests; in thel hom~ .1:1lI•• C1J:1IUtll'DitJ " _" tIlijlHII'ii"::;.- •• II •••••• I:IIU •• liIl1g•••• lI'•••• " •••••••••••••••d' Ollr,and'Mrs. Marvin Hartman,. = '"'' .. ," , ~~OP FRIDAY NIGHTS TIL 930 P.M. : :

an 'Save 10u Dollars vIr <~a~~ ~~·A~sw.r ~~~gl~;:;~ 5 : : . m: .LJ

~l~st 'Wed,nesday eveniflg. , • • • ilJ1,t'-4raJnett,t •••

. ' 'I·' , s. Marion Quist was a .guest a •.' '- . ,I: I of t e Belle Creek circle. Oakland. • ,,: ,.,

~" I > I Th ~~ct;~di~~~::;lJ:i~~~~~o~ : a /1/(7// jo ',,-:_ '"'' "'~" '.' Mr~ and Mrs. Fay Clnugh. Allen; :

~~~.v~~i~~~g~r~~~ evenin~ in : (t/~)!tit ~(Z----I- :

Crhurches . . . E t·I Dixon iMethodist Church : ,r,i~s':f~~ ~~~a';9'p~~~O~) com, : t,~ -- --_.~

m~~\~i/~~~' 30: Union Good • :Fritlay. services, Laur,.el, 12 noon~ _ •3 p~m. : •

~unday, Apr.. I, Sun?ay school. Men's Spr,'ng S'Uf'!'S •


of,m..• worshIp, !I. ;} :

RlJse Hill Nazarene Church :. (Clifford Schultz pastor) :',4nday., Apr. 1: stiria.aY school, • Clothcraft • King5ridg~ II

10 a.m,; worship, 11~; evening: •ser, ice, ~ p.,:". , The morc partiCUlar )':)U c,re o:vuf tr.,:Xedm~sda¥. Apr. 4~ Cottage tcr you'lIltkc our '.mort 11£' ... ~lQ,"" qJI~', t'e", "."'l~.,"

p_r_a,~e_r_meetmg, 8 p.m. and c\'c-ryrh,ng ehe Iho: 9("('. L', n~d,t IIp ~:''V "n" .. ~'-k :

eh~g~~~n~.ndA~~o~f~ ~~~J~!n~W >f:s~ ~~rbr~~sst~~ s~(ch t:~~~r(:<,,/;~~:~;~, \f;~l:C;:(~ C;1~~~IO",'~ .J::·I~I:~~' ~:~ : :we kend in tHe Lon :Nlon ow home. II

eslie Btiney was a Saturoav ...'e I"Ind r(~ ~OUr (')'.. 1\ pCfftot:,j'or Ic,:~C" : :

callier ip the Stanley Briney home. 50 ..1~r.and Mrs. Dick St<1.lIing and Sizes. 35 ~ 46 $: : :

~~~ ~e:~e vNisoiteOjrsrsoTmh\JhroSdm"e'.'. ('\'e- . ", . : •*' Short~, F:cg111al~

da~~~~ ih~e~;o~~l~e{ i1~~I~tJl(fl~ll:.:- 'I one l()n<J~ Up: <I

R~~:~t!:~~~e;~~tC~~g(>d il = ' ::mg lin \Vavne ~ntUl'dav II USE 0' 'R EAcy AY'" -NT P A ". >

Rev and M" Rov :'1,)1"0" and: U j P ",,' L NI~ •chil{:1ren Amsworth were SllnOPI •g-ue~ts Frldav In the honw 01 ;\11 I_ Suy YOOJf nC'"",' E':Hfl'f o'd,I,! "'I~~ n'-;, :'1 ·,'··e[; d~,,'I' r":)·~~nd :an~Mrs. Earl Peh'I'son, 1:.1 and {O\}' m(,nthl l ICfI11'. l.',\. I.;~ ~l .. 1011 l,;,!.J1 lJ'>'~ f'c~"~nll :

rs. E!dr~d Smith sJ)C'nt fl"n!1l! s Plo~ to.::l.1" r;:Mo day until Wedn('s.dav in 1hl": ~

~~~~in Chambers horne, ~al\{1tn! ~ r ~ ,.- :1\ftlr~ ~':ld Mn,. S1ank\' Bril1('\· ~ ~~, ·t"· •

were~ v',sltors Friday :1ft(',.".,o'lnin) . : •.... ,,::~.. ' .. ,:, __the .me of Mr. an,] ~lI's n;IlTCIl .=--,-... . JIIII- _ ...

,Flet hC'r,'SA.l'gent >Bluff, Ia C· T h f ·"c.I'Mr:. and Mrs. !)toel Isom \\'('1'(' rownlng cue or Easter c:.., 'f;;:-c~ .,')""'1,;1

~~s;~rs~a~~~leR~~~~I~~, ~~':t ~~~~ P (' tt· M ' Ht '\0;,,~:, ~ llf!dafu:r. and M,s:' D"','oll Jone;; a(e-..>e Ing ens as. ~"·':"'~-7"'·-:·".""""''Y'''!',... ~. •\Vynot, and Mr. and :\1Jos. Charlie

• Stetson - StevensI ' 'to Tabbed for I.,:o.odershlp In t:'~ EosIN n.orodc of 7I... ' per~~e.,. ~ em enlire 011 one,. I 51 F $ 9 r;,~~- b i ~I"BT I - men's hots arc tnc smart nc_ numbers by '" :

telet::~i':;-4ng~~~::;Jt~~~::;"~ ~;~::~ t:~~s S~~~'~~o~:~t,U""9 the fo,h~"· UP ~

~'~T1;:::'OIl IK.:M~,~,;s·S~ring Shoes I• (Pec!win ° Cr0'5by.Squa'e • Florsheirn •

, HE~'!IIIl:.'i; 1$895 to $2095 L1~1'lrh1.$125 i '. : :,

~~~~':~~~~ : ::I' iZcnith'S o~tsta:nding vaCUUm~tQbe ·s :Ii, ,-ooels~~,aF,Ia~le.:S7Scaeb.. ~.laltM...... : :

1~/Or~~ My"' ~. filled if! Order Receivd : :

___w'"-j.·i.,:a...,..,.. k.......'\e_.'fi__e.,".W7~:~.I~~~~~I¥~~~,e~~::z::~~I~_D-:-r_u_g...:...s II: U, ': •••••'.I:tJll••-.: .. lI!t::: •••• II: •••'••••••••••••••••••: ,••,••,•••••••••: , :.: ~ ••••••••, ,•••••••••••••:•••• &

')::1,!,'II:i'I,li' 1;\'1' 111.)[1F';J;II•••~I"ji,ll:fll :','ill,L':

'lfi!I"I,;'",I'":o-I,.:,',:,:n:I,!,ti:,Il,,, ;I!.:!:",,::


Phone 3~




·106 Main

. 1';·~.: .t.~.JJ~~.~ ...:.......o.


, 1





CrO~lp 'B' Tic



1 iII'" I, I -

I~OMPANY1 1 --III I Wbynr., Neb<.

~~mq:deling'36 Months t'o Pay




P ojects fer: the do·it-yourselfer. eire bcco-m~njgi,i. crcasinglyj pop,ular ,.in 'Operot.ion Home I hTj-Ii p oveme~t.' Here s one way to make. your hOQ1c

'l',jpre' Iivoblb" ~ore 10vabl~:"I'ond, more vQluo~le iM floors .~y KonTile; Inc., ' .

I' , . 1., , .. ' ,1 '

:{~£.1 ur, KcnTiJJ finds its ~!acc 011 through the:hcm~. Hosts,bf l:olo~J in long-lasting tile, and YO~~{il!_'ltcasure., t!lti~, b20uty t'or yeors. See ihcm in!01.1t' sore llOW' for on~¥ . , .


RNiVAl ...'chocr cheery C~r,niv'~1 l\enTi~e for ki'tchen, b~t.i':If P~' ,yroom'. !Eq:.:Jliy a!' home In any room, Carnl­yol a ds t'lle bri9Jt totlch with on l airy flair to yourhom,:: 3uY;9" x I" Corniyal ~ile this wcek for .. ' .

C,R.KtONE . .. •. ',Fo'r l~ "'r)-iasting ifloors with drgnify ond grace. .11,'.-:ho'o~ CorkTond. The restful colors last forever!i I~n~'~ u1~1 fi,.~d th~;e.casy~.c1ean, easy~care tile easy,•.: ~.

'ta mS~IJ.L. 9 x 9 tde onlY· . . ,

.., ,r':{l~rn~Building· Sect 'on~

. ' __. I -I I I ,~.l

ERASING TH S·U.CKBOARD·1 The Wayne ( ebr.i Her~rrorCh 29, 19S6 . isand baby. 1\ r. and Mrs. O. - J'. Thu...-stla .. 'th All

--", , Jones and rami' and ~Ir. an~ Mrs: \\1ickma~ h~~~~~ie~.\..- e I.~,

COU~ Y SchdOls \ ~I~;~neIS~~ .~~_ ~~~ ~~u~: gi~R~6t~?B~~a~a~~i~~~i6~fd:j~; ~-----':"""....,.,..---~r_-.,;..l;--.~/~-----. day eve.njn~ fo· ).olontie's birthdIiV. Sanda).,' :dinner guests ili the Don­, . Lin?a Thompson was on' the. ~!r. and Mrs Charle..... - Craven ala Winkelbauer hom~. '.""SI'Ck lIst this week.. • spent SWlday afternoon in the l~ud Lang:feldt QTought his tv.dn

Easter hats were made bv the IThomas Crav'~ home. sems and his brother's .five sons...,.irls in art Friday. The bO).·s made :\Ir. and ), rs. l...£e: Tietl!en. Omaha. to the Joe Hinkle homeand decorated Indian tepees. IWayne. and 11 , and ~1rS. Harold:· S*turdRv to spond a week therl!,Six~h Grade Le\\is and so and Mfj and Mrs. JM d

Our gra~e filled 21~ bag"s of ~ohn EhrhaFdt t Rando ph .. wfre drfa~~lv ~t~~p ~~~~ta~l~~:~ " ~~Cl,~~i~;aJ~~~O~~~eat~e;~i~;~~i j ~~~a~o;:::.sts 'n the ~Iel\"in Ehr~ ~~~ PMh Sunda\' evemne in the'!?lOn('or people Let Vogel brought II ~tr and::\1 "\1C'ldn Ehrhardt lfUiS \Vldhalm home MadISOn! \a log cabin QUilt "',... hICh IS nearly and sons \\oe (' Frida.. supper ~Mr. and Mrs. Raymond 'Engle­100 .. pars old {wests In the ev.a.. nc VanAuker h~UPt. S1Jcncer. \'isUed in the

FlrJst Grade 1 A fJim on the feudal age was i home Wayne ~~Ub Smith home. :i\Tonday mor:n-Book" jo ... stbr~tJrnn \\ e I sho\"'n In hlston The old castles I Sunday gu sts In the Otto I~,., .. ,.:'l~. En~I('!!-auot IS· Mrs.

hrou~ht ]-)\ Jurh l\vE'hn r Jlann I and knJ~hts are of spc;cllil mter. Peters home ere Mr. and Mr.;. Srn~h S sIster. ••. ' .l¥<Jrel lInda K'!),.'I \lOlris I est fa us I Elmer Johann on and Richard jEctte Smlth. \'rayne, was ,homeI3i~h- Carls,,"J1, (annIe rll{h Car Jnmcr \'ann has hf'('n absent and Mr. a d M~. Herman for Suppl'r :sunday.

II \Iatson Jlmm\ ~Iulr<L\ Juh I thIS \\('l'k because of Illness I-:Iaqelstelr; an famIly. OS'lond. Mr.· and :\lrs. Er~st Prince

Units of t'imPle design for con- children is notl only decorative Erandstetter and PCl'TV Ed('nbUl~1 The studv of ThaIland has beenl and Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Peters ap,d fam.. ll.Y• Carroll. spent Satur-struction i rom fir plywood.~ay but is an apprpach to tl1e Ipro- Jud ... \Vtlller bro~ght a puzzle fa 1 comoletl:'"d lIT geograph" ""'e ... e1£'1

1and family, inSide. day evenmg- In the Chub smith

be -conibi~ 'in several a'rrange- blem of what tdr t.:o With &caher. our lIbnH\ t,lble fortunatp to seC' and PX&mlne a Mr and:\1 Leonar~ Grimm hpme.ments forla child's room. ThiS ed tOYJhen not b~lllg u:;cd: \\p rU-l,,1 dho~t "0me ehtlrtre tfak wood "fatue of Buddha and daughters. r-;orfolk. ~('re Sat~ ~~::-:::~:-.:-.:-.:-:.:..==::::;::=::;system of boy storage boxes for ,.\ho hrtd a llnlh band \\c dec! I Spelling IOO Of'reenters for 4hlSfi urda .. e\e'nJng guests In the lvlrs I'·

'd It \\oulri be IUll,fo none I\-\-eek ar(' Jerry Brand<;tette~ Role\-.I"omho e 'irs Rdrle\ Hom FL

¥ I II. : -~-~ i( ,~ ~~;~:~1m\\,blfl~1~g1~\It~urdl[f~~~nta; ~~~~~; K~~'\nb~~~IY ~;l~SS~~~~ ~~l~a~a;C~~r\ 16~e~lOpI~rr~pJO~~nhoose Toys Ch.ldren/s Roo......l Haz,., ..d? SI,Um'"', ~"da, I Likes Ro"o, I uedo,s Jack ~{,n 1da' e,,'n,"~ I

~II ~ '!WI! Ii • In sCience \\ e bf".gan. a .Der\- un t er F:th.( I ~ICho. Is. Dlan(' YanAuk-1 Mrs p.o. [, \-" ~()m and claut>:htO'r5Hand Stora DO Aff A on gPrlfl~ 1hro Ilrst st'ar". tol : cr. L(,p \'ogpl Barhar;I Warnf't.i ;",eTf' SU~dav mner g:UP$l:- In ,the

I 1 ge iii xes u er nswer dbout the .,;;.;n." 01 :-'vrJr;;.:, \\-e ill'l Jerry \\:(·jcl":ihauser. SU;:,,3n \Yriglll darnld l.)l.rn.;; h,'n1C'. 1...,,0".1'('1.., RH ft hi, I I m<lktng a booklet a~otrt tllh UtH and Jamce Vann. I Mr. and ),1 _. Llovd I Vunklat 1

ow 0 n a\( ~l)U j(( 11 S, I ;(It l'" I" \1<." rl In mu·l" I (Jur n@\" art v.:')l"k is mak1n' and famtl\' at ended cp~firmatio)n I}rto mrtlS I b~l ;()o<.,' lq\~ UI1 1)11 I tlli,f <., ,." ( tll {tIed i sllllng hd1". The Qlrls an' rnrtki ': ' ecremonw;,; <II \\"<I}I1C Sund,,\ fOJ:

oor 0 L!: c.J < len, 1n Iln<.," I \~ fd, I J tng.f tI' nls I honn, h [r-om p"f)el' pl<Jtcs a j!1 Sh I JUllr> ~unkla and. Duaht' Beck,\,A ~olle~fkate or, m,lI'hll ,(' ]It I,· ,"~~'U1g-Ln~ (')",'0", \J1ao('!". The bo\'''' ~trf' USI f!' 0 es 'mUll. They w e dmlll'r ~[1(':;ts in t

somet1~nrcs, ~bdu:~o ~.;()~H' Hrlf~ prlJ-i jJ<l]wrlplall'~ and' ciltnwal box $' ... . I tht' RLL"scll ec.kmClll homf' and! Ir~stttts, J'4 rc IhMl Ih~l. HJ put, If) makf' sto\'{'PIl1L" hats. The\' w' I' By Mrs. Martm M~dsen luncheon !!u{"s S In the Kcnneth'ildy room jC n oC' d ml1s1dnl kjrJdlt.:s I naint thf'rD bl;lck. ,Phone 48-R14, Randolph I Dun~lau hom ..O!! ~othej. :,~..o.m~"I. ]~,n ,J 1. ih~'i Blul'nmls jlllhh('{1 r("aditl~ IhX'r' I Fnday C\Ts~Cd ~bs~at~e, (UUT.'>( '\ll.\ '<I t.h;t! Pdl -: b'1()k~ anr! IW,l';i111 thf'lr neW n'a _, '\.le Der~lrl Granfield ~ew I Llonl Dunklaseen. er i co toom _, all lhl' PI'S Thurs-Jav, I Han1o{hirr. 'Id! SUnd8\' ~(lr~nil1gl :\In': Fn'd Be _ ·man. :'Ilr. and ~IrsI .Aln Ide.a, ~Uhl<Hll{" d tl). I" .'¥ ;\1 . ! Tt!l"I'.\ Fl.'ihl']· hnJU2hl In';lt~.j r' ::Ift,'I: soenQiJU~ ·lhOU.1 10 da~'" in thO' Fritz :\lann nd f<:lfn,l\', \\·a .... ne Gbea~t a fPr ~I·;.I,:: lliJl.l"s :rl':n IIIL~ . i h.i", ~'\'I~nlh hil·thf!a:. \Vedlw:.t1LlV! i ho~,--,'()f hi" pa'r('nt:-. :'-lr. c.~'d :\-lrs and :\lr. and Irs .. joe And"rson \usY.hOUi~llc.,~ h'd,l, I" d h ;'I:Second Grade . :Rm' Granfield . ~oann :B~ck dn 0mab "

of h1ghly: '.-prs,J!l!f· .10. mol'!' 110"'--'''11 DU'lmlll1 W'tS ci"hl \cqr<;" . . . ,Frlda\ untIl. unda\ In the Llo\rlboxe~. It<;!Vf~rsatjIJly h 111 Ih~' <k- nld Tlwlsrla. Shl1' bloul!ht Inats :-'Irs Allen \\Ickman PlPrce andl Dunklau hom ,

I that t~e Istol'a~1' bllXI' ... ('an 1)1' \\tn fin h'r {1i-hsnldtU:i II :\,lan!aIPt Gr,anfll'lrl. Torn;nce Sew!and 0 club met Withtransformc(~. II rillt 1 ('j11l!H F,fth Grade I (allf \hltcd ruesda\ e\(mng ~I Mrs. Walter Gubbels Thursday I

~.hdto sh.ov;.s general view IfJ:"I""""l"....r'l:'::~~dt:;::;;;::;::;~ the many !ll\lll~,'" f "]:, ;1I I,'rl'llil I h Sf' 1.\ ho h Irl Pf rfef t "t OJ"" In' the Rov Granfl( Id home _ afternoon Tree new members,,~fl~ttic~rolmfarendof:pray. the flOOrlJl1to;l ILl, It II illl Ih' sp;>llin---.':I,,,lrt'l!v\.\ I'])n '\Ir .tnd ).Ir" Dbn Kuhl annl are Mrs. Jo Anderson. l\f,.s.~room. Wood;e." Jol!ding d'oors Those '1'1110 r.1l11.111P 01 tlh IltPlth,lllh j)onn<l 1 ,ht n I,amll, \\{i(, SUndil\ dmnrr g11ht" Robert Olso and Mrs JuliUS..CIO~. off, th. e 5~eePing c.. ubicl($ a .~aT'k~n(1d l'UO~ll I.: lilln lud\ £of,ll.:, KarP!l I!u d In tllO :',IIS GCl1evlt \(' J{u111 home I OlberdtnQ. uests were Mrs:when the,y a e in' use. With utility 111 thl'. llll·d. fJI MdTl, '"lC .lnh;lnsr}ll" J\Vllma ;\Iaqra. \11' . •mel j\lr:-., ('],\l('nee Kru~er, Elme- Leltln and Mrs, Gilbert r;- Ddodr open b d in 'be liffared to chlldJ'i'tl -'• ." I' 1111 u~,· ]r :\h t'll \'n ~U1·l"nrH'r,l';f'r. Krnl1\ (llkl... (lnd JilOlih.'. Rnndolnh. w\'rC' Sun-: Gubbels. Qui tinCl was done for~:pa-,.tSof ~Ia'v Ir:':~°,A,;tjt; ~~~~: eoJTIe out ol thl: J'.I,rll)~ll,".I Ii: .Bl'\"e I' 1\ Cld.('h., Dl';lll \\\,jlble., dav e\,pnltH! ~uests In the Doni Mrs.. Gubbels

" ",,,-re,'finished. i 'plywood, with' t'rt~'h~q G01d~n I~(':~s. Cn!ICI'I\ I,d ;tlld ('" II' h:alhl" \\'Q<Jds Lhl\'tU L:urnIJl',liIll' Kuhl hortlJ'· , \Ir and ;. rs. DO'wa\';lr dp.n-·panels of djT l' Coil. textUr'",S ducttd lllr I Ol"tJ:lII.d. (J], ,I \ Ill, .. n(1 Tl IT..- \l:lrch l I :\'lr. :mrl ::\1 r" , Roy GI';mfirld field wen' S\.Il av .<:UPlk,T- "'"u("sb illl,lJsed fa a~ nt V"' 11 . ~~ugJas fll" 1'1.\\\l)ud H ""1 1111<IIL 1-\.:ll·l'~l Hlll"f! hit ... • 1''''\11"))1'01 tol·hlck :1I1r) I)Pndd. :\"anr\ BermQI.! thp Rov eran ('Irl homp. -'is .a:h;Kiruse~ fO~ ,d~r'O::t~;~. ts Kept, BUSY" ,.,('hr.. ,] .111('1' IW.lllg nut \\llh dlf'k- P..<lnrloillh. ~lr·. :md :'-lrs, Lynn; Df'Wa\'Me G anfidd and ~,T"'~<lnd A,i In flo6r-_plain d+~wing, ,noO"te ~~~ :f;1'\f'!dl 'JlI\I- 1l,'> 11 , "1\'1)'1( 1,;001. :'-'lr anrl: \l.I.'~. Delh"rt I~mJ :\[t·" Ro\" Gr nfiplr\ WlP' ,-,Ul"t~

howl fold~ngl,' o.o1's, ar'e pln:i- ,

;=t'i::~7'~i:;;;::~~ U""m ,,, Om "'"'m' ,H:~:~tr,;z Ma~ , C' 8U1LDING or IM'--+---:--t-+-----+-----,-~----'----.:.."~' - =, "',2p~~ING? R•

• Plumbing •• iHeating • Appliances E

I • Youngstown Kitchens

',..., ~:.:~l~;~g,~,~~~~~l'~~B~cIRil'~"'T'~ THE ~ Phone 268 • 108 Mo;n\·,/'AYN HE.r.ALD

1---- -i~;'---~---~,;..:.,.-,;..-_:..~ - - --,;.. ---;.-;.~- _·-1- _.;' -;, -----~:.. .. -.~- I ·SAYE, $40!l



_._>,~""""'-.-dII!!!=-_...J f








" f •s·

, I"., i I

+A,';'h,.c;I( ••..• ,.,:b~ ·.I1Etra~~'S1.•.·.·.'E..·.a.'.:..·.·.S.}·.'.,.•..·...·.....·...••,•... '.! .•~..:•..... '•••.Q:..•...•... :.•;.. :..:.'..•...:.~..•. '..' .•.r.·.. _.:r.·.1:.( ...••.I.!'~"..·.·.'.,.O.. i···.r~.·' .W.a.·..·.·. $.. Ie I. ...",.', ..:.;~.. .., I, .. II. J

.S'P~c;e~::"!'!to .U 'I~fu Roo_ms, ," ·~1~1\Y. ·::Julcf "~'~~:6~'~ ~ \yas~,c : tHou- ,Jo~d o~en;,r.cdrooms-?re i~' effect·

~<Jl:-dJ of; C,~?lC ·19cc ..C!f ~~acc 1!1 the ~aI't, of . the play space for. the~lttJt:,,\Y~ll~..:r()pms:·9~'J.',lower' Jlpors I Dy l~nd gi'1 ,sharing the attic

,.-,\l·e-,~tramlng,.;;tt:tt\!,!,sp~ms.... ~l"'h~t o~qmg doors aI. divj-d~ thre~w:u.s\'d .:~p'a's~,: can ',J.?A.~y, he lrans~ athitoom 'c~mpar cnt-s',f.on.'.l..t'.~I ,m.....~9.....,'tl.n.~ 9.1.... ,,1,.: mor.e ',I very ... P1Y;WOO~.. uilt-L s 'mak~ t.he b t

.',: :", ',~s,,;I.ut n?-0l~l~~-+ft~gcly br your- ~ pssiblc u (' f spa e. M~st -"notagfc:'I"':l~,j.~:~l.',,,too,,, ,:-' (' \',<:,- , • . J the 'b41Hn -bun arrangement; ~, , l.,hcy. n"YC,'.:Xn!"pvha. the~" po lOt , ,sed to divi c the b rooms The

: ... 1 .••.. •.•..'.:.'.'."'11'. a. n.·,.. ", -..'m~dern.izi,~g. P,IJ 1:-".elr bljlnk ~iS 'In the virl's - side

I'~J(·r:,e· that." C:-l,~eatcd }~VO ·,bediPooms.., 1tJr a bUll~Un . board above, O~

. i ..'.... )(... I'I..•.Yl~06l?,. ~n.d. a, camp3I~tmen~- .j. h,e other s.ide. of thE! bulletin board'" ·:;PCl·,6athroom. m.a me.rc·..25x23 fect i' ,the boy's. ·bilml~ An electric-

11-':·"~II.; j !.(lP~· space.. ,:"., .' ..tram table pulls out· from under­

·I·':·~:::'-~' n!C ~·q.oV wa,s, l'I~./al1~ l'31ryeQ.. ,I eath, the. girl's bUnk into 'the

.1.•....•.•....' r".l•.i O.'.l.e SIde: PC.'..,"It In..g.. :1\"...•bOY'S J'qttITi

.:..A. mo.v.eable storage.::' ,pf .. .:.: ,~lr9-matle wmdo ' wall in the' *nit at jthc" end o[ the! bunks' isbo\"S bedroom. . I . ~hareril. Und~l'-th ~eaves cabinets

"".)1"" / '~?o.dcn foldm~, II( ?ors :ll1crease.! ~n,d~ll?kets s.torel clothing olay­:' ,',.1 e.IJIl;!cI').CY, close·o[ J~e tmv bech· ,hmg~ '.and thet equipment,.f,';'I', ,rooms,whC'n ther ar~ lDJuse. \~lith, .1 _ .

Wa}"ne, Nebr.~

Hybr;d 'Gianl




Ad .. ~!~;toed

16 tl· p Reg. $350.00: 299~5*



$~~g50 llr~.

30 jH P. Reg. 5450.00,


Regular 25c Package



Reg. 5209 Hoe 1.55Reg. S3]5 Garden

Hose 2.66

Reg. $1 .!9 Gross ~hean .79

Wi'" PV:"l:h01e of AnyFitej~o~~ Bicycle Tire-


Save $7.50

Regular 1.19 Value




.,..;a 0,,1 •• ,.~ .,',,t "1"'-""""'1 ~'."""'11'~ _,,·,.r.

SAVE Up to. rj"~$ton~

S5000 butboard MotorsI, 5 H, p, Reg. $200.00 I

Aiii~"~ 16995*;


• A~iustable speed• Crucible sf...., blades'."'., I., n4" wiling


• Tubular 51.,.,1 h"ndle• 9;1> in. balloon lires

• V-belt drive

Firestone Motor King6-Volt BATTERY

Fits 85°0 of All Cars



C;,,'al T)', 'li.. <.:i~"l -ord

d¢:;:'" A~I.:> ,,=_.•c..'::·';:""ct 0' l"'C' "'"

f 'C't':-'C' 7·",

lS-inch UThrifti-CutJl 4-cycle



• 1010·", F~C',J-,.·-:y', O:;·

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• f'H tl't1-~cl~c~-on





'i- S,AVEi Ret· S2.19




• O'vtcb~<;l d .. (~ !l'Ih:'t

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• ''t'e! pte,of p~n;.\ l: '~o'


.Our",bl", '.'to'on CC''''(l~"""g

• Co~,~:=d-EQ', to Fc~d'

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,Merchant Firestone Store:

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Tel~p);~'~f," (I,:c;,+,:;,:~'.·i~:II;··I:~"II':

,:;,:; :;,~~i1ii~:l~I;Jj1i:!t::~:L~ IX}.:


"FOOUSH lAD"With face so sad stclyecl athome and was sold .dlrectw~~ only hi. wl'!ght deior­mining the selling pric••



Special orders .increase our se"in~ e?,pense. Pickyour BIG M from the models we hQv,e'in stock, andwe give yOU' what we sa'le. Plus a record-breakiQ9 'allowance on your present car. The:re's a big selec­tion of color:s and modelsto choose from if y:ou act'now. First come means first choice.

"LAUGHING lorWllh hit smUe of ioy wen/Ieth. Sioux City Public Morkoland was sold competitivelyat a prlc. delennined by lheComlMtmon of many buyers..

Pick fro~ the stock of Mercurys we have onhand and we can pass big savings on to you-



'ik,IJ It

I 1


l.fI.....Cfioft P""OrlirtOftt. ,t1 l~~~'fo,~ 91=:;t: • '"

_k,ontt"pom.'O~."'" StIf$.FlnI ........_Wh....1C~l'lICll\d. ""t-hlfl'. C,"'''=''....C.I>t 0",,' ~. of ,o.f'·~l·' f..g,~..,.'~ .~, ~.

j,vs.t-nr to nth. bv""P' cu.d l\eld.,\Ddud'~8 .1I."ftOd-4~Q

CiIN... -thonbto,bocn.·ioo1!'!ffront 1C.f"'~""'L

svtI~ion. ......-w$Me ......-u- t1hllrt"i bII. M •••..,._T>,' b ...,,', ">c,. """""" ,~ "". Come in loda'y-see why your."big _w is-IO""uf ~ittt Met'OlIfl' .~. ow.9~C:l!..r.~.f~.. t"h:~ .,I"

New flo-TOM c-olOf l'ylirlg wokHr.,! :rli' "', .'

v.~i.n3'1 THE BIG ·M~RC'URY,j, Doo,·t r.11ISS thC-" blf: te[IC\:.smn f,.t o ·71lfE E~ Sl u...I\·t~ ~\'.- Sunda) i:'~It~";!JO tO~,.S";)J. Scauon h."'\"T'\.!., 9 J

S~YLEB MOTORS. . 'wu";" Nd>ruka' .119 East Third





-Jack and Irene Engel

i-We Still Ha~e Somei

2-Week~Old and'~-Week-Old ! ~y-Line

" , I I

',- "I \

'rd Bred Chi'~ks for",,' , ... I" ,

i'at~r'::jD'EUiv ,'I. .'I"~"" !'''' "Y"", erv

\Tuesdal[. Apr, 3: Jun or apd WAKEFIELD I .

Semor chQlrs. 1 30 p. m 1- he Watne .Heratc:l. \vaI 'Wednesd,av. Apr. 4: La les aid 0 nursday March 29 10

guest day, 2 pm., Walther league. '"'4 0 A't dE' 1 C .' ~ ,7 30~,nSlde M:;fodlst Ch ~h " en . asterontota- 'Ol~ F~h=:~norla~~,~ IP~~~~I

su~~;,~·~;~!~t~u~~v r~hOOJ. IS d W k f·1 Id C·h·' o~ts.~.::~~ Mrs. Bard land Mrs. j

~lSP~C;~ltJ~~~9~'C~~ ~ ~~~er~: un y . ;10 e Ie' " OfU5' ~c.L=h''k~I'iXaitla ~ety

T:~;:I:+;:~::;:::::J;:::;::::;:==:t========: I Rev. J~f,Jd Mrs! J, Brue Wyl).e About 400 pers TIS attende a . I .' \net Thursday wIth M J e H 1returned to Win~ide recent y after presentation of S ainer's Eas er :[ [ gy.en Mrs! Byron HaJ~ ~s~:spendi~: the v.tinter wit their cantata, "The C ucifixion," by , i "~: ,hostess Mrs Elmet BakFr presid·chi~drC'n <lit Pomqna,. C.ai_if.. Tucson. Wake!ield Commu ity chorus S n- WA.. I EFIELD NEW:S ed. Marvel Childers .conductedApz. and! Kansas Clty, ;Mo da);' mght at the h gh school a eli- :,' . ae..·otions It was dec:1de[I to have

Mr. ana, 'Mr~. IW. L. C rv.ra-n.d torlUm, , , a bake sale Apr. 21. J Readings.Mrs. .CaJ;Y S slster. Mrb. i. Mmme The Ip~ogramw s sponsored y - I '. ,\vere glven by :Mrs. Fre~ SalmonKemmtz, \\jere ,guests IIJn . .th~ Wakefie,ld 'Minist rial associ, - .: By Mrs. George; Grimm-Atlas 7-2756 l:l.J;1d 1-1rs.,Herbcrt Johnson.

~~-:,~~+-";";'_~"'';;;'~:':';:''''::~:':':'':':':': .ICharle5 qary. sr.. home. Pile:er, tion. Ff'hillip Rin was direct r.:' . ,--' 17i Saturday ,~ve.nin,g:, for Mr 'Cary's Merle Ring was organist. Re • :'.. I ' Mr. and ~rs, Fred Schtines jwere

Mrs. dna Rasmussen. Sixteen seventy-eig-hth blrlhd8:Y. Merlin Wright 9 e the invoc _ 0 group stop~Mrln ~ralg ,and had IBlatchford. M:-s._ Laurence Han· Sunday ·dirinf'r guests in'-the .~Rn.r,_me~er. and one gue t Mrs Han ,Mr. an~ Mrs. LO.Ule K hl and tion and -Rev. M lvin Peders n sup!'.Zr Wl . toner s grand-I son. and Mrs. \Valter Otte. nomi- ld Ellis home, f:! rna'h Ne sen,· were p:e~ent.· 'IMrs~ Mr.- apd !'Mrs..l!=~wm ~tr te and the ben.ed-tction.·, I ~~.r~rJts, Mr. and M.l'S. EIlD-er Ston- I nat mg. and Cha~les !tissdl. W!'lr- Mr. and Mrs. K~~ne BakerRas "en, ,M~.' Hgrold Quinn. Delons Were \-lsltors ,111 the Ed Vina Gr~en an Merlp R ng .. Irefl. !1resslpr ana DIck :-'1agwlre, Wpre' Monday ev('mrtg guests inMI's' Le and" aller, .:\Ill's. Ralph Maa~ horne ncar .lloskms ;Sunday played th!.' organ p elude. a1- !'.~r. and Mrs. Ro}: B('~ty .. vISited audltl?g. GUf'st sPt'.aJ«>r .was a.n the Herbf:>rt Hardman h me ih. ob-

Ande~seb.. Bobbie Prin '0 n\d MIS. Maurice LindsaY evenmg. . ~. 50 playe4 t he postl de. Rf'v.- Arc ie their s.on. W~yne. 1M LinCOln 0.1'- Omaha FBI agent. Grades sevcn Scr...;tne-f' of the birthda of then"'n (Ande,rsen, were in charge, Som't"s~t prizes Mrs..Sam ~cJchert and Gladys Marston ~av# the 0 'fertory pra r. ~hopcdl<: hOSpItaJ Sun~ay. ,WayneIand 1) Wf'n' book wl~nC''1'' Jpanne hosft.-ss

fl :{ ~l~l'lllOon went to Mrs.' Lindsay, Mn:i. Cora ~nd Wll1~s RClch~rt· were Sunda?, Soloist~ with th chorus w re 15 now m a ,'\~heel chaIr ahd able Ha~son pl~~iC'iI the planqprelude. MI". -anri :'III'S. K{'nnJth BakerBrodd 'nd Mrs. Prince. aft. ernoon guests I~ the C. A. Rel- Charles' .soderberg• Kennit, Ah en to g('t aroun.d -on crutches.) ~\. ArMue :~t~rston l('d de,,:·o- and fa~lly ' ..... ('rp ~unda~.' eve.ning

d Mrs. ...:...--' chrrt horne, McLean. and Larry Johnson Mrs Ro \ CT_ -~~ I tlOns. Mr;;;, \\ II ham Stoner presld- calkl"s In the Bud Boe kenhauerLai8~rtet!.,~ Cpntraq. Club Mr. andl Mrs, ~on ~tt Iii were .e:airu; Mrs Wesley And· y :: . ed, i-Irs, George Anderson gan" a ·bomf'.

".~ IIII~rs. ack Sweigard en1C'rtained su,p~er ~uests In t~~ Warren Per Pear~on.. Mrs pa~~;isch,~~: Soeiefy i r('port of trn.- mother--d<ttlghter , Mr. ann. :'1rs. K('nne~h B8ker_t:~3gcii'e~tl~, ~I~g.~~~' t~~\~t.,.;.~~.~ TJ:z~,~~daG'C~~':~ 1'vldlotz horne MOJjda,\. . Glen Lundahl. Gar Linder, Tctry '. • • I~"l1qUl'T. and far:n

ilywf're. Tues~fiY supper

.l ' ,. Voss, l~V l'S. ·.BdldlCY Warnemunde, Bridge iClub Elects r -=-~r_l::.n_ and Laure- ce- Hanson. I PEO Chapt~,. . i ~ast ~r~Side-"ts ; l. ~~~)~~nl;t:l~f'c~~:~~t~~o;f~~:;inan'd,;Siegert Mrs. an).;: Fleer. Mr8. Vernon 'ff' 'd I Red CrQSi Campai ,n . ,1\trs. V. H. R Hanson _entertaln4 1 Pa."! Presidents mrt {....ith :\lrs. Hanson Sllnrl<l~" i

Clifton Burris Hill a 1111's. G:ora Bradd, Prizes New q Icers Fn ay RN! Cl'OSS drh'c opened a f'd P~O :\l?nday evenme. Mrs.: C"liff Bushy Tu(-"sday t'wnJn~. :\hs. Mrs. Naor,:" Peterson will gG

awe3:i~'~~11 d~g~~ t~r~~~:tta'~" 1~1~·e"xrt~.~;r~r1~1~~J~;~~~~~n ~~~~j !U~c~~('e~~f~~I~a..~r~{g~g;~~lk~eld. a ~~~.or~h~.ak~:~iso r~:ycha~~~ ~: ~~li~.:'~~ C;[.1.~~~g .. c;~~~~te~f ~~.~: ~o~:; i:~,;~~~~; <InP~~~~~~~'gif[~ ~fs~.e~~,~ar:.hIS A~~:k ~~~he:~.he;,( ght:( birtlldav. . ',The fo)lowlng oj flcf'I''f; were Thf' d,·ivc- is not e tirely oompl t- meetIng was. hd<~-It-yourself. Artl'l a hospitalized war naf:'c. who wr.l accompany her to.. p.ort-

an El'nest,ElUer were ~. J f'lccted: JJrcsldent, Mrs~, George cd, I('].£-"s made by t~, ':lemr.....·;:l·en? on - -- - 'enflile and Turlock, Calif.. " i

. iii ',!'the Fl'ed, 'Wi)coX! and SO~~·H· ~l~in~~\~:e 'C ~}I~~dj,~,i~Z\~en~~~ ~.~.s.".'.w~~~•.er~~~di~en.a~d M~.C.:r~~~~: R;~e.". ts EJl:ams ti• . I.. ~?~~:g\~' ~~~.?nst~~~ioLo.n. n~E~~U~.II.S.. ;ri.S~..7:':~~.i~~~~n.'.~.c.;'. SO.d€'ty

m('t. ha~~~ \~~~: _~~~d...aPl~f~~r~.n..- ae~d~a~~'~ft~~~i~h:l;omCS"'NorfOlk~ J..ri- visitors in\ the Cill'l Rjj~l! hornc. trca~.~re-rj Mrs. Fra~ .w ~lble. Glenn (""onner. 1 arv Jane Cbe will m:et "Ylth Mrs.. J. 11:. 1\.l.ont-


Thursday III 111(' church parlors. supp.r, "'lI'.!"~S In t~C' Eph.!!Ml"S. ~liftoh Burri' and M~~'n~ I~~\'s~~'~~,t~!~\i~s ~:~i;: S~r;;;. PllZes for the yeal vver award- Karcn Mortenson, tty Stolte ajnd gomp!"'} Mondav evC'nmE; Mrs. Rl'uben Gllidbt'rl.?: preslrll'd. ('n~ru: I' hon,e" Wa~n('. ~ w.c.t."ei visitors, 'in thel

Ted d' . C'd to Mt1:;. L. W· Kahl. 1"5. Ben Evonne Anderson took rcgerlt's \--- , : :\Irs ('. r. Dartl cnnductl'd d~'\:o-- j rs, -Otto ~t.r~on spent Thurs-Gl t· m' r 8'1 cv llI11li guests il? the Dick Bf'nshoof Hnd :'Ill'S, lIar~ey Po- cxaminations Mond y. P-TA Committees Set 11<::IIlS. Prog'ram \\<lS p,esentC'd by} nay to Slmda.\ In the- T~m John-.:~~,~rii~:: ;:hO ie, Pilg<;r. ThU, sdl\! i~:i6~' h i~hd~f'~~r Huskms lor Mrs, ·doll. . 'j' _. ~ _ I ' P·TA rn(-"t last "flIPs-day ('v("ning ::\lr~ Harold Donl'\son, :\lr5. Herb--l son homO', Albion..helpmg. care

!M."\ an4.:!Ml'~. Melvin Coultelr f'l'1d Mr. llld 1\11'5. E,o-waJ'd Morris ,~rs. N. ·L. Dltman wl,l cnter- Confirmation Dinn r .; at. the school auditorium. Com-I CIt Luntlah!. ~Ir'." T :\1 GustafsOl'li: for a g'J'3ndson III ..vlth measles.~'. , ,,~'!lugjltl~ts~i'o/~,~e..;ca:llers in the Nor- welTe 'isitors in the Cl,::m--,ncc td~n _AD.r. 6. . I Eileen B. ichel. E.,elyn .1\18C' ~d. ~~~ ~~~~s. Roocl"t, and :'.Ir;;; (harln; Plt·rs(m. ;\1r::J~ More WAKEFIELD-paQe 8: .t1:1e' ,l11an,,~lldersC:il homeSundav a,fter- Hcimm.lome Sunday cveninJ. Mr. and :VII'S." EdI:C3r )'1~rotz a.nd ~:rrelmconGfr,ermveedarnd Rt.OpgearUIH.calnU.Ohnl· ~ ~ - - ,-- --- -- ' .

'. r, noon.! Andel'$~l1 recently returned E.d~vu,.',',dIB~I'oc,~,',e.c:,l"inf.';ho\m'is,',ito,r,'.~1,',',n;~rc Chestedr and (31·1, nOhluff. }WloskinS, pran church. Fol1o\\ing th" ;~'I"~'I' 0<,' For More'D'ollars Less Shr".nk' Best Results

;\:l..l'_\~(,I·" "~Sh..".,,'..l".•• I,l.•,I.,.. ,',.,'.'..IC·""·'o.""'.".,"ei','h".,,e.yJ.,10SP.,'.li.tHl.' '. - • I- L ".Y£ano Ml~ 1 vlL JeAklJ1S Hnd f<J~LIY wcr: ,mnf'r j!ues s.: ~.n ll:,. arren mot.ryers of class t..lPmbers ~"r\l.('d ••.and :vIl J and :vIrs Tom ~~lOung: and l\-T~~~~Za~~~~r~~~~ld~ew~nd('rsen ~,~n~r~ the base nt. I SHIP YOUR UVESTOCK TO THE :.l11aught~r Norfolk and ::vIr and t Thu d h tl P '\".Mrs I1filan Gllmm and jamJiv rl..'~en'se~ ~~~~. e .. enlO~ II 1e 'Enter Speech Con st j ~ SIOUX CITY· "ENTRAL PUBU~ MARKET

Center Cir:~le' ~Club ... ---... fi..Il jdnd ::\-h s W R JUl!£-"1 Mr. and Mrs, Norris W(}ibl(-" and Donald Lloyd, P ..lIt Ban!>on, J~ayMrs. Halph Anderson and her vVavnc spent 1 U( sri 1\ Dftctnoon f<lmilv, Wayne, and '\1.1'. ~nr:1 :\-hs Slutz and Yvon,nc; Anrlt'rs'1n took

si,stdt, Elntl Biehle, Norfolk. enter- 10 the ) R Scldf'1 s homc l\-1artin Pfciffn wcre SllJ1rt~v aftf'r. par·t 111 t~P Dlst~ Ie-I: III ~p('... ch cnn-,t.ail1r Center Circle' club at the fa~I\V Il~~d :\~~ Jar:;~l ~~~cs ~~,4 "~t~}r;l;~~sts in thf' Cbrcnce P[l]if- ~~<;tf'~~f'ii~~~nrn~~~\~r:~~~!i:;1J~I~~~i

Anderson"home last Tuesday after- ThlC's 1('1 (' \IS1tOJ s In th(' IEdgar :\-lr. an~j ,Mrs. J-lilrold r'uinn "no b('rs of Vlakcfi-r-!d's onC~3ct, p!~." I119m} Guests "were Mrs. Norman J) If t J 'h ~ t D J I J G" e- nr lOme (nrnLclS last :vIr, Hnd Mrs, Charles Farran wpre ca.s w('r(' omf. (~an,. c,oqpaDeck 'and Mrs. Wa.\-mc Imel. ,Mrs. Sunday SaturdaY ('vcning visitors in the Lloyd. ~ol1y M~llI I·, P,,--.w"rly H~l-(3t.1S -]offma'l. Mrs. WiHl'ed Miller Mr nd Mrs W L c..I'\- were Doh Quinn h.amp for Curti~ QUinn's f!f('n. Bill LarsoJ!'!' 8Jlld R,chard Vant~l1d Ml's. ·Robel't Graef. received SlOUX ctlty \lsitOlS Thul ~ddY Mrs birthda.v. Valin. . '. I'cn:rd rizes. Cary 5 dls~er ~'11 s Mmmc Kcmmtz :\1.1', and Mrs. Ernpst Elder wpre .---- I, ,M~~r ~nM~r~tn Fr'oehlich entertain~ :~~comp InJed Cal'Ys home :01' a Vis-I ~~~I~~~~l. i;~~~d~~s ~t:~~l~~~n,home. h?~~d a~~\. i\lr~;lrhFr:;r:)~(,l~~~iJ~~~ I

ecl11 dern Mrs club at her Wayne -- Mr. <md Mrs. Julius E~ert were bll'thrlay Sunrlay C'.TIlIOI;.

hom last Wednesday afternoon Ch h hosts to a group of reliJtlves and 1\1.1'. ,a.l.ld :i\lrs, r:r'l.ll S.tonror find,Mrs. Otto Kant and Mrs Frank fC' es friends Sunday evening ~ bonor sons \ ISlt~ rela(I\'e5 m, ()rtla~a !

• •• of her birthday, Card prizes were last Sun(~a:. - Mrs·1 John ~,Jork 1,'(-"- i1m an'uer Reformed Church won by Mr. and Mrs, EruiJ Molden- turnf'd wl_~.~"",~~~,~Lr~~~.....:.~<;It.ThE-" :(G'c- rgc Heusingcr" nastor) haUl'I", Mrs. Ed Andersen and Carl i

Frid ,y, Mar. 3U: Goud Frida\ Ehlcrs. famil:r Wfre Frid~v ew'r:i:-H! euests i

se~\~ri~ 'y:X~/·l ~i<'L"tcr. worship f~:~:~~~~aE~a~.tMe·r~c·'aTni.tea:;t'a~11;,"B:l"OOunam~~ at MU;:. ~~I~ ~rc~e~~~~~j Glad;Ys Iand co lmunion, 9:3U a, ffi. field SU~dav evening. q ~~ ~~~li~:~~i~~:::S \~~r~h~v~7~;;: I

SeveraJ Winside people attended Strate heme ne"": Eo-kins ST~ELE.SIMAN & COMPANY Sioux City, Iowa~.~c.J~~,ei~~~~~e~~~Cr.:'on~i~ce~11o:~t~w~c~a~~r1~,k~\§:rTh~Ib~::..~r';:'~'~1 ~E~:i~~~~·~~·o\~"\~r~~.I~~~p~Ji::-~~~E~~;~~n:a~~. :~~~~S~~m~F:~:ed~I~~~~""~~""'''''''''IIIIII_IIlII'''''''''''''''''''lIlII~_'',"",IIIII''''~IIIII~IIIII''IIIIIIIIII~IIIII''~~ I i_l\1r. and Mrs, Frank W~ible and. j:;uest.:i of ::\1.1'5. Sap1 RC'icnt'rt. ~_ _ ~~ ,





No. 921"

No. 922

No. 901




II. 'I . 0



IliA Ch . 'F' ." ':'. . air - or~:Ever-y

Seated Worker"

-._. ~:r~,~·:'7··'··1




Increase Efficiency .. ~ I

With your worker seated in an aluminum poJture

chair, his efficiency is greater, due to grJater'. . Icomfort, proper posture,. easy instant contr11 of.

he,ight, Airflow seats and cushions, .' _1


Aluminum Posture Chairs are aV,"lilable in a var·l

iety of fabrics all in standard colors to match other""

offjceeq~ipment. Tou~h; d~rable Naugahyde

plastic, G~ospoint mohair or Claremont fabri'c..

When you buy chairs, look to Cramer, for the'





Posture Chairs keep fatigue at a minimum, by

holding the worker il; ,the proper posture easily

and comfortably,t';,roughout the working day.;: ¥, ,

Fatigue', cost~ moneY yo\.l can'save with alumi·. c

.nu~ PosTure .Ghair.s. No backache ~r cramped

°m~scles, ,"


ilWherever a worker is seated, the chair becomes

an important part of the job, For greatest wo~ker

efficiency the chair must provide the wiker

.with a maximum of comfort, prGper posture and

mobility yet be durable and attractive. hen

you have a seated worker, look to Cramer c irs,

engineered for posture.'\

'Thou,gh these chales are engineered first' for

proper posture, they have the true beauty ihat

~ith utility and simplicity of desi\ln. Their

~ghtweight aluminum framework, enhan~d

With modern, durable covers, are a bright sp61

in any office.


WAYNE tt~RAb~LIIrL,.·,


SO,'1' - No




Mode for pcrfcd fit and com·fori C!'1lors to blend """rh~UJts 6;.1 73 oJ,

New Donfie~



2 for ~,531,.


Get ;Your$.luit;jand See How You5av~!



Donfield dress' ;''39 ;~ Newest spri~g

shirts! ,I 8 I ItI t' Sl 150, ,I I, Ie ,Fmest broadcloth, s~ort collar lMFrosh 0' SP"'91: 110' 1o, thotwith stay. White, sixes 14-17, .. II' dressed If!ok. Assortedsreeve si::e. _btor's.

Men's dressoxfords f~r


Shrunken grain leather. Rubber'heel and Icather sole. Sizes'6'12, B·(. D.

Have you ever heard'of getting your springand Easter suit for thisunbelievable low, lowprice. Compareanywhere!! These arcgoing fast so hurry in

and get yours now,


a special purchase of 100%wool: year 'around sui-ts allare on sale for, . "


~l~" '~\" ..]..-~-~. f""··,. "i... ~iI'Inc bers U; MYF 7'30 pm' Mr and Mrs WaIte Carlson andl group Vi~l cd S turday c'{c i g inll--r.....~-=":"':: ....-'7.~-7:"'..;...,I:i.:-~.;...~'*--T- ....-..;;-_.;..;~ ...~J;Of lclal~boarci. •. ." Ted.1 Mr~ Ruth Lmd n and VIola the Clal 1 ce Ll hI' home. u day

edn sday, Ap'r. 4: enior aid. Patt~rsoi'l.. SIOUX CIty helped Mrs Mr an] 1'8 C arence LuhJ; erehurs By, APt. 5: Methodist Harlbw Graham, Mo ningslde, ob- dmner u sts n the BJor lund

Me I st;.'rve het birthday unday after- homp 11 'v w rc Sunday I iter·I noonl noon ( 1 rs In the Wayne I ahn-

Eng. StpJOhh'S tuther~a Church Tetl Cron went 0 Sioux Cit} son hom" Allpfol, (Sa uel Me ke, pa tor) Monday vemng to h 'ar the plano Mrs IF nneth Baker and I wlla

"~:;;r;:gg~~~T~~f--+~r~'f-:::':';"'""l1T,hurs ay, 1Ma. 29} Maundy quartet. i Jeanne ~I lted h r mother, MI"S"'!i Thl!irsda commu ion se ices. 8 p. Mr. an Mrsl Jer me Pearson WIll Tes ,FrIda afternoon 1

n1.1T 1 and Jole e. MIt .an Mrs. Elvis Mrs st Han on called on MrsFriday, Mar. 30: Goo Friday Olson and Gwen and !vIr and Mrs. Myrtle ch ens m the nursmg orne

CQSa~~l?~~~' se~;~~s'3~: pm~turday :~,i~p~:~t;uneit~a~~lil~:wa:;~~ Sundlly r ternooschool, '30 a.m. J ErIalidson hOm? REA WAY E HERAL

Suhda , At:'W. ~: Sund y school MIl· and Mrs Jertme Pearson II WAN ADSand~'BIble classes) 10 a.m~; Easter werelsupper gU¥ts S nday [n the I ,fa UV, S LL, RENTwor'hip ~ervlccs, 110.45, b . Dell ~ubbard h rna, oncord. ---.J+--+---..,..-+-

T esd~y, Apr. 3: Sem r chOIr Lt. and Mrs'LRIC" rd PospisIl Ireh~arsal, 8 p.m. I and Kathleen, aredo, Tex.• are rl'h' H RA D

I ~ -L spe~dinq a ,month visitingGordon Fredrlck.son,. Omaha, _.,~~~.; ~harles Wuerth. JJ,;merso~, Wa~efleld relaiives and friends. II

'IX.''e. \ve.ek.C'n~ \.\'~th hIS. mot.her, ViSi~ed. s~vera~ dfiYs last. "'e'..k III Mr,.. and Mrs. .rerry Tu.rner ,were J:\'Irs . Ethel F:redl'l~kson, I a the !And~ew Sorepson hom*:. , Sunday guests in the Robert Turn- ,'.' '.. : Allce ~IaTle Wiggains" 0!TI '~JMIr. ~,d Mrs; Dale 'lj'ln~":,an, er home, Wayne, in opservanee of,. II, went Saturday t.o Tuesday m" eUndoln, ere Sunday gues~s 'lill the the hbst's bihhdl3.Y ~ , !

''''*''tm, :.j~O. !ioine'.of.,llci:.padmts, M~. ahd rs. RoylSun ell hOI1\~. I I . Mr. and Mrs~ Ke neth Smith,I:~~ Itoy \\ijlg,gams, :..': ,: . 'l\Ilrs. ertha ~~an returr~ed, Fr:I- Lincoln, came S;jat\lrd y to vIsit in

'.' .. '.r'!\.fl': nn\:i., ~1I.'S. WIlham. I.SChm dt., day/afte spend~ng the' wInter In tt~...e~Slerar~Blj~or~k~lUlnld.hloml.e~T~h;e.~~;II~;;~.=r~!( \\Pl~st Poil1t, were Sunday suI;l er Syr CUStand Li~coln. "~:rlit~i:IH;:l:i~'; :~(,'e l*tlests inHhe Andrew, ~oren on M. a d Mrs. ~rover catr were, I

:!:"~:~:l~~i(~'l~'~:l~;;f~I'~~~'·tb.~ :pastorat/~~'i ~-:~__ '! ~~~ ~~l ~I:~~nh~~e~llers In' th~;.';, ~.f~'l;" w~.~~!litj':t.;' Pl:.':~h.Ytt.'dal\ ; ChU.rdl, C" , '.' M.. an Mrs'l 'lmer Bak1r spent:~'~"'":I Hd~ fl,·tl:l~twd with th(,l~ fm" hu'rl'hes; 'ThurSda~evenin in the I Chris

:' "h),,·j n·',~, .. Ie .1 - Baielr ho e, Wa ne.,U~~h .. ",li~m11., Junls. Pederson. "I :,' " ~ i Mrs,'. E. PCliulson will go to

I:".':i'.'.:.'.",..i.'.I :).:.'.'~i.' ..l•.).lt.'.nn.' "(.:.'.;:~'rison..'. a.nd S. aler.n. '•. LU.~~ran. Church ". AShl~. nd, Wis, M.Qnday to visit her;:i,,,\.Ui::' Jktll~~:d:li<llikt,t ~!1joy>c?:a slum~~~ .: (C, W~lI<!-rd, L;?rlso~.-pastor)~, _ motl~er, I'S. Lew Anderso,nl.i,.i;.;f4irt':,~~)w:::i{l-;lj>' mght.,lq the 1.,CVI ~t~urSdaY, 1\:31: ~9, HOlf' c D~n SImon, Lincoln, I~home

~"ii~.;it~' i' '\~ '~~1~~ ,fn ,p~c-~,'~n~j~the . u~lOn, 8:,p:m,:' Semor chOIr p c- for' ast r vacation. .F;'"! ': ,1'~'~ I) JiJYCC' nn4t ;J~IS:, l\k ,Ice ~rte~' sor\ lee. liS irley; Salmon and Frank Bar-,;'j~'Lj I(qr'~, J,~~~ I:klg-nm alldJamily. FI~lday, r,rar: 30: Ho~lv co.- tell me~ers of the Luth r col­f.!...,~..,.•.,.:n:d.... H.'.:'~ji;..'rl."n. ~rr,:,l\,I'ld.I.M~hl,"" m.~ml?~l~, 1~:.30,'a.,m.; Juntl' Ch. lr. leg~ Char., W~hoo" were .dinner~1LI":ltl H,'nl'll1,':'ok {tlld MI}. rJwu- practice, ~,30 IPU. . gues s S nday m the :home of her

". ~~. U.l".J\i:'t".if.'.l. MI'. ·Mrs. :.R.. cy

.•..... !, satU.'.l'dtl..,y

.. ""'13: Se lor C.' n•.. pare ts, r, and M~' Fr d sal.•.! .., ,td I ,';'H~j't'$~m' ;;md Mr, ~n,d Mrs, fJr~latlOl~, class,· 9 a,m.; Jun or "mon 1 1",.", I: \1;d\'I"~"'l1 :\nd fo."11I· \"·ere class, 10.30., I j

'!.".'IWI~1 ,f ;\,l~'i'n"liJ~tili iw" ~' Sunday,: Apr: 1: Easte" sunr se rs, I Mary P~d rson" Tal·ie"!'!.lh.i.',I, .. , .. " . r,~ ".I', '~th~ bi 'Ui~:~' ,,', ervice' preSb.yte.rlan C.hUllch• 6' 30 .rna ge" ,lCana~a, IS rnakl!g',j a

::!':' '~;"'" :~ll*~I~ Q Lc~i !; r~e ,a:::~~ '.~.;.Luthe~ Annp br~~kfast, 7:; 0; rna t.h'S~ViSit with h r -son l R.ev.J~l.i;I;"!"jl~;d'J'lni$ nod Mr!' mid Mrs, unday SCh90I. and Blblel, ..Me VIn, . Pe~erson nd f mlly.

, ' , ' , . , 9:45; Ea tel' worship I chqir se~~c~ M s, D n Peters and Mar Jane,, '.:SOloist, 111; , 'Lutryer Di¥, ' s .ent l~st week~' the

;p.m.' I 'i GeQ; e Eckhoff home. Mrs. PetersA:pr: 2: Cottagh praj'er retti ned fSaturday but Ma Jane3,0 p,m,; trust~e me~t-' rem inedlfor.a longer visi. Ron-

: 'g{:8.:, 'j,,: ~ aId nd Donna Kay were w ekendrL:Tl1ursdaY,:·.Apr. 5: Do cas 1 0- visit rs, I'hietYi 2:3'Q' p~m; I" M . ,an~ Mrs, Elmer Bake were,~ i,',. - gues ~ ,s~u.rdaY eve~ing i* the

'1'1' k!< l: .Christian ChurOhll, Ml:\r III K IlIon home In obse~vanceUC!/' ': :(M~tHri: Wright, pas or) of, i'y uis birthday., 'ond .' the R' ,,: ~ e/ ' Thursd~y ,Mar. 29: Youth co, J;l- Ml1. an Mrs. George q.ri~m

:~.~'I~lt~k h:~~~ Th,e....'~. ;.n.r.·:r; .il .m,.e.e.. ti';1g. 'a.nd: SUp.per: 4 p,m.. iand,.IMrs., Charles Mallum~ a.ndI, , -" ',; , I , Sunday" 'Apr. 1: Vlllon' sunlse, ram

1y I' \yere Thursday mncr

"'. "I '.',t1j

' I••••• '.'d.. I.'.•'."•. rV.'1.CC".'.6•. '~3.6.'•. a•..m;, Bibl+, sch .0.1, guC's.s n t.he Wes Anderson" Or'J;le ..C' ,tC'!- ame 10; worship' and com un i n, !VI, cl.nd Mrs. Alfred Meie were

, . "'.'~ d "" -,!Back Fl~~m The Dead," 11; e e- Sun ay callers in the AIfe ~techtt\ I on nlng servIce,' 8 p,m. I ' homn. '

Ij.!:/; t..,.i...-,' I' ',' I 'MI1s. iH Erickson, Fre ant,J8.,ve ':' St. Pau-l'~ Lutheran Church i visit~d Th rsday to Monday i the

, i, er~ I, (Harold, Kiec!k, pastor) Len~s \ R ng and Otto elsar'!a 10 I : aUlk. 'I Thursday, Mar 29 DIVine ~rJ hom s l' Erickson Jome her

• . Ida Gro~e, IShWrl~~~'cM~r;u~~~n,ciO~~PF~' lay ~~~ :fter n~onthey returned ornetie \\c(' cnlt \V~ h~r worshIp 10 am ' Mr an4 MIS Mauntz Ca IsonLlOYd and faml I Sund~y Apr'l Sund scb 01 and t~elr guest 1Mrs Tom S Ick-1\t'r~, LcD Jorda . LarlY and 'B bl' 1" 10 E' 0- h D nd M Pt ell, U wer Be s J e c aS~, a m·

l, as er cr, .,..a ii, r a rs

~rno;~oi~ Ith{ aen y worshIp! ID.J:l:5. QUlmby, Mr and Mrs Carl ark,

ll\~I·bt'l't F~~~~t, l\~aY~e I ~ Se -~ Presbyteria--;;-Ch~-;:ch I • ."Sund"" evening callers.· I I (Archie Malston, pastor,) I Wa~ef,eld Bowling. o' •

.R(I~e Becker, Dawmp<;l t, I~' . Thursday, Mar 29 Chblr prac-yisited. telati\"~s here .. ov.:er '. t. e tlce.. 7:,30 p.m, ,- , I I Scrat,.ch w' I;\\·{'(!... !:,~~.n. ct>:- : . II: I Friday, Marr 30: Good Friday F . 20 10: ~[rs:r ()sc:lr _,ryflckC'r. j!.I, spe t fomplUnion ser:vlce'18 p;m. i '. _-w'l~n~~~G~~"~~i~o~' ... ::"19 11ithe:;~t'N_('kcnd ~vJth 'her 'rl0~he, i S~nday, Apr. 1: 'UnIOn sunn;;e Melodp(' Lanes .17 13i,~trs~:I~.lizabcth .pl.'in.,ey;;p.,.~q.a. ,: . serVICe,,, 6:,30 .a;IfI:; S.unday scho.".l. Frr-driekson 15 15; :\J~s; Brynn Johnson :vJsIIed, her to; worshIp serVIce, 11. WI d F' . 14 16!!>i~tr:'I','!\ll's. Ol'vilh.' EJ'ilSt,:~lld oth· ' I ~n,~r~'ati~~~\tu.~.~ .... '· ....13 17I"l" 1.·"I:lll1iWS <lnd friel'lllSJ,l"o.·.I',;aJa Mission Covenant Churoh D~nelson ._.13 17'1'III'!' J,IV 10 Friclflv: III (Melvin O. Pc.'ctcrson, pa:::;tor) , 10 20, ),In,tildn, Joh0son and.. tM~'" alld Friday. M?-r., 30: Special co;m~ E uitablc .

il\.,TI'~,. '. :f:i." ..'.il.Z.N.CIS.6•.n'tSjou~..... Crr :w.e. ltC. :Tlunio'n servicf!, ,reception at mcro- Han Iicap League w I:S~ll'1d"lY guest.s in the Bry John- bel'S' and music! by Men's chorus, Br'ssler-Schcnck. ;27 9

.' I~on: hmne,',' :: : ,,' i I : i i g, PS·ulJ1.n'day, I..•• pr. 1'. U,,1'011 sunrl'.s·e Sf uffeI: . ......~6 10! 'M'r; and IMrs,' . eith; K,., wood: JA. U towners . ~5 11!: and:family arr.ived lV'onda .fr,om service, PreSbyterian church, 6r30 Fl crs .,._.......... .__20 16

...'·..·~,I '-~.r~~... ~i~1~v~nh~~ale!r~~~~~, ~~~~ \yorship, ~ r~e~;r~~PD i~ i~ilrk~i :r: Tuesda:y, :Apr. 3:. Midwest Wo- Di k's Tavern ]9 17

" r,"a: maii's auxiWlry, 10:30 a.nj1. '~flin°B :-............. l~ U: ,AHeh ~et,ho~ist Chyrch ' ' C' unny " ..::. i:(K~rl:',O~'Zavadi1, pa~tor) ~o r~f~~eppiY·· ... ~:.. ~j: TI:mrsday; I' Mar. ,29: : I/.!laundy I'~ Al Stars 13 23

Thursdayworship. and communion, :F' rmcrs Union .12 247::30· p.m, :. ' , ion 6 30

Fri~ay',. Mar" ;30': Holy Weeks?r~~ce, 7~:30. P,.,~. ,'" ' ,: '

'" SpndaY,I' A'pr+'!~l~\:'rf CI1urch school,10 a.m.; w~1'5hip',and Tcc,<,ption.of