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Healthcare and Family Services,

Bureau of Information Services

HIPAA 5010 - Health Care Claim Payment/Advice

(835) Standard Companion Guide

Instructions related to Transactions based on

ASC X12 Implementation Guide version

005010X221 and the ERRATA 005010X221A1

dated June 2010

1● 005010 December 2011

(WEDI) and the Data Interchange Standards Association (DISA), on behalf of the

Accredited Standards Committee (ASC) X12. All rights reserved. It may be freely

redistributed in its entirety provided that this copyright notice is not removed. It may not be

sold for profit or used in commercial documents without the written permission of the

copyright holder. This document is provided “as is” without any express or implied

warranty. Note that the copyright on the underlying ASC X12 Standards is held by DISA on

behalf of ASC X12

2011 © Companion Guide copyright by the Illinois Department of Healthcare and Family


This template is Copyright © 2010 by The Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange

Companion Guide Version Number: 1.0538

2● 005010 December 2011


Companion Guides (CG) may contain two types of data, instructions for electronic

communications with the publishing entity (Communications/Connectivity Instructions) and

supplemental information for creating transactions for the publishing entity while ensuring

compliance with the associated ASC X12 IG (Transaction Instructions). Either the

Communications/Connectivity component or the Transaction Instruction component must be

included in every CG. The components may be published as separate documents or as a single


The Communications/Connectivity component is included in the CG when the publishing entity

wants to convey the information needed to commence and maintain communication exchange.

The Transaction Instruction component is included in the CG when the publishing entity wants

to clarify the IG instructions for submission of specific electronic transactions. The Transaction

Instruction component content is limited by ASCX12’s copyrights and Fair Use statement.

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Table of Contents

1 TI Introduction.......................................................................................................... 5

1.1 Background...................................................................................................................5

1.1.1 Overview of HIPAA Legislation ........................................................................... 5

1.1.2 Compliance according to HIPAA......................................................................... 5

1.1.3 Compliance according to ASC X12 ..................................................................... 6

1.2 Intended Use.................................................................................................................6

2 Included ASC X12 Implementation Guides............................................................ 6

4 TI Additional Information ...................................................................................... 14

4.1 Payer Specific Business Rules and Limitations ...........................................................14

4.2 Claim Overpayment and Recovery..............................................................................18

5 TI Change Summary .............................................................................................. 22

7....................................................................................................Instruction Tables3

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Transaction Instruction (TI)

TI Introduction


Overview of HIPAA Legislation

The ‘Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act’ (HIPAA) of 1996

carries provisions for administrative simplification. This requires the

Secretary of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) to adopt

standards to support the electronic exchange of administrative and financial

health care transactions primarily between health care providers and plans.

HIPAA directs the Secretary to adopt standards for transactions to enable

health information to be exchanged electronically and to adopt specifications

for implementing each standard HIPAA serves to:

Create better access to health insurance

Limit fraud and abuse

Reduce administrative costs

Compliance according to HIPAA

The HIPAA regulations at 45 CFR 162.915 require that covered entities not

enter into a trading partner agreement that would do any of the following:

Change the definition, data condition, or use of a data element or

segment in a standard.

Add any data elements or segments to the maximum defined data set.

Use any code or data elements that are marked “not used” in the

standard’s implementation specifications or are not in the standard’s

implementation specification(s).

Change the meaning or intent of the standard’s implementation






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Compliance according to ASC X12

ASC X12 requirements include specific restrictions that prohibit trading

partners from:

Modifying any defining, explanatory, or clarifying content contained in the

implementation guide.

Modifying any requirement contained in the implementation guide.

Intended Use

The Transaction Instruction component of this companion guide must be used in

conjunction with ASC X12 005010X221 Healthcare Claim Payment/Advice (835)

and the ERRATA 005010X221A1 dated June 2010. The instructions in this

companion guide are not intended to be stand-alone requirements documents.

This companion guide conforms to all the requirements of any associated ASC

X12 Implementation Guides and is in conformance with ASC X12’s Fair Use and

Copyright statements.

Included ASC X12 Implementation Guides

This table lists the X12N Implementation Guides for which specific transaction

Instructions apply and which are included in Section 3 of this document.

Unique ID Name



Health Care Claim Payment/Advice (835)

A1 ERRATA Healthcare Claim Payment/Advice.




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Instruction Tables

These tables contain one or more rows of each segment for which a supplemental instruction

is needed.


SHADED rows represent “segments” in the X12N implementation guide.

NON-SHADED rows represent “data elements” in the X12N implementation guide.

HFS Unique 835 Items

005010X221A1 Health Care Claim Payment/Advice (835)

Loop ID Reference Name Codes Notes/Comments

Header BPR Financial


Header BPR02 Monetary


Will represent the

full payment amount

for the Payee

Header BPR04 Payment

Method Code

Refer to section 4.1

Header BPR10 FEIN Originating



If payment balance

is ‘zero’, this will be

“1371320118”. If

payment is issued

this will be



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Header TRN Reassociation

Trace Number

Header TRN02 Reference


Will represent the


Number appended

to Voucher Number

Header DTM Production Date

Header DTM02 Date Will represent

Schedule Date (from

Julian date in

Voucher Number)

1000A N1 Payer


1000A N102 Name ‘ILLINOIS





If the payment

balance is zero, this

will be ‘ILLINOIS


payment is issued,

this will be



1000B N1 Payee


1000B N103 Identification

Code Qualifier

‘FI’ Will be ‘FI’

1000B N3 Payee Address

Notes/CommentsCodesNameReferenceLoop ID

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1000B N301 Address


‘201 SOUTH



EAST’, ‘325



If the payment

balance is zero, this

will be ‘201 SOUTH


EAST’. If payment is

issued, this will be



1000B N4 Payee City,

State, Zip Code

1000B N401 City Name ‘SPRINGFIELD Will be


1000B N402 State or

Province Code

‘IL’ Will be ‘IL’

1000B N403 Postal Code ‘62763’,


If the payment

balance is zero, this

will be ‘627630001 ’.

If the payment is

issued, this will be


2000 TS3 Provider



2000 TS302 Facility Code


For Professional

Claims (837P), HFS

will report code 11

(office) as place of

Notes/CommentsCodesNameReferenceLoop ID

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service, if the 837P

contains more than

one value. For Long

Term Care Claims,

HFS will report code

‘11’. For Institutional

Claims (837I), HFS

will report the first

two-bytes of the bill

type code. For


Claims, the code will

be “99” (other).

2100 CLP Claim Payment


2100 CLP02 Claim Status


‘1’, ‘2’, ‘3’, ‘4’,


Will be “1”,”2”,”3”,

“4” or “22”.

2100 CLP03 Monetary


Will be the total

billed amount

2100 CLP04 Monetary


Will be total paid


2100 CLP06 Claim Filing

Indicator Code

‘MC’ Will be “MC”

2100 CLP07 Reference


Will be the

Document Control

Number (DCN)

2100 CLP08 Facility Value This is the first 2-

Notes/CommentsCodesNameReferenceLoop ID

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Code bytes of the Bill

Type Code

2100 CAS Claim


2100 CAS01 Claim


Group Code

‘PR’, ‘CO’, ‘OA’ Will be “PR”, “CO”

or “OA”

2100 NM1 Patient Name

2100 NM103 Name Last or



Will be Recipient’s

Last Name

2100 NM104 Name First Will be Recipient’s

First Name

2100 NM108 Identification

Code Qualifier

Will be “MR”

2100 NM1 Corrected



2100 NM102 Entity Type


‘1’ If used, will be “1”

2100 NM103 Name Last or



If used, will be

Recipient’s Last


2100 NM104 Name First If used, will be

Recipients’ First

Notes/CommentsCodesNameReferenceLoop ID

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2100 NM1 Service Provider


2100 NM103 Name Last of



Will be the

Provider’s Name as

it appears on the

Provider Information


2100 NM108 Identification

Code Qualifier

‘MC’ or ‘FI’ Will be “MC” or “FI”.

2100 DTM Statement



2100 DTM01 Date/Time


‘232’, ‘233’ Will be “232” or


2100 AMT Claim



2100 AMT01 Amount Qualifier


‘DY’, ‘F5’ Will be ‘DY’ for ‘Per

Day Limit’ and ‘F5’

for Patient Amount


2100 QTY Claim




Notes/CommentsCodesNameReferenceLoop ID

12● 005010 December 2011

2100 QTY01 Quantity


‘CA’ Will be ‘CA’

2110 SVC Service



2110 SVC02 Monetary


Will be the “billed”


2110 SVC03 Monetary


Will be the

“payment” amount

2110 PLB Provider


2110 PLB01 Reference


Will be the Medicaid

Provider ID number,

of Provider NPI

when available.

2110 PLB03-2 Reference


Will be the ‘HFS

Process Type’

Code, the ‘Recipient


Number’ and the

‘Document Control

Number’ (DCN) for

Professional Claims,

NCPDP (Pharmacy)

and ‘Long Term

Care’ Claims. For

Institutional claims,

Notes/CommentsCodesNameReferenceLoop ID

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the ‘Patient Control

Number’ will be


TI Additional Information

Payer Specific Business Rules and Limitations

Transmission Information:

The Department’s Medical Electronic Data Interchange (MEDI) system is designed to communicate electronic RA (835) information. After obtaining the proper MEDI authorization, these electronic transactions can be retrieved by the Payee. Most, but not all, of these registrations will take place using the new MEDI/IEC system once that system becomes available. Certain payees, such as managed care organizations, the dental services contractor, and other State of Illinois agencies, will require a manual registration process; and they will be contacted individually prior to these systems becoming available.

Once payees are authorized by a provider and registered with the Department, the Department will create an electronic RA in the 835 format regardless of the method by which the claim was submitted. Authorized payees are those parties to whom the provider has authorized the Department to make claim payments. Consistent with Department policy, only authorized payees will have access to RA notices, regardless of the format. The Department can only create the electronic RA, in the 835 format,beginning with the date upon which the authorized payee registers with the Department. The Department will make the 835 available to authorized and registered payees for a maximum period of 60 calendar days from the date of posting to the MEDI/IEC web site.

As with the paper RA, the Department will create a weekly electronic version of the 835 that contains only rejected claims. Please review these carefully to determine if a claim can be corrected and resubmitted to the Department for payment consideration.

Note: The Department will not report suspended claims on the 835. Information regarding a suspended claim can be obtained by sending a Claim Status Request (276 transaction) to the Department.

When necessary, the Department may exceed the Implementation Guide’s recommended limit of 10,000 CLP (claim) segments per ST-SE envelope.

Vouchers Under One Dollar

The Comptroller will not pay vouchers under a dollar. In order to report these vouchers while maintaining HIPAA compliance, HFS will use the PLB segment to reduce the



Notes/CommentsCodesNameReferenceLoop ID

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payment (element BPR02) to zero. Element PLB04 will be the total for the current voucher that is under one dollar. A qualifier code of “J1” will be used in element PLB03 to indicate that the payment was reduced due to a limitation that prevents payment.

In order for the payees to determine the exact cause for the payment reduction, they will need to examine the claim detail for individual payment amounts. When the payee sees the voucher total is below one dollar, he/she should conclude this is why no payment was received.

Zero Dollar Vouchers

There will be cases where the payment amount for a voucher is zero. Since the Comptroller will not create a check for less than a dollar, the 835 will still be made available to the payee. There will not be a check number. The payment date in element BPR16 will be replaced with the adjudication date of the voucher.

Reporting Procedure Codes for Outpatient Institutional Claims

In order to tell the provider what code was used to reimburse the claim, all procedure codes or revenue codes will be reported in the 835, regardless of whether the codes were used in adjudication. The procedure code or revenue code used for adjudication will be reported in element SVC01.

Exception: Institutional Outpatient Medicare crossover claims will not be reported on a service line item basis on the 835, but will instead be reported on a “claim” basis.

Claim Adjustment

An adjustment must be reflected at either the claim level or the service level but cannot be reflected in both. There can be only one claim adjustment reason code per dollar amount. If a claim has more than one error, only one reason code will be reported on the 835.

Service Provider Name

This segment will be used only if the provider is different from the Payee. HFS will always complete this loop because the payee number is always different from the Billing Provider Number. In Loop 2100, NM102 (ID Code), the provider will always be coded as a non-person because HFS’s provider database does not differentiate between person and non-person entities.

Corrected Priority Payer Name

This segment can only be used when HFS’s Recipient file shows that another payer has priority for making a payment and the provider has not reported this payer in the 837. In Loop 2100, NM109, the ID Code will contain HFS’s three-digit TPL code for that insurance company, followed by the group number.

Per Diem Reimbursement

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The AMT segment will be used to report the per diem amount paid.

Disproportionate Share

The total amount reported on the 835 will include the disproportionate share amount.

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Replacement and Void of Prior Claim Transactions

Provider initiated voids will be processed on the next available voucher. A provider initiated replacement claim (void/re-bill) will be vouchered on the same date as the void’s matching re-bill claim. This will mean that the void will be held in the MMIS system until the replacement claim is adjudicated (paid or rejected). When a post adjudication adjustment is created by either HFS or the provider, the original claim or service section will be voided/reversed and then recreated with the adjusted amount on the 835.

Note: According to the 835 Implementation Guide, the reversal does not contain any patient responsibility amount in CLP or CAS segments.

Mass Adjustment

A mass adjustment is used to adjust a paid claim when no detail is available on claims history, deposit a check received from a provider with no detail, and recover an amount owed to the Department due to an audit or possibly an open aged adjustment. There are several adjustment process types that are considered mass adjustments such as 09D, 32C, 15C, and 06C.

Mass-to-Detail (M-T-D) Adjustment

A calculated net adjustment comprised of one or more lines of detail adjustments processed by recipient and date of service. The net adjustment (mass) of the detail lines is posted as a credit or debit and paid or recovered on the remittance advice and can be identified as an "alien recipient". A report is mailed separately to provider, which provides the detail of the mass adjustment. The mass adjustment can be matched with the detail by using the document control number (DCN) on the remittance advice and detail report.

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When the payment amount in element BPR02 is 0 the following elements will be set as follows:

BPR01 = ‘H’ BPR04 = ‘NON’ N102 in loop 1000A (payer name) will be "ILLINOIS MEDICAID" . N301 in loop 1000A (payer street address) will be "201 SOUTH GRAND AVENUE EAST" N401 in loop 1000A (Payer city) will be "SPRINGFIELD" N402 in loop 1000A (Payer state) will ‘IL’ N403 in loop 1000A (Payer ZIP) will be ‘62763’ When the payment amount in element BPR02 is greater than or equal to $1 the followingelements will be set as follows:

BPR01 = ‘I’ BPR04 = ‘CHK’ or ‘ACH’ N102 in loop 1000A (payer name) will be "ILLINOIS COMPTROLLER" . N301 in loop 1000A (payer street address) will be "325 W. ADAMS ST" N401 in loop 1000A (Payer city) will be ‘SPRINGFIELD’ N402 in loop 1000A (Payer state) will ‘IL’N403 in loop 1000A (Payer ZIP) will be ‘627041871’

Claim Overpayment and Recovery

The Department’s claims processing system will recognize that money is owed to the Department by a payee in several situations. One of these situations is when a previously paid claim is voided or is reduced as a result of a post-payment adjustment. Another situation, not related to specific claims, is when a review or a financial recovery instance results in the payee owing money to the Department.

In each situation, when it is recognized that the payee owes money to the Department, the amount of the credit due is posted to the Department’s accounting system. However, the credit may or may not be recouped or ‘applied’ within the same 835 transaction. A PLB segment containing the overpayment recovery (“WO”) qualifier in PLB03-1, with the negative dollar amount of the credit posted will be provided within the 835 to show that the credit is due but not yet recouped. When a recovery is made to satisfy this credit (either within the same 835 or a later 835) another PLB segment will be provided containing the dollar amount of the recovery (application of credit) expressed as a positive value and containing the overpayment recovery (“WO”) qualifier in PLB03-1.

=These two types of PLB segments will be provided in addition to the CLP segments (for detail claim voids or adjustments) and the PLB segments (for provider level adjustments) that caused the credit to be owed to the Department initially. These PLB segments serve to allow the 835 to balance to the amount paid. They also allow the payee to be notified of each instance of a credit amount due the Department and each application or


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recovery of a credit, even when the application does not fully recover the entire amount owed to the Department. For Professional Claims, NCPDP (Pharmacy Claims) & Long Term Care Claims, three items of information will be included in the PLB03-2 element to enable the PLB segment to be associated with the original claim or provider level adjustment:

1. HFS Process Type code 2. Recipient Identification Number 3. Document Control Number (DCN) of the original claim or of the provider level adjustment.

For Institutional Claims, the patient control number will be reported in the PLB03-2 element to enable the PLB segment to be associated with the original claim or provider level adjustment. The Department will not use the “forwarding balance” method, as allowed by the 835 -Implementation Guide, to denote the amount owed by the Payee.

Example of a Voided Claim

When a claim is voided, it will be reported in the 835 by using a CLP segment with a status code of 22. This CLP reversal will reduce the total payment amount represented in element BPR02. Since the amount owed to the Department as a result of voiding the previously paid claim may not be recovered within this 835, it is necessary to offset this amount to cause the payment in BPR02 to match the amount actually paid by the check associated with this 835. This is done by issuing a PLB segment with an adjustment qualifier of WO and a negative amount equaling the net effect of the reversal CLP segment.

RA on which the claim is voided:

CLP*1234*22*-100*-100***orig DCN 1~ REF*F8*DCN of previous adjustment ~PLB*prov num*20031231*WO:PRCS type recip ID orig DCN 1*-100~

A later RA on which the money owed is recovered:

PLB*prov num*20031231*WO:PRCS type recip ID orig DCN 1*100~

Example of Voided Claim with Returned Check When a claim is voided by the Payee remitting to the Department the amount of the net payment for the claim, the RA will reflect a PLB segment which contains a “WO” adjustment reason code for the amount as well as an offsetting adjustment “72” reason code and amount. No CLP segment will be returned. “PLB03-2” and “PLB05-2” will vary depending on the type of claim. Institutional claims will contain the patient account number, professional claims will contain adjustment process type, recipient number, and the original DCN, and Pharmacy claims will contain the prescription number.

RA on which the voided claim with returned check is shown:

PLB*prov num*19870430*WO:ClaimIdentifier*100*72:ClaimIdentifier*-100~

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Example of a Re-billed Claim (Bill Frequency 7)

RA on which the original claim is reversed and replaced: CLP*1234*22*-100*-100***orig DCN 1~ REF*F8*DCN of previous adjustment~ CLP*1234*1*100*90***new DCN 2~ REF*F8*orig DCN 1~ PLB*prov num*20031231*WO: PRCS type recip ID orig DCN 1*-100~

In this case, claim DCN 1 originally paid at $100 is being reversed. A new claim has been adjudicated at the new payment amount of $90. The PLB prevents the total payment of the voucher from being reduced and informs the payee that the money owed is not being recovered at this point.

RA on which the money owed is recovered: PLB*prov num*20031231*WO: PRCS type recip ID orig DCN 1*100~

The REF segment in loop 2100

Use of this segment is only for Long Term Care (LTC) claims and adjustments. The REF segment may be used in reversal CLP segments. This segment will carry the DCN of the previous adjustment if this claim has been adjusted prior to the current adjustment. If the current adjustment is the first adjustment then the REF segment will not be used. Element REF01 will have the qualifier F8 and element REF02 will have the DCN. This will allow the department to create a history chain from the most recent adjustment to the original claim.

This will include DCNs of the detail portions of MASS-to-DETAIL adjustments. The MASS-to-DETAIL adjustments are not sent in the 835 using the CLP reversal and correction process. MASS-to-DETAIL adjustments are reported in the PLB using the DCN of the mass portion of the MASS-to-DETAIL. In order to maintain the history chain in the reversal and correction process, the REF segment in the reversal CLP may refer to the DCN of a detail portion of a MASS-to-DETAIL adjustment. If the REF segment refers to a MASS-to-DETAIL DCN then the provider will not find that DCN in a CLP segment of a previous claim.

There will always be a REF segment in the correction CLP of all adjustments that create correction CLP segments. This REF segment will refer back to element CLP07 of the associated reversal segment, not the REF segment of the reversal CLP segment. Element REF01 will have the qualifier F8 and element REF02 will have the DCN.


The patient name is a required segment in the 835; however the patient name may not be available when processing a claim that was submitted prior to the implementation of HIPAA. Even prior to HIPAA, HFS would reject a claim submitted without the recipient

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name or number; however, it is possible that HFS may have to reprocess pre-HIPAA claim data through the adjudication system.

When the 835 system encounters a rejected claim that has no recipient data then HFS will return “not received” in elements NM103 (last name) and NM104 (first name). If the recipient number is missing, HFS will return ‘000000000’ in element NM109 (identification code).Questions, comments, or suggestions regarding this information should be directed tothe HFS Webmaster.

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TI Change Summary

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