Download - HEARTbeat - Mended Hearts · Reema is a student at Morristown Medical Center’s School of Cardiovascular Technology. The School was founded in 1976 to prepare cardiovascular technologists

Page 1: HEARTbeat - Mended Hearts · Reema is a student at Morristown Medical Center’s School of Cardiovascular Technology. The School was founded in 1976 to prepare cardiovascular technologists

About Mended Hearts

Mended Hearts of Morris County Founded October 16, 1968

Morristown Medical Center

Morristown, NJ 07960


Mended Hearts is the largest heart

patient support network in the world,

with 20,000 members and 300 chap-

ters. It’s mission is dedicated to

providing support to heart patients

before and after their procedures.

Mended Hearts of Morris County is

a 501c3 organization which supports

patients of the Gagnon Cardiovascu-

lar Institute with visits, monthly meet-

ings and nursing scholarship awards.

In 2012, the Chapter was awarded

the Mended Hearts National Presi-

dent’s Award for the outstanding

chapter nationwide, as measured in

number of patients visited, member-

ship growth, hospital recognition and

contribution to the community.

Upcoming Meetings

Its great to be alive—and to

help others

Executive Committee President Victor Fabry [email protected] Visiting Chairman Joe Nadler [email protected] Vice President Tom Dibble [email protected] Treasurer Harvey Brooks [email protected] Secretary Diane Fabry [email protected] Fund Raising Chair David Bailin [email protected] Hospitality Chairperson Daisy Wary [email protected]

Care Giver Chairperson Marcy Brooks [email protected] Past Treasurer Jorge Martinez [email protected]

Newsletter Editor Victor Fabry [email protected]

Please mail a Tax Deductible check to: Harvey Brooks, Treasurer

Mended Hearts of Morris County 25 Redwood Road

Springfield, NJ 07081


Gagnon Ranked as Top

Hospital for Heart Surgery

There are 620 U.S. Heart Hospitals

ranked by U.S. News & World Reports.

Morristown Medical Center was ranked

27th in nation for Cardiology & Heart

Surgery, putting Gagnon Cardiovascular

Institute in the top 4% of heart hospitals.

Mended Hearts

Mended Hearts

Our Chapter meetings are held the

Fourth Sunday of the month at the

Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute

of the Morristown Medical Center,

Morristown, New Jersey

Sunday, April 22 at 1:30 pm Cardiologist and a Heart Patient Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute WILF Conference Room

Sunday, May 20 at 1:30 pm Urgent Care and ER Medicine Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute WILF Conference Room

Sunday, June 24 at 1:30 pm

In-Patient Cardiac Rehab Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute WILF Conference Room

If you’d like learn about our visiting

program, email Joe Nadler, Visiting

Chair at [email protected]

We welcome your comments and sug-

gestions on our Quarterly Newsletter,

please email our editor at

[email protected]

We hope you’ll support our

Scholarship Fund for Nursing &

Medical Technology Students

Page 2: HEARTbeat - Mended Hearts · Reema is a student at Morristown Medical Center’s School of Cardiovascular Technology. The School was founded in 1976 to prepare cardiovascular technologists


The President’s Report


Spring has here!

Dear Heart Patients and Care Givers,

Spring has finally arrived and after a winter of

snow and cold temperatures, we are all looking

forward to warmer weather, getting outdoors

and enjoy the joys of spring.

Whether your interests are biking, walking, gar-

dening, golf or tennis, now is the time to consid-

er lifestyle changes that can improve your recov-

ery and extend your life. You begin by reviewing

your diet and exercise goals and objectives. As

a heart patient, this is also an excellent time to

review lifestyle choices that can have a positive

influence on heart disease and expedite your

recovery from open heart surgery.

The first step in your recovery program should be

participating in a Cardiac Rehab program at your

local hospital or rehab clinic. Heart patients who

complete Cardiac Rehab after open heart sur-

gery, recover faster and live healthier and longer.

The program consists of three visits a week, one

hour per visit, over a period of three months. The

exercise equipment includes tread mills, stair

steppers, stationary bikes, rowing machines and

upper body strength machines. Your progress is

supervised by RN’s and a Registered Dietitian.

Check page 6 for an article about Phase III and

heart health maintenance programs. After you

complete the 3 month program, you should con-

tinue you own favorite activity whether it’s walk-

ing, gardening, biking, golf or tennis.

This issue announces our first annual Nursing

and Cardiovascular Technology scholarship

awards given to two outstanding students. Check

out the article on New Heart Rate Technology by

Sarah Fabry (page 4); Music Therapy by Marcy

Brooks (page 5); Benefits of Cardiac Rehab by

Toto Arenas (page 6); and Recovery Guidelines

by Joe Nadler (page 8) while you’re in the hospi-

tal. When you back home, you can refer to these

articles and guidelines to your recovery as you

continue the journey to full health

About Mended Hearts of Morris County

Our mission is to support to heart patients and

their families. Mended Hearts of Morris County

was founded in 1968 and every year our chapter

continues to grow and improve. Today, we have

over 90 members including 18 accredited visiting

members who visit heart patients in-hospital be-

fore and after surgery.

I am constantly reminded how lucky I am to have

been given this second chance as an Open

Heart Survivor to contribute through Mended

Hearts. I believe that many of you feel the same

way and this is what connects us as a group.

Our monthly meetings are held the fourth Sunday

of the month, in the Wilf conference room of the

Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute. Please check

the meeting schedule on first page and join us.


Vic Fabry

Page 3: HEARTbeat - Mended Hearts · Reema is a student at Morristown Medical Center’s School of Cardiovascular Technology. The School was founded in 1976 to prepare cardiovascular technologists


Mended Hearts Scholarship Awards by Victor Fabry, MHoMC President

First Annual Scholarship Awards

This year, Mended Hearts of Morris County established a scholarship fund to support stu-dents pursuing a career in health care. Students were interviewed and judged on the catego-ries of Intelligence, Passion and Personality.

At our January 28th meeting, we presented scholarship awards to two outstanding medical students. One student was pursing a Nursing degree and the other was enrolled in the School of Cardiovascular Technology. Each was given a $750.00 Scholarship award.

Nursing Student Award The Nursing award winner was Elena Banzhaf. In 2016, she graduated Rowan University with a degree in biological science. In 2017, Elena enrolled at Cald-well University's Accelerated Bachelors of Science Nursing Pro-gram. She was on the Dean’s List for academic excellence for the fall semester. Since her graduation, she has worked as Unit Secre-tary on Gagnon 3 and the Cardiac Cath Lab at the Morristown Medi-cal Center. She is scheduled to graduate in May 2019.

Cardiovascular Technology Award

The Medical Technology award winner was Reema Patel. Reema is a student at Morristown Medical Center’s School of Cardiovascular Technology. The School was founded in 1976 to prepare cardiovascular technologists to as-sist cardiologists in the diagnosis and treatment of patients with heart and vascular disease. This eighteen month program includes classroom and clinical studies to understand all aspects of cardiac imaging and innovations in field of cardiology. Reema plans to graduate from this certificate program in March 2019.

Future Scholarships

In February, we received two significant grants. These endowments, along with additional donations from members and friends of Mended Hearts of Morris Coun-ty, will allow our scholarship program to grow and continue awarding educational grants to outstanding medical students, well into the next decade.

Do you know a outstanding Nursing Student? If you know a medical student beginning their studies, please contact Mended Hearts of Morris County to be considered for the scholarship award program. Email our Victor Fabry at [email protected] Attach a one page biography or their resume Include cover letter with student’s objective upon graduation

© 2018 Mended Hearts of Morris County

Page 4: HEARTbeat - Mended Hearts · Reema is a student at Morristown Medical Center’s School of Cardiovascular Technology. The School was founded in 1976 to prepare cardiovascular technologists


Instant Heart Rate Monitor

Doctors are driven to do more to keep people healthy while limiting the need for office visits, which can often be difficult to schedule and may require long waits. There are new types of technology which are used by health care workers to support their patients and used by agencies like the VNA, where I work. “About 2.7 million Americans and 34 million people world-wide are estimated to have atrial fibrillation. Many patients don’t expe-rience symptoms, and it can go undetected until a complication occurs. Researchers say earlier detection could begin patients on treatments such as blood thinners, to reduce risk of complications”. WSJ Health & Wellness Some heart patients experience heart irregular heart rates before or after open heart surgery. There are new smartphone applications which can allow patients to monitor their heart rates easily and quickly. For iPhone users, there are over a dozen heart rate monitor apps available for free or for a small monthly cost at the Apple app store. These new apps utilize your smartphone’s built in camera to accurately measure and track your heart rate at home or work, during various activities such as exercising, walk-ing, resting, before going to sleep or after just waking. There are several other apps that people can down load to their iPhone to check their heart-rate on-the-go, and get an instant read of how fast (or slow) their heart is beating. Most require the user to hold an index finger over the camera lens. The reading takes less than 10 seconds and results are displayed. The Instant Heart Rate: HR Monitor app is free, quick to down-load and easy to use. It monitors and tracks your heart rate, and measures stress levels. A benefit of in-home testing is that it empowers patients and in-creases their self-awareness of symptoms. Rather than having to rely on a doctor to perform simple routine testing, patients can self-check which can lead to feeling more in-control and brings peace of mind. New Smartphone technologies which allow patients to monitor their health, can benefit the patient, their caregiver and provide data for diagnosis by doctor’s. © 2018 this article includes excerpted portions from the March 22 issue of WSJ Health and Wellness

New Heart Rate Technology

By Sarah Fabry, Mended Hearts Contributing Writer


Page 5: HEARTbeat - Mended Hearts · Reema is a student at Morristown Medical Center’s School of Cardiovascular Technology. The School was founded in 1976 to prepare cardiovascular technologists



Marcy’s Caregiver Corner By Marcy Brooks, MHoMC Caregiver Chairperson

Name That Tune!

Who does not like music? Everyone seems to have grown up with some type of music. Research has shown that when we were babies in our mother’s womb, we were listening to her heart beat and breathing rhythms. As an infant, lullabies were soothing to little ears. Tastes and types of music changed through the years. Some varieties are: rock/pop; soft rock; easy listening; old-ies; classical; and new age music.

Music is found in almost every setting. Most food stores and department stores have easy listening types. People bring their music (by way of earplugs) to hospital settings.

Music is soothing and takes one’s mind off illness and other unpleasant thoughts. Often times one’s moods are regulated with the help of music, and it brings comfort, relief, and enjoyment.

Some studies have shown that music can help people cope with physical pain. It was noted that people who listen to music before, during, or after surgery ex-perience less pain and anxiety than those who did not listen to music.In gen-eral, music helps our bodies to relax physically and mentally. Furthermore, mu-sic reduces stress, helps us get better sleep, and improves our moods.

Music is passive entertainment. When your loved one is at rest in a hospital setting, television might be disruptive. Those earplugs with your favorite tunes are perfect for the visitor’s relaxation.

If you’re relaxed by way of your favorite music, it is catching to the patient. The patient experiences your mood, and it aids especially when help is needed.


Keep smiling. Stand strong. YOU ARE NEEDED!


In 2007, I had open heart surgery to repair an Ascending Aortic Aneurysm at Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute. Post surgery, a harpist played relaxing music at my bedside in the Intensive Care Unit. Once in my room, the music of Brazilian guitarist, Tomaz Lima, played nearly nonstop from a CD player. I believe the rhythmic strains played continually in my room, reduced my Post Traumatic Stress. My mind was at peace with the rhythm of the guitarist and the music became medicine. It was very soothing. "Music can quiet your anxiety and have powerful influence your recovery.” Victor Fabry, President, Mended Hearts of Morris County

Page 6: HEARTbeat - Mended Hearts · Reema is a student at Morristown Medical Center’s School of Cardiovascular Technology. The School was founded in 1976 to prepare cardiovascular technologists


Why is Cardiac Rehab Important?

Cardiac Rehabilitation is a professionally supervised monitored exercise program for those who have had a cardiac event. The Cardiac Rehab Center, provides an individualized ap-proach to your care in a safe environment to make the most effective and appropriate life-style changes. In addition to a monitored exercise, we offer nutrition education and recom-mendation, DM education, stress management classes and support groups.

Medical studies have shown that patients who complete Cardiac Rehab have better control of their stress, feel more energy, reduce risk of future heart events and improve overall health and well-being and live longer. Our multidisciplinary teams include: a Board Certified Medical Director, Registered Nurses, an Exercise Physiologist, a Registered Clinical Dieti-tian and other medical professionals.

Our Cardiac Rehab program has received national certification from the American Associa-tion of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation (AACVPR) for superior cardiac rehab services. The center’s staff has extensive cardiac backgrounds; BLS & ACLS certified. I have 36 years of nursing experience in clinical and administrative expertise with 18 years at Morristown Medical Center’s, Outpatient Cardiac Rehab.

Phase II Cardiac Rehab program consists of three visits per week for twelve weeks and is covered by most insurance companies. Your cardiologist’s or primary care physician’s

referral may be required. There are the two nearby Atlantic Health Cardiac Rehab sites:

Morristown Medical Center Outpatient Cardiac Rehabilitation

The Chambers Center for Well Being

435 South Street - Suite 160 Morristown, NJ 07960

Phone: 973-971-7230

Email: [email protected]

Overlook Medical Center Cardiac Rehab at New Providence 571 Central Avenue - Suite 118 New Providence, NJ 07974 Phone: 908-522-2945

Cardiac Rehab Maintenance Programs Health Maintenance programs teach heart patients how to continue exercising to maintain cardiovascular health. There are two free nearby programs, directed by nationally certified trainers that consist of two sessions per week over twelve weeks. Contact for more details:

- Summit Area YMCA, 67 Maple Street, Summit, NJ, Contact Susan Guber, 908-273-3330

- Berkeley Heights YMCA, 550 Springfield Avenue, Berkeley Heights, NJ 908-464-8373

Benefits Cardiac Rehab By Remia “Toto” Arenas BSN, RN-BC

Page 7: HEARTbeat - Mended Hearts · Reema is a student at Morristown Medical Center’s School of Cardiovascular Technology. The School was founded in 1976 to prepare cardiovascular technologists


Mended Hearts of Morris County

Membership Application

Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute Morristown Medical Center

100 Madison Avenue Morristown, NJ 07960

(Mr., Mrs., Ms.) _______________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ City/State ____________________________________________ Zip Code ______________ Email ______________________________________________________________________ Mobile___________________________ Home Phone________________________________ Name of Family Member/ Care Giver Residing at same address________________________ Are You an Open Heart Surgery Survivor Yes__________ No ___________ Would you be interested in visiting patient’s in-hospital for 2 hours per week? _____________ If you’re interested in becoming a visiting member or have questions about the Mended Hearts visiting program, please e-mail our visiting Chairman, Joe Nadler at [email protected]

Do you have writing, fund raising or leadership experience that could benefit Mended Hearts? ___________________________________________________________________________ Would you like to support our Scholarship fund for Nursing students and School of CVT students? Please select a Scholarship Fund donation level ($200.00, $100.00, $50.00, $25.00, $10.00) My Donation $_________ Membership dues:

Includes a subscription to Heartbeat Magazine and one insignia pin for an Individual Membership and for a Family Membership, one additional pin for a family member residing in the same household.

PLEASE SELECT ONE: Individual: $30.00 ($20 National, $10 Chapter) Family: $45.00 ($30 National, $15 Chapter) Life-Individual $225.00 ($150 National, $75 Chapter) Life-Family $315.00 ($210 National, $105 Chapter)

Please mail this membership application with your check to: Harvey Brooks, Treasurer Mended Hearts of Morris County 25 Redwood Road Springfield, NJ 07081


Page 8: HEARTbeat - Mended Hearts · Reema is a student at Morristown Medical Center’s School of Cardiovascular Technology. The School was founded in 1976 to prepare cardiovascular technologists


1. Returning Home No tub baths for at least six weeks Walk carefully on level surfaces and if possible, avoid stairs Take your medications exactly as your cardiologist prescribed If you have had leg incisions, wash gently with antibacterial soap Shower with warm water; letting water gently run over the incision Keep a list of medications in your wallet, including dosages and times

2. First Two Weeks

Do not sleep on your slide; Sleep on your back using pillows for support If you were prescribed elastic stockings, wear for two weeks after surgery If you're tired, take short naps as necessary or sit resting for 20 to 30 minutes Continue using your spirometer (blue breathing device) every two to four hours Walk as much as you can manage, gradually increasing your time and distance

3. First Six Weeks

Do not lift over 10 pounds for the first six weeks Avoid any activities that might cause you to strain No driving during your first six weeks after surgery Ask your cardiologist for a prescription for Cardiac Rehab Increase your walking distance as your endurance improves Follow instructions to avoid the air bag, in case of an accident

4. Cardiac Rehab Program

The program is covered by Medicare and most insurance plans Cardiac Rehab includes 36 one hour sessions, over three months The program is supervised by RN’s including a Registered Dietitian Includes tread mill, stationary bike, elliptical trainer, rowing machine

5. First Twelve Months

Schedule visits with your cardiologist on a regular basis Continue your compliance with prescribed medications Maintain a healthy diet; low in salt, fat and cholesterol Keep exercising; both aerobic and strength training Attend a support group to share your experiences

In Summary Follow your Cardiologist’s recommendations on medications and exercise Go to to learn about Mended Hearts of Morris County To join Mended Hearts of Morris County, complete the application on Page 7

© 2017 Excerpted from “The Road to Recovery” by Gagnon Cardiovascular Institute

Please Post on your Refrigerator Door

Post Cardiac Surgery Guidelines By Joe Nadler, MHoMC Visiting Chairman


Page 9: HEARTbeat - Mended Hearts · Reema is a student at Morristown Medical Center’s School of Cardiovascular Technology. The School was founded in 1976 to prepare cardiovascular technologists