Download - HD via OSN NETWORK team Website: // FINAL PRESENTATION.



FINAL PRESENTATIONCommunication System Design, Summer 2009

Date: 19-10-2009

Meraldina Paula Mazivela [email protected]

Muhammad Adnan [email protected]

Muhammad Farooq [email protected]

Yichi Zhang [email protected]

Zeeshan Khan [email protected]


Slide # 1

Project Outline

Project goals

Project background

Project ResultsNetwork Deployment

NOC Solution


Future Work

Slide #2

Project Goals

There are two primary goals of our project:

1.Network Extension

Extend the existing 10 gigabit open source research

network between KTH Kista and Valhallavägen to

Karolinska in Solna and Huddinge

2. Network Operation Centre

Implement a Network Operation Center (NOC) to monitor

the network performance, devices and make it secure

Slide # 3

Project Background Extension of Previous CSD projects working on HD Video

Conferencing including:

CUinHD, CSD Spring 2009

HDValley, CSD Fall 2008

High Definition Video Conferencing System needs a high

performance and fault tolerant underlying network

HDviaOSN Network Group has put its effort to build this


Slide # 4

Project Results Organization

Slide # 5

Network Topology

Slide # 6

Network Topology

Slide # 7

Project Results

Slide # 8

Network Services DNS, DHCP, SysLog Server

Slide # 9

Project Results

Slide # 10

Bifrost Routing Performance

Motherboard CPU Routing Performance

Rx Tx Mpps

ASRock A780GM-LE AMD Quadcore 2.6 GHz 7.3 7.3 1.4-1.5

ASRock A780GM-LE AMD Quadcore 3.2 GHz 7.3 7.4 1.4-1.5

ECS Black Series A785GM-M AMD Quadcore 3.2 GHz 7.3 7.3 1.4-1.5

TYAN S7002 Intel Zeon 8 Core 2.4GHz 8.6 8.3 1.7-1.8

Test Bed for Performance Testing

Bifrost Routing Performance Results

Slide # 11

Project Results

Slide #12

Fiber Optic link

VV Bifrost

Karolinska Huddinge

Patch Cable

KI Solna

300 meters45


HS1 Operation Theatre


Attenuation 15-16 dB 5-6 dB

KI Bifrost

KTH Valhallavagen

Fiber Link

Total Attenuation 20-22dB

Problem Area

Slide # 13

Fiber Optic Link

Installation of new fiber needed here

Several Connectors

increasing dB

Slide # 14

VV Bifrost

Karolinska Huddinge

Patch Cable

KI Solna

300 meters

45 Kilometers

HS1 Operation Theatre


Attenuation 15-16 dB 5-6 dB

KI Bifrost

KTH Valhallavagen

Fiber Link

Total Attenuation 20-22dB

Acceptable attenuation for 10 G XFPs = 21 dBNo Power Margin, No connectivity in 10G Scheme

Alternative Scheme: Install 70km 1G SFPs to get the link up and change the network cards to 10G once

the fiber is replace

Project Results

Slide # 15

Network GraphingMRTG

 Tool to monitor the traffic load on network links

Generates HTML pages containing PNG images

Uses SNMP to read the traffic Counters of the devices and Create graphs

Slide # 16

Network GraphingCacticomplete network graphing solution

Provides an easy to use web Interface for configuration

Stores all of the necessary information to create graphs and populate them with data in a MySQL database

We are monitoring CPU load, Memory usage and Bifrost Routerswith the help of Cacti

Slide # 17

Network GraphingWeathermap4RRDTo show a high-level graphical representation of our network

The overall map of the network

Data acquired from MRTG generated html files

Monitoring of all the three routers in our topology



KarolinskaSlide # 18

Project Results

Slide # 19

Request Handling

Generate Request using

RT web interface


Adnan Slide # 20

Project Results

Slide # 21

Alert System

Notification: Host unreachable.Address: Critical



Notification: Host unreachableSeverity: Critical

Slide # 22

Alert System implementation


Any other user-defined method through plugin system

Web interface

Email notification

SMS notification

Monitor hosts and services

Monitor hosts and services

Alert when service or host has problem

Alert when service or host has problem

Slide #23

Project Result

Slide #24

Network SecurityFirewall and Intrusion Detection System

Slide # 25


Goal Fully Achieved Partially Achieved Not Achieved

Bypassing Solna Yes

Routing Performance Evaluation Yes

Network Deployment Yes(due to problems stated in fiber optics section)

IPv6 Implementation Yes

Network Services including IPv4, IPv6-DNS, DHCP, Syslog Server


Network Graphing Yes

Request Tracking Yes

Alert System (including SMS) Yes

Intrusion Detection System Yes

Bifrost Firewall Yes

Total 9 1 0

Slide #26

Future Work- Network ExtensionOption 1Upgrading the Network to 10 gigabit once the new fiber cable is installed in Karolinska Huddinge

VV Bifrost

Karolinska Huddinge

Patch Cable

KI Solna

300 meters45


HS1 Operation Theatre


Attenuation 15-16 dB

Link Repaired!!!Less than


KI Bifrost

KTH Valhallavagen

Fiber Link

Total Attenuation 20-22dB

Expected Total Attenuation after new fiber is installed: 16 + 0.5 = 16.6 dB

Acceptable Attenuation for 1550nm XFPs = 19 dB

Link Budget Margin = 19- 16.5 = 2.5 dB

2.5 dB is good but

not suitable for long

term solution

Slide # 27

Future Work- Network ExtensionOption 2 Install a bifrost router in Karolinska Solna which will be suitable for long term solution and video conferencing can be performed from Solna as well.

Slide # 28

Future WorkBifrost Routing Performance

It’s a continuous process to be carried on to boost the

performance further with new equipments, Documentation on

our website will be helpful

NOC System

Evaluate and implement a mechanism for monitoring the live

HD video streams for HD video conferencing system

Maputo Network

Deploy similar network and NOC system in Mozambique NREN,

as the MoRENet starts operating

Slide # 29


Questions?Slide # 30