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Page 1: Heathfield Show Newsletter - Show Issue No. 27 Spring 2018 ... · Heathfield Show Newsletter - Show Issue No. 27 Spring 2018 Written and edited by Nicola Magill March 2018. ... aided

“A not for profit organisation benefitting the local community”

Heathfield NewsHeathfield Show Newsletter - Show Issue No. 27 Spring 2018

New Enterprise Zone Competition

All Change in the Arts & Craft WorldFor many years the Wealden Craft Workers have kindly organised the Craft marquee for us at the Heathfield Show. This year we are taking the organising back in house and with the help of Holly Unsworth White we are arranging our own Arts & Craft marquee.Holly is busy contacting local crafters to encourage them to

take a stand at the Heathfield Show. The aim of this dedicated area will be for likeminded creative businesses to showcase and sell their hand-crafted, unique products. Heathfield Show would like to celebrate their creativity and passion for working with raw and natural materials in both traditional and modern

formats. The crafters will man their stands in the marquee themselves and be ready to answer questions on their items for sale to give the public the personal touch. Where possible exhibitors will be demonstrating their crafting skills.

If you haven’t already, it’s the time of year again for membership renewals - especially as 2018 is shaping up to be another great Show and membership definitely helps you to get the best out of the day. Applications can either be made by using the form at the back of this newsletter or alternatively online at Incidentally, if you use the latter

method you will no longer incur a £1.50 fee.You will note that when you apply, either by post or online, there is an option to tick a box giving us permission to contact you in future. This has been added due to recent changes in Data Protection legislation which means that, once your membership expires on 31st December, it is illegal for us to contact you unless you have

given specific prior permission - which you will have done if the box has been ticked. So, if you want to receive renewal reminders, newsletters etc. in future please do remember to tick this box!’


The ever popular New Enterprise Zone competition with a prize of a free stand at the Heathfield Show is once again open to entries. The closing dates for the competition is Thursday 15th March so if you are quick you can still get your entry in. Visit our web site now to complete the on-line application form.Nine lucky winners will have the opportunity of promoting their new business on Show day with a brief description of what they do included in the Show programme.This is the fourth year of the

competition and the third year of sponsorship from County Insurance. They are proud to

sponsor this event and also to advise prize winners on the pitfalls of public liability and product insurance and we really

appreciate their support of this innovative area.We are proud to be able to say that we were the first Show in the country to offer this opportunity to new businesses by way of a ‘competition’ and to have nine lucky winners benefit annually. The innovative idea is now being emulated by other Shows around the country. What is it they say? Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery!Please make sure you visit the New Enterprise Zone Area on show day and support these enterprising new business owners.

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Heathfield Show Newsletter - Show Issue No. 27 Spring 2018

Written and edited by N

icola Magill M

arch 2018. Printed by S&P Printing.

Human Tractor Pull

The Heathfield Show is becoming known for introducing new ideas to the Show ground. Last year was the Human Tractor Pull. Four teams competed in pitting their strength against a tractor. Crawfords kindly sponsored the event and provided a Valtra N114 tractor with 115hp to put some muscle behind the mechanical side.

The mens Go:ver team won, but it was amazing to see how much effort was required to pull the tractor over the short course in Ring 2.Crawfords have kindly offered to sponsor the event again in 2018 and we are now looking for teams to enter the competition. If you are interested in putting together a team please email the Show Secretary on [email protected].

South Eastern Texel Group

IMPS motorcycle formation display team

Traditionally, we have always seen large numbers of entries in our Texel sheep competition classes but over the last few years the numbers of breeders prepared to compete with their sheep in our region has dropped off. Last year the South Eastern Texel Group decided to try and assist the Show by increasing the prize money being offered to Texel bred sheep.It was like magic, the entries in the Texel classes grew! This year the

SETG have once again agreed to sponsor prize money in addition to

that which the Show offer, so there is quite a significant pot of money to be won in some of the classes. Get your entries in for a chance to win! As they say of the National

Lottery, you need to be in it, to win it! Entries can be made on line via the Heathfield Show web site, entry for the Sheep classes close on 3rd April.

The ‘IMPS’ is dedicated to educating children through, though not exclusively, their leisure

time activities, this is delivered by a disciplined, dynamic and challenging programme of activities with a world-famous motorcycle display team at its heart.From the sound of revving engines to the awe of a billowing fire jump and the suspense of a multiple motorcycle combination ‘cross-over’ routine, The Imps will have you mesmerised by an unmissable display of discipline and skill. Furthermore, you will be stunned to

learn that the youngest performer is only five years old!The Imps Motorcycle Display Team, noted for its impeccable smart red tunics and highly disciplined spectacular show originated in the 1970’s from The Hackney Adventure Holiday Project – a charity founded by Roy Pratt MBE that provided holidays in the country for under privileged young people. Some of the children found a dysfunctional old ‘motorbike’ – one thing led to another and a motorcycle display team, uniquely comprising young people aged six to sixteen, emerged.For over forty years The Imps have performed around the world to millions of people. Regular appearances on prime time television and displays at major events, such as The Edinburgh Military Tattoo, have secured a reputation for excellence.

Extraordinary discipline and incredible teamwork enable The Imps to deliver shows comprising complex ‘cross-overs’ requiring split second timing, breathtaking fire jumps and visually stunning pyramids of red tunics – all served up with a dash of humour and aided by the spell-binding mini Imp mascots.The IMPS will be doing two displays in our Main Ring at the 2018 Heathfield Show. Come and see them live.

Harvey’s Brewery present a trophy for the champion

Heavy Horse The heavy horse classes at the Show always attract a huge audience. Seeing these massive horses trundling round the rings is a sight to behold. The Heathfield Show organise a championship for each individual section and the Heavy Horse section is no exception. This year Harvey’s Brewery, long term friends of the Show, have kindly agreed to sponsor a perpetual trophy for this section. Additionally, Harvey’s dray and pair will be parading round the Main ring at certain times during Show day.

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Heathfield Show Newsletter - Show Issue No. 27 Spring 2018

Wealden Dog AgilityAgility was first introduced to the UK at Crufts 1978 and the structure of the competition has not changed very much over the years. It’s a comparatively new form of dog competition, where the animal’s fitness and the handler’s ability to train and direct the dog over and through certain obstacles are tested.It is fast, furious and a great favourite with competitors and spectators alike.The Wealden Dog Agility Club will be running an all day event at the Show this year, which is a knock out competition, the fastest and most agile over a timed course will win. Some owners enter more than one dog but it is bringing a new dimension of competition to the Heathfield Show and we look forward to a spectacular event unfolding during the day before our eyes.

Time to rein in weights!

Sue Rees, Life Member

The Heathfield & District Agricultural Society has been a long time member of the Association of Shows and Agricultural Organisations, indeed, I have reported about them within this newsletter before. As an Association it keeps all its members up to date with new legislation and generally acts as an advisory body to Shows on anything and everything.Recently there has been some concern expressed by organisers of agricultural shows at the rising average weight of competitors taking part in their horse riding competitions. Fellow ASAO member, Amanda Stoddart, the

organiser of one of the largest horse shows in the country, the Great Yorkshire Show, has spearheaded the campaign to put in place guidelines for Shows to operate under. Initially she met with great resistance from many of the Showing Societies. As she so rightly points out in the Sunday Times, “We want everyone to ride, but on the right horses or ponies.”This year agricultural shows will be banning riders who, together with their saddle, tip the scales at more than 20% of the weight of their mount. Disqualification and sanctions await anybody whose ‘size and weight’ compromise the welfare of their horse or

pony. This would be based on the recommendations of the on-site veterinary team, who will use the 20% ratio as a guideline. A recent study into the effect of rider weight on horse welfare has concluded that horses can suffer from back pain, muscle wastage and lameness if the rider is too heavy.Additionally, the Sunday Times goes on to say that “in an additional twist, overfeeding of horses means they are themselves too heavy and thus less capable of carrying a rider. The growing popularity of larger sports horses is exacerbating the problem because they are more vulnerable to injury”.

I am sad to report that Life Member of the Heathfield Show, Sue Rees, sadly passed away before Christmas. Sue, who for many years ran her own Fell Stud in Meres Lane, Five Ashes, was an expert breeder of Fell ponies

and entered them in competitions at the highest level around the United Kingdom.Sue became involved in the Heathfield Show in the 1960s and for many years sat on the Horse Committee, graduating to Horse Chairman and since 1986 sat on the Show Council. Upon her retirement from the Show in 2013 she was elected a Life Member and continued to support the Show and was a keen sponsor of the Fell classes. During the build up of the Show, Sue was always to be found with Rowland Ridley around the Showground making sure everything was being done to their satisfaction or chewing the fat together in the Show ground office!

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Heathfield Show Newsletter - Show Issue No. 27 Spring 2018

MEMBERSHIP APPLICATION/RENEWAL FORM FOR 2018*Please note that it is also possible to apply or renew your membership online by visiting


Please indicate which membership category you require by ticking the appropriate box and also indicate the number of guest badges (if required).

INDIVIDUAL MEMBERSHIP £221 Members’ Admission Badge1 Members’ Car Pass


DUAL MEMBERSHIP £402 Members’ Admission Badges1 Members’ Car Pass

FAMILY MEMBERSHIP £452 Members’ Admission Badges2 Junior Admission Badges (5–16yr incl.)1 Members’ Car Pass


Please make cheques payable to: Heathfield & District Agricultural Show Society and return to:

Mrs. Di Vickery, HDAS Membership Secretary, Pedlars Cottage, Swife Lane, Broad Oak, Heathfield TN21 8UU Telephone: 01435 883357 (between 6pm and 9pm only please)

Email: [email protected]

If you have moved home within the last 12 months, please indicate herePlease tick if you require a VAT receipt [For office use only: receipt no.…………………………...]I/we agree that you may keep these details on the Show database and agree that information about the Heathfield Show can be sent to us from time to time. I/we can ask at any time to see the details according to the Data Protection Act and also request removal from mailing lists.Membership runs from 1 January to 31 December each year (regardless of initial joining date). This application shall be deemed to be consent by the applicant(s) to membership of the Society. The Society will make no refund of membership subscription in the event of the show being cancelled for whatever reason. Please tick to agree these terms and conditions of membership:

*Applications must be received, please, by the Membership Secretary a minimum of 2 weeks prior to the Show date

YOUR DETAILS (Please complete in block capitals)

Title: ..................... Forename: .............................................. Surname: ..............................................................................

Address: .......................................................................................................................................................................................

Postcode: ............................ Telephone: .................................. Email: ...............................................................................

Second Applicant (for Dual or Family membership only)

Title: ..................... Forename: .............................................. Surname: ..............................................................................

Children’s names (for family membership)

Child 1: ........................................................................................................ Date of Birth: .....................................................

Child 2: ........................................................................................................ Date of Birth: .....................................................

SIGNED: .................................................................................................. DATE: ..................................................

HEATHFIELD & DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL SOCIETYA not for profit organisation benefiting the local community

Show date: Saturday 26 May 2018Venue: Little Tottingworth Farm Broad Oak, Heathfield, East Sussex TN21 8UE