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Health@HandA Visual Interface for eHealth Monitoring

Lars Nonnemann∗, Marian Haescher∗†, Mario Aehnelt†, Gerald Bieber†, Holger Diener†, Bodo Urban∗

∗Institute of Computer Science, University of Rostock, Germany†Fraunhofer Institute for Computer Graphics Research, Rostock, Germany

[email protected], [email protected], [email protected],[email protected], [email protected], [email protected]

Abstract—The digitization within the healthcare sector is anextensive topic for multiple ICT technologies, such as CloudComputing, Internet of Things (IoT), and Artificial Intelligence.Over the past years, there has been an increasing interest inthe storage, evaluation and visual representation of medicaldata. This led to a substantial amount of independent eHealthtechnologies, that are primarily concerned with informationgathering and management. However, the multitude of existingtools makes it is difficult for the user to understand globalrelationships between different management systems. Therefore,we present Health@Hand an IoT system for monitoring vital andadministrative data in the digital twin of an intensive care unit(ICU). The main goal of our system is to summarize and processreal-time data in order to assist medical experts such as physician,head-nurses or controllers in their daily tasks. Health@Handachieves this by providing a visual interface for the managementand analysis of different medical data sources.

Index Terms—eHealth, Internet of Things (IoT), AssistiveTechnology (AT), sensor data analysis, visual interface, vitaldata monitoring, activity recognition, anomaly detection, positiontracking, wearable devices


The progressing digitization of the healthcare systems is ad-vancing rapidly, so that we are now facing a variety of applica-tions and key systems. Novel approaches such as Telemedicingand the Internet of Things (IoT) are changing the healthcaredomain just like Industry 4.0 technologies are influencing theindustrial domain. However, with these advancements followsa multitude of problems for the seamless integration of neweHealth technologies.

a) Processing of Big Data: The growing amount ofIoT infrastructure leads to a processing problem as multipledevices monitor the health state of a patient in relatively shorttime periods. The evaluation of this big data needs to be fastand consistent in order to provide immediate feedback. Thisis where most systems lack in performance.

b) Interoperability of heterogeneous systems: The tech-nological infrastructures in hospitals or care facilities arehighly fragmented when it comes to technical support forhealth processes. New eHealth applications are challengedby technological isles, e.g. for the monitoring and storage ofhealth records, due to a strong dependency on medical equip-ment manufacturers. Although, there are technical advances

such as HL7 [7] that aim to close the gap between differenthealthcare systems and applications, efficient work processesfor medicine are still being detained by interoperability issuesand missing integration [12].

c) Representation of Information: The visual represen-tation of information is a very important aspect for theinterpretation of medical data. Medical experts need to makefast decisions based on big amounts of data, which would benearly impossible with tabular data sets. Therefore, optionsmust be provided to assist the user in understanding the dataand changes in the data.

Obviously, it is hard to satisfy all of these requirements.This is why most of the existing systems try to resolve someof the challenges separately. In this paper we present a vi-sual approach for integrating heterogeneous health monitoringtechnologies in a combined presentation and operation layeron top of existing healthcare infrastructures. Our developedHealth@Hand system represents data as well as analysis toolsin a digital twin of a hospital or care facility. The goal ofour application is to simplify the monitoring processes of anICU station to detect faults or anomalies immediately and thusmake it possible to intervene at an early stage.


The digitalization in the healthcare sector is primarilyconcerned with the storage and analysis of data. A popularexample would be the exchange of laboratory values andpersonal record data on digital systems such as local databasesand secured cloud systems. Hence, we look at both the currentstate of the art for data management as well as real-timemonitoring in modern medical institutions.

A. Healthcare Management

The digitization of the healthcare sector started with topicssuch as storage and exchange of laboratory health records viadigital file systems. As a result, there are clinical informationsystems (CIS) [20], picture archiving and communicationsystems (PACS) [5], radiological or laboratory informationsystems (RIS/LIS) [13] or electronic health record systems(EHR) [11] that are generally accepted and widely used in

Fourth International Workshop on ICT Solutions for Health (ICTS4eHealth'19)

978-1-7281-2999-0/19/$31.00 ©2019 IEEE 1093

Page 2: Health@Hand - A Visual Interface for eHealth Monitoring · towards wireless body area networks (WBAN) that combine wireless communication technologies and miniature size wear-able

health facilities today. In clinical practice, additional special-ized tools are being used by these systems. The goal of thesemedical applications is to portrait a comprehensive picture ofthe reality to a domain-expert such as an physician.

B. Real-time Monitoring

Another important aspect in eHealth systems is the mon-itoring of real-time patient data. Chronic diseases requirerepeated and frequent treatment in medical facilities intensivecare units (ICU) in order to maintain stable vital parameters[14]. In hospitals, this is usually done by attaching sensorsof a stationary machine to the patient in order to assessvarious signals. However, less critical health states are alreadyobserved with mobile blood pressure monitors [1] and mobileECG devices [4]. This offers the patients more freedom asdata can be captured during their daily routines without theneed of in-patient observation.

Today with Health 4.0, there are several devices availablefor the gathering and evaluation of data, such as smartphone,smartwatches or even smartpatches. These wearable deviceseither use their internal sensors to measure and store individualpatient data, or use connected external sensors, respectively.The rich sensor technology simplifies the situation and activityrecognition, and enables therefore the detection of differenthealth conditions. Furthermore, there are novel approachestowards wireless body area networks (WBAN) that combinewireless communication technologies and miniature size wear-able sensors in order to maximize the energy-efficiency ofwearable devices [18].


Our Health@Hand system engages the previously men-tioned challenges by providing a visual interface for thesupervision of ICUs. It includes solutions for data storage andlinking as well as representation of medical information.

A. Data Model

The Health@Hand data model is structured similarly to thePlant@Hand framework [2], which is used for the monitoringof manufacturing data. We chose this framework for theintegration of medical data management systems, because itoffers a wide accessibility for databases, web services andlocal file systems. Our data model is based on four majorcomponents described in the following section (and illustratedin figure 1).

We define the previously mentioned medical data manage-ment systems, such as PACS [5], LIS [17], and EHR [11] as socalled data storage systems. These systems are the foundationfor the subsequent processing of medical data, as they areused within Health@Hand to create different self-defined datasources.

A data source is thereby a set of elements that are extractedfrom the underlying storage systems. For example, the datasource for the patients vital data includes elements such aspulse, blood pressure, heart rate variability, and respirationrate. This display can be enriched by switching to data

Fig. 1. Structure of the Health@Hand Model, which connects popularmedical data storages with a visualization. Information is either shown asshort information, detailed information, or implicit as overview informationin a 3D model of the ICU.

sources that visualize multiple interfering factors such as thetemperature, humidity, or noise level in the room.

Each of these elements is regarded as a modular componentthat contains information of the corresponding 3D objects inthe scene. The connection between the data sources and the 3Dobjects is established by a so-called data manager that usesunique identifiers to match the data with the correspondingupper layer visualization. This data manager can therebyuse single or multiple data sources for the computation andrepresentation of information.

B. View Model

The visualization for Health@Hand uses the underlyingdata model illustrated in figure 2 to gather and provideinformation in the 3D model of the ICU. This digital twincontains 3D objects which represent rooms, patients, staff,and inventory, each at their current position. The conceptualapproach for this was introduced by Alm et al. [3]. Thedata behind these 3D objects is displayed as either shortinformation or detailed information. The data source canbe changed by interacting with the data manager, which isaccessed over the main menu at the bottom of the screen.

The short information is displayed in smaller panels whichare located next to the corresponding element. We use colorcoding for each panel to emphasize health states for the shownvalues. Furthermore we apply semantic zooming [6] as aninteraction technique, so that the user can hide irrelevant

Fourth International Workshop on ICT Solutions for Health (ICTS4eHealth'19)


Page 3: Health@Hand - A Visual Interface for eHealth Monitoring · towards wireless body area networks (WBAN) that combine wireless communication technologies and miniature size wear-able

Fig. 2. Visualization of the Health@Hand tool, where short information areshown over the patient beds, while detail information can by displayed inadvance.

information in the billboards without losing the context dueto the color coding scale. It is also possible to hide or showadditional information over the selection menu.

The detailed information is accessed by interacting withthe short information panel. The detail information windowcan thereby contain more information on the patient or spe-cialized tools. We currently use the following tools for theanalysis of patient data:

• The eHealth Record Browser provides a digital copyof the patients personal record data. This data includesvalues like name, age, gender, weight and height.

• The Image Viewer supports the analysis of imagingtechniques by providing a view that either shows imagesor visualization tools for clinical findings.

• The Shimmer Monitor presents an overview on the pa-tients activity data in a superimposed bar chart that isbased on a certain time interval.

• The Vital Data (VD) Dashboard visualizes all vital pa-rameters such as pulse, blood pressure, heart rate variabil-ity, respiratory rate, blood sugar or oxygen saturation.

• The Cardio Anomaly (CA) Detector offers a function thatcalculates an anomaly factor based on the patients vitaldata. Afterwards, the view can be switched to a scatterplot diagram of the heart rate and heart rate variability inorder to identify outliers.

The presented tools can either be used independently orcombined in a coordinated workflow based on lightweightcoordination [16]. This is especially interesting for repetitiveexaminations. A representation of this workflow-oriented in-teroperability is showing in figure 3, where a selection inthe shimmer monitor induces a linked selection in the VDDashboard.


We already discussed that we want to integrate digitalrecords, clinical findings and real-time vital and activity datafrom the existing data storages and stationary ICUs. However,we have also shown that it is possible to use additional

Fig. 3. Visualization of the workflow-oriented data analysis, where ananalytical process is structured according to different workflow steps (shownat the bottom right) and executed in order to find cardiovascular anomalies.The data is linked between the Shimmer Monitor (shown at the top right)and the VD Dashboard (shown at the top left) by using Brushing & Linkingmechanisms.

sensing devices such as wearables to gather information formedical equipment, staff and patients. These devices canbe connected to a cloud-based repository to feed data intothe aforementioned tools (e.g., in order to identify cardiacanomalies in patient data or analyze patients activity). Fornow we focused on activity recognition, anomaly detectionand position tracking.

A. Activity Recognition

Data that is visualized within the Shimmer Monitor, isrecorded with wearable inertial sensors. The recorded rawdata is then passed through an activity recognition chain.Within the recognition chain, subsequent steps such as 1)pre-processing (e.g., de-trending, filtering) 2) segmentation3) feature extraction and 4) classification are performed. Inprevious work, we analyzed the recognition of activities ofdaily living, by attaching several wearable sensors to thehuman body: 1) wrist-worn smartwatch; 2) smartphone introusers pocket; 3) head-worn smartglasses [10]. The resultingsystem recognizes 7 tasks (resting, being active, walking,running, jumping, cycling, office work) with a recognition rateof 86.13%.

B. Anomaly Detection

Anomalies such as cardiac diseases (e.g., atrial fibrillation),can be identified by applying anomaly detection tools. Theaforementioned Cardio Anomaly Detector serves this purpose.The tool applies Long-short Term Memory (LSTM) NeuralNetworks to compute anomaly scores for anomalous sectionswithin the recorded raw data. The scored data is afterwardsclassified with a J48 decision tree. In previous work, wediscussed opportunities of wrist worn sensing devices in thecontext of anomaly detection [8], [9], [19]. The proposed usecases for the smartwatch-based anomaly detection included therecognition of sleep apnea, epileptic seizures, fall, stress leveland cardiac anomalies.

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C. Position Tracking

In order to provide a fast intervention, it is necessary toknow the position of staff and medical equipment like anes-thesia machines, c-arm x-ray devices, or ward physicians etc.Furthermore, material flow and automated device identificationoptimize processes. Current tracking solutions are based onoptical or radio frequency identification techniques [15]. Verycommon are Bluetooth low energy (BLE) beacons [21] thatare small (size of a coin), long lasting (battery lifetime 2-7years) and provide a high accuracy for the positioning withina room. The visualization of the localized items is an importantpart of Health@Hand . The staff and medical equipment aredisplayed at the current location and the observer can trackthe position change over time.


The digitization of the healthcare sector is a multi-layeredsubject that needs new ICT technologies. Our Health@Handoffers different approaches for healthcare management anddata monitoring to support this tasks with multiple IoT devices.Health@Hand uses different tools to cross-check the vitaland administrative data in the digital twin of an existing ICUward. Although we support the integration of multiple sensorsand data sources, there are still limitations due to differentcoding standards. The automatic integration of tools is onlydone for web services. Other tools need to be integratedmanually. Furthermore, we are still missing a cooperationpartner to evaluate the performance our system in a realhospital scenario.

In the future, we want to use the possibilities of artificialintelligence and deep neural networks for an anomaly de-tection algorithm based on the patients vital data. We hopethat this will improve the recognition of unknown clinicalstates in order to find new solutions in the medical field.Moreover, we want to provide more detail information aboutthe work schedule or responsibilities of the staff, the cleaningor disinfection logs of the rooms and the medication ingestionor equipment usage for the inventory.


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Fourth International Workshop on ICT Solutions for Health (ICTS4eHealth'19)