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  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    Headshot tips: how to take (and retouch) a

    professional portrait by Jeff Meyer  October 15, 20143 Comments• 8.7k 

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     Discover how to take a professional portrait with these expert headshot tips. Learn how

    to set up your camera to shoot head-and-shoulders portraits you can use for business or 


    Compared to most styles of portrait, the hmble head shot mi!ht seem a little

    conser"ati"e, e"en dll. #t there$s an art to !ettin! it ri!ht, and it$s an important

    element of any portrait photo!rapher$s repertoire.

    %rofessional &head and sholders$ portraits are al'ays in demand, 'hether it$s for a

    company 'ebsite, school photos, actor$s head shots or passport pictres.

  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    Creatin! ima!es for a client brin!s a 'hole set of rles into play that don$t apply 'hen

    yo take pictres for yorself. (t$s yor )ob to make the client look !ood, so there$s no

     point !oin! for somethin! ed!y and e*perimental +nless that$s 'hat they ask for.

    -he aim 'ith a corporate portrait is sally to prodce a polished, professional shot of a

     person$s head and sholders for this yo$ll need flatterin! li!ht, a simple, clean

     back!rond and a pose that$s both athoritati"e and en!a!in!, and 'e$ll sho' yo ho'

    to achie"e all three in this ttorial.

    /o$ll learn an array of sefl %hotoshop skills alon! the 'ay, incldin! ho' to batch

     process a set of ima!es to apply edits to se"eral shots in one !o, ho' to prodce contact

    sheets, and ho' to perform a ick tochp )ob +incldin! some impressi"e di!ital


    o read on to disco"er a complete 'orkflo' for professional head shots, from li!htin!

    and captre to processin! and enhancements.

    SEE MORE: 14 portrait photo!raphy tips yo$ll ne"er 'ant to for!et

    How to set up your camera to take a professional


  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    01 Home studio lighting kit

    (f yo$re asked to shoot a sb)ect in their 'orkplace, yo$ll need to 'ork s'iftly to !et

    set p and captre yor shots 'ith the minimm of fss. home stdio kit, 'ith a

    cople of f lash heads fitted 'ith mbrellas or softbo*es, is ideal.

    or a simple setp,  position one li!ht an!led to'ards the back!rond, and yor main

    li!ht in front of the sitter, abo"e them and sli!htly to one side.

    %osition a reflector opposite the main li!ht 6 this 'ill act like a third li!ht, fillin! in

    shado's and redcin! contrast for soft, attracti"e reslts.

    SEE MORE: 7 simple li!htin! setps for shootin! portraits at home8 free photo!raphy

    cheat sheet

  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    02 Diffuse the light

    9i!ht that comes direct from a small sorce like a peedlite or flash head is &hard$,

    'hich isn$t "ery flatterin!.

    -o make the li!ht softer 'e need to diffse it and bonce it arond, so that the li!htsorce effecti"ely becomes lar!er.

    SEE MORE: #est flash diffser 6 7 top models tested and rated

    /o can either bonce the flash off a 'all, or se softbo*es or mbrellas. ttach one to

    the main li!ht, and try featherin! the li!ht so it$s pointed sli!htly in front of the sb)ect,

    rather than strai!ht at them 6 this 'ay, the li!ht &'raps arond$ the face.

    SEE MORE: lash portraits 6 creati"e offcamera flash technies yo ha"e to try

  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    03 Show e!m"les

    #efore yo be!in shootin!, find ot e*actly 'hat the client is after. -hey mi!ht 'ant a

    traditional shot, or somethin! more contemporary, and it$s often easier for people

    to articlate 'hat they like if yo sho' them e*amples of different styles.

    o before the shoot, print ot a sheet of different head shot styles and discss the

    options 'ith the sitter. hold they be smilin! or serios: Opencollared or flly sited:


  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    0# $le!n %!&kg'ound

    (t$s important that the back!rond is clean and simple. ;se a 'hite 'all, a roll of plain,

    li!htcolored paper, or a lar!e popp reflector like the 9astolite one sho'n here.

    n!le one of the li!hts to'ards the back!rond, and ad)st its po'er for different looksfll po'er 'ill blo' the back!rond ot, 'hile a lo'er po'er 'ill make it !rey. (f

    yo$re shootin! portraits otdoors, se a 'ide apertre to blr the back!rond.


  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    0( $!me'! settings

    to Manal mode. ?eep the (O at 100,

    and set the shtter speed to 1@200 or 1@250 sec, dependin! on yor camera$s ma*imm

    flash sync speed.

    et the apertre to f@11, and take a cople of test shots. (f the ima!e is too bri!ht, either

    stop do'n the apertre or trn do'n the po'er of the li!hts, either by ad)stin! the

    otpt or by mo"in! the li!ht frther from the sb)ect.

    9on!er focal len!ths are more flatterin! to faces, so step back and Aoom in.

    SEE MORE: -ry these posin!, li!htin! and editin! tricks for flatterin! pictres of older 


  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    0) *ose !nd e"'ession

    s 'ith any portrait, it$s "ital to pt yor sb)ect at ease, so chat to them as yo shoot,

     perhaps pt some msic on to help them rela*, and offer encora!ement.

    Ba"e them !i"e yo a fe' smiles, halfsmiles and more serios e*pressions, and try otdifferent an!les and poses.

  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    01 Pick the best shots

    Download our start files and follow along! Navigate to the set of files in Bridge. If you want

    to add a star rating to images, highlight each one in turn and press Ctrl+1-5. Once done,

    use the Filter panel (Window > Filter) to view your choices. Press Ctrl+A to highlight all the

    images, then right-click and choose Open in Camera Raw. Select one image to work on

    from the filmstrip.

    SEE MORE: Portrait editing: simple tricks to add a touch of class to your pictures

  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    02 Correct the white balance

    Select the White Balance tool, and click on a part of the image that should be colour-

    neutral, such as the edge of the background reflector in this shot. If the colours don’t look

    quite right on the first click try clicking on a different point, or fine-tune the white balance

    with the Temperature and Tint sliders.

     SEE MORE: How to retouch portraits like a pro – 9 simple ways to polish off your people


    03 Tweak the tones

    Next adjust the exposure and contrast. Here we set Exposure +0.15 and Shadows +13 in

    the Basic panel, then moved to the Tone Curve panel and plotted two points on the curve

    line to create a shallow S-shaped curve, which adds instant punch.


  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    04 Synchronise the edits

    In the filmstrip, Ctrl-click to highlight all the images shot under the same lighting as the one

    you’ve just edited (such as all the ones with a white background). Click the Synchronise

    button at top-left, choose Synchronise: Settings and click OK. Repeat steps 2-4 for other

    groups of similar images in the set.

     SEE MORE: 50 free Photoshop actions for portrait photographers

  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    05 Make individual tweaks

    Next click on each shot in turn to make specific adjustments. You might want to use the

    Crop tool to crop in tighter, soften the skin with the Adjustment Brush (set Clarity to a

    negative value), or make tweaks to the exposure. When you’re happy, click Done.

     SEE MORE: Orton Effect – try this quick, soft-focus Photoshop trick

    06 Produce a contact sheet

    It’s helpful to make a contact sheet, so the client can compare the selection of images and

    choose their favourites. Press Ctrl+A to select all the files, then go to Tools > Photoshop >

    Contact Sheet II. Use the Contact Sheet options to set the number of rows and columns for

    the grid of images, choose whether to display the file names, then hit OK.

    Tip Tip

    Batch-processing a set of images isn’t just useful for unifying tonal enhancements. It can

    also save you lots of time if you have a recurring sensor mark. Simply remove the mark in

    one of the images using Camera Raw’s Spot Removal tool, then highlight the rest of theimage set, click the Synchronise button and check Spot Removal in the options.

    How to process and retouch your professional

    portraits: steps 7-12

  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    07 Remove spots and blemishes

    Select headshot_before.dng, and click Open Image to open it in Photoshop. Go to the

    Layers panel and click the New Layer button. Select the Spot Healing Brush tool, and check

    Sample All Layers in the Options bar. Zoom in and scroll around the image, clicking on

    spots to remove them, and clicking-and-dragging on lines and larger blemishes.

     SEE MORE: Layer mask techniques anyone can understand – master this vital Photoshop


  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    08 Tone down eye bags

    Next take the Clone Stamp tool, and in the Options bar choose All Layers from the Sample

    menu and reduce Opacity to around 20%. Alt-click to sample a source point on the cheek,

    then clone these pixels over the eye bags to tone them down.


    09 Clean up the background

    Add a new layer, take the Quick Selection tool and check Sample All Layers in the Options

    bar. Paint over the messy background in the bottom-left corner to select it, then right-click,

    choose Feather and set radius to 1px. Next take the Brush tool, Alt-click the grey

    background to sample the colour, and paint over the selected area. Press Ctrl+D to



  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    10 Brighten the eyes

    Click the Create Adjustment Layer button in the Layers panel and choose Curves. Drag a

    point up from the centre of the curve line to lighten the image, then press Ctrl+I to invert the

    layer mask to black and hide the effect. Take the Brush tool, and paint white over the eyes

    to reveal the adjustment.


  • 8/18/2019 Headshot Tips


    11 Shape the teeth

    Press Ctrl+Shift+Alt+E to create a merged layer, then go to Filter > Liquify. Zoom in on the

    teeth, and use the Forward Warp tool to push and pull the pixels around, evening out the

    teeth into a neater row; tap the ] and [ keys to resize the brush tip as you work. When you’re

    happy, hit OK.


    12 Whiten the teeth

    Use the Clone Stamp tool to remove any stains or marks on the teeth. Next add a

    Hue/Saturation adjustment layer. Set Lightness +5, then choose Yellows from the menu and

    set Saturation -40. Press Ctrl+I to invert the layer mask, then take the Brush tool and paint

    with over the teeth to reveal the adjustment and whiten them.