Download - Happiness

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HappinessSimple ways to stay happy

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Small but meaningful steps that you can take each day

to lead you to true


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It’s also important to take some time each day to do something nice for yourself.

Spend a few minutes each day thinking about the things that make you happy.

Everyone has unique requirements for attaining happiness, Understand what it is

that will make you happy.


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Optimism and pessimism are nothing more than feelings. Look at what you have

done, not at what you have not been able to do. See the good things you have.

Don’t compare yourself with others. See the glass as half-full.


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Talk. It is true that you save energy when you talk less, and you feel much

happier as you conserve more energy. But sharing your thoughts, chatting with

friends is also important. Sometimes meaningless chit-chat with friends can also

make you happy.


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Minimize stress. Go easy on yourself. Don’t worry about the little things,

Smile more often. Keep a daily routine, try to avoid putting off tasks. Do the things

that promote healthy emotions.


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Save money…and spend wisely. Financial security is also associated with feelings

of security, wellbeing, and control.


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Think Positively. Even in the worst situation, Think about solution, not about

problem. Each person sees the world before them in his or her own way. Do not to

complain about people who annoy or frustrate us, let go of such things as quickly

as you can. it’s important to be both optimistic and realistic instead of just blindly

positive. Use realistic outlook to make smart decisions and actions.


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Being grateful on a daily basis is taking stock of our blessings, of everything we

possess: health, family, money, belongings… When we do this, we get in touch

with both our inner self and the present moment. Feel happier and more satisfied

with your life.


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Use your time more mindfully. Read, walk, meet friends, or join an evening group

or class. Use your time to connect to others and yourself. Or jump in and do

something different, spontaneous, and wild! For every hour of TV you watch, you

reduce 22 minutes of your life expectancy.


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Even if you are not an artist there are so many ways to express creatively.

Cook with a loved one, dance in your living room, sing in the car, learn a new

joke. Be happy, wild, and free as you express yourself more creatively!


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Be so happy that when others look at you They become happy

*Collective thoughts