Download - He has Risen! Amen! - Amazon S3...In lieu of the 80th birthday party we ASCENSION ARE STILL ON!!!were planning, the children and grandchildren of Ivadean Herter invite you join us

Page 1: He has Risen! Amen! - Amazon S3...In lieu of the 80th birthday party we ASCENSION ARE STILL ON!!!were planning, the children and grandchildren of Ivadean Herter invite you join us

Armor Builder

Heavenly Father, you

are my harbor of safety

in the storms of life,

my rock that I cling to

for salvation,

and the Redeemer who

alone can save us.

You see our need, and

you reach out your hand

to save us from the hurts

and afflictions from the


around us and within.

Do not let trouble

overwhelm us.

Strengthen and

encourage us,

save and deliver us from

all sickness...

And cleanse us

from all sin.

In Jesus’ Name we pray.


Sword of the Spirit

God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in times of trouble.

Therefore we will not fear, though the earth is

transformed … There is a river whose streams delight the city of God, the holy place

where the Most High dwells.

Psalm 46:1-5

From the desk of Pastor Len…

“But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to

what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call

of God in Christ Jesus.” -Philippians 3:13-14

I love the quote from Abraham Lincoln, “We can complain that the rose

bushes have thorns or rejoice that the thorn bushes have roses.” Often-

times in life, we cannot control our circumstances. Tough times some-

times come because of our failings and other times just happen because we live in a fall-

en world. Although we may not be able to control the circumstances of our lives, we

can control our response to those circumstances.

It is easy during the tough days to dwell in negativity. We feed the negativity by listen-

ing to or reading negative news, being around negative people, and failing to focus on

our daily blessings. In these difficult days, I encourage you to focus on the blessings

rather than the struggles. What blessings are you experiencing today?

As I write this, it was a year ago today that I officially began my six month deployment

to the Middle East. The most difficult thing I experienced while I was gone wasn’t the

heat (up to 128 degrees) or the work or the food. No, the biggest challenge I faced was

missing my family. I remember being there for two weeks and, because of training, I

had already been gone from home for two months and I felt like I was ready to go home

even though I had just started.

I realize now that I took for granted all the time I get to spend with my family. I am

thankful now for the extra time and try to remind myself that I’m going to miss quaran-

tine when it’s over. I realize, too, how much I need to gather with believers in worship.

This too, I have taken for granted and look forward to us gathering again.

I have found in my life, that when I am in a rut of negativity, that reaching out to help

others is the best way to get out. Not only do I see that I’m not the only one struggling,

but I am blessed by being a blessing to others. Who is that person in your life today

who needs encouragement? Reach out to them. You will be encouraged by encourag-

ing others. If you find yourself unable to get out of the discouragement rut, reach out.

The staff at Ascension is ready to come alongside you during your tough times. Focus

on the blessings today. Thanks be to God for the roses on the thorn bushes.

In Christ, Pastor Len

He has Risen!


Page 2: He has Risen! Amen! - Amazon S3...In lieu of the 80th birthday party we ASCENSION ARE STILL ON!!!were planning, the children and grandchildren of Ivadean Herter invite you join us

Leif and Ashley Hanson family

How do you remember previous Palm Sundays? Maybe you went to church with your family and palm

branches were passed out by the Deacons or greeters? Maybe you waved the palm branches as you sang

songs like “All Glory, Laud and Honor”, or “Name Above All Names”. This is an important day to

remember in the Church Year, it marks the beginning of Holy Week. Jesus road into Jerusalem on a

donkey while people cheered, waved their palm branches, laid them down for the donkey to walk on…

Jesus was welcomed with praises like “Hosanna to the Son of David” and “Blessed be the King who

comes in the name of the Lord”. The time was right for God’s salvation plan to come to fruition. Soon Je-

sus would be arrested, crucified, and raised to life again. This was God’s merciful plan of redemption for

the sins of the world.

This year was very different….. while we still celebrated Jesus’ entry, our celebration was different, be-

cause of the Covid-19 pandemic that has come to our community. Thank you to those of our Ascension

family that volunteered to deliver Palm Branches, to each of our homes all over the Cedar Valley area…..

They did this so we could wave these familiar symbols as we sang while watching our Ascension Worship

Service by Pastor Mike Badenhop on YouTube or Facebook!

Below, are a couple of pictures of our Ascension family receiving their palm branches! Thank you to all

that delivered these familiar symbols of Jesus’ entry into Jerusalem…. It was good to see and receive this

familiar symbol of God’s plan and

unchanging love for each one of us in

these unfamiliar times.

Jerry Hayden

a m unday S P

Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed. James 5:16

Please keep the following Ascension members in your prayers… Steve and Janet Bergan, Ivy Gibbons, Linda Gray, Helen Green, Dennis Hilmer, Gary Horak, Dick Mingus, Jean O’Bryon, Kamma Pillion, Marnie Stewart, Marv Wente and Bonnie Wissink.

Condolences to the family of Bev Rustad. Bev died on April 4. Condolences to the family of Dale Ohl. Dale died on April 4. Condolences to Jason Goecken and family on the death of his mother, Terry Hansen, who died on April 12.

Elijah Coan

Page 3: He has Risen! Amen! - Amazon S3...In lieu of the 80th birthday party we ASCENSION ARE STILL ON!!!were planning, the children and grandchildren of Ivadean Herter invite you join us

April 16, 2020

May God Bless you both, Pastor and Mardell,

“I will be your God throughout your lifetime— until your hair is

white with age. I made you, and I will care for you. I will carry you

along and save you.” Isaiah 46:4 (NLT)

Birthday Blessings!!!

Happy 48th - 39th Birthday

Pastor Lindberg!!!

Page 4: He has Risen! Amen! - Amazon S3...In lieu of the 80th birthday party we ASCENSION ARE STILL ON!!!were planning, the children and grandchildren of Ivadean Herter invite you join us

Without a doubt, this was the most impressive of all the 48 celebrations of my 39th birthday which I've had.

The day was filled with surprises. The biggest happened at 1:30 p.m. on April 16. – – A caravan of vehicles led by a big red Waterloo fire engine came slowly past our house followed by a long line of cars sporting “happy birthday” signs, bal-loons and smiling faces of well-wishers shouting and singing a few choruses of, “happy birthday!” – – This was a total sur-prise for me!!

Later, I learned that the special surprise was organized by Sherri Ridder. So, my hats off to you, Sherri, and to all who had a part in this fun event!

I have also received many telephone calls, cards, gifts and the biggest cookie I have ever set my teeth into. Honestly, this sur-prise was so much fun, I think I'll celebrate my 39th birthday again next year, God willing!

Your friend in Jesus, who is risen! Pastor Lindberg

On With Life facility... Reaching Out for Help...

4/13/2020 A call for help rang out to the Larry Hanson Family… As a family, they decided to sponsor supplying the badly needed Isolation Gowns….

4/19/2020 By Sunday 15 gowns were picked

up and delivered to to the facility by Karla.

(Larry’s daughter) With 12 or more

gowns coming soon! Pictured next is Deb

(another daughter) and Magen’s husband Matt.

Many thanks to the health care professionals for caring for all patients, especially the COVID-19 people. You are in our

prayers and truly a blessing to us all. If you’d like to donate to the On With Life mission:

back/donate. Or if you can help with sewing a variety of personal protection garments, please contact the church office.

Magen & another staff

member wearing the gowns

On With Life, is a brain injured or trauma center to help with rehabilitation in Ankeny, IA. They now have

COVID-19 cases also. One of the inpatient therapy team (Magen Rainey) is Larry Hanson’s granddaughter.

She reached out for help to her family, explaining they needed isolation gowns so badly that

they were low on PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) when going in to help the patients. 4/14/2020 Tuesday more calls rang out. With God’s help by Wednesday a team of 6 sewers came together, supplies were purchased and measured out, for sewing of 25 gowns and masks.

Page 5: He has Risen! Amen! - Amazon S3...In lieu of the 80th birthday party we ASCENSION ARE STILL ON!!!were planning, the children and grandchildren of Ivadean Herter invite you join us

Visit us online… at! If you are unable to make our worship services on Sunday, the

sermons are available here! Don’t forget to “like” and follow us on Facebook! Also, our radio broadcast is on each

Sunday morning at 8:00 and 10:00 on KXEL (AM 1540).

Do you have some news? Or a funny story? Do you have a blessing to share?

Please write it up and leave it in the board room mailbox, or Email to: [email protected]

In lieu of the 80th birthday party we were planning, the children and grandchildren of Ivadean Herter invite you join us in helping her cel-

ebrate her 80th birthday on April 28th! Let’s overflow her mailbox with 80th birthday greetings!! Please send your birthday greeting to 805 - 4th Avenue, Parkersburg, IA 50665. Thank you! The Family of Ivadean Herter

Save the NEW Date!!!

Friday, June 12, 2020 The Annual Crusader Knight (the Gala)

Cedar Falls Convention and Event Center

(connected to the Hilton Garden Inn)

Look forward to a night of food, fun and fellowship!

Ascension Quilts

of Valor Project

Due to COVID-19 and uncer-

tainty of when groups will be

allowed to gather again, we

have decided to indefinitely postpone the sew-

ing day planned for Quilts of Valor for Ascen-

sion Veterans.

The quilts are being made by individuals in

their own homes and the presentation date for

the quilts is still planned for November 8, dur-

ing the Sunday School hour.

I want to thank those who have volunteered to

partake in this project and pray that the quilts

will be a blessing to those who will receive

them. If you would like contribute to this project

you may do so by donating to the Q.O.V. fund

at Ascension. Thank you for all of your help to

honor our own veterans!

Ivadean Herter

SUMMER PROGRAMS FOR ASCENSION ARE STILL ON!!! We look forward to when we can join together again and worship and grow and we hope you are growing at home in your time with the Lord as well.

CAMP VBS - is still scheduled for June 9-11 Ascension students should have received registrations in the mail. Registration deadline is May 22, but checks will be held until we know we are for sure able to host camp and this health situation is over.

VBS - for our little ones ages 4-3rd grade is still sched-uled for July 27-31, 9-11 am. The theme is "Kicking it Old School" and will once again feature the Go Fish Guys on video with music and fun! More information will be arriving in May!

Violet May Smith will be 100 years young on May 1, and we were going to celebrate it on May 3. Due to social distancing which COVID-19 has caused, we have to delay her open house until Sunday, October 4, from 12:30 pm to 2:00 pm. So that we can still give her a book of memories on May 1,

please send your well wishes or cards to:

Brian and Candie Smith 6938 Boggs Rd., Waterloo, IA 50703-9679

We’re grateful to all of our Ascension

brothers and sisters for all the wonderful

gifts…. especially Heather, Kathy and Can-

die during this challenging time. Your care

and attention is truly a saving grace.

From Rose and Dennis

Happy 97th Birthday to Jim Neebel…

April 23, 1923

with love from his family! Prov. 17:6 (NIV)

A Special “Thank You” to the Social Ministry Committee for remembering me on my 87th birthday. Carol Walters, on behalf of the Commit-tee, brought a tasty Danish pastry for Mardell and me to enjoy at “tea time”. God bless you for re-

membering the seasoned Saints on their birthdays! Your friend in Jesus, Pastor Lindberg