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Course of LECTURES


Institutions of MEDICINE.


I. Concerning the Nature of the differentFarts ofthe Human Body.

A. The Fluids,a. Chyle.b. Blood.c. Secretions,

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B. The Solids.m. Generalproperties ofanimalfolidi\h. Peculiarities ofparticular fclids.

a. The animal fibre.b. Cellular membrane.c. Veffels.d. Fat.e. Bone*

11. Concerning the Functions of thedifferent Parts of the Human Body,

A. General Obfervations.a. Nervous fyftem.b. Hydraulic fyftem.c. Mechanical fyftem.d. Chemical fyftem.

B. Particular Functions,a. Digeftion.b. Circulation.

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5c. Nutrition.d.Secretion.e. Abforption.f. Excretion.g. Refpiration.h. Animal heat.i. Voluntary motion.k. External fenfes.l. Internal fenfes.m. Sleep.n. Death.o. Peculiarities of the male,p. Peculiarities of the female.q. Generation,

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Part 11. PATHOLOGY.I. General Pathology.

a. Nature of difeafes.b. Caufes.c. Differences.d. Complication.e. Prognofis.f. Terminations.

11. Particular Pathology.

A. Difeafes of the Fluids.a. Chyle.b. Blood.c. Secretions.

B. Difeafes of the Solids,a. In compofitmuh. Infigure.

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C. Difeafes of the Animated Syftem,a. Natural Functions.b. Vital Functions.c. Voluntary motions.d. External fenfes.e. Internal fenfes.f. Functions peculiar to the fexes.


I. Concerning Indications in general.a. Nature of indications,b. Different kinds of indications.c. Rules in forming indications.

11. Concerning the means ufed infulfil*ling Indications .

a. Divifton ofremedies into chafes.l\ Particular confderation of each clafs.

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A. The Nature of each Clafs.a. Definition.b. Primary effe&s.c. Changes in the fyflem.d. Different orders.

B. The Ufe of the Clafs.a. Effeds in the cure of difeafes.b. Circumftances refpe&ing the

choice of orders.c. Cautions to be obferved.d. Contra-indications.

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Concerning the Nature and Qualities of thedifferent Parts of the Human Body•




Of the Chyle.

THE materials from which it is forni-ed—lts , to milk—Co-

lour in birds—Senfible qualities—Specificgravity—Spontaneous reparation—Coagu-lation—»Contents—Acefcent tendency-*

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Queftion refpeCting its fugar—lts appear-ance in the laCteal s, from mixture with ex-traneous fubftances—blue—^yellow—-red*—Qualities without any change of colour—Queftion, Whether every fubftance fo-luble in water may not be taken up by theia&eals?—Proof for denying it in the cafeof iron, even in afaline flate—Objections tothat proof—from the analogy of othermetals—'from the appearance of iron inhuman calculi —Queftion, refpeCting thetime when the chyle is moft abundant in thelaCteals—The changes which it undergoes inthe thoracic duCt—in the circulatingfyftcm.

Authorities chiefly employed.Percival. Inquiry into the refemblance

between chyle and milk j vide Effays me-dical and experimental.

Hewfon. Experimental inquiry, part 2dLifter. De humoribus.Bartholinus. De la&eis thoracicis

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Birch. Hiftory of the royal focietyWright. Experiments on iron j vick

Philofophical tranfa£tions.

SECT. 11.

Of the Blood,

j /CONSTITUENT Parts. 11. Phje-V>4 nomena. Examination of its con-

stituent parts, from fpontaneous reparation,or chemical analyfis—From fpontaneous re-paration ; a. Halitus ; b. Craflfamentum ;

c. Serum—Senfible qualities of the halitusthe changes it undergoes in difeafe its

noxious power, in feme inftances—Ef-fects of condenfation—of chemical trials—•

Change on gravity of blood from its efcape—Constituent parts of the craSTamentum—.Red particles—Coagulable lymph or gluten.Of the Serum—gluten—ferofity—ConSti-

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tuent parts of the general mafs of blood—-a. Red globules—b. Gluten—c. Serofity.

Red Globules—Difcovery—Extent o-ver animal creation—Diverfity—-Figure—Sentiments of different obfervers—Diffe-rences from the diluent ufed—Advantagesof proper dilution—Formation—Examina-tion of the opinion which fuppofes it to beperformed by the lymphatic fyftem—Ar-guments by which this opinion is fupport-ed_Attempts to invalidate thefe—Objec-tions to the dodtrine.

Colour ofthe Globules—Varieties from di-lution—from the Rate of the animal—fromcoagulation—fromprevent ion of feparation—from circumflances promoting fepara-tion—from air.

Size of the Globules—Different calcula-tions—Diverfity in different animals.

Properties of Globules—Eiaflicity—ln-flammability—Effe&s of- acids—of a!ka-

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lines—of neutrals—of water—Method inwhich they break—Solubility.

Gluten—l. Properties by itfelf—-—tafte—fmell—confidence—colour—2-Re-lation to other matters —effeds of heat—ofmuriatic acid—of cauflic alkali—of metal-lic falts—of alcohol—the analogy which ithas to the albumen ovi and cheefe.

Serosity—Particulars in which it cor- 1refponds with water—-effeds of heat—of a-

cids—of alcohol—of boiling—Difputes asto nature of the faline matter it contains—-lleafons for fuppofmg it to be an ammo-!niacal fait—lleafons for fuppofmg it to be afoflil alkali.

Chemical analyfis of the blood—Water—Spirit—Volatile fait—Oil—Refiduum—itscontents—fixed fait— acid— earth— iron—;air—Queftion refpeding other principles-

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11, Phenomena.—*a. Coagulation—Cau-fes fuppofed to induce it—cold—reft—air—Varieties in the difpofition to coagulate—b. Heat of the blood—Varieties in dif-ferent animals—effe&s of difeafe—of di-verfity in temperature—c. Life of the blood—Arguments by which the opinion is fup-ported—Objeftions to thefe arguments—

General conclufion—d. Quantity of theblood—Varieties—Proportions which it hasbeen fuppofed to bear to the folids—e.Differences in the blood—Queftion, re-

fpe&ing a difference between the arterialand venous blood—Evidence of a diffe-rence in colour—Caufes to which it hasbeen aferibed—Nitre —Air—Efchpe of co-

louring matter—Suppofitionof a differencen denfity and weight between the arterialmd venous blood—Changes taking placeDn the blood, during blood-letting—Cau-

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Fes to which it has been afcribed—Doubtconcerning it.

Authorities chiefly referred to on thfubjeft of the blood*

Butt. Tentamen de fpontanea fanguinfeparatione

Senac. Trak& de la ftru&urc du coei

Hcwfon. Experimentalinquhies,part——Philofophical tranfa&ions—Edinburgh medical commentaryLeeuwenhoeck. Opera omniaMartlnc, Edinburgh medical eflays• Do frniilibus animalibusBaker. The microfcope made eafyFordyce. Elements of the praftice

phyficSauvages* Elementa phyfiologiae

Diflertation fur PairHendy. Dlflertatio de fecretlone

dulariMlchelottus, De feparatione fluldofiA 3 i J

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Newman. Chemical worksHomberg. Memoires de Pacademie dts

Sciences de ParisVerheyen. Anatomia corporis humaniLangrifh. Modern theory and practice

of phyficJurin* Philofophical tranfa&ions

Colbatch. Effay concerning add and al-kali

Grew. Difcourfe of the univerfeNeedham. Account of microfcopical dif-

coveriesPhilofophical tranfadbions

Vieuflens. Traite des liqueuresVerduc. Traite phyfiologiqueMenghinus. Commentarii BononienfesGaleatius. Commentarii BononienfesHarvey. OperaHales- Statical effaysKing. Philofophical tranfadbionsLifter. Philofophical tranfadbions-

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Lobb. Rational method ofcuring feversKcil. Account of animal fecretion, and

the quantity of the blood in the humanbody

Bernoulius* De motu mufculormnBorellus. De motu animaliumQuefnay* De la faignceHunter. Edinburgh medical comment


SECT. 111.

Of the Secretions.

§ i. Of the Milk.

/’’"l ENERAL appearance of the milk—*its fpontaneous reparation —its con-

ftituent parts—i- Cream, or butyraceouspart—2. Coagulable part, or cheefe—3*Serum, or whey.

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Butyraceous 'part—lts general propertiesanalogy to the red globules of the blood

—Varieties in the proportion it bears to theother parts of the blood—in different fpe*cies of animals—in different individuals ofthe fame fpecies—in the fame individualat different times—from the general lawsof the fyftem—from idiofyncrafy—fromaliment—from the age of the milk—fromthe period of the difcharge—Varieties inthe qualities of the butyraceous part—incolour—in tafte*

Coagulablepart—Analogy to the glutenof the blood—Particulars in which it dif-fers—Sublfances capable of producing thecoagulation of it, or runnets—Queftion,how far fuch a power refides in the fto-machs ofall animals—Vegetable runnets —

Circumflances in which vegetable and ani-mal runnets differ—How far a differenttemperature of the milk is required to

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their adion—Difpute refpedlng the prin-ciples upon which runnets ad —Inquiryhow far their effeds depend upon acidity—Effed from the addition of alkali—Theinfluence of acid, as affeding the flrengthof runnet—of alcohol—of neutral falts.

Serum—lts analogy to the ferum of theblood—Contents-—Water—-Saline mat-ter, refembling fugar—Varieties in the pro-portion of this matter in different animals,and in the fame animal at different timesThe univerfality of this faline matter—In-quiry how far it depends on the aliment u-fed.

Matters accidentally entering the milk—.from the aliment—from the fyftem itfelf—Effects of a full meal upon the milk Pe-culiarities of the human milk.

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$ 2, Of the Mucus.

Extent of mucus over the lyftem—Thegeneral purpofes for which it is intended. -

Contents of mucus—Water—Coagulablematter.—Properties of mucus—Vifcidity—

Specific gravity.—Effeds from drying mu-cus —From cold water—from boiling wa-ter—from neutral falts—from acids —fromalcalines—from ardent fpirit—from me-

tallic falts—from expofure to air—fromputridity—from burning.—Chemical ana-lyfis—changes induced by difeafe.

§ 3 • Of the Saliva,

Organs by which the faliva is fecreted

quantity of this fecretion in the human fpe-ciesi—The univerfality of it over the ani-

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mal creation—Its proportion in point ofquantity to the nature of the food-—lts ge-neral properties—its component parts—Water Saline matter—Coagulable mat-

ter—Effects from the expofureof it to air—-from quick evaporation—from oils—frommetalic fubftances—from alkalines—fromacids—from alcohol—from corrofive fubli-mate—from the air-pump—Chemical a-nalyfis-—Effects of burning the refiduum.

§ 4* Of the Succus Gajlricus,

Organs by which it is fecreted Difficul-ty of obtaining it in a condition fit for ex-periment—lts analogy to faliva Circum-ftances in which it differs from it Proofof its pofleffing an alkalefcent tendency,*..

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The fuppofition oP a folvent power in a

fluid, fecreted by the ftomach, confidered.

§ 5* Of the Pancreatic Juice.

The organ by which it is fecreted—itsanalogy to faliva—its contents — contro-verfy concerning its chemical properties—The quantity in which it is fecreted—Dif-putes with regard to its ufe—Examinationof the arguments for fuppofmg that it isintended for corre&ing the bile—of thecommon opinion refpefting its ufe*

§ 6. Of the Bile.

Organ by which the bile is fecreted—

Queflion, refpe&ing the caufes of the dif-ference between the hepatic and the cyfticbile—Senfible qualities of the bile-^Con-

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2 3

fdlence—changes produced by the pro-grefs of life—-Gravity—Suppofition of glo-bules—Elfeds of mixture with water—-with oil—with alcohol—with neutrals andalkalincs—with acids—vitriolic—marine-nitrous Effects of heat—Chemical analy-lis—air—water—fpirit—oil—volatile fait—-refiduum—Conclufions concerning the na-ture of the bile—i. Watery part—<2, Salinematter—3.Coagulablemattermatter—objections to the fuppofition that

the coagulable part is ofa refmous nature-

proof of its fimilarity to the gluten of theblood—means by which it may be feparatedfrom the other parts—experiments fur as-certaining its nature in this If ate—argumentsin favour of the fuppofition, that the co-lour of the bile depends on iron—Objec-tions to that fuppofition—Evidence thatthe colouring matter of the bile is the

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fame with that from which it derives itstafte—Arguments for fuppofing, that bothdepend upon phlogifton—The analogy be-tween the bile and the blood—Reafons forbelieving that the colour of the milk, theblood, and the bile, depends upon thefame principle—Explanation offeveralphae-nomena on this fuppofition,

§7.Of the Synovia.

Organs by which the fynovia is formedits fenfible qualities—lnquiry how far it

is coagulable—by acids—by heat—lts ana-logy to mucus—-the extent to which it isfecreted.

§ 8, Of the Terfpirable Matter.

Organs by which it is furnifhed—Cir-ftances under which it is vifible—its na-

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turc—its contents in ordinary cafes—water—faline matters—Accidental impregnations—from foetid matters—from the qualities ofthe aliment—from the ele&ric fluid—frommephitic air—Quantity of perfpirable mat-ter difcharged—variety in different cli-mates—Inquiry into the caufes of this va-riety.

§9. Of the Urine .

Organs by which it is fecreted—Senfiblequalities—Changes which thefe undergo,even in a ftate of health—from age—fromtemperature—from paffions of the mindfrom the ftate of the ingefla—Urine ofdrink—of chyle—of blood—general re-marks on its fenfible qualities—its colour—its fmelt—its tafle—its gravity—its heat—its confiflence—The fpontaneous fepara-

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tion of urine—Varieties which occur withrefpeft to the matter feparated from themore watery part—Contents of the fedi-ment—The condition of the more waterypart after reparation —The depofition ofearth from urine—Trials of the urine inthe way of mixture—Chemical analyfis—-water—native fait—fpirit—volatile fait oil—volatile acid—phofphorus—charcoal—-earth—Purpofes for which the difchargeby urine is intended.

§ 10. Of the Tears,

State of the difcharge—organ by whichtears are fecreted—their nature—fenfiblequalities—quantity—lnquiry into the caufeof an augmented flow from grief,.

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§ll. Of the Nervous Fluid.

Inquiry concerning the reality of a

nervous fluid—'Examination of the fup-pofitlon that the nerves perforin theirfunctions by aCting as folids—Argumentsin favour of the fuppofltion of their beingconductors of a fluid—Doubts refpeCtingthis proof—Inquiry, whether the fluid con-

veyed by the nerves be fecreted or not—

An account of the opinion which fuppofesthat this fluid is merely attached to

the brain and nerves—Arguments infavour of the opinion that the fluidconveyed by the nerves is fecretedExamination of the opinion which fup-pofes that the nervous fluid is the phlo-gifton of the blood, feparated by the brain—Objections to the fuppofltion—lnquiry,whether the nervous fluid be conveyed intubes, or propagated along the nerves as

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folids—lnquiry, whether the phaenomenaof fenfe and motion proceed from undu-lation, or the flow ofa fluid—lnquiry, whe-ther any other fluid be communicated bythe nerves, than is fubfervient to the fenfeand motion—An examination of the fup-pofition that the nerves convey coagulablelymph in a diluted ftate, for the nourifh-ment of mufcular fibres—General view ofother conjedures —General conclufion re-fpeding the nervous fluid.

§l2. Of the Semen,

Organs by which the femen is fecreted—The ftate in which it is commonly fubjec-ted to examination—The appearance qf itin a pure (late—The changes which it un-dergoes from mixture in the veficulae fe-minaies—its fpecific gravity—its peculiari-ties in imeli—The tffcds of expofure to

air—of mixture with water—of heat—of

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mixture with acids—with fixed alkali—-with aromatic oils—with alcohol—Chemi-cal analyfis—Microfcopical obfervations—Difcovery of vermiculi in the femen—ac-count of their appearance—-Principal con-troverfies refpe&ing them—Queffion, whe-ther they be infers or not—whether theyare to be confidered as the firfl flage ofthe embryo—whether they can ever bederived from any other part than the tef-ticles—whether they be complete infefts—-from what part of the blood they are for-med—Different liquors entering the com-pofition of the femen as difcharged—Quef-tion, from which of thefe impregnationarifes—Differences in the femen of diffe-rent’ animals.

§ 13. Of the Lymph.Sources from whence the lymph is de-

rived—The condition of the lymph in its

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pure date—A proof of the various acci-dental impregnations to which it is fubjec-ted—from the effeds of thefe impregna-tions on the fyflem in a found date—fromobfervations made on the contents of thelymphatics—from different morbid affec-tions—General conclufion refpeding thediverfity of the contents of the lymphatics.

§ 14. Reflexions concerning the Fluidsin general•

The analogy which the different animalfluids have to each other—Their commonconflituents—water—coagulable matter—-faline matter—oily matter—Properties ofthe fluids depending upon water and coa-gulable matter—Properties of the fluidsdepending upon faline and oily matters—General divifion of the more adive pro-perties of the fluids into thofe that depend

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upon fallne matters, and thofe that de-pend upon the principle of inflammability—Charaderiftics of the faline qualitiesCharaderiftics of the phlogiftic qualities.

Authorities chiefly referred to refped-ing the fecretions.

Verheyen. Anatomia corporis humaniFordyce. Elements of the pradice of

phyficFloyer. The preternatural ftate of the

animal humoursVieuflens. Des liqueuresLifter. De humoribusDuncan. La chymie naturelleNewman. Chemical worksDoftie. Inftitutes of chemiftryLangrifh. Modern theory and pradice

of phyficHaller. Elementa phyfiologiae

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Young. De LadleCullen. Ledlures on the materia medicaTefli. De Saccharo ladlisWillamoz; De fale ladlis effentialiGouraigne. De natura ladlisPercival. Inquiry into the refemblancc

between chyle and milk

Fordyce. De catarrhoNuck. SialographiaScherer. De calculis ex dudlu falivali

excretisRaft. De fucco gaftrico ; vide Halleri

elementa phyfiologiaeKnight. Vindication of the elfay on

the tranfmutation of the bloodReaumur. Memoires de Pacademic des

fciences de ParisHunter, Philofophical tranfadlions

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De Graaf, Tra&atus de fucci pancrea-tici natura et ufu

Brunnerus. Experimenta nova circapancreas

Deidier. Traite des tumeursSchuyl. De veteri medicina

M‘Lurg. Experiments on the bileRamfay. Dilfertatio de bileHartman. Diflertatlo de bileLobb. Rational method of curing feversDeidier. Experiences fur la bileBaglivius. Experimenta de bile huina-

na captaDurade. Traite fur la nutritionCadet. Experiences chymiques fur la

bile ; vide Memoires de Facademie desfciences de Paris

Schroederus. De cyfticae bills indole

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Hildanus. De ichore et fynovlaMonro. OfteologyHamilton. De perfpiratione infenfibiliSan&orius. Medicina ftaticaKaau Boerhaave. De perfpirationeJallabert. Experiences fur I’ele&ricitcHales. Statical effaysLinning. Philofophical tranfa&ionsKeil. Medicina ftatica BritannicaRobinfon. A diflertation on food and

difchargesGorter. De perfpiratione infenfibiliMuffchenbroeck. Inftitutiones phyficacMargraaf. Memoires de BerlinPott. Differtations chymiquesHoffmannus. Medicina fyftcmaticaSchreiber. De lacrumis et fletuZinn. Defcriptio oculiBartholinus. Hiftoriarura. anatomica-

rum ccnturiae

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35Chrouet. De tribus oculi humoribus

Cullen. Inftitutions of medicineMonro. Anatomy of the human nervesWhytt. Phyfiological eflaysN. Robinfon. A new fyftem of the

fpleen, vapours, &c.B. Robinfon. A differtation on the ae-

ther of Sirlfaac Newton.Guettard. Ergo nervi canalesWillis. De cerebro

Monro. De teftibus et femineBuffon. Hiftoire naturelleLeeuwenhoeck. AnatomiaHartfoeker. Conje&eures phyfique

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