Download - Having It All: Balancing Blogging and Life - Kelly Whalen


having it all

balancing blogging & life

my story

Kelly Whalen:

founder Centsible Life & principal Splash Creative Media, mom of 4, wife, active lifestyle

my family

balance: is it a myth?

balance is defined as:

“a state of equilibrium”

“mental steadiness or emotional stability”

“habit of calm behavior and judgment”


balance: is it a myth?balance doesn’t happen all at once

balance is not permanent

balance doesn’t always lead to the best ideas

don’t be afraid to be ‘unbalanced’

balance is about knowing what’s important to you @centsiblel


goal settingset goals for your business, your life, your relationships.

long-term: know what you’re working for

yearly, quarterly, monthly: break it down

short-term: immediate payoff

use SMART goal setting:

Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely @centsiblel


life list

create a life list or bucket list

evolves with you

add to it

create a family list or one with your partner/spouse


to do

create to do lists

master list

break categories down

daily to do list


time boxtime box: comes from project planning;

allots a fixed period of time for an activity

create a schedule for your day, week, year

include unstructured time

include time where you disconnect

works for work, household, errands, and with kids


email triage

set times to look at email

create folders for projects, sponsors, etc.

make template responses

don’t be afraid of delete

respond as soon as you open

file emails ASAP @centsiblelife

email triageEmpty inbox


email triage

sample of folders


find your focus

There'll come a writing phase where you have to defend the time, unplug the phone and put in the hours to get it done. -James Taylor


find your focus

what works for you?

where do you work effectively?

what time is best for you?@centsiblel


schedule ‘unplugged’ timemake ‘screen free time’ in your life

set time of day or days of the week

take weekends off @centsiblel


how to set limitspractice saying ‘no’

know what brings you happiness & invest in it

follow the data to know what’s worth your time @centsiblel


follow the data

measure your success in:

time: less time for better results

happiness: subjective, but effective

income: income and happiness can go together

results: graph it, chart it, think about it@centsiblel


questions & answers

what questions do you have?
