Download - Harry Spider Activities

  • 1. Harry the Clever Spider on HolidayActivity Power-Point for Grade 5Outcomes:5RRM6: Develop meaningful visuals to support text5SLT5: Ask clear questions and follow up questions5SLP1: Recognize and use words that end in -able and -ible5RTT1: Use self correction strategies while reading more complex texts5WWP2: Write a draft to communicate ideas and content effectively5WWP3:Edit and proofread for conventions using appropriate tools5WTT2: Write an informational text to examine a topic that includessynthesized information from multiple sources

2. Spelling Wordsthreadbumpedqueuetroublebeachseaairportcasecheck-inBonus Word: horribleRead through each word first with the class together. 3. threadTry to have the students tell you the word. After read the word together as a group. 4. queue 5. bumped 6. trouble 7. beach 8. sea 9. airport 10. check-in 11. case 12. horrible 13. Students can search for their spelling words in the word search independently. 14. Complete this page in your handout packet. 15. I can write an informational text about mypet.This page can be for students whohave completed the last page andwould like extra work. The studentscan complete this writing in theirjournal with the: 16. Please conduct a Whole Group Picture Walk with studentsusing the powerpoint of Harry the Clever Spider on Holiday byJulia Jarman and Charlie Fowkes .Using Think, Pair Share, have the students turn to their partner next to them anddiscuss what they think will happen next in the story. Using picture clues, whatdo they think the story will be about. 17. Students will create their own vocabulary flashcards with both their spellingwords and the words located above. 18. Elements of a Story Please pen the Elements of a Story PPT locatedon Schoology.coms 5th grade resource page.Here you will review elements of a story including: -Characters -Setting -Plot -Problem/Solution After the Elements of a Story PowerPoint, you willread Harry the Clever Spider as a Whole Group.Students will fill out a 4 Square chart to map outthe elements of this story. 19. The Next Slides The next slides follow comprehension of the storywhich includes exercises in True/False,synonyms, and question and answer pages. I amgoing to leave it up to you as the teacher to followwhat pages you would like to do for the story. Iwill be using most of the pages as whole groupexercises to help the students better comprehendthe story. 20. Informational Email Writing 5WWP2: Write a draft to communicate ideas and content effectively 5WWP3:Edit and proofread for conventions using appropriate tools 5WTT2: Write an informational text to examine a topic that includessynthesized information from multiple sources Students will respond to Harrys AD that is at the endof the story. He gives an email saying that he can helpfind lost or stolen items. WALT: Write to Harry discussing an item that wentmissing or was stolen. Give Harry information as towhere and when the item was taken, who may oftaken it, where you might have lost it, etc. We will bewriting a draft, editing with a partner, teacher edit, andmaking a final copy of our email in our writingjournals. 21. Informational Email Writing Example