Download - Hanken's Welcome Guide 2013

  • 7/23/2019 Hanken's Welcome Guide 2013



  • 7/23/2019 Hanken's Welcome Guide 2013




    3 Some acts about Hanken



    5 Conrmation and enrolment

    5 Conrmation

    5 Enrolment5 Enrolment checklist or students resident in Finland

    5 Enrolment checklist or students NOT resident in Finland

    5 Meet & Greet 13 May 2013 at 5 p.m.

    6 Postponement o studies

    6 Registration orm

    6 Student nancial aid


    6 Conrmation

    6 Initial enrolment

    6 Registration

    6 Postponement o studies

    6 Funding



    7 Residence permit

    7 Nationals o the Nordic countries

    7 Nationals o the EU or EEA countries

    7 Students o other nationalities

    9 Non EU/EEA citizens already resident in Finland



    9 How to nd an apartment?

    10 HOAS - the Foundation or student housing in the Helsinki

    region10 VOAS - the Foundation or student housing in the Vaasa


    10 LYYRA rentals - housing portal or students

    10 Other useul inormation sources or nding accomodationin Finland



    11 Insurance or non EU/EEA-citizens




    13 Arrival and orientation (Helsinki)

    13 Arrival and orientation (Vaasa)

    13 Registration at the university

    13 Student ID cards


    14 Arrival and orientation

    14 Registration at the university

    14 Student ID cards


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    15 Academic calendar15 Limited right to study

    15 Assessment and grading

    15 Cheating

    ACADEMIC CALENDAR 20122013 16

    16 Autumn semester 2013

    16 Spring semester 2014


    17 User-ID

    17 E-mail

    17 Computer labs

    17 Library

    17 Photocopied course material IB Bookstore

    17 Lockers

    18 Student meals

    18 Sports services


    19 Facts about Finland

    19 Facts about Helsinki

    19 Facts about Vaasa

    19 Budgeting

    21 Banking

    21 Climate

    22 Public transport in Helsinki

    22 Public transport in Vaasa

    22 Finnish identication number


    23 Studying and living in Finland

    23 Housing

    23 Hostels

    25 Social issues

    25 Immigration and residence

    25 Student organisations

    26 General inormation

    26 Main banks

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    This guide aims to answer general questions on academicand practical matters that newly admitted degree studentsmay have before beginning their studies at Hanken and inthe initial stages of their studies.

    Please read this guide careully! Follow the instructionsgiven and consult the websites listed at the end of the guide.If you have any further questions, do not hesitate to contactus. The inormation in this guide is intended or internationaland Finnish students who have been admitted to either anEnglish-language masters degree programme or to doctoralstudies at Hanken.

    This guide will also be available on our website atwww.hanken./student/newlyadmittedandhanken./doctoralstudies. The websites will be updated dur-ing the summer if there are some changes or if there is somenew information available. Please also visit the website ofyour programme or department at Hanken for more infor-mation about your studies.


    Hanken School of Economics was founded in 1909. It is oneof the most long-standing business schools in the Nordiccountries. It is an institution of university standing, edu-cating one-fth of the business graduates in Finland. The

    university is at the academic forefront of relationship mar-keting and services management, nance, management and

    organisation as well as intellectual property law. Hanken of-

    fers a number of Masters degree programmes, as well as alarge number of courses on the doctoral level, with instruc-tion completely in English. At the bachelor-level, the mostimportant language of tuition is Swedish, but many coursesare also taught in English.

    Students can complete any of the following academic de-grees in economics: Bachelor, Master, Licentiate or Doctor.Hanken also offers continuing education for professionals,for example an Executive MBA-programme.

    Each year, about 350 new students enrol in bachelorsor masters programmes and on average 25 new students inthe doctoral programme. The total number of students onthe two campuses Helsinki and Vaasa is 2,100, of whichsome 160 are studying for the doctoral degree.

    Hanken obtained the prestigious EQUIS-accreditationin 2000, which guarantees that Hanken meets the highestrequirements for quality of education, internationalisationand interaction with the corporate sector.

    It is essential for students and researchers of businessand economics to have a broad interface with business lifeand economic decision-making in general. Hanken ensuresthis in several ways. Research is made in close co-operationwith international or multinational corporations. There areregular guest lectures at the university, and company pre-sentations are frequent. Many companies use Hankens re-cruitment services and customised executive courses.


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    CONFIRMATION AND ENROLMENTIn order to ensure your right to study at Hanken, you mustconrm that you wish to accept the place of study offered to

    you at Hanken AND you must enrol as a degree student atHanken according to the instructions below. Please note thatif you fail to do one or the other of the above, you will loseyour right to study at Hanken irrevocably.


    It is vital that you complete and return the enclosed conr-mation orm to conrm your intention to study at Hankenno later than 14 June 2013. The conrmation form must

    reach Hankens Ofce of Study Affairs in Helsinki on 14 June2013 at 4.00 p.m. local time, at the latest, in order to be con-sidered. I you ail to return the conrmation orm beore thedeadline, you will lose your right to study at Hanken.

    Students who have been conditionally admitted must alsosubmit ofcially certied copies of their degree certicate

    and nal transcript no later than 31 July 2013. All copiesmust be ofcially certied by a notary public or an autho-rised university ofcial at the issuing university. Country

    specic requirements may apply.

    Please note that a student can be given the right to studyfor only one degree on the same level at Hanken.

    ENROLMENTIn addition to submitting the conrmation form, you must

    also enrol as a degree student at Hanken in order to ensureyour right to study at Hanken. Please follow the instructionsbelow in order to complete your enrolment at Hanken. Theinstructions are divided according to whether or not you areresident in Finland during this summer. I you ail to enrolaccording to our instructions, you will lose the right to studyat Hanken.


    The ollowing documents must be submitted to the Oceo Study Aairs by 14 June 2013 all o these documentsshould be submitted at the same time, not separately:

    Conrmation form (duly lled-out)

    Receipt of the payment of the Student Union membership

    fee (see instructions on separate information sheet) Registration form (duly lled out)


    The ollowing document must be submitted by 14 June 2013: Conrmation form (duly lled-out)

    The ollowing documents must be submitted during the orien-tation day on 30 August 2013: A receipt of the payment of the Student Union member-

    ship fee (see instructions on separate information sheet)

    Registration form (duly lled out)

    If you do not live in Finland during the summer you shouldNOT pay the student union fee from a foreign bank. Onlypayments made through Finnish banks will be accepted.Students not resident in Finland during the summer shouldpay the fee through a Finnish bank upon arrival in Finland.

    MEET & GREET 13 MAY 2013 AT 5 P.M.

    Hanken organises an informal Meet & Greet event for newlyadmitted masters student on the 13th May 2013 at 5 p.m.You will be able to meet professors and other staff, currentmasters students and other newly admitted students. Thisevent is especially useful if you have been admitted to severaluniversities and nd it difcult to choose which one to at -tend. For those of you living abroad, Hanken offers the pos-sibility to talk professors and current students via Skype.


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    It is possible to postpone the commencement of your stud-

    ies. However, please note that we strongly recommend thatyou begin your studies in August 2013, since we cannot guar-antee that we oer the same programmes in the uture as wedo now.

    In order to postpone the commencement of your studieswith one year, you must submit the registration form by thedate mentioned above. On the registration form you markthat you will be absent during the academic year 20132014.

    Please note that i you postpone your studies, you must beabsent or the whole academic year, i.e. you cannot beginyour studies at Hanken in January 2014. Please also note thateven i you postpone the commencement o your studies withone year, you must still submit the conrmation orm by 14June 2013 in order to ensure your right to study at Hanken.

    A student who postpones his or her studies will receive aletter with information about how to register as present forthe following academic year in the summer 2014.


    The information on the registration form will be registeredin Hankens study register (Oodi). Information about enrol-ment will also be entered into the national applicant and en-rolment register (HAREK). For more information about the

    register, please visit www.oph./englishor contact the Ofceof Study Affairs.

    STUDENT FINANCIAL AIDFinnish students can apply for student nancial aid during

    their studies at Hanken. International students are eligiblefor state support (student nancial aid) if their residence in

    Finland has been granted for other purposes than studiesand can be considered permanent. For more information,please go to www.kela./in/internet/english.ns.


    CONFIRMATIONIt is vital that you complete and return the conrmationform. For those admitted starting from the autumn semester2013, the conrmation form must reach Hanken on 15 Au-gust at the latest. For those admitted from the spring semes-ter 2014 the deadline is 20 December. If you fail to returnthe conrmation form before the deadline, you will lose your

    right to study at Hanken.Please note that you must also return the conrmation

    form if you decide not to accept the place of study, or if youintend to postpone the start of your studies.

    INITIAL ENROLMENTTo ensure your right to study at Hanken you need to enrolas a doctoral student in addition to returning the conrma-tion form. You received a registration form for newly admit-You received a registration form for newly admit-ted doctoral students and a set of notication of admission

    documents with your admission letter. In order to enrol fordoctoral studies, please submit the registration form and oneof the notication documents as instructed in the admission

    letter. If you fail to enrol according to our instructions, youwill lose the right to study at Hanken.

    The information on the registration form will be regis-tered in Hankens study register (Oodi).

    POSTPONEMENT OF STUDIESIt is possible to postpone the commencement of your stud-ies by submitting the registration form for newly admitteddoctoral students and one of the notication documents as

    instructed in the admission letter. Please note that you willalso need to submit the conrmation form as stated above.


    As a doctoral student you have the possibility to apply forfunding from a variety of sources. You can apply for fundingfor full-time doctoral studies, but also for attending doctoralcourses abroad, data collection, stays at a foreign university,

    or other purposes according to the study-/research plan. TheCentre for Research and International Affairs at Hankengives advice to Hankens doctoral students on funding doc-toral studies, grants, and scholarships.

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    RESIDENCE PERMITPlease see the information provided by the Finnish Immi-gration Service at www.migri. for detailed informationabout immigration requirements. The Finnish ImmigrationService is the government authority responsible for issuingresidence permits in Finland. You can also contact the Finn-ish embassy closest to you for more information. You cannd contact information at http://ormin.nland..

    Please note that the fact that you have been admitted toHanken does not automatically mean that your applicationfor a residence permit in Finland will be approved. The twoprocesses are completely separate and handled by different



    If you are a citizen of Sweden, Norway, Denmark or Iceland,you do not need a residence permit to study in Finland. Citi-zens of the Nordic countries may reside, work and study inFinland without any limitations.Nationals of the Nordic countries who intend to residein Finland for more than six months, must register theirresidency in Finland. Registration should be done in per-son at the Local Register Ofce (maistraatti/magistraten:

    www.maistraatti.) More information on mobility betweenthe Nordic countries can be obtained from the Hall Norden

    website: .


    All students except nationals of the Nordic countries needto register their right of residence if the period of study inFinland exceeds three months. The right to reside in Finlandis valid until further notice.The Local Police ofce charges a fee of EUR 50 for process-ing the applications. Please see www.migri. and www.polii-si. for details. The following documents will be required foryour application:

    A completed application form

    A valid passport

    The acceptance letter issued by Hanken

    An account of your nancial situation

    Proof of valid health insurance

    If you are a citizen of an EU/EEA member country you canregister your right of residence after you have arrived in Fin-land. The application is to be submitted to the local policestation. Please note that you have to book time online in ad-vance. The addresses of the police stations in Helsinki andVaasa are:

    Helsingin poliisilaitos(Helsinki Police Department, Immigration Services)

    Address: Viljatie 2 BPhone: + 358 718773125(Mon-Fri 9:00 11:00 and 13:00 15:00)

    Pohjanmaan poliisilaitos(Ostrobothnia Police Department)

    Address: Korsholmanpuistikko 45

    Phone: +358 71 87 49389 (Mon-Fri 9.00-11.00)

    Ofce hours: Mon-Fri 08:00-16:15


    Students from countries that are not EU/EEA member coun-tries, who wish to stay in Finland for more than 3 months,must be in possession of a residence permit already whenentering the country. The application for the permit should besubmitted to the Finnish embassy in the students country oforigin. However, if the student lives in another country than

    his or her home country, the application should be submittedto the Finnish embassy in the students country of residence.The fee is EUR 300. The application or a residence permit orthe purpose o studies must be submitted immediately whenyou have received the letter o admission to Hanken, as it cantake several months for the application to be processed bythe authorities. To obtain a residence permit for Finland, theapplicant must full the following conditions:

    The applicant must be at least 18 years of age.

    The applicant must have received the acceptance letter is-sued by Hanken.

    The applicant must prove that s/he has sufcient funds tocover the expenses for the study period in Finland. (This

    is normally done by showing proof of having at least EUR6,720; through a bank statement, a certicate of a scholar-ship or similar proof of resources.)


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    The applicant must prove that s/he has a sufcient insur-ance to cover all medical expenses during the stay in Fin-land. See page 11 for more information about the insur-ance.

    The application form is available on the website of the Finn-ish Immigration Service at www.migri..Please note that it is important that you submit your applica-tion for a residence permit as soon as possible and that youmake sure to enclose all of the required documents at once.Check with the embassy or consulate before you submit your

    application. If your application is not complete, the processwill take a lot longer and you might not obtain your residencepermit on time for the start of the studies at Hanken.


    FINLANDThe local police station will provide the necessary informa-tion for renewal of the residence permit (see address above).

    The police should be contacted in good time before the resi-dence permit expires. The following documents will be re-quired:

    A completed application form

    A valid passport

    The acceptance letter issued by Hanken

    Evidence that the applicants nances will cover all ex-penses in Finland or a statement of nancial support

    (grant, loan, family support). Evidence of sufcient health insurance

    Two passport photos

    WORK PERMITInternational students who are citizens of the Nordic, the EUor the EEA countries are allowed to work without restric-tions in Finland and they do not need a work permit.

    Other international students are allowed to work with-out a work permit within certain limits. A work permit is notneeded for part-time work (25 hours a week on average) dur-ing the semesters. In order to be able to work more than this

    during the semesters, a work permit is required. The workpermit is subject to a charge and the application should besubmitted to the local police station (see address above).

    When applying for the work permit, a certicate of employ-ment from the (prospective) employer must be presented.

    When applying for the rst residence permit, a promised

    employment or a signed contract of employment cannotreduce the required amount of available funds. The rate ounemployment is quite high in Finland and students shouldthereore not rely on nding a job while studying.

    Please see the websites of the Finnish Immigration Ser-vice www.migri. and the Employment Ofce www.mol./mol/en/index.jsp for more information regarding the rightto work in Finland.


    All degree students at Hanken are responsible or arrangingtheir accommodation themselves. Unfortunately Hanken can-not provide any assistance in this matter.


    Finding suitable accommodation in the capital region can bechallenging. The rental level is high (approx. 600 for a stu-dio apartment in Helsinki) and there is a lack of housing in

    the region. The peak time is at the beginning of the academicyear. Apply early and reserve time for nding an apartment!

    It is recommended to apply for an apartment simultane-ously through various channels, as long as you remember tocancel the unnecessary applications after nding an apart-

    ment. When you are offered an apartment, do not wait foranother offer if the apartment responds to your expectationsat least to some extent.

    Your possibilities to nd an apartment are improved

    if you are willing to live outside the centre and campus ar-eas. Remember that it is easy to travel around the Helsinkiregion: the public transport system in Helsinki is rankedamong the best in Europe! You can check the transport

    connections from your apartment to the centre or campusareas at the Helsinki Region Transport Journey Planner


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    HOAS has approx. 8200 apartments and approx. 17,000residents. Because of the low rental level at HOAS, it is apopular option among students. Not all students are ableto get housing through HOAS. Around 50% of the inter-national students in the Helsinki metropolitan area live inHOAS housing. For students arriving to the region, HOASoffers rooms in shared apartments and family apartments inthe capital region. For university students already living inHOAS apartments there are also studios.

    The rent for a room in a shared apartment is approx.200320/month, a studio approx. 330520/month and

    a family apartment approx. 450900/month. Kindly note

    that there is a limited number of the cheapest rooms. The

    rent includes broadband internet connection, electricity andwater. HOAS is a safe and easy option. If you are granted ac-commodation through HOAS, please accept the offer even ifit does not meet all of your wishes. Once you have settled in,it is a lot easier to nd an apartment on the private market

    through advertisements in newspapers and on the Internetif you wish to move.

    It is advisable to apply for an apartment as soon as youreceive a conrmation on your place of study. Further infor-mation www.HOAS., customerservice@hoas.,

    tel. +3589 549 900.


    HOUSING IN THE VAASA REGIONIn Vaasa, the students can usually get student housingthrough The Student Housing Foundation in Vaasa, VOAS.More information as well as an application form can befound at www.voas..


    Around 20% of international students in the Helsinki re-gion nd their housing on the private market. Lyyra Rent-als is a housing portal where you can search for housing onthe private market. On Lyyra Rentals, you can also look for

    at mates to share a rental apartment with. Do not accept arental apartment from a private owner without seeing it.Lyyra Rentals also provides information on housing affairsand a housing glossary to help you nd your way in the hous-

    ing market. The Lyyra service is free of charge and requiresonly a registration for the service. Further information

    www.lyyra./asunnot .


    Forenom offers furnished ats both for short and long term

    needs. Shared ats are suitable for 2-4 persons, the rent is

    approx. 450-600/month/student. The rent includes fur-niture, electricity, water and TV. Pillows, blankets (with-out bedlinen) and kitchen utensils are included. In order

    to apply for a Forenom apartment, you need to have 1-3at mates. At Forenom, you will have a joint tenancy: you

    and your at mates will share the responsibility of paying

    the rent for the whole apartment. More information on

    Forenom apartments www.forenom. and at mate searchwww.lyyra./asunnot .


    VVO, private agency offering housing for rent/sale.www.vvo./en

    SATO, private agency offering housing for rent/sale.www.sato.

    Oikotie, website offering housing for rent/sale.www.oikotie./vuokra-asunnot

    Craigslist, marketplace for apartments and other things in

    Finland: helsinki.craigslist. Site with useful information for expatriates in Fin-

    land, accommodation information also

    FURNITURE IKEA. A chain store wher you can buy fur -

    niture, lamps and accessories for the

    Masku. A chain store where you can buy furniture, lampsand accessories for the home.

    Asko. A chain store where you can buy furniture, lampsand accessories for the home. www.asko.

    Kodinykknen. A chain store where you can buy

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    furniture, lamps and accessories for the

    Jupiter Recycle Shop in Vaasa,www.jupiter. Helsinki Metropolitan Area Reuse Cen-

    tre (Kierrtyskeskus). A store for second

    hand furniture and accessories for the home.www.pkskierke.

    INSURANCEAll students arriving in Finland must make sure that they areully covered in case o illness or accident during their travel toand rom Finland and during their entire stay here.

    If you are a national of an EU or EEA country, your na-tional health care insurance is valid in Finland. To prove

    this, you must bring a European health insurance card is-sued in your home country (this card replaces the previous

    E-111 form). If you come from a country where this card is

    not yet available, bring an E-128 (or E-111) form from your

    local health authority to Finland instead. However, the stu-dents should also contact their local health authority andinsurance agency in order to make sure that they are fullycovered in case of illness or accident.

    In order to avoid the costs, which in case of intensivecare or difcult operations can be very high, students coming

    from outside the EEA-countries must have their own medi-cal insurance.

    A person who comes to Finland to study is normally con-

    sidered to be living in Finland for a limited period of timeonly and does not meet the requirement of permanent resi-dence. This means that they are not entitled to the SocialInsurance Institution (Folkpensionsanstalten FPA / Kan-sanelkelaitos KELA) benets.

    In addition to health insurance, we strongly advise stu-dents to arrange their travel insurance and insurance forpersonal possessions against theft, loss or breakage alreadyin their home country before leaving for Finland.


    Any student who submits a residence permit application

    must attach details of their comprehensive health insurancecover to their application. Comprehensive insurance covermeans insurance, which includes the types of treatment, andcosts that are covered by municipal health care services andthe health insurance system.

    A valid health insurance is a precondition for obtaining aresidence permit: Where the duration of the studies is two years or more, a

    student will usually have a home municipality in Finlandand is therefore entitled to municipal health care services.In such cases, it is sufcient for the insurance to primarily

    cover the costs up to 30,000 euros.

    Ace Group & Marsh Belgium offer affordable insurance op-

    tions for international students who are coming to Finlandfor their studies. For more information please

    For more information about the required insurance forthe residence permit, please visit:www.migri.

    FINNISH STUDENT HEALTHSERVICEThe Finnish Student Health Service (YTHS) provides health

    care for masters degree students enrolled at the universi-ties in Finland. Unfortunately doctoral students are not cov-ered by this service. A health care fee is included in the Stu-dent Unions membership fee for masters degree students.By paying the fee, masters degree students are eligible forstudent health service. This service covers regular medicalconsultations, appointments with specialists, physiotherapy,psychotherapy, x-ray and laboratory testing as well as gen-eral and specialised dental care. The Finnish Student HealthService is open during ofce hours and does not offer emer-gency or hospital services. For more information, please visittheir website at www.yths./en.

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    ARRIVAL AND ORIENTATION (HELSINKI)Since it is important that the new degree students settle in,nd their way around and get acquainted with the study sys-tem at Hanken, all new masters degree students are requiredto participate in the orientation day organised in Helsinki onthe 30 August 2013. Some of the programmes also arrangetheir own introduction sessions at the end of August/begin-ning of September. Attendance at the orientation day is com-pulsory or all new degree students within Hankens Mastersdegree programmes in Helsinki. The international studentsare requested to ensure that they make their travel arrange-ments so that they arrive in time for the orientation day. Adetailed programme and schedule for the orientation will beavailable at hanken./student/en/orientation_2013 in Au-gust 2013. Please reserve the whole day for the orientation(approximately 9 am 5 pm).

    The primary aim of the orientation is to introduce thenew environment, the university and study related mattersthat the student needs to know in order to study successfullyat Hanken. The inormation is aimed at both the internationalstudents and the Finnish students admitted to Hankens Mas-ters degree programmes in Helsinki.


    All students should have arrived in Vaasa by the end of Au-

    gust. There will be an introduction for international studentsin Vaasa, organised by the universities and polytechnics inVaasa. More information about this orientation, includingthe exact dates, will be available at hanken./student/en/orientation_2013 or from Kristina Wallin (kristina.wallin@hanken.) at Hanken in Vaasa.


    In addition to conrming that you will accept the study place

    offered to you and enrolling at Hanken according to our in-structions, all new degree students at Hanken must register,in person, at the Ofce of Study Affairs either in Helsinki or


    In Helsinki, the registration takes place during the Ori-entation day on 30 August and in Vaasa the students are re-quested to register at the Ofce of Study Affairs by 30 August

    at the latest.

    At registration, you are required to produce the ollowing evi-dence o your qualications or inspection: University certicate(s) and academic transcript(s) of re-

    cords in original

    Passport or other proof of identity

    Receipt of the payment of the student union membershipfee and registration form (applicable to all students not

    resident in Finland during the summer; see the chapter onaccepting your place of study for details)

    Please note that the university will withdraw the offer of ad-mission if it is discovered that a student does not possessthe required qualications for the programme he or she has

    been admitted to, or if the university receives proof againstthe authenticity of the submitted documents.

    At registration, you should also give your current contactinformation (e.g. your address and phone number in Fin-land). Please note that you must inform the Ofce of Study

    Affairs if you obtain a Finnish personal identication num-ber.

    A certicate of enrolment will be issued to students dur-ing the registration. Students who have registered with theuniversity will receive a matriculation number (student

    number). Students have to use their matriculation number

    for course registration, registration for examinations andwhenever they request the university to issue a transcript ofrecords.


    All masters degree students at Finnish universities are mem-bers of the Student Union at the university in question. Themembership fee is approx. EUR 100 for the entire academicyear. Instructions for the payment of the fee are enclosed ona separate information sheet.

    The national student card, also called the Lyyra studentcard, entitles the Masters degree student to use the Stu-dent Health Service, to discounts on meals in the studentcafeterias, long-distance bus and train fairs and also on fer-ries and ights, at the theatre and other cultural events and

    can be used as a university library card, membership cardfor university sports services and a payment card in certain

    locations. You can nd more information about the StudentUnion at Hanken at www.shsweb./en and about the Lyyrastudent card at www.lyyra..


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    ARRIVAL AND ORIENTATIONNew doctoral students from both Helsinki and Vaasa are re-quired to participate in the Introductory seminar organisedin Helsinki in the beginning of the rst semester. Attendanceis compulsory for all new doctoral students. A detailed pro-gramme and schedule will be available on the web, and newdoctoral students are also informed about exact dates andpracticalities in the admission letter. The primary aim of theseminar is to introduce Hanken, the structure of the doctor-al programme, funding possibilities, annual study plans, aswell as other study related matters that the student needs toknow in order to study successfully at Hanken.


    In addition to conrming that you will accept the study place

    offered to you and enrolling at Hanken according to our in-structions, all new degree students must register.At registration, you are required to produce the followingevidence of your qualications for inspection:

    University certicate(s) and academic transcript(s) of re-cords in original

    Passport or other proof of identity

    At registration, you should also give your current contactinformation (e.g. your address and phone number in Fin-land). Please note that you must inform the Ofce of Study

    Affairs if you obtain a Finnish personal identication num-ber.

    For more information on how to register, please see theinformation in the admission letter.

    Please note that the university will withdraw the offer ofadmission / right to study if it is discovered that a studentdoes not possess the required qualications for the studies

    he/she has been admitted to, or if the university receivesproof against the authenticity of the submitted documents.

    When you have enrolled and registered you may requesta certicate of enrolment from the Ofce of Study Affairs.

    Students who have registered with the university will receivea matriculation number (student number). Registered stu-dents have to use their matriculation number for course reg-istration, registration for examinations and whenever theyrequest the university to issue a transcript of their study re-cord.

    Please note that you should keep your personal data up todate in the register. Always remember to update contact in-formation and also remember to inform the Ofce of Study

    Affairs if you obtain a Finnish personal identication num-ber.


    As a doctoral student you may join the Student Union atHanken. The membership fee is approx. EUR 60 for the en-tire academic year. As a member of the Student Union youmay order the national student card, also called the Lyyrastudent card, which entitles the PhD student to discountsat the theatre and other cultural events and can be used asa university library card, membership card for universitysports services, and a payment card in certain locations.

    Please note that membership of the Student Union and theLyyra card for doctoral students does not entitle you to thesame discounts and benets as for masters students (for

    example transportation or health care services). More in-formation about Hankens Student Union can be found at

    www.shsweb./en and about the Lyyra student card at


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    Students who begin their studies at Hanken in August 2013will study according to the Government Decree on Univer-sity Degrees that came into force on 1 August 2005.

    The Masters degree programmes at Hanken are two-year programmes that consist of 120 ECTS credits. 90 cred-its are programme specic, including a Masters thesis of 30

    credits. The remaining 30 credits of the programme consistof elective courses that the students can choose amongstHankens versatile curriculum. However, these 30 creditsinclude 6 credits of language studies. For details about thedifferent programmes, please go to hanken./masters.

    Doctoral studies consist of doctoral courses comprising60 credits (44 credits in the major and related subjects, and

    16 credits in general methodology, doctoral courses in thetheory of science, or equivalent courses of a methodologi-cal character) and a thesis (the licentiate thesis is worth 90

    credits and the doctoral thesis 180 credits). A full-time stu-dent should be able to complete his or her Licentiate degreein two and a half years, whereas a Doctoral degree will takefour years. For more information about the structure andregulations of doctoral studies, please go to hanken./doc-toralstudies.

    Hankens doctoral students can participate in doctoralcourses arranged by Finnish and international researcherschools and by Hankens other collaboration partners andnetworks. As the Degree Supervisor approves the annualstudy plan, he or she approves the courses (also external

    ones) that are to be included in the students degree, and

    veries the expected year of graduation in the study plan.


    The right to study for a university degree in Finland is lim-ited for bachelors and masters students. For students whohave been admitted to a Masters degree programme atHanken, the estimated time to complete the studies withinthe programme and to graduate is two years. According tothe Universities Act, students have an additional two yearsto complete the MSc degree. The right to study for the MScdegree is thereby restricted to a total of four years.

    However, the students can be registered as absent duringan additional four semesters. Furthermore, students are also

    allowed to be absent because of military service, maternity/paternity leave or parental leave, without it affecting thetime they have to complete their studies. For such absences,

    ofcial certicates must be presented to the university.

    This means that you have four years time to completeyour degree, i.e. four years (or 8 semesters) when you are

    registered as present. In addition to this you can be regis-tered as absent during four semesters for any reason. Foradditional absences that are not counted within the limitedright to study, please see above.


    The semesters at Hanken run from August until Decem-ber and from January until July according to the academic

    calendar. The two semesters are divided into four separateteaching periods of approximately seven weeks each. Aftereach teaching period, there is an exam week. Most coursescover one teaching period, but some courses might cover a

    whole semester.

    ASSESSMENT AND GRADINGCourses are generally assessed either by a written examina-tion at the end of the course or by essays and papers handedin during and/or after the course. The examination dates foreach course can be found at hanken.. If a student fails anexamination, there will be one more chance to retake it.

    Assessment is based on work in class, individual andgroup work and exams. The grading scale is a numericalscale from 0100 %, where 50 % is required to pass. Thenumeric grading scale corresponds to the verbal scale of Ex-cellent, Very Good, Good, Satisfactory and Sufcient.


    Please note that cheating is strictly orbidden at all univer-sities. Students are not allowed to bring any books, papersor other reading material to the examinations unless theteacher has specically allowed it before the examination. It

    is also forbidden to talk to other students or to copy some-one elses answers when writing the examination. Plagiarismis also strictly orbidden. Plagiarism means that the work ofsomeone else is presented as ones own. This includes copy-ing from books, from the Internet as well as from other writ-ten and spoken media. For information about Hankens planof action regarding cheating, please visit www.hanken./



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    30 AugustOrientation day or masters degree students in Helsinki

    August/SeptemberIntroductory seminar or doctoral students

    2 September 18 OctoberTeaching period 1

    19, 2126 OctoberExam week or teaching period 1

    28 October 13 DecemberTeaching period 2

    14, 1621 DecemberExam week or teaching period 2

    SPRING SEMESTER 2014JanuaryIntroductory seminar or doctoral students(1 ull day, see letter o admission)

    20 January 7 MarchTeaching period 3

    8, 1015 MarchExam week or teaching period 3

    17 March - 9 MayTeaching period 4

    10, 12 17 MayExam week or teaching period 4

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    Some of the information in this chapter concerns Helsinkionly, but corresponding arrangements are of course provid-ed at Hankens Campus in Vaasa.

    USER-IDAll students at Hanken get a user-ID for access to the com-puters at Hanken and to Hankens local network. Studentswill receive their user-ID and password during the Orienta-tion day in Helsinki / Introductory seminar / upon arrivalin August in Vaasa after registration at the universtity. Theuser-ID and password will also be needed for course andexam registrations, which are done through WebOodi. Thestudents are also responsible for keeping their contact infor-mation in WebOodi up-to-date at all times. Please note that

    you must inform the Ofce of Study Affairs if you obtain a

    Finnish identication number / social security number.


    You will get an email address at Hanken during the Orien-tation day / Introductory seminar or shortly after arrival atHanken. Hanken will use this email address in all contactswith the students.

    All doctoral students are strongly recommended to sub-scribe to the doctoral students emailing list orskstd@han-ken., by sending an email to [email protected] doctoral studies coordinator will subscribe you to thelist. Through the emailing list doctoral students receive in-formation about interesting seminars and courses, funding

    possibilities etc.


    Hanken provides students with a number of rooms whereyou have access to a computer at a rst come rst served

    basis. The doors to the computer labs in Helsinki are openduring daytime (8 am 8 pm) and in Vaasa 7.45 am 4.15

    pm, and there is also a possibility to get a key to some ofthe rooms. A deposit fee of EUR 20 is charged. The studentsare trusted to keep these labs in due order and to follow theregulations set up.


    Information on Hankens library facilities and services isprovided during the Orientation day/ Introductory seminarand through the Internet at www.hanken./library/en/. You

    may also use the services of other university libraries in Hel-sinki. For this you need your student ID card or a separatelibrary card.

    Hankens library in Vaasa, Tritonia, is located inBrnd a bit outside of the city centre in a new library of

    science, which is common for all universities in Vaasa. Hereit is possible to borrow or copy course material. However,the cheapest way to copy material is at copy shops aroundthe city. Some material is also sold at the Student UnionsStationary Shop (IB). If you want to buy your books, there

    are two bookshops in the centre where you can buy them ororder them. More information is available at www.tritonia..


    On the basement oor at Hanken in Helsinki and on theground oor at Hanken in Vaasa, you nd the Student Un-ions photocopying centre IB Bookstore. IB Bookstore is theplace where you can buy some study supplies, papers andpens, etc. in addition to teachers handouts and compendiaand photocopying credits. Often the original copy of hand-outs is placed in IB Bookstore for students to make their owncopies. Please notice that you have to pay yourself for thephotocopying of all course-related written papers and as-signments you have to hand in during the semester.

    IB - opening hours in Helsinki:MondayThursday 10.00 16.30

    Friday 10.00-13.00

    IB - opening hours in Vaasa:Monday 14.00-14.30

    Tuesday Thursday 9.45-10.15, 14.00-14.30

    Friday 9.45-10.15


    Students (2-3 per locker) share the space to keep coats and

    books/bags. The IB administers the service. The cost for thekey is EUR 10 as a rent for a semester/year + a mandatorydeposit of EUR 20.00 to be paid at the start of the semes-ter. The deposit is reimbursed when you return the key. The

    lockers in Vaasa are located on third oor and can be used bythe students for free.


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    You can have your daily lunch for a reasonable price in the

    Caf Amica on the ground oor of the main building in Hel-sinki. (The staff may request to see your student identica-tion.)

    Caf Amica opening hours:

    Monday-Friday 08.00 16.30Warm meals are served 11.00 15.00In Vaasa you can have your daily lunch at Caf Hermes

    which is situated on the ground oor in the Hanken building.

    Caf Hermes opening hours

    Mondays to Thursdays 9.00-15.30

    Fridays 9.00-15.00

    The Student Union card entitles masters degree students tostudent priced meals (EUR 2-3). Staff prices apply to doc-toral students (EUR 5).


    Unisport offers different kinds of aerobics and dance classes,badminton, climbing, pilates, yoga, squash etc. with stu-dent-friendly prices. Unisport operates at six campuses inthe Helsinki region: the City Center, Kumpula, Meilahti, Ot-aniemi, Tl and Viiki.

    Sats, Elixia, and Motivus are the biggest private gyms inFinland and all of them are located in the city centre. Formore information, please visit:


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    For general facts and useful information about studying

    and living in Finland, we advise you to start by visiting theweb address studyinnland.. Finland (Suomi in Finnish) isthe seventh largest country in Europe in terms of area, andthe most sparsely populated with 16 inhabitants per squarekm. The total land area is 338,000 square km of which for-ests cover 70 per cent. There are 188,000 lakes and aboutas many islands along the coastline. About 65 per cent ofthe ve million people live in towns. Finland is one of the

    wealthiest countries in the world. Before World War II Fin-land was predominantly an agricultural country with exportsonly from the wood-processing industry. Today Finland is acomplex market economy with growth rates in, for example,the service sector and certain high tech elds. Finland is a

    parliamentary democracy and a member of the EuropeanUnion since 1995.


    Information about our capital Helsinki is available Some historical dates from a Welcome toHelsinki brochure (Helsinki City Tourist Ofce):

    Helsinki was founded in 1550 by the Swedish King GustavVasa.

    In 1748 the building of the Suomenlinna Fortress began.This drew more people to the city and gave it a more cos-mopolitan air.

    As a result of the war of 1808-1809, Sweden was forced tocede Finland to Russia.

    In 1812, Tsar Alexander I declared Helsinki the capital ofautonomous Finland.

    In 1917 the city was to become the capital of the independ-ent Republic of Finland.

    Today Helsinki is a city of half a million inhabitants andis in the process of becoming increasingly international.Cultural inuences from both east and west have moulded

    the life of the city, which has nevertheless preserved anoutlook on life that is inherently Finnish.


    Information about Vaasa is available at www.vaasa..

    Founded in 1606 Population 57 000 (72 % Finnish speaking, 27 % Swedish


    The sunniest city in Finland

    Close to beautiful nature

    Vaasa is a student city with about 11 000 students


    Finland, together with most countries in the European Un-ion, introduced the euro (EUR, ) as national currency at the

    beginning of 2002.

    Students do not have to pay any tuition fees at Hanken.Before leaving the home country the student should, how-ever, make sure that s/he has enough funds for the staythrough grants, scholarships or private funds. Studentsshould not rely on nding a job while in Finland.

    Sufcient funds naturally vary with individual spending

    habits. A reasonable sum to cover costs for housing and liv-ing (Helsinki) would be EUR 7501020, if the rent is EUR

    330-600 per month. Students will have to pay a deposit forall types of accommodation upon arrival. This money is re-funded when you leave. Take into account the deposit foraccommodation and the rst months rent when you set up

    your budget. At semester start Masters degree students also

    pay the Student Union membership fee of approx. EUR 100for the entire academic year. Remember to reserve enoughcash for expenses you will have during the rst weeks!

    The monthly costs (Helsinki) could be broken down roughly

    as: Rent EUR 330600

    Food EUR 260

    Transport EUR 40

    Personal/incidental EUR 130


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    The easiest way to transfer money from abroad is to open abank account in Finland, which allows direct money trans-fer from foreign accounts. Finnish banks cash bank-to-bankcheques and travellers cheques at very low costs.

    Contact your local bank in order to nd out if you can

    open a bank account in Helsinki or Vaasa through them be-fore your departure. If you cannot open a bank account be-fore departure, the best way to bring your money is in trav-ellers cheques. You should also bring some cash, since you

    will need money during your rst days for travel, household

    utensils and deposit fees (e.g. keys). It is rather easy to open

    a bank account once you are in Finland. All you have to dois show your passport and the acceptance letter issued byHanken.


    Finland has four distinct seasons. In Helsinki, in the south-ern part of Finland, the seasons are milder compared to thenorthern parts of the country. During the autumn (Septem-

    ber-November), the temperature is usually around 5-10C

    and it is a good idea to bring an umbrella or a raincoat as wellas a winter coat, since you will most likely get the opportu-nity to use it. The amount of hours of daylight will decrease.The winter lasts from November until March and there isgenerally snow from December until March. The tempera-ture is usually below zero and around -5C, but it can also be

    colder, even -20C (it is quite unusual that the temperature

    drops below -20 in Helsinki). Although it is very cold out-side, houses in Finland have double or even triple glazingand central heating so you rarely feel cold inside. Also keepin mind that the amount of hours with daylight is low in win-ter, as this can sometimes be a bit difcult to adapt to.

    As the spring season begins (MarchMay) the days will

    get longer and warmer. The temperature is around 5-10C.

    The summer lasts from June until August. In the end of

    June the sun will be up almost around the clock. The tem-perature can rise up to 25C (even higher in July-August).

    Considering the vast changes that most likely will occur in

    the weather during your stay in Finland, we recommend thatyou bring warm and windproof outdoor clothing as well as

    some lighter clothing for the warmer seasons.

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    Public transportation is good in Helsinki and the greaterHelsinki region. Visiting students being temporary residentsin the capital region are entitled to a personal Travel Card.

    The fee for the Travel Card is EUR 5. Temporary residency

    is proved with a residency certicate received from the Lo-cal Register Ofce (Magistraten / Maistraatti) upon arrival

    in Helsinki. Students will get more information about thisduring the Orientation day/ Introductory seminar, but if youneed to buy the Travel Card already before the orientation,

    then please visit On this website youwill also nd information about the fees and other relevant

    issues.Reittiopas or Journey Planner in English at www.hsl./en/ gives you advice on how to nd the best route from oneplace to another by public transport in the Helsinki region.

    You just ll in the starting point and the end destination and

    the Journey Planner will nd the best route for you.


    Hanken is located in the centre of Vaasa, which means thatyou will seldom need to use public transportation. However,if you need it there is a good local bus transport system. In-formation and timetables are available from the bus station,from the local bus trafc ofce in the Rewell Center or di-rectly from the bus.


    A foreigner residing temporarily in Finland can receive apersonal identication number (also known as Finnish social

    security number) if he or she needs one, for example in order

    to work. The requirement is that the person has to have aresidence permit at least for the period of one year. For moreinformation, please visit www.maistraatti./en .

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    www.sato./SATO private agency offering housing for rent/sale.

    www.oikotie./ (in Finnish only)Oikotie, offering housing for rent/sale., marketplace for apartments and other things in

    Finland with useful information for expatriates in Finland,accommodation information also included

    www.bostadsbladet.comPaper with advertisements about houses and accommoda-tion in Vaasa (in Swedish)

    www.asuntolehti.comPaper with advertisements about houses and accommoda-tion in Vaasa (in Finnish)


    www.hostellit./eng.aspxHostel search

    www.erottajanpuisto.comHostel Erottajanpuisto Helsinki Hostel Helsinki


    Hostel Satakuntatalo Helsinki


    www.studyinnland.General information about studying and living in Finland.

    www.inopankki.Information about living in Finland in 15 different languag-es.

    hanken.Hanken School of Economics

    hanken./student/en/kandmag2Information for masters degree students at Hanken

    hanken./doctoralstudiesInformation for doctoral students at Hanken

    www.oph./englishNational Board of Education

    www.minedu.Ministry of Education and Culture

    HOUSINGwww.hoas.Foundation for Student Housing in the Helsinki Region,HOAS

    www.voas.The Student Housing Foundation in Vaasa, VOAS

    www.lyyra./asunnotRentals and at mate search


    Furnished apartments

    www.vvo./en/VVO Private agency offering housing for rent/sale.

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    www.mol./mol/en/index.jspMinistry of Labour


    www.shsweb./en/The Student Union at Hanken

    www.syl./enThe National Union of Finnish Students (SYL/FSF)

    www.lyyra.Lyyra student card Suomenlinna Helsinki

    www.hostelacademica.Hostel Academica Helsinki Hostel Helsinki

    www.hostelvaasa.comHostel Vaasa

    www.kenraaliwasahostel.comKenraali Wasa Hostel

    matkailu.vaasa.A site where you can nd more information about accommo-dation in the city of Vaasa


    www.shs.The Finnish Student Health Services

    www.kela./englishThe Finnish Social Security Institution (KELA / FPA)


    www.migri.> StudentsFinnish Immigration Service, entry visas, residence andwork permits

    www.ormin.nland./englishFinnish embassies abroad

    www.poliisi./poliisi/home.ns/pages/index_eng> Licenses > Permits and Licenses for Foreigners

    www.hallonorden.orgInformation on mobility between the Nordic countries

    www.maistraatti./enLocal Register Ofces, residency certicates, identication


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    The ofcial internet portal of Finland in Finland

    www.visitnland.comVisit Finland - The Ofcial Travel and Tourism portal of Helsinki

    www.vaasa.General Information on Vaasa

    en/ilmatieteenlaitos.Finnish Meteorological Institute

    www.hs./englishThe newspaper Helsingin Sanomats international edition

    www.expat-nland.comInformation for expats in Finland

    www.helsinkitimes./The Newspaper Helsinki Times

    www.sixdegrees.Monthly newspaper Six Degrees


    Bridge Integration services in the capital region

    Photos:Klaus Nummela, page 21,22Pertti Saksa, page 8, 20


    Aktia Savings Bank

    www.alandsbanken.Bank of land International

    www.sampopankki.Sampo Bank

    www.nordea.Nordea Bank Finland

    www.op./opOP-Pohjola Group

    www.seb.seSkandinaviska Enskilda Banken

    www.handelsbanken.Svenska Handelsbanken

    www.tapiola.Tapiola Bank

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    TEL +358 (0) 9 431 331, FAX +358 (0) 9 431 33 333



    TEL +358 (0)6 3533 700, FAX +358 (0)6 3533 703

    [email protected]



    STUDENT SERVICE POINT, HELSINKIVisiting address: Arkadiagatan 22, ground foorOce hours:Mondays Fridays 1015(24 June 9 August, 1012)

    OFFICE OF STUDY AFFAIRS, VAASAVisiting address: Handelsesplanaden 2Oce hours:MondaysFridays 912 and 1314

    I you have any questions regarding the commencement o your stu-dies, your arrival or registration at Hanken, please do not hesitateto contact the Oce o Study Aairs in Helsinki or Vaasa or theDoctoral Studies Coordinator in Helsinki. However please read thisguide careully and visit the relevant Internet sites given beore youcontact us.

    Sandra Eriksson, Planning OcerOce o Study Aairs, Helsinki

    Email: [email protected]: +358 40 35 21 526

    Britt-Mari Siironen, Study CoordinatorOce o Study Aairs, VaasaEmail: [email protected]: +358 40 35 21 736

    Doctoral Studies CoordinatorCentre or Research and International AairsEmail: [email protected]: +358 40 35 21 282