Download - Hawaiian Flora


First created 2 May 2016. Version 1.0 - 12 Jun 2016. Jerry Tse. London.

Hawaiian Flora

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An Encounter in the mid-Pacific

A wild Cattleya orchid, the Hawaiian Star (Cattleya puopurata)

Pineapple flower. Pineapple is a bromeliad. It is the only bromeliad that produces a fruit that can be eaten. It is a

native to southern Brazil and Paraguay.


Aechmea blanchetiana is also a bromeliad, from the Atlantic Forest of eastern Brazil. It is mostly grown as

ornamental plant.

Aechmea blanchetiana

Grafted lemon yellow Moon cactus.

Yellow cactus


Most Heliconia are native to the tropical Americas. They are found in rainforests or tropical wet forests.

Petra (Heliconia Psittcorum).


Psittacorum heliconia.


Heliconia bihai (Red palulu, Macaw flower)

Heliconia – Lobster claws

Anthurium, native to the Americas. The tiny flowers are all on the elongated spike, called the spadix


Peace Lily or Spath is native to tropical Americas and SE Asia. Flowers in a spadix which can be white, yellowish or


Spathiphyllum – Peace lily

Wedelia – Creeping oxeyes

Wedelia belongs to the sunflower family. This particular one is Wedelia trilobata, found in the Sunday farmer market.

Blue Trumpet Vine (Thunbergia grandiflora) originally from India. This is a wild flower, found along a moutain trial.

Thunbergia grandiflora – Blue Trumpet Vine

Everywhere you look in O’ahu you can see flowering Spathodea campanulata or African tulip tree. The flowering

trees are attractive and they originate from tropical Africa. It has also been nominated as among 100 worst invasive


Spathodea – African tulip

Spathodea – African tulip

Flowers blossom in a cluster or inflorescence, arranged on a stem that is composed of a main branch.

Bauhinia x blakeana – Hong Kong Orchid Tree

The tree originated in Hong Kong in 1880. Its leaves are double-lobbed in shape to a heart or a butterfly. It was

surprise to find them in China town Honolulu.


Sanchezia originate from Peru and Ecuador. Most easily distinguish by the prominent yellow veins on the leaf.

Red Ginger

Red ginger (Alpinia purpurata) native to Malaysia, Indonesia and southwest Pacific. Some of them have pink colour.

Spiral Flag

Spiral Flag or spiral ginger (Costus curvibracteatus)

Yellow Saraca

Yellow Saraca (Saraca thipingensis), native to Malaysia Peninsula. It is a flowering tree.

Pride of Burma

Pride of Burma (Amherstia nobilis) is a flowering tree. It is very rare in the wild native to Burma.


A huge flowering tree, Kariya tree (Hildegardia Barteri) native to Ivory Coast to Nigeria tropical forest.

Tropical Millweed

Tropical milkweed (Asclepias curassavica, native to tropical Americas. It is very popular for butterflies. They even

like to lay eggs on the plant. However, it is not sure they are good for the butterflies in the long run.

Hawaiian Star orchid

A wild Cattleya orchid, the Hawaiian Star (Cattleya puopurata)

Cattleya orchid

The large petal in the centre is called the lip. It only start flowering after 4 to 7 from seeds.

Cattleya orchid

The cattleya orchid comes from central and south America.

Cattleya orchid

The two similar petals are narrower, but it is also a cattleya orchid.

Spider orchid

Brassia or Spider Orchid (crossed breed?) belong to the genus Brassia. It is an aromatic flower with long, slender

‘spider leg’ sepals.

Brassavola orchid

Brassavola is a genus of 21 orchids. The orcheds are widespread across Mexico, Central America, the West

Indies and South America. The flowers are usually white or greenish white and grow singly or in a small raceme

or cluster. The flowers are star-shaped. The “points” of the star consist of three sepals and two lateral petals, all

of are long, narrow and greenish. The lip of the blossom is broad and often fringed.

Epidendrum orchid

Epidendrum are native to the tropics and subtropical regions of the Americas. Many are grown in the Andes.

They grow in tufts, in racemose inflorescences, which frequently dense.

Moth orchid

Moth orchids, Phalaenopsis is one of the most popular orchids, with many artificial hybrids. They are native to

southern China, India, SE Asia.

Slipper orchid

The slipper orchids, Cypripedioideae is characterised by the slipper shaped pouches of the flowers. The pouch traps

insects so they are forced to climb up past the staminode behind which they collect or deposit pollinia. thus

fertilizing the flower.

Dendrobium orchid

Greenish white dendrobium orchids. Dendrobium is a very large group of orchid, including some 1200 species.

Water lilies have large flowers and require a lot of sun to grow properly and in frost-free regions.


Red Hibiscus

There are 7 known species of hibiscus, native to Hawaii.

Pink Hibiscus

Most of the hibiscus we saw were not the native Hawaii but derived from the Chinese hibiscus.

Yellow Hibiscus

The yellow hibiscus is the state flower of Hawaii.

White Hibiscus

This white hibiscus is a genuine native to Hawaii.

Yellow Hibiscus

Plumeria grows on tree and use for making lei, which is a Hawaii garland for welcoming guest.

Spider lily or Crinum lily

Crinum lily is sometimes called spider lily. Flowers grow from leafless stems.

Queen Emma lily

The flower is named after the Hawaiian Queen Emma. The flower crinum augustum is a native of the Seychelles.

Agave Attenuata also lion tail

One of the strangest flowering plant, I have seen. The greenish-yellow tiny flowers grow out of the centre the agave

on a 150 cm long inflorescence.

White bougainvillea

Bougainvillea are natives to Brazil. White Bougainvillea is not commonly seen.

Orange bougainvillea

First time I saw orange colour bougainvillea.

Orange bougainvillea

Yellow colour bougainvillea too.

Red Passion flower

The Passion flowers come from the New World. They also produce Fruit. They are named after the Passion of Christ

by the Spaniard rather after romantic sentiments.

Banana flower

Banana flower can either be used for

cooking or to prepare as a salad.

Christmas flower

These Christmas flowers grow on a large tree. They are the same flowers as the more familiar flowers, we buy

at Christmas in a pot. Originally they come from Mexico. The “flowers” is compiled of red specialised red

leaves called bracts.

Beach Morning Glory

Beach Morning Glory (Ipomoea pes-caprae subspecies brailiensis). It is an indigenous and successful

shoreline flower throughout the Pacific

Golden Shower Tree

The Golden Shower tree (Cassia fistula), native to India, also ranges eastward to Myanmar and Thailand.

Red Jade Vine

Jade vine, Strongylodon macrobotrys, there are different colours of Jade Vine – white, blue and red. The blue

is special, I saw it in Malaysia.

Crown of Thorns

Crown of thorns, Euphorbia milii, native to Madagascar, with densely spiny stems and thorns. Legene

associated the flowers worn by Christ.


Geranium (Palargonium) is not common in Hawaii. They are temperate rather than tropical.

Coral or Firecracker Plant

Coral or Firecracker plant (Russelia equisetiformis) is fairly common in Hawaii. It is used to hide unsightly

views, as it grows quickly with dense foliage.

Ohi’a Lehua, Metrosideros polymorpha, most common wild tree flowers in Hawaii. The flowers are mostly red

but yellow, salmon, pink and white flower can be found too. The hard wood of the tree is used for furniture and

can grow to 20 feet tall.

‘Ohi’a Lehua

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Available free for non-commercial and personal use.

The End

Music – What a Wonderful World Kamakawiwo’ole

Flowers Powerpoints