Download - Hanna Boys Advance in Playoffs TLH vs. Gaffney on Saturday ... · 2. Bullying Bullying is one of the most serious problems in schools today. Vicious treatment and hateful words between

Page 1: Hanna Boys Advance in Playoffs TLH vs. Gaffney on Saturday ... · 2. Bullying Bullying is one of the most serious problems in schools today. Vicious treatment and hateful words between

2/20/14 Parent Newsletter # 37

Jameel Taylor scores a shot for the Jackets in their win over

Laurens Thursday night.

Hanna Boys Advance in Playoffs –

TLH vs. Gaffney on Saturday at 7 pm

The Boys Jacket Basketball team beat Laurens 60-42 on Thursday evening, February

20, 2014, to advance in the state AAAA classification. The evening began with a

moment of silence for a Laurens student who died earlier in the week. His brother

plays on the Laurens team and his parents were in attendance at the game. The

game was the third time the Jackets beat Laurens this season. Jameel Taylor had 20

points and 18 rebounds. Bud Jones had 12 points and 10 rebounds. Brevin

Galloway chipped in 11 points. T. L. Hanna will face Gaffney, one of the top five

teams in the state, on Saturday, February 22, 2014, at 7 pm in the Hanna gym. We

expect a packed house, so come early. Congrats to the team and Coach Brown and

Coach Sheridan.

Tickets are $6 and no passes can be used except South Carolina High School League

passes. The SCHSL prohibits passes from being used in playoff games since the two

teams split the gate proceeds and the league receives a portion as well. We will be

using handheld metal detectors at this game to randomly search attendees.

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Social Media and Students

As an academic tool, most schools have embraced what technology can do for

students. As with most things, there is a good side and bad side of technology use.

We spend part of each day here at TLH dealing with the repurcussions of what

students do with the technology they have. Here’s what I want parents to know:

Right now some TLH students have things on their open social media accounts (ones

that everyone is able to see) that could have them expelled and arrested.

I receive copies of student posts daily from other students, teachers, parents, and

even some community members who use social meda. We are compelled to turn

over many of these items to law enforcement because they indicate criminal activity.

There is no one demographic of students who abuse and misuse social media. From

the most affluent child to the poorest; from the most gifted academically to the ones

who struggle; and from the students who live in two-parent homes to those who are

homeless – the misuse of social media is rampant.

Our students are smart. The first thing they say when we speak to them is that they

have “freedom of speech.” It is at that time that the history lesson begins in my

office while I tell them that their freedom of speech is limited in a school setting and

even outside the school setting if their social media use causes a problem at school.

The courts have solidified their stance that schools’ number one responsibility to

students is their safety and creation of an environment that is conducive to learning.

Students cannot use profanity at school; say or exhibit any type of vulgarity;

promote illegal activities or ones that are contrary to the school’s mission; write

unacceptable articles in the yearbook or school newspaper; or bully or harass other

students. As with bullying, one would think that smart students would realize that if

they choose to bully another student and they use social media to do it, they are

putting it in writing, where it can be printed and used as evidence against them.

Many parents monitor their teen’s social media activity. Please know that some

students have more than one account – one that parents monitor and another that

parents do not even know about.

A Message to Your Teens:

1. Post Illegal Activities

Granted, high school students experiment with many activities and substances. But

the second you post a video of last weekend's bong hit or trash-can tipping

adventure, you become vulnerable not only for school expulsion but also for

criminal prosecution; in other words, consequences that affect the rest of your life.

Even if your profile is set to private, a friend can always download and save

incriminating photos that he or the authorities can use against you in the future.

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2. Bullying

Bullying is one of the most serious problems in schools today. Vicious treatment and

hateful words between students often lead to violence, suicide, depression and

discrimination among the student body. Parents are pressing charges against bullies,

even for murder/wrongful death when the bullying results in suicide. Students have

been successfully prosecuted in many states.

When a student turns to social media, blogs or any online space as a forum for

hurtful speech, the risks are unmeasurable. Not only does that student face expulsion,

but also serious criminal prosecution.

3. Trash Your Teachers/Administrators

Bullying doesn't just apply to student-to-student interactions. Students who speak

poorly of their teachers and administrators (or post embarrassing photos of them)

run a huge risk, too. After all, your instructors and school officials have a right to

privacy and respect. Students and parents often forward or print copies for

administrators and teachers who are the victims of this online negativity.

"Posting a negative comment about any adult at your school is like getting on a

microphone to announce that you will be burning down a bridge," says Heather

Starr Fiedler, associate professor of multimedia at Point Park University. "You never

know which one of your teachers or administrators will hold the keys to a college

acceptance or scholarship." Some colleges specify that your “11th grade English

teacher” or your “12th grade math teacher” or your assistant principal provide

documentation of your characteristics as a student. If that happens, you may not be

getting a good recommendation about your “character.”

The same goes for institutions or persons of authority in general, not just teachers.

High school students should be careful not to negatively post about anything —

these days, admissions officers thoroughly investigate the social media activity and

personalities of applicants. One negative tweet could seal the fate of your college

acceptance. Local universities, like Clemson and USC, have both verified that they

look at students’ social media.

4. Post Objectionable Content From School

Computers or Networks

Many schools prohibit all computer activity on campus not directly related to

coursework. That almost always includes social media use, especially that which is

objectionable (e.g. profanity, harassment, etc.). And don't assume you can get away

with a tweet here and a status update there — many schools have implemented

systems that track logins and IP addresses. In other words, you're on the clock.

Anything done on a school computer can be identified immediately.

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5. Post Confidential Information

This piece of advice goes for every social media user, not just students. But young

people are especially vulnerable to online predators and identity thieves.

Let this experience, from communications representative Jennifer Newman Galluzzo,

be a warning: "This weekend my niece, who is going into her junior year of high

school, posted her class schedule on Facebook. Took a picture of it and threw it right

up there because she was so excited to share the info with her friends — complete

with her social security number, student ID, address, full name, birthday and all the

other personal information. I called her mom and informed her right away and her

response was 'Well, all the kids do that!' I almost fainted."

Think about how easy it is to share content on Facebook; if a single person shared

that photo to his public profile, that sensitive information would be accessible by

anyone, no hacking required. Identity stolen — just like that.

6. Overly Specific Location Check-Ins

Similar to protecting your identity, try not to get too specific with your social check-

ins. Although your parents may appreciate the heads-up, posts like these make it easy

for predators to locate you. And especially don't check in on social media when

you're by yourself and/or in a remote location. Social media analyst Brad Hines

advises, "It is usually wise to do little sharing of where you are if you are by yourself,

or have left your home by itself."

7. Lie/Cheat/Plagiarize

Picture this: You convinced your teacher to give you an extension on your term

paper so you can visit your "sick" grandmother. Only instead, you blow off the paper

to attend a concert — and you post a status update to Facebook, check in on

Foursquare and upload a photo of the performance to Instagram. Don't be surprised

when you return to an F and an academic investigation.

The same goes for lying about achievements when applying to a college or an

internship. People will investigate. Just as they will investigate your social media for

charges of plagiarism or cheating. Hanna has had students’ acceptances/scholarships

rescended because of lying on applications and copying an application essay from

the Internet.

8. Threaten Violence

Threatening a person or group of people in any situation is unbelievably serious.

Even posting an anonymous, empty threat to an obscure online forum full of

strangers will raise red flags. And as soon as authorities have located a threat, they

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have the right to investigate — and they will.

A student named Alexander Song posted his intentions to Reddit: to "kill enough

people to make it to national news." Police located the young man and arrested him

at school, despite the fact that he carried no weapons. In other words, social media

is not the place to vent your frustrations and violent thoughts. Talk to a school

counselor about your concerns.

9. Ignore School-Specific Policies

School policies vary widely, according to type of school (public vs. private),

geographical location, district, gender (co-ed vs. single-gender), etc. Therefore,

technology and social media policies are different for nearly every school. Behavior

that may fly at one school is reason for expulsion at another.

10. Unprofessional Public Profiles

Whether it's a Google search or a social media examination, chances are a school or

company is looking into your history. And sometimes, even a completely private

social media profile sets off red flags. In today's age of transparency, a professional

(albeit public) profile is the ideal.

"Whenever I evaluate a potential employee, I always take a look at what is publicly

visible on their Facebook profile," says Ryan Cohn, vice president of social/digital

operations at What's Next Marketing. "On two separate occasions, I have rejected

entry level prospects (finishing their senior year of college) for featuring firearms in

their profile picture. Both were qualified in terms of experience and otherwise would

have been worthy of an interview."

11. Never Rely on Privacy Settings 100%

Although most major social networks update you with privacy improvements, the

changes are often too frequent to follow and can get complicated. However

diligently you may protect your social media identity, it's best to assume anything

you post is fair game — potentially seen by your school, by your parents and by


"Students should never rely on privacy settings over good judgment," says Andrew

Moravick, social media specialist at SnapApp. "If you don't want something to be

seen, don't post it on the Internet."

12. Post Emotionally

We've all said and done things we regret. It's human nature to react without thinking

through the consequences. However, whenever possible, take a moment to imagine

how your social media posts affect the feelings, safety and well-being of those

around you — even your worst enemies. Posting an angry tweet in the heat of the

moment may feel cathartic, but the momentary pleasure you get from writing it isn't

worth the potential harm it could create. Take a moment to breathe, think and


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Ivey Welborn Named 2013 HSSR

SCHSL AAAA Player of the Year

Trophy presented to Ivey for being named AAAA Player

of the Year 2013.

Congratulations to Ivey Welborn for being named the High School Sports Report

(HSSR) and South Carolina High School League (SCHSL) 2013 AAAA Player of the

Year in tennis. Ivey led the TLH 2013 Girls’ Tennis Team to a state championship

this past fall. Congratulations to Ivey and all of the girls tennis players at TLH for

this amazing accomplishment. Congratulations also to Coach Spencer for his true

leadership in Hanna’s Tennis Program!

Back Parking Lot Not Student Pick-up


With spring sports beginning, we must ask parents not to pick up students at the end

of school in the back parking lot. We have athletes moving their cars from the front

to the back during this time, and we have had numerous near-accidents because of

the traffic congestion. Please pick your child up at the front of the school.

Youth Art Month & District Five Fine

Arts Festival

The opening reception will be held on Sunday, February 23, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm.

The festivities will be held at the Anderson Arts Center Warehouse at 110 Federal

Street in downtown Anderson. The Warehouse faces the old Train Depot (on

Murray Avenue) and shares a parking lot with the Anderson Farmer’s Market. You

and your family are encouraged to attend.

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Please invite your family and friends to visit the exhibit from February 23-March

26. The galleries are open Tuesday-Friday from 9:30 am to 5:30 pm, as well as on

Sunday, February 23, from 1:00 to 3:00pm.

Clemson Cheerleader and Hanna

Grad Flips, Tumbles Despite Blindness

Erica Powell, Hanna grad and Clemson Cheerleader

CLEMSON — Erica Powell has been tumbling, twirling and bending her body doing

gymnastics since she was a toddler. Her cousin, who was a couple of years older,

was enrolled. So her parents signed her up, too. "They wanted to keep me active,"

Erica said. For 14 years, she competed in gymnastics. She loved it.

When she suffered an injury between her junior and senior years in high school, she

did not stop. She simply switched sports. She went into cheerleading when she was a

senior at T.L. Hanna High School. Because she loved the sport so much, she tried

out for the Clemson University Tigers’ cheerleading team. She was one of about 40

selected for the team out of the nearly 130 who tried out.

It wasn’t until after Erica made that team that the coach realized something about

her: the dark-haired, energetic young woman is nearly blind. Doctors diagnosed

retinoblastoma when Erica was 6 months old. She had nine tumors behind one eye

and five behind the other. Erica said her mother noticed that she was crying but tears

were not forming on her face. An ophthalmologist dilated Erica’s little eyes and saw

the tumors.

That began trips to Emory University for her. Through some periods, she was

traveling to and from the hospital in Atlanta at least once a month. She went

through surgeries to have the tumors removed. But vision problems persisted.

At first, it was as simple as not being able to see the blackboard in class very clearly

or not being able to always pick out her parents in a crowded room. But in those

early years, she could read textbooks.

When it was time to take her driver’s license test, Erica passed it at age 16. She was

able to drive and she was preparing for college and competing in gymnastics.

"Getting my driver’s license, that was really exciting for me," Erica said. "I really lived

a pretty normal life until I was 17 or 18 years old."

But within a couple of years, things began to change with her vision — again.

Her eyesight began to decline because of some of the radiation treatments she went

through when she was a child. Fluid was diminishing her ability to be able to see.

Since then, she has been going back to the Atlanta hospital about once a month.

"It is making my vision slowly go away," Erica said. "I am getting injections once a

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month to help me hold on to the vision I have left."

A few years after getting her driver’s license, the now 21-year-old needed to turn it

over. She is learning how to listen to audio books and read what she can on her

electronic tablet. Her friends and teammates help her get back and forth to where

she needs to go. She has learned how to use the Clemson Area Transit bus system.

Volunteers with the South Carolina Commission for the Blind helped her set up her

apartment so she could use her washing machine, her stove and other household

appliances safely.

Commission volunteers have also helped her navigate around campus. Some of

those adjustments have been difficult. "When I realized this was getting worse, really

fast, that was hard at first," Erica said. "Not being able to drive has been the biggest

thing to get used to. It has been tough not having my independence."

But Erica does not dwell on these points. She talks about her future and her

passions. She is a junior psychology major at Clemson University. She lives just off

campus in an apartment with three of her sorority sisters. The child of a large but

close family, Erica has always loved children, and she said she enjoys counseling.

Since enrolling at Clemson University, she has also learned that she loves studying


So she is considering either attending graduate school or obtaining a law degree.

"I really enjoy both of them, so I am not sure which one I will choose yet," Erica said.

Her other love, aside from those academic pursuits, is cheerleading for the Tigers.

Erica was in Miami, Fla., cheering on her favorite team at the Orange Bowl at the

close of this past football season.

Every morning, she wakes up at 6 and works out for about an hour. Every other

day, she practices with her team for two hours. It takes up much of her spare time

outside her full-time class load.

She cannot see much beyond light, shadow and outlines of shapes. But that does not

stop her from practicing tumbles, flips and splits. Each year since her senior year in

high school, she has had to compete for a spot on the Tigers’ cheerleading team. The

first time she made the cut, she was shocked, she said. While she had been in

gymnastics for 14 years, she had only been a cheerleader in high school for one year.

But something she had learned early in her life prompted her to try out anyway. Her

parents had always signed her up for the activities that any child would participate

in. She learned she was not limited by her blindness.

"I just learned not to treat myself differently," Erica said. "Since I started out with low

vision, I have adapted. I love being part of a team. I wanted to be part of something

that would keep me upbeat and active."

© 2014

Watch a video from FOX News about Erica’s story.


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TLH’s State AAAA Tennis Team! Notice their new sign on Highway 81 and the new

banner that will be hanging in the TLH mall in a couple of weeks.

First Ever TLH Lacrosse Teams Take

the Field

Please congratulate the following young ladies and men for being the first ever

lacrosse teams here at T.L. Hanna! We will start our season next Monday and will

play our first home game March 1st! Our home games will be played at Old McCants

(with the exception of the March 1st game that will be played at Glenview). I know

that both the girls and boys teams would love to see you at the matches! I also need

some parents to take pictures for the newsletter, so if you have a camera and want

to send me some nice shots, I would be thrilled.

Girls and Boys Lacrosse


Molly McMinn Nickolas Bailey

Ansley Brissey Roman Bonney

Caroline Self Blake Burdette

Rachel Greene Josiah Cox

Sarah Rogers Benjamin Delorme

Jennifer Helm Bryce Elrod

Danielle Hobbs Thadeus Higgins

Breanna Medford Nickolas Hyder

Caterra Heard Charles Johnson

Emily Loffler Kevin Lockhart

Olivia Erskine Taylor Lopreste

Lindsay Johnson Russell Macy

Lupita Sanchez Jacob Mahaffey

Rebecca Drew Conner Martin

Samantha Sommers Kyle Minyard

Rachel Langenfeld Jack Patterson

Page 10: Hanna Boys Advance in Playoffs TLH vs. Gaffney on Saturday ... · 2. Bullying Bullying is one of the most serious problems in schools today. Vicious treatment and hateful words between

Anna Kelly Jaleen Postell

Rebecca Emanuel Austin Salemi

Kristian Thomas Sydney Sato

Katherine Giraldo Donta Stovall

Andrea Rendino Chavis Tabor

Madison King Braydon Vinson

Elizabeth Walker John Carter Webb

Emily Casebier Ausin Weems

Aashna Patel Chandler Wells

Alexander Colton


Two Hanna Students Named Finalists

in the National Achievement

Scholarship Program

Congratulations to Christian Asia Brown and Ayi Eta for being named finalists in the

National Achievement Scholarship Program. All finalists will be considered for

National Achievement Scholarships to be offered in 2014. These scholarships are

based on academic achievement in Grades 9-12 and SAT scores.

Two Hanna Students Named Finalists

in the National Merit Scholarship


Congratulations to Lora K. Lassiter and Jordan J. Logue for being named finalists in

the National Merit Scholarship Program. All finalists will be considered for National

Merit Scholarships to be offered in 2014. These scholarships are based on academic

achievement in Grades 9-12 and SAT scores.

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Columbia College Residential

Leadership Program

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Information on the Moore Scholars

Program at Clemson University

TLH 2013-2014 Calendar

Feb 21 (F) SAT Late Registration

Deadline for 3/8 SAT

Register at

VG Soccer @ TLH vs. Lexington @ 7:00 pm

Feb 21-22 (F-


Region Band Clinic

Feb 21-23 (F-


All State Orchestra


@ Furman

Feb 20-22 (Th-


Grease @ Project Challenge Theater @ 7:00 pm

Feb 22 (Sa) Track Team Fundraiser

First Annual Yellow

Jacket 5K Race

@ 8:00 /8:30 am

Feb 23 (Su) Grease @ Project Challenge Theatre @ 3:00 pm

Feb 24-March


ELDA Testing

Feb 24 (M) JVG and VB Lacrosse @ JL Mann @ 5:30/7:30 pm

Auditions for Alice Jr. @5:30 – 7:00 pm

Feb 25 (Tu) VG Soccer @ Riverside @ 5:30 pm

Seniors Directory


Seniors meet in the mall during homeroom

to fill out yearbook directory information.

Southwood and AVCC students can pick up

forms in the front office and should return

them to Mrs. Cochran in Room 219.

Students who do not turn this in will not

have this information included in the


Auditions for Alice Jr. @ 5:30 – 7:00 pm

Step Team Practice @4:00 – 5:15 pm

Feb 27 (Th) VG and JVG Soccer @Mauldin @5:30/7:00 pm

Annual Senior Group


During homeroom in the main gym. Buses

will be held for Southwood and AVCC


Feb 28 (F) VB and VG Lacrosse @ Dorman @ 5:30/7:30 pm

Feb 28 – March

2(F, Sa, Su)

VB Soccer Jacket Preseason Challenge @ TLH; Time


March 1 (Sa) BASS Fishing High School


Tentatively at Lake Russell

VG Lacrosse @ TLH @ 12:05

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Winter Guard and


@ Blue Ridge

Grease @Project Challenge Playhouse @ 7;00 pm

March 2 (Su) Grease @Project Challenge Playhouse @ 3:00 pm

March 4 (Tu) Track @ TLH vs. Mauldin @ 5:00 pm

March 5 (W) Step Team Practice @ 4:00 – 5:15 pm

March 6 (Th) VB/VG Lacrosse @ TLH vs. Mann @ 5:30/7:30 pm

March 7-9 (F,

Sa, Su)

VG Soccer Viking Cup (Waccamaw) @ 6:00 pm

March 7 (F) ACT Registration

Deadline for 4/12 ACT

Register at

VB/VG Lacrosse @ Byrnes @ 5:30/7:30 pm

March 8 (Sa) SAT @ TLH

ACT Late Registration

Deadline Window for

4/12 ACT

March 8 – 21; Register at

All State Jazz

Track @ TLH – Anderson County Meet @ 10 am

March 10 (M) VG and JVG Soccer @ Dorman @ 6:00/7:30 pm

Varsity Golf @ Easley vs. Woodmont and Easley

March 11 (Tu) VB/VG Lacrosse @ TLH vs. St. Joe’s @ 5:30/7:30 pm

VB and VG Soccer @ Woodmont @ 5:30/7:00 pm

Track @ Dorman @5:00 pm

JV Golf @ TLH vs. Hillcrest, Mann

Winter Guard, Drumline,

and Jazz Band

@ TLH Community Show

Deadline to Submit

Palmetto Boys and Girls

State Applications to


March 12 (W) Early Release

Day/Teacher Professional


11:45 am

Alive at 25 Driver


12:30 pm – 5:00 pm; Register at

Southwood Makeup


March 13 (Th) Exams Blocks 3, 4 (A Day)

Varsity and JV Golf @ Greenwood

March 14 (F) Exams Blocks 3, 4 (B Day)

Delivery of Senior


and Sophomore Ring

Order Makeup Day

10:00-2:30 pm

VB/VG Lacrosse @ Woodmont @ 5:30/7:00 pm

VG and JVG Soccer @ Easley @5:30/7:00 pm

VB and JVB Soccer @ TLH vs. Easley @5:30/7:00 pm

March 15 Winter Guard and

Indoor Drumline


March 14-16 (F-


All State Band

March 17 (M) Exams Blocks 1, 2 (A Day)

VB/VG Lacrosse @ Hillcrest @ 5:30/7:00 pm

Varsity Golf @TLH vs. Easley and Hillcrest

March 18 (Tu) Exams Blocks 1, 2 (B Day)

VB and JVB Soccer @ Greenwood @5:30/7:00 pm

VG and JVG Soccer @ TLH vs. Greenwood @5:30/7:00 pm

Varsity and JV Golf @ Laurens vs. Laurens

March 19 (W) JV Golf @ Easley vs. Mann and Easley

Southwood Makeup


Step Team Practice @ 4:00 – 5:15 pm

March 20 (Th) Track @ TLH vs. Abbeville @ 5:00 pm

March 21 (F) VB Lacrosse @ Hillcrest @ 6:00 pm

VG and JVG Soccer @ TLH vs. Hillcrest @5:30/7:00 pm

VB and JVB Soccer @ Hillcrest @5:30/7:00 pm

March 21-22 Varsity Golf SC/GA Cup

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March 22 (Sa) Track @ Seneca @ TBD

March 24 (M) Student Holiday/Teacher



Varsity Golf @ Laurens -- Laurens Raider Invitational

March 25 (Tu) VB and VG Soccer @ TLH vs. Laurens

JV Golf @ TLH vs. Easley

March 26 (W) Report Cards Issued

Varsity Golf @ TLH vs. Woodmont and Westside

JV Golf @ Hillcrest

Step Team Practice @ 4:00 – 5:15 pm

March 27 (Th) VB/VG Lacrosse @ St. Joe’s @ 5:30/7:30 pm

Track @ TLH vs. Laurens/Hillcrest

March 28 (F) VB/VG Lacrosse @Christ Church @ 5:30/8:00 pm

VG and JVG Soccer @ TLH vs. Mann @5:30/7:30 pm

VB and JVB Soccer @ Mann @5:30/7:00 pm

March 29 (Sa) SCDNR High School

Fishing Championship

Lake Murray

Track Coaches’ Classic -- TBA

Varsity Golf @ Ninety Six -- Ninety Six Tee-Off Classic

March 29-30



CIPA Championships

@ Western Carolina University, Cullowhee,


April 1 (Tu) HSAP Testing ELA Day 1

VB/VG Lacrosse @ TLH vs. Woodmont @ 5:30/7:00 pm

VG and JVG Soccer @ Westside @5:30/7:00 pm

VB and JVB Soccer @ TLH vs. Westside @5:30/7:00 pm

Varsity Golf @Mann vs. Easley, Hillcrest, Mann

April 2 (W) HSAP Testing ELA Day 2

April 3 (Th) HSAP Testing Math

JVB Soccer @ TLH vs. St. Joseph’s @ 6:00 pm

Varsity Golf @ Westside

JV Golf @ TLH vs. Easley

April 4 (F) SAT Registration

Deadline for 5/3 SAT

Register at

HSAP Makeups

VB and VG Soccer @ TLH vs. Woodmont @ 5:30/7:00 pm

(Senior Night)

April 5 (Sa) Track Spring Fever Classic @ TLH

April 7 (M) HSAP Makeups

Mu Alpha Theta Meeting

April 7-8 Varsity Golf Hurricane Invitational

April 8 (Tu) HSAP Makeups

VG and JVG Soccer @ Hillcrest @ 5:30/7:00 pm

VB and JVB Soccer @ TLH vs. Hillcrest @5:30/7:00 pm

April 10 (Th) Evening Spring Band


VG and JVG Soccer @ TLH vs. Wade Hampton @5:30/7:00


Varsity and JV Golf @ TLH vs. Greenwood

April 11-12 (F

and Sa)

Track – Taco Bell Only individuals that qualify will attend

these meets @ Spring Valley

April 11 (F) Morning Spring Band


VG and JVG Soccer @ TLH vs. Easley @5:30/7:00 pm

VB and JVB Soccer @ Easley @ 5:30/7:00 pm

April 12 (Sa) ACT @ Westside

April 14 (M) Spring Break

April 15-17 (Tu,

W, Th)

VB Soccer Low Country Cup @ Ashley Ridge; Time


April 15 (Tu) Spring Break

April 16 (W) Spring Break

April 17 (Th) Spring Break

April 18 (F) Spring Break

SAT Late Registration

Deadline for 5/3 SAT

Register at

April 21-22 (M,


Varsity and JV Golf Easley Invitational

Page 15: Hanna Boys Advance in Playoffs TLH vs. Gaffney on Saturday ... · 2. Bullying Bullying is one of the most serious problems in schools today. Vicious treatment and hateful words between

April 23 (W) VB and JVB Soccer @ TLH vs. Christ Church @5:30/7:00 pm

April 24 (Th) VG and JVG Soccer @ TLH vs. Christ Church @5:30/7:00 pm

Track @ Westside @ 5:00 pm

Varsity and JV Golf @ TLH vs. Laurens

April 25 (F) VG and JVG Soccer @ TLH vs. Westside @5:30/7:00 pm

VB and JVB Soccer @ Westside @ 5:30/7:00 pm

April 25-26 (F-


Band Solo and Ensemble

April 28 (M) Varsity Golf @ TLH vs. Westside, Mann

April 29 (Tu) VB and VG Soccer @ Laurens @ 5:30/7:00 pm

JV Golf @ Mann vs. Easley and Mann

April 30 (W) Track Region Meet @ Hillcrest

May 1 (Th) Awards Night @ 6:30 pm in TLH mall

Track Region Meet @ Hillcrest

JV Golf @ Woodmont vs. Laurens and Woodmont

May 2 (F) VG and JVG Soccer @ Mann @ 5:30/7:00 pm

VB and JVB Soccer @ TLH vs. Mann @5:30/7:00 pm

May 2-3 (F/Sa) Orchestra Solo and

Ensemble Festival

@ Palmetto High School

May 2-3 (F/Sa) Varsity Golf Southern Cross

May 3 (Sa) SAT @ TLH

May 5(M) AP Chemistry Exam (am)

IB Language A: Literature

Paper 1 (am)

AP Psychology Exam


Varsity Golf Region Match @ Easley

May 6 (Tu) AP Computer Science

Exam (am)

IB Language A: Literature

Paper 2 (pm)

VG and JVG Soccer @ Greenwood @ 5:30/7:00 pm

VB and JVB Soccer @ TLH vs. Greenwood @5:30/7:00 pm

May 7 (W) AP Calculus Exam (am)

IB Environmental

Systems Paper 1 (am)

May 8 (Th) IB Environmental

Systems Paper 2 (pm)

AP English Exam (am)

VB and JVB Soccer @ TLH vs. Seneca @5;30/7:00 pm

May 9 (F) SAT Registration

Deadline for 6/7 SAT

Register at

ACT Registration

Deadline for 6/14 ACT

Register at

AP Studio Art Portfolio


AP Statistics Exam (pm)

IB Biology Papers 1 & 2


IB Language – Latin

Paper 1 (am)

May 10 (Sa) ACT Late Registration

Deadline Window for

6/14 ACT

May 10- 23; Register at

Track State Qualifier @ Spring Valley

May 12 (M) AP Biology Exam (am)

AP Physics Exam (pm)

IB Biology Paper 3 (am)

IB Language – Latin

Paper 2 (pm)

US History EOC A Day

Mu Alpha Theta Meeting

Soccer Playoffs Begin

Varsity Golf Upperstate Match at Willow Creek

May 13 (Tu) IB Math Studies Paper 1


IB Math (pm)

Page 16: Hanna Boys Advance in Playoffs TLH vs. Gaffney on Saturday ... · 2. Bullying Bullying is one of the most serious problems in schools today. Vicious treatment and hateful words between

US History EOC B Day

Senior Exams Blocks 3,4 (B Day)

VB Soccer Playoffs Begin

May 14 (W) AP US History Exam


AP European History

Exam (pm)

IB Math Studies Paper 2


IB Math Paper 2 (am)

IB History Papers 1 & 2


Biology EOC A Day

Senior Exams Blocks 3,4 (A Day)

May 15 (Th) IB History Paper 3 (am)

Biology EOC B Day

Senior Exams Blocks 1,2 (B Day)

May 16 (F) IB ITGS Paper 1 (pm)

Algebra 1 EOC A Day

Senior Exams Blocks 1, 2 (A Day)

May 17 (Sa) Track State Meet TBA

May 19 (M) IB ITGS Paper 2 (am)

Algebra 1 EOC B Day

TLH Orchestra Concert @ 7 pm @ Glenview Middle School

May 19-20


Varsity Golf State Tourney at Furman

May 20 (Tu) English 1 EOC A Day

May 21 (W) IB French Papers 1 & 2


English 1 EOC B Day

May 22 (Th) Band Banquet

IB Spanish Paper 1 (pm)

EOC Makeup Tests

May 23 (F) SAT Late Registration

Deadline for 6/7 SAT

Register at

IB Spanish Paper 2 (am)

EOC Makeup Tests

Underclass Exams Blocks 3, 4 (B Day)

May 24 (Sa) Graduation @ Littlejohn Coliseum, Clemson @ 7:00 pm

May 26 (M) Memorial Day Holiday

May 27-30

(Tu,W, Th, F)

Summer School

Registration for Seniors

May 27 (Tu) Underclass Exams Blocks 3, 4 (A Day)

May 28 (W) Underclass Exams Blocks 1, 2 (B Day)

Underclass Early


@ 11:40 am

May 29 (Th) Underclass Exams Blocks 1, 2 (A Day)

May 30 (F) Last Day of School

End of 4th Nine Weeks

Exam Make-up Day

May 31 (Sa) Report Cards Mailed

June 2 (M) Inclement Weather

Make up Day

June 3 (Tu) Inclement Weather

Make up Day

June 4 (W) Inclement Weather

Make up Day

June 4-5 Summer School

Registration for


June 7 (Sa) SAT Not given at TLH

June 14 (Sa) ACT @ Westside

July 15 (Tu) Summer HSAP

July 16 (W) Summer HSAP

July 17 (Th) Summer HSAP

Page 17: Hanna Boys Advance in Playoffs TLH vs. Gaffney on Saturday ... · 2. Bullying Bullying is one of the most serious problems in schools today. Vicious treatment and hateful words between