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And the Prisoner of Azkaban

Ashley Stewart EDSC 320 Final Project

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Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Year 3 at Hogwarts: Book 3 of 7

By: J.K. Rowling

Publisher: Scholastic Inc.

Pages: 435

Appropriate for All Ages

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Harry Potter: “the boy who

















• Harry Potter is the main character of the Harry Potter series by J.K. Rowling• Harry’s mother and father, who were one of the best wizard and witch, were killed by the evil Lord Voldemart, a dark wizard who is feared by all. When Lord Voldemart tried to kill Harry Potter his body was destroyed but his soul remained. Harry Potter survived the evil wizard with only a lightening bolt shaped scar on his forehead. Thus, became known in the wizard world as “the boy who lived”, the only wizard to survive the wrath of Lord Voldemart

• After Harry’s mother and father died he was sent to live with the Dursley’s, his aunt and uncle, who do not approve his wizard ways. As an outcast of the family Harry, lived a lonely childhood with no knowledge as to his powers. When Harry learns he is a wizard on his 11th birthday, he leaves the Dursley’s and begins to attend Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to practice magic

•In the third novel: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry is in his third year at Hogwarts. Sirius Black, a wizard that was convicted of murdering thirteen people, had been in the Azkaban Jail for 12 years is said to be the heir to the Dark Lord, Voldemart. Harry Potter’s defeat of Voldemart was Black’s downfall as well. Now that Black has escaped Azkaban Harry and his friends are not safe, even within the magical walls of Hogwarts.

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Harry Potter: “Half-Blood”

• Harry Potter is 11 years old when the series starts. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Harry is 13 years old. The story takes place in Surrey, England.

• Both of Harry’s parents, James and Lily Potter were great and famous wizards. Harry’s father James was a pure-blood wizard, while Lily was “muggle-born.” Muggles are humans with non-magical powers. This makes Harry a “Half-Blood”

• Wizards who believe bloody purity is of high importance believe half-bloods are inferior because of their muggle blood.

• When Lily and James are murdered Harry is sent to live with his only living relatives, the Dursley’s, who are muggles. Until Harry is 11 he has no clue about his wizard parents or powers and is raised in the muggle world. The Dursley’s despise anything related to magic and therefore despise Harry Potter. Harry grows up being treated as the Dursley’s servant. “For years, Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon had hoped that if they kept Harry as downtrodden as possible, they would be able to squash the magic out of him.” (Rowling, 1999) It is not until Harry goes to Hogwarts that he makes friends and feels truly accepted.

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Family: Parenting styles and their effect

Parents behavior toward a child is critical during adolescence development. Parental responsiveness and demandingness are two key components that impact a child’s behavior and development. Being supportive, “responding to a child’s needs”, and demanding a certain amount maturity is critical to promote responsible autonomy from a developing adolescent (Steinberg, Pg. 128). Unfortunately in Harry’s case the Dursley’s are unresponsive to his needs and demand a great deal from him. When Harry needed a permission slip signed by a guardian for school Uncle Vernon responded, “I shall monitor your behavior carefully…if at the end you’ve toed the line, I’ll sign your ruddy form.” (Rowling, pg. 21).

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Family Cont. • As an orphan Harry Potter is raised by the Dursley’s. The Dursley’s despise Harry and have an authoritarian parenting style. “Authoritarian parents tend to favor more punitive, absolute, and forceful disciplinary measures…with the underlying belief of…that the child should accept without question the rules and standards established by the parents” (Steinberg, pg. 129). The Dursleys are very forceful with Harry and threaten him if he does not follow rules. “And you’ll be sticking to that story, boy, or there’ll be trouble… and you’ll get the stuffing knocked out of you” spat Uncle Vernon to Harry threatening him not to let it slip that he is a wizard to the Dursley’s family and friends. The Dursley’s also relate to the indifferent parenting style in where parents” try to minimize the time and energy they must devote to interacting with a child” (Rowling, Pg. 129). They lock harry in a storage room under the stairs to keep him contained which according to Steinberg is a sign of neglect. The Dursley’s also leave Harry out of family event they participate in.

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Peers: Cliques and Crowds

When Harry Potter entered into Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, he immediately became best friends with Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. According to Steinberg this friendship between the three adolescents is considered a clique: “a small group that provides the main social context in which adolescents hang out, talk to each other and form close relationships” (pg. 157). Harry, Ron, and Hermione become nearly inseparable throughout the series and the main social context throughout the Harry Potter novels rely heavily on the trio’s trials and tribulations: creating the main social setting. In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Ron, Hermione, and Harry are facing the murder suspect Sirius Black when Ron shouts, “If you're going to kill Harry you'll have to kill us too!” (Rowling, pg 339). Ron shows his true friendship and how close the clique is by saying him and Hermione are willing to die for Harry.,r:14,s:57&tx=125&ty=47

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Hogwarts divides the students into four different “houses”: Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, Slytherin, and Gryffindor. Harry, Hermione, and Ron all reside in the Gryffindor House. Each house competes against each other for points and also play against each other in the sport of Quidditch. This structure within Hogwarts forms what Steinberg refers to as crowds: “the identification of adolescents who share a similar image or reputation among peers” (Steinberg, pg. 158). Because the students are known for which house they are in they gain a reputation based on their association with that house, whether the image is true or not. For example the Slytherin House is known for reproducing dark evil wizards, "There's not a single witch or wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin.” says Ron Weasley to Harry. Gryffindor House on the other hand is known for their loyal and noble wizards: "You might belong in Gryffindor,Where dwell the brave at heart,Their daring, nerve and chivalrySet Gryffindors apart” (Rowling). According to Steinberg individuals in a crowd are put together based on stereotype rather than friendship as in a clique. (Steinberg, pg 158). Applied to Harry Potter a clique would be the close friendship of Harry, Ron, and Hermione whereas the four separate houses would classify as a crowd.

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Identity and the way an adolescent views themselves is a key component in the development of an adolescent. Throughout the Harry Potter series, Harry is constantly struggling with his identity and the changes that are occurring throughout his childhood. Before Harry found out he was a wizard he thought of himself as a good-for-nothing human being. "At school, Harry had no one. Everybody knew that Dudley's gang hated that odd Harry Potter in his baggy old clothes and broken glasses, and nobody liked to disagree with Dudley's gang." (Rowling, 1999) Harry didn’t know his parents or where he came from so was constantly struggling with how he fit into society. When Harry finds out he is a wizard he instantly becomes famous as the “boy who lived” and survived the wrath of the evil Lord Voldemart. Steinberg states “the maturational and social forces that converge at adolescence force young people to reflect on their place in society and on the ways that others view them, and on their options for the future.” This can be applied to Harry Potter because as he began to understand his background and where society placed him as “the boy who lived” he begins to form his true identity: a wizard. As Harry enters the wizard world he begins to interact with other wizards which according to Steinberg, “the other people with whom the young person interacts serve as a mirror that reflects back to the adolescent information about who he or she is and ought to be” (Steinberg, pg 259). The responses of the wizard society to Harry began to shape and influence him and he develops a true sense of identity: “Yer a wizard Harry, and a thumpin’ good one.” (Rowling, 1999)

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Harry’s Main Goal In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban the main conflict is infamous Sirius

Black has escaped the Azkaban Prison and is rumored to be out to kill Harry Potter. The story to Harry’s knowledge is Black and James Potter (Harry’s father) used to be best friends until he sold out information regarding Lily and James’s location to the evil Lord Voldemart, resulting in the murder of Harry’s parents. When Harry realizes Black is out to get him, he finds out as much information on Black as possible. Within multiple break ins to Hogwarts by Black the school is on full alert and surrounded by guards. In the end Harry, Hermione, and Ron along with Professor Lupin end up in the Dark Forest alone with Sirius Black. Lupin, Black, and James Potter used to be much like Ron, Hermione, and Harry: best friends. Secluded in the dark forest with the convicted murderer Lupin and Black tell the story that led to Harry’s parents murder. They soon realize Black was wrongly convicted of murder and is not guilty. No one at Hogwarts believes Black is innocent so the guards are sent to kill him. Through much consultation Harry realizes Black is indeed innocent, his parent’s best friend, and his Godfather. While Black is awaiting his punishment from the guards Harry steals a hippogriff ( half horse, half bird) and gives it to Black allowing him to escape. Dumbledore (the headmaster at Hogwarts) is the only one who knows Black is innocent and compliments Harry for his bravery by saying, “It made all the difference in the world, Harry. You helped uncover the truth. You saved an innocent man from a terrible fate.”(Rowling, pg 425)

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Is Harry Potter a typical Adolescent?

Upon first glance Harry Potter seems far from a typical adolescent due to the mere fact he is a wizard and has magical powers. But taking a deeper look into Harry’s transition from adolescence to adulthood, it is clear he struggling with all of the changes a typical adolescent goes through.

According to Steinberg the psychological development of a young person relies heavily on the contexts of adolescence include families, peer groups, and schools. Harry’s upbringing and turmoil with his relatives relate to the “Family relationships and Adolescent Development” section Steinberg talks about on page 128. Through school and peer relationships harry has found his sense of identity and each conflict he overcomes has an impact on his psychological development.

According to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry state that a typical adolescent “struggles with a sense of identity.” In Harry’s case his main conflict is figuring out who he is and where he belongs in society. Reading through the traits according to the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry Harry possesses many traits of a typical adolescent such as: moodiness, intellectual interests expand, worries about being normal, rule and limit testing, worries about being normal etc..

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Works Cited

Rowling, JK. (1999). Harry potter and the prisoner of azkaban. New York, NY: Scolastic Inc..

Steinberg, L. (2008). Adolescence. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

American academy of child adolescent psychiatry: normal adolescent development part i. (2010). Retrieved from +Families