
... ' ' ' ' '



AIOENTS . :tOll fll1l

Harbor Grace ' Standard. ................ Mr. T. Ryall. ............ ... " G. Gu.huo.

iBoDIIRJ'II .••• ·r ..... . vAJ~!fU.a ......•••.•••• "1. E. Pike.

G=~-~-~~~~ J " H.d:~. Had-TanlnT... . . . . . . . . . . . . . •.. . .. w. Pittml\ll. Rumow SoUJrD ... ....... " A. To.r.n. Cu.u.nJ.a. .... ......... ..... Capt.1. Perry. Jloli'.A.TUT.A. ...... ......... . Mr. 1.LaW1'ellco GuullOR1 • • ••• • • • • • • •• " F. Whi~. Fooo .. . ....... ............. " J .}'itzgenald T1m.t.nfous .......... .... a 1. J. Pearco.


Nofta Bnou. .......•... Mr. F. Tbomaa. LrrrLK Bu .... " 1. Campbell

lnsnrance l{atius.




Auv.u. lUn:!nra now Fnu: ~ ......... .. ....... £180,000

.AlnnJ.u. RnDva ROll Lln: . Plmxn!MJJ ............. . . ... £110,000

Amtu.u.~~~£&. DT nc)lf~.:~:1~'D81 JJ&4U.X .. • • • • .. • • • • ·.:.:.: ••• ,£42,000

Lo~ooN-1 Moorgat Sheet. .ABJULDBEN-3 King s~~t.

-:.::--.... /. hmraneea oft'octod on Property-io 'Vow

fonndland at Current Ratea of Prur.i-nm. Prot~-Forma of Application for

Fire and Life Insurance and all other Information ca.n be obtained at thG of

Sulr 1, 1870.

A.. 0 . HA.YW ARD, St. John's,

Agent for Newfoundland.




184 184


BEGS to thank the Public of Harbor Grac;nd Vicinity genec ally, for the liberal patronage hitherto b towed, and hopes

by strict attention to business to meri a continu-anc~ of their suppo1t.

In addition to his lnrae and varied stock of TINWARE, he haa c?ns~ntly on hand an extensive assortment of

Cooking, Parlor and Hall STOVES. -.u.eo-


C. L . • has also in Stock Kerosene Oil and a large aasortment

of Kerosene Lamps. J anuary 18. 1871.

;f~~6 anb W' PHCENIX Life Assurance Company.


. .

------------------~~ NOT GUILTY.

Steading •t m• wlndo~ _ Oae 1iloo111y wint.r'e day,

When the enow, bard frr zen, Upon the pntllltnt lay,

And the aun aearce delgninJt To abed one cheering ny.

I uw an aged widow, With •isliKe pelt and wAn,

Holdittg earnelt oonnrae Wuh a lurntd a;ao,

And u lh•T were •puking Tbert pa•ttcl tb8 priaon nn.

Ob tb• uger g!ane.e Towerd tba priaon van 1

And that 10<\k be~tecblog Up at the gentltm&n l

(;lear IT tbit, tbt mnnlog. Ob tue bim It yuu OlD I

In lbe van, :hey:told mt, Wu tb8t poor widow'a aon,

For a deed llrreated, • One knew bt hlld not done ;

And 'twu bojHd that jua~co ' Would tlace the JUllty"oae,

Anxloua bearta wen butiug Within lbe court lh•t morn,

When the falaa ac:eoau; Wu IUIIImon'd forth ud IWOnl i

But tb- nil of !alaebood AJide wu qulcllly toro.

And tht truth, like aaal.igbt, Fell on that noble band­

A • iae lllld ul'rlgbl jury, Tbe glol')' of our lAnd,

Whoa~ befor., the Jlllltleu May oner (ear to at.and.

Brie! the conault.&tlon Aod momenU of 1111pt11Je,

Soon lh• able Oue their united ltD";

Pronouncinr "Not Ouihy !"­Be apott ... gott lrom hence,

And lb&t coward rinl, With bia OWD wupona roil'd,

Pronounced a ptrjured lorgtr, Who wiclr.edly bad LoU'd

To rob an aged mo~ --Of her b«loted child, •


Scraps for the "Standard."

or nECll.\ ·u .

No. 11.

Extracts. From Ho111~ nrnliieoltlt,•

W. R. De Puy ~t BnoTm>n, Publishers, SOG Drondwny, ~or. York.

EATING '1'00 }'.!.ST. Entin:; t oo f:ust gcncmlly in,·olvCI! cnt­

ing too much-moro thiUl ie n eeded for BTEA.M.-(Continu~d.) t ho support nnd nutrition of tho body-

wt Standard contnining lli1 inntn. nnd tho re:uson fort bid ia, that tho orgnn~ tion to ita aubscrilxira Md contribu~n. of stntc, which nro our gnidc in thi11

m11ttcr, 11ro not 11Uowcd Kuflicicnt voico; ~ publish communicntions on tho sub· they nrc not nllowcd time to t:lko cog-ject of direct iteD.m to Lnbrndor, I uiz:~nco of the p~cncc of food ere it io~ :lg:tin I :\}to ~~ M my BOOjCCt for thi:l JHlilhC:l Jl:t!$t them into tho rcCC"AACll oftfao week.

I notice nl!IO tlut tho Pol riot of tho stoolnch. '£hey uo not, therefore, hn.vo

s. -

M.l T. w. T.

1 2 a 4 ' 8 9 10 11 1.2 16 1U 17 18 19 22 23 2-' 26 26 29 80 at

:a.l00:!''8 PILUD.

L ,\8T Qa.umra ......... 6th, ~ew MooN .......... .. 14th, FutST Qu.lnT£11 .... .. . .20th, Fut.L Moos ............ 28th.

F . 8.

8 7 18 141 20 Jl 2'1 18

2.01 J'. ll. 2.49 .L lC.. 8.24 J'. lll. 4.'8 .L lll. 23rd publishce nn oxtrnct from my orportunity ~ represent tho rtllll n!'Cd

lAst, and in commenting thereon, tho o tho system, nnd hcnco allow tho Editor of thnt pnper Mya, .. ho belio\'ce crowd in~ of tho stomncb. I holu that [l'On TilE niJlliOR oucm ho \Vll8 t ho lint in tho country to origi- thirty mmutes should bo epcnt nt onch L UN.ul INFLUENCES. DAte tho idCA of npph;u .. stcnm to Dait mC!ll, amd spent, too, in chewing tho

• o food a good portion of tho time, nnd Skiff11, Md thou W118 only laughed nt not in continued putting in 1\od awnl- It will be rocollocted, bow, that ia and ridiculed for his pnins." Such ill 1 · b · 1 cl d 1 h ISG{) a certain would-bo ICiE'D.tiJIO verv often, indeed nlmost iDl'nrinbly tho owmg, ut m P CM:\nt mt lUI nu$ ' propl1e• A••ayed to throate"n both L-' -

.• in&tClld of the countclllUlco of the m- • """ -caae with pionccn in thi11 cow1try, in tcll80 ncn·oue predllurc of the oflice or phcree with marked atmo~aeric di..-anything 'they mnL nd,·ocnto, or oven libmry. If you hy out t~ spend thirty turb:1nco; and bow liguitil!anUy the en~o in ; nud t o Editor in being minutce in thi:~ wny :1t your meals, you prediction failed here and gen8rally. ridiculed, only shared tho gcncml fate, nmy rest llSBurcd you wiU not cat too One part of hie euo wu that on the but wna in hm1~clf too fnrdiphted nnu 1 d L- d 'II bo day fixed, tho moon would be a .. -..:-muc 1, nn wunt yon o cnt w1 in ~ ,-- ..,-long bonded, to lose ei~bt o tho idCA t ho best condition for npproprintion to or nc:u-et~t tho oarth and on the equa­for all tlmt, lUlu I lmvo no doubt, but h cd.a f 1J Ji '··- tor. Somo humble belienn Ukecl thnt hoowillaoon ace it carried out in t 0 no 0 you.r syatem.- 1'. tiC4vll. whether tho moon then ,.... soma. to pmctico to a largo extent. About twelve A. TIDY llOUSE. h it the e:u-th. Tho moon I'OTOI,_ ycans ago, when it waa auggce1cd to a around tho earth and a neTer uearer merchnut hero, thntsteamen would do Ae a general rule for lh.]og ncntly thnn 250,000 miles. Some ay her Jean well for tho IIClll Uahery, tho pol'IIOn from Md saving time,iti.ts bolter to koop clean diat&Dco u still greater, being 287,000 whom tho aug!'!cstion CAme, Wl\8 only t hnn to mnko clean. If you aro Careful milee. Thus, t ho Oroator baa eet the lAughed atl\lld ruliculed,nnd tho bnro idCA uot to drop crumbs of hrend or cako on moon to ita appointed place and dia .. acoutcdnuitioiUU')' Md utopinn ; ru1d thAt t ho carpet, you will cacapo 1\ll untidy tan co. Ite influence to raiiO tidea a too, by a mcrchnnt second to nono in the room, and Mvo tho trouble of cleaning certainly greater than that of the lUll" country, for hit judgment, L\gacity and it. In working, if you make 11 prnctico but tho combined and. molt powerf;J enterprito. Yet at tho l?rcseu~ time, of putting all tho ends of your thread influeneee of both tbceo bodiee ia not that llllillO merchant, is a In.rgo steamer into a division of tho worlt-box, kept able, without tho aid of wind.a and tho owner; nod throughout tho country we for the purpose, and never let ono fall comparatively narrow or fayorablo .tat. aco tho t'()IIU)ta nnd corrcetnCIIa of the on tho floor, tho room "ill look very clif- or places, to rai110 any Torr extraordi· engincen' opinion os exprcucd in l SG!l. furontly at tho ond of tho morning from nAry tide, or to create any danger. A.a But it is not on Sealing Stcnmon or whnt it docs when this ia not attended I'CIIpocta tho special iDftucnce on ,.th. &it Ski.lf'il, I intend to dwollnt pro- to. or, ~ich it has been urged the mOOQ eent. My subject in hand is on Mnil A hoWIO is kept £ar clCIUlcr when all has, _n~or loa, (rom new to full, and. St~mora to and from labmdor. tho membens of tho family arc taught to full to n.ow, if thnt wore truo, then it

Would it not bon. grcnt n.dvnntngo to n-ipo their foot on coming would •how thnt tho moon exertecl an tho trodo Md pooplo of NewfoundlAnd, in from out of doon, thAn itCllll bo dono attrnctivo or tidal igfloonco on the at- ' if-a mAil could bo had to Md from, sa7 whoro this it noglcctod. Thoro arc a mosphoro, and iho, wo ahould be oon­Capo Harriaon, every week? 'Vhy 1t thous:md wnye of kcepin~ .clCIUl ~and atratned to bolievo that ite polition of would bo almost cqrinl to a tologrnph. saving lAbor and t imo, which aro well porigoo and on tho equator, altogether W oll, tho small steamel'l'l of a fair worth while to learn Md prnctico, 1\lld an imagiDAry line. O'Tor which the DlOOil .UO Md subst&Dtinl build can do it, nnd though they OU\Y seem to entail troublo, p&BIOII twice OTery lunation, would at no very grcnt cost either. Some it is not eo 'vith any ono of refined feel- pnHJminently ouable it to exert a much '1\.UI emile at, IUld pcrbnps doubt this, iuss, who regard& all labor to eoouro ~noreucd attractiTe force on thoatmo.. QUEEN

Life Association of Scotland. mSURANCE COMPANY. Lombard Street & Charing Crose


In lh• ne tb" told me That juatlceblld been d:~ne

That the van tbt n paulnr Contaiaed tba auilt one,

And that tlllth and virtu• The vlctol')' bad won. but 'tis a fnct; it c:~n bo dono. It clcnnlinCIIS a lnbor of duty nnd love. phore, caueo a tido, a diata.rbuce

would unquestionably bo n grcnt boon, therein, and thua actually confirm, iJa. nnd tho country ought to hn"o it. PROVERBS CONCERNING WIVES stead of conmdict the aboTe pi'Odictioa



Kedieal O!icer-Da. W . D. Socu. &cretarj-B. L. JA.BVIS, EsQ.

'!'- au-oaJ·iD~ or lhil AIIOdatlon Ia ,..,.. .,,.,. ., . £280,000 S!BRLING.

Tile Acam..w.41'11D4 lD Ieeo. llmonted 1o ~ .: 1.2110.000 Sea.

'1'1M LlJe ~ i.D tlrce i.D lae9, IJDODDt lo

D~'tl~.,._ Ia ...a-...1 ..._ two..,.._ n.....---~., .. __ _ on-........... Ull "-n-.a& a.. -all•t

eaUa7 -w-.t w~ _.diJ' .......... al4 cumloe , ............. CLASS A.

-oP- E s T A B L I s H E D I N 1 7 8 2 . LIVERPOOL ~ LOl\'DON

STOBT ~cco.-At a cortnin age, children of both eoxce delight in storioe. I t it as lllltuml as it is for them t~ skip, run and jump, ins tend of walking at tho etnid pace of their grandparen t.. Now some paronta, \'Cry' well meaning onca too, think they do a wise thing when t hey den1 this moat innocent cravins M Y logitimato outlot. They wish to cultivate, thoy say, " a taeto for solid roading." Thoy might as well begin to food a new-bom l)aby on meat, loat n lll'lling should vitia~ its dceiro for it. 'l'ho taste for meat will como when tho child baa teeth to chow it ; 80 will the taato for "solid rcad.inlJ" as t ho mind matures ; that ia, if it 1.11 not mado to hate it, by haTing it forced violently u pon ita attention during tho s~ry­loring period. Thnt " thoro it a timo for all thing11," ia truer of nothing moro tbau of this. Better far that parents ahould n<lmit it, Md wi.aoly indulge it, than, by a too eovoro repree.aion, give oecaaion for stealthy promiscuous rond. in g.

Tho -present Government hnvo 80 far of 1869. All which contrary to faet. dono frurly in tho wu.y of steam commu· Beauty inn woman it like tho flowers It wiU be recollected that in that par

t'APlTAL- £2,000,000 Sterling

Fire Department.

THIS long eetabliabed Md well-known Company, ovor eelebmted, through.

out tho world, for prompt nod liberal eoffiement uf all legitimate )oliOS, con· tinu01 to effect lnsuranco on every doecription of property, both in town &lid country, at tlio Jow01t Md on the molt favorable torma.

Ita stoadily increasing businoes is tho bolt proof of ite great popularity, as well a.a of tho unbounded confidonco in which it is held by tho gnneml public

Life DepartmenJ.




&-nettes a!W ~irectars: Sir 1. Lob bock, Bart., ~~- Whiting, Eaq.

M.P ~ F. lt.S.S. Oegood H•nbury.Eiq Decl111u1 Bur Lon, Eeq. • D HodJilOn, E1q. Truen Bus Lon, Eaq. no. l>. Mago111, Eeq. Hon. Jamee B7ng. Benjamin Sba,, Eeq. J ohn Clutton, &q. W J . Tho111p1o. 11, Eeq. U. B. Coopo, BIQ. H. H. Toulmiu, John C. Dule, & q. C. B: Ooodbnrt.Eecj. 0 . A. Fulln, Eaq. • A. Oord11n, Beq.

George W. Lonll, E tq., Btcrduy. John J . Broomfield, AuUiont B«:rett~ry.

The PROMP'l'ITJ]])H •nd LIBERALITY wit!! which all claima upon tb•

P H <E N 1---X 0 F F I C E ban bun paid are welllr.nown,and the COD· tinual increuing buainna of the Company, ftOID 114Drl¥ niltd¥ veora in uialeii-C4, ahtw tbt bfgh poo1tioa it. holdt In public eallma­tion.

Annual nd abort time Jaaorancn I.H ef.. !te:ted on almoat nery kind of property in Newfoundlar.d on Lbe moat ruorable t.rma.

Rulu &ad puticulan or WUnDCI may tit bad on application to

W . & G. RENDELL, 8T. 10IIX111

.AIQU jor N•f-dlt!JM, or to W. 0 . WOOD, Bea., Barrltter-at-Law,

liuaoa O&Aaa. &pt.6.

Ax & E- PARSONS~ ~binct..l\bktrs, U,lolsterm

.um T U R 1f E R S.


BBG mott fully to intimate to tho Pub ·c of Harbor Grace,

and tho Ou~rta, that they haTe taken tho Buaineu lately carried on by

Btr. Jim:m lmru; and 1aope by mic:t attention and punctu­ality to merit • ahant of public patron. .,e.

They would alto announce that the

Undertaking Buainess, will form pan ottheir occupation.

W ~TOJitxo Oll"&'s 8&LP.-" When I was a boy," said 1\ll old man, " wo had a eehool muter who had an odd way of catching idle boye. One day ho c:alled out to 111--' Boye, I must haTe cloeor attention to your boob. Tho fint one

you that aeo another boy idle, I want you to tell me, and I will loolt after hi.m.' Ah. thought I to myself, thero it J oe Simmon~ that I don't like. I'll watch him, and if I see him look of( biJ book, I'll tell It wu not long before I aw Joe look oft biJ book, and immo­diately I informed the muter. • In. deed !' eaid h~ • bow did you know he was idle i'' 'law him.' aid I . • You did ; and were JO'IU' .yu em your 6ook when you aw him P' I wu e&IJ8ht, and nefti' watched for idle boya apm." U we are lllfficiently watehfu.l OTt!!' our own conduct, we eball have no time to flDd fault with the conduct of othon.

nication to Labmdor, nnd desor,·ocrcdit in spring i but 'irtuo ia like tho stan of the atmosphere and ~ude, thoucb they fqr it. This &CIIIIOn tho sorvico hna been hCAvon. A wife is better chosen by the showed a somewhat itormy coDditiaQ much improved, yet thoro ia grcnt room cnr than by tho eye. A good wife is long boforo tho time, pl"'Clict&i lor this for improvement still ; 1\nd tbnt would tho gift of a good God, and workmM· aeaumed special action of tho m.ooa, comet in hnving tho mllil in futuro ship of 11 good husband. Many blnmo woro conetnnUy rolicTed with -~ sCliiiOoa, for tho months of .Tuh·, August tho wifo for their own ehiftlOAlifo. mine. T 11ero wu t10 npp,..._ Of Md Sop~mber weekly ioatcaJ of fort- stormy element. It had a free ooana. nightly 1\8 at prcacnt. Can it bo dono? THE FIRST UlffiRELLA. A. fine Octobol:'--6 fiDe Fall wu tile Yes, and by tho110 small etoAmen, moat It is genCl'l\lly eta~ that it is to eoneequonee, and the great flfth of Oo­effcetivcly, and in this way. Let one JollA8 HAnway, tno weU-Imown phibn- tober,wna u fiDe a day u OYer lhoae­atcruncr leave St. John's every Monday tbropi.tst, thAt wo aro indebted for tho eTen warm. In the puta of the Uaited for, lillY Red Day or OhatoAu, calling \'l\luablo example of moml COUrn.:!O in Sta~s and Britiah North A.morira .....,. at six or eoven piAcee going 1\lld coming, first carrying nn umbrella in tho lllreota there ,.. .. storm and ftood ana 1liP Md staying 1\ll hour at each placo; then of London. It js difficult now to ron- tide, such were nearly and ~ lot Rod Day or Chatc3u bo tho head ceivo tho amount of pcnocution which cauaed br thie very w~pr~ Of qnartera of tho connecting bont, which this strange procooding entailed u pon stormy olomoot and not tllro1l8fl uy would on tho arrival of tho boat from this unfortuul\to philanthropist, whoeo action of tho moon'• body, ~ a St. J ohn's, proceed to say Cape Harri- object WIUI, doubUC88, leu tho pro~tion 1uppoeed attraeti'o pewer of the-M­eon, Md on her war. back ~ bead of bits own porion thlln t hat of sliowiug 11\0IJ!here, which'bu neTIIl' heeD Pf'OTIIl qua~re in tho Str:ute CAll at tr«nly hie countrymen how thor might avoid ~deed, which doetltO\ I Wine different harbon, to lAnd and receive tboeo continual d.ronching11 to which the ~~ ooiDaid~Doe lllllile. With two of thoso •wift, hAndy thoy had 10 Jongrubmitted. Tho hack- ac lithe. D • ahlL My crafta, • thit could bo dono eury ll>Uk ; ney coachman and tho scdnn chairman rea ware that it JiU beeD laar and it is nocdlcae to aak would not tbia were tho fir~~t to c:nll out agninst tho widel1 belieTed in, that the IDtraHe • boa vast improToment on tho la~ or threatened innova~on, declaring that and time of entrance of the IDOOil iDto proeont sye~m. tboy wore ruined if it came into fa.ahion. new, and full, and quarter., oDI1a ·•

This it a eubjoct deeerving of oepocil\l When they began to bo carried even a great effect on the weather for-&ir ar consideration of tho government Md gcntlOD\I\n accompanied by a lady un- fouL It it not bocaue tach &D ...._ coun~ generally. Tho pooplo of the der the shcl~r of tho now-fangled min- tion bu roceiTed popular belief tlld ~ localiti01 that aro principally int~rcstod protoc~r, wore boo~ as they pueed i• proYed true. For thaD tMre waaLl in tho X..brador fleh.eriCB, eboulJ prcu along, while a gentleman alone, carrying be no need for an -y OD DCIIDdlr it upon the Government &I a neceasity one, wu cort:ain to be attaelted with dchuiona. Tho think:iiiB ad.-­and a right. cri0t1 of " Frenchman I Frenchman I led utray bJ what .. th8J •1." or wW

Every credit u duo to tho pi'CIIent why dont you eall &coach P" and other people •y, bnt rather 11 it pWecl bJ Government for making tho progr"Gaeivo more offensive salutations. what tcieacoe and ~ :~ .&a. • s~ps they bavo in employiog etcwn on loq experieoce iD thia I llil,S. a larger licalo, than over Wore dono in COLORADO FOR A.STHMATIGS. togithor to lod tl.t tMre il-t-. Newfoundland; but they have not com· Tincing accordance betwoeD the~ pleted tb~ty~tom yet. They aro on Tho lut number of the' AletlicaliiiUl and thO moon'• poei~ u a bodY. Bd tho right track, but must go furthnr SurgictiJ &fx!rler mentions tho cuo of rather, oa tho Ot.ber MDd. I ..._ &. still. They haTe plenty of mearu~, which a citacn of D etroit, \\'ho had for thirty con~red many remarbh1e ~· cannot for tho true advancement of tho yean suffered intomoly from aathm&, c:iee. 'l;he .. Sealua'1 AJ......,ar­coun?'f be hotter or to greater ad van- recenUy migrating to Oolorado, where lilhee the table or....- p:1l.a.. tago laid out. I believe it ia ono of ho 100n experienced a decided reliof, the moon'• .-

1 fQll IIDil qai:atwut ..a

•L"- __ ,_ f h ..,__. to Md. aftOI' a stay of three or four ane-...a·(wt.Watable._...._, ww ~t 8CDOlDCII o t o .~: nuu1or oe- months, found hi.uilelf entirely cured. .... --. ~

aervice for tho country. Ifto, bo muat ~"ti--:- - .... --r the ame time ...... tiiM ~ ... _. tabliah a good and permanent Iteam He-~·~"- rarifted,'atmn.nbero ly credited to 8ir W. H..wo 1la lilt not reet atiaftod with the IOrvicea of of that ele non-malariou region, beliete U. ... to .. fll ..... ...... now Pamcuu.-The truly auch untuitable craft u tho 0~. ·. u a poeitivo antidoto for uthma in all NO'I!r 111rely, if tM llala.~ fl

the path~ of beauty and jutice for the bore, tho of peiiODI!ft would HOME MJ.Nit.TV1)CI be aid. .yael II will beautifo1 and good are they who purauo For the :r..bnldor route ulaid clown ita form~. ,..._. wwe tl=tlall ,.,_. mere 1oTe of tho.e attribute~, and not not require to bO 'provided for oa a ... ~ of wea&Wr., DOl •

l'umiture repmeciat Uort.t notice, boeaule tiler think of the merit that IarKe .e.Je. 1!1o main obfee' abould be Good mannen are not J.mecl from lief, wlaiela ia bJ ••-:·~=:~=a and OD mM NMOU&ble terma. attache~ to ~life, or expect to to ~YO th,e mai.1a con~ _to and. lrom arbitrary tellc1liDg 10 much· • -.aired ~ will- - ·"

~ faTOrl aDd therefrom. ~· with all dil}ll'tcb. in other from balJit. '!'bey srow upaD- ~ Ill lri(U .. Ia Pucm OJ' Bum us 180 Water Stroot 1'tul reward.~ of tnaly Ti.rtuoua are to ooutitate by me&~~~ of two•of UIO. We muat be conr1eoaa, ap11aWi _..... ... M •-~~~~~~

cllroetly oppolite the premilol of inhenllt in~ O'lhlliTOe, from day to IIIUII1 neunen, what wooJ4 ciril. kiDd, gentJem&Dly and~. tM fall..,. ... l.*''·•t'JIII v..rL PUJitoD • Kmm. day, aDil are ...,.._ Jhe ._ •JoYed. ~~ be &D ~ Mail Lme. home, and then it wiD IOOil 'becocBe a ca:=~~=~~ltpllllll-l~

.T&DU1'7 21. thOaah ~ .. 1iibowD to all-the kiM of INICODd Datare to be.., fi!'W1• il!l Jllllllr"IIH!I!!II 'W'Orll. ToO ~clo poet cleodaforthe PL'BA.SABT 8LBBP AND HBA.IIJ!lL where. A. 0CM11'18, ~ • ._.. ... of popalllr ilpp1iuo, .. ta elliJcl bepla • Wit ol--- wWoh

~ a... Galtle itl ~~ far&M Wp~~ln•benrr~.eon eauoUayal, ihro try, ..._ ... • .d.-1.. Jet .. ,. .... of the p!CIIIdle4 llapl'Jtha!Dt, oaly .., ........... eWWMa .., to ~ iD. .... ·~ ft.

E'5ii=s-= .. ~~ ... :._1

.*tli1to -lti ~ piab - =...... . .... IIIOid .................. . I

tlafalll-.,. or Ia woacla e1dld'• in.._ w1Jo .. ..,, • w. w.n.a...._ fnlttri!Wa_to..._ -•w ....

iiir:iai~ .........





- .. ('

inftuence on the atmoephoro. II we t.Dd without fully "aatiafying tho pu~ljp benefl• reeulta tJroport;ionat; to ita belioml thil-if' wei bolteT'ed that tho mind and thoeo wbo wero to tab The .COlt, and ho'f it m1ght btl improYed. mooo"w in8anco waa· 10 great u to reaponaibility of making the change, 8-Tua BoUDe or BDooUiolf.-Aro ,f\lat1fr tho tabl8, then, u I remarked that it 11'11& eought and that. it wu alao ther well coD.ItituW P .Are theie Wore, \\'O would be alao bound to bo- doairable. members faithful in the diac:lurrge of lieve thAt the moon eoming into a Mr. Bennett'• :Bill wu furthov ob· their dutiea P Do the~ meet ¥ they epecial position or ne&mlll, &c., COllld joctioD.Iblo • and utterly dofocti~. bo- ahould p Do they 'Vllit and cxazniDe uaiat in the ereatioil of storm• and bad caueo it dealt with no otbor phn110 of tho Schoola, and ahow an interest in tho weather. A.nd Jaow abeurd thia would tho aubject of public instruction thnn eauae of Education ; and carefully ex· be. It wu UICt'tod in tho 1800 pro- tbls. party ono of dit'U.iou of funds. pond and account for tho monoy en­diction. that bocauao tho moon would No rofonn in any particulAr of n system truatcd to theol P And would nny at a ceriMn timo bo nearoat thu carlh full of faulb.l nnd imperfections and in the modo of thoir aclcc­anu on the equator, it would nuiat io rnclirnlly bad, both ·in regord to Pro- tion or appointment bo diairablo P

tho 1mall pox wu rasing on board, wo is worth reading, a.nd ita contCDta are Lolfl)()zr, 26. aod iti.a !eueCl daat ....,:,-a; llate ahould haYe no ac:commOdation for tho too truo and applicable to thil country. It ia oxpeet.ed that Alb burt• yacht, baTe bee~ wreclted. · · patieDta or con•aleecenta ; but tl:lo ciil- Two lVoob &ftO ono of your many I,iP~n~U., will JUC.h Now York tho first Bruill&ll ehamlfen bne ..,._. a

thil way. Now wha~ do wo fled with tcabwt• and Catltolics\ WIUI propo~cd nor 9-T'lAJN'INO.-Whether tho prcaont reference to tho galo of SaturdAy, 19th u much na sugg011tcd. It wntl to bo ayatem 9f trniniug Pupil ~cn~hcra at September, 1~. Tll~t tho moon wu left in nll rcspect11, oxcopt in tho cutting tho A.cademica ill sufficient; and "licther in ..,agee or rarthea~ ~way from tho up of tho mcana for tho maintennnce n Nonnnl School, auoh aa thoto in Nova­earth on tho l'Tth day, 10.80 morning. of any syatcm nt all, jwst where it wu Scotin and Cannda, bo net dilimblo. Thil fact then ahowa how thAt the moon bcforo. Whnt ia tho number of trninrd nnd un­bar-co inluenco in thia lfay either. Admitting tho importnnco nnd neces- tmined Tcnchere, roapcctirely, in tho No, that. gale mu•t haro occurro-l 11ity of reform, tho Go,•crnmc•~t di~ !10· Diatricta with wbi<:h you ~ro Mqu~i.nt­from the ·atmoaphorical •uppl"C611jon of tbmrr nnd proposed nothing ",lb n n ew ed ?-what tho compnrntn•o comhtJQn •tormy clement) muat bavo ~>(on tho to it~pro,·cment. of tho Schools tnught by ono :u1d the prod.uc:t of groat iotermcdiato bent Tho other brnuch of the Lcgisloluro other elMS ? ncooeded by tho audden in bunt of tho -tho Lef.-l~lnti\'O Council-upon' tho 10-Whothor tho Compulaoryayt~tom colder wind.i of the north; for I under- motion of Mr. Pinscnt, took up thi~ nil is uN!ded-and, if eo, ia it cnp:\blo of .taud that abQ11~ a 11'CC~ boforo the gal~, importnnt subjecs iu enrncat. They application, A~td to what extent ?-in iJaat ia on tho 18th September l &W, began nt tho rtsbt end; hll\'ing IU!l"er- whnt discription of pJ:lc~-llt wh.:1t (Sunda1) thoro \II'U a high, cold, north tnincd thnt tho Go,·ernmcnt wero not 11«\eons of tho y011r,-w1th111 wlmt dta­wind w1th eomo snow llhowcl'l. 'l'his prepared to :1~umo tho rc~110nsibility or t:mco& of Schools, :u1d wirhin what nges appeara to have boen aucceeded OJ:"ain trouble, lhoy propoHcd nu enquiry into of Children? by a c~go of wind and beat. ~nd tho whole quCI!t io. n of Educ11tlon, nod ll-Co~"TROr,-Wbethor n r.entrnl on the 411if ot tho gplo horo, the wmd appointed for th:~tJurposo n Solcct Bonrd or Council of EJucntion bo do; comlllflp~ ff(lm aouth woat and 110 Committee, compQ~ iudi.fl'orcllUy of ftimblo; nnd whcthor, w1dcr itd supcr­YOOrius rdund br oouth t o oaat And AonUomon of ovory roli0-iows nnd po· n sion tho Inspcetion,-tho J.ocnl Go,·­noJ1}1 oaat with great rain. Will it bo litical pnrtv. Thnt C.:ommittco bill! ornmcnt of the Schools,- tho Trniuiu~; c:onton4ed for ono momoot that tho i!!llucd tho· Cil'('ulnr Letter, copy of ofTe:tchrn!,- tbo qunlity of the Jn"truc­moon bad anything tu do with thi11P which wo publi~h in to-dny'eiSl!uc. Wo tion,-tho intorcdt of tho l'c.oplo iu It cannot bo, I baro not ~!lid anything belioYo copic11 oi it Jmyo been ndd.rcucd. Education, and tho en tiro oniricncy of about .thq mooq'a light. 1t mny bo to . O\'cry Clergymn.n, ~Ingititrnto nud tho system of Public Inelruction, would aaked whether I grant that that h.IUI other offici~ol, Schoolmnstclr, School uot bo much promoted nud iucrcnacd. ADY in8uenco. Woll, it baa boon urged :Bo:~rd, Dector110d Editor, nud to mnny 12- 'l'llf: CmnrEnci.\L 'cuoor.s.-:­tb&t t~o light or the full moon hu a other pcraons throughout the Country. llow do they work.?-how conducted ? *dency to d.isporee the clouda. I Tho q\1011tions put in thnt letter nfpc11r - whnt br.111cbcs of lc:~rning nro tnu:.;h have watched formAn} eclipaoa of tho to us to bo nearly oxllausth·o o tho in cnch ?-whnt tho n,·em;:o attondanc.-o full moon, cbieOy in wlDtcr montha, but "·bolo subjec-t. w· o ow l1:1rdly sussc~t of Pupil11 nud nmount, of 1-'e<'ll pnid, nud neTor could ge~ the aky clcnr at tho nny querv thnt lw been omitted: nnd tho co~t of each Pupil to tho l'oll•ny­time, Mve onco. On tho other bnnd, if tho in(onnntion thus 110u~ht for, bo nnd to what cl:u!BC81D lift> do tho Pnront11 in tho aummer, I am conatrninod to'uy, na freely nfrorJed, as it should be, there of tho Pupils bcluo~; ? llow :\rc the) tu t hat tho light of tho full moon bne ox- will, bcforo tho opening of tho next bo ro-Oll.'llDir.ed uud improvt'd ? hould hibited a gro:lt tendency to diapcreo tho SOSl!ion, bo n mass of c,·idcnco 11nd o£ nil or nny of tli'Clh bo uboli~hcd ?-:ll'ld elonda which 10\.'D howo\"er return, opinion bcforo tho Lc!P;~latil'c, which how should the fuudf, now ,·otcd for whon hor face ia on tho wano. Iudood ran not fnil to bo csscmnlly useful, in any thnt mny bo nboliehcd, bo applied ? the power of the moon'alight to do this dCII\'ieiu~ means for nn impro,·ed sy11· 13-CoLLEO::, A.c.1.Dt:lllt:S AXD Gn.I.:U· is Ck.IDI~tont with tho ideaoftho harvcat tcm of Public insruction. Tho Hy11tcm lUI! &:uooLS.-Ho\\' do thoy work ? ·moon. Some timo ago, I noticed that u it stnndts, while costing nn nppnrent- - how nro thoy conducted ?-whnt when tho whole aky wu overpnllod ";th ly lnrgo sun1, is n bye-word nnJ n branches of lonroiog taught in onch ? haze, the moon on riaing, by S. S. E., diagrncc. If it 11hould require for it.! whnt tho nvcr:\go nttcru.lnuco of Pu· :made an arch oflight about bor radiant impro,·cment aud ofiecth·o opcmtion pile ?-whnt tho number iu~tructcd io fd I fool bound, therefore. to filly, n lArgo sum, lot tho money of tho CAch bmucb ?-whnt fees nro pnid P­thaf while granting tbia tcndeQcy to tho country bo by nil me:ws devoted to tbt what tho cost of C.'\Ch Pupil to tho full moon'a light at timoa, to disporao tho improrcn1cot of tho intolloctunl nnd Colony ? those inatilutioua o~en elou.da. itain8uonco in thia ia mnnifeetly morn! Ktntus of tho pcopJ,p- it could bo to improvement ?-:md how i11 such lUl·

tho effect ot tho light and not of nny expoudod upon no hlsfler, boUer or provoment to bo clfect<;d ? 1nppoaed attracti,·o power of the moon's moro ueoful object.. • It id desired thnt you ahould ob· mua. :Bofore procio6ding further on Those who tender information, should ligo us with informntion nnd opinions tho quoation of tho full -lnoon'a light, not only givo their 0\\'11 opinion•, but upon tho foregoing, and nny other let me quote aomewhAtali'to what often truthfully st.1to what they bclievo to bo pointe in conucction 'nth tho subject­goe.~ on in tho chomi0!11 \ !pborntory. tho dc.Jiro of tho inbnbit110ta upon mnny matter of t.his lottor, irroapcctivo of Do­Thua, what ill tho etfect of light goner- pnrts. nominntioo:t.l couaiderntio~ boyoml tho ally on a combiDAtion of h~rogcn nnd Wo bn..-c no doubt that nuy ueoful f11ct ofthoexiating Dirision of tho Gmut chlorine? Mix equal bul!s of chlorine iuforiiUition or cxprc111ion of opinion into two pnrta. and hydrogen in a dark pia- ·; no Ji~ht. \,;u bo~ndly recei\'ed {rom nuy person I bnrc tho honour to be, Admitted, no action..takoa plnco../Ex· dc~iri 1 o n.fford it-and thnt tho Cireu- Youra. &c. poao the mixture to ligb f.-day, 11low br i11 1 tended for C\'Cry Much pcrt10n, ROBERT J. J.>INSEYT, Jun .. action enauea 110d acid combiontiou ia nltho· nccct~:!llrily nddrclldcd ton limited (]},airman. formed. Rxpoao mixture 1uddenly to number. raya ofaun And violent explosion will We sh.11l refer a~in to this subject, ooeur. The anita, iodidoa Olld oxides of thnn whkh nono better descn·e11 tho .UYor aro doeompoaod by exposure to nttcntiro considcrntion of every good light and metallic aih·or is obtained. c.-i tizcl;, or tho zcnlous nnd wcll-d.irocted Thil ia the principle of tho dungerro· efforts of n pntcrn.'ll Legislature nud typo. (BttUD11:ll'• Olt4mulry. ) Whether GoYernmcnt. thO full moon'• lisht hnro n tendency to It will be obscrrcd thnt tho mniu a.ct chemically by decomposition on tho body of tho letter id intended to npply clouda ia tho quettion. Bccauao if this to the sy~tem , ns affecting tho Public be the procoaa, thou wo eeo tho re.uon (:cncrnUy, without rofcrcnco to rcli!,oiOUII why the full moon'• light de! troya tho didt:inctiou. It i~ only tho posti!Cript. clouda. Tho moon's light ia derived with regnrd to l!ub-diYieion, which is of from the sun. Thoro is ..-cry little, if n dcnominntionnl chnrnctcr. Ally, heat in it at all. And from tho Tho following is the Circulnr ollud-~ry (act; tbnt ono can, in thia country ed to:­

Circular. at all event&, look at and exnmine tho · moon through a tclcacopc:, it mlly Qo well CODcedrd tbnt thoro is rcally no Sr. Jorrs·s, NE\VFo\r.'o"DL.t.xn, } heat to exert any inOuoncc. In tho cut, April 22, 1871. hc.we,er, whore tho woatbor ia intenacly Sm, hot, it il tho practice of eailors to sleep on the aliip'• dock, but they tako cnro that their race. are eo covered u to guard againat the moon's light which

· acta deletoriou.aly in a mrifiod. ntmo&­phere. Thi• ia the only ndYcrao inOu­ence ADd it i1 euily guarded 11gnin1t. The decompoaition or animoleubstanco being up in tb~ mya o ( tho full moon, oeeun, u I 1howed bofore, from tho depoaition of dew. "The full moon whie'h ran. DOIU'Oit to the autumnal equinox, haa long roeeiTed the namo of ilie H.tlrtwt ~ from the fact that the difl"erence between the hours of her' J'iaiDa on two IUCCOIIiYe eveninge il then at a minimum. t.Dd the long duration of moonlight t.bua aBorded eoon after auu. .ot, il mOlt adYaDtageoua to tho fArmer at thil eritieal eeuou.. Thia nonr coin-

'cidence iD the timea of IOTeral auccea-

Tho Select Committoo of tho Lcgislatiro Council, appointed to CD·

quiro into tho "Y"tom of Educntion in fhia Colony, would feel obliged bf tho receipt frou1 you of such uHoful iulormn­tion upon tho aubjcct u it may bo in your power to n!l'ord, together with nu CX]li'CSeion of your own opinion upon tho workin~t nnd rcaulta of tho prosout ayatem of Education, and t:1o manner and mean a for itaimprorc:nont; nod your attention is pnrticulorly directed to tho foUovring po10t1 :-

l....:..Tbo quahty of tho lllatruction im-parted in tbo Board and oth Elomcn-tnry &boola.

2-Tbo qualification and poaition of the Teachcre.


Suu-Drnstos.-Your nltcntion ia now pnrticulnrly requested to tho quos­lion of Sub.divieion ; or, in other words, tho Dirision of tho Goocrnl Protclstnnt Grnntnmongat the eovernl Dooominn.­tions of Proteatnnt ChristiAns.

Your opinion u t.o tho prceoot oporn. tion of tho Non-diYiaion plan ; and if you propose n chAngo, your opinion of tho impro..-ementa likely to l'Oiult from it. If you do not propt>IIO n chnngo, your rcnaou for dosirin1; tho cootinunnco of the prOBcot ayttem io this roapoct. If you approvo of·a p:u-tinl chnogo., tbon for \'I' hat locnlitiet, and under wbnt cir· cumstances ; 110d how would you regu­lnto tho Managing powore in tho event of such partial cbnngo. La.atly, uoder this head, whether in plnco of nny cli\•i­eion of th.ia Grnnt by lc:;islotion, it mi~ht or might not bo left with good offoct to tho people (Pnrenbofcl1ildrool, in each Sehoo).Jocnlity, or District to dotermino by \'Oto (BAy, nfler tho t11kin{{ of cach Conaull or nt other periods) whether thuir portion of tho Grnut should bo diV1ded or not; aud if not, whnt nro tho objections to this plnn? If Sub-diritiou became a fact in any ilwpo, bow would you promise to meet tho• increaaod difficulty on suing from reduced mcana for tho aupport of &:boola and Maatcre ? Whnt Ill rour opinion of tho roal doairo of tho pooplo, in Jocalitiet1 with which you aro ac­qunintod, upon tl:o queation of ~ub-di­vieion?

N. B.-It is deeirod that Petitions oxprcuivo of the ricwa or tho people upon tho queetion ofSub-diviaion1hould bo furniahod to both brancboa of tho by the next Scasiou.

cue baYing nearl7 cliaa_ppeartd bp!ore corrcsi?Ondenu nlludcd to tho P.ropoeed week in October. bill for tho ODUIDCipa&ioa of .... the Touel'• arrival, the wconY~ODco il •nbd.ipl!ion of tho Educational Grant. Queen Victoria auft'ors from rbeuma· · Lt.~ 11. 10 far aTorted, ao'd wo hope no new cue In the opinion of Tory many thoughtful tiam in the foot.. The Pall NJl Galli. &be- J the will occur to tho .alarm al\d injury of pcraons any diviaioo oj tho Protc.ta.ot. :J'ho Prioc:c~,~ of W a1ct bu returned D.ily n~ tbia J80IIl.iai ilL' aiee. thia lnrgo and important community. grnnt. woufd at proeent bo highly in juri £rom the Continent. pl'CICiltation of a MD~ lir1>ilruli'e

Any prel('ll\lmcnta which you may ou11 to elomont.nry eduratiou. When in Nowcnstlo ia inundntod with foreign speech in reprd to the Queen aa leg· deem it oxpedient to mako ahnll bo futuro yl'nl'l tho populotioo of our Is- workmon. rantly cli1hone.t u eter appeared fu an promptly laid before his Excellency tho lnnd Mhnll hn\"o coueidero~bly inCfC48ed Corrcapondonco bne boon diacoYercd English journa1, and decJAree tlld it Governor in Co~cil. diri!>ion mny work, not now. in tho l'uilerioa dovolopiug a plAn to put Gl~tone keep•. aueh company 1111 the

Tho Grnnd Jury ha\-ing visited tho Youl'l, etc., Nppoloon on tho Throne. odttor:t of that JOW'Il&l, none but the Gnol, Ynrd, ~ .• retired to their room, PA.TER-l'AIDLIAS. Tho Standard oCto-day enya ndvicca rnbble 11ill follow him. 11nd nftcr n shortnbtlcnco returned into 2nd Oct., 1871. from Berlin roport that" rolAtiona be- ~apoleon bu arriYed at Torqaay, he Catirt with t.ho foJ!owiny "Tm: P~YMElfT OP Tueuns.- tween Rueaia, Jtrnoco, 110d Turkor hAve bni latolr •uffered from rheumatiem.

PRESRNTME~"T: In tho di:~emll!ion of tho subject of become moro intimate. NEW You, 28. educat.ittn there is ouo important matter YJ:a.s.ur.La, 2a. Tho Prilnl11i• Wuhington -recial Gu~ J uu Roou, 1

llnrbor Grace, 2nd Oct.., 1871. 5 The Gmnd Jury, bnYing mot nud

l'i~ih:d tho pri110u, find nil thin~;~~ sati4-fnctory 1111 u~1ml.

Tho Grnnd Jury woultl tnko tho li­\Korty of rcmarluog that tho prcscnt­mcilt:s they hnYV lfO frequently brought forwnrd i 1 re~:nrd of tho rcp:Urs J"C(luir­cd to th Court lloW!O n.nd Joil heN', nnd tho nb110luto nccCtl!li~ of 11n llospi­tal for tho trcntmcnt of lllfcctiou~ di~­coses hnve not boon :~Hcndcd to. 1'hcy hn,·o lt'nn1ed tha~ t.ho Goyemmc.nt. In­Hpector wna ~ .Qn.d inadoct~ the l'ourt Holll!o aud Jatl, 1\11 hope tho nccc~llnry re~iPII-to the windows, doon~ nne! Ooors Will IJo nt once nttended to.

" ro ha,·c Qunmutinc L:lwd at tlli11 port, nnU \'Og,<OJs COUSt:lntly comins from foreign. J!Orhl, nnd linblc nt 1111)'

hmo to hnvo dt~c::u~ca bront:ht intQ the community ; therefore, nothing is more required thnn nu HOI!]>it:~l, and the

ro~nd J ury nri! un:tni mou~ in cnllin~ up n the Go,·cmmcnt to take tho pmt­tcr up nt onl'o; itiannllbsolutonccca.•ity. A \'C~I is now on tho qua.mntino g•'Ound with lli6C.1SO on boord; nnd nl­thoubh, hnppil~·, the only patient h:\~ been con,nlc:~ecut n0!1rly n fortni,;ht nnd the vct~•cl in cour11o of being di~i n­fcctcd, }'C~ (11Setl Jess ftn·orniJlc mny happen nny dny, for which no pro,·idiou now oxi~t".

Tho Grnnd Jury stnto thi:J, feeling it n duty they owe tc tho town; but, look­ing nt. the former fnto of prcscnlmenhl mndo from timo to tio10, nnd to whit·h no ntlcntion whatc\'er htl.l! been gh·on, rc~ret that their qu:~rterly meetings hero h :l\ ' O been of so little service hither­to, but 1hope this will bo more euc-ccuf ul. · ·

Tho Grand Jury would nl110 call the nttcntioo of tho 1\Int;i11tmtcs to tho ncccl!!!ity of n .police forco for n nisht senicc, consistiug of nt four moo.

.Atlcution is al110 called to tho foun­tain of tho Water Company standin~ oppo11ito ~Iri!. Kelly's door, thnt it ~hould bo rcmo\"Cd to tho other ·sido of tho street.

}'or aclf and fcllow-jurol'l!, RODERT S. l\IUXN,


which i:~ oftcln lost sight of- the proper It is announced tl•at tho GoTcrumont deepateh saya the Commi.elonera in rcmunemtiuu of tho teacher. Un- baa nP intention of rai•ing tho atato of Wuhington wero in eeaion MTcral til within the 111.1!~ few yeans the 1111larics 81cgo of Paris during tho prorogation .or y_eeterdarat. U.. .tate~ of tho~o to whom wcro intrust(.'<~ the A11110mbly. Tho O.ffickl Jou,.11al denWll! time will olapee before anyampor-form:\tlon nud iustrul'lion of tho youth- thnt Count de Chnmbord gooa to Romo t~t roault of t~eir labora ean .be an ful mind wer mo~t glaringly inndc- Ill French Amb:u!Mdor. m:ed at. An 1mpottant· quemou ha· qunto. It wns t11kcn for ~nted that n 1'bo Minister of Foreign AfrAire bna an~n :w4 will bo breuJht to tbe at­year!)' income which would bo scornful- nuurcd tho Germnn Plenipotentiary tentJon of tho Comllll.llionen u to ly I'CJCCtcd by nn ordiunry mechanic orn that tho French Govornmontwillnccord whether they or tho Corwre.M which ia junior clerk or 84lcamnn wns quito auf. nmplo protceticn to GeriDlUl reaidenta to meet at·· Ge.neTa will eonaidft tho ficient fnr tho tcnchcr of n school. Tho of Lrons. elaima of citUen. of tho Unitpd State. "fh·o pounds nnd bonrd" which Mr. D1sat;nntnent of robcla in .Al~;crin ior dc~redatiODI, comm.itt.od &Iou, tlae \rn!kford Squccl'l munificently offered moot 'nth obat11clca. Tribes 1nrrcndor Athmhc eo&at. ·· • to tho ouistant mu ter or Dotbeboys nil bad arma but keep good ooet. Lolf'DOlr, llnll wos hnrdly nn cxn{:grnlion of tho Cho,•nlier Kigrn, ltnliAn Ambnaaodor It is ~nneed ftom St usu:\1 pocuninry rcwnrd of thoao who hns roturnod to Pnri~. tbnt Ruuu il about oo sa,·o tho fruita of their knowlodso :\nd Tho qucation robtivo to tho atntuo offioore and mou of her army who encrl!y to tho" ri~ing gonorntion." Tho to bo placed on Yundomo Column bns on furlough in order to teet the rc8ul~ was, in mnuy cneca, just whnt been deftnitoly solved. Tbicl'l hna do- ciency of mobilization. might hn,·o been expected. Tht:ro woro cid(.-d thnt Napoleon tho first, in hi~ little . - ~nurLLD, 28. ,·cry few tc:~chcrs who \Vcro fitted by cocked h:1t nod groy coot, shall bo plnccd AdVIoos from AlgonA nrc of a aatil-education nnu tmiuiog for tho duties of thoro. fActory nnturo. thei r r rofclllliou. Pats, 2G. P..uu1, 28.

In thi8 Jnttcr respect (of fitncu ) a Tho omcnation by Gcrmnn troops of B:\.ron _Yon Arnim, tho Gcruwr ro-considcr.\blo chan:;c for tho bettor hns four doportmeuUI contiguous to Paris is prcHcntntivc nt YoruiJJo., hu retumod t tkou flnco "in co tho oat.nblisho10nt of complotod. Gormnn aoldiel'l returning to GoriiUUly ou 4CCOWit of 1ll hca.ltlr. norma schools, whcro persons of both home hnro halted beyond tho borders of Bn:r.u, 28. soxc~ before t'nlcring on their scholtLstic t i1cir departments, nod nrc nwniting nn- A Pr:otcst.:wt league ia in COIU'M of .Jutica, ure oiJii);cd to uudcrgo n strict. nouncoment that tho sigDAturce h::,·o fortn4hoo, throughout GcmJAZJf, the­course of prcpnrntion. Tho tenchcns of boon nfiixcd to tho Allllce trenty. obje<;t of which i.l tho expulaion of to-d.'\y form n ,·cry different clnss from Reports of n plot boin~ discovered J cawta £rom the country. tho tenchcra of thirty ycnrs n~o. But. for tho rcstorntion of the Empiro still . . !Unam, 28. wo hnYc ~;ood re:l!un to bclio,·o thnt continuo to bo talked of on tho noulo- King Amadeua will open tho Span.iah their posit1r.n, if judged ns politionenrc, vard~. This morning's Skclc throwa CortCfl on Mondny next. by tho atnndnrd of wcnlth, haa by no discredit on tho whole storr, but calla . M11l«cn, 28. mcnn!l kopt pnce with their ndmnccd up~n 1'h.iel'l t? institutonnmvcrtigntion Tbo.Kingdom of Bnn.riA il.about to quali6c:tllons. " 'itb few excortioue, wlnch wlll anhsfy tl1o people that no- recall ~ta .nmballiladore to Fort.~gn B~t.e. tl1o remuneration of tcnchcl'l is by no thin.; of !lil inc.cndi:'ry chnrnctor ia boiog and will ~ futuro bo rcpreacuted.only menu a in jnst proportion b the bcncfita hatched m thetr mtdat. Tho Skclc lllJS u n portion of tho Gonnan Empire. which, they confer on tho community,- thnt tho Profcct of Police, Pietro, who . O.u.cvTt.L, 28. to tho nctunl work, J!hyaicnl nnd mental, is Mid to bent tho head of tho conspira- Tho naaaum of tho Chief Juatice of which the..- nccomphsh. In this l'ro- cy horc, nnd ncting under orders from tho High Court of Judicature of CaJ. Yiuco of C!ueiJec, wo regret to hnro to tho Emperor, ia now in Brussels earn- c~ttn hna.bocn conricted After two houn My, this is etpccinlly tho case. Iu 110mc ing hialil·ing Ill drill-m1111ter. . trinl, nnd IICntcnced to deAth. diPtricttl of it school-tc.1cht'rs nro mis- lliDilTD, 25. • LolJDO!f, 28. cmbl,Y paid, in very few do they rocoiro Tho opening of tho Spnniah Cortes ia Tho shtp Orullat11 from the Weat 8:1lnrle8 proport ional~ to their ecrnccs. fOStpoucd till tho lOth of October. Indica, bound to London, wu lltranded In somo municipnlitiea it is tho con• BtrouUE:!LI. 25. off DuDSCDC88. stunt aim of tho conlmiuioocre to offer Tho Roum:mian Go\"ernmont ~ o~ The brig Afanly waa 11'l'eeked to-day their schools to tho lowcat bidders. nod dorcd n atrict qunrnntino to bo impoacd off DroghedA, in plAin •ight of life-boat to eogago those who, "·bother qu:~lilk-d on nll ,·csacle from Turkish Porte. men, who refused to go to her Uliat-or untJUBiificd, arc 11.jllin: to tnko upon Cort::.'(U..t.oo-, 25. IWCO. • During tho prevalence o( tho them the responsibility of conducting n Tho Minister of Finn nee proposes to I!Ule au: ~CD wero carried off the hull school at their low pncc. The rceult is meet tho dofficioncy of ro\"cuuo b7 rnia- liy tho sUrf, 11·htch claahed completely most injurious to tho children who oro ing n lonn 11nd iocrcaaing tho wcomo O\"Cr the dock and all were drowned. A tho ,·icllms or this pnrsimooy' nod nlto~ tax. Indy put. off from tho· ihore, t.Dd at tho setbor dcgrndiug to the profcl8ion of W A.Bilr.'OTo!f, 25. rii!ll of her own lifo ea..-cd that of ono of

NEW Clli~SUS AND PATfu.'iT tho tcncher. Tho clnims of the Commiuion under the~ who wcro left on board tho LAWS. · By mnuy 1vho do not consider them- tho l'rcnty of Wubiogton bnvo post. ' 'CStlol.

WE nrfiodobtcll to Muun k Co., pub­li~hen of tho Scientific .1/.mericnn, New York, for anent litt1o bouml volumn of 120 pagoa, entitled ns nborc. It cou­t.nins tho complete Cou•us of 1 70, aho,ving the .Populntion, by CountioP. or all tlio Stntca nud Territories, with their Aroaa, nnd tho PopulAtion of tho Principol Citiet. Also, tho now P11tcnt :Lswa 1n full, Copyrights, Rogulations for Trndo-Marke, .A.Mi{,'llmoute, llow to Soli Pntcnts, oto. Also, a ln~o \'nricty of v:t.lunblo information rclntiug to Water-WhcolJ, Steam-Engines, nnd other mocbnniem, \vith tunny uaeftll tnblca and recipes, 175 dingrnms of Me· chnuieal M'ovemonta, etc. 'Wo advise every body to send for it na aboN. Prico 2G cents. A moro valu:~blo com­pendium, for 110 small n !'rice, bna rnrcly boon published.

Os tho first pngo to-dny, ";ll bo found nnother communication on "Steam," nnd ita npplication to Lnbrndor Crnft, from tho pen of our talented Corrt!ll· pondcnt "Rochntn." Now thnt tho subject haa boon 110 ably broached, we hopo tho ontiro preu of Nowfoundlnnd, irrCI!pccti\"o of pn.rty or politica, will tnko tho mnttcr c:u-ncstly in hand. On any subject, luniug for its object tho nd\·ancemcnt of tho intercstd of tho people, and moro oapcci:\lly tho ono to which wo 11llude, 1mrty bickcrin~ should bo nt onco set n.side, nud nil work hnnd in bond until the desired object ia nttruncd .

soh·cs ignomnt, tho work of tc.v:hing is poncd their first meeting until to- mor- NEW You, 29. looked upon u oUt' of the cnsicst in tho row. Hoary gnlca continuo, and IOTeral '"h<>lo circle of omploymonts. Aod, per· Gold lHt diensfen to ahipping and minor .cuual-hnpM, only those who lmvo cornosUy de- Lo~rDo,.-, 20. tics nro reported. '·otcd thomsoh·cs to it cnn form n just :Mr. Glndstono nrrivcd from Abc~ John Gibbou.a, souior,an oldorly'lll&!l, oatimnto of tho lnboriouanCI!ll, tho wear dccn to-dny, and 'IVl\S proacnted \\ith 111111 ~ou chosen Lord Mayor of Londbn. and tcnrof mind nnd body which nro its tho frccd)m of tho City nt Music BnU He ta·to tako office on the 9th NoY. ino\·itnblo nccompnnimeot. If thoro is in tho prcBODcc of three thou.L'\nd citi- It ilatatcd that Gilmore baa been nny work or in tho mnuy dividious of zcns. H o mndo a 11pecch, tbnnk.iog tho pl'Omised the Bond of tho Guard., br lnbour who rcnlly carns l1is brcnd by tho pcoplo for tho welcome gifen him. Bo the :British Secretary of War, tq·at't.end sweat ofbia brow, any worker who ought declared that ho still looked onward, tho projected_Poace Jubilee, in 'Botton, to bo paid better thnn nnothor, it is tho and upward, nnd apurned all buo mo· next June. couaciontious tenchcr. Nor is thoro nny tires. Tho Go\"ornment he aaid found W J.Sllllfa!O!f, 29. Jop:u-tn1oot of work-wo do not oren the Iriah question dillicult but hoped to A det~pnteh hu·boon rcceiYed at tile oxeopt thntof tho clcri::Trgnn-which do- soh·e it. Poet Office DepArtment, wbielt ltatee -maudsn higher culturc,n moro thorou:;h Disrnoli nt n banquet at Baghooden that oil Tcxu is ,.uarantinod &gai.nat kuowlodgoof tho humnn soul, or sounder proposed n tout to tho Queen, and ac• Kcw Or!CADI for 2a dajr.. nuJ purer mom I nnd roligioua principles. companied it ";tb n 10pocch of fervent S.u.T LA. a CtTT, 28. Indeed, it iu urprising how little pnrcnts eulogy of Her MnJcaty. Bor dutia., he Much excitement wu created to-day gonemlly think of the import.nnce of tho lllid, wero oxccsaivo, and no Engliahmnn by the reported arro1t. ·of Brigham trust. They too often regard tho school- bad such complete control of tho politi- Young. No aucli arreat baa yet Dee!l room merely na n plnco of morcbnndiso, cal trndition of tho country aa its sovor- mad.o. 1

whcro they purch011o ao much infor- cign. N.uJl'TU.U, 28. mntion for their children. It is far more Special dcspntchoa to tho New York No caaee will bo heard br the Unitod tlmn this. It is in tho school-room, to World 114Y that Dieraoli declnrod thnt Stntel and :Britiah claima. eomm.i.ujou ll great extent, th:\t lho child lnys tho tho Quooo is suffering mentally, and boforo Dcoombcr nO:Xt. foundAtion uf his futuro ch:1rncter nud nlao ndde thnt conatcrnntioo ia eo S"'nt Gold not quoted. d011tiny. It. is, then, .of rcry gront im- tbnt somo journAls will aupprcaa thia BoSTOlf, 28. porta nco thnt tho atnndard of tho teach- portiou ortho speech. Tho :Republican State Ooo,-CDtion. or 11hould bon high ono. Tho instruc- Nrw You, 26. hold in thia alate yoeterday, reRJted in tore of youth in tho preaont 11ro tho Tho shipment of apecjo upon on ouor- n complcto defeat of ~ ])atlu nrchitccta of tho coming 11go. But this mous ecruo continuee to bo mado by and in the nomination ot Ron. "\V. n: standard cnnnot he high, if tho position nearly O\"erf etenmer from England to ~:Waahburne, toropreeent the eighth d.ia­of tho te:~chor i11 kept low,-if hianluo tho United Stntca. tin the Congroaa. Thie ia 1b0win2 ia nut .And tho WilY to do Tho henlth of tho Queen is not im- ethr with :Butler'• radieal ideu ol this is to nllow only thoso to tc:~cl' who prol'od. Mr. Gladstone ia ..-iaiting her anada or going to war with nro by education, mornls, m11nners nnd at Balmornl. . tain. . power of impnrting kuowlcd~o nod of Lo:soo!f', 2G. Tho Republican State ConTention in trniuing tho mind and hcart, lit P.Onoos British citizens of Hong Kong hAvo Now York only widened the llj)lit in tho

Tm: Stenmer Arid nrri\"cd hero on t~ bo ioatructod with rcapona1bilitica forwnrdcd n memoriAl to tho Govern- Republican party, t.Dd many throw the ~fonday e..-cning laat, from y euison nnd kl pny auch teachers nccording to ment complainiru; of tho uncertainty of nlection into tho handt o( the Dem.o-I11!nnd, Lsbrador. Tho news received tho aonices which thoy ronder. lifo nnd proporty, nnd naking tho adop. crata, notwitlustandina the bea'7loed by her ia \·cry cbeerin9 indeed. A bun- lion of mcuurca to remedy this atnto of tho latter hAYo now to~· ' climco of hcmna bCl1lg taken. Wo oiTnire. · Mh.wJ.uxu,· 2'1.

• lli'e riling. takea place. everJ lunar JIIOllth, wlien the moon ie in tho aign• Piaeel ud .Aziea, but it hu only been

. remadted when 1he ia at full in thCI'O · lipa. aDd thia Ot.D only happen in

.Aupri or September)' . (liituh Bowr

. 8-.Attendanco of Children nt tho Schoola. Whether tho n\'Crtr.go nttcnd­a.nco ia auch aa might J'Ollaonnbly bo ex­pected. What cnusce, if any, opornto againtt regularity of atlendnnco. Ia the inditrcrcnco or Parents to tho vnluo of learning ono of thc110 cauiiOIJ? llow any of tht'I!O causes could bo mitigated or removed.

undentnnd a large number of people BY TELEGRAPH Rochfort ia qwto ill from.norvou.a A fire ia ragina alou the cout of Tu~: Court of General Quarter Sc•- returned iu tho Jl.r•'cl. complAioh. Lake MichiDD, 1D, e~ tione of tho Peace wu holden at Ex quoon I eabolanmmoned D\lUIOOrl boforo it. . lf'nle. it':J: 2. theloei

4-Tbo ago at which Cbildron com. monee nnd ceft~K' to attend Scl¥>ol gene­rally, and th~ir nvcrn~o of attainmouta

nn.- V'--~ 11---- 8 dard when they lon,·c. 'fho inOuonco uf A~ aiK'IIU.l" V~ tan School instruction upun them in nfter

lifo. 'Vhether atteution ia g.ivl'n to ro-

Bplftl.) ' • DELTA.


1 - ~bbrrtistr. liltiou.a inalructiou in tho Schoola-by wnom, and in wbnt ahapo.

t!ho Court Bouso in thi• to'm on 0Lo:tti'5»0itbtnce. LATEST DESP ATOHES, of Spnniah granMea to conference Cor of will Monilay last, Joseph Potot~~, J.l,., Sti. _ 'k ... . tl:e pnrpoao ofolToctinJ reconciliation 1 ! 1KJroi:'Yn:t:I[ ..... I'L~~.__.._ pendbiary Jin~pra~hat;ld Goorg_edi c. '-oa TilE .. ~~e\\on 'on:::... IT' ~D ·n~] • L0lf'DOY, Sont. 25. between tho older and Junior branchea Color;tel n Neboo, .. -of, Rut crfo,"' 1.

1 P. ·• ..-.01rctl, J>rcHt n~. v ~ ............ · _., .~....,. A.fl.or nrmn~ng movomeota in Ger- of her houK'. N~ of Supreme ~ lhot

Tho Grand ury,~f which RobertS. NORTHERN CffiCUIT COURT many and Spam, tho Internationnl Con- )lochfott hu potitio!lod tho GoYOrn- killed'Gstnl ~. 11'.. Ol&jtn. of Ala.-Munn, Eeq., waa obbaon foreman, hav- AND THB..:PEOPLE. grcu ndj6urncd. · meat for commution of aoot.enee. bama,' tbia: eTenm,, in a ,.._.. .. IS·n~ boediary~ ewo~1.etrarotoaddroaacdf llo by tho VE11UILLEI, 25. Cholera ia abating in Germany. counter. . ' .

tipon ......_.. aa o wa :- On Tuesday, tho lOth ine~, the tug- A protest wu mado againat exc04108 T • 27 NEW You 28 -Gold U'l

We are glad to meet yoll again at harbor of :Bonaruta, £rom Checnapon'd. German reaidouta. Tho prote.t ia greu «-·day ~ a tnmultuoua one. P. 8. ~ .. to tJ.. ybur important poa~ of duty, and to in- Tho inhabitant., anxious to mako lcno11'11 couched io tho moat energettc language Many of the apeaken deleuded tho acta SecNtaiy oJ W•, Hr. 1M de-

6-Tn£ &uooL BurLnr!'foa.-Wheth­er auitable or otherniao, Md properly rentilAted and heated in winter, and kept in good rcpair.-How aurplicd

, ,_ from •Pater-Familiu." pub- with llape, School Booka, and otbor ! ~ "m a 1ale ilwe, rebliDd.a ua that l:lebool materia !a. Cau1011 of defllCta in

W8 MoaJd DO .... defer tho doty of t.Dy Of theao rolpt)(U, ADd bow to bo 1'0-

Gunnc:D :- . boat DimNntd IJoye in eig'ht off· tho committed by the French at Lyon.a upon The aeaion or the ;:!,~e ~n- • !.£. . I • $. sa

form JOU ~at ~o criminal cue Awaits their hi~ roapect for tho Northern and' calla for redr011. of tho Paria COmmune. taila ·ofliQ.'pt.f•tae ..-u yout tnYeat.igation. Circuit Tho CJ!' 'liiaplayod a \'ariety of The eubjoot of the renewal of tho . • VJDJu .• 28• Clftinl to bO held . iD BOitaa ca lftlt

Intheearlypartofthe preeont year flagl. urtwaaopenod nortday treatyo£1800 il under di.acuaiiou by Rumo"-are e"-nt here ...... ~ the ~Jne,U72. Hr. ~-r.-.: JeriiC • aupcm tM minda~ho mt!died. fee1a~io the w~Ueet; orwlaoae 6-TJR Gun.-Wbother it i1largo c\Mellfz{t;.to...ufelt.atb e110113h, or diUICCptible o( uiO{u} ina

· tW ao *-liloald 1le loet in crcue or improved appljcation (irre-:aoa..~ of thi. ~ apectiYeof thoqueatioourSub·dh•iaiou). •thf llllsc #• tMt C!IID be giTen it Arid, iD tonnection with tb11 enquiry, ~tile!......,_ of lrdaeatioo. wt.edlerthe rn.clter'a aalariee areaulli­

Jt will 'lie ,_'baed t.W thi. mat- cient or not ; t.Dclwlult amoUDte would die · of«J~De m.ea..iou according to einmDIItaneee, be aufBcieoi.

Ct•fDa ... :~~~~t. I..,_ture.. to tOeUre quaJiW penona. Whether

•,:~:;;;;J~r;~rl. i* U'OI8 Bc:hool foeli are paid regalarly ;-"'f beth· Bezmet\ • -tho Go•ornment Grruit to •h

Scllool lhoaJd. be eoaclitioul oa a 011'· taiD amouat tllo.e Mwlu.lhy die eboliticm otall

tho GoYernmeut gaTe reuon1 for tho for the deapatch of Oourt buainou, Tbiors. ...D ...... ....., od the ..... ~ .. r of tJaa ....,__, L the h 'tal whon, to the aatoniahmout of Sir Bu~ BIDP'rer Francia Joeeph il eerion.aly r·_·~ ~- -expectation tuat. t 0 OOJII accommo- LoMXllf, 25. diJ.v-.1 to abdicate. The Cauee ia ... of~~~~~~~-

datiODI in thil town woUld be en.largod W. Hoylea, the Chief Ju.atioo of thil Tho Wigan mince are •till burning, ~ deapendeoey at COD.ICioue un- , ~th ~of .~ - .. ~.._ -,... and proparod for the reoo_J)tion of pa- land t.Dd Preeiding .fudge, thoro wu and there are f'requeat exploeiou. fltneaa flor __ ...: ... ..:.;....1 ....:..:

1 w ... , .... !~..:- !:=.._~of-__. .... f1a

tientl aillieted with infeetioua diaeuea, not a lingle criminal or civil cue on tho Marshal McMahon iD hia eumina- · """" ....... - ~·- IIWII .._... ...... -!1 ~ • ..., but to the preaoot. period nothing ror docket to lay ~ro the Court. ~ero tion before the Committee of conduct of ~.!?. diaeoJation. of tbe Au- Tbe ~.Bu. 0.0.. ........ that mOlt important necoaaity hu bocn wu one :P•~; banded wto •umea entire roanonaibility for r-- ~ ot lMJMI ...._-..o.1 oommeneed. The condition or the Court ~ tlie Fo of tho Gntnd tho · atroua reault or~-march from BoKII, 29. ti U a.....:..

• -r ..... _, 11, 11'-. f th OhOTalier Ni ...... ItalianAmbauador or ~to..._. • GOil• Ooart Houae build.ioJ bai on. formed "IllY.• ":- . . ~·· or a ~Ill to ~ t.Dd •Y• ~apOIQ9D bu been recall:dfrom '0...::. • r-ee bf ot .. PNiwls:cl a prominent feature w the preeontment conaderation Ill Hie X.Ordlhip. exorctaod neither eommaud or inftuen'eo 4~-· BpieeoiJal Olnaroll. · · or Grt.Dd J u.ron both in the Circuit It cannot b~leuing fo all Otoae OYOr hia moTementL The declaration LOliJIC)ll', 28. .'.l'IMI ..... elllll ........ - .... Coarta ud &he Court. of Gen~ that wiah pror.peritl. to the people to be hu prod~eed a refolUid eenaation, t.Dd :Bri~ Home ~ iD up~chto ...,. ~to ~;,;:-·Jtr Quarter~ but it ia to be ~ made ~aainted mth the atio.-~. the :Bo · ' jouruala are jophl hil oonatituent.laat ....,am.aa..n- ~...._ aa4 ..., to t8rl tba' ~ prwaauleua. \laTe eel- Ria LOtdahi~· left thia mornina, when oYer it. · .. il afraid of n•liua&ion; ed on the mod oorclialaad Ji:iMc11y .,._ llitlta II•· · , .u dolll receiteel a tamuable. neponee. • ~leudicl • of ... waniliblo hia bed chamber ia gaarded at night br tioo with the 17DiW 8lalwiiDil-.illtiMie . ~ a hcl DOW niaftliMHUU.tioD ODCe all Mer the ' wJUCll eontafua a ~~~. wereaow Wr ~....- af .... -t fte JeiD ef~·=a=;=!~s more to the ...titioD ol alae .. Ooart ~ of ane thiriy.Jlte hundred · Nn Yoa, ts. ot all qvert'm• fD dllpatl ~ • tillb& • Oao., alae JolteD wiallcnr .0.. the IOiJL late clelpatchea ~ tile two OOUDtria ~ ...... -~·-· IUIVIBWK& a.thotBul ~- o ........_ .... ._.,......_. ___ ,_ tltt ...... 1 aDcl f!A1 Bcma'filla. 26th Sept..187L ~ A.Jen.W Hf-Dtoa. Beca_,y ..nia1 in - of~' Nial te • • ....... ..-: • 'lfiiV U.:. of~ IIDde ,Derbrna tM IliaD tniabta alaip _.... •••~ .. ....,~ ..W 1<* [eo 'I'D 1111111111a ca. .~ 8UDAU.] who cllecl. . .A.D taleNt ut:J · _. fll tile clle-

=~-~==:OibL ~- fttOoaltlr.Bialili .,.r ~ pw....._ wcaaba..a....,,w Dtlllit tile to )lliDt ia Md ~.,..latMtraitea&latelto~ a aUf•cutJIIa ~ii.t~

,..., ~ --...::~ tts·!:; =.•--llftmal,OOOto; ~-=--= =~.-.~---..- .... ·-



, ,



• Lo'lfl)C)Y1 29. Brae:. Home in a •J)8!1Ch

laR ~ 'riaciicated the foreign po1icy old. GotenUDealt IIDcl ieel&red tb&& coau•j?'ll made te the United State. intM~ of WaJUpn wue ..,_ cempHibed withoat W. ot D&tional honow. . s.nnJ conftic:t. haTe taken place be­tween the l'rench citisen• and German prn.oe ot Dijon. 1t~e town ilintenaolr e.dted oTer the occ:urrence~.

German generala refiUfl to eTaCUAte the ~t or Oile until the third WI milliard or tho indemnity hal boen . r-Tbe Minitter of 'Fore~ .Afl"airs hal re!erted tho matter to B11marck.

Nn You. SO. 'W' arranh are oat for tho arl'81t of

Twee.i aod otherl charged with awind· Una the city of New York.


lfews in Brie!

-Benf'orth left behind him a ifdow and ono daughter, about 8 ,-n of age.

-The life meumnce companiet in Berlin, Pruaeia, aro ineuri.ogliveaagajuat the cholel'L

-New BI'Wllwick DCTer had bet­ter p~ta of auch 4bundant harTeat aa during tho prcacnt IICUOil.·

-Tho Englieh 'war department nro about to iaaue a circular t~ volunteer oflkera, intimating that they mUit either flU&liCy or roaign their com.mie­•iona.

PHOTOGRAPBIO POST. PAADous.-Por City qf Hali/Ot.t for Halifu-Tbo Right Rev. D(aT!op Kelly, &v. J. A Biigon, Dr. R. S. Jolui.ton and wife, Captain Mi~holl. 2.nd cabln-Mn. Ellezi Codner, Mill Thoreu lf.aley, Meura. J . CoolX!r, 'J. Stewart, F. Dunning, A. Codner and 8 in eteerage.

· tor · .j~Lt.



J . ;r. Dear1.n..­sept. 27.



r. now lo ita Sialiet.h yru, and Ia to-day, where It Ia lr.nowo, the moat r

Popular Medicine n tk United Statee. Thouaandt or peopw Ull it for tho lint time rtch year, ~nd tbou.. aanda more mitht be btnt6tted by i!. were tberaware of Ita lneathnable ulu.. Tbtn I.e poeitinly no medicine In tltia coun•.rr adapted to tbe relief and care of 10 great a nriety of di~aua and allmr nh aa Jobnaon'a ANODYNE LL'iUI&:OCT. l'up!e gtMraiiJ throuf!hout the New England Statu arc tnthuahntlo in itt praiae and many thou. al\oda of

Bona. Fide Certificates Hherift' G&llatier and Daniel McCar. th7, politician, on a geneflL} row laat ~t in a liquor wooo hal hAd each a leg broken.

-Tho DaTicL.oo fountAin, rccootly east in Municll, and intended for Ciucin· natt.t, ia pronounced tho moat bcnuti­ful and complete fouotnin yet ~t in Europo.

At a recent ~ ot the Briti.ah Alllociation or Edinbunda, • paper wu reM giriJ!g a hietory o1 tllo plio~ phio poet during the aioge of Pari.a. It will be remembered that cU.p.*<:hee to pono~ within the walla wore redu· cOd to miCl'OIICOpio proportion• by meane photognpby, 10 tW.t a larp number could bo 10ut b_y a eioglo bird. ThoefS photographic clilpa~het wero rolled np 1D, and fAstened to tho tnile of earner pigeooe. Every .rum ropro· duccd t!Uteen folio pogct of printed matter, nod cont:rU.oed an avers~? of throo t holi.Wld d.iapa~hea. Tho .light­nCJIII of tho materinlls eunbled tho Fnmch Government to put upon. one pigeon eighteen lilma, or ftfty.four thouiiiUld di.spntche~~, weighing altogether leta than one grrunmo, or fifteen and 4 half gmiua. Tho wholo oftheofficinllllld pri­\'nte diap3tehes cnrried by pigoo01 during tho investment of Paris, numbered about ono hundred and iliteeo thoUI&lld, weighing in all 11bout two (,'l'lllllmes, or thirty-one grnina; only ono pigeon, therefore would have boon r.ecded to c:nrry theao diapntchca. If tho numbor of copiee made woro tnkon into nac:ount, it wne etated thnt two million flro hun­dred dispatchca wero ac:ut in nil.

SEWING .1'-l.t~;chlnesl

I might be obtaioe.l from tboae wboae prtju. diae bat been orereome by Ita aalu!ary re· aulta. h would be impuatiblo here to enumerate all tho

(ll-oll 1M OUJ~t. JourMt &pum/Jer 26.) J .ll P 0 R T S. ,- .. .

With tho esceptioo of Pork, which ia • 9,288 brll. in exceu of Importa laat

all the ata}lle article~~ exhibit a , ~ble deficioncr, vis:-B~ 6 672 ewt. ; Flour, 11,448 brle. ;

Corn 'Heat, 498 brll.; Beef, 1,665 brla. ; Butter, 3,912 cwt.; Rum, 34G pum. ; lloiMael, 2,728 puna.; Sugar,

· l,oM ewt. 1 Tea, 280,288 lbs.

-Thoro are 28 churcbee in Halifax - acvon Episcopalian, fiTo Presbyter-iAn, throe Weeloyan, throo Baptiat, three lloman L'atholic, one Congre­gational an~ ono Colored Moth.ocWit.

-"&ply, air," aid a judgo to 4 blunt old Quaker, who WAll on tlto atnnd. "Do you know what wo Bit hero for P" "Y ee, verily I do," aid tho Qunker : three of you for four dollare each dAy, and the fat one in tho middle for one thousand a ycnr !"

It is painful to lenm tbnt tho Stcl\'llrd (coloured 111An) of tho J. ll. Gillu;lie, Capt. Gow, whic h has nrrivcd nt thi11 port from New York, wns lost o\·erboord on tho pllBIII\ge. H o '1\'118 Cll(,'ll..,cd drawing n buc:l<et of wnter o ,·cr tho vessel'a side, when she lurched, from' a hcnvy aea, and plunged tho u¢ortunatc llltiil into etemity.-Timc..

) ~ Now is tho timo for thoeo who '1\'1\nt a

Cheap and Good SEWING MACHINE.


' ' Osbor••'' I s uneqwilled in SnLl'LIClTY IUld SWil'T· :S&SS.

The Market 11 fairly &cth·e and our quotation~ well tUitained. Tbero baa been a great demand for Flour tho laet fortnight. Tho etock. on hand is lllll!"U and fUll pricee are likely to bo IWWl·


-A fortune 1100ker ot Forest Hill claim, California, 11bstractcdly picked up a grimy lump interfering with h:s operations, IUld casually glancing at it, found it to boa solid nugge t of gold, which, when tested, weighed 921 Ollllcea, t>f which 700 are pare gold.

U IIIIIL'CIICIII iB freely in\·itcd, nnd tho There is no discnse flesh is heir >""lr-.... .. n..,, .nu•XA> may bo aeon in working

moro troublesome to mlllll\so tWin order nt the Premiaea of the Subscriber. Rheumnfum. It comes when you lenat expect it, nnd genemlly remnms till it ROBERT T. SQUAREY.

E-D• .Ta~ 1 to &pt4mher 23. .1 Th Sept. 27. gets rcnuy to go nway. e most con-

' 1870. 1871. Bread,c:wt ..... . ...... 18,865 ...... 12,788 Flour, brle .......... .. 138,860 ...... 127,417 Corn Meal, brll.. ... 1,188...... 6-W Pork, brll ......... ... 9 ,909 ...... 19,142 Beef, brll............. 2,466...... 901 lfutter, ewt ........... 11,847 .... .. 7,<i35 Rum, puna........... 968...... 6L2

· Mow-e., puna...... 7,763... ... 6,032 Sugar, ewt. .......... . 11,<»2...... 6,988 Coffee, .cwt... .... .. .. 717...... 885 Tob.cco, l!be .......... 295,800 ...... 298,162 Tea, lk ................ 627 ,21~ ..... . 290,~6 Soap, boxet.......... 8.990....... 9,G;,3 Candlea, boxea...... 2,006... ... 1,562 8alt, toOl ....... , ..... 21,100 ...... 21,373 Coat., toOl ............ 16,243 .... .. 19,170 Pi~h and Tar, brll. ~,263...... 8,169 Potatoee, brll........ 4,18-i...... 7,193 Oate, bUih. ...... ..... :6~...... 10,230 Board .t Plank, M. l,o88...... 1,989 Oxen .t Co,wa, No. 1,4~~.. ... 1,3~8 Sheep............ " 1,8,...... 2,3tl

· QUOTATIONS BJU:.LD-Per cwt., Hamb~o. 1, 30/ ;

do. No.2, 27/6.;...-do..,lio. a, 23)/ Lo­cal Bakery-No. 1, 23]6-;-M. No. 2, 21/; do. No. 8, 20/.

-The Logialnturo of New Htllllpahire hne paaaed no Act compelling every pnrf'nt or guardinn to send his child to a public school for twoiTo weeks cnch 1onr. For six wooks 11t least tho scbool­mg must bo continuous. Tho first Yio­l4tion of this Act ill punished by a fine of $10 ; tho subsequent riolation by a fioooft20

-Potato flour ia rnpidly becoming an importan tutide of comme.rco. It ia used for sizing nnd other manufnctur· ing purpQIIea, IUld with tho aid of pre­cipitation nnd acid ia converted into starch. The ale for it jn Europe, ia in ita primitive state, pot::lto flour is ra• pidly increasing. In Lancaahiro alono 20,000 to01 are nnnwilly sold.

-I'.eporta from tho various Provinces prove the industry nnd commerce of Pruaaia to hnvo threughly recover­ed from tho ctvil offecta of tho w11r. All a further proo'1; the Berlin E:rcltange Ga:tt. adduces tho fact that tho tllllow:W' of taxoa pnid, pol'ilonnl nnd on industry, ia the same na boforo tho WlU'.

Fx.oua-Per brl, Canad:l. Superflno or New York Extra, 34/A M / G; New Tho N ero York Herald tho first York Superfine, 82/. claim apinat tho United States filed

Cou :M&,u;-Per brt, 19/ & 20/. withthoBritish agent in New York, un -O~o-r)(UL-Canada, per brt, 8Gf. der the treaty ofWnshington, is thnt of Rtc&-Eut India, per cwt., 22f. Jnmea Cruitenott, whoso cnne fnctory nt P.ue-Per brl, 2lf. Mount Vernon wns acized by the United BtrTro-Per lb., Canada (old), 9d. II Stat4ll Government at the commooco-

9id- ; do. {new), lld. a 1/.; Hambro', mont of the civil wnr, for military pur-9'd.; Nova Scotia (old), 9d. a 9ld; poses, by which a profitable bus in08ll do. (new), lld. a 1/. Wl18 destroyed, besides other injuries to

Poaw.:-Por brl., Hambro' Primo M esa, his property. 140/ ; American Primo, 62/G; do. ----Prime lieu, G7/6; do. Meaa, 70/ TilE HrolfL.L'fDEn's " Gll.lCE."-" 0, a 75/. gio us rivera o' whisky, cba' uders o'

Bnr--Prime, per brl, 80/ a 40/. snuff, llll' tons o' tobncco, n prcad nn' RUlC-Per Imperial gallon, 8f2. chooac 118 pig ne tho greit hill u: Bon Mouaaa-Per Jtal)oo, Muscovado, 2/3 Nevis, an' mny oor childer'a childor pe

a 2/81 ; Clayea: do., 2/ a 2/l. lords an' lnirda to tho la teahhonerntion." Suou- Unrefined, per cwt., 4:1/ a 46/. On roponting this grnco to IUl old hills· Cono-Per lb., 9ld. & lOd. man of eighty, leaning on his atick, be Toucco-Maoufactured, per lb., 1/4 thoughtfully answered-" Wool, it's 11

a 1/6. · goot grnce-a fery goot grace-but it' 11

· CoaD•G&- Per ewt., 00/. a war Idly thing 1"-BlocJ:IDOOd; ".d. fw:r-Per hhd., 6/6 a 7/. Sk!le Lark," 1862.

---E X P 0 R T S · -Qnrcc.L' CJLL'fOEI.-IA No'Deau

The Export of flab from lai Au~ Montl6 which ia uauallr well informed to date amount. to 143,511 qtle., on 1tlanitobao a!Wn, etatea, on the beet 182,777 qtle. to eame penod o£ last authority that Lieut. OoTernor Arcbi. year. Tbe weather hal boen very fa. bald hal obtained leave of absence from vorahle for lhipping, and a large pre- tho Province for IUl indefinite period, portion of the cateh will bo early to that be will bo &'lcceeded by Johneton, iurket. Fieh il in active roqueet at whoee commission hal gone up, and IIJUOtatiolll. oh qniet. that Judge Ramsay, of Montreal, will

apicioua remedy for this complnint is "JOHNSON'S A..."'ODY"NE LL.'I(l. M.&"'T."

Two or threo doiiCS of" SHERIDEN'S CAVALRY CO:NDITION POW. DEBS" will cure 4 horao of any com­mon co~h or cold, and tho very worst CA8CII may be cured in a fe w weeks. W o know this from expericnco.

Tho spnplicity of mechanism em. ployed m " THE OSBORN" So,riog Machine, ne woll 118 italneting qualities is tho aooret of its unrivnUed succeu.

I hnvo u8Cd FELLOWS' COM· POUND SYRUP OF HYPOPHOS­PHITES frooly in my practice, both in diseaaea of tho Cheat, ne Consumption IUld Dreochitis, &c., IUld in infantile disease~~ of tho prima tJia, Stomach nnd bowels, with eminent eucceaa, consider. ins it superior to llllY llimilnr propnm­tion yet offered t o tho public.

CHANDLER CRANE, M.D., Hnlifax, N. S.


On tho 19th ult.; at tho Gmfloo Stroot . W osloya:1 Methodist Church, Hnlif11x, by tho Rev. J . A. Clnrko, Mr. J ohu D.Withycombe,of St. John'e,Ntld., to SWIIln, second dnughter of Mr. Richnrd F11moU, of Muaquod(lboit, N.S.

PoaT OF HAuoa GucB.


Scp. 28.-Myrtle, Gmham, Port C11wl, conla-Puntoo .t Munn.

Oct. 2.-Mnri4, Foster, Liverpool, gou. ca~Ridley & Sons.

A.napu·a, Pri~hard, Port C11wl, coal.a­Puoton & MUJUl.

CLBAUED. . Sopt. 27.-W. Donnelly, Stapleton,

Bristol,oil & skins-W . J . S. Donnelly. Billow, Fouger, Cow Day, ball4al­

A. Clin.


Report of ~t. D . Pritchnrd, of tho achooner .d..Mpira, from Port Oawl, nt this port:- " P11811cd on the 20th Sept., in Int. 48".12' N ., long. 88".tW ,V., the ship SidJlime, of Shields, wnterlogged and dooka awept. None of tho crew wero on bo11ord.

1,.SO tuna Seal Oil haTe been ehlp'· replace the latter. It allo f'!t&tea that ed tbie eeuon to date ~t 926 tu01 Mr Archibald will probably be appoint. PoaT OP ST. JoliN's. •Jut '1fiiZ; md M8 tune Oil, againat ed to the L ieut. GoTernorship of Nova :EXTER'ED. 816 tuDJlut year. The exp:ort of Bal. Scotia. mon ia Tory_ abort, oolyl07 tiereee hav. Sep. 27.-BiUow Croat, Withorego,

"'- al.i .. ped tbie to date, Sydnoy- W . & G. Rendell _. ~ eeaeon -A London paper eaya that by a re- Peorleaa, Whelan, LiTerpool-Baine,

J, J, DEARIN, AoE~o-r F on

Johnson's Anodyne

LlnfDtent, Parson's Purgative

Stpt. 27. PILLS.


The Osborn

THOUSANDS TRROUOHOU r CA.N­ADA are oow utior Lbtae Mecb1oea.

Thor hue been te•ted beyond all queuion, malr.e the lnorhe loclr.-a\itcb, alilr.e 011 botb aidte, aod art pronouoctd auperior to 107 other machine otr~d the public. For " ide range of work, perfection, beauty and uceJ. ltnc• of mecb111iam, adaptability, tlrengtb end durability,

1 he Osborn Sewing Machine has no rival.

17' Jmpronmente ban JateiJ been made enabling the manureeturen to olsim it 11 the JS! PLUS tlLTilA of Sewing Machin ea. Run. dreda of teatimooiala are c;ow being receinJ daily from old aa well ae oew operatore attealiog ill wonderful cap&biUtiea. Will do alllr.inda or domeatlo uwing, from tba Bneel cambtio to lbe coanat onrcoat or upptr leather. IJ~UUanlud to be IJI Repruenttd, or no Ball,

Warranted for Tlrrt4 Ycar1. Tba OsnoJL'C OOTnT it complete and rndi­

ly eomprebtnded. la aold 11 one.balr the price bhberto·cbarged for Macbinea doioJ a llkt range of worlr., the manufacturen bt1ng dete1111ined to plaoe it witbio the reach or nery f•miiJo in the country.

A TlllAL DI!J'Oil! roacw.aE will con,ioca all that our MIC!Iinea are unequalled,

.. tKY1 tiereeelut year. We fear cent decision in tbe Law Courte tho Johnston & Co. will•be a co~derable deflciene:r Marquis of Bntecomee into an addition- 28.-0cean Bride, Baddeley, Hydnoy- The Gu.elph n Av· ~ble

i . c:at:eh of thie flah u compared al income of 1200,000 ~arre:us to tho R. K ..u.o g.a.o.a. · with prenDilii8UC!Ill. amount of $500,000. true 41 pre• BJt~!. Dug~, lhvana-J. & W h pre .. miotnlly the beat Single Tbreed Ma-

T.UILB OJ' EXPORTS. forb .. Much will bt,, more," The s•-w-~ thfnt olfertd tb• pqblic-btDCI ita llltrYelloua ..., ....... IUCOM" Will do all n.rittlea of domntio

to Sq~ 28 Marqule lit.erall,Y.: OWill proapereue A.Jtenoria, Clarke, Falmouth-P. & L . ~•ing. Parcu oauT. LT aaoucm. -mo. lSn aeaport of CRdift' in South Walee, with 'Teuior. CT Oo tla. • · a popalationotsO,OOO,· alao tbo mineral Amelia, WllteoD, New York- Bowring . GORD,ON .t KEITH.

f> l>':gJ ' '1 ,1598 28 000 and Coal dietrict of which it w tho capi· Bros. . Oen~raf-=11 r!~~\~:~itted. Po . . .. ......... u.-s""" ~·166 tal. Hie traat.eM are abont running a Cora, Ta•lor, H,unbn,.,-Daino, John-

• 8~ ... ~ ........... ..,,., ...... ' . line ofeteamere from Cardifl' to New ston ~Co. ~-., R. T. ~A.REY, ~ • ..,•JWy ................ 127,612... .. . 98,~ Yord. H7hx!Dah, Davi riatol-W.Griovo Ajeo&Cor·Har rGrace and

• ]J.• W. IDdia... .~1...... ...- . Northern Outporu. BIUila ............ . 88,8ll ...... 150,470 th' En U h Co. Stpt. 27. ' · :B. • ....... 1,180 ...... -r- -&me irty yean ago an g • Ada, Daoeford, Trap!llli-1 FoL --------------~Ill: . .......... 2,001.. .... ~ work upon France, written by the Queen of Clippers, Tyror, Or.di.&-W. B~~IL 84 10~ Bolwer,'c:loeee with an apoe. H . Mare. ... , ...... -----'!...... troplie to Tbiera, wherein he is e&lled ~lancbe, Hcllin~ London- R Dudor.

· ··:::·.'.'.'.:~: ~~:::::: J, the futme eaTiour of Franhce. Nea~ Olinda, Prowe8, LiTorpool~o. Funon, Dloll'f CovlfTT, N. 8.

~ 10.11Gn • MO at the eame time a !'rene biographi.,... William, Wb-1-- Sydile•-R Meehan. F b l~th 1869 '-.-"',.,1111111~ ..... ,--..... : ~· eerie~, brioguur tlae ·eto&, of bil lite 29.-L. Edo~ Olouti~r, llontreal- ' ruary •

.:1- ..... h ' P.thdra-' .o.L Oabi . J.uiU L FIILLOWI, &q., ! • ! 19J..... 775...... 858 ::t:f 'Lo! Wlp~ .. on:, "":B.ete~ W. Griere .t Co. Dear 81r,- l hue d~aring ""eral rnra

pril....... 115()~622 qaeeti "ll pe · ~· P B dn beaD troabled with a Nenoua Complaint ,· ~.Oir,; ~ _ fiet &l an, eaye efer a eenolll oon- Sept. 27.-~ ~ erey, 1 ey and Palpitation or the Blllrt. ao much eo

. .,. ... J1Di'dOia 210 ...... • US d~~th be1~ thef ~ J~~ :...J . .t W. 'tta. · n_:_ tbat ll than 1 beea•• anOOD&elona ofeUI'J· .ft&loo.-- """ 1""" ~~ e uetime o ...,.. .IIU.Ut ... ar, Con.tan,... Kemp, Pcmwnbuoo-.PAWe, thl _ _ ... _ Jn fact mr -•~ atoop'*l - __ . .... vv .. ~.. ~ IL TbieN will probably; wit.h all hi• lo~ .t co. all:~-a .. ~. of tbl p;;j, d'ofcltd

Sid.. ~=·WL.-a- 1aMM ...... 4//,IS89 faaltl, man of the eituation." City o~ Halifax, Herd, Halifax-F. J. to otben, lw~lncliwd to try Tnr CO)(. u1 ~-- v,v•v W ... POUND 81 f HYPOPHOSPBITBB '0' &tatia..... 1,000 ...... - ~ • dn N ud bue dmHil t btot!t Crom Ita

, 118118 ---~..... 'NT.-... 107 -Hayer ~Mew York, hal at lob Northrup, Cameron, By ey- • eod wlllllnwl aaa tro•bled .,alii wl\h ~ .a.n Uam:n. 1eqt1a .-t in a batch ol acconnte 8tabb .t 8oJia. olcl eomplalat.l ahaU elwaye ban r_,ae

' . ~....... ... 1,811... ... t,t09 to the Board ~ ~ 28.:-u;na. Garcia, Barcelou.--Bow· to rar &r::,p t..n. nra of obtalnlot N•

~.·:liE~~~::· ,tal ...... ~ ~~P!f....!:,...ticm .:Z'iw../. 29~e:skumer Cow Bay-G.!'. lley~_.":--llb;lrtr to pabUtb UU. for ... -...... . - ~-.i.a: ...,.......L no.. 'D- , ' the bat!& ol other ..-....n. • • 1,118 •••.•• - ..._~bf-New~ur-a . MV.,..,.. 8 _, 1 ~ the .. iiiUD .. .,. Utt.le 1.0~0. 1-. lr, -r--• , JOII'I• uo .._lbtllilz• A.n • 11,- Bell'- to-Pepe, Malap lob, Broe. •AJOn IIAllCB8. 1JO • ' w.-.., oae ~ ao. ... 8ol4 .,. A~

~ 18 ti.-Jin~BIMD-W. Grien&Co. IIIUit,orl toreJA_... " OMriGMt. BliWD- ao eta.-,......, .... .... ., ......... k •

.... ~~ltOo. =.., ....... ~ --~~~; ~:~==~-... ... · ~ ~JlllBL. I'IIIIdDlif! ~~

Heart Disease Cured.

V a.ried Uses for which tbe Anodyne Liniment is perfectly nda;>ted, but the proprietore will cheerfully aeod prepaid, to 11ny one who will writo for it, • pamphlet giYing f~ll perticulara, to· g~tber Wtlb many certt8CIItea and much other nluahle information. A few certi8. catea are bert Jlinn, which i1 ia bopcd wilt bavo the conaiderati<on tbey de&rrve, coming at tbey do from gentlemen of lbe bigheat reapectability.

From E:r-Go-ccrnor Cluunbcrlain. Bau:ocswJcx, Aptil 16. 1870.

My Dear Sir,-1 bne neur been without your Anodyne Liniment aioce I can remem­ber. 1 re,~tard it tho brat thing of the kind n the mDrket. We uaed a greal deal of it n the army during the war, where it was as popular 11 it ia at bome. Congratulatir:g ) OU upon your auc:cua, and upon the good you are doing at the aama tilllt.

I am your friood end aerunt, JOSHUA L. CHAMBERLAIN. LowELL, Man., Sept. 11, 1869.

Gentlemen.-A friend of mine bu been troublell " ith 11 h•cking cough for u~eral Jeau, and recently wu to wuk ~hat he \Us uoablo to work. Having aeen tbe el· fecit of your Liniment on otben, I took bo:ne a bottle and guc him; in leu then 11 week the cough bad tntirely l~ft hi:n. I have no b"ttation in recommending it to all our cuHomere who arc in want of a good tbiag.

Very rtaptttfully youn, H. S. WOOl>, Druggi't & Apothecary.

JOJSESDOilO, March 11, 1870. Geotlemcn,-Pleue aend me by neat mail

on~ b.olr grou Jobnao;a'a Anodyne Liniment, II ll 18 the OXLY RIUI&DT for Putrid Soro Thro~t, a.~·l Scarlet Rub. Enry peraou uaea lt w1,h perfect eucceaa wben all•ilher med:cioo faila.

Retptctfull, l'Ouu, JOSIAH WHITNEY.

P.S.-1 hue aold 1ix dozen bottlea al re­tail, iat two weeka.

From C. 0 . FurbW., E1g., Editor oftlr~ • lJJ.aclria~ llepzdJliCtJn. Oentlemen,-Sioce one of your firm pr~­

ee_nt.ed me with a honle or your Anodyne Laotment, I ban newer beeo without It in my houae, and conaidtr it the '<ery beat thing of the ltiod to bo found in the market. I huo tho uaed rour tiheridan'• C11ulrr Condition Powdtre and found tbem all that wll claimed Cor them.

Ha'l'ins taken jour Anodyne Liniment far Broncbl:u, with a diatuuiog cough and t ightotn about the lun~t• and chest, I found the flru doae to ect like a cbum upon the cougb, giving perfect rtlier and rtmoTing all d!lllcultiet, before taking ba!r a bottle. 1 reeltt my d•Jty to espren my gratitude to yon, aud 117 to eull'trin~r humanity, 1'ry the Liniment, and you will lind a cure.

C. MEHR'tFIE.LD, 61 Haoonr Street, Boatoo.

EAn.~crn.-Put in two or three dropa of Anodyao Liniment i atop the ear with un· drtued wool, bathe the f~tt in warm wattr on going to bed, aod lr.eep lbo bud watm at night.

Sid Headache, Ne"oua Headache, Diz­zineu, tpella of Bliodneu, &c., may be cared by a boa or Pau:~na'a PurgatiTo Pi!la, wbicb only eoata tweoty.fiu cent&.

CsArJ'Jro HANDs.-Rub them well at bed· time with "Anodyne Linlmeat," and wear luther or kid during the bight. For chapped lipe, apply it with the linger.

J ohoaoo'a Anodyne Linimtnt ia both ror o tern at and uternal uu, and ia tqoaUy good for man or beaat. 9"' For &lo nt tho Drug S tores of

Meaars. W. H. T uolll'SON and J. J. DEABI:N.

I. S. JOHNSON, & Co .• l'roprietors,

Sept. 20. DJ....'fOOR, llirNE.

tor .jalt.

Oa.n.ary seed Fon SALz DT

J. J . DEARIN, 87 W nter Street.

Sept. 27.

New Goods -:o:--

THE SUBSCRIBER Hu Jutl neeind, by recent arriYtla from Brita10, a portion of bit FALL tiTOCK of



Pure Ground

Coffee, -J.T--

1. 1. DEA.RIN'S, 87 Water Street:


Parson's Purgative& Oil

ANTI-BILIOUS PILLS. The compo:.eoll of tht .. woodtrrul PiUe,

that are now aatoalabiog eter~ body bot ai•· log relief to bundmle111d t.houauca of ... ~e han geoerallr bttn nppOMd to be in· curable ban been wud in a pbyalclan'e pradlee lor the IIUL tmy yeare, long aoovgb one would "7• for tbtm to "Windicate •beir claim to public fnor. Hut unrortunauly, tbt public b.n been lbr a long time d .. l'rauded of the btnefiu wbitb tbtte Pitt. con· fer, in conetqutnct, Bnt, of tha atlftab nat· row .mindednelf of the owner, and, Mcondly, bla inability to carrJ out auc:c"alully an en· ttrpriae rtquiriqg ao maeh monty and ptr­aiauot tfl'·•rt aa tba menufacture ancl aale of a Palfnt Medicine, bowner good t fld valu•· ble it mar be. Aft" tha death of tlle phpi· dan referred to •bon, the recipe pautd Into the banda or the proprl.ttou or Jobnton'a Liniment, ebo will btnctforth prt~are t~m io ttrict accorc!ance with tbe original recipe, ood ull tbem lo connfl:tioo with their Lini­tncot 1 tbua gi•ing all rrople, narywbere, an opportunity to anilthemul ua or the nfell, aureat, and moat reliable purgatin or Anti­bilioua ~dirlne lu.own to medical men.

All Who Need Physic, TAKE

P. P. Pills. If your •r•t•m 11 in ah unh,Ahl>)' at ate

two or tt.rcc or" Panooa't Pille" will bring it round 1111 right. '

" l'araona'• Pilla" art tbP beat known re­medy for Cor.atipation of tho lJowla, lnfttUI• mataon of the Kidn•ya, Nnvoua Hutllltne, Sick Uudache, lrrej!ulArirr. Coui .... neu, 11illouaneu, Dyapaptia. l ndigution, Female Obatructiona, Wbitee, Jnfi~tnza, Loaa of Ap­petite, and Lou of Strength. The Pilla ore put up witb great cue by.

1. S. JOHNSON & VO., DA,;oon, M.u:-;E.

~For Snlo nt the Drug Stores o r Meaara. W. ll. 'rnolll'So~ IUld J. J. DE~.

Sept. 18.

SAVE YOUR MONEY! Buy your Goods where they Manufactured t!


Of nil k inds are mnde 11t tho TERRA NOV A DA.KERY, 1 Queen's Road, Rend of Prescott ~trect, St. John' a.

Quality is equal to tho11e im· ported, and Price Twenty

per cent. Less! ! ! !lir Outport Orders pnrticulnrly 11t·

tended to. Tenlls- C A S H .

Addresa-THOS. 1\UTCHELL. 1 Queen's Rond, St. J olm's

August 28. tf.

~nsnrnnce !(oUce.

No Stock or Guarantee Capital DRAWING JNTEREST.

· But in lieu thereof S1,000,0c:x:>

eu.rp~u.s. -tO:-



Directot s' Office, 27 Ql;onrt .;;trrd, ~ostan.


REnT CnoCKEB ..... , .... . .... . President. D .u;n:L SnAJU' ......... ... Vice-President. W . H. Hot.Lt&TER. .. .. ....... . . .I~eeret~ry. Cll.A.BL£8 II. BnEWJm ........ Ob•cf Clerk. D. L. GALttJP .... ........... ...... Actuary. J. 0. SuAnP, M. D ... Medicnl Examiner. H. P . B.rnTO~ ...... Supcri.ntendent of


B. R. CORWIN ...... Mnnn.~er for Can. · ndn and Briti8h Prevwcea.

THOS. A. TEMPLE ... ... Gencml Agent for Maritime Pro,inces.

STATEMENT For the Year Ending Dec. 31,

1870. Premiums .......... 81~.676.21 Jole~ ...... . . .... ·17:4.~

Total Jkeclpta ... .

x-..... t267 ,900.00 llitut'd J:!n. dowma~t.. 1,000.00 82GS,900.00

Paid for aurreDdered Polleift............. H9!WI.10

DIYlclcoda............ m670.88

tl ;82a,238.2l

Tfta\ Amt. rttal'!led 14 Polley. uoJc~H. 111 1s1o.. •• .. .... .. ssh.•um

Groe• A-u,Uto. :n, '70, t5.296.i33.27 --Tht DDmbtt or Pollci18 luatd in 1870,.. 4612, eplntt 334ll .. ud in 18&8,---n io­CT•"• of 37 per oent.

Tbe tOtal Dlllabtr or Pollaitt In foret on tht 3111 or lJtO.. 1870, WAI 16,862, apintt 13,277 In tore• on tba 3llt'bf Dec. 1fe8,­ID tocnaae of 20 I* -&.

Tbe •moont of IIIIUtalloe durin a tJae• year 18'70,.. 110,878.830. ..... t7,888,tll6ia tllet,-eD t-t of 10 per etiiC. .

Tbe total ._t oiiDn.....- 011 dtt lilt daJ o! ~to. ,.. 134.008,MO. ,.pbtlleao,. ~ C.D the 31~ daJ o( DIG., 18811,-M ._. ... olio per -t. .

'1'111 total-11 011 1M llet ci•J of DfiD.o 1870,,... 16,1N,IIU7, .......... u •. 380..66 ..... .... ol Dee.; •• _....... .... .,.PI!'-·· . oJ.W.. .... ,_.,.ea...



(~o obtain thJo11la their llm:huta LANCE BUNTS,

CAPl.l!'..t vuD aad HBilRIMO



NKI'fiNO for l'ouodl UHI Trape. Ot ,,mer lean Cottoc, the ata.ple ...t ncla. alnlr in tfle Voittd 8ta&ee, laad a1kr Ill n· perience of 40 yean, proTR to be emple lA ttrtnglh, or £"'' darabUitr aod .__,. Goode can be deli"rtd dinct to the Labra­dor Short.

All.B[UCAN NBT & TWINE Co., 4:S CoauDerciai1Jueet. Boaoa.

Sept. 13. 6m.

D.A.FI7DD Organ;st of the Cathedral, BEGS to inform the pubne of Bar·

bor Ornce and Ticioitr that he 11 prepared, niter a prefeeeioiW eqori­enc:e o( se\'eml fCIII'II1 to (it&

LESSONS 0~ '.niK

PIANOFORTE, Melodeon or Harmonium,

And hopes by strict aUention to meri' a libcmlaupport.

l!ianos ~aumtela iuntb-. Charges in all carts Moderate.

July G.


231, Water Street, .St. !oqn's, i{ttufmm:hlau;

Wl;o bu betn ioductd to eetabliJh blmMit ia thi• country lor tbe practioe 9f

bia Ptofnaioo, Ia emiatntlJ aueeeuful io trutin& aU

lJiaeuu connecttd witb the Dental

organ ill· atioo.

Hundmla of hie Pterleu Fillinga and Arti!ei­al I>anturea are now ~iog woro ia

Newfoundland, with grtat• ........._ tat utiaf•ctioo. Hie

) dttire ia lo do ·

Work which cannot be sur· passed in any country, ;

And ebarge bu\ moder~t.l7 for the ·..-111.11 Office Hour1-From 10 A.M. to 4 P .H.

June 28~

Just Received, Ex W. Do~tMlly, from Bri.atDl,




-ALIO,- #

CBOtOL!TE CHillS~ A Delicious Sweetmeat.



o'clock a.m., will be ..,ld by Puauo at Moeqllite, t!ao

Belonging to the Pre~t' ~ Cll

Educntion, uol~ prenoaely cliapoMCl of b7 priorate aale.

For partic.nlaN apply to Mr • .bzD. 0Ln>r, Auctioneer.

Aug. lG.



THB BUBSCBIBBBS beg t:, latorm the Publio' of Harbor Gncte uul

tho outporte that they haft eomiii!IIMIN to mana facture aU JtiDdl' of , FANCY BlSCUIXSJ






( "l wiah we could make nro ol get- eoormo1ll JDUI of pld, weighing ~eYer- uneuy on hit eon'• aecount. Ho bad hardly:de8ert hia boat. u~n tho open ting.aa much "'OIJ da7," Mid Tom, aa &1 tona, wore not, u waa llelioYod at lately receiYod important Jetton from aoa in auch an night u thi.a--eYou

• 10me outline of tho c:out ought not, ere w~ ,rore t~aere.•• The ~

• ~the-~~ - -- they were dilcUIIUig ~ir 5'lOIJIOQtl tho time (owing to their ~on-con!rma- Franco, which had decided 1Um upon for tlio fun of capturing A blockade-

TUB LIFE-'BOAT. Ulo eYening. tion hT. the thopl'Oduction of tho trea.. relumiog to that countrr u eoon runner."

thia, to be •i.aible. And then COJDOI

that othor!ueetion-haYO they inclood ao " dod and deriatocl" tha~ tho pilot bu )oat il reckoning P

~~to~:.l aDOt, near wbfeh wu a etoile ~· ''."Well, younptor•-.ld tJae .-.., aticking hi.a lWide in hil ~ • are you read) ?" RoceiriDg an allftD&tive anawer, be eonticued,-" Here"• ,....,. we are to fight," pointm, totheqaarrr. " and there aro our weapoa," poiatiac to 11. heap of boulden at the bOUaaa fit thu quary. "You're to SO down there and thrOw tboae etonee 11Jiz and I'm to• atay up bore and throw Ulem down.' I t ia noedlOM ~ add tho cballeDp 1fM wi tlld.r& wn.

Wbentbt ml1111ti1Wl iD the wUd bleda

" I wiah wo could indeed." aald Eu- mte tt.elfJ idle rumou.rat in&amueh, u he could obt&lu any mtellig~co At thi.a moment, t\ 1"'d tl~o~h and a wiDd gene. thol!ah .. greatly ~ted, they no rop,rdiog Bogen~ for whom he w~o~ qemondoqa report declared tho prompt

But tbey did not, nor anything like doubt owed tJieir ori$10 to the nugget about to adYertiiO in tho M elbourne indignAtion of tho Federal com:rumder. it; for flro whole weob *h~ wrought iu found in a aand-buin near their own pall4'ra. But almoat before thoeo rolling echoca their cl&i111, 10metimee flodmg a courao dwt\linfi on tho banb of Slaty Creek in The proeent Emperor, not uomind- had died away, tho Stormy P etrel WIUI

apoek, IQWctimOI not. Often they were the miotng diatrict of Creawick by Eu- ful of hia uncle'• former frionU, tho half a milo a-head, anc\ not an outline

Witb the wa-mew'a bodit.a cnte, A••J• away tbroaab the \lindbs& •praf f• pllaat uc .. \oat tin I

Now - .. die otat., oow lot& In \he on tltt point of abandoning tho p!; gone do B:«~lmontaod Thomu Brown. 10ua-lioutonont Eugene do Belmont, of tho cruiser wns 'liaiblo through tho deptba but innriAbJy, after malting up their Ry tho timo that Eugene bnd 1uecoed- bod caused him to bo BOUght Out by fog.

Ohblt bUlow., aa.niJII 'fill,- miod.s thatauch a day •hould Do tho ed in freeing tho nugget from tno 1ur- tho French conaul nt Sydney, Alld hnd " Wa'nl, now," snid 1\Ir. Znchory Poi-AG~~~7 •here tbe laottrn'a raJ llllt tl\ey wpulu apend thoro, thoy were rounding 10il, which for n mnny nge• offered him o lucrath•o sitUAtion nenr tor, "that's what I ~I sinful o:rtrnra.-

oD \he nellormatt t sure to find a email n~ot of a few bod bidden it, night bad ll(lt in, nod Tom, his own poriOn. Sl'nco. I Clllc'lnto tlio111 chap a will come • pcnnywei~rhta, 011 per hap• ncnrly au who had faitbfullv kent watch on tho Eu.geno'• determination of remnlning to \vant "~od powder nnd ahot 10me

!'Na die aurf;bt&t etrud, u abe a•ifllv 0 f h · " 1 '~" • A ..._., h 0 b d' " ' oun~; anc!u tho bottom o t o "drtro top, unAblo to reiDllin m euapcnao, low- 10 uauuua wu oweYor a severo day, 1\loro t ey to."

Still the 8to,.,.1 Pdrel Cl'Oipl on­atill each froah eounding bringa her

1hallower wa~till thoeo eager watchet ataro into tho darkneu, !mowing that tho tido will turn ~d tho dMvn bo drawin~ on oro long, and that t.fWr auoriao net thor evccd nor •kill can aavo them.

Tb. ~~laold•thtir brutb 1 kept gradually aloping downwnrd.s to- ired himaeU down the tbnrt. ·nnd both blow to hi,. father, who tried by ovory Do B:mham wont up to tho capt4in llu die c:o&twaiD ch..,. u ~ cleftiJ warde thocr1lok, they imagined they muat 111ata gar.od in ad111iratiou on mcnna in his power to oiercomo it. with extended bend.

l&fU1 bo appro:u:hing 11. "gutter," for tboy prize.-" H ow aro wo to got it up ~" At lnst, aecin~ tho inutility of his cf. ·• Hay," ho aniJ, frnokly, "I IJlia cnl\ ·oo tbt Sea ol Dulb t know tho ground on tho oppOirito aide aaid To111. forta, ho brn,·o in with a very good ~co, epoko JOlt now under excitement-I

' of tho bed to be very aballow, tho bed- "Wo mu.t havo auppor," tint replied trnmfern-d to Eug<:no h ie flounabing bcr: your pnrdon."

At length, when euaponao ia aharpen• ed almoat to poin, thoro co moe into a~ht n faint, indefinite something which pre­aontly roaolYea itacU into tho outline of a lllrgo nucl lying at anchor, with her head to tho wind and A filiot apnrk of light nt her prow.

Mr. Zachary Poltor alapa hi.a thigh triumpbnntly.

Two young men met one Oftlling at tho bou10 of au acquaintance, eome young Indica, for one of whom both gcntle1Dl1Il entertained tcDder fee~. In "' epirit of frolic, one of the ladioe turned oft' the gu, and the yoq awm. tbio~og it a fair moment to 1Mb known the state or their feeUnga te tJae

NobiJ tbt cnw ol beroea raw rocka, in fact, appearing on t ho au.rfnco Euaono ; •· and whilo wo aro cnting thnt, buBincas, nnd u:ndc over for hi' capo- Tho captnin gruntnd, nnd yielded h is '8uliD•t the IMI!tChot ou, in aowo placca ; 10 thoy continued on, we'll contri\•o some plan of securing our dnl benefit tho fnrm on tho Pnrnmotlll sowol\•hnt unwillin:;ly.

l!l.o~~b!.~' bar~J7 beu \htlr oaptaln'a always hoping nud u certainly di1111p· t rcnauro." river, nnd tho maneiou which roplnced "It is uot tho supcr~nrgo's plnco, l'llr. Por tlae tampttt•a 'wlldarior roar. pointed in their hopes of "mnking a "Oh ! I could not cnt,'' snid Tom; thcic former cottngo rcsidenco on tho Do Dcnhnm,toqucation tlic ulscretionof

risu" iu tho Pand baain. The clnim wu, "besitlct~, aome ouo ruight wnlk oO with bnoke of t~nt cl~lightful strcnm. A con- tho cnptnio,'' ho sniu with aomo lll!pcrity Hwrala-burnbl Tbe wnek ia pln'd t 1\11 Eugene declltrcd, a J' rogulnr string- the nugget while wo nrc nwnr, whicla tiider:~blo ~m of money likowiso DC· -nud turned awny.

ADd a taint alleu ba\J. \b• uk I or," much worao, in every rcapoct, 'tb:ln wouldn't bo cxnctly tho thing.' compnnied this gift; and, tnkin:;: an af. Do Dcnh.'lm llccopted tho rebuke

"Tb:lt ar'a tho aonior officer' a ebip,'' ho whispers, "She lice j01t tew milo of!' Chnrlestou harbour-:tu' aho's bound, yer aco, to ehow n li:;ht to her own eruiaon. Dnrucd, now, if wo ain't fix­ed it uncommon tidy this timo !"

And now, not ooo by ouo, but, &I it wcro, aimultnnooualy, tho whole lino of blockader~~ comes into eight, aomo to tho left of tbot which ehowa tho light. or theso tboy count eix bcai<iea tho flllg· ehip, all under 1vny nnd gliding alowly, nlmoat imporccptibly, to nnd fro in the dnrkneae.

Now aU 6D bclart may pralae the Lord IUl 'OUt-llltd.out dufl'or. •• Xooaenao, uid Eugooo ; " it wont fectionat~ farewell of hia eou, Moneiour in Bilonco, knowing th11t ho hnd deacn·· J!or the lilt-~aL'I slorioua work. 0 afte hit Eu .1 n I t t _ _, t h' ti' -·· • oo rooon, w o geno wns bo 10 eaay to get it out, nnd wo abnll uo e mon ro urncu o 11 nn \'O 1.-u tt.

S,..CS, aptecl to U. abore l-tboqah wane ati\lyer,

the puddling 11 tuf>ful of nurifcroue Cllrlh oced nil our etroogth I can toll you. &- . country, wbcro ho wu well received by The night passed over without fur· down by tho CffCk, whistling "Homo, let us go to ~apper." his Imperial p:ttroo. thor inc~ont, nod by fh·o o'clock next

)hthiDb Lbetr cneta eiok down Ja the ~atla11t qrew ef tb• huon few

Make ror tbe IJIXiOUI lu'l{a.

sweet homo," Md thinking of his F:tnny, Toru 1118Cntcd , and thoy ndjoumrd to Eugene i11 one oftbewc.'llthlcstmcn in morning, tho Stormy Petrel wu within be anw Tow, who hAd boon bolo"' get- tho hut. Durillg tho progT<'IIll ol their tho colony, nnd oc.:upics a leading poai. eight huun1 of her dCfltinotion. Both ting atuff, coming townrda him, npJ?ar· mc:tl, tboy decided th1\t tho uuggot WM tion iu Sydney parliament, to which ho c:tptnin nod pilot hnd cnlculnted on ontly in a at.'lto of drcndful ngitntton, to bo rai.OO ru. soon 1\8 it wM llnrk, nml Willi elected sc·ou nncr hid fhthor'a uc- m:tking coosidombly leas wny in the for ho looked na pnlo 111 A corpse, lUlU buried for a timo in a holo tho\' wcro to parturo. Ho married 1-'nnny llods;es, time, nuu bad nllllw<'d n much wider

Coma (ortb, f.\1~ who Jon th11 brave! Coma forth, Jl maldtna fair {

And \::X 11ch band Ill the alalwarL trombling vi!'leuUy. aiok in tho but iteclf. Supper niter hn\'ing \\ith gl'('nt diffi.:nlty obtain- margin for dctoun1 nnd delny11 : so thnt " W hnt in tho world is tho matter P" nod night fnirly actio, they ropaircJ to ed his fnther•11 e.'lnctiou; but her father, now they were nOt n littlo perplexed nt

cried Eugono, b&ltily dropping hia apndo, tho shaft, nnd succccdeu in n•lling tl•c who bnd ~n tho chief etumbliu~· fluding t hemselves ao nc:1r the o11d of and running toward hia friend. "Aro monster to tho mouth of tho drh•e · block, hM·ing e'tpircd during Eugooo'a their journey. 'l'o go on WM impo!Si-you burt, Tom P" hlock nnd tacklo wcro :tdtlcd to ab!CII<'C nt tho digl<;ings, bi11 fathor at blo; for they could only bopo to slip

Tom gas~. but could not aprnk nt wiodlllls, n stout ropo mndo f:toL to tho g11vo n reluctttot consent ; nn{) through the cordon under cover of the

Tbe Sea of Paeth that dart.

QUITE QOL()}{LU; finst. •· Oli, no," bo at length etnm- nugget, and they aoou hrtd t ho snt istiLc· lo'rumy relenting, tboy wcro m:trriod, night. And yet to romnin whcro they mcred out, nod atnggoring aecmed about tion of landing their prize. lt wM thoo anu :t \'Cry hnppy motch it hns tumcu woro wu nlmollt na bau. llowo,·cr,

~ l!ONSTER loi"UGGET OF to fnint. Eugene madu him sit down hoi~tcd into n whccllmrrow nncl trun- out. thoy hnd no nltcrnntivo; so aCtor aoruo on & log, And pnaacd his nrm around hi~ dbd to tho hut, whoro n holo wns soon Old llodgca· hnu O\mcd t wo c:tttlc little consolat ion, they ngrecd to lie-to

SLATY OBEBK. waist to support him. 'l'om laid his bend dug, nnd tho t rcnsurc reburied ; tho stntiooe, wliich ho left to his d11ughtcr, for tho P,rt'ICnt, ko<'Sing up their atcnm on his friend's ahouldor, and bUI"'It into 1tooring planka were carefully roplnccd, 11nd these fl'll to tho lot of E u!;cne, mc!Lnwh1lo, nnd hoi ing thcmacl\'os in tcnn~. . nnd all tmccs o(.!_ho opcrntion oblit<'mt- who soou oi~poecd or his brokero~c for rcadiucas to rcpC!lt the mnomuvros of

" My do:u follow, what is tho cd, without noy ono but thomeclvca :t lnrgo sum ton K\lwchum genllcmnn, ycsterony \vheoever nny \'Csacl bovo in (OONCLVDED.)

"It is!" eajd Eugene, who bad whnt ie eoloni&lly termed a "doWD" upon tho ~er; that ie tc aay, a epite againat him, and b1 no meana felt diapoaod to be commlulicatiYO.

"Be gor and it il thin," continued tho Iriabmall ; "it'a tho qulll'Cit pi~ meeelf ivir aeon. But that's where ye're aciD' to got tho nugget, I sup-

p"f• ~ Ay, if we can find i~" replied Eu-

sen~e Iriahman laagbod hoartily, &I if bethou«bt the whole atrairacapitaljoke, and deliberatel,y -tc~imaeU upon tho bup of " mulloclt' w.hich had al-road_y aocnmulatod roun lnow •haft, aa if be mcaut to fix himae thoro for the remainder of the day. ho other ~N dispersed to their ao ~ral clnime, but Pat lit hi.a dudeen and pi'ococdcd to mako b.inuolf com.fortAblo-;.'whore ho

w~Am't yon afraiciOI'liAringyo~im jumped, Pat P" uid Eugene, who wnnt­Cid to get rid of him.

" Jumped ia it I Begorra I it's me10lf 'ud like to 100 tho man 'ud jump Poddy Murphy'• claim, uagh !" and ho lot out a yell would havo done credit to nny .. black fellow" of them all at their beat •• corroboree.'' • PreeenUy Tom, who Will below, IUDfl out, "Hugh, I'~ etruck tho bottom I ' Ho meent that ho had reached the etratwn of bard rock, or pipccloy eomo­timoe, which liea immodia:tcly below tho layer ofauriferoua earth.

motter with you P" eaiu Eugeuo anxi- being any tho wiser. CoueiJcrnbly fn· who \Ynaon.xious to commenco business sight. ouslv. tigucd by their oxcrtions, Eugeuo nod in Sydney, and devoted himself to the Tho fog hnd now dcnrod ofT. Tho "Hu~h, our fortuna is made," Mid Tom rohred to rest, but. not to sloop, mnnngemcnt of his fnrm and atntione, dny wn.a brilliant; tho sky oue speck­

Tom, distractedly. " I\·o found 11. nug- tho oxciting ovonta of tho day keeping which, together with tho nttcotion ro· Ices domo of inteWIO bluo ; tho sun, nn ~ct ... big ... a--" Ho could any no them long awnko. quircd by his pnrlinmcotnry dutiea oc· intolcr:~blo Splendour f11st climbing to more, but fairly fainted ow11y through OX· "Hughy," said Tom, na bo toseed nod cupy all his time. llo has now two tho zenith. Tho blockndo.ruonore, who citomont. fumbled in a atnto of fovorish excite· chiluren, aud is as happy ll8 nny 0111n in would bnve given much for dark nnd

"What canT do P" snidEoi!Onoto him- mont on hia stretcher, "whnt ahall we tho colony. cloudy went her, ro\'cngcd thomaolvca by 10lf, &I bo tried to roatoro hie mnto to cn.ll it?" Tom Brown remained in Sydney un- Mying uncivil things of t ho glorious conaciouao088,aft-or having carried him to "Nothing, if you tnko my ndvicc, til n!ter lJis friond'e wedding, "·hen ho luminary; ! ill presently a long, blllck, the but, which wu clo10 by, and laid Tom," replied Eugon'l. " Wo will mnko snilod from Mcltiourno in tho Great horizontnl cloud on tho horizon warned him upon his bed. "Ia Jv> ra•ing, or no noise nbout it it. I don't wnnt to Britain, for Liverpool, wbcro ho nrri V· them of n stcnlllor in tho offing,­ha.a be really found a nugget? I hopo bnvo my nnmo belled . all over ed safely after a apnnkiog voyngo of upon they edged nwny in tho op· ho is not going to have an of col- tho colour u 11 fortunnto digger."- sixty-four daya. Once lnndcd ho \VIUI posito direction 111 quickly u poui-oow fever , poor follow. Tom, my "Nor I ctthcr," aaid Tom. not long in rcnchiog the county Car- blo. dear Tom,'' bo anid, bending anxiously "Well, t hen, my boy, we'll keep it low, nnd thoro, not m'lny hour~~ chtpecd And now their troubloa bnd begun oror tho proatr&to form, and watching dark, u the aayiog is." continued Eu- beforo ho had cllllpcd his truo and Jo,·. ngain. Sometimes tt wna n frientc, for some sign of returning nnirnntioo. gene ; for, aftor all, whot is it p Ton iog :Mary to his hcnrt. Squiro Purcell aomctttes 11 merchont sl1ip, aomchmcs At lut it came, nod afl.or n whilo tho tbou111111d pounds' wor~h or 1'0." wu glnd to eco him, shook him by tho n etCI'mcr, aomctimcs n aloop of war-lad regained n tolerable degree of com- "'rhat'a uot 110 bod,'' anid Tom. hond,aud, holding him nt nrm'lllcngth, but it wns nlwnya aomctbing ; nnd posure. "No,'' 1118onted Eugcno ; "I don't declared thnt he wu tho fi.ncat looking tho Stormy P etrel wu porpetunlly

"Hu~£,.'' ho IIAid, "I havo found a uy it is ; but 11 merchnnt often mnkcs and htllldeomcst young fellow ho hnd eheoriog off to ooo or other point of tho nugget p is so bis; thnt I c11n't stir it. tbnt ot a aioglo veuturo, IUid ia thought beheld. Mra. Purcell wne equally lov- co111pua. I've uncovered a btt of it tho Bizo of n nothing of; wbercaa, if A poor digger ish of her praiao, and Mnry lnughod Towards sunect, Mr. Znchary Poltcr French loaf nlrclldy, and huo not como after ycnrs of privation nnd toil, auc- and cncd by turns, until Tom WIUI fAtrly began to look grnvo. to tho end of it. Hurrah !" be shouted, coeds in lighting upon A picco of gold bewildered. At Jut it tranapircd t hot " Gucaa wo ahan't know whar we air Ringing hia cnp up to tho seiling; worth a few hundrcda, all the nowapa- a diatnnt rolotivo ofTom'a h:td ltttcly if this gnmo goes ou much lon!;(lr," .. hurrnb ! 'our fortuoo is ltnndo !" pors in tho colony blnzon him forth lUI died, )caying him au cttate worth two snid he. .. It aren't in nntur not to

" Tom, my dear fellow, pray bo calm," tho most fortunnte of men ; dub him tbouanud a you. Of couno., thi1 mado .get out of one's rock'niog artor dod. said Evscnc, who hcnrd tho nowa very tho 'lucky finder' of auch and Ruch n no di.lfcrenco with lli17. , Tom know gin' nnd dc-vi.atiu' nll day loog in this C(\mpoacdly, though hie oyo ep11.rklcd nugget, and make moro fues abont tho th11t perfectly well, but tt did with tho style." nod his lipa ~uivcred a litrlc, tllld tho matter thnn if ho hnd suddenly succeed- old people, who guo with alacrity their Still thoro wns no help for it:. Dodge roay tido of h fe retreated for n ruomont od to a throoo. I bnvo no notion of conacnt to tho mnrringe tb&y bnd ao bit- nnd doria to tho Stormy Petrel must, if from his checks into hi.a hcnrt) which becoming a nine day• wonuer for the tcrly opposed. Tom baa settled down abc wu to bo kept out of hnrm'a wny ; bent a triflo fnetcr -than usual; "do Melbourne Ncwchums, Tom. No, no ! &al\ country-gontlornnn ouco moro ; but nnd ovt:.n 10, with nil her dodging and compoao youraclf; aid, abo\'O nil, lot us not I ."-" Nor I ," aaid Tom.- folkt ""Y ho tnlksllbout tho nnti. deviating, it accmed wcll.nigh mir:~­keep u quite na wo· 'can. Iehould not •· Woll, thco," enid Eugono; "onr podet, &I if he tbould liko to bo thoro culoua thn~ abo ahould cacnpo obsc.rvn­wish Paday Murphy to guess wo hnd best plltn will be to t4ko it quietly to ngnin, nnd t ho Honourable Eugrno do tioo. found a nugget." Sydney, which wo can eneHv do by Belmont, ouo of her MAjesty'• Minis- At length, as ovoniog drew on and

"#or I either," anid Tom "though goiug overland. We cnn giYo out hero ten of Stnto for tho colon1 of Now tho sun neared tho horizon, propnrn. ho is a coqntrvman of mino, be's a thnt wo are going to tho Orona, 11nd South Walca, with whom he corros- tiona wcro mndo for tho t1nnl run. Both tborou§b l)ouiidrol, And old Snndy ia no then croh tho Murray at W nbguoyah, ponde regularly, encourages him in tho 6\ptaiu and pilot, by help of cb&rtll, better.' · or .Ubury, though I should Jlrcfor the tdca. Rover and Juno aro atill aliv~, 10undin:::a, nnd eo forth, batl {>rotty woll

Between eomo two ofthoso tho Storm.v Petrel must mako her final ruu ; :mu upon thAt point thoro cnsucan momont­llry nltcrcntion between C!lptain nnd pilot-tho former insisting t bnt tho widest pasango lice between two cruia­cn~ a littlo WilY ofT to tho right, and t ho I litter preferring to go iu between tho ling-ship anJ the ncnrcst blocluldor on tho loft.

" Toll ycr t.'lp'n,'' snys bo cmphAt ic­nlly, " yer uownright. wrong this fit. I guc1s wo shall git tnrow 1\11 right ns n liddlo; but if wo nircotchod aight of­wn'nl, tlrn, wo kiWw tbnt one of t ho tow's 11t nnkcr nnd can't run arter ua. Besides, tho flng-ship allors lio nighoat iu with tho chnnnel."

So tho captain givca in eulkily. &I il hi11 wont ; at.cnm is again got u p to tho higheRt prcssuro ; nnd tho Stormy Pe­t•·el ruahea on nt full speed. Tbon tho two ships betwoon whtch liea bor poril­oua pnth grow momontttrily cloaror and nearer, and a dark ridgo of cout bo­comca dimly viaible beyond tho111.

And now tho au promo momont ia at bnnd. Straight nnd fut tho good boat fliee, bor propollcre throbbing furiously, liko 11 pulao at high fever , and t.he wetor hissing pnet ber bow1. Now ovory IDl1Il

on board hold•lli breath. Now flag­ship and erui10r (the ono about hllf a 111ilo to tho right, tho other nbout half n milo to tho loft) lio out A fo1v hun­dred vnrda nhcnd-now, for tho briofcst aecot1d, tho Stormy Petrel ia in A line \\ith both-now abo b&l lcl\ thom aa mnnv hundred ynrda ~o~tem-and now nll at onco, aho is in tho midat of the currout, and ruahing etrnight at that long whitoridgo of boiling aur£ which mt~rkl tho positioo of tho bar !

.. By J ovo !" anya tho cnptnio, draw­ing n Tong brcntb, "wo'vo dono it.'"

"Don't yow m11ko tow aartin, cnp'n, till wo'ro over tho bar,'' ropliCII Mr. Znc­hary Potter. "Wo ain't out of gtillllhot r:u11;o yet nwhilo."

Over tho bar thoy aro, howoyor ere long, Bnfo and aucceaaful.

And uow tho steam whistle ie blown twico,ehrilland fear1C81!ly,andtwo white lights nro hung out ovor tho bow a of tho vessel ; for their pilotbu beeninbororo. nod knows tho signnle necoaaary to bo observed inaido tho cordon. W ere tbeeo eignaLt neglected, the Stontty Pe­trel would bo fired upon by tho Ooo!ed­crnto forts.

fair object of their regard, mMed eeata ot tho aamo inatant, and plaeod ~ aoh·Cfl, u they eup))Oiod. by the lacl~'• aido ; but abo had &lao m'o1Ccl,..-a.M gont.iciiien wore in reiality aeatod ae to each othor. As tho young men eould not whisper without betraying tMir r "beroabouta, they both gently ~ thoy thought) tho 10~ little bod el ;:::.~ chnrmor,and when, a.fter awhile .. ~ ventured to giYo 11. gentlo p~eaeh wns surprised to fino it retumocl'"*la au. unmiatakablo squeeze. It may well bo im11ginod that tho momeot.lew rapidly in this ailont inteldlange of mutual affection, But one of flbe girle, wondering at tho unueual .a:Jeac. of tho gentlemen, etopped noiaelelal7 out, and auddonlv returned with a liabt; and thcro ant the young moo-mo.t lo\'iugly, equeezillg Cllch other'• ~ nnd supremo delight beaming in their oyea. Their conatomation and tile eo­Ptnay of tho ladict lDilY be ~ but cannot be doacribed. Ono Ol the young mon wu af\erw:mla be&nl to •r, ·• th:tt he thought all tho ..,_ .r. friend' a hand felt a a l«tks bard r

ACnUP RmE-Sberidao baa bee driring out throe or four boun iA. a hackner C03Ch, wl:on aooing Rieh&rdectG p!1.11, bo hailod him, and made him get to. He instantly eontrifod to inboclUCf a topic upon which :Bichardaon, wLo wu tho very 10ul of di.aputatiolliDOII, alWWJa differ (rom him ; and, at l&lt, afEoctiDg to bo mortified at Ricbard.on'• argG­monta, aaid, " You really are too ~lid; I cannot bear to liaton to aucb thin~ ' I will not atny in tho aame eoacll 1r1th you ;" and aecordingly got down and loft him, Richardson hallowing oat tri.­umphantly after him "Ah, ,rou're beat I you're bent!" nor wu it till tho beat of hi.a Tie tory had a little cooled. that: he found out ho waa left in the 1lacla, to pay for Sheridan'• throe hou.n' ~ in g.

~-A coroner' a inqu.t,.. bela in ono of the midland countiea, upon the body of a man who diod from~ .. Vegetable Pilla. On opening tho bodr the interior w&l diacoYOrod to be ooo huge cabbage, but dead to ita core from confinement and want or water-a bovcmgowhich tho patient DOTer drank. Tho j urr rendered a Yordiet or .. qun..•• -•• Qutb, gcnUomeo !" exclaimed the dismayed coroner-" neYer heud of euch a thing I W~t do you mem P" -" 1Vby," replied the ~oreman, "we find that, if the cabbage lrilled tho JD&D, tho man killod the cal)bage ; and if that ain't quits, blow mo I"

A DHP DocroL-A Wableld youth , a mombor of a club that .. k...-

" It can hardly bo bottom yet, moto, aid 'Bligeno, pmatcly dropping a amnll ~ble down tho abaft, tho arignol ~ bad &«reed upon in CIUIO any ouo ahoUld be lianging · about t ho qlaim, when either of them happonod to atriko the bottom.

TOm UDi1ent.ood, and called out, "Comedown md eeeforyouraclf,Hugb, I cao't •t fort:eltain."

Tbq Aceordindy changed placca, Tom ro-ucendiog to the eurface wbilat his .mate went below, and Paddy Mur­phy ttood leaning oYer tho windlu a, peoriAs into the dark abaft in linxioue ~tion.

"That's a fllCt, too,' ' enid Eugene ; "10 former plaee, llnd diapo10 of our find and u much Jovod u evllr by thctr sntiafied tbomsclvlll' u to tbcar position, I~ of you to bo cool.'' privately to tho Mint.'' muter, who docla.roa that he owca hie and Mr. Zncbuy Polter knowing nt

"I wiJl, Hu:;h, if I can,'' .Oid Tom; "Agreed,'' anid Tom ; "when \lo we preaoot happioeu to their fidelity and whnt hour it wou1d be high tido on tho " r.nd I'U try a amoke, that 1Dl1Y help to stnrt P Shall it bo to•morrow ?" sngncity. bar, ho.d calculnted tho ou.ct timo for settle me." Bot be could not amok c. "My dear fellow are you cruy ?" goinR into tho harbor. "Lot 01 go and get it out," he added, anid Eugene. " 'Vo will not et&rt oo· •• TwouJdn't be amia&, eap'n," aoid flinging the pipo i:.tto tho firo-place. foro wo havo searched every inch of the Running the Blockade. thi.a lllt-1,(-r," if you Wll8 to chango that

"Tom," Mid Eugene, when buio, though it ehould tako us three • white wcalrit foraumthiu dnrk ; nor if you bad reached the abaft, which wu mouths longer. Thoro might bo an. "Gucss it' a tho Iloarwl:e," obiOrved air," turning to Do Bouhnm, "was to more than a hundred yarda from tho other monater 'in it." the pilot, callllly. got quit o' tb:lt light au it altogothllr for hut, ..!' it won't do for both of Ul to go •· So there Ul_igbt,'' anid Tom . "but EYen &I he anid t ho words the Amori· tbo next few houra.'' down at once, in eaae any of those skulk- I'm impntient tb' bo off." ' can loomed out diatincter, cloaer, with- Tho captain muttered 10mothiog iog fellowubould como about." " Don't bo 10 eilly, Tom," uid Eu- in piatoJ.abot from deck to dock. about "unnocosaary nonaenae ;" but

"Tbat'e true," uid Tom. "You go gouoo. .... " Take it quietly. There's no Tho cnptain of the Stormy Petrel wont to hia cabin, all the aamc, to down, Hu~hy, will ydu P I couldn't b rry annrcrcd tbo hostile aummona. chango the obnoxious Sl'rment. Where-

And now, teo, ligbta are lit, and ton. guCfl aro loosened, and oven Captain }'rank Hay unbende for once, promi.a­iug tho men 1\ double alloWilnce of grog, nud imiting Do Benham and Hcnoago to a bottle of champagne in his own cabin. Along irregular lino of co~o~t h111 moanwbilo 0111orged, u it wcro, into tho gray of down ; And juat &I tho first fluali of crim10n atroama up tho out­em akv, tho 8t01"My Petrelca~ta anchor undor "tho IIIWdbag batterioa of Morrie Ialand.

a doctor,'' had a fellow-Jodsw ~J lying ill, and ~ndertook to ~ laif!l ph picked gratil: 10, lifter talW:Ig u mo~ ~of ~ee and .-, !ao ropaire<l to bi.a medical man ; told lDm ho wu ill ; and deecribocl the ~ (those of hi.a friend). "You man t.te

work-! feel too mucli excited." "W'cll, I will,,' "we'll wo·r" tho " & • " h 1 t- .> ' ' · h upon Mr. Zocharv Polter gave it u hia F oodn •- d 1 " 11y, ay, aU', o a IOU cu wroug c• iacetious. oro now," laid he, to

Send me down a bucket," laid Bu. sene, proeently; " I boliOYe it il bottom. ar.d a .,rec:ioua mnllockrlooking one it ia, too: Try that," be added, 10.nding up

' eome ~ he bad carefully tabn from die liile of the abaft nearlr on a IOYel with 'lda.Jaeadt u he ltood upright at the; "l don't belie,& thoro will be a colour In it." Of coune there wu not a 8ptiC'k in it, and Eugene gaye a aor­J'O'tiibl whi.atle.

" or g euaa .. o, on't ot any one ground out thoroughly.'' hia epcakJng-trunlpot. "Wo nro hoYo- opinion that if tho captain Md all on pert1liro th:tt thoro ia auytbing.tho DlAt- " That' a tho ticket," Mid Eugene. to." board were to black tho whites of their Pitt ueod to make great fun of a prae-ter with you l'.:. excl&imf'd :Eugene, 011 And ao thoy did work it thoroughly. And then ho ealJod down tho tube oyea and put their tooth in mourning tical joko to which hia friend Dund&l

a pill and a draught," laid the doctor. nod placocl them before him. "Not hero,' aaid tho youth; "I'll C&l'r1 tb.ll homo,' '-" You cannot take them 1oo aoon " laid the ineXorable leech ; .. the walk homo after your .medic:iDo ,pll liD you good." So ·~ he ..... tile hugo pill into hi.a Yictim'a~latla, clrOnclicd him with a black

ai patron " if that doee i6, omDe , an '11 giYo you..-- cloae.'•

-" you,'' milr~Dand tile bitt. tricbtM, u he rearea:to bid JOOCl-bre to bia c:oifee md ....

"Wan more for ~e Qnano, Muther f:t1•" laid Paddy, acratchiog bi.a

• YOG bow mj 1liU&l lock, Pat," .......... •,B'ea...Uthddoee thin, and tbat'a

ICiftJ r. G tbil bleeeod day," ~ed N; "it'• u oalooky u a bandicoot yo U!t HZ'~:.loDg· bo,., .. .he added 1lliir · • ~for good by~; ad, turnlug on·hil-ltoel, he •unt~.rod ~ • ~l •tilled iu Jail own aiDil &U* ilae -.d buill wu a duf.

be IIWUllg himaelf' to tho bottom of tho Nearly three mouth• lool!or tboy to thoao in tho ongino-room, "Ea10 it would uot be moro thnn tho occuiou feU a Yictim during a political trill in abaft. by tho ropoattached to tho wind· toiled in tho bnsin ; and though no her !" waTTIUited Scotlo.nd. Tho lat ter, who wu a Oab. l4u. more monsters lurkod in ita aecrot u You won't atop tho boat, CaptAin Arte r tbie, an unlucky cock which bad inot Minister at the time, aent for a

Tho candle hod bumod out, but Eu. rocouCfl, their labour W&l by no means Hay P" exclaimed Do Benham, bi"C3th· traveled wit-h them in tho charncter of harbor whilo be wu staying in Edin­gene apoodilyligbtf'd another, and look- unrowarded, for thoy auecceded in Ieuty. a dcck-riUIICllgor all tho way from bu~h. and tho Scotch }'igaro, before ed about for tho nugget. Thera it W&l obtaining a further lot of littlo nugget&, ··~ M~ a topped bor, lir," SD&rled the LiYcrpool (but wu addicted to crowing bogmoing bia tAlk, 1DJ1do bimaelf the a smooth piece of gofd, nearly u large to the n luo of nc:u-!r three Uloull&lld ta' luatilv about midnight and the amoll echo of the di~~&ti&faction then pre-., d I r. • ft d ' cap~ tn. ' &I a .our poun Oil • uut atter an not ;::uode, boforo tboy wore worked out; Then thundered a second mandate hours of tho morninj:) wu hurried by railing in tho city ~iuat tho 1tatol· 10 thick, •ticking in tho aide oftb& drivo. and, when at lnat tboy left tho plnco, tho threatening phantom along• tlto 1tewnrd ~an !t!ltimoly. end. And man by aaying ironi , " We are much Ho a~mpted to out with his tho euperi.ncumbonttDMI ofoarth atood aido. then, tho bnef twihqht bemg alroady obligod to you, Mr. uudaa, t'or tho pick, but tn ~'It;-ho could not moTe it. upon wooden pillan, or " prop•," for " Lay-to, for boat. !" p~o~t, the engineora ptlod on the coal ; r,art you b&ve playod iu London."-


He thoii aot to work to looaen the earth tho wbolo oxtont or the bum, and thoy · To which ~ eapt&in·&g&in reepood- the captain gaye t110 word ; Md tho • Wliat, are you a pulitician P" uked which bold it ; but it wu some coonaidor- hod tho aatiaf'action or knowing thAt ed :-" A.:f, ay, air !" 8toNn1 Pdrtll stoered 1t1'Aigbt for Dundu 1 " I aeot for a barber,"-'' Ob, able time before he eacceeded in Crecing they had not left au inch of ground be- Do Benham gMaod bia tooth. "But Cbarleaton. 'Gr1 good, I will abave you," repliocl it, and he began to think it mllft be in- bind them, which ~bt conceal e'en - God of heaYOn 1 IIIWl," be aid aeareo- And now it is night ; clear, but not the praCtitioner with a bow. He "-llf Wnoinablo, and felt actually dift&poiot- the 11D&lleet apeck, __ ¥> cempletoly had ly eonaeioue of bia own vehemence, "do oYer cloa~ although iho etara are ehin- ebaYed one cheek of tho mioi.~Wr. ¥U1

" ... replied, JaeutiJ ed, when at lut be I&W it l,Ting free they OYerhauled tile IOil. <neat Will you giYO in thua-without an etrort P" ing. ObJOC. b, howeyer, are clacemible then •addenl.J 1)&lled tho back or the ::-:-r,

10 JoDi Y glad and unencumbered before him. the utonilhmoot or tho noigbboura at Tho captain turned upon him with au at aome diatanee, and ahipe are lichtod ruor acrou Ail J10Ck. orclaimlns,

A Hint.-A PuiiJall W7 eMW QD her milliner tho other cJay to • ..... , .. tho cb&raeter of a llmiDL TM re­apoctabloap~ee altho W.. WM boyond queetioDiDg, '"BG ia .... '-­eet P" ukod tbe ~~ II!P DOt 10 c:ertain about that.•', r •

bhl: ~!:n·':r-~:e:~~· giTCQl metM~.· · - . .

A "1D11D, 'Gid at tM ..._ .-uted·· to ~·,·-- ....... plied he·woQii·..... .. ..W1d.-lolf. . .

J bak ....:;." .ad Bu _ _,!~-w~ a nobl~cl manr of Yirgin jt~~~ our tri.mda wor~ 10 long in the oath. eontinnally. Bat u none ~ theeo lie "~traitor, that ie f'or you 1"-D aldnin . - wu.uuu~ a parti e 0 atone or ~ .. dul'er MDCI-buin ;. bnt DO one dreamt ~· '!!~~ r~ing to giYe in?" directl,y in bil path, and .. lle lmQWI after douas Jrhich be r&D out ol

-.•a-•• ~--~ .. Lg object: about it. 8ublequent meuurement that~ were setting any quantity hem • y. "Wait tillyou bi.aown-boatto be inriaiblo by Dijbt bo1111atlull ~ DaDdu t.ho-'•tr.~!!ll~:::;:: :.:~z~-~.1-IUDb, 10 it to be- two feet and a · .halt ln of"aoldlrortb ~If of aut of it 180 me do it, air t• boyona a certain radina, the •pain t'or a momeD~~ ~ ~ wu ==-rab'- from nine tinohee to a foot in ancl ~ were laughed at u a p:Ur A.Dcl uow the Btora1 Pnnl, her bolda on hie eouNO • unbeeitatinsly. ID ent, and ahoulaicl f'or )lelp. ~ ::. •:~ and . Ira~ three to . lmlll or Newrhum f'oole, out were porfectly 1team beins euddt~~~ly turned off, bad the meanwhile, tho boiU'I MilD to !J'. that the Klufatao wu .. ..-~14

.....,. . ._,...., • • aft4lr thick. It we~gbocl two ..tilled &hat it uquld bo 10, and bore oouocl to moYe. All 011 dock aeomed The &-. l'.trd, now cJeuiq tlae apr* tbroach die wllol. ~. • .sa and twenty-foul" poUDda, four the pJeuaotry with perf'ert good·hn- liJeot, motionle~~, waiting with ana- WideN ~ loU ~ ltreteb•' Mntlf alarm wu IOOD OOiit.W bdo 'i- oucee. and eeYroteon penuyw~btl ; aoaP. • l)elldocl bieath. ~ CCJiild htv tho like a J'acet' Eo her work, !iDaiDa tlae enl outbant of .U' -w. tile -.-~~·' ot pUN gold that At 1ut they decided upon makiDs a captain ot&ho craler ~· hi.a rapid apray OYer her eharp boft ana ~- .... ,_ the

• mil' wu d.ieooYerecl. ThO famoaa .tan, and puiochMid a ltout hor10 and ora..- &lace. ~ tiM the out- ins on pllamlJ:. .!bout mfcla!lht, the lio •TOr. !'it*. .... ~II' to ... ..1..!- 'Bluohe Bwkly' aad 'Wek-ome' nag- cart.for jo~. Ba.-. di8poaed liDe oftl. q~ -.a. aa ......, 1tan 1Jesin to Clouct cmr aod tile uipt ..-at. wu f'oDd J ~~~ - ~~tel7 ODe luaMirill ofhil'hut aad they bLf· farewell to loftreclWO~ J.eartbiepluh thiobcui;buttMieii.Waomiet up- wt.MMrhewuCillitla-1 •-:~ ... "- ..W ... fOt~ Mul oae •aaclrell aecl 81a*Y ONelt • fbr eYer. of tiM ou., t\8 ---aaa pietr 01 the on ... Towan1a two fD the man- beed OGiaie alaoi:a1d... .. tlnee ~acle ; dte tbrmw wu tk)(urraJ ftYer .at . . . . . ~tit!U W ~ that ~ •

··~a~..,. ctnr ,_~ ..... ~..,., ... De • 1111'~ D~Hore. '1\lio..pgo•e .. :!:ii:J ~ lllcl tt. bD ,.. aot ~cia ratfoG itiooc1 fD arden t9 · llcnr dowit • ·...-.u- ._.. .. r•n••• looi lido .. bit ....._ s. wu 'br.tlllile eDencept..a at•J ~ il ~... die . • ..._
