Download - Hanging Your Shingle

  • 1. Hanging Your Shingle(or how to get started in this crazy businessof Nurse Entrepreneurship)
    Presented By:
    Victoria Powell of
    VP Medical Consulting, LLC
    NNBA Annual Conference Nov. 2008

2. Hanging Your Shingle
An idiom, meaning
~To start your own business, especially as a doctor or lawyer
3. Objectives
List at least 5 different roles a nurse can fill as a consultant
Differentiate between a consultant and a contractor
List several types of marketing
Define terms associated with web marketing
Define what success looks like for your business as a nurse consultant
4. Is Entrepreneurship for You?
Self starter?
Get along with diverse personalities?
Good at making decisions?
Possess the physical and emotional stamina required?
Are you a planner/organizer?
Have enough drive?
Family support?
5. Consultant vs. Contractor
A consultant is a professional who provides advice in a particular area of expertise
A contractor is an individual who exchanges with another organization or person usually by way of written contract outlining the exchange
6. History of Consulting

  • 1950s consulting came to business world when the US economy changed from productionto service orientation

7. More changes during economic recession of the late 70s-80s when staff reductions were made to cut costs