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Page 1: Hathor - Solar Biology - Lunar Astrology



House of light Jan. 21st „ Feb. 20


The 8th sign of Ba Mandala Shil Tentera is Hathor.

The temple of Hathor located in the ancient village

called Iunet is where the Zodiac of Dendarah was

located. She is also called Hat-Heru which birthed

the name Athyr. The meaning of the name dwelling

house of Horus was because it was felt and that

Haru, the sun deity came to rest each evening on her

breast before being reborn with the awakening dawn

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which was due to her association with aset who

nursed Haru as a mother and she (Hathor)

comforted him each evening as a wife/mother while

he lay his head on her chest as most men do whose

wives are nurturing/motherly do today.

Hathor is the celestrial cow who gives birth to the

universe and all it contains (all the signs and

elements of the Zodiac) she presides over both

heaven and the underworld. Her headdress consists

of a pair of horns, an ancient lunar symbol with the

moon disc between them. Hathor was both a giver

and taker of life and was linked to agriculture as a

deity of moisture and vegetation.

Hathor is a deity of joy, love music, dance and song.

Her temple at Denderah was a house of intoxication

and enjoyment. She is linked with the sistrum which

was used in her rituals and with which she would

confer her blessings. One of her children by Horus

was Har Semtamy who was a sistrum player whose

tones/music was used to set the mood for couples

to come together for conception at the correct

zodiac time in order to produce a certain type of

child. This is the 8th of the solar biological signs.

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Hathor is the Deitess of the land and sky. Thus this

sign symbolizes grace and charm, which allows this

character type to discover a balance between that

which is real and that which is imaginative.



A: This masculine/positive aspect of the Hathor sign

is both spiritual and material simultaneously.

It is as if they have a foot in both worlds. They are

highly imaginative yet are realists who prefer not to

live in a world of make believe. They prefer to make

dicisions based on logic. As long as situations are

going in thier favour they tend to be outgoing and


The strongest motivation for this Hathor type is to

enjoy life to the fullest, liking to live well and

making the best of things even if they have very

little. They have a generous nature and gain a sense

of acclompishment from helping others. If those

around them are happy, they are happy. Hathor’s

have emotions that are easily stimulated which

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allows them to have a tremendous enthusiasm

towards the ideas of others. They have the

capacity to learn easily, they just need

to apply themselves.

The typical positive/masculine Hathor is alert and

active and many are affected by this aspect of the

Hathor. Hathor achieve their best results when they

have discovered the correct way of utilizing their

talents. They commit themselves to helping of

others. When it comes to work, this Hathor aspect

can be very misleading becasue though they appear

strong and motivated, they tend to revert to a soft

side or vice versa. They have the ability of surprising

those they work with by displaying talents that

they were not seen as having. They are very good

conversationalists and eager to listen, being calm,

cool and collected.

As a parent the Hathor enjoys having strong family

ties. The more people thy have to love and be loved

by the happier they are. This however, makes them a

little too lax when it comes to their childrn. They

strongly disapprove of punishment of any kind and

instead prefer rewarding their children for successes

rather than scolding them for failures. This makes

them the best when it comes to comforting a child

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who is in distress at any time. Many of them spoil

there children rotten.



A: when it comes to this feminine/negative aspect if

circumstances are not in their favour and they do

not have the right type of support, they end up

withdrawing. This side of Hathor tends to bring about

impatience and intolerance leading to difficulties,

frustration and restlessness. They tend to go to

the extremes which can stain there personal

relationships. This Hathor has strong dislikes and

likes and their emotions flicker as they can be

impulsive by nature. Envy and jealousy is another

trait of this aspect of Hathor sign.

This aspect of the Hathor character type makes

them able to take on the attitudes, habits and

manerisms of those to whom they are close to,

however it is confusing to many. It is that they just

seek to offend no one. They tend to find it difficult

to run their lives on simple organized rules. Thus

they often find themselves in difficult situations,

which are ussually due to good intentions and

expecting others to act as conciderately as they do.

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The Hathor’s feminine/negative aspect is possessed

by a self indulgent streak, which is to say if life is

not full of variety and stimulation; they will soon

grow bored, forgetting there obligations. This

polarity also lacks will power and needs the moral

support in others in order to succeed. they are

especially sensitive to adverse opinion and will

accept defeat simply because someone has told

them that they will fail. They need encouragement

of friends, family and associate and are prone to

stagnation and misery if left without support. They

shoukd learn to have more faith in themselves.

All of these aspects of this character type can be

used to benifit them however, it is just realizing

when to allow this polarity to show through and

not let it get the best of you. Having envy is good

when it inspires them to work to better themselves

in a situation for example if a male is envious of his

wife’s financial status and it inspires him to gain a

better education and financial status, thus providing

for his family it is good. If however his envy is only

to the point of arguing and self pity it becomes self

destructive. Rememeber you are what you are and

you will be what you will be; it’s just how you

choose to deal with the momnent/situation which

will determine the outcome.

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A: The Hathor child is gentle and loving needing

much more encouragement so they will be able to

face life’s harder realities. They are dreamers and

many of them have imaginary friends, and those who

do not, will often be found talking to themselves

or spend hours playing alone. Hathor children

mature later than others, sometimes this means

other children bully them. They do learn in times to

stand up for themselves. The Hathor child is not

aggresive by nature and hates physical violence

unless totaly necessary. They are creative when it

comes to the arts, yet the technical aspects of

science tend to make them shy away from it. This

can be corrected once they are taught it from and

with enthusiasm. The Hathor child doesn’t pay

attention to lessons in which they have no interest.

Taken from the book: Solar Biology or luna astrolgy


Author: Haru-Hotep (TAR)