Download - He’s Able! · 2016-06-02 · He’s Able! Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be

Page 1: He’s Able! · 2016-06-02 · He’s Able! Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be

He’s Able!

Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations,

for ever and ever! Amen. (Ephesians 3:20-21, New International Version)

Every now and then I’ve noticed how a song will easily get “stuck” in my head; it seems to be

in my waking and in my more rested times; that song, it’s there. Sometimes I’m prone to

believe that that song is there for a reason: to comfort me, to guide me, whatever I need it to be there for. One

such song that has recently gotten “lodged” is a song entitled “He’s Able” by gospel artist Deitrick Haddon.

Below are some of the powerful lyrics:

Exceedingly, Abundantly

Above all, all you could ask or think

According to, the power

That worketh in you, you...

God is able to do just what He said He would do

He's gonna fulfill every promise to you

Don't give up on God, cause He won't give up on you

He's able

[Chorus x2:]

God is able to do just what He said He would do

He's gonna fulfill every promise to you

Don't give up on God, cause He won't give up on you

If you’re interested in hearing the full song, just hold down the CTRL button on your computer and

simultaneously click on the link below:

Brothers and Sisters in Christ Jesus, I am confident that these lyrics are among many other song lyrics which are

to be seen as healing words, and words of encouragement, as we face various uncertainties in life, and as we do

our part to hold on to our faith in God to see us through all of life’s challenges. Do you know just how able

God is? I’ve tried God time and time again, and God has always come through. Regardless of the size or

magnitude of your challenge, know that God is able and will help you. As a final word of encouragement for

your journeys as we move into the summer months, trust that God is able to help us as a church. With God’s

help, we will get through it all.

Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod

and thy staff they comfort me. Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest

my head with oil; my cup runneth over. Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I

will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.

People with their minds set on you,

you keep completely whole,

Steady on their feet,

because they keep at it and don’t quit.

Isaiah 26:3 (The Message Bible)

Don’t quit! Christ is counting on you! In Christ’ Love, Always,

Pastor Rosie

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Christian Men’s Fellowship

8:30 AM

RX Program 1:00 PM




11:30 AM


Step Up & Weigh Down

5:00 PM

Step Up & Weigh Down

5:00 PM

Step Up &

Weigh Down 5:00 PM

Finance Committee Meeting

5:30 PM



Step Up & Weigh Down

5:00 PM

VBS Meeting

after Worship

Town Hall Meeting after Worship

Church Conference with

Rev. Eradio Valverde (Immediately following


(No Covered Dish Luncheon in June)

Town Hall Meeting 6:00 PM

Page 3: He’s Able! · 2016-06-02 · He’s Able! Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be

JUNE 2016---“Men’s Health”- Seasons of Wholeness Monthly Newsletter

“Long life to you! Good health to you and your household! And good health to all that is yours!” 1 Samuel


Men can live healthier, longer lives just by knowing their health threats and how to work through those

risks. Statistics show that heart disease is the number one threat with cancer, injuries, stroke, COPD

(respiratory disease), diabetes, flu, suicide, kidney disease, and Alzheimer’s making up the top ten. By

listening to your body and adopting good healthy lifestyle habits, you can decrease your risk for life-

threatening health issues.

A healthy, balanced diet will greatly reduce the risk for five of the top ten threats: heart disease, cancer,

stroke, diabetes, and kidney disease. Fruits, vegetables, and whole grains are heart healthy selections and

can fight some cancers as well. They also help maintain a healthy weight which is necessary for the

prevention of diabetes and kidney failure which is a complication of diabetes and high blood pressure. Most

men put more thought into how they fuel their car than how they fuel their body. It is no wonder that

obesity is on the rise, and that the number of obese men in the U.S. has doubled over the past 25 years.

Sedentary habits and overeating have contributed to this epidemic. How do we motivate men? For starters,

forget the word diet and begin to manage your intake of food just like you manage your finances,

relationships, and your job. Next, think about your health and quality of life. Dropping a few pounds and

exercising more will improve your fitness, strength, and energy. Just check with your doctor before you

increase your activity level. The game plan to get the ball rolling includes:

1. Do not skip breakfast. Breakfast gets your metabolism fire started.

2. Cut your portions in half. Overeating is probably what got you here in the first place.

3. Stick with lean chicken, turkey, and fish, eggs, and beans.

4. Focus on carbohydrates. Focus on wholesome choices and go for fruits and vegetables, brown rice, baked

sweet potatoes. Limit sweets and white flour.

5. Eat when you are hungry and stop when you are full.

6. Snack smartly.

7. Exercise regularly. Work in some type of exercise most days of the week to keep up your metabolism.

8. Try to skip heavy meals. Watch your dinner portions. Do not hesitate to leave food on your plate.

9. Limit alcohol. Alcohol has calories.

“Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope.” Lamentations 3:21

Depression is a major illness but is rarely acknowledged by men as it is often viewed as a weakness or a

threat to career and lifestyle, It is actually a neurological malfunction caused by genetics or

life/environmental experiences and can be treated. Depression is exhibited by gender, so in men look for

symptoms of inappropriate anger, compulsive behavior, difficulty sleeping, risky behavior,

alcohol/substance abuse, or thoughts of suicide. Men who attempt to hide their depression may also work

compulsively. Always call 911 if you feel you may harm yourself or others.

“But I will restore you to health and heal your wounds.” Jeremiah 30:17

Snoring occurs in 6 out of 10 adults and most of them are men. Not getting a good night’s rest leads to

daytime sleepiness. That can impair your thinking and concentration, which can affect your job

performance. What causes snoring? Anything that affects your air flow can cause it. Snoring can be

triggered by eating too much before bed, smoking, sleeping position, alcohol, drugs/sedatives, age-older

people often snore because of weaker muscles, obesity, enlarged adenoids, or nasal congestion.


Greetings from Our Wesley Nurse

Page 4: He’s Able! · 2016-06-02 · He’s Able! Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be

For some, sleep apnea. With this, breathing stops for 10-30 seconds. Sleep apnea increases your risk and can

be dangerous for heart attacks, strokes, and high blood pressure. Your doctor can help determine if the snoring

is related to apnea and refer you to a sleep specialist for diagnosis and treatment.

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer deaths. It is most frequently found in men over 65 but

rare cases can be found in men as young as 45. If caught early, it is generally slow in growing and easily

treatable. With few symptoms, it is important to not ignore signs of potential problems like: difficulty

urinating, pain during urination, blood in the urine, and pain in the lower back/hips/upper thighs. See a

physician for an exam and blood testing for PSA to determine if they indicate cancer. If diagnosed, treatment

may include surveillance, surgery, radiation therapy, hormone therapy, or chemotherapy. Discuss your

options with your physician to determine which is appropriate for you.

“Turn your ear to wisdom and apply your heart to understanding.” Proverbs 2:2

Smart men think about their health. They know that health screenings are as important for men as they are for

women. For men to stay healthy and increase their chance at healthier lives, screenings should include a body

mass index for obesity, lipid profiles starting at age 35, blood pressure assessment, colorectal cancer screening

at age 50 or earlier if indicated by family history or abnormal symptoms, and diabetes evaluation.

Know your body, listen to its needs, and see you physician when things do not seem to be right. Your families

want a future with you so look at life and see what can be changed. A few simple adjustments can give you

better health and longer life.

Your Wesley Nurse,

Kerry DuBose


From the Fundraiser Committee

Dear Church Friends,

Included in the newsletter is a survey that the fundraiser committee is sending to everyone. Please read

and respond to at least two (2) items to help with our need of funds for the general fund. Our church

needs your gifts whatever that may be. Prayers are needed from everyone while we struggle.

(Sometimes struggling is good because it makes us more aware of what we have and what we can lose.)

Thank you,

Fundraiser Committee

PS If you have any suggestions for the committee please contact Sandra Coates.

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Name: ______________________________________________

The church is going to be having some fundraisers this year to support the church's general

budget. Show us how you want to get involved by filling out the information below:

The finance committee met and ask if the fundraiser committee would meet to brain storm.

The fundraising committee met and made some great suggestions and we hope everyone will

help by choosing at least 2 fundraisers to help with throughout the next year or make a

contribution from the heart or both. Please return this form by choosing the fundraisers you

will be willing to help with and/or send your donation to the office by June 5th.

___ Bake pies to sell for Thanksgiving and/or Christmas

___Fish Fry July 17th

___Car Wash

___Farmers’ Market on two Wed 2-6. Bring bake goods and/or plants to sell

___I will donate to the FUMC to help pay the bills this summer. (Money is attached and will be

turned in by June 5th.)

We will also have a raffle for a YETI cooler and will need everyone to sell tickets. If you can help

with the cost of the cooler and a few other little prizes please give the money to Sandra or

Missy and designate for the YETI cooler raffle.

___I will donate to the cost of the YETI cooler for our raffle.

If you have any others ideas please let Sandra Coates know.

Thank you,

Fundraiser Committee

Sandra Coates, Chairman

Betty Strain Bonnie Hartung

Anna Franklin Jessica Hartung

Lynn Houser Patrick Houser

Please fill this out and return it to Sandra Coates or the church office


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Church Town Hall Meetings will be held for all members to come and discuss the Small Church Initiative Ministry Action Plan (MAP). Lay Leadership will facilitate and guide the discussion. Both town hall meetings will be immediately following Worship on June 5th and June 26th. Come and get involved! Contact Pastor Rosie or an officer of the church if you have any questions.

Vacation Bible School is July 11-15th, 5:30 pm-8:30 pm, for children ages 5 and up. Friday is Family Fun Day. To get involved, contact Monica Reagan or Holly Houser. Please pray for this year’s VBS-Cokesbury’s Surf Shack Program. UM Army (Mission for Youth) has been approved to be held at our church July 17-23, 2016. Know of a high school youth who would like to participate? Please talk to Pastor Rosie or Mary Anne Hartung, Youth Director. Additionally, if you know of projects the youth can do during this work camp, talk to Pastor Rosie about presite forms that can be turned in to Rev. Bryan Rogers, Director for the camp. Sinton Food Pantry Needs Volunteers! If you want to serve on a church team to serve once monthly on a Thursday, please contact Pastor Rosie or Betty Strain for more information. Sign ups for this and other community project work are available in the foyer of the church.


Spiritual Gifts Inventory Offering! Rediscovering Our Spiritual Gifts by Dr. Charles V. Bryant offers a spiritual gifts inventory. If you are interested in a one-on-one session or a class, please contact Pastor Rosie. Wednesday Bible Study continues in 2016 at 11:30 a.m. Beginning May 11th, we’ll be studying the Book of Ruth with Author and Pastor Tommy Nelson. Contact Pastor Rosie for more information. Our Adult Sunday School Class is held each Sunday at 9:00 a.m. Everyone is welcome to attend.

First United Methodist Church of Sinton, Thanks to all who give for the San Patricio County Sheriff’s Toy Drive.

Every dollar will help. God Bless You,

Sheriff Leroy Moody

Page 8: He’s Able! · 2016-06-02 · He’s Able! Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be

My Pumpkin Friends,

Guess what will be delivered in LESS THAN 150 days. If you guess pumpkins you guess correctly. I can’t believe it’s getting so

close. The Pumpkin Patch committee has been meeting every two months to mostly make decisions for the coming year. Let me catch

you up with what has been discussed.

1. We will not be cooking pumpkins this year. It didn’t work out. Not a lot of people cook from scratch any longer so we need to

find a home for the pumpkins before they go bad. For example someone with animals that would eat the pumpkins. We may

have a half price pumpkin place. Just thinking out loud.

2. We won’t have face painting this year because it was just too hard to control so we will leave face painting to the Fall Festival.

3. The only time we will have story telling is when or if we have the children from Welder Elementary and or children from day

cares visit the pumpkin patch during a field trip.

4. We bought 4 garden wagons.

5. We will only add one new thing a year so this year a Pumpkin stroll is still being discussed.

6. Last year we got 15% of the pumpkins in the 18 wheeler on the first delivery. This year we will get 40% of the pumpkins on

the first delivery. I have also asked for a lot more little pumpkins since we ran out last year and we plan on having elementary

field trips.

7. We will be open 8 am to 10 am and 4 pm to 7 pm. During the weekday. Saturday 10 to 7. Sunday 1-7

8. This year we won’t deal with coins. Everything will be a dollar up. Also our pumpkin prices will be a little different as well.

Huge pumpkins didn’t sell well.

9. We will only sign up 2 people for a shift. That’s all we needed last year.

10. Dee DuBose has been keeping the lot mowed all year. Thanks Dee!

11. We made $ 3,424.55 last year. We donated $1,000 to the children ministry, $1,000 to the Food Pantry. The rest we will buy

tables, we bought pizza for the 2016 Sr. Club that helped with the unloading of pumpkins, and we bought 4 garden wagons

from True Value. We will buy 5 tables-3 for the church and 2 folding long tables for the Pumpkin Patch

12. Pastor has contacted the Restitution Center about helping us with the unloading.

13. Jessica Hartung has contacted the elementary school about a field trip to the pumpkin patch.

14. Sandra will put a thank you in the paper to the companies that help with setting up the pumpkins.

15. Suzanne Marshall is designing a Logo for the pumpkin patch which will be used from now on for t-shirts and banners and all

ads. She also will be designing a banner. Also she will design the photo areas.

What we need this year so far.

1. People to sign up to work unloading the truck.

2. Help to load and unload the truck

3. Hay

4. Of course we will accept money to buy hay and whatever we need to decorate.

5. During the month of Sept we will need help if someone has a truck or trailer to go to Parkers Lumber, Aunt Aggie Dee

behind Chamber and SISD to pick up pallets for the pumpkins patch. We will need at least 125 because we expect triple

the amount of pumpkins than last year. (Est 1500 to 2000)

6. Need wire to cover some of the pallets because we will put the mini pumpkins on the pallets and wire will keep them

from falling through.

Can you tell that I am getting excited? I have a wonderful committee and next month I will name them all. If you are interested in

helping please let us know.

Your pumpkin bumpkin friend,

Sandra Coates

Project Coordinator

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APRIL 3: Worship -32 Sunday School-22 Total Offering: $3,339.00 APRIL 10: Worship -34 Sunday School-20 Total Offering: $3,307.46 APRIL 17: Worship -29 Sunday School-15 Total Offering: $2,094.90 APRIL 24: Worship -39 Sunday School-16

Total Offering: $7,913.01



Nursing Home, Assisted Living, Long-Term:

Military: Wesley Hartung

Cameron Collier

Matt Lowder

Kevin Campbell

Jakob Unruh

If you would like to add a loved one to our prayer list, please, call the church office at 364-2031, or email us at [email protected].

Prayer List: • Ryan Rivera, Jr. • Denice Hadwin • Stephanie Jetton Brezina • The Family of Karen Reilly • Ruben Serrano • Audrey Alaniz • Kyle Smith • Laynie Houser • Lynn Houser • Johnnie Sue Littleton • John & Kathy Lange • Jan Havelka • The Family of Douglas Murray • Andy Pollard • The Family of William F. McDaniel • Manuel Candelaria, Sr. • Charles Martinka • Charles Jones • Bill Wheeler

This is the mail-in portion of our VBS Registration form, feel free to print this out and mail this in, there is no charge this year for our 3 day evening program. If you would like

to volunteer, please call Holly Houser at 290-0936.

Memorials (Received May 1-31, 2016)

WILLIAM F. MCDANIEL Mr. & Mrs. Joseph (Elaine) Travers

Nancy K. Nelson Samye L. May

Mr. & Mrs. Joe Schubert Mary Burnett

PARODA DEITCH Mr. & Mrs. Joey Edwards

DARREN SEAL Mr. & Mrs. Dee DuBose

Sue McDaniel Mary Saied

Nina DuBose

Altar Flowers

If you would like to provide altar flowers in honor or

in memory of a loved one, please call or email the

church office and we will add your loved one’s name

and date to the altar flower chart in the hallway in

front of the church office.

Page 10: He’s Able! · 2016-06-02 · He’s Able! Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be

SINTON METHODIST NEWS 2016 A Publication of the First United Methodist Church of Sinton

Email: [email protected] Website:

FIRST UNITED METHODIST CHURCH P. O. Box 276 Sinton, Texas 78387

Happy Father’s Day Sunday, June 19, 2016