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Healthy SmoothiesFor A

Beautiful You


ChaptersChapter I – Page 3


Chapter II – Page 5Lose Weight With Healthy Smoothies

Chapter III – Page 20Detoxify Your Body

Chapter IV – Page 31For Beautiful, Youthful Skin

Chapter V – Page 39Heartburn Healing

Chapter VI - 46The Life Force of Raw Fruit and Vegetables

Chapter VII - 53The Importance of Water

Chapter VIII - 56Final Thoughts

Chapter IX - 57Healthy Smoothie Recipes to Enjoy


Chapter I

IntroductionHealthy smoothies can heal and balance our internal systems. By combining pure, drinking water and antioxidant enriched fruit and vegetables such as blueberries, mangoes and spinach, a smoothie is simple to make. The benefits to all organs and functioning systems of the body are vast.

Fruit and vegetables contain nutrients and antioxidants which help fight free radicals. Digestive enzymes are also found in fruit. These protein molecules break down the food particles of proteins, carbohydrates and fats, thus changing them into nutrients to be absorbed by your organs and utilized for cellular building.

To live, every cell in your body needs water. As an essential component for removing toxins in your body, water has a healing mission. Water helps balance brain chemicals and pH levels of your blood. Clean, pure water has a naturally occurring life force and high vibrational frequency. Your body deserves the hydration that nature has intended. Purified drinking water is paramount to health.

Enjoy one smoothie daily along with filtered drinking water to see remarkable improvements to your health. The benefits from weight loss, detoxification, proper hydration and restoration of the body's alkaline acid requirements are monumental. The smoothie recipes which follow in this book are made with only natural ingredients, thereby blocking toxic invaders and promoting good health.


Each section provides information as to why we are suffering from a given illness and a delicious recipe to work toward promoting good health. The healing properties of the ingredients are detailed. Also presented are methods of vitamin absorption and effective digestion. Not getting the full health benefits of fruit and vegetables can be counterproductive to one's efforts.

Many dietary agencies recommend eating at least 5 servings of fruit and vegetables daily. This can be attained easily with healthy smoothies. One serving size of fruit is equivalent to ½ cup. Examples include ½ cup of berries, 1 small apple or 2 kiwis. For vegetables in raw form, one cup of leafy vegetables such as spinach and lettuce counts as one serving, while ½ cup of vegetables like broccoli equals one serving.

The taste of fruit can overshadow the bitterness or spiciness of some very nutritious vegetables, making the fruit and vegetable combination quite delicious. At the conclusion of the book, there are many recipes to enjoy. Enhance your health by consuming a wide variety of fruits and vegetables.

Good health begets happiness.


Chapter II

Lose Weight With Healthy Smoothies

Imagine fruit trees thriving in the sun and rain. Imagine strawberry fields and vineyards of grapes. The scenery does not belie the nutrients. Natural fruits and vegetables filled with antioxidants are critical components for weight loss success.

The secret to losing weight surrounds us as life - water and earth. Fresh fruit and vegetables provide essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients necessary for optimal health. The combination of such has an impact on digestion, metabolism and absorption of nutrients. If our internal systems are not healthy, our weight loss goals will be difficult to reach.

Phytonutrients found in fruits and vegetables also promote healing. These compounds help the plant ward off disease. Many phytonutrients are contained in the skin of fruit and vegetables and are responsible for the plant's color and flavor. In humans, they enhance cellular activity, fight disease and act as powerful antioxidants. There are thousands of phytonutrients such as carotenoids, flavonoids and polyphenols. The remaining mysteries are those which have yet to be discovered.

Fruit and vegetables have a high content of water which provides hydration and a feeling of fullness. Next, we will examine energy density, the reasons for weight gain and simple, healthy ways to overcome this problem.


Energy Density

To lose weight, consider fruits and vegetables that have a lower energy density, meaning they have fewer calories (or energy) than their weight in grams. To calculate the energy density divide the calories of the food per serving with the weight of the food in grams per serving.

A low energy density is determined by the high water and fiber content of the raw food. Specifically, the water and fiber found in fresh produce allows us to experience the same level of feeling full as does a high calorie meal of unhealthy foods. Dieters can enjoy eating a greater amount of food with lower energy density and still lose weight.

Water has an energy density of 0, contributing weight to foods. This lowers the energy density. Fiber, sometimes known as roughage, is the part of plant foods that the body can't digest. Fiber also lowers energy density and helps keep the digestive system functioning.

There are two types of fiber. Soluble fibers are those which dissolve in water. They help the body by disallowing a high level of starch and sugar absorption, thus stabilizing blood sugar levels. Also, soluble fibers are said to lower cholesterol.

Insoluble fibers do not dissolve in water and enable the body to move material through the digestive system. Examples of fruit parts that contain insoluble fibers are the peel of an apple and the seeds of berries. Most raw vegetables contain insoluble fibers. A high percentage of such is found in cauliflower and carrots.


Weight Gain

There are many reasons for weight gain stemming from hormonal changes, decreased physical activity, free radical damage to cells and really bad food choices. Another culprit is increased toxins lurking in your body from processed foods or environmental pollutants found in water, air, and products used for cleaning and hygiene. Toxic activity will be addressed in the next chapter.

When weight is gained, the fat globules within the fat cells get bigger as more fat is stored. Fat cells also known as adipocytes store energy as fat. In the body, they are present around the organs and beneath the skin, respectively termed as visceral and subcutaneous.

These cells have important jobs to do and should not be undermined by poor nutrition. For example, if the bulk of the foods we eat and digest are highly acidic, the body will have to start taking necessary minerals from such places as our bones, muscles and organs to neutralize the acids. In a final desperate attempt to keep our blood in a slightly alkaline state, the acids are stored in the fat cells to protect the vital organs. The fat cells grow.

Weight Dilemmas From Hormones

Many hormonal problems are responsible for dramatic weight fluctuations. The examples of insulin, cortisol and leptin will be discussed.



The hormone known as insulin is a quintessential factor in weight control. Specifically, as insulin levels rise, more fat gathers in the fat tissue. When insulin levels fall, fat is burned from the fat tissue and is used as fuel. Problems occur in a steady, high carbohydrate diet.

After being consumed, carbohydrates break down as sugar. Beta cells of the pancreas secrete insulin for digestion. With high carbohydrate levels, the glucose is rising and more insulin is being produced to lower the blood sugar. Thus carbohydrates are being converted to fat and are being stored in the fat cells. There the fat will stay and increase with a predominance of carbohydrates in the diet.

In time, insulin resistance will occur. The cells of the body become resistant to insulin and a higher level is needed for the insulin to do its job of controlling sugars, starches, fats and proteins.

The glycemic index provides approximate information on how much a food causes a rise in blood sugar. Adding fresh squeezed lemon juice to your food can lower the glycemic index by a 20 to 40 percent range, studies have shown.

Examples of smoothie ingredients with a very low glycemic index number are grapefruit, cherries, cucumbers and broccoli.



Cortisol is the hormone necessary for the dangerous moments in our lives. By increasing glucose in the blood, cortisol provides us with the energy to make death defying decisions. Stand and fight, or run for it. Running to the refrigerator to satisfy our now super charged cravings for simple carbohydrates does not count. The ultimate irony would be death by poor nutrition.

When stress hormones are released, the body has trouble releasing fat from its fat stores to be used as energy. Less calories are burned. A worse predicament is the effect of stress on the immune system where white blood cell activity is impaired.

Long ago, stress would have been alleviated through physical activity. In the current era of convenience, wrong and hasty choices are made to counteract stress. When in the throes of stress, choose good health. Prepare a simple smoothie for a quick fix or as a smaller meal, throughout the day. Make certain to have the smoothie on an empty stomach, after the prior meal has been fully digested.

Fruits and vegetables to quiet your angst include those with Vitamin B5, Vitamin C and folate. Vitamin B5 has an important role in the secretion of cortisol. Vitamin C naturally lowers cortisol levels, and folate helps control the adrenal glands which produce cortisol.

For a natural dose of Vitamin B5 and Vitamin C, have a refreshing smoothie with kiwi and pomegranate. Add a few leaves of spinach for folate.



Leptin is a hormone that is made in stored fat. It was previously thought that fat just remained in storage as extra calories. New studies show that fat in storage plays an active role in the rate at which your body makes energy by way of leptin. This hormone is released from the fat and travels to the brain through the bloodstream.

Once in the brain, leptin relays energy and nutrition information by acting on the receptors in the hypothalamus. If the leptin levels are low, the brain interprets this as a signal to eat more. As protection, the brain slows the metabolic rate. If leptin levels are high, the brain sends out messages for the metabolism to thrive since there are plenty of nutrients.

The problem in overweight people is that their leptin hormones are malfunctioning. Signals to eat more are delivered even if you have ample energy. Studies have shown that a diet rich in saccharides may be the cause of leptin resistance. Ingest fruit and vegetables as smoothies for naturally occurring energy.

Select fruits high in fiber such as apples and avocados. Choose vegetables such as carrots, celery and leafy greens for added magnesium to help the leptin function.


Free Radical Destruction

There are other advantages of fat burning fruits and vegetables. They are filled with vitamins, many of which contain Vitamin A, C and E. These are antioxidant rich foods which help keep free radicals from damaging cell structures.

Free radicals occur naturally from food being broken down in the body. They are formed during the oxidation process. Sometimes when an atom loses an electron in its outer ring, the atom becomes a free radical. The atom becomes positively charged because of the lack of the negatively charged electron. Since opposites attract, the positively charged atom or molecule that is now a free radical will seek out another electron from a balanced atom.

Soon the reactive process causes biological damage. The cell membranes are likely to harden. The cell cannot get nutrients and therefore cannot function. These free radicals can even damage our DNA.

The cellular problem becomes one of inefficient energy production. Thus the metabolic rate drops and more fat is accumulated. Also, hormone secretion in your glands is adversely affected. The consequences of free radical damage becomes more prevalent beginning in the late twenties.

Drink healthy smoothies enriched with antioxidants to manage free radicals before they go into a frenzied chain reaction of electron stealing. Unhand that electron.


Many fruits contain powerful antioxidants which will attach to the unpaired electron. This neutralizes the free radical before it can pair with a good molecule. The kiwifruit and blueberries are two examples of fruit loaded with Vitamin C. Antioxidants have the most potent effect if one consumes organic fruits and vegetables.

Organically Grown

Here is an example of how fruits and vegetables suffer when not grown in a pure environment. There are cancer fighting agents found in organic fruits and vegetables known as salvestrols. It has been said that human cells which potentially can suffer from disease contain an enzyme protein called CYP1B1. Salvestrols provide the trigger to put CYP1B1 into action.

Treating crops with fungicides have a devastating effect on salvestrols. In a natural environment, these plants would produce salvestrols to fight off fungal pathogens by themselves. Currently, with an influx of fungicide treatments, fruit and vegetables do not produce the compounds to fight fungus, naturally. Salvestrol levels thus depleted, disease fighting compounds are lost.

Also, salvestrols are found in varieties of fruit which are not as sweet, and therefore not as commercially popular. Organic fruits with noted salvestrol levels include the red fruits of strawberries, red grapes, cranberries and apples. Organically grown vegetables for smoothies include broccoli and cauliflower. Natural herbal sources for salvestrols include parsley, dandelion and mint.


Vitamin Absorption

Smoothies created with fresh, raw fruit and vegetables provide a wealth of vitamins for our body's systems. Vitamins obtained from natural sources are important aspects for losing weight. They help in bodily functions from the cellular level to overall well-being. The absorption of these nutrients is essential. Certain vitamins are absorbed differently, falling under the category of either water-soluble or fat-soluble. Water-soluble vitamins are those which are dissolved in water for absorption. Vitamin C and the B-Complex vitamins are water-soluble. These vitamins are not stored in the body. The B Vitamins and Vitamin C should be replenished on a daily basis. Foods with these vitamins should be eaten fresh. Overcooking and exposure to air diminishes the potency of these vitamins.

The fat-soluble vitamins of A, D, E and K need to dissolve in fat before being absorbed in the body. These vitamins are stored in the liver and fatty tissues until the body needs them. To ensure vitamin absorption, the body requires our diets to include healthy fats.

A way to incorporate good fats is to have a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil as a dressing on a salad. The fat-soluble vitamins found within the salad will be absorbed. Easily digested, olive oil also helps to boost metabolism and good cardiovascular health.

Similarly, if one chooses to have a vegetable smoothie, they can eat a few walnuts after the smoothie to absorb the nutrients. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin E, and fiber.


Food Combining For Optimal Digestion

Another weight loss tip is to ingest the proper combination of food types for each meal. This is the theory known as food combining where different classes of foods are digested successfully in their own natural enzymes coupled with the proper alkaline or acidic environment.

Dr. William Howard Hay (1866-1940) was a pioneer in food combining and the chemical processes which occur during digestion. He believed that certain foods were incompatible with each other when consumed in the same meal or before one food type was successfully digested. The result of this was acidosis or excess acid in body fluids. The body's natural alkaline reserves would be used up to fight the acid, and diseases would form.

As an example of Dr. Hay's research, one cannot combine high protein foods with carbohydrate concentrated foods together in a meal. Proteins need an acidic environment for digestion. Carbohydrates need an alkaline base. These conflicting mixtures result in many problems from poor digestion. The food which is not broken down remains in the intestinal tract and putrefies. Toxic waste pollutes the bloodstream and can be a feeding ground for bacteria.

The timing aspect is important as well. A healthy fruit smoothie following a meal high in protein may present a problem in digestion. The fruit will have to wait for the protein meal to digest in the stomach. One may imagine they are having a healthy dessert, but in actuality are causing potential health problems.


Timing is especially vital with melons. Since melons such as watermelon and cantaloupe are comprised mostly of water, these fruits digest very quickly. They should always be eaten alone on an empty stomach.

The science of food combining extends to the classes of fruit and vegetables. A good mix of smoothie ingredients to combine is the category of acid fruits such as lemons, limes, oranges, grapefruit and strawberries with celery, spinach and leafy green vegetables. Acid fruits also work well with sub-acid fruits like apples, grapes, kiwis and mangoes.

Sweet fruits like bananas and dates do not contain as much water as the acid and sub-acid fruits. Therefore they take a little longer to digest. Use these by themselves in a smoothie with leafy greens.

To lose weight, here is a great way to begin the day. Have a cleansing glass of water. Follow this with an 8 ounce glass of a smoothie made with watermelon and crushed ice. Melons digest rapidly making them in a class by themselves.

Watermelon Magic• 2 Cups Fresh Watermelon Slices (seedless)

• ½ Cup Filtered Water

• ½ Cup Crushed Ice

Calories - 95


Healing Properties of Watermelon Having more than a 90 percent water content, the refreshing watermelon not only satisfies hunger but supplies nutrients. Watermelons have respectable amounts of the vitamins A and C. One cup of watermelon supplies about 20 percent of the recommended daily allowance of these vitamins.

This fruit has a high level of the antioxidant lycopene, a member of the carotene family and arguably its best free radical fighter. Use a watermelon as a solitary smoothie ingredient because of its low energy density whose nutrients far outweigh this sizable fruit.

After the refreshing watermelon smoothie, create a nutritious smoothie made of acid fruits and celery or spinach. Consider this as your breakfast meal.

The high water content ensures digestion to be fast and pure. The subsequent energy received from proper digestion and absorption of nutrients will far outweigh the temporary fix of a high carbohydrate meal.

Try the following smoothie recipe to jump start your morning and weight loss goals. Remember have fruit in moderation (about 3 servings daily) and on an empty stomach.


Weight Loss Smoothie Recipe

1 Cup Strawberries (about 8 strawberries)1 Fresh Orange½ Cup Celery½ Cup Crushed Ice

Calories – 130 Serving Size – 2 cups


Healing Properties of the Weight Loss Smoothie

CeleryCelery, while extremely low in calories is high in its healing potential. Celery has long been heralded as a medicinal plant. Due to the amount of Vitamin K, the benefits of this highly alkaline vegetable help in blood clotting, heart protection and building strong bones.

Celery with a healthy balance of sodium and potassium promotes proper kidney function by flushing out excess fluid. Because celery contains phthalides, studies have shown that blood pressure can be lowered. Celery is said to have a calming effect as well.

All parts of celery can be used for the smoothie including the root, stalk, seeds and leaves.

OrangesAn orange is an excellent addition to a morning smoothie. Oranges are known for their Vitamin C content. Its antioxidant capabilities safeguards cells and their DNA from free radical damage.

Vitamin C boosts the immune system, acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, keeps blood vessels healthy, facilitates wound healing and collagen formation. Vitamin C is needed to assist in the absorption of other nutrients and in the production of L-Carnitine, a molecule which regulates fatty acids.


There are fat burning qualities in the Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) of oranges and other citrus fruits. By diluting the fat, Vitamin C makes it less effective and easier to flush from your system. In addition, metabolism is increased.

Even the orange peel is a great source of nutrients such as a high amount of Vitamin C and pectin. The pectin of the orange peel is said to stimulate healthy bacteria for stopping pathogens born from food and for clearing toxins from the body. Pectin assists in limiting cellular fat absorption.

The soluble fiber, pectin, can lower glucose levels, promotes good colon health in the area of mucous membranes and cancer prevention. Cholesterol levels can be lowered with pectin.

For weight loss, an orange is considered a fat burning food because more energy is needed to digest the pulp and fiber. Try and include some of the orange peel in the smoothie.

StrawberriesFilled with antioxidants, strawberries cleanse the body and boost the immune system to fight infection. They have a very high concentration of vitamin C and water content. In particular, Vitamin C is an excellent nutrient capable of neutralizing toxins, preventing heart disease and promoting healing of the body's cells. Its antioxidant effects include neutralizing unstable oxygen molecules before cell damage and subsequent disease can occur.

Strawberries have a fair amount of manganese which works toward optimal health of the body's nerves, bones, thyroid gland and blood sugar levels as well.


Chapter III

Detoxify Your BodyWhat is Detoxification?

Detoxification or internal cleansing is the removal of waste from the major detoxifying organs of the body. Falling into this category are the lungs, liver, lymphatic system, intestines, kidneys and skin.

When the detoxification systems of the body are not functioning properly, every cell can be harmed. The accumulation of toxins brings illnesses such as arthritis, cancer, heart disease and diabetes.

The Colon

Organs become overburdened with the constant influx of toxins and cannot filter them out. Take for example the colon walls. Poisonous elements accumulate and form plaque on the walls of the colon. Over time, a build up of waste matter occurs when the colon becomes overworked. Soon, bacteria breaks down the waste. In doing so, toxins are released and reabsorbed into the bloodstream. A deadly cycle begins.

To protect itself, the colon secretes mucous. This natural attempt by the colon cannot keep up with the toxic activity. Unfortunately, more waste begins to stick to the mucous, and layers of undigested matter, chemicals and toxins form.


Fruits such as strawberries and apples are great for the colon, because they are rich in antioxidants and high in fiber. These fruits are soluble fibers. When in contact with water, fiber swells and helps in waste removal. Also, toss a few leaves of salad greens into the blender.

Green leafy vegetables cleanse the colon tract. These greens contain chlorophyll. The biological molecule, chlorophyll, is a pertinent aspect of photosynthesis. Chlorophyll absorbs the sun's energy, in the blue and red light areas of the electromagnetic spectrum. The green light, however, is reflected thus making plants appear green.

Research has shown that chlorophyll plays an integral part in plant metabolism. Also, chlorophyll with its central atom of magnesium has powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory qualities. It follows that leafy green vegetables work toward tissue repair and growth, plus help the blood carry oxygen towards cells and tissues. Chlorophyll helps stimulate red blood cell production for this better supply of oxygen. Enjoy your smoothies in a raw form. Cooking vegetables for extended periods will damage the chlorophyll.

The LiverThe liver distributes nutrients obtained from the bloodstream and produces bile which assists in fat absorption. Theories suggest that a vast percentage of diseases cannot develop if the liver is functioning properly. Further, degeneration of cells will not occur.


Lemons, limes, grapefruit and apples are excellent fruits to be incorporated in a smoothie for successful liver cleansing. A few leaves of spinach could be added into a smoothie made with acid or sub-acid fruits to support the flow of bile.

The PancreasEnzymes are produced in the pancreas and are used in the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. These digestive enzymes break down the food in the body so that the nutrients can be absorbed. In a diet of raw food, enzymes kick start the digestive process. When food is cooked and digestive enzymes are lost, the pancreas has to work harder to produce more enzymes. If the pancreas cannot perform its proper balancing functions such as with blood glucose, disease will occur. The pancreas also neutralizes stomach acid.

Any smoothie made with raw fruits and vegetables will help the pancreas due to the natural balance of enzymes, vitamins and other nutrients which are found in raw foods. If you are suffering from severe issues with the pancreas, begin making smoothies with fruits such as lemons and green mangoes. Sweet fruit can be assimilated into the diet when you are better.

The Kidneys

The kidneys have important jobs. The most noted function is to filter and clean waste and extra water from the blood which then becomes urine and travels to the bladder. Kidneys are in charge of regulating blood pressure and substances like phosphorous and potassium. Kidneys help stimulate bone marrow for red blood cell


production and enforce the acidic level of the blood. Diabetes and high blood pressure are some conditions that wreak havoc on the kidneys. When the kidneys are compromised, toxins will remain in the blood.

Fruits for your smoothie creation known to benefit the kidneys are cranberries, red grapes and pineapples. If your kidneys are not healthy, choose fruits with lower potassium levels. Be kind to the kidneys by drinking healthy amounts of clean, pure water.

In modern times, we are exposed to significantly more toxins than in the past when civilizations were dependent upon nature for survival. Now, toxins are found within the food and water supply. Preservatives in our processed food and pesticides on our once naturally growing fruits and vegetables are two such examples. Our water is plagued by trace elements of heavy metals and bacteria. There are simple fixes.

• Filter your water. • Eliminate processed food from your diet. • Wash your fruit and vegetables thoroughly. • Try to obtain organic produce from nearby growers.• Attain knowledge of the fruits and vegetables that will optimize

your specific health requirements.


A Detox Tip Regarding Fruit

We can combine these practices as a healthy smoothie. Citrus fruits have amazing detoxifying qualities, notably lemons and grapefruit. By simply replacing processed foods with fresh fruit, the body stabilizes blood sugar and increases energy.

In particular, fruit promotes effective elimination and ensures the alkaline state of the body. The morning is an apt time for a fresh, organic, fruit smoothie.

When we consume fruit on an empty stomach, it enters the stomach for a short period, then travels to the intestines and readily digests in its own enzymes. Since the body has been detoxing during our resting hours, an extended length of time is granted for detoxification. Energy is applied toward detoxifying the body and not spent on digesting the fruit.

However, if we eat fruit directly following a meal, detoxification and other health benefits are lost. The once clear path to the intestines is blocked. The fruit remains on top of the meal. As the fruit ferments, new health issues can arise.

Also, do not drink a large quantity of water with your smoothie or directly following. Digestive enzymes may dilute.

Here is another simple tip for detoxing and cleansing. Upon awakening, drink at least one glass of water. The water will leave the stomach quickly and proceed to the intestines. This will cleanse and flush the system, provided your stomach is empty. Then make the fruit smoothie for additional purification as previously stated. Try not to eat until lunch.


While detoxing, choose fruits and vegetables or combinations of such with high amounts of B Vitamins and Vitamin C. These vitamins can be depleted quickly in a toxic state.

When following a detoxification plan, know that the body cannot rid itself of every toxin immediately. Toxins may be swirling around in the bloodstream leaving us to feel tired and ill. Do not get discouraged. After cleansing, do not add more toxins to the body by eating improperly. Begin a new cycle of good health.


A Smoothie for Detoxification Phytonutrients Combat Free Radicals and Harmful Bacteria

• ½ Cup Fresh Cranberries • 2 Fresh Kiwis• 8 Strawberries• ½ Cup Raw Cauliflower or Broccoli• 1 Tablespoon Fresh Squeezed Lemon Juice• ½ Cup Filtered Water • ½ Cup Ice from Filtered Water

Calories - 175


Healing Properties For Detoxification

CranberriesThis gorgeous fruit is harvested from water. Phytonutrients are responsible for the brilliant red hues of the cranberry and its healing properties.

In particular, cranberries contain phenol compounds known as proanthocyanidins which work to prevent urinary tract infections. More recently, they have been found to reduce stomach ulcers. The special makeup of these condensed tannins inhibits bacteria such as Escherichia coli and Helicobacter pylori, from clinging to the lining of the urinary tract and stomach respectively.

Another benefit of the cranberry is its anti-inflammatory qualities. Concerning cardiovascular health, the blood vessel wall is saved from blockage and thickening due to the ability of cranberries to prevent certain harmful enzymes from being activated.

Anti-inflammatory efforts of the cranberry are attained in the digestive tract area and gums as well. With no time spent in preparation, cranberries are a convenient element to add to healthy fruit smoothies.


LemonsThis yellow citris fruit is a powerful weapon in the fight against bacteria found in the mouth and intestines. Lemons rid the body of excess mucous. Mineral absorption and blood cleansing are two other benefits.

Using lemons for detoxing extends to the liver as well. Lemons along with limes and grapefruit contain liminoids, a phytonutrient which helps form detoxifying enzymes of the liver. These enzymes in turn make harmful toxins water-soluble so they can be easily excreted from the body.

Although considered an acidic fruit, the lemon upon digesting has alkaline forming qualities. The citric acids of lemons are weak in comparison to other acids and after performing its metabolic function are eliminated. What remains is the end product of alkaline ash. The lemon contains alkaline minerals such as calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Since lemons have a generous amount of Vitamin C, they boost the immune system and have amazing antioxidant qualities which neutralize free radicals. A lack of free radical fighters can hurt the detoxifying functions of the liver. Toxins, then, will accumulate in the body causing health problems.

Free radicals cause oxidative stress to the protective workings of our cells. When DNA is damaged, cell division and formation can be affected adversely with bad encoding. This can lead to diseases such as cancer.



Regarding antioxidants, the kiwi (Chinese gooseberry) is loaded with an impressive amount of Vitamin C and a respectable content of Vitamin E. With more Vitamin C than an orange, the kiwi provides a significant free radical defense mechanism. This water-soluble vitamin fights against cellular and tissue damage.

Since Vitamin E is fat-soluble, the kiwi's attack against free radicals comes from another angle. Other powerful antioxidants of the kiwi include lutein and zeaxanthin. They function to fight disease and work toward the health of the eyes - namely preventing macular degeneration. Also, the copper level in a kiwi works to heal free radical tissue damage and keeps the thyroid gland in balance.

A substantial amount of Vitamin K is found in the kiwi. This helps with blood clotting, bone health and liver function. The potassium in the kiwi enable our muscles and nerves to function and lowers blood pressure.


This low calorie vegetable with white florets also has a high level of vitamin C. Cauliflower, provides 11 percent of the daily requirement for Vitamin B6 per cup. Vitamin B6 is involved in intricate arrays of the body's chemical functions. One of which improves cardiovascular health.

Vitamin B6 is involved in the making of amino acids for protein building and in creating neurotransmitters in the brain for nerve cell communication. Pyridoxine (B6) assists the body in fighting toxins and bacteria by being a key player in the production of lymphocytes. These white blood cells go after toxic invaders.


BroccoliAs a member of the Brassica family of vegetables, broccoli has super detoxification qualities. Nutrients within broccoli are involved in the process of creating more detoxifying enzymes which cleanse at the cellular level. One such phytochemical is sulforaphane. This antioxidant stimulates detoxifying enzymes which have been shown to lower blood pressure, cholesterol and assist in the fight against certain types of cancer.

The green color of broccoli is due to its chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll, as a detoxing agent, cleanses and enriches the blood and enables the liver to function more effectively. Human blood contains carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and iron. The chlorophyll molecule has only one difference in its structure, containing magnesium as its central atom instead of iron.


Chapter IV

For Beautiful, Youthful SkinSmoothies are a natural choice to combat the underlying causes of skin infections such as acne and external sun damage. The nutritional value of healthy smoothies prevent and heal skin disturbances. Purified water and the phytochemicals found in fruit work toward the goal of clear skin. Initially, the layers of skin will be presented, followed by examples of skin dilemmas. Finally, an in-depth look into the healing power of fruit and vegetables accompanied by an effective sample recipe is shown. The Layers of Skin

Skin is the largest organ of the body. Its main functions are to regulate body temperature, act as a protector to your entire body and enable you to experience the sense of touch. Three layers make up the skin. The epidermis is the outer layer of skin and sees much cellular activity. Skin cells undergo a life and death process lasting two to four weeks. At the base of the epidermis level, new skin cells are born. These younger skin cells make their way toward the surface of the skin. In doing so, older skin cells closer to the top of the epidermis die and are pushed upward. Basically, you see dead skin cells when you look at your skin.

Though dead, these skin cells are noble protectors. An amazing amount of skin cells are lost every minute by flaking - an estimate being 35,000 skin cells. The epidermis constantly performs this process of making skin cells.


Going down one level is the dermis which houses nerve endings, blood vessels and glands of oil and sweat. The function of the nerve endings is to coordinate with the brain and nervous system. Here, important messages are relayed about what you are touching, be it dangerous or safe. The main purpose of blood vessels is to supply oxygen and nutrients to the skin cells and take away debris or waste materials. The oil glands also known as sebaceous glands produce sebum. This is the natural oil of the skin. Sebum rises to the surface of the epidermis for lubrication purposes. When sweat comes up through the pores, it combines with the sebum to form a sticky film of protection.

Subcutaneous fat is the bottom layer of skin and is comprised of mostly fat. The subcutaneous layer is responsible to keep your body warm and to hold your skin to the tissues beneath. Hair follicles are rooted in this layer. They grow from a minuscule tube in the skin. Each follicle is attached to a tiny sebaceous gland that releases sebum onto the hair making it somewhat oily.

The Skin Infection Known As AcneIn general, the glands produce the correct amount of sebum. At random times, however, they may clog. When a pore becomes clogged with an accumulation of oil, dead skin cells and bacteria, acne can occur. Acne is a skin disorder which affects the sebaceous glands of the face, back and neck.

This skin infection has many causes which include nutritional deficiencies, allergies, stress, hormones, improper detoxification and medications. Acne usually begins in a young person's life because of hormonal activity. Increased facial glands that secrete sebum cause follicles to reject dead cells at a rapid rate and become


trapped in the glands when met with sebum. Further, the high levels of oil make a safe haven and breeding ground for bacteria which can feed on dead skin cells. The skin becomes irritated andresults in infection.

A proactive nutritional approach may be undertaken with healthy smoothies to battle the underlying causes of clogged pores and assist in the prevention of such.

Healthy Smoothies As An Internal Remedy

Internally, contributing factors to acne are caused by an imbalance of nutrients. Specifically, these nutrients work toward proper blood flow through the skin, anti-inflammatory aspects, optimal digestive function and detoxification. When there is an overabundance of toxins in the body, the liver and kidneys cannot handle the amount of impurity. Being the largest organ of detoxification, the skin must take over and sweat out the poisonous substances. The natural healing mechanism of the body is overwrought, and skin problems come into play.

Healthy smoothies marry antioxidant rich foods and pure drinking water to heal these internal systems. Simple, clean water helps to expel the bacteria and toxins that are capable of clogging pores and thus harming skin. Along with your smoothie, drink at least 8 glasses a day. Squeeze fresh lemon into a few. Lemons destroy bacteria in your intestines and help to rid the body of excess mucous.

An interesting note is the external use of strawberries upon skin. The salicylic aid breaks down blackheads and whiteheads and reduces shedding of cells around the oil gland follicles. Pores will be unimpeded, and new cells can grow.


Sometimes skin disturbances are not within our control. However, we can make choices to promote good health and not hinder our body's natural defenses. Smoothies are a good resource for internal healing and prevention of skin infections.


The aging process is a natural cause of wrinkles. When people age, the body does not produce as much elastin and collagen. The middle layer of skin (the dermis) begins to lose the elastin fibers and the protein of collagen. As the dermis begins to thin, it loses the capability of supplying nutrients from the blood and moisture to the epidermis. Also, the fat from the subcutaneous layer begins to diminish. Wrinkles form.

The radiating sun can hurt the membrane of our skin cells. Ultraviolet rays are the culprit generating free radicals, breaking down collagen and compromising the immune system.

When not getting enough nutrients, the body cannot defend against free radical attacks. Slow down the development of wrinkles and more importantly the ravages of sun damage through a nutritional aspect. Use fruits and vegetables for smoothies with superior antioxidant and anti-inflammatory capabilities.

Antioxidants help skin cells by fighting the effects of free radicals which break down skin tissues. Incorporate fruits and vegetables which have Vitamins A, C and E and the mineral selenium.


A Powerful Antioxidant Blend For Glowing Skin

• ½ Cup Pomegranate Arils or ½ cup of 100 % pomegranate juice• ½ Cup Fresh Blueberries• 1 Cup Mango Slices • ½ Cup Asparagus Spears• ½ Cup Crushed Ice from Filtered Water

Calories – 250



As excellent sources of antioxidants and phytochemicals, these berries stop free radicals from damaging your skin cells. Blueberries contain vitamins such as C and K, and a good percentage of manganese which assists in the conversion of food proteins, carbohydrates and fats to energy.

Vitamin C is an important antioxidant and is necessary to make the protein of collagen. As the primary component for connective tissue, collagen is necessary for healthy skin, tendons and blood vessels. The anthocyanins found in blueberries protect the skin against collagen destruction from inflammatory processes. These bioflavonoids support good circulation of oxygen and nutrients for clear skin, avoiding the appearance of blotches and discoloration.

Vitamin K controls blood clotting. Blueberries are rich in fiber which is good for the heart.

Mangoes Thought to have originated in India over 4000 years ago, this sweet, tropical fruit has spread throughout the world. Mangoes are a delicious way to obtain the benefits of powerful antioxidants such as those found in its high Vitamin C content.

Mangoes have a respectable amount of Vitamin A per fruit. Also known as retinol, this vitamin is responsible for the pigments in the retina of the eye. Vitamin A is needed for night vision, healthy skin and mucous membranes.

Even though preformed Vitamin A occurs in animal based foods, there are pigments found in plant based foods that can turn into a form of Vitamin A. These are carotenoids. Beta-carotene, a well


known carotenoid, is an antioxidant found in yellow and orange fruits such as cantaloupe and vegetables such as carrots, pumpkins and many dark green leafy vegetables.

The Vitamin A content of mangoes supports the process of skin cell reproduction or cell differentiation for protection against ultraviolet ray damage, aging and skin infections like acne. The antioxidant effect assists the immune system to fight against disease. Further, Vitamin A enhances the function of white blood cells which deter invading substances to the body.

PomegranatesPomegranates, an ancient fruit, are said to be the most powerful natural antioxidants, surpassing that of blueberries, oranges and cranberries. Containing high levels of polyphenols, this tropical fruit helps combat cardiovascular disease and cancer. The polyphenols not only have amazing antioxidant effects but also work in many other complex ways toward better health.

The pomegranate with its many seeds has been a symbol of abundance. And this abundance is evident in the generous levels of vitamin B, C and the minerals of calcium and phosphorous which supports an alkaline environment.

Compounds found in pomegranates called punicalagins lower cholesterol, blood pressure and work toward the reduction of atherosclerotic plaque or heart blockages.

Pomegranates can make your skin heal and renew faster. Researchers have found that the ellagic acid in this fruit can hinder the effects of ultraviolet-B light exposure on collagen. Found in abundance on the human body, collagen is a skin protein which regulates elasticity. When collagen is destroyed, wrinkles occur.


Natural pomegranate juice is a suitable substitute for the pomegranate fruit. While the fruit is best, sometimes the preparation may be overwhelming. To use the pomegranate as a smoothie ingredient, cut the fruit in half. Inside are arils or seeds found in a white rind that has a bitter taste. Extract the arils for your smoothie. Most times you will need a high powered blender to have a nice consistency. Another option is to use a juicer for the arils, then pour the juice into the blender.

AsparagusAsparagus is believed to have been used in healing for some 2000 years. This medicinal plant is a member of the lily family. Rich in folate and copper, asparagus offers great anti-aging benefits.

Folate as well as other B Vitamins are necessary for cell processes. Folate assists the body in generating new, healthy cells, including the cells of the skin.

The copper of asparagus is used for the synthesis of collagen. Minus copper and Vitamin C, skin will have trouble healing, and resilience is lost.

The trace mineral of silica, important for collagen formation, is found in asparagus. Silica contributes to calcium absorption and cell formation.

Regarding detoxification, asparagus contains the amino acid asparagine which works on flushing salt and other toxins from the body.


Chapter V

Healing Heartburn and The Effects of An Acidic DietThe pH level of fluids is determined by the measure of hydrogen ion concentration. The letters pH denote “power of hydrogen” and is sometimes referred to as “potential hydrogen.” The pH scale ranges from 0 which is acid to 14 which is ultimately alkaline or basic. The neutral measure is 7. Different areas of the body function at unique pH levels. For example, the fluids of the stomach and urine must remain acidic to digest food and remove waste respectively.

In order for humans to survive, the pH level of our blood needs to be slightly alkaline with a measure hovering near 7.4. If the blood cannot retain oxygen because of inadequate mineral consumption, the body will remove the necessary minerals from other areas such as the saliva, liver and kidneys to remain in balance. Now these organs and bodily fluids have lost their minerals. The body becomes susceptible to all kinds of disease.

Delving deeper into this discussion is the disease of cancer. An excerpt from a famous Nobel prize winning scientist demonstrates that cancer cannot survive in an oxygen rich environment. Cancer is equated to a lack of oxygen at the cellular level. Cancer flourishes in an acidic environment.


In 1931, Dr. Otto Warburg received the Nobel Prize in Medicine “for his discovery of the nature and mode of action of the respiratory enzyme.” The following is taken from The Prime Cause and Prevention of Cancer, a lecture by Dr. Otto Warburg to Nobel Laureates in 1966:

“Cancer, above all other diseases, has countless secondary causes. But, even for cancer, there is only one prime cause. Summarized in a few words, the prime cause of cancer is the replacement of the respiration of oxygen in normal body cells by a fermentation of sugar. All normal body cells meet their energy needs by respiration of oxygen, whereas cancer cells meet their energy needs in great part by fermentation. All normal body cells are thus obligate aerobes, whereas all cancer cells are partial anaerobes.”

Years of poor nutritional choices can have terrible consequences. Toxins accumulate. A body in a state of acidosis makes a perfect home for toxins which harm the activities of hormones and enzymes. Dangerous bacteria, fungi and viruses thrive in this anaerobic environment. The body cannot heal itself.

Be kind to the buffer systems of the body. Simply, replace energy depleting drinks and damaging processed food with a nutritious smoothie. Use fresh organic produce. Also, drink purified water or alkaline water if possible. Support the mechanisms of the body that work to maintain balance.


Another aspect of the alkalinity or acidity of foods is found in the measure of the body's pH levels after the food has been eaten. Foods will be termed as either acid-forming or alkaline-forming.


Acid ash foods are those which leave noted concentrations of sulfur, phosphorus and chloride in their ash. These minerals make acids in the body.

On the other end of the spectrum is the alkaline ash. High concentrations of potassium, magnesium and calcium are found which are used to form alkaline compounds. In particular, calcium is an exceptional mineral. Calcium is involved in most of the body's biological functions from the moving of muscles to DNA replication. The correct levels of this mineral can save the body from impending degenerative disease.

There are differences between the level of acidity in the food itself and the levels after the food has been eaten. For example, a lemon is deemed an acidic food. However, after being digested in the stomach, the mineral content of the lemon forms an alkaline ash.

Since billions of cells thrive within a slightly alkaline environment, foods such as vegetables should be eaten to support this. Here, the importance is the absence of unhealthy foods. They overwhelm the body's mechanisms of maintaining balance, necessary for self-healing. Also keep the organs of the digestive process healthy, for maximum benefits with minerals.

Green vegetables with chlorophyll are great examples of alkaline foods. Studies have shown that a diet high in animal based proteins results in a greater loss of calcium and acids in the urine. A plant based diet produced the opposite results. Less acids in the urine are a good sign that the body is not riddled with excess acid to be eliminated.


Although some fruits are considered acidic, their overall health benefits are too fantastic not to eat them because they are termed as slightly acidic. These fruits include cranberries.

Acid Reflux and Heartburn

A common indicator of a detrimental acidic environment is the condition of acid reflux and subsequent heartburn.

Regarding digestion, the stomach and pancreas work together. The stomach, a highly acidic area, secretes hydrochloric acid while the pancreas secrets bicarbonates which neutralize the stomach acids. When the human diet is highly acidic, more stomach acids are needed for digestion. Acid reflux occurs when these acids back up into the lower esophagus. The following pain from the irritated or damaged esophagus is known as heartburn.

Calcium is a valuable mineral for neutralizing stomach acid in the esophagus. Fruits to use in smoothies which include calcium are kiwis and oranges. Green vegetables contain calcium in varying degrees. A high content is found in raw turnip greens.

Incorporate fruit, vegetables and filtered water into the diet. Help the homeostatic control systems, so the body can heal itself.


A Smoothie That Promotes An Alkaline Environment

1 Apple2 Cups Fresh Pineapple Slices1 Cup Turnip GreensSpritzes of Lemon½ Cup of Crushed Ice

Calories - 250


Healing Properties Apples Apples have a high percentage of the flavonoids quercetin and epicatechin. A flavonoid is a chemical compound that gives plants color. Quercetin and epicatechin are extremely potent antioxidants. By neutralizing free radical damage, they help brain cells to flourish and benefit pulmonary and cardiovascular health as well.

Because of their chemical makeup, apples can boost the healing process from frequent heartburn attacks and further alleviate acid reflux related problems. Apples are known to be a natural defense for heartburn. They contain malic and tartaric acids which neutralize stomach acids.

Include the apple peel as ingredients for your smoothie. A good quantity of phytochemicals are found in the skin. Try a Red Delicious Apple.

PineapplesHaving a pineapple as a smoothie ingredient, will provide a powerful bromelain content. Bromelain is an enzyme that balances fluids so they are not out of an alkaline or acidic range. As a proteolytic enzyme, bromelain is effective in the digestion of proteins. This enzyme is a natural way to reduce inflammation and swelling, thereby alleviating pain. Loaded with vitamins and minerals, pineapples contribute to a well-balanced system. The trace mineral, manganese, provides alkaline buffers that neutralize acid. A good amount of thiamine


and Vitamin B6 is found in a pineapple. Thiamine (B1) can enhance circulation and metabolize carbohydrates. It is used to support the health of the nervous system and digestion. Vitamin B6 helps the immune system and the growth of new cells especially red blood cell production.

Turnip GreensThis detoxifying leafy green has an impressive level of calcium per cup, providing ten percent of the recommended daily allowance. Aside from major bone and teeth health, calcium is important for such functions as muscle contraction, nerve signaling and nutrient movement across cell membranes. Calcium helps to alkalize body fluids.

Phytonutrients of glucosinolates are found in turnip greens. These work toward the activation and function of detoxification enzymes. The glucosinolates found in cruciferous vegetables are said to help in defeating the growth of cancer cells and in repairing DNA.

Turnip greens have a remarkable amount of overall nutrients such as folate for cardiovascular health, Vitamin C and E to fight oxidative stress and Vitamin K for its anti-inflammatory properties. The alkalizing qualities of turnip greens work toward increasing cellular energy and repair.

When the systems of the body operate within their proper pH levels, disease cannot thrive. In general, the body requires a far greater percentage of alkaline-forming foods to support alkaline reserves. Turnip greens are an excellent choice to meet this need.


Chapter VI

The Life Force of Raw Fruit and Vegetables

Some interesting findings have come to light in the life force of raw foods based on biophotons. In 1923, a Russian scientist, Alexander G. Gurvich discovered biophotons. He called them “mitogenetic rays.” Biophotons are the weak emissions of light that radiate from living organisms.

Nearly five decades later, a German physicist, Fritz-Albert Popp created a device to measure the levels of biophotons. He believed that biophotons improved communication between cells, thereby enhancing cellular regulating functions.

Over the years, his extensive research regarding food supports the health benefits of fruit and vegetables in a natural state. He found that the most biophotons were evident in wild foods, followed by organically grown foods that were freshly picked. The energy levels of biophotons in foods that were cooked or irradiated were greatly diminished.

Further, Dr. Popp's studies include the idea that energy from light is stored in DNA during photosynthesis of plants. This life force then ingested by humans and animals makes us healthier and more vital.


Along these lines comes vibration. All things have a vibrational frequency. Ingesting foods with higher vibrations such as raw organic fruits and vegetables is the best for your body's cells and systems.

The following provides an example of the potential power of vibrational frequency. In the 1930's, Dr. Royal Rife invented the Rife machine. With this came the start of frequency treatment in energetic medicine. Rife experimented with electromagnetic frequencies which would kill bacteria and not destroy the surrounding good tissues.

His machine worked on the premise of sympathetic resonance. Take two similar objects. If one begins to vibrate, the other shall follow suit. The two objects do not have to be touching. Rife's theories involved increasing the oscillations of viruses until they were destroyed from stress. Surrounding objects or tissues with different resonant frequencies were unaffected, because they were not in harmony with the cells of disease.

For our purposes and very simply put, his studies relate to the idea that substances with higher frequencies can conquer diseases with lower frequencies. Alternatively, processed food and other pollutants potentially can lower our frequency levels. These pollutants include intangibles such as stress and negative thoughts.

Other evidence of energy fields can be seen with Kirlian photography, where the images show the electric fields of the subject. Pictures of organic and/or uncooked fruits and vegetables show amazing electrical auras emitting from the images compared to their cooked and fertilized counterparts.


Finally, the line between life and death is energy. Eat foods with a higher vibration, such as fresh, organic raw produce. The vibrational frequency of these foods will harmonize with that of our cells, organs and tissues, thus stimulating our bodies natural frequencies. Our bioelectric fields work toward achieving overall wellness.

Please note that while fresh produce will raise our vibrational frequency, pesticide residue will combat the power of fresh fruits and vegetables. Chemical residue is found in greater quantities in certain fruits and vegetables which are not organically grown. In order to garner the highest vibration, look for organic apples, strawberries, blueberries, spinach, peaches and celery.

The least affected produce includes kiwi, watermelon, mangoes, grapefruit, avocados, cantaloupe and pineapples.

Seek out fruits and vegetables in their natural state, unencumbered and amplifying their high life force. Remember, your thoughts can change vibrational frequency as well. For a powerful, healthy smoothie, think positively while enjoying your drink. Perhaps drink the smoothie before a walk amidst the vistas of trees or beautiful water.


A High Vibrational Smoothie

• 1 Cup Spinach

• 2 Bananas

• ½ Cup Ice

Calories - 225


Healing PropertiesBananasBeneath its ripe yellow peel, one medium banana provides an excellent source of Vitamin B6 for health benefits of the heart, brain and immune system. Bananas are known for their respectable levels of the minerals potassium, magnesium and manganese as well.

The mineral potassium is necessary for the functioning of cells in the body. Potassium being an electrolyte carries an electrical charge. Electrolytes work toward keeping the amount of water in your body in balance as well as the acid alkaline environment. They help in the areas of muscle movement, nerve impulses and blood pressure.

Many biochemical and bioelectric reactions in the body depend on magnesium. This mineral helps in the proper functioning of nerves and enzymes. Calcium needs help from magnesium to be absorbed. Without magnesium, calcium will collect in the body's soft tissues and will severely limit absorption in the blood and bones. Magnesium also promotes healthy muscles and bones. Nearly 65 percent of magnesium resides in the bones.

Having a banana smoothie before a workout or brisk walk provides a boost in energy. Bananas grown in their natural setting, basking in the sun's energy offer the highest vibrations. When the peal of the banana has gone from green to yellow, the banana has ripened. This fruit has reached the pinnacle of sweet taste as brown spots appear, and the starch has converted to sugar.


SpinachAside from the notable antioxidant benefits of Vitamin C and Vitamin E, spinach is one of the vegetables with the highest level of Coenzyme Q10. This fat-soluble compound helps mitochondria transform food to energy. Cells use this energy for life. The largest concentrations of Coenzyme Q10 are found in the muscles that produce lots of energy such as the heart. Low levels of this coenzyme can effect cardiovascular health.

Regarding the immune system, CoQ10 has been said to raise the level of antibodies and benefit immune system cell maintenance. Our bodies can make Coenzyme Q10, however studies show the production of the nutrient begins to decrease with age. Good dietary choices such as spinach can compensate for this.

Spinach also helps the body produce more glutathione, a miniscule molecule found in all of the body's cells. Glutathione is an endogenous antioxidant which is produced naturally by the body. Composed of the amino acids, cysteine, glycine and glutamic acid, glutathione is a critical element for health. Vitamins and minerals depend on glutathione to boost their healing potential. It is a quintessential force in the function of the body's immune system and detoxification systems as well. Many agree that glutathione holds the title of the body's best antioxidant for neutralizing free radicals and toxins such as heavy metals and carcinogens.

There are factors that work against glutathione. One is the aging process. As we get older, the body does not generate as much


glutathione. If we couple the age factor with increased toxins in the system, degenerative diseases are likely to run rampant. The body will utilize more glutathione and more rapidly, the life of cells will be over.

Spinach has alpha lipoic acid which helps glutathione formation and works toward detoxification. Alpha lipoic acid is unique. It is both fat and water soluble, and this antioxidant provides protection from free radicals inside and outside the cell. Alpha lipoic acid can bind heavy metals such as mercury and help in elimination as well.

Locally grown, organic spinach is an amazing ingredient for a smoothie. This leafy green vegetable absorbs wavelengths of light for vibrational energy, granting us the benefits of cleansing.


Chapter VII

The Importance of WaterWater is life. The human body is estimated to be 60 percent water with fluctuations due to gender, age and fitness. Even our earth with moving rivers and tidal oceans is nearly 70 percent water.

To live and thrive, all cells need water. Water supplies cells with oxygen and nutrients by way of blood. Your body cannot absorb nutrients without proper hydration. In other words if you are in a state of dehydration, high quality foods and vitamins will not be absorbed. Water intake affects metabolism as well. Drinking the necessary amount of water helps the liver metabolize stored fat into energy.

The brain needs water to function, otherwise, there are a host of dehydration symptoms such as damaged blood vessels and headaches. Hydration helps in replenishing serotonin to stop depression and melatonin to prevent sleep disorders. Also, water produces electrical and magnetic energy to all cells to fight fatigue.

DehydrationWithout hydration, we have stagnation. Hence retained toxins will change our natural pH balance in our blood to that of highly acidic. Paramount to optimal health, blood must be alkaline. In a life saving effort, the body finds ways to lower the dangerous levels of acid. The body's defense is to send messages for the excess acid to


be stored in fat cells. Then these fat cells will remain as safeguards. Envision your body as a beautiful, flowing stream not a troubled fat storage unit.

Basically, 8 cups of water a day can keep dehydration at bay. People suffering from illness or engaged in athletic activity may need more water. Remember for variety, healthy smoothies can count as one of those glasses. Become well-hydrated through pure drinking water and natural green smoothies.

Use water that is filtered and free of dangerous contamination such as bacteria, inorganic materials like chlorine and lead, and volatile organic compounds which contain carbon. Polluted water that vibrates at a lower frequency attracts this bacteria.

When storing your filtered water, use a glass container. Over an extended period of time, plastic by-products will leak into healthy filtered water. Recognize that the quality of the water we drink or add to our smoothies is just as vital as the correct quantity.

There are studies that attribute the underlying cause of illness such as arthritis, hypertension and certain cancers to dehydration. When suffering from chronic dehydration, subsequent illnesses confuse the main issue which is simply a lack of water.

Dehydration affects the entire body which is in a constant state of critical water loss prevention. For example, in an attempt to stop respiratory water loss, the body will produce histamines which constrict capillaries in the lungs. The loss of water is reduced, however, breathing becomes more labored. The body is simply


trying to protect the brain. Difficulty breathing is interpreted as another illness and not the body responding to a dehydration crisis.

Medical societies worldwide have found effective treatments with water therapy. By drinking pure water in the morning, our body experiences profound healing. The colon, upon becoming cleansed, allows the body to more readily absorb nutrients from food.

Another example of healing is seen in the area of joint problems. Drinking water on an empty stomach is said to bring uric acid to an ideal level. Water expels extra levels of crystals through urine. These crystals then do not deposit in the joints.

Green smoothies are an excellent alternative drink to achieve proper hydration. As smoothie ingredients, raw fruits and vegetables have a high content of water coupled with the hydrating factor of ice and water. Fruits with the greatest percentage of water per weight are strawberries, watermelon, cantaloupe and grapefruit. Most vegetables contain at least 90 percent of water.

For a refreshing wave of water, combine:9 Large strawberries¼ Cup Grapefruit½ Cup Lettuce

Calories - 95


Chapter VIII

Final ThoughtsHealthy smoothies find the beauty in you. Restore your body's healing mechanisms with the help of nature. Drink in the fruits and vegetables with the most light and vibrational frequency. Choose those that promote the best health for what your body needs. Also, remember the most optimum times for consumption.

When selecting fruits and vegetables, find ones in season that are grown nearby. This mimics the natural health protocol that our ancestors followed as hunters and gatherers. The phytonutrients of fruit and vegetables are profound. Many have yet to be discovered.

As essential elements to our overall diet, drink healthy smoothies. For the best results, use organic produce and filtered water. Upon awakening have a glass of water. Then create and consume your smoothie. Continue to make wise choices throughout the day for the most effective digestion and absorption of nutrients.

The choices for natural health and happiness are vast like the oceans and the sky. Although as health options dwindle, so do our lives. Making moderate changes through smoothies will bring universal benefits. What we seek in nutrition and hydration has been provided by nature. Light, plants, water, fresh air and high vibrational energy will heal us.


RecipesMade With Fresh Fruit, Vegetables and

Filtered Water

Beautiful Berries

8 Strawberries½ Cup Blueberries½ Cup Cranberries½ Cup Celery½ Cup Filtered Water

Calories – 130

Bromelain Breakfast

2 Cups Pineapple Slices1 Kiwi½ Cup Mustard Greens½ Cup Crushed Ice½ Cup Filtered or Ionized Water

Calories - 210

B6 Tricks

1 Banana½ Cup Mango½ Cup Spinach½ Cup Ice

Calories - 160


Calorie Crusher

2 Fresh Peaches1 Cup Black Raspberries½ Cup Asparagus Spears½ Cup Ice

Calories - 195 Creative Calcium

1 Fresh Orange1 Cup Blackberries½ Cup Collard Greens½ Cup Filtered Water

Calories - 135

Delightful Drupes

3 Plums1 Peach½ Cup Cherries½ Cup Crushed Ice

Calories - 200

Divine Enzymes

1 Papaya (minus seeds)½ Cup Pineapple Chunks½ Cup Grapefruit½ Cup Asparagus Spears½ Cup Ice Calories - 219


Dynamic Detox

1 Orange 1 Apple½ Cup Fresh Cranberries½ Cup Fresh Pineapple Chunks 1 Teaspoon Fresh Lemon½ Cup Filtered Water

Calories - 205

Fiber Friend

1 Apple1 Cup Blackberries½ Cup Spinach½ Cup Ice

Calories - 156

Fine and Alkaline

4 Fresh Figs1 Large Apple With Skin½ Cup Turnip Greens½ Cup Filtered Water

Calories - 280

Folate Fun

13 Strawberries1 Medium Papaya (no seeds)1 Cup Romaine Lettuce

Calories - 180


Fruit Cup

1 Fresh Pear1 Fresh Peach1 Cup Fresh Apricots½ Cup Crushed Ice

Calories - 190

Gift Of Glowing Skin

2 Nectarines8 Strawberries½ Cup Cranberries½ Cup Crushed Ice

Calories - 155

Green Vitamin C

2 Kiwis 1 Mango1 Teaspoon of Fresh Lime Juice½ Cup of Crushed Ice

Calories - 225

Gust of Glutathione

2 Peaches½ Avocado¼ Cup Broccoli Florets¼ Cup Filtered Water

Calories - 250


Heart Happiness

1 Apple1 Kiwi½ Cup Blueberries¼ Grapefruit½ Cup Filtered Water

Calories - 186

Inflammation Fighter

1 Cup Papaya (minus seeds)1 Cup Fresh Pineapple Chunks½ Cup Fresh Blueberries½ Cup Broccoli Florets2 Tablespoons Of Organic Noni Juice (optional)

Calories - 205

Internally Grateful

1 Cup Red Grapes1 Green Mango½ Cup Cranberries1 Teaspoon Fresh Lemon Juice

Calories - 240

Lycopene Dream

1 Cup Guava Slices¼ Pink Grapefruit½ Tomato½ Cup Crushed Ice

Calories - 142


Manganese Menagerie

13 Strawberries½ Cup Eggplant Slices½ Cup Ice

Calories - 95

Orange and Green

1 Medium Orange1 Kiwi½ Cup Spinach½ Cup Crushed Ice¼ Cup Filtered Water

Calories – 115

Potassium Punch

1 Fresh Peach1 Nectarine 1 Orange½ Cup Crushed Ice

Calories - 160

Pretty Fiber Filler

1 Pear1 Cup Red Raspberries1 Orange1 Cup Filtered Water

Calories - 220


Purple Iron Binding

1 Cup Purple Grapes½ Cup Blueberries½ Cup Eggplant½ Cup Filtered Water½ Cup Ice

Calories - 110 Radiant Skin

½ Cup Cherries2 Cups Sliced Pineapple ½ Cup Kale1 Teaspoon Lemon Juice – Fresh Squeezed Calories - 215

Ravishing Reds

1 Medium Tomato8 Strawberries½ Cup Pomegranate Juice or ½ cup arils (seed/juice sacs) ½ Cup Beet Greens

Calories - 150

Raspberry Cream

½ Cup Red Raspberries 1 Medium Banana½ Cup Crushed Ice

Calories - 135


Red Betalain Beauty

1 Beet (peel and cut)10 Strawberries½ Cup Beet Greens½ Cup Filtered Water

Calories - 100

Refreshing As Water 2 Cups Watermelon1 Cup Honeydew Melon1 Cup Crushed Ice

Calories - 160

Rose Flower

1 Cup Nectarines8 Strawberries½ Cup Broccoli½ Cup Ice

Calories - 115

Shake Off Weight

8 Strawberries½ Cup Blackberries½ Cup Mushrooms½ Cup Ice

Calories - 100


Smooth Fruit Salad

1 Cup Grapes1 Cup Pineapple Slices½ Cup Blueberries1 Cup Shredded Lettuce

Calories – 180

Stones Throw Away

1 Pear Diced1 Cup Grapes½ Cup Water½ Cup Ice

Calories - 160

Sunny Fruit Trees

½ Cup Sliced Apricots1 Orange1 Peach½ Cup Water

Calories - 145

Sweet Antioxidant Treat

½ Cup Mango Slices½ Cup Pineapple Chunks4 Strawberries½ Cup Blueberries½ Cup Ice

Calories - 185


Think Of Pink

8 Strawberries½ Cup Red Raspberries½ Cup Grapefruit

Calories - 120

The Heart of The Matter

½ Cup Pomegranate Arils or ½ cup of 100 percent pomegranate juice1 Cup Grapes1 Kiwi½ Cup Water

Calories - 208

Touch of Vitamin E

1 Cup Mango Slices½ Cup Red Raspberries½ Cup Blackberries½ Cup Swiss Chard

Calories - 180

Tropical Turn

1 Mango1 Cup Pineapple Slices½ Cup Turnip Greens½ Cup Ice From Filtered Water

Calories - 220


Vitamin A Day

2 Small Apricots2 Tangerines½ Cup Shredded Carrots1 Cup Baby Spinach

Calories - 146

Vitamin C Supreme

2 Clementines4 Strawberries1 Kiwi½ cup Blackberries¼ cup Cucumbers

Calories - 175

Vitamin E Elite

½ Avocado1 Cup Blueberries½ Cup Black Raspberries½ Cup Ice

Calories - 260

Vitamin K Kind

½ Avocado1 Kiwi½ Cup Romaine Lettuce½ Cup of Crushed Ice

Calories - 205


Healthy Smoothies For A Beautiful YouBy Claire Milligan

Disclaimer – This publication provides information and ideas on health and well-being. Under no circumstances is this information meant to supersede the advice of a medical professional. Before embarking on any new health journey, always consult your doctor.

Copyright © 2012 – -- Healthy Smoothies For A Beautiful You – This document cannot be reproduced in any manner without permission from the publisher.