Download - Harlans Advanced Facebook Advertising Training


By Harlan Tytus Beverly

Rev. 0.3 10/16/13

Facebook AdvertisingBasic & Advanced

About Harlan Beverly

Harlan Tytus BeverlyFounder of Karmaback, Inc.Founder of Bigfoot NetworksMBA from UT 2004BSEE from ONU 1999Hardcore GamerProgrammer (Networking)Chip Designer/Architect

•Currently: CEO of Key Ingredient•Formerly: VP Marketing & Business Development for Creeris Ventures (small seed investor)

•Founder/CEO Karmaback, Inc. A social Network Marketing company. •Founder/CEO Bigfoot Networks & Designer “Killer NIC.” Raised over $13MM in funding.

• Filed over 30 patents, including 16 about Online Game Design.

• Designed “World's first” 10-Gig Ethernet Adapter at Intel.

How to sell on a Website.

• You must make it REALLY easy to “say yes or no.”

• Clean, simple offering… with 1 Call-to-action: Buy Now

• You must give confidence to the buyer that you will deliver.. And you will not fraud them.

• Paypal, Visa logos, SSL sites, etc.


• BUILD an amazing Landing Page

• (see: The Conversion Scientist)

• Use Internet Marketing to “pre-qualify” web traffic.

Marketing for Indirect Sales (web)

• Lots of Web Traffic is NOT the goal… the goal is to get “Qualified” web traffic:

• Visitors that have the problem you solve

• Visitors that are in a “buying mood”

• Visitors that are “ready to click” BUY NOW

• How?

• Targeted Advertising (google/facebook)… targeting people who are your Target Market who are:

• Searching for what you solve.

• Like competing products.

• Fit a customer profile.

• Landing Page:

• Focus on building great landing pages for each product.

• A/B test them if you can… so you will always get the best results.

• A/B test ads too… A/B test everything if you can.

• Analytics.

• Did I mention A/B testing… you MUST know how your site performs to know what is broken.

• Enable Google Analytics, and use any tools you can to measure “sales conversions”

• See “the funnel” (next slide)

The Sales Funnel.• Direct or Indirect sales, you will always have

customers at various stages. MEASURE AND TRACK stages of prospects

• Try to keep in mind that customers have a “buying process” of their own... Learn it! Ex: who has to approve?

Facebook Ads

• In order to “do” Facebook Ads right, there is some core concepts that will be a big help.

• CPA = Cost Per Action (example=sale), CPC=Cost Per Click (a site visitor)

• CPA = CPC / Conversion Rate

1. If you don’t know how to use the Facebook Ads interface, start here first:1.

2. Get POWER EDITOR from Facebook.. It will help a lot.1.

2. Be sure to read Facebook Ad Guidelines (rules for what to show/not show… for example graphic cannot have more than 25% text… no nudity, etc.).:


3. Then, read the rest of this presentation to get some customized tips and data from Harlan’s experience running dozens of campaigns for B2B and B2C businesses!

1. Read on.

Getting Started with Facebook:CONVERSION METRICS

1. MOST IMPORTANTLY: set up conversion metrics, before you start!

• WHY? So that you can tell if the campaign is “working” (CPA) or just sending you lots of random traffic. (CPC)


• 1-goal is best: get more followers OR get sales OR get installs OR whatever….

• If the goal relates to a Facebook Fanpage or a Facebook App… this is easy.. (Facebook will track conversions for you automatically).

• If this is a website (or a purchasable item/service).. You’ll need to instrument your site with Javascript from Facebook:


Facebook Ads: Target Market Selection

• Selecting a “target audience” is the most important part of Facebook Ads.. (more important than the ad itself).

• Choose as narrow a target market as you can… so that your AD can speak directly to them.

• Ideally choose a GENDER, AGE RANGE, AND a “Like Target”.. Even marriage status when possible.

• A like target is people who say they like a specific thing…

• This will let you make a great ad that is gender/age/and like-related!

• “Like Jello? You’ll love our Jello Shots!”

• If your narrow target is less than 25,000 people, you might consider combining several different (but similar) Like Targets…

• Example: Like Jello OR Like Gelatin (or whatever)… to get it above 25,000 but be basically the same target (so the ads can be the same).

Getting Started with Facebook Ads:LANDING PAGES & ADS

3. Design some “landing pages” that really do a fast & good job at “converting the user on 1 small page”.

• If you must use several pages, that is fine, just realize each page will see fewer and fewer conversions..

• FOR FACEBOOK ADS going to a website only the final “success” page (the sale/signup/etc.) is the actual conversion.

• Intermediate pages are just chances for someone to leave!

4. Write ADS that match the landing pages, and most importantly the TARGET AUDIENCE.

• ADS in facebook are either a “Post Ad” or a “Image&Text” ad… They both have an image and text.


• Use these ONLY if you want to grow more fans… because that will be the likely result. Use a striking image and say something compelling from the users perspective that will make them click… clicks go to your fanpage.


• Your ads MUST match the spirit of the landing pages!!! (this is vital).

• Your AD MUST MATCH THE TARGET MARKET!!! (See prior slide)!!!!!

• Words used IN THE ADS must be found/present on the landing pages as well. (html <h1> words more important than <h2>, down to <p> words)

• Use an image that is simple but “eye-grabbing” (it’s a very small image)… RED images are best, as are images with $xx Off or other offer in it…. AS are images with PEOPLE in them.

• HEADLINE TEXT will be blue and is the most important… make it compelling to click. (Get $30 Off Today)… or compelling in a different way (Free Trial) or (Start Saving Whales Now) or wahtever.

• The other text is almost never read, but make it describe the headline a bit more… (Save $30 on a Recipe Reader for your Wife/Grandma)

Facebook Ads: How Many? Multivariate

Testing• In general, for each “Target Audience”, You want at least 4 ads… but MORE is better!!!

• Create the 1st ad…

• (with image and text that are compelling and match the target audience’s interest).

• Now, create 3 “Variations” for testing… (hence the term ‘multivariate testing).

• Variant Ad2: try a different headline from Ad 1.

• Variant Ad3: try different graphic from Ad 1.

• Variant Ad4: try different text from Ad 1.

• Now, create a 2nd completely different ad… and do the 4 variants again…

• Continue till you are out of ideas/time….

• Then move on to the next “Target Audience” and do the same.

Organizing FB Ads:CAMPAIGNS

• Facebook Ads are organized into campaigns…

• Campaigns have a “common budget”

• I think having “test campaign” and a “best working campaign” for each product you have a budget for is ideal.

• Example: Test Campaign-Reader, Best Working-Reader, Test Campaign-Jello, Best Working-Jello, etc.

• Allocate 10-20% of your budget to the test campaign

• Then on a weekly basis, move the top performers of your test campaign into the best working campaign for the product.

• Also, on a weekly basis, create more ads for the test campaign!!!

Facebook Ads:BIDS

• At this point you may wonder, what about “bidding”!!!

• My advice is simple: use CPC bidding for Facebook.

• CPM are just not working right on Facebook.

• Start at $1 USD CPC bid on each Target Market.

• (you can go higher on your test ads to start if you want… so that you can see CTR)

• Then, increase it ONLY if the ad is working on CPA basis. (e.g. is it converting!)

• IF… your ads are NOT getting shown due to low impressions…

• That’s okay. Just give it time… once you move from Test->Best, it may get impressions then.

• Consider upping the CPC Bid if it has been a few weeks with 0 impressions (just to the TEST campaign)

• IF… you are not spending all your budget in TEST or BEST campaigns…

• You may not be bidding enough… consider raisin

• Your target groups might be too competitive: try a different target group

• Your target groups might be too small or overlapping.

• Consider making more target groups, and trying new ads.

• Better ads will have a HIGHER CTR, ad thus a lower CPC… (since Facebook is optimizing CPM across all its competitors).

• When to raise CPC bid above $1?

• ONLY if the CPA is worth it to “scale up and get more volume”.

• EXAMPLE: if your CPA is working out to $10/Sale. But you allocated $20/sale for marketing spend… Go ahead and raise your CPC bid to $2 !!!

• (hopefully all things being equal you will get more clicks, at a higher price but be slightly below $20/sale!)

• When to lower CPC bids?

• No need… Facebook will charge you actual CPC based on your Ad’s CTR!

• However, if you are very tight on budget, you might get sophisticated about your CPC bids, to ensure a specific ROI

Reviewing and Refining…

• Your campaigns are now up…

• EVERY DAY, you should log in and review the previous day’s campaign performance.1. Are my ads getting impressions & my budget getting spent? If not:

1. See prior slide… make more ads, get more target audiences, increase bids…etc.

2. Are my ads getting CPA results? (sales/fans/whatever?)? If not:1. FIX landing pages (usually the issue)

2. Pause any ads with HIGH CTR but LOW CPA! (you aren’t getting results! Do this also in BEST, not just TEST area!)

3. Pause any ads that did not do well over the last week (they may be stale now!).

3. Any Bids to adjust? 1. Increase Bids if not getting impressions….

4. If time, Make a few more ads or ad variants to the existing targets.

5. WEEKLY: Make new target audiences and ads and variants.

6. WEEKLY: Move ads from TEST->BEST if they are performing well.