Download - Hansfield Educate Together Secondary School · The ethos informs all policies and practices in the ... Hansfield Educate Together Secondary School offers the full range of Department


Hansfield Educate TogetherSecondary School


Opening September 2014 in Ongar, Dublin 15

Extra-Curricular ActivitiesStudents are encouraged to join one of the manyclubs on offer at lunchtimes or after school, such asforeign languages, cookery, film, drama, art andcraft, chess, music, science and technology.Students also have opportunities to participate inprogrammes such as the Young Scientistcompetition, Young Social Innovators and An Gaisce.

Bright, Modern Facilities The school building and campus provides the bestpossible teaching and learning environment for ourschool community. Flexible learning spaces, bright,well-equipped specialist classrooms and labs,sports areas, social spaces for students, areas forextra-curricular activities, even storage facilities -all are carefully planned so that students areenabled to learn in a building that is attractivelydesigned and suits their needs.


AimHansfield Educate Together Secondary Schoolaims to provide an education that enables allstudents to contribute meaningfully to theircommunities, embrace the rights andresponsibilities of active citizenship and developthe knowledge and skills needed to live, learn andwork in the 21st century.

School Ethos Hansfield Educate Together Secondary School,through its board of management, upholds theethos, ensuring the school is: • learner-centred• multi-denominational • co-educational • democratically run

The ethos informs all policies and practices in thedaily life of the school.

The principal keeps the ethos and vision of theschool visible and alive for everyone. Managementis democratic, relationships are respectful, and allstudents are encouraged to reach their fullpotential.

All students follow an ethical curriculum, whichincludes learning about different religions andbelief systems. Students are challenged todevelop their own strong moral code and ethicalstance.

Management At Hansfield Educate Together Secondary School,the management process is open and inclusive.The board of management is responsible for thegood governance of the school, and includes staffmembers, parents/guardians, nominees fromEducate Together and two associate studentmembers.

The day to day running of the school is theresponsibility of the school principal.

Role of Parents/GuardiansHansfield Educate Together Secondary Schooladopts a partnership approach withparents/guardians, who are encouraged tobecome involved in their child’s educationthroughout their years at the school.

Hansfield Educate Together SecondarySchool is a new type of second-levelschool. We aim to create a welcoming,vibrant school community to whichevery member feels a real sense ofbelonging. The school offers:

• Co-educational and multi-denominational education

• Ethos based on values of equality,human rights and citizenship

• Innovative, learner-centredapproaches to teaching and learning

• Broad and balanced curriculum• Excellent sporting facilities• Rich range of extra-curricular

activities• Modern, attractive and flexible

learning environment

Sport All students participate in a variety of sportingactivities, both indoor and outdoor, team andindividual. Examples of sports that may beavailable are: GAA, rugby, soccer, basketball,hockey, gymnastics, tennis, cricket and athletics.

Extra-Curricular ActivitiesA rich range of extra-curricular activities as well aslocal, regional, national and international schooltrips and excursions are available. All students areactively encouraged to participate in specialistprogrammes, for example An Gaisce, Young SocialInnovators as well as activities such as debatingand school musicals.

Facilities The school building provides a modern, spaciousteaching and learning environment. Flexiblelearning spaces, bright, well-equipped specialistclassrooms and labs, sports areas, social spacesfor students, areas for extra-curricular activities,even storage facilities - all are planned so thatstudents are enabled to learn in a building that isattractively designed and suits their needs.

The school is fully WiFi enabled, allowingInformation and Communications Technology to beused as a learning tool across the curriculum, andto link school, home and the local and globalcommunity.

• Full range of specialist classrooms• Library & Multimedia Learning Space• Gym• Fitness suite• Music Room• Special Education Needs suite

Curriculum and AssessmentAt Hansfield Educate Together Secondary School,students experience a broad, balanced curriculum atJunior and Senior Cycle. The school’s opening in 2014coincides with the introduction of the new Frameworkfor Junior Cycle, placing the school at the forefront ofcurriculum design, innovation and delivery.

Hansfield Educate Together Secondary School offersthe full range of Department of Education and Skillssubjects at Junior Cycle level. Students study thefollowing core subjects: English, Irish, Mathematics andEthical Education.

A wide range of subjects are also offered, includingScience, Home Economics, Technology, Languages, Art& Design, History & Geography, Business Studies,Music, Religious Education, PE, CSPE and SPHE.These subjects are studied via school-developedprojects and courses that combine subjects togetherand place a strong emphasis on the development of keyskills.

Individual Learning Profiles provide parents/guardiansand students with regular updates on progress, not juston what students are learning, but on how they learn.



Ongar Village















School Location Hansfield Educate Together Secondary School is in theBarnwell/Hansfield area near Ongar Village, Dublin 15. It isclose to Hansfield Train Station, on the M3 Parkway toDublin City Commuter line.

How to Enrol Details of our Admissions Policy andEnrolment Forms are available

Our Contact DetailsW: www.hansfieldsecondary.ieE: [email protected]

Educate Together11 – 12 Hogan Place Dublin 2T +353 1 429 2500 Charity number CHY 11816