Download - Haslemere Post Office, 3 West Street, Haslemere GU27 2AF ...mezzanine floor and the installation of two roof-lights in the south east (side) elevation. Proposed south east (side) elevation

Page 1: Haslemere Post Office, 3 West Street, Haslemere GU27 2AF ...mezzanine floor and the installation of two roof-lights in the south east (side) elevation. Proposed south east (side) elevation

A2 WA/2018/0765D Howard17/04/2018

Change of Use of existing post office (Use Class A1) to mixed use Post Office (Use Class A1), retail (Use Class A1) and wine bar (Use Class A4) together with addition of a mezzanine floor at Haslemere Post Office, 3 West Street, Haslemere GU27 2AF

Town: HaslemereWard: Haslemere East and GrayswoodCase Officer: Olivia Gorham

Neighbour Notification Expiry Date 22/06/2018Expiry Date 11/06/2018Extended expiry date 13/07/2018

RECOMMENDATION That, subject to conditions, permission be GRANTED


This application has been brought to the Area Committee at the request of a Local Member.

Location Plan

Page 2: Haslemere Post Office, 3 West Street, Haslemere GU27 2AF ...mezzanine floor and the installation of two roof-lights in the south east (side) elevation. Proposed south east (side) elevation

Site Description

The application site is located to the south west of West Street, occupying a prominent position within Haslemere Town Centre.

The building has a stone and tile façade to the front elevation along West Street. The application site comprises the eastern side of the detached Post Office building, with the western side of the building occupied by Ask Italian, which is accessed from Charter Walk to the north west of the building. The existing Post Office is accessed from West Street.


The application seeks permission for the change of use of the existing post office (Use Class A1) to mixed use Post Office (Use Class A1) retail (Use Class A1) and wine bar (Use Class A4).

The application proposes internal alterations including the creation of a mezzanine floor and the installation of two roof-lights in the south east (side) elevation.

Proposed south east (side) elevation

Page 3: Haslemere Post Office, 3 West Street, Haslemere GU27 2AF ...mezzanine floor and the installation of two roof-lights in the south east (side) elevation. Proposed south east (side) elevation

Proposed Roof Plan

Existing North East (Front) Elevation (to remain unchanged)

Existing North West (Side) Elevation (to remain unchanged)

Page 4: Haslemere Post Office, 3 West Street, Haslemere GU27 2AF ...mezzanine floor and the installation of two roof-lights in the south east (side) elevation. Proposed south east (side) elevation

Proposed Ground Floor Plan

Proposed Mezzanine Plan

Relevant Planning History

WA/2013/1848 Display of illuminated signs and awning. (As amended by plans received 12/11/2013 and 19/12/2013).

Advertisement Consent23/12/2013

WA/1999/1360 Display of illuminated signs (as amended by plans received 08/11/99).

Full Permission17/11/1999

WA/1999/0782 Change of use from Full Permission

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former sorting office to restaurant (Class A3) and alterations to elevations (as amended by plans dated 02/07/99).


WA/1995/1238 Change of use of Post Office and Sorting Office to Post Office, an office (Class A2) and a restaurant (Class A3), erection of buildings to provide six shops and an office, following demolition of buildings (as amended by letters dated 01/11/95, 15/01/96).

Full Permission02/11/1999

WA/1992/0283 Application for consent to display non-illuminated sign (as amended by letters dated 1/4/92 and 14/4/92).

Consent Granted 22/04/1992

WA/1991/0351 Siting of D.E.R.V tank. Full Permission22/04/1991

WA/1988/0011 Display of externally illuminated wall sign. (as amplified and amended by letters dated 3/3/88 and 11/5/88 and plans received 4/3/88).


Planning Policy Constraints

Developed Area of HaslemereHaslemere Conservation AreaCentral Shopping AreaTown Centre AreaArea of High Archaeological PotentialWealden Heaths II SPA 5km Buffer ZoneEast Hants SPA 5km Buffer ZoneAncient Woodland 500m Buffer Zone

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Haslemere Key Site – Land Between West Street and Lower Street

Development Plan Policies and Proposals

The development plan comprises:

Waverley Borough Local Plan, Part 1, Strategic policies and sites (adopted February 2018)

Farnham Neighbourhood Plan (made May 2017) Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002 (retained policies February 2018) South East Plan (saved policy NRM6)

In accordance with paragraph 215 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) due weight has been given to relevant retained policies in the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2002.

Other guidance:The National Planning Policy Framework 2012 (NPPF)The National Planning Practice Guidance 2014 (NPPG)Residential Extensions Supplementary Planning Document 2010 (SPD)Council’s Parking Guidelines (2013)Surrey Vehicular and Cycle Parking Guidance (2012)Haslemere Design Statement (2012)

The relevant policies to this application are:

Local Plan, Part 1, Strategic policies and sites (adopted February 2018): SP1, SP2, ST1, ICS1, TCS1, TD1, HA1 and NE1.

Local Plan 2002 (retained policies February 2018): D1, D4, TC2 and TC3.

South East Plan (saved policy NMR6).

Consultations and Town Council Comments

Haslemere Town Council In support of the application.County Highway Authority No highway requirements.Environmental Health It has been determined that noise is

not likely to be noticeable at the nearest noise sensitive receiver. As defined within the National Planning Practice Guidance, the noise has no observed effect and therefore no specific measures are required. As

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such, no conditions are recommended.


The application was advertised in the newspaper on 25/05/2018.

Site notices were displayed around the site on 23/05/2018.

Neighbour notification letters were sent on 11/05/2018.

Two letters have been received raising objection on the following grounds:

Impact on neighbouring residents as the noise level is already sometimes too much in the evenings from pubs and restaurants.

Concern that there will be music playing all night and it will be rented out for parties.

A wine bar is not needed in Haslemere as there are 2 pubs on the high street, a hotel and café that all serve alcohol.

The proposal reduces the Post Office space to about a third of the present area. The Post Office even at present floor space can experience serious problems of delays and queuing especially at Christmas and on Saturdays. These problems would be exacerbated if the Post Office was reduced.

Haslemere needs a large main Post Office in the heart of the town in West Street, with the Hasleway branch as ancillary.

The present operating area of the West Street Post Office is just about adequate and any reduction would be hugely inconvenient, especially to pensioners who form a large part of the Haslemere population, who would have to queue for even longer, and those sending/receiving items for online shopping.

There has to be some way to retain a Post Office branch of the present size at West Street to meet the needs of the community, rather than downsizing to accommodate a ‘model of viability’.

It would be preferable to utilise the space at the back in some way that served uniquely, and for more basic shopping needs rather than another place to eat and drink.

Seven letters have been received expressing support for the following reasons:

Haslemere needs a Post Office but the present arrangements are not the best use of the available space.

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WBC Environmental Health has the authority to determine and restrict the opening hours of the wine bar and any music played if those licences are granted.

Haslemere needs a well run, attractive Post Office which offers a better layout than is presently the case.

The additions of a retail space and wine bar would ensure that the building is fully utilised and financially viable.

A viable business needs to include retail. Important to maintain a post office in the town centre and the present

site is highly suitable. The current facilities are in poor condition. The application represents a viable future for an essential service

which has suffered from a lack of investment at a time when, with bank closures, businesses and members of the public are faced with a lack of access to cash and the ability to deposit cheques.

The application shows a diversity of service and the business stands a good chance of being viable and of re-establishing a community hub.

The building at present does not make good use of the space available, but with the proposed alterations this could be much improved and the space better used for the non-postal aspects of the proposed business.

The building is an important part of local history and community and the proposed changes can only improve and preserve both.

A modern ‘fit for purpose’ post office is needed in the centre of Haslemere and the imaginative and forward looking plan will achieve that.

The Post Office is in a convenient location for businesses and members of the public.

Planning Considerations

Design and impact on the Conservation Area

Policy TD1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) requires development to be of high quality design and to be well related in size, scale and character to its surroundings. Retained Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002 are attributed substantial and full weight respectively due to their level of consistency with the NPPF 2012.

Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 states that in considering applications within a Conservation Area, Local Planning Authorities must pay special attention to the desirability of preserving, or enhancing the character and appearance of the area.

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Policy HA1 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018 outlines that the Council will ensure that the significance of heritage assets are conserved or enhanced to ensure the continued protection and enjoyment of the historic environment.

Retained Policy HE8 of the Local Plan 2002 is afforded substantial weight due to its level of consistency with the NPPF and seeks to ensure that the development preserves or enhances the character of Conservation Areas.

The significance of the Haslemere Conservation Area is set out within the Haslemere Conservation Area Appraisal 2014. With particular reference to the High Street (located within Character Area 2 – Medieval T shaped pattern of the High Street, Lower Street and Petworth Road) it states that: The Conservation Area centres on the medieval T – shaped pattern of the High Street, Lower Street and Petworth Road. There are many historic and distinctive buildings of varying age and scale, with local vernacular details in small and irregularly shaped plots; for example, the Half Moon House. The buildings date from medieval to early 20th century and most are 2 storeys, but some are 3 storeys or more. The High Street is relatively straight and channelled when entering the Conservation Area from the north. It then bends to reveal several characteristics which are distinctive to Haslemere, such as the ancient Horse Chestnut in front of the Georgian House Hotel, the centre of the old town and the modest town hall and war memorial at the southern end of the High Street. The High Street and West Street are vibrant commercial areas with cafes, pubs and independent shops as well as a few national chains.

The proposed external alterations include the installation of two roof-lights in the side (south east) elevation. Officers note that no other external alterations are proposed. It is considered that the installation of two roof-lights would be visually acceptable in terms of scale and design.

The proposed roof-lights would amount to a minor external alteration which would not be a prominent feature of the building. Furthermore, as the frontage of the building would remain unchanged, Officers consider that the proposal would not detract from the character of the building or the significance of the Conservation Area.

In light of the above, the proposal would not harm the significance of the Conservation Area and would preserve its character. As no harm has been identified, it is not necessary to weigh up the public benefits against any identified harm. The proposal would therefore be in accordance with Section 72 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas Act 1990, Policy HA1 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018 and retained Policy HE8 of the Local Plan 2002.

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Impact on residential amenity

Policy TD1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part1) seeks to ensure that new development is designed to create safe and attractive environments that meet the needs of users and incorporate the principles of sustainable development. Retained policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002 are given substantial and full weight respectively due to their consistency with the NPPF 2012.

Officers note that the surrounding buildings feature residential units at first floor level.

As no extensions to the building are proposed, Officers are satisfied that the proposal would not result in material harm to occupiers of the neighbouring properties with regard to an overbearing impact or loss of light or outlook.

It is also considered that the proposed roof-lights would not result in overlooking or loss of privacy as they would be installed in the roof slope and would face the sky.

Officers note that the proposed opening hours are as follows:

Post Office Counter and retail shop Monday to Friday - 9am to 5.30pm Saturday - 9am to 5.30pm Sunday - Closed

Bar Sunday to Thursday - 9am to 11.30pm Friday and Saturday - 9am to Midnight

It is noted that the wine bar would be open an hour later than the adjacent Ask Italian restaurant on Fridays and Saturdays and an hour and a half later than Ask Italian from Sunday to Thursday. However, it is noted that the opening hours of Ask Italian are restricted by condition to the same as those proposed as part of this application. It is also noted that the two nearby Pubs along Haslemere High Street are open until midnight on Friday and Saturday, with The Swann Inn and The White Horse both opening until midnight on a Thursday and until 11pm Sunday – Wednesday. Officers consider that the proposed opening hours of the wine bar are in-keeping with the town centre location and are therefore considered reasonable and would not result in material harm with regard to noise and disturbance.

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Furthermore, the Council’s Environmental Health Officer was consulted on this application regarding potential noise impacts. Noise needs to be considered when new developments may create additional noise and when new developments would be sensitive to the prevailing acoustic environment. Having reviewed the development proposal, and supplied information, it has been determined that noise is not likely to be noticeable at the nearest noise sensitive receiver. As defined within the National Planning Practice Guidance, the noise has no observed effect. To ensure the use does not operate beyond the requested hours, a condition has been recommended restricting the hours of opening.

As such, the proposal is considered to accord with Policy TD1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1), Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002, the guidance of the SPD for Residential Extensions 2010 and the requirements of the NPPF.

Impact on Haslemere Town Centre

The site lies within the Town Centre Area of Haslemere as defined within the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018 and the Local Plan 2002 and within the Central Shopping Area of Haslemere as defined within the Local Plan 2002. The proposal would involve a reduction in the retail space and the introduction of an additional use to the building of a wine bar.

Policy TCS1 of the Local Plan (Part 1) 2018 states that the Primary Shopping Areas will be the main focus, particularly at ground level for A1 retail uses. Primary frontages within the town centres will be defined in the Local Plan Part 2: Site Allocations and Development Management Policies which is currently in draft form at the preferred options stage. Pending this, the Central Shopping Areas defined in the saved polices of the Local Plan 2002 will be regarded as the primary frontages in each town centre. As the site lies within a Central Shopping Area as defined in the Local Plan 2002, Policy TCS1 is wholly relevant to the assessment of this application.

Policy TCS1 of the Local Plan (Part 1) continues to state that where planning permission is required, Primary Shopping Areas will be protected unless it can be determined that a change of use would not have significant harmful effects on the frontage and the vitality and viability of the centre.

Measures to improve the town centres will be encouraged providing that this helps them adapt and meet their role in meeting needs, act as the focus for a range of activities, including retailing, leisure, cultural, business and residential uses.

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Retained Policy TC2 of the Local Plan 2002 states that within the Central Shopping Areas defined on the Insert Maps, the change of use of ground floor premises from retail will not be permitted unless it can be demonstrated that all reasonable efforts have been made to market the premises as a shop and that the proposed use would

(a) contribute to the vitality and viability of the Central Shopping Area by introducing activity and visual interest at street level and;

(b) not result in an over-concentration of non-retail uses to the detriment of the vitality and viability of the area.

Retained Policy TC3 of the Local Plan 2002 states that development which would improve the attractions of a town centre will be permitted provided that it will:

(a) maintain or enhance the quality of the environment;(b) will not adversely effect the vitality and viability of the defined Central

Shopping Area and;(c) improves accessibility, wherever possible, for pedestrians, cyclists and

people with disabilities or mobility problems and provides satisfactory serving and parking.

The application proposes two Post Office counters and would therefore support the continuation of the Post Office and would not result in the entire loss of retail on the site. Furthermore, it is considered that the proposal to diversify the business would enable some retail to be retained.

The Council cannot guarantee that this site is retained as a Post Office in its current use as it could be used for any retail purpose. However, it is noted that there are alternative Post Offices within Haslemere in the Haslewey Community Centre opposite Lion Green and another in nearby Camelsdale.

The proposal would not impact the frontage which is a key architectural feature within Haslemere Town Centre and Officers consider that the proposal would promote the vitality and viability of the area.

It is considered that the mix of uses including the wine bar are suitable for the Town Centre location.

The wine bar would be located to the rear of the building and on the mezzanine floor, with the post office and retail space towards the front. It is considered that the size of the building together with the proposed layout would allow the mix of uses to be compatible and allows Officers to reasonably conclude that the mix of uses could exist simultaneously.

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Based on the above, the proposal is considered to accord with Policy TCS1 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan (Part 1) 2018 and retained Policies TC2 and TC3 of the Local Plan 2002.

Impact on Highways

Policy ST1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) states that development schemes should be located where it is accessible by forms of travel other than by private car; should make necessary contributions to the improvement of existing and provision of new transport schemes and include measures to encourage non-car use. Development proposals should be consistent with the Surrey Local Transport Plan and objectives and actions within the Air Quality Action Plan. Provision for car parking should be incorporated into proposals and new and improved means of public access should be encouraged.

The County Highway Authority has undertaken an assessment in terms of the likely net additional traffic generation, access arrangements and parking provision and is satisfied that the application would not have a severe impact on the safety and operation of the adjoining public highway. The County Highway Authority therefore has no highway requirements.

Impact on Archaeological Potential

Retained Policies HE14 and HE15 of the Local Plan 2002 require that appropriate desk based or field surveys should be submitted with an application and appropriate measures taken to ensure any important remains are preserved. These policies are afforded full weight owing to their consistency with the NPPF.

The site is located in an Area of High Archaeological Potential. The proposal would propose limited ground disturbance and as such would not impact on the archaeology in accordance with Policies HE14 and HE15 of the Local Plan

Effect on the SPA

The proposed development is for change of use of the existing Post Office to mixed use Post office, retail and wine bar. As such it is not likely to result in a significant increase in the number of people permanently residing on the site and therefore would not have a likely significant effect on the integrity of the SPAs in accordance with Policy NE1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1). An appropriate assessment is not therefore required.

Biodiversity and compliance with Habitat Regulations 2017

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Policy NE1 of the Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) states that the Council will seek to conserve and enhance biodiversity. Development will be permitted provided it retains, protects and enhances biodiversity and ensures any negative impacts are avoided or, if unavoidable, mitigated.

Further, Circular 06/2005 states ‘It is essential that the presence or otherwise of protected species and the extent that they may be affected by the proposed development, is established before planning permission is granted.’

The application property does not fall within a designated SPA, SAC, SNCI or SSSI. It is not within 200m of ancient woodland or water, and is not an agricultural building or barn. Having regard to this, and the completed biodiversity checklist, it is considered that a biodiversity survey is not required in this instance.


The proposal is considered to be in accordance with the Development Plan, as such, planning permission is recommended for approval.


That permission be GRANTED subject to the following conditions:

1. ConditionThe plan numbers to which this permission relates are 01, 02, 03, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, 09 and 10. The development shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans. No material variation from these plans shall take place unless otherwise first agreed in writing with the Local Planning Authority.

ReasonIn order that the development hereby permitted shall be fully implemented in complete accordance with the approved plans and to accord with Policy TD1 of the Waverley Borough Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) and retained Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002.

2. ConditionThe premises shall not open for business outside the hours of:-9am to 11.30pm - Sunday to Thursday9am to Midnight - Friday and Saturday


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To exercise control over the use in the interests of the character and amenity of the area and in the interests of neighbouring residential amenity in accordance with Policy TD1 Waverley Borough Local Plan 2018 (Part 1) and retained Policies D1 and D4 of the Local Plan 2002.


1. The Council confirms that in assessing this planning application it has worked with the applicant in a positive and proactive way, in line with the requirements of paragraph 186-187 of the National Planning Policy Framework 2012.