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‘Open Event’ on Monday 25th January 2016

Service Level Agreements were

sent to all maintained schools at the end of last term.

If you are a maintained school but have not received your SLA then

please contact Jonathan Parr at

[email protected]

An ‘Open Event’ will be held in two

sessions on Monday 25th January at Francis House (Session 1: 10am-

12pm, Session 2: 5pm-7pm) this

will provide an opportunity to

discuss your SLA and services provided. To book onto this please

contact [email protected].

NPW are pleased to offer another

three year SLA, except for ICT.

Schools signing up to this deal need only expect maximum fixed price

increases of 2% plus the value of any Local Government Pay award

between April 2017 - April 2019.

Charges in each service area have

been reviewed so there is not a fixed percentage price increase

across the whole company, instead new charges have been applied for

each Service area. NPW believes

that by setting our charging policy from April 2016 until 2019, schools

will benefit by being able to budget-plan and have reassurance of the

cost of support services for the future.

SLAs sent to all maintained schools

To round out the term, Drew

Primary School celebrated its core values in an assembly that

included contributions from parents, governors and the

local Councillor.

On the morning of Friday 18th, Drew pupils and invited guests

joined in the school’s assembly hall to the sound of the Steel Pan

Ensemble’s rendition of White Christmas.

The school had gathered, along

with Lambent Productions, to share what ‘British-ness’ means to

children today.

Having worked with Safeguarding

Advisor and Consultant, Perdeep

Gill, to explore ideas of being British, pupils from Years 4 and 6

ultimately reached the conclusion that: “our values are British, owned

by lots of people in the world” and that it is not all about being united

by a country but by a set of


The assembly opened with God Save the Queen and a recitation of the British Values that Drew

adheres to: Democracy; Rule of

Law; Individual Liberty; Mutual Respect; Tolerance of Differences.

Pupils proudly displayed coats of arms that represented these values

and pledged to live up to British Values such as adhering to the law

and treating everybody equally. It

was then the turn of Head Teacher, Emma Peltier, along with parents

and governors to read statements that they had prepared, similarly

pledging adherence themselves in

front of the pupils.

The assembly also included a brief

history of Noor Inayat Khan, the British Secret Agent born in Russia

of Indian Muslim descent who was killed in Dachau Concentration

Camp. Her story illustrated that

values considered British are not dependent on where a person is

born or on their religion.

After closing with Village Green Preservation Society, Councillor

C l i ve Furness o f fe red h i s congratulations and thanks, offering

his thoughts on British Values as “what you feel and how you live

and how you think”. He then p r e s e n t e d C e r t i f i c a t e s o f

Achievement for British Values to all

who presented.

The highlight of the assembly was a

performance of The British (serves 60 million) , Benjamin Zephaniah’s

poem about the make-up of British

Society. The pupils’ dramatic recitation drew rhythms and

de l i v e r y f r om m us i c a nd performance representing all parts

of contemporary British society and adding force to the poem’s message

of inclusivity and acceptance.

Being Me, Being Us, Being British

Drew celebrates British Values at the end of term

On behalf of NPW, I want to take this opportunity to wish schools, partners and NPW

supporters a Happy New Year and look forward to working together in 2016 - Anna Crispin

Happy New Year 2016 from NPW

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Pupils report from Number 10

Eastlea’s Hour of Code with the Prime Minister

With BBC School Report* we

have definitely attended some brilliant events and have met some

of the most inspirational individuals - we have interviewed Satya

Nadella (the CEO of Microsoft),

Olympians and even Lord Hall (the director general of the

BBC). However on Tuesday 8th December 2015 Eastlea’s BBC

School Report team attended a particularly exciting event, accompanying

a group of our Year 7 students who were

specially selected to take part in the Hour of Code at 10 Downing Street.

The students got a chance to meet

MPs and even teach David Cameron, the prime minister, and

Nicky Morgan, the secretary of state

for education, how to code. Some

students described the opportunity

as "exciting" and "nerve-wracking" at the same time. The students

were accompanied by Eastlea Principal, Miss Jibunoh, Mrs Woodhouse,

corporate services manager of

Eastlea School, the BBC news school reporter crew of Jogile Kovalciukaite and

Kacey-Leigh Jasper, Mr Moss and Mr Richards. Claire Riley and the

Microsoft team were also present along with the Hour of Code team

to make the day go without a hitch.

Although we were unable to interview Mr Cameron due to his

very busy schedule, his team fed back that he was extremely

impressed by the knowledge and

innovation of our year seven students - some who had brought

in their own BBC Micro:bit powered inventions such as a walking robot.

During her interview Nicky Morgan said "by teaching children at such a

young age, they soak up knowledge

like sponges, helping them with jobs they may do in the future".

Benjamin Jasper, one of the extremely lucky Year sevens, said

that he “felt privileged to be able to

attend such a prestigious event”,

and that he “enjoyed not only teaching people but learning from

the other students who attended the trip”. Other students said that it

was “a once in a lifetime experience” and

“something that they will never forget”.

The students were praised for their

enthusiasm, outstanding behaviour and knowledge by the Number 10

team and receiving certificates for completing their Hour of Code.

Article written by Kacey-Leigh

Jasper & Jogile Kovalciukaite

*BBC News School Report gives 11-

16 year-old students across the UK the opportunity to research and

produce their own news reports.

Teaching the PM and Nicky Morgan

Coding at Number 10

To further understand World

War One (WWI), the Forest Gate Community School History

Department organised a visit for forty-six pupils to Belgium.

On Friday 11th December the

pupils, in Year 8, visited Ypres to see WWI sites they have been

studying in lessons. Pupils had the opportunity to visit the In Flanders

F i e l d s M u s e u m a n d t h e

Passchendaele Museum, alongside

paying a visit to Tyne Cot British Cemetery.

The visit enabled pupils to visualise the scale of sacrifice made by

British and Commonwealth soldiers

during WWI to preserve the British Values that the pupils learn about

and demonstrate at school and in the community.

Forest Gate pay respects

School visit to Ypres

Pupils pay their respects

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Children's author Jeff Kinney

didn't set out to be an author, his childhood dream was to

become a newspaper cartoonist. However, this ended abruptly,

when his drawings were

deemed "too simple and childlike". Jeff went on to create

the hugely popular Diary of a Wimpy Kid series and at a special

event at the Lyric Theatre, Shaftesbury Avenue, he told his

story to an audience of primary

school groups, including Ranelagh.

When Jeff Kinney was introduced,

the audience erupted into applause. Jeff then spoke to them about his

route to success and read extracts

from his brand new book. Following the presentation, the author took

part in a lengthy Q and A session with the young audience.

Sumana said: "Jeff Kinney is my favourite author, so it was really

inspiring to be able to actually meet

him. He spoke about never giving up on your dreams, which I found

very motivating."

The event was organised by the

charity 'Save the Children Fund' and

the Community Leader at Ranelagh, Aisha Naeem Sheikh, was offered

tickets for the year five pupils due to the fact that Ranelagh is a

Flagship School for 'Families and Schools Together' (F.A.S.T.) in


Also last term a group of twelve

Ranelagh pupils visited Roquetas de Mar as part of a Twinning Project.

Shella Lawrenson, Head of School, who organised the Twinning

Programme, said: "Primarily, the

reason behind this initiative is to improve the children's acquisition of

Spanish and to give them plenty of opportunities to practise their skills

in real life situations."

Whilst in Roquetas, the children

attended classes, enjoyed a visit to

the Blue Flag Beach of Playa de la Romanilla, sampled traditional

Spanish dishes and stopped off at 'Mini Hollywood' which is the

location for many popular movies.

The visit and the ethos behind it were summed up by Emily when

she said: "I got to have a go at speaking Spanish to my new


Ranelagh wraps up Winter Term

Pupils visit Roquetas de Mar and meet author Jeff Kinney

Every Thursday evening one St

Bonaventure's schoolboy swaps his brown blazer for a blue

uniform as he becomes part of the Metropolitan Police's

Volunteer Police Cadets. Last

week Tyrese Ade received the news that he had been named

Newham Junior Ambassador of the Year Award.

The 12 year-old from Canning Town has been a police cadet for just

over a year. He was selected for

being an excellent role model; his good behaviour and positive

attitude and influence on other cadets; being a regular attender at

meetings; fully engaging in all

organised events and being a great ambassador for the service.

Cadets work closely with the Safer Neighbourhood Team and assist

and interact with the Newham

community. They are taught respect and discipline - vital life

lessons indeed.

St Bonaventure's Head teacher,

Paul Halliwell, said: "We are very proud of Tyrese. He is a fine young

man who is very mature for his age

and is an excellent ambassador for St Bon's, The Met and young people

in general. It's no surprise he has been recognised."

On Wednesday 16th December, as

promised, 14 St Bonaventure's students returned to Mornington

Hall Care Home in Manor Park with gifts for the staff and residents. The

s t a f f a nd r e s i dent s we re

overwhelmed and asked the students to come back next year.

The boys were deeply moved by their visit and one commented:

"Our parents always told us that giving was far better than receiving

and it has taken until today for me

to really get it and understand that it truly is."

St Bon’s Boy in Blue

Newham Junior Ambassador of the Year and TELCO group brings Christmas to care home

Meeting Jeff Kinney

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The courses are provided free as part of school SLAs. For further information on this course or to book a place, please contact [email protected]

NQTs in schools currently are in the process of completing their Induction Training Programme.

NPW is able to offer an introduction to the 2014 Computing Curriculum to enable improved understanding of the main areas of focus, including learning coding across EYFS, Key stage 1 & 2 as well as training to primary school NQTs on the effective use of ICT across the curriculum.

Following on from the training session, we will offer to work with the NQTs directly in school to support the delivery of the Computing Curriculum, bespoke to the schools needs.

Computing & ICT Primary NQT Training

Date & Time: Tuesday, 12 January 2016 - 9am to 4pm Venue: NPW, Francis House, 760 Barking Road, Plaistow, E13 9PJ

NQT Computing & ICT - KS1

Date & Time: Tuesday, 19 January 2016 - 9am to 1pm Venue: NPW, Francis House, 760 Barking Road, Plaistow, E13 9PJ

Book your place

NQT Computing & ICT - EYFS

The head teacher/education

visits co-ordinator (EVC) must satisfy themselves that the

visit/group leader is suitably competent and empowered to

act on the head teacher’s

behalf for the duration of an educational visit. An element of

this will include in-school training which is normally

undertaken in school by the EVC.

In order to support schools with this

training, a theory and practical

course for all school staff, but

especially for staff new to leading visits, has been designed. Both

theory and practical sessions are delivered in one day.

The course is open to all schools

and other educational establishments and will have no particular emphasis

on the specific age group.

Cost: £145.00 - Lunch, beverages

and training materials included.

Dates: Wednesday, 10 February

2016 or Wednesday, 20 April 2016

Time: 09.30 – 15.30 hours

Venue: City Aviation House, London City Airport, Royal Docks,

London E16 2PB

Contact: To reserve a place email

[email protected] or

telephone 020 8249 6973

Cancellation: Please note there is a

no-show/late cancellation charge of £100.00 to cover administration and

tutor costs.

Visit Leader Training

NPW is delighted to offer the following First Aid


First Aid at Work with paediatric add-on (3 days)

18-20 January 2016

First Aid at Work Refresher (2 days) 29 February-

1 March 2016

First Aid at Work (3 days) 12-14 April 2016

Paediatric First Aid (2 days) 9-10 May 2016

Courses will be held at Francis House and include lunch

where appropriate.

Why not have First Aid Training for your staff at your school? Please contact NPW with your requirements.

For prices and to reserve a place on any of these courses please contact: [email protected]

Training is provided by Jake Wiid and Neal Roberts

from Strong Roots, partners of NPW.

NPW First Aid Training

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NPW offers 10 conference and training rooms ideal for Meetings, Workshops, Seminars and Board Meetings. Book facilities including:

Projector / Whiteboard / PC Flipchart and pens Water Cooler Television

The rooms can be hired from as little as £60 for a half day and the rooms are available from Monday to Friday from 8.30 am - 5.00 pm, just a short walk from Upton Park Station.

Prices include tea and coffee on arrival (full day sessions will include tea and coffee for morning and afternoons arrivals) and a food menu is also available.

Please contact [email protected] with any queries or to book a room.

Training rooms for hire

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NEWSLETTER Primary Newly Qualified Teacher (NQT) Open Events

Do you want to start your teaching career in a vibrant, multicultural London borough?

Then come along to our events about teaching opportunities in Newham London. The events will be held:

on: Wednesday 20 January, 2016 from: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.


on: Monday 1 February, 2016 from: 4:15 to 5:45 p.m.

Refreshments will be provided.

Find out more about:

The benefits of teaching in Newham

How to apply to the primary pool and the interview process

Being an NQT in Newham

The induction process and support for NQTs

In addition participants who attend on the 20 January will also have the opportunity to spend the afternoon in a Newham school

Places are limited, please register at: to reserve your place.

Teaching Opportunities In Newham Open Event


Are you interested in teaching? Do you want to start your teaching career in a vibrant, multicultural London borough?

Then come along to our free event about teacher training opportunities in Newham London. The event will be held:

on: Wednesday 20 January, 2016 from: 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.

Lunch will be provided.

Find out more about:

The benefits of teaching in Newham

How to apply to initial teacher training

Being a newly qualified teacher (NQT) in Newham

In addition you will also have the opportunity to:

Speak to initial teacher training providers

Spend the afternoon in a Newham school

Places are limited, please register at:: to reserve your place.

Course: THE LEADERSHIP CURRICULUM National Professional Qualification for Middle Leadership (NPQML) & National Professional Qualification for Senior Leadership (NPQSL)

Course Cost: £250 per module. Exemptions and cost savings available for prior study

(inc. MLDP and LP)

The training will be delivered by Senior Leaders from the Tollgate Teaching School Alliance is supported by experi-enced Anglia Ruskin lead and online facilitators.

Application closing date 25th January 2016.

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SCHOOL DIRECT AT THE EAST LONDON ALLIANCE SCITT Come and find out about teacher training with the ELA SCITT

Open evening Thursday 7th January 2016 4.30pm - 6.30pm


1. For further information contact: Caroline Stone at [email protected] 2. The tax-free bursaries can rise to £25k for School Direct trainees whose training is based in a school where more than 35% of pupils are

eligible for free school meals. 3. For further information on the current grant funding and financial incentives associated with the School Direct training programme go to:

Spring 2016 (Cohort 7) applications for NPQML & NPQSL are now open!

Who in your team is ready for the next stage of their leadership development?

The National College for Teaching & Leadership’s popular range of national qualifications and flexible study modules are

designed to give you more choice in your professional development. They’re part of a leadership curriculum which is

an exciting and innovative approach to leadership development, designed to support leaders at every stage of

their career.

NPQML and NPQSL are qualifications that provide national recognition of your leadership development and professional

achievement as a middle or senior leader.

NPQML and NPQSL programmes starting in Spring (March) 2016 (Cohort 7). Due to be completed in September 2016.

Applicant information on the Leadership CoLab Moodle and the LCLL website has been updated

NPQML and NPQSL now have separate application forms - select East London EYSP from drop down menu

Please note that the deadline for receipt of applications is January 15th 2016

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From NPW

Subscribe to receive the NPW Newsletter to your inbox

weekly here

Any queries? Stories or events for publication?

Advertising a school vacancy or service?

Contact us

Editorial enquiries: [email protected]

Job adverts: [email protected]

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Head Teacher

Grange Primary School Suffolk Road, Plaistow, London E13 0HE Tel: 020 7476 5146 Website: Number on roll: 220 + 60 part-time nursery. Salary: Leadership 15 -21, £61,798 - £69,750 Grange is a small, caring and popular multicultural school with a friendly, hard working staff and a supportive governing body. The governors wish to appoint an enthusiastic and devoted head teacher to lead our school from good to outstanding. We are looking for someone who: Is an outstanding, dynamic leader with an excellent understanding of how children learn. Has a proven track record of effective leadership in raising standards and the

leadership of staff across the school. Has a commitment to working strategically, leading the Leadership Team, colleagues and parents Will build on our ethos of high achievement and high expectations in a caring and safe environment We can offer you:- Well-behaved and enthusiastic children A great learning environment in a modern building committed, hardworking and friendly colleagues A supportive Senior Leadership Team committed to providing quality continuing professional development and support We would like to encourage deputies in particular to apply for this post. We would welcome visits from prospective applicants so that we can show off our lovely school. Please contact the head teacher, Mrs Carter, on 020 74765146 to arrange a visit.

Please apply on line at Reference: 1984 For technical enquires please call 020 8249 6946. For any other enquiries please contact the school directly. Closing date: 21 January 2016 Shortlisting: 1 February 2016 Selection and interview: 8 February 2016 Grange Primary School is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children. All posts are subject to pre-employment checks, references will be sought and successful candidates will need to undertake an enhanced DBS check. A disqualification declaration questionnaire maybe required for this post. NPW, managing recruitment on behalf of Newham Schools

Teacher of English (Maternity


Cumberland School Oban Close, London, E13 8SJ Headteacher: G Dineen Group 6 Age Range: 11-16 1500 pupils on roll Mixed Comprehensive “Cumberland School provides a good education with outstanding features. Achievement and Teaching and Learning are good. Behaviour and Safety and Leadership and Management are outstanding.” (Ofsted March 2013) Salary: Main Professional Scale, inclusive of Inner London Weighting Required as soon as possible Are you a talented and creative teacher with excellent subject knowledge and a real passion for teaching who is committed to driving forward the progress and achievement of all pupils? If so, you may be the ideal candidate to join our established,

committed and hardworking English department. You will be joining a creative and innovative team. You will have a proven track record of exemplary classroom practice as well as the ability to motivate pupils to achieve the highest standards in English. Cumberland School is an ambitious school, keen to improve on and exceed previous success. We serve, and are proud to do so, a rich, diverse and exciting community. We live and breathe our commitment to equal opportunities and inclusivity, and work hard to ensure that Cumberland is a cohesive, positive and exciting environment for all. Our fabulous site has the kind of green space, facilities and energy rarely found in inner city schools. There is a real sense of determination and an ethos of aspiration and support pervades all we do. Cumberland is a forward looking school, creative and imaginative in its approach to ensure that a quality education is provided for everyone. As Cumberland’s Head teacher, I am seeking ambitious and creative staff who are

committed to making a difference to young people’s lives. Schools do not get better by chance and we want colleagues who can commit to ensuring that every child has the knowledge, skills and resilience to achieve and indeed exceed their potential. If you believe that you might have a role to play in this exciting phase of our journey, I look forward to reading your application. Application packs are available to download from the school’s website For further details please telephone or e-mail Gillian Dineen, Headteacher Tel: 0207 474 0231 e-mail: [email protected] Closing Date: 15 January 2015 The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. A disqualification declaration questionnaire maybe required for this post.

Newly Qualified Teachers

NEWHAM, a vibrant, inner city borough in the heart of East London. It is a young, friendly cosmopolitan community; a showpiece for regeneration, host Borough for the 2012 Olympics. Academic standards are rising fast. For newly qualified teachers, career prospects are excellent, with high starting salaries and good opportunities for promotion. All teachers benefit from a fantastic programme of continuing professional development and support throughout their careers. BENEFITS FOR *PRIMARY AND SECONDARY NQTS IN 2016 INCLUDE: A very supportive and varied induction programme

An Interest free loan of up to £3000 Professional help to find key worker housing in Newham Secondary NQTs may receive additional benefits arranged by individual secondary schools. ADDITIONAL BENEFITS FOR * PRIMARY NQTS INCLUDE: NQTs starting in September 2015 received a typical starting salary of £27,819 plus a retention and recruitment point £1,230 totalling £29,049 (not former GTPs/Salaried School Direct) A £1,000 golden hello in your August salary (not former GTPs/Salaried School Direct) Typically three weeks of paid work in July- the chance to earn over £1,000 (not former GTPs/Salaried School Direct)

*Offer only applies to primary NQTs who are appointed through the pool. Primary NQTs for further information about applying to the primary pool and teaching in Newham please see: or email: [email protected] Apply online at Job Ref: 1985 Secondary NQTs please see: or phone Sarah Bartley on: 020 8249 6961 (office hours) or email: [email protected] For further information about teaching in Newham go to: or email: [email protected].

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Full time experienced Class

Teacher Woodgrange Infant School

Sebert Road London E7 0NJ 020 8534 2120 [email protected] Required for April 2016 We are a friendly Infant school at the heart of a vibrant, diverse community. We have a fantastic Year 2 class whose teacher returns to Australia at Easter. You must have: At least 2 years’ experience within Key Stage 1 A track record of excellent teaching Energy and enthusiasm The willingness to try out new ideas and

make them work for Woodgrange pupils A passion for learning and a thorough understanding of how young children learn Excellent communication and interpersonal skills A commitment to a close partnership with parents and the wider community You might have An interest in outdoor education or An interest in Religious education Early Years’ experience We can offer Excellent professional development and the room to explore and develop your teaching Realistic expectations for marking A truly child centred approach to teaching and learning Plentiful resources and a pleasant working environment Wonderful pupils and parents A strong staff team and committed Governors A close network with local schools

Good transport links Visits to the school are warmly welcomed Please call Sarah Soyler, Headteacher to arrange a time. Application form and further details please apply on line at Reference: 1970 Closing date 15th January 2016 Interviews and teaching task 20th January 2016 We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. The successful applicant will be required to provide evidence of Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) clearance. A disqualification declaration questionnaire maybe required for this post.

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Science Technician

London Academy of Excellence Salary Up to £25,000 pro rata depending on qualifications, skills and experience Reporting to Lead Teacher of Biology on a daily basis (and the Business Director as a member of the Business, Administrative & Science team) The postholder will be required to work in close liaison with the Lead Teachers and to co-operate with them in activities which contribute to the efficiency of the Science Departments. Location Stratford, Newham, London Type of position Term time plus 3 weeks Hours 40 hours per week. There is a need to be flexible about hours in order to carry out the duties and responsibilities effectively. LAE seeks a Science Technician to provide laboratory and technical support for Science teaching. Job purpose To provide guidance and support in meeting the practical requirements of the science curriculum, including liaising with all areas of the school, and outside agencies. To promoting and observe a healthy and safe working environment for the Science Departments.

To ensure the Science team is resourced, organised and developed to meet the performance standards required by the department. To maintain the labs and prep rooms and their contents The Lead Teacher of Biology is very happy to answer any questions about any aspect of the role. LAE will support the successful applicant to pursue Continued Professional Development courses and training. The successful applicant will take part in the appraisal cycle. School London Academy of Excellence is an ambitious, academically selective sixth form in the heart of Stratford, close to the Olympic Park and 5 minutes from Stratford Station, with its excellent links to all parts of London. LAE’s goal is to increase dramatically the number of successful applications made to top universities by young people from the Borough of Newham and other surrounding London boroughs. We have recently been named best sixth form in the country by The Sunday Times and we are hugely oversubscribed with over 2,000 applications for 240 sixth former places in September 2015. In the same month the Prime Minister hailed LAE as an example of a school which “provided the best start for every child regardless of where they were from”, through securing “incredible results”.

Child Protection All members of staff must comply with LAE’s Safeguarding & Welfare Policy. If in the course of carrying out the duties of the post the post holder becomes aware of any actual or potential risks to the safety and welfare of our sixthformers, these concerns must be reported immediately in accordance with the policy. The London Academy of Excellence is committed to the safeguarding and welfare of children and applicants must be willing to undergo child protection screening appropriate to this post, including checks with past employers and the Disclosure and Barring Service. A disqualification declaration questionnaire maybe required for this post. Application process Applications should be submitted to [email protected] Please submit with a covering letter of no more than one side of A4 together with a CV and the LAE application form. Only applications on the official form will be considered. Applications will be considered as they arrive. The deadline for applications is noon on Friday 15 January.

Strategic Finance Leader &

School Business Manager

Monega Primary School Monega Road E12 6TT Apply by: Tuesday 19th January 2016 Salary scale: P07 £44,766 - £47,535 Location: Newham, London Contract type: Full Time – 36 hours, 52 weeks Contract term: Permanent We are a large, maintained Primary School, with approximately 730 pupils on roll, We are located in the London Borough of Newham – a vibrant, inner city borough just 30 minutes from the centre of London, with a friendly, cosmopolitan community. Our Governing Body and Executive Headteacher are committed to delivering our vision of: Aspire, Persevere, Succeed To support them in the delivery of our vision, the Governors are thus seeking to appoint a competent, motivated, committed Substantive School Business Manager who will manage all areas of administration, ICT, premises, operational staffing and school systems, thus enabling the Senior Leadership Team to lead on teaching and learning. We are looking for candidates who are committed to delivering an exceptional service to our school, and who

believe in our school values of perseverance, partnership and success. You will: Have a proven track record, either as a School Business Manager or as an effective administrative/systems/HR/premises Manager; Be analytical self-starter, good at identifying problems and bringing solutions to the Executive Head teacher and Governing Body; Be committed to freeing up the time of the Executive Head teacher and the SLT (Senior Leadership Team) so that they can focus on leading on teaching and learning at school; Be able to demonstrate your skills as a people manager; Have experience in deploying available technology to deliver solutions, and Bring an organised and efficient approach to the role. We offer you: The opportunity to support our dynamic leadership team, committed to driving our school forward; The opportunity to help shape this new role; A wide variety of experiences across all non-teaching and learning aspects of school management; Highly committed and supportive colleagues A school where the children, staff and wider community are committed to our values: of: Aspire, Persevere, Succeed Visits to our school are welcome. Only successful candidates will be contacted

for interview. If you would like to visit the school please contact our Acting School Business manager, Rita Duah-Sakyi on 020 8472 0533, or email [email protected] Please ensure that you are available on the designated interview date. Application form and further details please apply on line at Reference: 1983 For technical enquires please call 020 8249 6946. For any other enquiries please contact the school directly. Closing date: 19th January 2016 Visits to our school: week commencing Interview date: 29th January 2016 Only successful candidates will be contacted The schools in Newham are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. A disqualification declaration questionnaire maybe required for this post. NPW, managing recruitment on behalf of Newham Schools

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Lead Play worker in an after

school club: “6 o’clock club”

Curwen Primary School

Atlas Road London E13 OAG Together Everyone Achieves More Tel: 020 8472 0290 Executive Head Teacher: Mr Paul Harris Fax 020 8503 5183 Head of School: Ms Alison Helm Email:[email protected] 38 Term Time Only, 17.5hrs per week (3.5 hours per day: 2.45pm – 6.15pm) SCALE 4 £7,977.78 We are a popular, successful school dedicated to learning. We can offer you a welcoming and hardworking staff and Governors, friendly children and supportive parents.

You would be part of a highly valued staff team that makes a significant contribution towards our calm and effective school. We are looking for a Lead Play worker to work in partnership with our After School Club Organiser and other 6 o’clock club workers to lead on the day-to-day organisation of this facility. Are you organised, a great communicator, lively and able to motivate others? Do you understand how children learn and play? Do you enjoy working with children – seeing them develop and grow? Can you work on your own initiative and be an inspiring part of a team? Are you committed to learning yourself? If you’re interested in finding out more about us, please give us a call on 0208 4720290 (asking to speak to Mrs Sam Wakefield) and arrange a visit.

Application form and further details please apply on line at Reference: 1974 For technical enquires please call 020 8249 6946. For any other enquiries please contact the school directly. The closing date for application forms is Friday 8th January Shortlisting: Wednesday 13th January Interview date: 20th January The schools in Newham are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. A full DBS disclosure is required for this position. A disqualification declaration questionnaire maybe required for this post.

Temporary Administrative

Assistant Woodgrange Infant School Sebert Road London E7 0NJ (maternity cover) from late January 2016 32.5 hours per week, term time only Scale 3 £14,053 - £14,939 You will work under the direct supervision of the SBM and duties will be varied. They will include: Assisting with school communications and record systems Maintaining school attendance systems Supervising visitors and deliveries Assisting parents and staff with administrative tasks

You must Have excellent spoken and written English, Numeracy & ICT skills Have recent office experience- preferably within a school setting Be a good team player Be able to use your own initiative Be organised and systematic You may have A community language Experience or knowledge of SIMS Application form and further details please apply on line at Reference: 1978 For technical enquires please call 020 8249 6946. For any other enquiries please contact the school directly. A full application form is

required. CVs will not be accepted. Deadline for applications: Friday 8th January 2016 Interviews and task: Friday 15th January 2016 The schools in Newham are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. A disqualification declaration questionnaire maybe required for this post. All posts are subject to pre-employment checks. References will be sought and successful candidates will need to undertake a DBS check. NPW, managing recruitment on behalf of Newham Schools

Examinations Officer & Cover


St Angela’s Ursuline School

St George’s Road, London, E7 8HU, Tel: 0208 475 7335, Fax: 0208 475 0245 Email: [email protected], Website: Salary: SO1, (Term Time only +3 weeks (from mid-August to cover GCSE and A Level results periods). 36 hours per week £25,318-£26,881 St Angela’s Ursuline School is looking to recruit an Examinations Officer and Cover Administrator to manage all issues relating to the efficient running of external/ internal examinations within the school and manage the daily provision of short term cover for teaching absence. The successful candidate will need to be a highly organised and motivated; and will be responsible for the smooth running of examinations and the supply of cover staff, supporting high quality teaching and learning in the school. The main duties will be:

To administer the examination entries for St Angela’s and the Sixth Form Centre, including • Management of the activities of the Assistant Examinations Officer • Submitting exam entries • Providing a centre timetable • Arranging invigilation and supervision To administer the daily cover system for absent staff in accordance with the school cover policy and other daily routines, including • Keeping accurate records of staff absence and summarising these on a termly basis for Headteacher • Liaison with external agencies re- temporary staff to cover both long term vacancies and short term absences where necessary • Co-ordinating and communicating room changes Candidates will need: • Excellent spoken and written English, and numeracy skills • Excellent communication skills including the ability to write reports and undertake presentations to staff and governors • Ability to use ICT packages such as

Microsoft Office, Apple, and associated exams and careers technology (Eg UCAS) as required, and to be trained on new technology and software packages Application form and further details available to download at Reference: 1977 Alternatively, please contact Miss Caroline Brown for an application form. For technical enquires please call 020 8249 6946. For any other enquiries please contact the school directly. Closing date for applications: Friday 15th January 2016 Interview date: Monday 25th January 2016 The schools in Newham are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. A disqualification declaration questionnaire maybe required for this post.

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Family Support Worker

Vicarage Primary School Vicarage Lane, East Ham, E6 6HP Tel: 020 8472 0674/1010 [email protected] Permanent Position Required for January 2016 (subject to 6 months probationary period) Salary: SO1 based on 36 hours per week, 39 weeks per year. (£23,510 - £24,962) Vicarage Primary is a large multi-cultural primary school that provides education for children within its local area. We have the highest expectations and aspirations for all our pupils. Being a vibrant and exciting learning community, our commitment to a brighter future for all our pupils has resulted in on-going whole school improvement. The successful candidate will be passionate about helping children to remove barriers to

learning both inside and outside of school and be able to support families in ensuring an effective partnership between the school and home. They will be able to liaise effectively with multi agencies, individuals and schools for the benefit of the pupils and families. Experience in social work is desirable but not essential. Ofsted (2014) said: “Parents work closely with the school and regularly take part in workshops and contribute their views” and “The strong promotion of pupils’ spiritual, moral, social & cultural development contributes to the appreciation of diversity and tolerance within the school & among local community” We can offer: Enthusiastic and responsive children Passionate and driven staff committed to maintaining high standards Supportive parents and governors A positive, welcoming ethos Visits to the school prior to interview are

warmly welcomed. For general enquiries or to arrange a visit please contact the school on any of the numbers above. If you are interested in working in this dynamic school, an application form and further details are available online at Job Ref: 1979 For technical enquires please call 020 8249 6946. For any other enquiries please contact the school directly. Closing date for applications will be Monday 11th January 2016. Interviews will be held in the week beginning 18th January 2016. A commitment to a multicultural, diverse environment and equal opportunities is essential. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Successful applications will be subject to an enhanced DBS check and medical questionnaire. A disqualification declaration is required for this post.

Learning Mentor with

safeguarding responsibilities

Vicarage Primary School Vicarage Lane, East Ham, E6 6HP Tel: 020 8472 0674/1010 [email protected] Permanent Position Required for January 2016 (subject to 6 months probationary period) Salary: Scale 5 based on 36 hours per week, 39 weeks per year. (£19,033 - £20,727) Vicarage Primary is a large multi-cultural primary school that provides education for children within its local area. We have the highest expectations and aspirations for all our pupils. Being a vibrant and exciting learning community, our commitment to a brighter future for all our pupils has resulted in on-going whole school improvement. The successful candidate will be passionate about helping children to remove barriers to

learning, be able to raise their aspirations and help them to achieve their full potential. They will work with children on a range of activities e.g. social skills, self-esteem, behaviour, transition, homework and also engage with parents/carers in their child‘s well-being and academic concerns. Experience in being a learning mentor is desirable but not essential. Ofsted (2014) said: “The behaviour of pupils across the school is excellent. They show respect to each other, their teachers and visitors. Pupils say they feel extremely safe and happy.” We can offer: Enthusiastic and responsive children Passionate and driven staff committed to maintaining high standards Supportive parents and governors A positive, welcoming ethos An excellent opportunity for professional development Visits to the school prior to interview are

warmly welcomed. For general enquiries or to arrange a visit please contact the school on any of the numbers above. If you are interested in working in this dynamic school, an application form and further details are available online at Job Ref: 1980 For technical enquires please call 020 8249 6946. For any other enquiries please contact the school directly. Closing date for applications will be Friday January 15th 2016. Interviews will be held in the week beginning 25th January 2016. A commitment to a multicultural, diverse environment and equal opportunities is essential. The school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expects all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. Successful applications will be subject to an enhanced DBS check and medical questionnaire. A disqualification declaration is required for this post.

School Governing Body Clerks

NPW Francis House, 760 Barking Road, London, E13 9PJ Sessional rates £138 to £178 per meeting (rising to £148 to £190 following successful completion of National College Clerks’ Development Programme) Newham Partnership Working (NPW) is a mutual organisation formed by Newham schools and composed of education providers and staff. Our objective is to make this ‘learning community’ outstanding by providing and commissioning high quality services for schools. NPW’s terms and conditions for employees are similar to Local Government conditions of service, including the Local Government Pension Scheme. NPW currently support over 100 schools, both within Newham and its surrounding

boroughs, with a comprehensive range of high quality and reliable services. Our support removes the external pressures that our school leaders face, allowing them to focus on their core purpose - education. We provide a professional clerking service to our clients and we are looking for applicants who: are experienced minute takers have the ability to gain a good understanding of school governance regulations and meeting procedures have the confidence to provide advice at meetings can build a strong working relationship with the governing bodies they support are tactful and client focused Governing body clerks are employed on sessional contracts and are required to support a range of different daytime or evening meetings. Clerks are supported by NPW Governor Services who provide training, advice and guidance and manage

the clerking service on behalf of the governing bodies we support. All clerks are required to attend termly training sessions and complete the National College Clerks Development Programme. Application form and further details please apply on line at Ref: 1975 For enquiries please contact Irfan Mustafa, Principal Officer, 020 8249 6932 or [email protected] Closing Date: 31st January 2016 The schools in Newham are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment.

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Adviser for School

Administration Systems

NPW £37,476 to £40,218 (PO4) Location: Francis House, Plaistow - London Preferred Hours: 36 Hours per week Vacancy Type: Permanent We are keen to appoint an experienced and highly motivated Adviser for School Administration Systems with specialism in Secondary Academic Management/Timetabling. As a member of NPW you will play a significant part in providing an excellent and effective ICT support service for a range of information management systems across Nursery, Primary and Secondary schools throughout Newham. The post will involve providing helpdesk user support, producing support documentation and planning and delivering effective training courses. Key Requirements: Strong experience using/supporting Capita SIMS software, Specific experience/expertise in Secondary Academic Management & Timetabling. Must be highly motivated individual with a flexible, positive and proactive approach to work.

Excellent communication skills and previous training experience. Strong numeracy and literacy skills. Specialist expertise & experience in any of the following is also highly desirable SIMS Assessment FMS This role will also include entitlement to the following additional benefits: Invitation to join a cash benefits scheme – saving you money on all of your medical expenses Advantage – saving you money with access to over 2,000 discount, cashback and voucher partners, virtual gym and cycle to work. Local Government Pension Scheme Recognised Local Government Continual Service Newham Partnership Working (NPW) is a mutual organisation formed & owned by Newham schools and composed of education providers and staff. Our objective is to make this ‘learning community’ outstanding by providing and commissioning high quality services for schools. NPW currently support over 100 schools, both within Newham and its surrounding boroughs, with a comprehensive range of high quality and reliable services. Our support removes the external pressures that

our school leaders face, allowing them to focus on their core purpose - education. Application form and further details please apply online at Ref: 1972 Applications for the post are by official application form only, no CVs please. Further information is available from Chris Fagan, MIS Operations & Account Manager Email: [email protected] Closing Date: Sunday 10th January 2016 The schools in Newham are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. A disqualification declaration questionnaire maybe required for this post.

Adviser for School

Administration/Finance Systems

NPW £37,476 to £42,951 (PO4/P05) Location: Francis House, Plaistow - London Preferred Hours: 36 Hours per week Vacancy Type: Permanent We are keen to appoint an experienced and highly motivated Adviser for School Administration Systems with specialism in FMS and school financial management. As a member of NPW you will play a significant part in providing an excellent and effective ICT support service for a range of information management systems across Nursery, Primary and Secondary schools throughout Newham. The post will involve providing helpdesk user support, producing support documentation and planning and delivering effective training courses. Key Requirements: Strong experience using/supporting Capita SIMS software, Specific experience/expertise in FMS and School Business Management Must be highly motivated individual with a flexible, positive and proactive approach to work. Excellent communication skills and previous training experience. Strong numeracy and literacy skills.

Specialist expertise & experience in any of the following is also highly desirable PS Financials, HCSS SIMS Assessment Secondary Academic Management/Timetabling This role will also include entitlement to the following additional benefits: Invitation to join a cash benefits scheme – saving you money on all of your medical expenses Advantage – saving you money with access to over 2,000 discount, cashback and voucher partners, virtual gym and cycle to work. Local Government Pension Scheme Recognised Local Government Continual Service Newham Partnership Working (NPW) is a mutual organisation formed & owned by Newham schools and composed of education providers and staff. Our objective is to make this ‘learning community’ outstanding by providing and commissioning high quality services for schools. NPW currently support over 100 schools, both within Newham and its surrounding boroughs, with a comprehensive range of high quality and reliable services. Our support removes the external pressures that our school leaders face, allowing them to focus on their core purpose - education.

Application form and further details please apply online at Ref: 1971 Applications for the post are by official application form only, no CVs please. Further information is available from Chris Fagan, MIS Operations & Account Manager Email: [email protected] Closing Date: Sunday 10th January 2016 The schools in Newham are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and young people and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment. A disqualification declaration questionnaire maybe required for this post.